PAGE TWO The OOEGOIT STATES31AN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 27, 1935 1 l . t - r A Preparedness WiUe Topic Seniors and Adults Have ; Sections; Dr. Leach : Will Preach BROOKS, Dec. 26 The 170th quarterly convention of the Hayea rill district Sunday school will be helJ in the Brooks Methodist church nextSunday, December 29. The theme for this conTentloa will be "Preparedness." Hundreds of .-people are expected to attend the convention. Two programs hare been ar ranged; one for the senior de partment and one for the juniors. A synopsis of the senior" pro eram follows: The gathering will open it 10 a. m. with a sons ser vice followed by a devotional meeting led by Charles R. Cut singer of Brooks. The bible lesson study will be led by J. C. McFar land for the adults and by Mrs. M. T. Day for the young people. Dr. D. H. Xeacn of Salem, re tired district superintendent of the Methodist church, will preach the sermon -at 11:20 a. m. At noon1 the convention -will recess for a basket dinner and a fellowship-hour, i- Reconvening la 1:30 p. m., the: convention will enjoy a song ser vice followed by a selection from the Pratum Mennonite Sunday school and a chorus by the El dridge Sunday school. The Fruit land Sunday school will then fur nish music. The address of the afternoon will be given by Rev. . Britton Ross of Salem. His sub ject will be: "Palestine, Past and Present,." and the address will deal with the closing of tne pres ent dispensation. A male quartet from the Pratum Menonlte Sunday school will give the closing num ber. Waldo Kleen will lead the singing and Hoshie Watanate will be at the piano. The following program has been outlined by Mrs. H. F. Shanks, su perintendent of the Junior depart ment: The gathering will open at 10 a. m. with a song service followed by devotlonala led by Beulah Ger Ig of the Pratum Mennonite churchl Classses will then be held for the. cradle roll, primary and junioiHppartments followed by a Christmas sermon given by Mrs. Mary Ashbaugh. At noon the Juniors will enjoy basket dinners with the senior department. " A number of solos and Instru mental pieces will feature the af ternoon program for the junior department. Rev. Milo Ross of the Rosedale Sunday school will de liver a short talk. A pantomime: "The Old Rugged Cross," will be staged by. Vernella Miller. The concluding number of the jun ior program will be a special selec tion by the Clear Lake Sunday school. : Officers of the district are O. O. Epley, superintendent, Brooks; H. A. Ilahn, vice-president, Quinaby; Grace Klampe, secretary, Lablsh Center. Families Home at Christmas Period NORTH HOWELL, Dec. 26 .Family dinners were the rule in this -community yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waltman had a house full of dinner guests nad Mr. and Mrs.? A. T. Cline also had .'all their children and grandchil dren home for the day. A large group of relatives met at the home of Mrs. E. Norris for .dinner and Mr. and Mrs. L. Mayte . also entertained at dinner. ; Mrs. Martha Vinton is in Van couver, Wash., to spend the week with the Dan FcKay family and Lois Vinton left for San Francisco .last Snnday, after several weeks at her mother's home, ,-: Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rickard spent Christmas day In Salem .with Mrs. H. Rickard. Mr. and I Mrs. J. S. Coomler and Edwin and . . Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Coom--ler, Lois and John enjoyed a fam ily tree and Christmas party Tues day night at the McCarrol home I la Salem. Alan Wlesner, who is working .in Eugene, spent Christmas day at his parents home. . : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patterson entertained a group of friends and relatives for Christmas dinner. . l Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baughman are the parents .of a baby daugh ter born Saturday, December 21. at their home in this community. This Is the Baughman's second . daughter. Silverton Teachers Returning For Work, . Classrooms on Monday . SILVERTON. Dec. 26. Sil- verton - teachers will return from . their vacations Sunday to be on hand for opening Monday morning.-There will be sessions Mon . day and Tuesday with a holiday ! again; on Wednesday and regular ' sessions Thursday and t Friday. Robert Goeti, superintendent of .Silverton schools, will not be on hand at the opening as he is at tending a convention at St. Louis, Mo. . , Wells Teacher Puts On Christmas Numbers WELLS, Dec 26 The annual " Christmas entertainment of the ' Wells' school was held at the hall , here? last Thursday before school : adjourned Mrs. C. A. Craft, teach , er. having charge. A number of varied and Interesting selections " were given with a dialogue, "The ; Street of Hearts," the" feature pro gram offering. In this dialogue Ella Ives played the part ot .; "Mary," and Marvin Morse was "Joseph' Other children in the number-were Emma Kester, Gene Stockhoff. James Miller, Fay Mill- er. Lois Ray. . Distribution ot Christmas candies among the bll dren brought the program. a Close. 'V. Speed Search ' ' i - - , ' t . , v - -A t t I'-. These odds and. ends of wearing apparel being examined by a detee-j tiv at Doylestown, Pa were foun,d near the spot where Caleb Milne, IV, kidnap victim, was discovered and may provide a cjue to,' tne gang which abducted him.; News of West Salem WEST SALEM, Dec. 26 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Howard from Portland were guests at the W. H. Bucknum home Christmas eve. Mrs. Ruth Thomas entertained with a dinner party Christmas day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. O. O. White from Grand Ronde, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson from Salem, Mr. It. L. White, Mrs. M. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomas and son Ernest. Mrs. C. W. Davis slipped and fell while crossing a street in Sa lem Saturday and hurt her knee and ankle, but not seriously. Christmas dinner guests at Mrs. Fanny Moore's home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ThomasMjrand Mrs. Marion Thomas and daugh ter from Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Richards and daughter, Mr. Arthur Moore of Salem, Venard Moore of Portland, Mrs. Emma Moore of Turner, Orville Moore, Claude Moore, and Ernest Moore. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Thomas and family motored to Monmouth Christmas day to spend ttrs day with Mrs. C. C. Ailor, Mrs. Thom as' sister. Mr. and Mrs. Uale Lemon and family and Mrs. Gilliam spent Lodge Officers .Will Be Seated Rebekalis aud Oddfellows at Silverton Plan For January 9 SILVERTON, Dec. 26. Pub- lie Installation of officers of Try- phena Rebekah lodge No. 3 8 and of Silver lodge 21, I.O.O.F.. has been set for Thursday, January 9, at the Oddfellows hall. Irene Roubal, deputy president of the Trypbena order, will be as sisted in installing by grand wor den. Josie Hartman; grand mar- shall, Mabel Lerfald, grand secre tary, Sylvia Allen; grand treasur er, Mary Skaife; chaplain, Alice Egan; inside guardian, Maude Meyer. Elective officers to be Installed include noble grand, Freda Wahl; vice-grand, Inex Stevens; record ing secretary, Irene Roubal; fin ancial secretary,: Rose Larson; treasurer, Inez Olson; outgoing noble grand, Laura Busch. Installing officers of the Silver lodge include George Busch, dis trict deputy grand master; G.M., Fred Baker; D.G.W., B. C. Ben nett; D.G.G., S. Tegland; D.G. sec retary, Charles Meyers; D.G. trea surer, L. R. Sawyer; chaplain, E. O. Minor. Officers to be installed include noble grand, George Christensen; vice-grand. Dr. R. Moore Stewart; recording secretary, J. A. Gehrke; financial secretary. Roy Skaife; treasurer, Elmer King. Good Program Put on By Gervais Principal GERVAIS, Dec. 23 The com munity Christmas tree and pro gram was held at the school audi torium Friday night when schools In the high school district put oh a good program arranged by F. A. Gallegly, principal of the high school. Santa Clans arrived after the program and distributed 400 sacks of treats to children under 15 Tears of age. The community tree in Main street was lighted that night to continue through New Tear's. "PEP UP" STOMACH RELISH YOUR FOOD Don't lei atoaie lasisestfes spoO ya ppetit. auric yo fcal randan. Hg ffuh. without kmVtioa r trtt tow th rood tbinra ot Ufa. without trying Wil liam S. K. Formal. Tko first VottU nint prodne reaalts or money back. Wll liania S. I K. Formuls is ompoanded from too prescrtptioa of a fonaer arsiy doctor. It acta aa a mi! tonic, atomachi (tlmalaat. mild laxative and diuretic ct Ira alant for the kidaera. Beias m liquid already dlaaolred- it atarta to work !- moat immediately. Highly eoncentratod. H is economical to take. Try a bottl aadar the money-back (naranteeueo how maek better yon feel after a few dote. AS Ferry's Drag Store. ; tor Milne Gang i. ' ----- Christmas day In -Tillamook at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Paul. Miss McAdam Hostess Miss Lottie McAdam gave a din ner party Christmas day for Mr. and Mrs. Bedford and Ruth and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brock, and Miss Scovill. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis were dinner guests Christmas eve at the home of, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson on Fairmont hill. Mr. and Mrs. Davis spent Christmas day at Lakebrook with Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Strlngham of Grand Ronde are spending several days with Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. Stringham's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Clo verdale, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. The toys that were gathered by the Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls were mended by the Amer ican Legion and distributed by the Camp Fire Girls. The girls al so dressed the dolls. Candy was donated by the American Legion and Auxiliary. Nearly 20 children were supplied with Christmas presents by these groups. 4 Minor Accidents in Silverton; No Person Is Hurt in Collisions SILVERTON, Dec. 2C. Sil verton was comparatively quiet over Christmas day, as far as of ficial business on the part of the city police was concerned. S. A. Pitney, constable, reported check ing on four wrecks within hiu dis trict with no one hurt in any of them. Because there were no in4 juries he did not take the names Harry Burr was picked up for driving with no operator's license. Elmer Dick plead gnilty Thurs day morning before Judge Frank Alfred on a charge of drunken ness and was sentenced to 30 days in the county Jail. M e 1 v i n Holman, arrested by Lloyd Kennedy, night officer, plead guilty before Judge George Cusiter Thursday morning to a charge of drunkenness and was fined J7.50. Pleasant Time Had at Home in Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS. Dec. 26 Mr. Harriet Smithrnd entertained with a Christmas party at the homo of Mrs. A. W. Woodward Friday night. Games were played, ex changing of gifts and refresh ments Berved. Present were: Mrs. Edna Barth. Mrs. H. Asboe. Mrs. Tom Bentley, Mrs. John Thurman. Mrs. Robert Seaman, Miss Kreta Albright, Mrs. Chei Leichty, Mrs. Tit 1- v 1 . . vvenuen fieam. Mrs.. Jonn Bu chanan, Mrs. J. E. Saueresslg, Mrs. A. W. Woodward anrl Un Smithrnd. checks COLDS MB t Laqwid - Tablets first day Salve Nose Drops Headaches in 30 minutes Happily ew''! THIS Is a timely moment for having old,! unattractive furniture re-upholstered. New Tear'sits very basic Idea is to do away with the old and drear aspects of things; to start off with new hopes, brighter views! So. let us show you how magically we can transform your furniture for how really-little! ' Crowds Go To Church Mass Elaborate Oshtinsr For ' Christmas Exercises at Mt. Angel l MT. ANGEL, Dec. 26 Most of Mt. Angel took part in tb eariy morning Christmas services at St. Mary's church. The great church was tilled to capacity long before the 6 o'clock services, began. The nave of the church was but dimly lit and an unusually beautiful and effective lighting system centered on the crib scene, while St. Mary's choir sang Christmas carols. At 6 a. m. a solemn high mass was celebrated by Rev. Alcuin Heibel, assisted by Rev. Fathers Gabriel and Ildephonse. Father Alcuin delivered a short Christmas message in both German and Eng lish. A succession of low masses followed until 10:30, when an other solemn high mass with spe cial Christmas music and follow ed by benediction, completed the Christmas day services. On Christmas eve at 7:30 p.m.. a special broadcast of sacred mu sic was put on through loud speakers while a large picture of the nativity was unveiled' near the huge outdoor Christmas free, fur nished by the ML Angel fire de partment. The sketch for the pic ture was made by Rev. Gabriel Morris of St. Benedict's Abbey and the picture painted by Miss Geor gianna Bourbonnais and Miss Mary Jo Weishaar, local art stu dents. The broadcast included pipe or gan music, played by Rev. Placi dus Fuerst, one of the foremost organists on the coast, violin se lections by Miss Clara Keber, For rest Sauvain and Alexander Schar bach, Christmas carols by Mis Agnes Walker, Miss Pauline Saal feld, Miss Clara Keber and Miss Gertrude Bartnik and numbers by the male chorus. The entire program was spon sored by the Business Men's club, which since the time of its organ ization a year ago, has done ex cellent service for the commun ity. Plan Outside Speaker For P. T. A. Meeting SILVERTON, Dec. 26. The Silverton Parent-Teachers asso- ak, lifa' i r 1 1 in ar. . r- - V a l .... v.. . a- 'v - '..-:-x.5,c-,.v.,.v. . n- x Western women welcomed the chance to create a bread. Their tests don't dislike usual "baker's bread." They find it technically all right thrilling to taste. This new "woman's redjpe" loaf is different And WE SELL IT ONLY FIRST-DAY-FRESH y Julio Lmm Wright, bd tb mrWt Urgtst Htm Ecwmks Burtsm , HOW DOES IT DIFFER from USUal "baker's bread"? Into this "wo man's recipe" loaf haye gone ideas you Western women have cher ished for many a year. Housewives all over the West compared hundreds of loaves. Then we made the kind oft bread they liked best to eat! And we bring you this new bread always First-Day-Fresh! NOTE FRESHNESS DATE ON EVERY LOAF Any bread tastes best fresh from the oven. The chemists know why. Fragile bread-cell walls are soft, unbroken then. All the "flavor factors" are imprisoned in these fiuTiy-diin, tender cells. Oldest Pensioner Observes UU 115th Birthday Christmas CHATTAXOOGA, Ten-, Dec, 27-(-Ia little lo cabin balls-for 'Itim by the teder 1 government In Chlckamauga national park, Tom Thrash, once a negro slave, observed his 115th birthday Wednesday. Official papers set oat the age of the white-haired ne gro, recognized as Uncle Ham's oldest pensioner. Un cle" Tom says be remem bers President John Quincy Adams and he tell of hav ing served at a table for An drew Jackson.' Thrash had been married five times the last time when he was 107 -years old. Of the 29 children born to the Various unions, 22 are living, he said. He declared his eldest son had 14 boys in the world war. elation has postponed its meeting from January 2 until January 9. Officers felt that the regular meeting day came to dose upon the holiday season to plan an in teresting program. Mrs. Leo Al fred is association president. Ef forts are being made to secuie an outside speaker tor the occasion. UP-TO-DATE DENTISTRY Over 15 Years Practice Dr. HIGGINS DENTIST Over J. C Penney Store Telephone 0834 k s ft t 's os-- & ii..iMlns,yr.1 J i - ;1 iJfjt ' jbtfKjQhatl''lr-Cr6 ii leaf n"-)"- V ' 'aMSjaMmt mind you. Now chemists can measure, this cell-wall tenderness. They find that even the most costly waxed wrapping cannot keep the bread cell-texture soft for long. That's why we're so "cranky" about your getting this tender "woman's recipe" bread abso lutely First-Day-Fresh. On each loaf a "time-clocked" wrapper band states the day the loaf is fresh tells you when it can no longer be sold as fresh bread. Fresh loaves are delivered each morning to your grocer. Yester day's loaves are picked up and carried away from the store. Better try the new, different Julia Lee Wright Bread today! r . 1 ; Of Course It's Less at Cap! ans TUNA' Life Buoy SOAP WALNUTS SALT Rockwood Iran White King ;. prove women but far from FOR SALE Post r Wf ' ; THE 137 S. Commercial SL PHONE 4010 Schilling's per pound White Star, O Size Va Fran- quettes 2-lb. pkgs. It's Iodized. COCOA Flakes 1 r 1 Large Size Pkg. Granulated Qne Small Pkg. Soap FREE - . . ' J AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER SAFEWAY STORES Tomatoes , Standards Size 214 3 CANS S4 cans 3,... Sgs O ai lbs, HS pkgs. When men like a bread, tbey LIKE it! And husbands all over town are declaring Julia Lee Wright Bread their fa rorite.Irs quite unlike stand ard commercial loaves. Yes, it took a Voman's recipe" bread to get people excited - it eats better, eretr slice GUARANTEE: Serve Jolla lo Wrlkt rmrnd 4my. M mU hi yawr family aoa't ircaj.tkat this m are HiatCI fcattar, year freaer wH ralaael yoar aaaaay. A