The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 27, 1935, Page 7, Image 7

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    L o c a 1 IV e w s B r iefs
8uea For Fee
Herman A.
Stone tiled suit in circuit court
yesterday asking for payment of
a f BOO brokerage fee which lie
claims la dae him from a sale of
real estate which he consummat
ed. Defendants named are C I.
Steele. Fannie Steele and Cecile
S&glefs&tone asserts be offerd to
sell a farm for the defendants and
obtained purchasers in Charles F.
Peters and Marie Peters. Stone
files an alleged copy of the con
tract which the buyers and the
defendants made. He asks the
court to award him the fee, de
claring be has fulfilled his func
tion as broker and alleges the
sellers should perform their con
tact. r - . ' -
Big dance Kent! hall Sat night.
Schinnan " Sues A. E. Schir
man yesterday filed suit against
J. E. Parrish, asking for payment
of a note for $2400 ; signed by
Parrish. allegedly, in 1933. Plain
tiff asserts that $1050 principal
was paid on the note December
23. 1933. but claims no principal
or interest has been paid since
then. He also asks $261.80, al
leged back rent for sheep pasture
land leased Parrish by S. M. Endi
cott as executor of the will of the
late Cornelia M. Davis of Turner.
Carriei oags eo ana ioc siaies
man office 215 So Com'l st.
Gets. Many Greeting Govern
or Charles H. Martin received 500
Carisimas telegrams ana more
- than a thousand letters and cards.
he announced yesterday. He said
be was sorry he could not acknow
ledge the many messages because
of his limited office staff. "The
messages were deeply 'appreciat
ed." he said. "I wish I had the
lime ana iu ncAuunicuc
Preparing Transcript Prepar
ation of a transcript on appeal in
the case of Opal Lamb against
F. N. Woodry and others was
under way yesterday at the court
house. Plaintiff won the suit in
circuit court, obtained damages
of $1000 for alleged wrongful re
possession of : goods. Woodry ex
pects to carry the case to the state
sunreme coWt.
" DaTies Replies Paul E. Da
Ties, plaintiff in a divorce action
against Annie H. Davies, filed a
reply in circuit court yesterday
to her previously made defense.
He made a general denial ot the
majority of her statements in his
Pleads Not Guilty Clarence
Dykes entered a plea of not guilty
to a charge of assault with a dan
gerous weapon when arraigned in
liminary hearing was set for 2:30,
ti m. todav. He is held in the
county Jail in lien of, 3 7 50 bail.
"Army? Plans Tree--A Christ-
Tnna irta inf a nrorritm. "Aneels
Message to the worm, win Tea
tare the Salvation Army meeting
tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the
Army ball, 193 North, Commer
cial street. f.
Trial Today "William D. Sher
rard will hare a trial before Judge
Miller B. Hayden in Justice court
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Sher
rard is charged with operating a
car with no rear light.
Mathewson To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles M. Mathewson, 323 Pine
street, a boy, William Charles,
born December 22 at the resi
dence. Karsten To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Karsten. 690 South 18th
street, a boy, William King, born
December 20 at a local hospital.
Carr To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Kenneth Carr. 475 North Capitol
street, a boy. Weldon Wayne, born
December 20 at a local hospital.
Soha To Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Soha, route one, a girl. Mina Lee,
born December 17 in this city.
Continuous Sat., 2 to 11 P. M.
Chester .
"Breach of
rsK cmsKSE herbs
Charlie Chan
Chinese Herbs
Remedies !
ous, their beal-
sn vtrrae has
been t e t e a
4iaadreds years
4a foUowlsg en Fonjr
chronic mil- -ton
sneaU, nose, throat, sinusitis.
catarrh, ; ears, lungs, asthma,
chronic cough, stomach, gall
tones colitis, constipation, dl
abetia. kidneys, bladder, .heart.
lood nerves, aearalgia, rbev-
mrm'mm, high blood pressure,
(land, skin cores, male, female
and children disorders.
C B. Fobs, tt years practice
4r China, Herb Specialist,
ive relief after others fall.
iS2 N. Commercial SL, Salem,
Ore. Office boars i to 8 pan.
Sunday and Wed. O to 10 a an.
1 ""w-At 4 1
Railroad Answers -Named a co
defendant in a recent suit filed by
Otto, Seldenberg, inc the Oregon
Electric company yesterday filed
its answer in circuit court here.
The railroad company asserts that
it does not admit or deny the
charges of the plaintiff but does
assert that' it has storage char
ges of $40.14 now due against 131
bales of hops Involved In the suit
and claims of $31.34 against an
other 121 bales of hops Involved
In the suit, i
Marionette show tonight. First
Presbyterian; church, 7:30, Ad
mission 2Sc'and 10c.
Thompsons ' Visit Visitor over
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Thompson, 1575 South Commercial-street,;
were Mr. and Mrs.
Kermit Thompson", who now re
side in San Francisco where Mr.
Thompson Is with the Dun and
Bradstreet office. They left yes
terday for Yakima to spend the
New ear holiday; with Mrs.
Thompson's parents.
Big dance Kent! hall Sat. nigbt.
In Jail Again Elmer Dick of
Silrerton was back in the county
jail yesterday to serve a 30-day
sentence for being drunk. He was
arrested at Silverton and brought
before Justice . of the Peace Al
fred there. Dick' was in the coun
ty jail earlier this year on a simi
lar charge and served four
' , Pleads Not Guilty John Stone
pleaded not guilty in circuit court
yesterday to an assault an-i bat
tery charge. His bail was set at
$250 and Stone furnished it.
Stone's charge grew out of an
altercation between CCC work
ers Club to Meet The Townsend
club in the Swegle area is to meet
tonight in the schoolhouse at 8
o'clock, the secretary announced
yesterday. A speaker is coming
from Monmouth to address the
Hear Kuhn Mayor V. E. Kuhn
addressed Salem Townsend flub
No. 4 last night in a meeting at
the Highland school.
On December 26, at the age of
50 years, Cloyd Jones. Survived
by widow, Minnie Jones, and the
following children: Mrs. Ethel
Van Sickle. Mrs. Hazel Pruitt and
Susie-vFrances, Allison, Harriet,
Paul, Bert and Jesse Jones, all of
Salem; father, C. A. Jones, Drap
er, -Va andXone sister, Mrs. W.
Windle, 'Draper, Va., and three
brothers, Sydney" Jones. S-ilem;
Clarence- Jones, Joiner, Ark., and
William. DaneU, Va. Remains at
Salem - mortuary. Funeral an
nouncements later.
recMoncp. 22R N. Front
street, December 26, Martin A.
Mann, So. survived oy ms ,we,
Mary E. Mauu, Salem, and two
sons, Norman A., Bonneville, and
If O'tVl -V", - r
announcements later by W. T.
Kigdon & lo.
William B. Lindsay passed away
at the residence, 2009 Center
street. December 26, at the age of
75 years. Survived by widow, Car
rie M and the following children:
Mrs. Eulalia Nieswander, Warren
M. and Veld a B. Lindsay, all of Sa
lem; Ralph W. of Olympia, Wash.
Five grandchildren also survive,
including Wilton, Ralph, Jr., Paul
and Shirley Nieswander, all of Sa
lem, and Gordon of Olympia. A
brother and two sisters also sur
vive, McVay Lindsay of Palm
Beach, Fla.. Mildred Enhart and
Illzaid Lindsay of Sydney. Ohio.
Funeral services will be held from
the CIough-Barrick chapel at 1:30
p. m.. Saturday, December 28. In
terment City View cemetery.
1 Degman
Died in this city, December 23,
James Degman. Funeral .services
will be held here Friday, Decem
ber 27, at 10:30 a.m. undeT di
rection ef W. T. Rigdon & Co. Mr.
Degman s home was at 224 N.W.
15th avenue, Portland.
Mickey Mouse Matinee
Saturday, 1 P. M. '
Laurel & Harclv
"Babes in
CJ N&'' ft-.
May Bound Over Harry May
entered " a ple'a ot guilty to a
charge of larceny in a store build
ing when be appeared In j justice
court yesterday, lie was' bound
over to the grand jury. May failed
to furnish $500 bail and was held
in the county jail. May was accu
sed of stealing 12 knives and 12
fountain pens. The complaint was
signed by A. J. Bechtet, manager
of the Wool worth store. L ,
Chinnock Speaks" Senator
James T. Chinnock of Grants
Pass, district deputy grand ex
alted ruler of the Elks lodge for
Oregon south, was honored ; last
night when he visited the lodge
here. He conveyed to local mem
bers the message of James H.
Hallinan, grand' exalted, ruler.
Senator Chinnock witnessed' the
initiation of a number of new
Wants Furniture The V. & W.
Co. filed suit in circuit court yes
terday seeking possession of a
number of articles 1 of furniture
which they assert are worth
$1000. Defendants named are E.
R. and F. Josephine Frederick
son. Plaintiff asks that the court
put it in possession of the fur
niture or grant the company a
judgment for its value.
Speeders Penalized Three mo
torists were penalized in muni
cipal court here yesterday for
speeding. Five-dollar fines were
paid by Dwight A. Weir, Corval
lis, and Larry Herbert Reason.
Albany. Judge A. Warren Jones
suspended the driver's license of
Tom Russell Waddell, 1640 Sagi
naw street, for 30 days. Their
speeds ranged from 35 to 45
miles per hour.
Rosch'e Leaves $5733 The
late Ferdinand Rosche left an es
tate valued at $5773 according to
an appraisal filed yesterday in
probate court here. Real estate is
evalued at $2750. Of the person
al assets, the bulk of the estate
consists of bonds, several of
which show a large depreciation
in value. Fifteen hundred dollars
in par value Deutche Neutenbank
bonds are appraised at only $320.
Final Account In Final ac
count in the estate of the late Pe
ter Van Curler lias been filed in
probate court here byJBay Rho
ten who served as administrator.
Rhoten has also filed his final ac
count as admin.itrator of the
estate of the late Lydia C. Brown
who left personal property ap
praised at $100.
Poor Farm Grateful The staff
at the Marion county poor farm
expressed hearty appreciation yes
terday for the merry Chrlstmos
made possible for its residents
and wards through the generosity
of the Elks club, the Salem Lions,
the Richmond school children
and the Santa Claus from Sours
Roebuck & Co.
Building Slackens The holi
day season lull in building con
tinued her vesterday. xso new.
building permits were Issued oy
K. t: Bushnell. city building in
spectbr. One permit has been tak
en out this week, that by rtaw
Uns Sr' Roberts for $300 worth
of alterations to a building at
5 19 'Court street.
KfctMte Filed The estate of
the late Stanilaus Granacki has
estimated assets of $600, all in
real estate, according to . initial
nrohate naoers riled yesteraay
hre Julia Lnnd and Kate Mitch
ell, principal heirs, are to be ad
ministratrices of the estate.
Mrs. Rice Better Condition of
Mrs. c. O. Rice, who has been at
flood Samaritan hospital. Fort
land, for some time. Is slightly
better. Mr. Rice reported yester
day. Mr. Rice and their daughter.
Karlene McCallum, Tisitea airs.
Rice Christmas day.
Rays Mised Charlie Ray.
1655 South Liberty street, yes
terday requested The Statesman
to make it known that he was
not th man of the same name
who recently was arrested on a
charge of drunken driving.
Vot mpHnr Townsend club 6
viii h faald Fridav niKht. Janu
ary 3. In Nelson Bros. hall. .iec
tion of officers All members
come. ram aot,-
Tbg County Clerk's office will be
open to register voters irom a
A. M. to 8 P. M. on December 27,
9. SO. and 31. the 31st being
the last day for registration.
pv vine John A. Lank ford
paid a $1 fine in justice court yes
.... . i
terday after pleading guilty to
driving with four in the front
Preliminary Hearing Ross
Moore, who is charged with non-
support, win nave a prenmuiar
hearing in justice court at 10 a.
m., today.
Today and Saturday 1 C,
Two Features I3v
xichojxi CROMWELL
Mariam MARSH
Also Cartoon Comedy
Universal News I"
and Chapter 8 of Serial
Buck Jones ia
Tho- Roaring West" - !.
tier YS
nil ArtoOtualTTiMter T I
Vow Boys Are
At Bowl Again
Secret Pledge to Revenge
Defeats Is Rumored;
Sipj Entrains
PiairiEVA. Calif.. Dec 26-&P
-Stanford's "vow boys" returned
to the Rose Bowl battlefield to
day for the third successive year,
silently resolved to break their
New Tear's day losing streak at
the expense Of Southern Metho
Coarh Claude "Tiny" Thornhlll
brought 20 players here this
morning and united them with the
18 members of the squad who haa
arrived for Christmas. A hard
workout followed.
There was a marked difference
in the Indians over their attitude
before the Columbia and Alabama,.
games of the last two seasons.
It was aDnarent this team, eight
members of which have suffered
from the defeats by eastern and
southern inraders. is determined
to wipe the Stanford Rose Bowl
slate clean with a smashing vic
There was no ooen pledge, such
as these eight made in their fiesh-
man year when they resolved
never to lose to Southern Califor
nia Yet there was every indica
tion these athletes had made a
secret vow to gain revenge.
DALLAS. Tex.. Dec. 26. UPt-
The "Southern Methodist university
football squad, in tip-top shape to
a man, moved westward tonight
for the . Rose Bowl game with
Stanford' New Year's day at Pasa
dena. Thirty-one players were aboard
a train that departed at noon.
With them went Coaches Matty
Bell, Vic Hurt and Charlie Trigg
and a contingent of sports writers.
Dallas and Y. M.
Divide 2 Games
The Salem Y Ponies won from
one Dallas junior high teem at
Dallas last night 8 to 1; while
the Salem Y Juniors lost to au
other Dallas junior high team,
larger boys than the group that
played against the Ponies, by a
score of 17 to 9. A return game
will be played New Year's day by
each team.
The lineups:
Y Ponies (8) (4) Dallas
Page F 1 Snyder
-Duncan 2 F 2 Wibbe
Sherman 1 . . . .C. . Van Orsdale
Sanford 5 . . . .G. . . 1 Kroecker
Harms G Kliener
Salstrom S
V Juniors (9) (17) Dallas
Burrls F Lowe
Mulkey F.... 5 Lindahl
Chambers 2 ...C... 4 Kroecker
McCaffery 2 ..G. 2 Blackley
Hastings 5 . . . .G 6 Nicole
West Squad Wins
At Food Stowing
(iP) Eastern and western football
stars who will meet in the annual
East-West charity game here on
New Year's day enjoyed a brief
respite in their vigorous training
programs today to break bread
together over the banquet table
They were honored guests at
the Shrine football luncheon, an
annual affair to get the players
acquainted. The western players,
while they will go into the game
as the "underdogs," easily out
gained their eastern rivals in the
matter of stowing away the vic
tuals. Brief practice sessions were
held later In the day.
Hopp Season at
Gervais Started
JT.ERVAIS, Dee. 26. The bas
ketball season opened here Mon
day nigbt with a double header
between the two Union Oil
teams of Woodburn and the first
and second teams of Gervais. In
the first game Woodburn won by
a score of 52 to 24 and the Ger
vais second team won by a 10-to-2
Six games are scheduled and
there are 10 or more dates still
open The schedule so far com
pleted is:
January 18 Scotts Mills here.
January 24 Hubbard here.
February 7 Scotts Mills there.
February 14 Hubbard there.
February 21 St. Paul here.
The girls teams wHl also havo
games on the same dates.
Perrydale Quint
Wins Over Leslie
The Perrydale town basketball
team defeated the Leslie Metho
dist quintet Thursday night at
Perrydale, 25 to 21, in a hotly
eontested overtime game. The
score was 21-all at the end of
regular time. Leslie came back
strong in the second half after
trailing 12-6 at half time.
Leslie (21) (25) Perrydale
W. Bertelson 4 P 12 J. Beyerle
J. Bush 2 F 4 Gilson
Ritchie 10 C 4 Macken
W. Busb G 1 Ramey
J. Bertelson 2 G 2 D. Van Otten
Stockwell 3 S 2 Christenson
s Referee, Van Otten.
-.'Last Times Today!
Year's Bst Musical!
Coming Events
December 27- Salem Mis
souri club, 8 p. R. of P.
halL 246)4 North Commer
cial street.
December Si M a r 1 o a
county : Christian Endeavor
watch Bight party at Y. M.
C A.
January 4 Asuanal meet
ing Oregon Jersey cattle
club, 10:80 a. Marioa
hotel. -
January 0 Willamette
university vacation ends.
January 7 Annual ban
quet and initiation, Cber
'rians. ;
January 8 Franklin
Launer ia concert here.
January 8 Annual plan
ning meeting of the Cascade
Area council. Boy Scouts of
America, at the First Metho
dist church. .
January 8 Annual ban
quet. Boy Scouts counciL
January 20-21 Marion
county farm outlook con
ferences. . January 26 Michigan so
ciety midwinter meeting at
K.P. hall, 240 N. Commer
cial. Dinner at 1 p. m.
January 81 Special city
and state election. . ;
Giants and Cubs
Slug Apple Best
Vaughan and Med wick Are
1-2 in Distance Hits
and Averages Too
NEW YORK, Dee. 26-;P)-The
Newi York Ciants and Chicago
Cubs were the National league's
most potent slugging arrays in
193 5, but individual laurels went
to a couple of other fellows.
Floyl ' Arky" Vaughn, crack
shortsto. of the Pittsburgh, Pi
rates, and Joe 'Due4y" Medwick
of the St. Louis Cardinals, who
wound up one-two in the race for
the batting championship, also
finished in that order in the slug
ging percentages.
Medwick's 224 hits were good
for 365 bases, tops in the circuit,
but the Cardinal outfielder was
charged with 135 more times at
hat that V aughan and was runner
up in the slugging percentages,
.576 tli the Pittsburgher's .607.
Vaughan's 192 hits were good for
303 bases:
Strikeouts Record
To Dolph Camilli of the Phillies
went the dor btfui distinction of
setting the only league record re
vealed by the miscellaneous av
erages, made public today, Cam
illi struck out 113 times to
break the old record he shared at
94 w.ith Hack Wilson. Ernie Lom
bardi, husky Cincinnati catcher,
fanned only six times to lead all
the regulars in that respect.
Big Walter . Berger of the
Braves, fourth in the slugging
percentages, led the league in
runs batted in with 130, almost
a fourth of all the runs , the
Braves scored.
, The Giadts hung up the best
team slugging percentage, .416
with the Cubs only two points be
hind. Stanford Quint
To Play Huskies
SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 25.-(;P)
-The powerful Stanford university
basketball team, running up a
string of pre - conference season
victories, will attempt to add the
University of Washington Huskies
to its list of victims in a two
game series here tomorrow and
Saturday nights.
Arriving late tonight, the In
dians planned to dash immediate
ly to the Washington pavilion to
iron out their muscle klnka and
learn the location of the Husky
Calgary Defeats
Portland Outfit
CALGARY, Dec. 26.-(JT-A
third period attack' that netted
three goals gave the Calgary Tig
ers a - 3-0 victory over the Port
land Buckaroos in a Northwestern
Hockey league game tonight The
win put Calgary two points be
hind the second place Buckaroos.
Idaho Jockey Clinches
Victory Title For Year
NEW YORK, Dec. 26- JF) -barley
Stevenson, 19 - year - old
Boise. Idaho, Jockey,1 who a year
ago was almost unknown to the
turf, practically clinched 19.35 rid
ing honors today when he rode
four winners at the fair grounds,
New Orleans.
With a brilliant exhibition of
horsemanship, Stevenson ran his
total number of victories for the
year to 200. .
The Call Board
Today Shirley Temple
in "The Littlest Rebel'
Today The Marx Brothers
in "A Night at the Opera."
Today Double biU, Zane
Grey's "Nevada" and Bus-
ter Crabbe and "Breach ot
Promise "with all-star cast.
Today Double Bill, Buck
Jones In "Outlawed GunV
and "Unknown Woman
Richard Cromwell.
Today Astaire and Rogers
in "Top Hat."
Saturday John Wayne In
vParadise Canyon-''
Vikings Return
To Hoop Court
Early Games Are Foreseen
So Huntington's Boys .
Rest But Briefly
Hampered somewhat by the ef
fect of Christmas turkey and
candy on the wind. Coach Hollls
Huntington's Viking basketball
crew ended their holiday rest per
iod yesterday morning as they
snapped through a brief court
Huntington intends to work bis
green quint strenuously through
out the rest of the holiday period
in order to s nooth out some of
the faults It showed in losing to
the alumni. The squad shows
greater potentialities than any
Huntingtcn has bad out since
1932 and the Salem coach hopes
to get the best out of it.
While no eames are definitely
scheduled until mid-January, ne
gotiations are under way for sev
eral during ;he first two weeks of
next month.
The combination of Salstrom
and Skopil. forwards; Waggener,
center, and Luther and Williams,
guards, worked well against the
alumni. The starting five demon
strated good ball handling ability
and made , a good percentage or
their shots.
Loggers Defeat
Conzaga Quintet
SPOKANE, Dec. 26 (P) T b e
College of Puget Sound staved oft
a desperate Gonzaga closing rally
to take a 41 to 39 victory in a
fast basketball game here tonight.
Gonzaga led 21-20 at the half,
but the. Loggers came back to
snatch a 10-point margin. Gonza
ga trailed, 40-30, with seven min
utes to play, but was unable to
close the last 2-point gap.
Ability to sink free throws won
for the Loggers. They missed on
ly three oUt of 14, wbile Gonza
gahs were sinking only three out
of 10. Gonzaga held an edge on
field goals.
Jacobs Fined For
Defaming of Cuba
HAVANA, Dec. 26 (Jf)- Mike
Jacobs, New York boxing promo
ter, was suspended for six months
today by the Cuban boxing com
mission for his failure to fulfill
contracts in connection with the
Joe Louis-l8ldoro Gastanaga bout
and was fined $500 for "defama
tion of Cuba."
Louis and Julian Black, one of
his managers, also drew six-
month suspensions for failure to
"comply "with a contract signed
with this commission on Novem
ber 25, 1935."
Grid Lettermen
Of Gervais Feted
GERVAIS, Dec. 26 The let
termen'B football banquet was
held at the high school, auditor
ium Thursday night when 51
were seated at the table; Speeches
were made by officers of the club
and the teaching staff. Five grad
uating seniors were; honored:
Raymond Kuhn, Prosper Bernlng,
Jiramie Phillips, Ray Jefferson,
and Joe Henny.
Those who will receive letters
are OHn Brown, Robert Runcorn,
Charles. Hntto, CUrtls Cofflndaf
fer, Don? Id DuRette, and Zachery
Schell. "oe Bonn was elected
captain for the coming year. Mrs.
F, A. Gallegly, Mrs. Herman Jel
derks and Mrs. Rosa Rose pre
pared tbe baaquet.
Cliemawa Downs
Dallas 43 to 11
In a one-sided game played at
Chemawa last night, tbe Indian
school basketeers won from Dal
las 43 tn 11. The lineun:
Chemawa (43) (11) Dallas
Kalama ..F Plummer
Archambeau F Burback
Redelk C Koker
Track- O : Woodman
Christian G Vocb
Referee: Maple.
Portland Stars Win
. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 26.-)
-The Portland AH-Stars defeated
the Seattle Elks' team S to 1 to
night, in this city's first amateur
hockey game of the season.
32 Rounds at the Armory
2:30 P M.
Curly Feldtman, Promoter
at the
F. N. Woodry
Auction Market
101O N. Summer
Furniture, Produce, Live
stock. Tools. Cream Separa
tor, Range, Heaters, Bed
Kpring and Mattresses, or
anything else yoa nave for
sale. Cash paM for used
farnitore. .
F. N. Woodry
Phone 5110
'Dusters' Issued
To State Police
Oregon's state troopers have
blossomed out in garb that might
seem more fitting to the one-
lnnrer . handlebar steered auto
mobile rather than to the modern;
swift cars la which they patrol tbe
highways. Coincident wttn cnrisi
mu tha members of the force re-
eoived lirht tan raincoats resem
bling the old-time linen dusters.
But these: coats are or airplane
silk, tor compactness and light
ness. The lisht sbade was chosen, ac
cording to Information at Salem
district headquarters, so that of
ficers directing traffic at the
scene ot wrecks would be plainly
visible to oncoming motorists.
City lien Binding
On Private Buyer
City of Salem Hens on proper
ties Involved in present county tax
foreclosures are binding on pri
vate buyers at the sheriff sales
and are also protected in cases
where the county takes tho deed.
City Attorney Chris J. Kowiti said
yesterday. The county, he declar
ed, b e f o r e selling property on
which it has taken a tax deed.
must give the city 20 days' no
tice by registered malL The city
then baa the right to take over
the property for the amounttof
delinquent taxes, less the amount
of these taxes due the city, or. to
take it for any lower sum that
may be offered thecounty by pri
vate bidders.
Kowitz was working yesterday
on complaints for foreclosure of
properties on which Improvement
liens are in arrears but Bald that
little action along this line could
be taken until the county has
completed , its tax foreclosures
since delinquent Hens were ' gen
erally accompanied by delinquent
taxes. Between 300 and 400 pieces
of city property are listed as de
linquent in payment of improve
ment assessments or bond. install
Last Tribute Paid
To Thomas Schall
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 26. - (Pi-
Thomas D. Schall was buried to
day with honors befitting a United
States senator. ;
On a hillside' in Lake wood
cemetery his family and his
friends which included members
of all political faiths paid last
tribute, in sub-zero weather, to
Minnesota's late junior senator, a
republican. He died Sunday in
Washington from injuries suffered
in an automobile.
Gov. Floyd B. Olson, farmer-
laborite, who would . have cam
paigned against Schall in the next
senatorial election, headed the
state officials who attended the
Cutten Improving
CHICAGO, Dec. 26-0P)Artnp
W. Cutten, well known grain spec
ulator, was said by his physician
tonight to be improving from a
setback suffered in his convales
cence from a heart ailment.
leady -
Shop Today for Eiid-of-the-Year
' - f
; v
Holiday Visitors
in Oash
Three motorists were Injured
as the result of an automobile ac
cident that occurred at lTth and
Court streets at 10:30 a. m. yes
terday when R. O. Balderree, 70,
ot 185 South 15th street, driving
southward, and rubhing bis eye in
attempt to remove an irritating
object, failed to see aa eaatbound
machine driven by Harland B. Ty
ler,. 23, of Lewiaton, Idaho. Neith
er driver blamed the other for
the crash.
H. B. Tyler, 50. ot Bremerton,
Wash., received a cut over one
eye; KUa M. Tyler, 7, of Salem,
a cracked rib and other injuries,
and Betty Lee Tyler, 18, of Lewis
ton. Idaho, a sprained back.
Other accidents reported yes
terday involved the following
Rev. Carl F. Schulenburg, Sher
idan, and Harry Bertulect, at Cen
ter and Statesman streets; Mrs.
Ellen Williamson, 333 Mission,
and a motorist named Clark,' at
Trade and Liberty; Durlyn Beach,
2046 Breyman, and Elmer Greip
entrog. at 14th and Marion; Vera
D. Mathls, 474 Ferry, and an un
identified motorist, on Fair
grounds road near Capitol; Eliza
beth Enger, Salem, and M. A. Fol
quet, 2075 Fairgrounds road, at
Summer and D; Mary L. Fronk,
575 North Cottage, and an uni
dentified driver, on Liberty be
tween State and Court.
Recognize Body
Found in River
The body found in Pudding
river at Aurora November 29 has
been Identified as that of Catiz
Pratt,. 68, formerly of 'Oregon
City, state police were advised
yesterday by Dr. L. E. Barrick.
Marion county coroner. A daugh
ter, Mrs. Delta Klotwik ot Park
Tlace, Oregon City, made the
Identification by means of a watch
and knife found with the body.
Pratt had last resided with this
daughter. Dr. Barrick told state
police. He is survived by a former
wife, a son and three daughters.
The body was buried soon after
It was found.
Missouri Club Is
To Meet Tonight
The Salem Missouri club will
meet at the Knights ot Pthlas
hall. 246 North Commercial
street, at 8 o'clock tonieht to elect
officers and hold a Christmas par
ty. J: L. "Jack" Cutler is now
president of the organization.
The nroeram will Include sing
ing of Christmas carols. Enter
tainment is In charge of Ivan Mar
tin, chairman; II. R. McWhorter
and Roy Harland.
Record For Accidents
Established Portland
Portland police officials said to-a
day the 304 traffic accidents re
ported in this city Tuesday and
Wednesday set a new high record
for a similar period. Of the total,
172 occurred the day - before
Christmas and 132 on Christmas
day. None resulted fatally.