The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    T The OREGON ; STATESMAN, Salem, ; Oregon, Tuesday .Morning January', 7, 1936
L ac a 1 Reiv s Brief s
Um Relwed. Cart L t m a,
charged ; with Tagrancy' in tie
form of issuing worthless checks,
pleaded guilty in municipal court
yesterday afternoon, not long aft
er he had been paroled from cir
cuit court for six months to gljra
him an opportunity to make rood
on $70, worth ot checks he had
Siren which had resulted in a pre
vious arrest. Municipal Judge
Warren Jonea continued Lima's
esse for sentence with the under
standing he should, reimburse Oa
car Christensen in the sum lot
$1.55 for a bad check he had giv
en him. , j
Sale at Swaparee, 474 S. Coml.
Daren port & chair $29.50 . with
free Electric Floor Lamp.
, 4 More Clinics Four clinics
re scheduled for the remainder
of the week by the Marlon coun-
- ty health department as follows:
Today, afternoon pre-school Clinic
at Silrerton; Wednesday after
noon, school .clinic at , Salem
health office ; Thursday' morning,
' pre-schbol clinic at Salem health
office; Saturday, 8:30 to 10 a, m.,
Immunization clinic at Salem
health office. A clinic for milk
handlers was held at the local
health center yesterday after
noon, j
Final Report In Final report
on the estate of the late E. W.
Brous was filed in probate court
, here yesterday. Alta Weston was
administratrix of the estate. In
come was $1995 and outgo $9012.
Personal property with So. esti
mated value of $2S7 was distri
buted to the two heirs who fn ad
dition reeeived $483 in cash each
Heirs were Mrs. Alta Weston and
Mrs. Bessie M. Grable.
Renews Salt In an amended
complaint, A. E. Schirman y6s-
terday again filed suit to collect
a $2400 note from J. E. Parrish.
Plaintiff alleges that $1050 has'
been paid on the obligation but
contends that interest is past due
from 1933. The money was ori
ginally loaned for the Cornelia
Davis trust at Turner.
Keuscher Estate In The es
tate of Gus Keuscher who died
December 18, 1935, was admitted
tn nrnhatn voatorriav anil I calla I
D. Keuscher was named adminis- J PlinH I Verdict of the
trator. The estimated value of real aT in he,cl8e of, Salem Collect
nroDertv in the estate is S2.000. ors T8- Neal w Justice court
property in me esiaie is sj.uuu.
There are four sons and two
,.v.. . j.
Teachers to Elect t- The 1936
annual meeting of the newly
formed Salem Teachers' Credit
union will be held in the Salem
high school library at 4 p. m.
Wednesday, it was announced yes
terday by Gertrude Shlsler, presi
dent. The chief business will be
to elect two directors and one
credit committee member. I
Joy Sworn In J. C, Joy jof
Portland, newly named state in
dustrial accident commissioner,
was sworn into office here yes
terday. George Flagg, deputy sec
retary of state, administering the
oath. Joy succeedi otto Hartwlg,
who served nearly five years.
No P. U. C. Plates Alvin Le
roy Miller entered a plea of not
guilty to a charge of operating a
truck with no P. U. C. plates when
he appeared in Justice court yes
terday. Trial was set for January
17 at 2 p. m.
New Man in Bank
A. Miles
Austin is the new assistant cash
ier in the Stayton Branch, First-
National Bank of Portland. He
was transferred, here from the
Tillamook branch: Max Launt,
formerly in the5 bank here, has
returned to Portland. I
Sophs to Skate The Salem
high school sophomore class will
hold a skating party Friday night.
Hours for the party have been set
as from 8 to 10:30 p. m. ,
Drunkenness Charged George
Marsters, Salem, was booked by
city police yesterday on a charge
ot being drunk.
" Metis
Veva Alberta Melis, at 1485
Center street, Thursday, January
2, age 34. Survived by widower,
Percy E. Melis, and three daugh
ters, Miriam, Elaine, and Donna
Melis, all of Missoula, Mont. Par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. waiter M.
Smith, Salem ; sister, Mrs. Mar
garet Sterrett, Corvallis. Funeral
serrices Tuesday, January 7, at
2:30 p. m. from Clough-Barrick
chapel, ReT. Grover C. Birtchet
'officiating. Interment Belcrest
Memorial park. j
In this city, January 6, John
Leggett of Ashland, Ore. Survived
by wife, Fannie, of Ashland;
father, George Leggett. Remains
forwarded to Eugene for services
and interment by W. T. Rigdon
Co. !
V Olson - i
At Canby, Ida Olson, survlived
by daughter, Mrs. C. Ament f d
Caaby: brothers; A. Strand af
Pi-fitrand, ot Salem. Funeral ser-
riees will be held on Wednesday,
January 8, at 3 p. m. at 1 the
ClOugh-Barrick chapel. Interment
at Belcrest.
At a local hosDital. Nellie Hohs-
tutler. 40 rears. Surrived by sis
ter. Mrs. .Martha Smith, of Eagle
Point. Funeral announcements la
ter by Clough-Barrick company.
Mortgage Loans
on Modern Homes
v' JLoicest Rates :. i
. Hawkins & L
Roberts !
Dotson Not Back D. D. Dot-
son, who .recently suffered a ner
vous breakdown, probably will
not be able to return to his du
ties as manager of the Marlon
county re-employment office this
week. Overwork was blamed for
his breakdown. In his absence
Margaret Irons, state employment
service worker, is assisting at the
local office, of which Lois Bark
er, district statistician, has
1st Congregational Church Hum-
mage Sale. Tues., Wed. N. High.
' Students to Meet Seven stu
dent organisations will meet at
Salem high school during the
daily activity periods this week as
follows: Today Girls' Glee club;
Wednesday Sophomore class in
assembly, junior class council;
Thursday Assembly, moving pic
tures; Friday ;Latin, science,' so
cial science, F r e n c h, German,
Commercial and Home Economics
clubs, Future Farmers of Amer
ica chapter.
Children's Books Moved The
children's collection of books -at
the city library has been moved
into the newly renovated room
prepared for it in the basement,
formerly the auditorium, and will
be open each afternoon from 2 to
6 p.m., excepting Saturdays. On
Saturday the hours will be 9 to
12 a.m., 1 to C p.m. and 7 to 9
p.m. The space left vacant up
stairs will later be used for
adults' books.
Working on Census Work on
compiling the annual school cen
sus is going forward rapidly in
the school superintendent's office
at the courthouse. Reports from
all the rural districts are in. The
report is made a portion of the
1935-1936 report of the superin-
tendent which is made each sum-
Junior Board Meets The Jun
ior board of the Y. M. C. A. met'
last night and discussed plans for
a banquet honoring the new mem
bers in the boys division of the
Y. M. C. A. It is planned to hold
the dinner at the Y. M. C. A. on
Friday night. All boys who have
Joined the Y during the last few
weeks are to be invited.
" " .
JeI&r was giTen ,or he Dlaln"
tiff. The case was an action to re-
cover $171.92 alleged to be due
for rental on a service station in
Turner. The defendant gave no
tice of appeal from the judgment.
Tomison to Speak The P. E.
P. Teachers' club will hold its
regular monthly meeting Tues
day evening at 7:30. W. R. Tomi
son of Silverton will address the
club on bis recent trip to the
British Isles. He will speak es
pecially of Scotland, his natire
Takes Judgment The Eena
company took a default judgment
here yesterday in its case against
James E. Fitzgerald. The judg
ment calls for payment of $565,
$2591 and $443, together with in
Committee to Meet The phy-
sical committee of the Y. M. C. A.
will meet tonight at 7:15 o'clock
to make reports on activities for
December and to lay plans for
January events. The meeting will
be held in the office of Gus Moore,
physical director.
Dakota Club Meets A covered
dish supper is planned by the Sa
lem Dakota club Wednesday night
in the Wv C. T. TJ.-hall at 6:30
o clock. A special program is
planned. All former Dakotans are
Seek License A license to
marry was applied for yesterday
in the county clerk s office here.
Faul A. Wachter of Mt. Anrel.
farmer, applied for permission to
wed Marie Schmitt of Mt. Anzel.
a housekeeper.
Pays Fine Comyn Clinton Tra
cy paid a $2.50 fine in justice
court yesterday after pleading
guilty to operating a twO wheel
trailer weighing more than 1000
pounds without a license.
No License Robert Eddy Hen
ry paid a $1 fine in Justice court
yesterday when he pleaded guilty
to operating a motor vehicle with
no operator's license.
To our many friends and
neighbors who have been loyal
to us during the sickness and
death of our wife and mother, we
wish to express our thanks for
their kindness and for the many
floral pieces..
w. T. Zehner and family.
and Colon
STOMACH -Ukacv Aciaity. hdfai.
RCCTAL flkM. Kmc. Fntata, Utnx.
Na Imailal Mrlcal aanaHn. No canln.
Mt. Writaar coil for fat SOOUET.
i PfeyaiclMa'SaTgaM
N. t. CanMr SanuMa aad Oamd Avaaaa -TlphanEA1
W fafaa.Oiai
To quickly rwliovo
iparfng mmd roaghais,V
cooling Metitltolarum.
H yaw tried Aw -
farlaaaaleaMa? ....
lifca ManlhaUtam aialmaaJ
Itfcrtaa aaotkii caaniart
Dlnner Last Night A' dinner
honoring the volunteer helpers at
the Y. M. C. A. during the holiday
program was given at the T. M.
C. A. last night. Those who help
ed with the ' events during the
open house were:. Leland Birt
ehet, Robert Ferguson; Robert
Schunke, C 1 If f o r d Niles, 'Dick
Smith and 5 Malcolm. : Johnstead,
Gus Moore, Bill Lemmon and
Harold Hoyt, regular Y. M. C. A.
employes were also in attendance.
Carrier bags SO and T5c States-
man of fir 2 IS fin f Atari it
Report Mishaps Three minor
automobile accidents were report
ed to city police yesterday involv
ing the following: Joy Morris,
route three, and Deputy Sheriff
B. G. Honeycutt. at Marlon and
High streets; Cecil Newberry,
2325 Maple avenue, and Leslie H.
White. 1299 Saginaw, on High
north of Court; Eugene S. Grit-
ton, 1840 South Highland Milton
Haggard, Washington, at Court
and Liberty. . No injuries were
Reports on Estate-9-The admin
istrator for the estate of the late
jennise Frances Chanrberlaln fil
ed a. report yesterday in probate
court bere showing tuat aii claims
against the estate hare been paid.
Payment' of $200 to Alice Ander
son, one ot the three heirs, was
allowed as an advance against her
future claims against the estate.
Chimneys Blaze Two chimney
fires caused the only fire alarms
recorded here over the weekend.
One occurred at 4:20 p. m. Sun
day at 465 North Commercial
street, and the other Monday at
5:40 a. m. at 14th and Court
streets. No losses were reported.
Miss Stevens Speaker The Un
ity class will hear Miss Olive Stev
ens speak, at the Marion hotel
Wednesday night at 8 o'clock.
Her subject will be the law of
success and prosperity as exempli
fied in the book, "The Magnifi-
cient Obsession." The interested
public is invited.
Trial Set Trial of J. L. John
son on a charge of selling alco
holic liquor to a minor will be
held in Justice court Friday, Jan
uary 10. Johnson entered a plea
of not guilty when he appeared in
court yesterday.
Orchestra Rehearses The Phil
harmonic symphony orchestra will
resume rehearsals tonight in Mil
ler's hall at 7 p. m.
I ,nl llPtinTl! I wOOfl
Says Bonus Chief
December showed the best col
lections for the 12th month of the
year since the world war veter
ans' commission began function
ing, Jerrold Owen, secretary, re
ported yesterday. Cash collections
on interest and principal and upon
the sale of real estate owned by
the commission totalled $177,709,
which came near the all-time high
mark of $182,701 reached last Oc
Owen' said a summary of the
commission's operations showed
steady improvement in collections
this year. The low point was
reached in 1933 when only $1,
359,674 was taken in. Collections
in 1934 rose to $1,599,082. Dur
ing the past year total collections
reached $1,818,568.
The commission has retired
$62,248 in city liens against prop-
.. .
date, and we
Coming Events
Jasaarv 7 Anaul lmlli.
atfcm aad dinner ef Cher
rians; Marion hotel, .0:30
p. my' t'." "
January f- Annual ban
quet and initiation, - Cfaer
rians. ' J---
January SYounff Dem
ocrats Roosevelt Re - elec
tion banquet, at Quelle,
7:80 p.m.
January 8 Joint com
munity Townsend 1 club, El
driedge schooihouse, even
January 8 Frank Ua
La oner In concert here.
Waller hall, 8:30 pan. '
January 8 Annual plan
ning meeting of the Cstecade
Are council. Boy Scoots of
America, at the First Metho
dist church.
January 8 Annual ban
quet. Boy Scouts council.
January 9 Public hear
ing Oregon milk control
board, chamber of com
merce, 10 a. m.
January IS Salem Gar
den club in Emerson room.
Unitarian church.
January 18 Kickoff ga
thering for Pacific Highway
drive, chamber of commerce.
January 18 Marlon
county Jersey Cattle club,
annual meeting, 1:S0 p.m.,
Salem chamber of com
merce. January 18 "Willamette
university presents "Out
ward Bound" In high school
January 22-23 Marion
county farm outlook Con
ferences. January 24 Missouri
club, pot luck supper, :
pun., K. P. hall, 246 H
North Commercial street.
January 20 Michigan so
ciety midwinter meeting at
tK.P. hall, 240 N. Commer
cial. Dinner at 1 n. m.
January 31 Special city
and state election.
erty it owns and has cleaned up
1276.529 in delinquent taxes on
nronertv it has acquired. Owen
said, through surplus funds made
available by the pickup in collec
tions the last two years.
Hospital Patient
Commits Suicide
Harry O'Connor, patient at the
Oregon state hospital here, com
mitted suicide Monday afternoon
by hanging himself- in the base
ment of the nurses' quarters.
Hospital physicians said there
were indications that he had at
tempted to slash his throat and
wrists with a dull knife before
hanging himself.
O'Connor was received at the
hospital in October, 1932, from
Multnomah county. He previous
ly was a voluntary patient at the
His widow and daughter live In
Ni No SoStf nnntUy pin tad dcUy doe Us
en Ida, nerroua strain, tipoaure or bbhIk ou.
Chi-c b-ten Diamond Braad Pdk r eflectiT,
reliable &od give Qaick Kufc BoMOy
all drogxiata for over 4a yean. m nr
invitation to You
cvsz u.
ot the cigarettes in ... L ' .
- wrvci J .
w,'N y lunc WltfalQ a month from a.--
wuuu vour f,.ir .
j M purcnasc
t- a. j. rbvnos tobacco companv
More Pensioners
On Cpunty'slists
Old - age' pensions hare been
granted to about 26 more persons
in Marion county during 193E,the
total number now receiving coun
ty aid being nearly SS0, according
to county court records, t -
County officials say the num
ber of applicants for pensions
have diminished slightly the last
60 days since many ot the older
people believe larger pensions will
be forthcoming shortly under the
state-federal acts and believe an
application now might prejudice
their receipt of a larger amount
No prejudiee would operate
against any present recipient of a
pension should an additional ben
efit be conferred by the state and
'Hi 0 0,0 -
I VERY DAY finds more
C VERY DAY finds more and more driven subscribing "'L..1V1 I
to Gilmore's record breaking leadership. Rex Mays used
Gilmore exclusively during the last year and won 17 of the
31 main events he entered and the Pacific Coast American
Automobile Association auto racing championship. An
amazing record typical of the performance that has broken
260 records for Gilmore!... Typical of the gruelling tests
Gilmore makes of its products for the benefit of motorists.
Take a tip from champions and fill up today with Red
Lion. Youll discover this Record Breaker gasoline will
give you greater speed, power and mileage than you ever
dreamed possible !
"TRY 10" OFFER convinces
Pacge with th
, '
Pcc, nJui
Knowing the finer, more ex
pensive tobaccos used in Camels,
we make this offer . . . confident
that you'll find your ideal ciga
rette in Camels. . . . For experi
ence shows that people quickly
sense the difference in Camel's
federal governments, officials say.
No pensions are granted except
upon thorough investigation. They
are then only granted to persons
more than 70 years old, who can
prove need, and who have been a
resident of the state IS years and
of Marion county for two years.'
St. Paul's Parish Will
Hold Annual Meeting
The annual parish meeting of
St. Paul's Episcopal church will
be held Tuesday night, commenc
ing with the Epiphany dinner at
6 :30. Reports of the organiza
tions, and the annual message of
the rector will be read. Election
of a vestry and other business will
follow. The dinner is in charge
of Mrs. Arthur Knox assisted by
the presidents of the various
guilds of the church.
0 DO
and more driven subscribing
for announcements of
other championships
won by Gilmore.
' v
Torrens Sues For
Accident Damas
Damages totalling $5240
sought by J. L. Torrens from Roy
E. King and Bertha M. King in an
accident action filed late last week
in circuit court here.
Torrens asserts the defendants
ran their truck and trailer into
him while he was working on a
In treating; children's colds,
don't take Jl Ar
chances., use
-; u
trailer he owned, parked off the
highway- at Jefferson, Ha noldi'.
defendants in entire fault for the."
Plaintiff asserts his Injuries"
were severe and declares he will-,
not totally recover from all of
them. He asks $5000 general dam- i
ages and $240 specific damsges.
Don't throw
your w
ratch away.
We fix them when oth
ers can't. Guaranteed , watch
repairing or your money hack.4
The store that sells quality
merchandise for less.
17S N. Liberty 8c.
193$ Paciff Cwl A. A. A.
Aatt Racial Cfciwita styii
"Lie Head la tka aaa mia
ctal ail I hava aay confioeaca
to lot aaa la raca car. I't
provtd maay a tint this
yarast Paaaaytvaaia all
(ideatically tka aamc yoa
bay froaa IaSeoaadcat Dal
ars) wiU ataad ap aadct tfca
aaarisf best aVfdoptd by
la a record breaking
TM la . , ."Strange As It
Seems". . . . Wes'nsss'ay,
fry y. 7:45 P.M... Cola m.
bit Braadcattiag System
i i s m m m m rnj aa-