The OREGON STATESMAN," Salem, Of tjon, Tuesday Morning January 7, 1936' JT PAGE N&E? f i i li ill! ' 1 I Radl tH Class Ads ancl Save Tnirate and Steps i . i i i t - 2. 3 Tvt at 3f m i i 1 1 1 1 . Statesman Classifi&L Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line- . .le Three tesertleas per line . . ZOe 8iz insertions per line .... S9e One month per line ..... f 1.00 Minimum charge ......... 25c Copy to lata safe accepted aatil :0 the evesisg before pualirrtiee lav cleasiftcstiea, Copy raeatvad aftar tai tin will ae raa ander tea eead iag Tea Lata to Classify. ' Tee Blataiarss sinaiae -ae finas eiat rsapoasibiuty far antra whits eay appear ia aAaarttaamaata publish ad ia it ceiamaa, as ia easea whr tela papa ia aa tael ariil tapriat that part al aa edvertiseaaeai la which tha tlHcrapBical Mistake eccers. Taa Stataaaa reserves the right ta reject objectieaable advartisisg. H fur tker Haw ia taw rich ta classify, all utTertiains uader ta propar cluuiuca tiaa. Help Wanted Want one local younx man and mid' die aged lady for permanent poattion in Salem. Real opportunity to tnose who are willing to work hard. Call at 381 State St-. Room 206. today 7 p. m. Turkey pickers report at 450 Front Tuesday morning.' Help Wanted Female Girl for housework, 4 days a week. TeL 3946. j Sitnationa Wanted Nursing experienced. Home or doc tor's office. Box 956, care Statesman. Middle age lady wanta housework. No children. Mrs. Minnie Alwine, Gates, Oregon. . Wanted work by eT. cook, correct food combinations adult and infant. practical. Restaurant, short order. Per fect, health young American mother lor .nousewo.K. cox lv-a, ouitsmwi. j For Sale Miscellaneous Safe tor sale, fireproof, 2S5 Cheroe keia. -XTULinjnlUuiJi''iJ"Vi j'i-ii''-' " i- TYPEWRITERS Rent a machine, practice at home. Special ratca to stu dents. Roen. 42 Court Phone S77J. Kerosene 15c. western oil, 2 qta. 15c. 106 eastern oil 2 qta, 35c. Lucky I Corner Service Station, corner ft Front and Columbia. Sale dry wood. Red and black cock er spaniel pupa. Tel. 8590. MyayaV"aT"al i i" M Belcrest lota. Tel. 6352. Light weight Vaughan drag-saw, 3 blades, reasonable. 183s .K. r ourtn. Price reduced for well rotted fertil iser. Tel. 4 S4. jaBaXfBaVa"Ar)MAVt0SjMAASl0B)ArrrM Harlland act dishes. Tel. 91Fa. White Leghorns and Bhode la. Reds. 5 doxen ready to lay. s4 ft. twtage. Valuable diamond ring, cheap. 5367. Hoover & Premeir Vac Cheap, cash, j Brushes rebrisUed. Teed, 490 & 2 1st 1 Wanted Aligcellaneoua Free Wa pick up dead and worth. less horses, cows, sheep. Tel. 4S. I WANTED Walnut meats. Stats Cafeteria, and Albert Student wants ride to and tram Monmouth share expenses. Tel. 4271. Home mending, 952 S. Com'l. Wanted Fnmiture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture rnUl Flardwara A Furniture Co. tSS N. Csccmerclal Phone 714$, I lUif4cellaneoT8 Haircuts, 20C-15C. 10J 8. Winter. For Rent Rooms Rooms. 694 N. Cottage. TeL (671. Heated room, 255 Center. Modern heated rooms. Men only. Reasonable, 545 N. Cottage. j Room and Board ; Room and board. 154 N. Church. Board, room, very close In, 5462. i For Rent Apartments Newly finished front apt Close in. Tel. 6825 after school. Modern furnished apartment, with garage. 2455 State. Mod. 1 R. apt, 2005 N. CapltoL Mod. 3 R. apt 643 Union. Apartments 355 Bellevue. flS iInTl Maytafc .r.. $8 up. 2-4tt N- Capitol. . gar. 3 room apartment large, upstairs. Ladles. Reasonable, 1902 ri. Church St Small furn. apt, S90 Union. Cozy 3 room furn. duplex, 1st floor, adults, garage. &6Z Mill. T. U. Albert ) For Rent Housed Winter rates on cottages Lone Star Furn. A unfurn. Forkner. TeL SOIL S rm. bouse, 1873 Court St Can be used as two apartments, garage, $30. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L Phone 472S. 5 room house, splendid condition, $18.50. Responsible parties only. TeL . . . J : :. ( R. bouse, 255 Division St ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon O, Bell. Security Building, rortiajM. jre Western Adrertlalns Representatives Fanaar Hsll Co, Ltd. as fraaeisee. Lea Aagelaa, Seattle Eastern AAertlsiog , Representa tires Bryant. GrifTltk A Branson. Ine, Chicago, Kes Tors, uatrsn. Boston, Atlanta aatered 'mf fe PoutoTTI mt toUm, Oregon, am gacead Closa si after. Psa- BweissH ertes, SIS Ssut Comwureiol Msaa every atomise ewesse jfesaay. BUBSCRiPTlOIS RATES t t Malt Sobscriptloa Rates, to Advance, Ma S0ceTrts:SMo.$L25;Ma.$U(; 1 year $4.0. Elaewhere cents per . sCo, or $5.S0 for 2 year ta advance, pet Copy s cents. News Etanos a cents, i By City Carrier: 46 cents a month ,$.eo a year in advance. . For Rent Honseg HI For Sale Used Cars M For Sale Used Cars ) 1 $25 room -furnished house, over stuffed. CSS Bn-ys Are. Call 1)0 So. 25th Street S R. wifurn. bungalow In southeast Salem. Oarage. Tel. 7540. For Rent Office rooms for rant. 11 State K. fet 1711. WANT Feb. 1st. mod. well furn. house. Must have 2 bedrooms, elec re frig. Box 55. care Statesman. Uu(.lixi tmmir uw wtjrrlrljUra ta mi II I. Stiff Kurnuure Co. For Sale Real Estate . AXOTHKR GOOD ONE We will -put this tip against any bar gain offered. You be the judge. Pretty place ut country, bearing walnuts and filberts. Strictly modern 6 room home, unfinished upstairs. Fine lawn with beautiful willow trees and shrubbery Close in. S37S0 terms. SOCOLOFSKY A SON First National Bank Bldg. ONCE IN A -LIFE TIME BUY! 8 minutes walk from city center. Large 7 room house newly remodeled and redecorated, 30 foot living room. dining room, kitchen, 3 large bedrooms with closets. Plenty of storage space. Lot Is 69x150 fwt with 8 filbert trees. 2 walnut trees, flowering trees, shrubs and fruit Playground in back for kid dles. . One of the most Ideal views in the city of Salem. You can't appreciate It until you look H over. Worth JS000. Priced now at 59j0, part terms. See or call MRS. ELLIS with CH1LDS & 5IILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708 WHAT A FEW t WILL BUY Good 5 R. home. bath, lot of built- 1ns. 2 lots, double garage with work shop, some fruk. Only 13i5 with $100 down, small monthly payments. SOCOLOf SK X & SON First National Bank Bids. Call 7807 during day 4839 evenings. List vour property for sale with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. TWO HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Each in a good residential district and well rented. Price for both 13500, part terms. e also have several excellent buys in homes priced from $550 up. Buy a home now while prices are low. CH1LDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State .Street Phone 6708. Hausea. Grant 529 Court Tel. 7723. SPECIAL Apartment house showing good in- come. Price $12,000. Will accept clear property in exchange for half value. CALL Mrs. Kins. CHILDS tc MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State Street Phone 6708. IDEAL LOCATION Parrlsh Jr. high district large oaks. ; Latest type architecture. 6 beautifully . finished rooms vlth hardwood floors throughout, gas furnace. NEW just completed. See or call- Jo Darby with SOCOLOFSKY A SON First National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE, by owner, room home. larg Jot with fruit double garage, walking distance: shown by appoint ment only. Pries 1 3300.00. terms. Pnon 95U er call MX 1710 N. 17th 8t REAL ESTATE acre, six roon almost new house. close in. frlce-l lor quicx sale. 1 acre, five rooms and sleeping porch. aaement furnace, fireplace. This Is a nice country noma and will sell cheap. I room modern house, excellent loca tion, corner lot Priced at X3700.00. 7 room -modern houae close to state capital and will accept small house sa part CHAS. HTTDKINS. Phone 9494. 275 State Street Bargain Good 7 R. house. Might take some trade. Thone 3920. SEAL HOME BARGAINS $1100. Good modern 4 room home with full cement casement, iurnace, firexaare. oak floor, garage, only $200. down, bat $18 per month. $1700. Late modern 4 rooms with two bedrooms, fireplace, oak floor, garage. $200. down, baly$17. per month. $2009. Modern late built six room home, shake finish, basement furnace, fireplace, garage. Day ed st., located near Leslie school, $309. down, bal. $20. per month. $320. Good 8 room plastered bunga low home, good location on Fairmoimt Hill, large east front lot garage, easy terms. $2i;0. This modern 5 room home with attic, all large rooms, basement furnace, fireplace, oak floors. this house is just like new, only 4 blocks out. easy terms and immediate possession. $3900. Good modern 6 room home In perfect condition Inside and out. nice cor. lot. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. This property is offered below value, look it over, located at 990 N. Fifth St. REAL ESTATE A FIRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST It CO., REALTORS 124 S. Liberty Street Phone (468. I Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE Extra fine suburban tract of 12 acres, fair set buildings, 2 good roads. Will trade for property In or near r y t - 1 1 i ;it . . 53 Thou'se Vaata S part" 'payment I as.R M v. CHILDS e MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. I Business Opportunities FOR SALE General mdse. store and filling station. Good location. Rea sonable price. Talbot store. Route 1, Jefferson, Oregon. I Money to Loan Personal Loans By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to $1500 One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and-eperated finance company wbr. T If?" J"11 receive every I un , mid I No Delays - - No Red Tape General Finance Corp. First Kat'L Bank Bldg. Phone $551 Licensed, g-ux by state VsrsJVsfafslVsVVVXrXl A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 We can advance cash aulckly and privately to any employed man er woman in st neura Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119r New Bligh Bide 2nd floor UCGSGO NO. 8-1ZS A M liS by - STATU III State St TeL $740. Loans Made ta Nearby Towns Federal bousing loans title 2. build or refinance Homes or business oron. 1 rates. Abramt ft Ellis, Masonic B. Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates. Personal Attention No Delays Too Keep Tour Car Roy Simmons '' First Nafl. Bank Bldg. Phone Hit Licensed by tne State JANUARY CLEAN-VP SPECIALS START THE NEW YEAR OUT RIGHT , With a Valley Motor Co, Guaranteed Used Car 1S3S DeXjixe V-l Sedan Demonstrator 1935 V-S Regular Coach 1934 V-S DeLuxa Coupe, rumble seat 1934 V-a Victoria 1934 V-S Coach, low mileage 1933 V-S DeLuxa Coupe. Complete overhaul . 1929 Nash Special 0 Sedan. Mechanically A-l. new paint 1929 Master ( Buick Sedan. Mechanically A-l, new paint 1927 Buick Sedan. A real buy at 1934 V-S Regular Sedan, low mileage 1931 Model A Victoria, complete overhaul, new paint V-S wheels 325 1931 Model A Rda., new vain t, A-l mechanically 260 1929 Buick Standard Sedan 250 1929 Model A Sport Coupe, mechanically perfect, V-S wheels, new paint - , 195 ALSO A NUMBER OF CARS BELOW 1 100 Take Advantage of These Low Prices Get Yours Now! AT THE VALLEY Marion A Liberty Two Used Car Lots Telephone 7910 Values Values - Values USED CARS Bonesteele Bros., Inc. Moved North of Nelson Bldg. on Liberty St. 1935 Stude Custom Sedan, less than 10..000 miles $S45 1935 Dodge Coach, radio A heat er, 12,900 miles 765 1935 Studebaker Custom Sedan. Planer front end. Low mile- ajte 895 1935 Dodge Coupe, looks like new 695 1934 Hudson Coupe, valve grind. new tires 6i& 1933 DeSoto DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels, tires new 69o 1932 Ford V-8 Coach, new motor 445 1934 Willys 77 Sedan, run 25 to 30 miles per gallon 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 363 192 S Ford Coupe, new tires, low mileage ibo 1331 Stude Commander Sedan, re conditioned 4u 1931 Ford A 2-door Sedan, good condition 29a 1929 Chrysler 75 Sedan, new tires 325 1929 Reo Sedan 250 1928 Wlllyx 70 Sedan, runs excel lent 1SS 1929 Durant Coach, motor perfect condition i 1927 Dodge Sedan, reliability and service 1927 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan, new paint . 9 1926 Hup Sedan, good value 125 1925 Buick Sedan 1927 Hudson Sedan . 1925 Reo Sedan , , 75 75 75 40 25 1926 Studebaker Phaeton 1922 Dodge Touring 1922 Buick Touring Used Car Lot Moved North of Nelson Bldg. on Liberty St. Bonesteele Bros., Inc. STUDEBAKER DEALERS 391 Chemeketa St - Phone 4444. TRUCKS 1931 CHEVROLET. LONG WHEEL BASE SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICE $195 1935 CHEVROLET. LONG WHEEL BASE. DUAL WHEELS LOADS ALL NEW TIRES GUARANTEED: ONLY 14,006 MILES $675 1834 G. M. C.. LONG WHEEL BASE DUALS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT $495 333 Center Phone S189 430 N. Com'L McKay Chevrolet Co. 1930 Ford Coupe Tel. 6762. Money to Loan FOUR PER CENT paid on sayings. INSURED to $5,000.00. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Assn. Guardian Bldg. Thone 4109. MONEY TO LOAN: Farm, city or acreage. Must be good security. Excel lent terms, low costs, immediate ser vice. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State Street Phone 6708 Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing, inquire at Hawkins A Roberts. WANTED: $1000 private loan on close In six room home wttb basement and furnace. Will pay 7 Interest SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO 134 South Liberty Street Highly secured FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS: The best and safest Invest ment Amounts $500, $750 and $2000. Net Investors 6 semi-annually. Ex amine security yourself. CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 State Street Phone 6708. WANTED $1500, new house, 6' Box 961, Statesman. For Sale Wood 12-16- dry wood. TeL 8673. 1$ In. old fir, $5.50. Phone 9456. GUARANTEED DRY wood ratal CeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade a Cottage. Dry fir wood. Tel. 6 8 Fil ls In. old fir. $5.25. TeL 6336. .--y m a I, "a J fjuXuLrULfXfXf Fir, oak, ash. TeL 1254. Dry S. G., $5. TeL Fen wick, 4527. Guaranteed dry 2nd growth, 7860. - - -- - -i-,-,'n-y,-irwtxfxnjuxrui Wood all kinds. Call 6(16. Get what you buy. Tom and George. Wood Sawing Wood sawing reasonable. Call BIOS. Wood sawing, prices low. TeL 4084 Lost and Fonnd LOST Tapestry bag and coin purse witn money. Reward, Mrs. L. U. cur Us, 246 Meyers. LOST Cocker Soanlel Duppy. Light Drown, itewaro. xeu 1444, rwassaaaMesMSsiaseesSWMsMse STRAYED Black and brown Span lei, mother of young puppies. 2460 LAurei. Personal STOMACH ULCER. GAS PAINS. INDIGESTION victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription at Cap ita! and Perry's Drug Stores. - I III - II .171 . S45 . S25 . 495 496 . 435 . 265 235 125 550 MOTOR CO. Center A Liberty Everybody Drives a Used Car . . January Clearance Sale of 0. K. Used Cars 29 FORD ROADSTER A SNAP AT $145.00 30 FORD SPT. COUPE NEW PAINT GOOD RUBBER LOW MILEAGE. A REAL VALUE AT $265.00 31 CHEV. COACH NEW MOTOR NEW PAINT IN FACT A REAL BUY AT $345.00 32 FORD V-8 COUPE-NEW PAINT GOOD RUBBER FULLY GUAR ANTEED AT $345.00 33 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN A REAL BEAUTY IN THE FINEST CONDI- TION--AT $495.00 35 CHEV. PICKUP WITH LESS THAN 4000 MILES AIR WHEELS AND SAME AS A NEW ONE AT $575.00 McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY 333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com"L Open Sundays & Evenings COME IN and inspect our USED CARS. Wa take great pleasure In selling the best used cars Money can buy. 1934 REO Regal Sedan, 6-w. eq. This car Is in fine condition and one of tha finest prod ucts Reo has ever built $895 1934 Ford DeLuxe Cpe. A real buy 496 1932 Fontiae Sedan 41& 1930 Studebaker Sedan, very low mileage. This car was turn ed In by the original owner - 365 1930 Buick Coupe 340 1929 Buick Sedan 295 928 Buick Sedan 235 928 Buick Sedan 215 192$ Buick Sedan 195 1929 Essex Sedan 185 1926 Buick Sedan 145 1931 Ford Coupe, has been built over to make a fine pick-up. Is in excellent condition 295 162S Durant Coach 135 1926 Model T Touring 85 Balance can be extended up to IS mos. OttoJ. Wilson $$$ N. ComT. St - - Phone 845L BUICK A PONTIAC FOR SALE Overland '4' 1925 model, running condition ; first $25.00 takes It 1710 17th St 1928 Chev. Cabriolet will take some wood or other trade. 1290 Cherry St, Dallas, Oregon, Ford 1930 A Sport Coupe, complete ly overhauled engine, brakes. isew paint Tires fair. Upholstering excel lent New license. $270 or terms. Prl vate owner. Arany. Salem airport Used Cars and Trucks 1932 Ford pickup 4295 1933 Ford V-8 pickup 395 1934 Chevrolet m ton 495 1931 Ford 1 ton. good body 3o0 1932 Studebaker. 2-ton. L. W. B. 395 1929 Dodge 3 -ton, body and hoist 350 1928 Buick rdst, r. a 195 Other good buys to select from. James-H. Madeh Co. 217 State Street Phone 8390. International Motor Trucks and McCormick-Deerlng Farm Machinery. Fire Flurry Calms as Christmas Greenery Has Last Claim to Glories SILVERTON, Jan. 5. The Sil- Terton fire department was called out Saturday night but stopped before It had started. Mrs. George Hubbs threw a piece of Christmas greenery into her fireplace as she was talking to a neighbor who was calling. The greenery blazed and for a minute gave an interesting fireworks display. Someone turned in the alarm as Mrs. George Hubbs calmly ac companied her visitor to the door. Mr. Hubbs, slightly excited came rushing home from town, met Mrs. Hubbs on the porch of their home and explained the fire alarm had been turned in for their bouse. The matter was soon explained. Salem Woman to Speak To Independence Club INDEPENDENCE, Jan. 6 The first meeting of the Woman's club for the new year will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith of Salem will speak. Special music for the day is being arranged by Mrs. R. D. Elliott of Monmouth. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mrs. George Rnef and Mrs. F. E. Hennigan. Fritz Doerfler Wins WALDO HILLS, Jan. 6. J. M. Doerfler Ta having to eaduce many Jokes at his expense when it was reported he had won the prize for being the funniest man at the masquerade dance last week. Mr. Doerfler explained he did not mask. The winner was Frits Doerfler. nterestiag New to Statesman advertising columns are "Old Gold" cigar ettes, product of P. Lorillard com pany, famed as one of the "big four" in cigarette production. "Double mellow'' ia the slogan for the advertising, accompanied by a "Double Money Back" offer. Gty Court Jury Panel Is Drawn SILVERTON. Jan. 6 The jury panel was completed Monday morning in the city recorder's of fice with the signatures of the recorder, George Cuslter and of W. S. Jack and John FIshwood. The list includes A. R. East man, F. J. Conrad E. R. Adams, E. H. Banks, M. E. DeGuire, Har ry DeSart, Clifton DeGuire, Nat DeGuire, Alris DeGuire, John Wilson, Otto Aim, Charles Mor Ipv. c r. Amos. R. A. Cowden. Earl Hartman, Joseph Tfench, William Service, R. G. Allen, Harvey Good, Edwin Harare, Al lan Huddleston, Robert Janz, Roscbe Langley, E. C. .Minor, E. E. Taylor, O. E. Lee, H. B. La tham, G. B. Bentson, Dan Gei ser, John Morley, C. W Cross, A, A. Uuvin, A. W Green, John S. Starr, J. H. Porter, A. L. Cootes, Tom Davis, C. Quail, E. L. Smith, L. J. Davenport,- Alfred DeSart, M. J. Dolan, C. J. Coo ley. C. J. Schlador, S. P. Rose, Sylvan McCleary, Errol W. Ross, T. M. Lukens, Frank F. Rahn and Ernest S. Palmer. Road Is Damaged By Heavy Rains MEHAMA. Jan. 6. The heavy rainfall of the past 24 hours has done considerable damage to the Fern Ridge road on the Titze hill north of Mehama at this place. The hill is steep and narrow with a high bank and no protection to keep cars from going over. This place has been the scene of sever al accidents and a petition signed by a large number of property owners went in early last year to hare some relief work done here. Now the road is so badly washed out that it is more dangerous than ever. Stout Creek has Jump ed her banks, and the river is running over at many points. The Mehama beer parlor closed the first of the year. Mr. Westenr house who has been running it has moved back to his farm near Scio. Graduating Class at Salem Heights Names Officers, Committees SALEM HEIGHTS, Jan. The 1936 graduating class of Sa lem Heights school completed or ganization last week. Officers elected were: President, Schyler Giie; Tice president, Bobby Woodburn. secretary - treasurer, Mildred Rothweiler; historian, Patsy Manning: will and testa ment, Louise Hansen; sergeant-at-arms. Glen Deems; reporter, Jimmy Stewart; songs, Orrin Brown and Charlotte Plaange; colors, Bertha Skelton and Eloise Bowman; flowers, Eugene Klopp; clothes, Louise Hansen, Eloise Bowman, Bobby Woodburn and Junior Little. Rose E. Collins Dies At Country Home Near Gervais Early Monday GERVAIS, Jan. 6. Rose E. Collins, 60, wife of A. L. Collins, died early today at her home five miles southwest of town, on the Salem-Newberg highway. She was born in Missouri July 13, 1876, and came to Oregon and near this city more than 25 years ago. Surviving, besides the widow er, are two daughters, Mrs. Daisy Mills of Woodburn and Mrs. Arn ette O'Brien of Oakland. Calif.; a sister and brother, both in the mid-west. Milwaukie Principal Is Speaker at Pension 31eet DAYTON, Jan. 6. W. II. May, principal of the Milwaukie high school, delivered an instructive address to 60 members of the Townsend old age pension club at the Dayton Methodist church Thursday night. Ten names were added to the membership, bring ing the total to 106. The next meeting will be January ! 7. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon tor the Coun ty of Marion, as Administratrix of the estate of Elijah Morton, de ceased, and that she has duly qualified as such Administratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, ta me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 20S Oregon Building Salem, Marios County, Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 10th day of December. 1935. CARRIE ESTELLA HAYNES Administratrix of the Es tate of Elijah Morton, De ceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. D-10-1724 el-J-7. Infection Sets In Wounded Toe Boy Who Shot Self in Toe Is Removed to Hospital in Silverton RHELBURN. Jan. 6. Elvin Holmes who some time ago shot this week remoyed to the Silyer- I ton hospital as a severe case of infection set in and for a time the case looked Terr discourac- ing, uia ""u-eiui. fc I Delng UP to xv 9 aegreea. 11 wm i be two weeks before he can be The Shelburn school re-opened 1 Monday after bieng in recess over j Daughter is Bom lir. r,.nlr RrlniM ar -..,::" .;.,;: " . ; r:-1 rerciTius nm6i.iu..t.vuo " birth el a aaugmer at tne Al bany hospital December 29. The new arrival is a niece of Mrs. U Osborn. Chas. Bales, Jr., a sophomore in high school, who December 13 fell from his horse and broke his leg, is now convalescing from a siege of chicken pox. Election Is Held At Sunday School AUMSVILLE, Jan. 6. Election of officers took place at' the Chris tian Sunday school Sunday morn ing. Henry Porter was elected superintendent; T. C. Mountain, assistant; Charlotte Martin, sec retary; assistant, Daisy Wfetman; Mrs. Lowe, treasurer; Mrs. D. W. Lamb, chorister; Miss Clara Dod- son, assistant; Miss Neva Ham, pianist; assistant, Mrs. Fred Pot ter; librarian, Margaret Myer; assistant, Emily Reynolds; cradle roll, Mrs. Roy Fuson. The Townsend club will meet at the gymnasium Thursday night. a snort program uwu ranged by Mrs. Fred Potter. M u I sical numbers will be followed by J a talk to be given by T. C. Moun- tain. Mrs. Claude uoone ana Mrs. T. C. Mountain will engage in a poetical debate, the poems being against and for, the Town- send plan. Announcement was made at the Christian church Sunday of the plan to organize a Christian En- deavor society here, next Sunday night at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. D. W. Lamb will be monitor of the organization. Schwab Is Again Firemen's Chief MT. ANGEL, Jan. 6. The Mt. Angel fire department held its an nual election of officers Thursday night in the city hall. Paul Schwab was once more elected chief. Other officers are: Assist ant chief, Anton Bigler; secre tary-treasurer, Joseph Bercntoia; auartermaster. Raphael Bisenius; assistant auartermaster, A 1 v i n Saalfeld. The auditing committee con sists of Joseph L. Wachter, chair man. Louis Schwab and John Big ler, and the grievance committee of Albert Wilde, chairman, Leo Schwab and E. P. Scharhach. Transfer Pastors of Methodist Churches Doctor Makes Move INDEPENDENCE, Jan. 6. Rev. A. J. Neufeld, local pastor of the Methodist church, has been transferred to Chiloquin, Klam ath county, where he will ex change churches with Rer. Ben W. Davis, present Methodist pas tor there, who will come to In dependence this week. Rev. Neu feld will move with his family to Chiloquin Tuesday. Dr. Ivan E. Bennett, for three years a physician and surgeon in Independence, is giving up his practice here and is moving his practice to Union. Oregon. He will go to his new location this week. Two Members Renamed to Board for City Library WOODBURN, Jan. 6 Miss Mary Scollard and Mrs. T. C. Poorman were reappointed as members of the board of direc tors for the city library by Mayor S. A. Hoefer. Other members of the board are Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. H. L. Gill whose terms expire December 31, 1936 and Mrs. W. D. Simmons aad Mrs. Frank W. Settlemler, whose terms expire at the end of 1937. No. 9132 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. In the Matter of the Estate of J. B. PARKER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap pointed administrator of the es tate of J. B. Parker, deceased, by the above entitled court, and has duly qualified. All persona bay ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re auired. to the undersigned at 358 United States National Bank Building, Portland. Oregon, with in six months from the date here of. Dated and first published this 7th day of January. 136. CHAS. T. PARKER. Administrator as Aforesaid, RIDGWAY, JOHNSON ft KEN DALL. 358 tT. S. National Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. J.7-14-21-28-F.4 Business Cards ta this directory rua oa a ntoatblr basis only. Kate: tl. GO per line per month. L Auto Brakes tflka Pa nek. 276. Sotxb Commercial. Contractors & Builders Peter Johannsen. Work guaranteed. o pay not sausneo. ie. vast. f l, g VJunney aweep Telephone 4156 It E. Northneaa. Chiropractors dr. o. 4 SCOTT, psc Chiropractor - - wiga t. Kea. I7z. Electrical Sercce I Kine. $4 tau a. wir- ng. motors, appliance, repairs, service Excavating Excavating of all kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor .sale. Phone1 4644. Florists Brelthaupt'a, 447 Court. ALL kinds of floral work, Luts. Flor ist. 1276 N. Liberty TeL 8592. Keys We make keya Barry W. Scott Laundries THE NEW SAI.EM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER UUNDRT 61 S High Tei 9125 CAPITAL CITY. LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone Si 65 1264 Broadway NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marion, as Administratrix of 4K a a of era a ToonK InA Hf Tio via deceased and that she na8 duly qualified as such Administratrix; all naranna Tiavinr elnima against tne e8tate 0f Baid decedent are nereby notified to present the 8ame .duly verified .to me . at; the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 10th day of December, 193S. IDA F. SHADE, Administrator of the Es- tate of Josephine M. Davis, Deceased. Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. D-10-17-24-31-J-7. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 13 ' VAo 21 v7a 27 20 31 32 33 36 37 3 AO At 42 46 47 4? 50 3 54 95 SO 5f By EUGENE HORIZONTAL 1 Possesses 4 Member of an Algonquin tribe 7 Rugged crest of a mountain range 12 Fuss 13 Mohammedan commander 14 Strength 15 Greek letter 16 In what state is the largest flour milling center ia the world 7 18 Soft interior of a bone 20 Collect a supply 21 What American aoeeGst wrote "Black OxesT? 23 Native of Scotland 27 Stinging insect 28 Thing-; in law SO Color 31 Feminine name 21 Greet 36 Electrified particle 37 Monetary unit of Japan 39 Correlative of neither 10 .Drove 42 What was the name for a ases W ,f mm ancient sect which denies1 reveUtioa mmA isasaor- tality? 46 Strike AA St that tim aaWVat ia tka sssaTJest sad eest- eramost of the Greater Aav tines T 54 What sprite appears ia Skake- sseare Teaepeat I 55 Pledga i 56 Cover 58 Perceived hf the ear 53 Sense organ 60 What aorthora easstellatHa ts pictsred as a Com? VXKTICAL 1 Exclamation 2 Concede as true 3 Near what tows Is Nere Dasae Uaivsrsity located? 4 MsffHilrnt name k .Take to e-raza at a certain sum X KWkat Bevslar comediu starred ia the ssotioa picture "Rei Scaadals"? . -Declare Directory Mattresses CAPITOL BK1MMWG CO pnone 40(9 SALEM FLUFF-RUO and Factory. NEW 1U1TRSS and. M order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, str ing; una rug weaving, a. Iitn Wil bur. TeL 6441. OTTO F. ZWICKKR. Eat UIL Music Stores ilKO C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musio and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs god sawing mscnine. 433 auto Street. Salera. Photo Engraving Salem phots engraving, 14T N. Com merclaL TeL e88T. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books -er any kind of printing, call The Statesman Prlstlag Department 216 S. Commercial. Tele phone 816L I Stoves 1 lepatr stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, csnges and circulator a. stock fence, posts, -chicken wire. Salem Pence and Steve Works, 2(2 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R & ' Fleming, Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage,; call 3131. I Jirmer Transfer Co Trucke- !o Portland dally. - CAPITAL CITT Transfer CaV 22$ State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty Get r rates; Well Drilling R. A. West P- 6. Box 445. TeL I10K6. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion his duly verified Final Account as Executor of the estate of Belle Goode, deceased, and that said Court has affixed Tuesday, the 14th day of January. 1936, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House in Salem, Marion County. Oregon, as the place fdr hearing said Final Account and all objec tions thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 10th dav of December. 1935. GEORGE BURRES. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Belie Goode, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon. D-l 0-1 7-24-31-J-7. II h4 17 23 24 25 ti 'A 11 SO 21 34 35 3? 'A 4 44 45 A3 52 I 57 53 56 60 SHEFFER 8 Elevates 9 The self 10 Small child 11 Period Of time 17 Ninth day before the id s 18 Father 19 Part of the foot 22 Depend 24 What American novelitt wrote "The Crisis"! Wimstos T 25 Not at homo 26 Golf mound1 29 Loose granular material 31 Title ox respect 32 Also 33 What is the aasse for the chief feds ef tha Tewtomic pes thee? 35 Bumpkin 38 Indigenous 41 Chemical compound 43 Lure 44 Weird 45 Half an era 47 Shape 49 Exclamation of contempt 60 Native compound 11 Long narrow ink! r52 Be indebted to 57 Make Herewith is the solution to Tester day's puzzle. , ;i l- BioiAiPiSivigKenm OwrrtcM. 114. VA WA m