1 PAGE FOURTEEN The OREGON STATESilAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, January 10, 1936 To wnsmen's Club Has Active Year Report Is Given on Road Project to Hook Up With Jit. Hood WOODBURN, Jan. 9. The Woodburn Business and Profes- Woodbarn hotel Wednesday noon. An invitation had been Issued to all those Interested in Joining the organization or in knowing more about the club to attend this meeting. About 25 were present and sereral new members were addd to the club's roll. -Reports were elren by a com mittee who attended a meeting at EsUcada recently in regard to the Woodburn-Mt. Hood road and on the progress of the Greater WI1 lamette Valley association. , The club-has had a successful year and has been active in all worth while activities. Some of the more important ones of the past year were: Tbe sponsoring cf a "newcomers" rally;; tn6 or ganization of tbe Boy Scont troop; ; giving financial assistance to se- ; cure Frank Branch Riley as an Armistice Day speaker; entertain ing the men teachers and school board of the Woodburn school sys- tem; sponsoring the Saturday auction sales; banqnetinr the Woodbnrn high school football - squad; and bringing pressors to tear to have the Woodburn-New- berg highway inserted on the Greater Willamette Valley asso elation booster map. Some question had been Senator and His Bride -Or : V' ' f - . i fl Maryland's Senator JliHard Ty dings and his bride, the former Mrs. Eleanor Da vies Cheesborongh, are smiling happily after secret Washing ton wedding which was attended by a few gnesta from the immediate families of the principals. cussed as to whether to change the meeting time from noon un tilHvening but it was decided to hold the meetings as in tha past at the noon hour on every Wed- dls- nesday at the Woodburn hotel. DgngSattesaniiug Uff Mgflnlt Now? And here are Sherwin-Williams Products to make it easier than ever before! Semi-Lustre A satin finish for kitch en walls, woodwork $1.05 qt. Linoleum Lacquer Clear water -white pre servative. Dries while .......... 77c Dt. you wait Floor Enamel Deep, lustrous finish for your floors. Easily ap plied, priced .. $1.05 Mrs. Sadler Is Guest at Auf ora Independent Unit Has No Existence Relative to a story In the Thursday Statesman under head ing Independence Christians of Turner Church Hoia special wun- day Senrices," Mrs. E. Gilstrap. matron of the Turner Memorial home, makes this statement: "There are no 'Independent Christian' of Turner church; no group met Sunday afternoon for a "Church service in Turner Memorial home. There was no broadcast especially for Turner people Sunday afternon. It was not voted to hold services each Sunday afternoon in Turner Mem orial home. "Here are the facts: Three weeks ago Sunday afternoon com munion services were held for the benefit of those in the borne and their friends who could not attend services elsewhere. Such services are held in many of our homes, where members are un able to attend church and do not in any way j, conflict with the morning church services. By com mon consent tand agreement this arrangement is continued but there is no organization and no vote was taken. For the pleas ure of the group in the home serv ice, we listened to a radio pro gram. Two weeks ago one of the group informed the broadcaster of our appreciation and last Sunday he spoke of the Turner people; however his broadcast was over a large -station and was not especially for Turner." Swimming Classes lor Women at Albany Will Be Held at Corvallis ALBANY, Jan. .-(Spec!al)-Commencing next ..Wednesday a swimming class for adult women baa been organized announces the Albany Hostess house, where the class will meet before proceed ing to Corvallis where they will, receive instruction at the college pool in the Women's building. The first lesson Is scheduled to take place Wednesday laornlnr at 7 o'clock and plans are under way for the use of one of tbe school busses for transportation to and from Corvallis. Plans call for three divisions, beginners, Intermediate and ad vanced pupils, with life-saving in struction as part of the latter class. The class will return to Albany about 9 o'clock. One les sen a week will be given. Election Is Held By Sunday School ROSEDALE. Jan. 9. The La dies' Missionary society met with Mrs. T. D. Trick Wednesday after noon. A quilt was tied for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pierson of Port land who are sailing the 20 th for La Pax, Bolivia, to engage in mis sionary work under the Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends. Covers have been made for the two Sunday school busses to pro tect from tbe rain and wind. A new classroom is also being made in the church for the Sunday school. Officers and teachers were elected last Sunday for the new year: Mrs. Bert Hamilton, super intendent; T. D. Trick, assistant; Ivan Bingenheimer, secretary; teachers, Mrs. Shavers, Mr. Leh man, W. E. Way, Mrs. C. A. Cole, Mrs. A. R. Cammack, Milo Ross, Wm. Hoffnell, Mary Cammack. Forrest Cammack and Elsie Trick. Elmer Boje, who had an opera tion on his leg some weeks ago, is still confined to his home. dore Lynes, three, sons and one daughter. Also two brothers Earl Lynes of Jefferson, and Harry Lynes of Portland.' Burial took place at Taloga. i Called in Oklahoma Polish-Ol use! It cleans 30c Easy to while it polishes ! NELSON BEOS. Qqbg. 361 Chemeketa Street R. Jj. Elfstrom, Mgr. Phone 4149 Pain and Roof Dept. AURORA, Jan. 9. Mrs. 3. W Sadler spent several days at Rob inwood, home of Mrs. Frances Green, during the holidays. Mrs. H. M. Brown of Canby and Mrs. E. G. Robinson of Portland also were house guests of Mrs. .reen. Mrs. Sadler entertained members of the Supper club at Mrs. Green's home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Ottaway are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, born Monday in Salem. Mrs. C. E. Gilbreath entertain ed at luncheon recently her moth er, Mrs. J. W. Coffield, Mrs. P. O. Hale and son Arthur Hale and Bettv Abel of Vancouver, Mrs Richard Sundeleaf of Portland and Miss Peggy Perkins of San Francisco. Miss Perkins address ed the Woman's club in Aurora at one time. Founder of Gervais Star Passes Following Stroke GERVAIS, Jan. 9. G. J. Moi san, life-long friend, received a telephone message Tuesday morn ing that McKinley Mitchell had suffered a stroke Monday night and was in a serious condition and due to hi3 advanced age was not expected to live. A message later said he had passed away Mitchell was well known here where he formerly lived. He was the first owner and publisher of The Gervais Star, which he launched in 1891. fco i$vy f A A n o ORE.S.D.A. CO - Jfl 440 0 ORE.S.D.A. Originators of Low Prices 351 State Street The Kind of Meat . . . You Like to Eat That's Why Salem's "Meating Place" is So Popular! WE ARE KNOWN BY THE CUSTOMERS WE KEEP Re-elect Directors DAYTON, Jan. 9. At the an nual stockholders meeting of the Dayton Mutual Telephone compa ny held Tuesday, W. S. U'Ren and Harry Sherman were re-elected on the board of directors. A meeting of the directors 10 choose their officers will be held soon. Marion Street JEFFERSON, Jan. 9. Ray mond C. Lynes of Jeffersou re ceived word of the death of his father Williston Jordan Lynues. growing 74, December 30, at Taloga. Okla. Surviving is the widow, Mrs. Isa- r Salem Fish and Poultry Market 17S S. Commercial. Next to McDowell's Phone 6010 FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT OYSTERS Fresh Halibut - The Last of the Season Good Variety of Smoked Fish Frys, Hens Bakes The Finest in Quality FREE DELIVERY Look for the Neon Sign SALLY'S 857 Court St DOW ': "'. I ." 79cy79c ffresi, cillc HOLLYVOGU5 HOSIERY Q 857 C Court O St. Council Defers Hiring Overseer WEST SALEM, Jan. 9. At the special council meeting Wednes day night, held to hire an over seer for work on the new city hall, decision wag reached to de fer the hiring until further ap plications come in or until it is necessary to have one. Applica tions from Eugene Krebs anl A M. Mclntyre were read. Mr. Newgent gave the annual water report. At the Ladies' Aid meeting neld Wednesday the following social engagements were planned: Sil ver tea next Wednesday at Mrs Tandy's home; covered dish din ner at Mrs. Clark's January 16 when they will quilt. A Jitney supper In the basement of th church January 22. And a lunch for the election board January 31 Rilea Going East For Guard Talks Brigadier - General Thomas E. Rilea, president of the National Guard association, will leave Sa lem Saturday for a month's trip to eastern states where he will address various guard associa tions and assist in the program of armory building requests at the national capitol. Rilea also will inspect the na tional guard camp in Minnesota. Two days later he will speak be fore a group of guard officers at Cleveland. Rilea also will address the national guard association meeting of the New York com panies at Syracuse. During his stay in Washington Rilea will make a plane trip to Indianapolis where he will ad dress another association meeting on January 25. He expects to re turn here early in February. Farmers' Union News Tlavorizea"' Whole or Half Sb. Bake Them - Serve Them Hot or Cold . 'Welcome Change from Holiday Turkey - A Sugar Cured mm bacon BACES From Young Porkers SUp. Use Like Itacou - You'll Be More Than Pleased A Real Saving X ; Tender Prime Round II Sirloin Steak Beef Roast Swiss Steak I ; Hg( lb. &2 V lb. ( lb. The Kind of Beef That Good Meals are Made Of A MEAT LOAF prepared from our fresh ground meat takes little time t to pre pare, and pays BIG DIVIDENDS in satisfaction. It'a all pure, fresh meat, and economical, too! Fresh Fresh Ground IB(g(S Ground IP (Hamburger) (Saasage) USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS W Close at 6 P. pa Saturdays at 7 P. M. HARRY BL LEVY, Prop. SCIO, Jan. 9. Hobart Hoag land of Scio is furnishing speci fications for the proposed new farmers' union hall for the Riv erview local. The building, if erected, is to be about 40x70 feet, it is stated. CENTRAL HOWELL, Jan. 9. The Farmers' union will have in stallation of officers and will also initiate a group of new members at the regular meeting Monday night. G. W. Potts and S. B. Holt, state president and secre tary, are expected to be present. I SCIO. Jan. 9- The first quar terly meeting of the Linn coun ty farmers union is scheduled for the Morning star granga hall near Albany Saturday, with the Dever local as host. Annual elec tion of officers will be among the regular business. Mrs. F. I. Folsom of near Cottonwoods hall is secretary, having succeeded F. A. Gallegly, who resigned when be moved to Gervais a few months ago. BETHEL, Jan. 9. The meas ures on the ballot to he voted on this month were discussed by L. H. McBee of Dallas, before the members of the Farmers union at the closed meeting here Monday night. McBee stated that there was only a small amount of un isportant business to come before the voters and that much unnec essary expense will be incurred, as all could have been attended to .at the two votings that will be held later this year. Joseph Ramseyer was iven the obligations of the order by the president, Ralph A. WUfon W. L. Creech gave a report on the utility meeting which was held at Mt. Angel. Reports were given of the Marion county convention held on Saturday. The Farmers' Union Oil ;ompa- fy of Polk county will meet tho ourth Monday In January. AH hareholders . were urged to at end and vote. to keep the man agement In the hands of the or ganization. Polk county Farmers union will observe its 20 annual convention this month. O. L. Brubaker and J. A. Hain will be In charge of the program for the open meeting January 17. Court Com'l Com'l SaSofiiffl'c vna Scajpoi? r.2oi?ExetJ s A visit to either of these markets with a casual Glance here'n there about the store will prove to you that when we say you can save money by buy in your food need we arent puttin on airs; it's jnst a plain statement of our belief what ever that may be worth to anybody anyway were doin the Best we can to serve you Better'n ever and our prices have gotta be right or by golly we'l change em. Now how,d you like to have a disposition like that? Oh well we had to say gomethin didend we? Any way come in and get your share of the savins and we'l say no more about it. All brands of flour in our stock reduced in price 34c per 49 -lb. sack. A All A kr I Snow Drift 6 ib. pan 97 c Wesson Oil Quart tin . 39c Swift's Brookfield Salad Dressing B Quart jar 35c SUGAR 10 25 49c pounds.... Pi.&i pounds Pillsbury's Tamarac Flour stock lasts, $1.49 As long as 49-lb. sack for Gem Nut The Fresh Margerine 10c MILK (Limit, 15c Per pound "Oregon Brand 3 tall cans Swift's Acorn Shortening " pound carton .. 35c Old Glory Shortening TC pound carton 35c New IPacEx SlhlE'Sffimip & Reg. Size Cans Swift's Premium, 2 cans MEEW ; Alaska Pink Salmon, tall cans, 10c Stringless Green Spot Santiam Valley Cut, No. 2 cans B earns ... 2 for 15c Italian Fancy Fresh Canned, Packed in Syrup, No. 24 size .' 3 for 25c Fancy Cooked Columbia River J Lima Beans Royal Chinook f c GrapeFruit 26C SALMON Tomato Juice 3 07- CATSUP - VT ' canslC q 2 in. n 2Qr C No. 1 cans OCr 5 12-oz. bottles.. Z5C L l lb- 03113 C Pecial DC Without Beans Reg. 12c Cans Extra Special cans Never heard of such a price didja? - Well we never either but thats the price any way heres another good one Swift's Premium Corned Beef 2 cans 27c Oh thats allright we just hapen to notice we listed that Beef once befor in this ad But as somebody once said its hard to over do a good thing and Premium Beef comes under that headin. . , ' 4 1 X l I: 1 1