The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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Churches Offering
Worship Features for the Noel
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 21, 1935
Yule Programs
For Silverton
Methodist Choir to . Sing
Willson's Cantata;
Others Given
SILVERTON, Dec. 20 Christ
mas will open at most of the Sil
rerton churches Sunday. Interest
ing mnsJcal programs are being
arranged by the various choirs
and Sunday schools in town and
the public is being invited to at
tend any of the services. V
The Methodist choir will pre
sent the cantata, "The Infant
King," with music by Ira B. WiU
son and text by Marion Wakeman,
Sunday night at 8 o'clock under
the direction of Fred Baker, with
Mrs. Roy Davenport at the pi
ano; Mrs. Edson Comstock, organ
ist, and violin accompanist... Mrs
Theodore Riches and Mrs. Wil
liam Swift. f
Soloists in the cantata are Mr3.
W. P. Scarth. Max' Scriber, Mrs.
J. J. Lewis, Mrs. Max Scriber, W.
E. Satchwell. Mrs. J. C. Currie,
Max Holland. ' A quartet, com
posed of Mrs. J. C. Currie, Mrs. F.
J. Roubal, A. H. Smith and W. E
Satchwell, will sing "Eventide."
Members of the choir are: Sopra
nos, Mesdames J. C. Currie, D. L..
Fields, Ed Given, A. Grinde, W. P.
Scarth, J. J. Lewis, Daryl Piper,
Max Scriber, Norman Naegli; al
tos, Mesdames F. J. Roubal. W.
F. Stoner, Dwight Foote, F. A.
Moore, F.'E. Sylvester, Misses Ol
ga Green, Agnes Steward and
Elaine Clower; tenors, B. J. Day,
A. H. Smith, Max Scriber, Theo
dore Riches, A. Small; basses. W.
E. Satchell, W. K. CaineMax Hol
land, Dwight Foote, A. H. Nol
gren, A. Siraatman, I. B. Alfred
D. Lester Fields and Wilfred
The Methodist Sunday school
program will be given during the
Sunday morning hour.
Program on Monday
The Congregational Sunday
school program will be given Mon
day night at 7:30 at the church.
Christmas carols in special ar
rangement will be sung by a mixed
chorus and Christmas play will be
given by the children.
The Sunday school and the
choir of the Immanuel Lutheran
church will . be given at 7:30
Christmas night; at the church. In
this, the part of the Pilgrim will
be portrayed by Alma Tostensoji.
Opal Bolme will be the narrator,
with scripture passages by Clif
ford Severson and boys and girls
in graaes live 10 eigai. tawin
Campbell . will give the prologue.
Miss Hannah Olson is superin
tendent of the Sunday school;
Miss Clarissa Brager and Mrs. Ar
thur Dahl are her assistants. Mrs.
Dahl is in charge of the music.
Candlelight Service
Sunday evening candlelight ser
vices will be held at Immanuel
church at 7:30. Singing of Christ
mas carols will be a feature. .
A mttsical program will be giv
en Sunday night at the Christian
church under the direction of Re
ta Rahn. Concert numbers will
Include "Star of the East," by An
na belle Jensen, Bernice Gay and
Eileen Rahn; "Song of the Des
ert" by the junior choir; "Little
Sunbeams," by Dorothy Jordan.
Edna May Roop, Caralee Conrad.
Tiino Rtvaell and Pauline N'P.-il
"Jesus Counts on You," the choirf
"If Christ Should Come." by Cal
vin Kirk; "We Will," by the
choir; xylophone solo, Eileen
Rahn; sermonette by Dr. W. O.
Livingstone. .
The Christian and Missionary
Alliance will give a program Sun
day .night at 7:45. Taking part
are Donald Lewis, Beatrice Lewis
Billy Pederson, Robert and Ernest
Moen. Gene Holland; Donald Pe
derson, Kenneth Towns, Mildred
Lewis, Dorothy Herigstad, Floyd
Herrigstad, Doris Towns, Janet
St. Paul's Catholic church will
observe Christmas day with spe
cial masses. Christmas carols will
be sung by the girls and chil
dren's choirs. The men's choir
will sing the Gregorian Chant at
10:30 mass on Christmas day.
The Christmas program of the
children of the church school of
reorganized Church of Latter Day
Saints, will be given Sunday
'morning at 11 o'clock.
Special Christmas services will
be held Christmas day at 9:30
Wednesday morning, with Rev. E.
G. Larson delivering the sermon
and special music by the choir.
Wednesday night at 7:20 the Sun
day school and choir, will give a
program under the jrlireetlon of
Henry Torvend, Sunday school su
perintendent, and Mrs. M. G. Gun
derson, choir director.
The Christmas tree program at
Calvary Lutheran church will be
given Monday night at 7:30. The
program, "Let There Be Light." is
arranged by Rev. ; Clarence John
son. Special music will be furnish
ed by the choir, the Herigstad
triplets and the Crocket children.
There will be services "at 11 o'
clock on Christmas day.
Temple Baptist to Meet
For Program Tuesday Eve
The annual Christmas program
and tree for the Temple Baptist
church will be held Christmas eve
at 7:30 o'clock. In addition. Sun
day night the Sunday school will
present a service featuring Christ
inas numbers, also at 7:30 o'
clock. ' Wv- ,
H, Select Yule Night
The bible school of the First
German Baptist church. North
Cottage and D streets-, will pre
sent its- Christmas program Wed
nesday night at 7:30 o'clock, the
pastor. Rev. J. F. Olthoff, - an
nounces. Christmas Programs
Continued on Page 10
"Homily of Christmas Candles" Seen
As Message of Seven lights; life Is
Made Better by Christmas Symbolism
NO beautiful tradition comes at Christmas than the
lighting of the candles around the Christmas tree, said
Rev. J. R. Simonds, pastor of the First Congregational
church here, in a sermon preached during the past week to
his congregation. The message of the sermon and its beau
tiful expression so attracted many of the listeners that it was
deemed worthwhile to print it as a Christmas message for
Statesman readers:
"The spirit of Christmas clothesO ' -
itself In beautiful symbolic decor
ations. The blazing Yule log, the
mistletoe, wreaths of red berried
holly, garlands of fragrant cedar
and the jeweled branches of the
Christmas tree; all combine to
make this season the brightest
and most festive of the - year.
Among the traditional Yuletide
decorations none are more beau
tiful than shining candles. Upon
the altar, in the chancel of the
cfiurch, above the fireplace at
home; or gleaming through the
window into the dark street with
out; their soft and mellow radi
ance has something of the Qua
lity of the manger light itself. For
they are not only beautiful; they
are full of meaning. Their living
tongues of limpid , flame speak
to the attentive soul symbolic
messages older than Christmas
itself. There is a sermon in their
quivering fire, a homily of the
Christmas candles.
Light Religion Symbol
"God is Light." So speaks the
first bright flame. "God is Light,
and in Him there is no darkness
at all". Here indeed is an ancient
symbol in religion. Almost from
the beginning man has seen In
light the shining forth of deity.
The, sun, the moon, the stars of
heaven;; the flaming thunderbolt,
the warming fire upon the hearth.
Light which makes visible, which
heals, which warms, protects but
can destroy. Light which puts
night and fear to flight. Light
which is God. . .
"Christ is Light". So speaks
the second flame. "In him was the
light of God made manifest".
When Mary his mother presented
him first in the temple the aged
Simeon said "Now lettest thou thy
servant depart, O Lord, in peace
for mine eyes have seen thy
salvation a light to lighten the
Gentiles and to be the glory of thy
people Israel". On the anniversary
of that day, in .many branches of
the church, they still bring the
year's supply of candles to the
altar that they may be blessed in
the name of him who is the light
of the world. The Christmas can
dle symbolizes the entrance of
that Jight among men. Only the
light which shines forth from
him, the glory of his message, the
revelation of God in his life, can
banish the world's darkness. . .
"You are the light of the
world". So speaks another voice
of flame. "The spirit of man is
the candle of the Lord". The light
which shone through Christ from
God must now shine through you
if it is to be shed abroad in this
time in which we live. You are
the present keepers of the light.
Carry it wherever you go. In lov
ing word, in deeds of service, in
all you say and are "let your light
shine". In your home, your bus
iness, your times of recreation, in
every aspect of your living "let
your light shine that men may see
and glorify your Father which
is in heaven".
Light Shines Far
Do, you grow discouraged? Does
it seem sometimes as though your
light is lost in the world's dark
ness? Then listen to the next
voice from the" candles. It speaks
in words of Shakespeare's. "How
far that little candle throws its
beams. So shines a good deed in
a naughty world". Scientists tell
us that, when the great telescope
which is now in the making is set
up, it would be possible to see
through it the flame of a single
candle hundreds of miles away.
"And now the fifth voice
speaks. "Life is not the wick, or
the candle, it is the burning". It
is not the body but the living spir-
Lutheran Youths
Will Have Tree
Program Will Be Given at
Church Sunday Night
at 7 O'clock
The Sunday school of the Am
erican Lutheran church will hold
its Christmas program and tree
Sunday night at 7 o'clock, with
Alvin Olson, superintendent, in
charge. -
This program will be given:
Primary Department
Christmas Wishes James Stewart,
Donna Young. NUes Wicker.
Christmas Bell Drill by the Girla.
Recitation Beverly Kendall.
Charity Janet Stewart, James Jensen,
Joseph Jacobs, Edgar Michelson, Bruce
Nicholson, Richard Dennis, Xiles Victr,
Lather's Cradle Sons Primary Depart
ment A Christmas Lullaby Juaaita Pittmaa
and Jean Rogsn. - 4
Way D Bells at Christmas Ringl
Jalia Jensen, Lillian Coward and Don
ald Carson.
Christmas at Graadmothers Bobby and
Hilton Thompson.
8ong, Holy Christ Child Richard
Bracken, Donald MeGarry and Richard
Christmas Offering: a playlet Bar
bara Gilmore, Rath. Finden. Lois Ostrom,
Jean Rogan, Iuaaa Ia&acaoa and Donald
Tha Brownie Men Lloyd Finden. Carl
Jorgeaaen. Lonia MeGarry.
. Interlude
Duet Eleanore Seders trom and Glady a
"Children of the Starlight," a psgeant
by Junior Skyles. Bob Sederstrom. Gor
don Kraeger, Lois tiregson. Wither Fin
den, Harold Kelson, Lloyd Rcinwald. Mer
len Xelsoa, Orion Regan, Vergil Mason
and Junior Kelson. '
Songs: "Silent Night" Chorus.
Remarks The raster-.
i t
"Rev. J,. R. SimoDda
it. It Is not the wax or fiber but
the bright, warm flame. Religion
is not the historic creed, lor insti
tution, it is not the honored code
of ethics or the treasured volume
of sacred writ. It is the living
soul, afire with present personal
experience spending itself for
God. . .
This leads ns straight to the
sixth phrase of the homily. "A
candle is at its brightest upon an
altar". Candles are symbols of
light. They are also symbols of
sacrifice. Their light is born of
sacrifice. They consume them
selves in their burning. The can
ons of the early church prescribed
that candles which were to be
used in the sefvice of God should
be made only of pure and frag
rant wax. The wax was the prod
uct of flowers which bloomed and
died, but gave of their substance
to the bee. He gathered it and
died, his work done, and that for
which he spent his life was offer
ed on God's altar as a burning
sacrifice. The candle died also
but its light had been offered to
God. It lived on in his remem
brance. . .
Lord Lights Candle
"There is one more voice and
it speaks from the seventh can
dle. Its words are simple and ob
vious but none the less profound.
It says, "A candle never lights it
self, it must be lighted". Some
times it is lighted from another
candle. So, many a candle of the
Lord has been lighted at the flame
of another light. From father to
son, from mother to daughter,
from teacher to pupil, from friend
to friend, so the light has been
passed on down the dark corri
dors of the centuries, as eastern
pheasants passed the altar flame
from candle to candle at the feast
of lights. But the old tradition is
that the Christmas candle should
be lighted from the blazing Yule
log on the hearth. Lighted from
a fire greater than itself. It is best
so. Why should one seek to light
the fire of his faith and life purposes-
only at the fires of other
men when he may light them di
rectly from the flaming altar of
the God of light and fire.
Such is the sevenfold messages
from the seven flames, the hom
ily of the Christmas candles. May
it speak to us from their radiance
wherever we see them this Christ
mas until we say, in the words of
the psalmist "Thou Lord, shalt
light my candle" and so find new
wonder in the light which shone
from Bethlehem and others find
that light shining in us and glor
ify the God of the Christmas an
gels and Christ the Morning
Engletcood Church to
Have Special Yuletide
Program Sunday Night
The children's division of the
Sunday school of the Englewood
United Brethren church gave its
Christmas program Friday night
Sunday at 7:30 p. m., the choir
of the Englewood church will give
a special program of Christmas
music and song. At the morning
service, the choir will sing an an
them from the Cantata, "Around
the Manger." and the pastor. Rev
R. C. Mann will speak on "Simo
on's Joy at the presentation of the
Christ Child in the Temple."
Vesper Program.
Knight Memorial
' The knight Memorial church
win present tne following Christ
mas vesrer concert Snndav at I
o'clock with Donald J. Allison at
the organ: .
Organ prelude "O Gladsome Light"
Candlelight Processional.
Anthem "Thru' the Sight" (Ham
Trio "Far Across the Desert Sands'
Verua Griffin, Ray Drakeley
John Ritchie
Anthem "OH Bethlehem City" (Bam
Solo "Glory to God In the Highest'
(Gaines). Ailene Moored.
Organ "Hymn to the Virgin" (Seciliaa
Trio "Jean Redemptor" (Pietro Ton).
Caryol Braden, Harriett Adams,
Verus Griffin
Anthem "Where Shepherds Watched'
Quartet "Messiah Is King" (Havens)
Mrs. J. I. Teed. Harriett Adams,
Richard Smart H C Htnr.r
Anthem "Come and Worship" (Hey-
Postlude "Chorale" (Tolstyakoff).
fc XiMi.,.Kl
Two Programs
Slated Sunday
School Group on in Morn
and Vesper Cantata
in Afternoon
The First Evangelical church
will present its Christmas pro
grams Sunday with the Sunday
school program In the morning at
9:45 o'clock and vesper service
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon when
the choir will present its Christ
mas cantata.
"The Christmas Candle," a pro
gram In sons and story, will be
given In the morning by the jun
ior and primary departments as
sisted by a chorus of high school
girls. Mrs. F. E. Barnick, pianist,
and Donald Barnick, violinist, will
play the prelude. The leading
parts in the pantomime will be ta
ken by Frances Kelley, Phyllis
Launer, Robert Ross, Leo Thorn
ton and David Schwantz with Mrs.
R. L. Wright, reading. Miss Roa
Doan and Miss Lucille Wilson will
sing "Christmas Memories" and
Sons Jane Millet will play a violin
Children on Program
The beginners' department will
complete this program with their
presentation on the theme of
"Love." Characters are: Three
children, Gloria Hurt, Donnie Ow
ens and Joyce Jensen; Mary, Joan
Bunelle; Messenger, Laura Gay
Riggs; Night, Jerry Lamkin; Star,
Arlyne Hilflker; Angel, Marjorie
Beck, and Love, Patricia Elliott.
The little Misses Beverly Siewert,
Lela Beach, Beverly Hofstetter
and Barbara Owens will each sing.
In closing, the entire department
of tiny folk will sing.
At its Christmas Vesper ser
vice In the afternoon the church
choir will present "The Star of
the East," a cantata by J. S. Fear
Is. William, Wright, director of
the choir, will sing the offertory
solo. Miss Helen Rex is organist.
The cantata program follows:
Cantata Numbera
Organ Prelude . Miss Helen Rex
"Arise, Shine" Choir
Tenor solo Herbert Bennett
"The Stranger Star" Choir
Contralto aolo Mias Elva Ault
Baritone aolo John Rudin
'The Angel Song"
Duet Mrs. K. H. Ennel, Herbert Ben
nett Sing, O Heavens" Choir
Baritone solo Laurence Maves
Beautiful Star"
Honrano aolo Mrs. Norville Gleason
"Awake, Pot on Thy Strength" ....Choir
Contralto solo Miss Effies Grimes
Baritone solo Laurence Mayes
Bethlehem" ..Ladies' Quartet
Lead Thou Me On"
Baritone solo John Rudin
"There Shall Be Night No More" -Choir
Contralto aolo Misa Esther Hilraer
Rejoice Greatly" Choir
Tenor aolo Herbert Bennett
Jason Lee Offers
Christmas Story
Harp Music by Mrs. Day Is I
Feature of Sunday
Night Program
A two-part Christmas program
has been prepared for the Jason
Lee church choir for Sunday nlgnt
at 7:30 o'clock. The numbers
Organ Prelude "Tlie Herald Angela"
Mrs. A. F. Christensen
Hymn "Silent Night, Holy Night"
InTocation Rev. Lynn A. Wood, Pastor
Part One: The Story of cnristmaa
Prophecy Fulfilled
' O Day ol Wonders" Irom. --immanuel"
Choir, with Basa Solo, Robt. Klempel
The- Inn
"No Room" from The Holy rvativity
Alto Solo Ardelle Earnest, with.
The Shepherds
"Wake Ye U snepneras - ueiDei
Choir, with Alto Unison
Harp Solo "Priere" Hasselmanna
Esther Palmer Day
The Wise Men
"Song of the Magi" Miles
Choir, with Men's Unison
Organ Offertory ' -Christmas Carol"
Loren a
Mrs. A. F. Christensen
Part Two: The Spirit of Christmas
Life and Salvation
"Lift Up Your Heada" from The Light
ef the World Heine
Choir, with Ladies' Dnet
Harp and Organ Duet "Communion in
G" Batiste
Esther Palmer Day and Jewel
"The. Munic of the Bells" from The
Music of Bethlehem . Holton
Organ and Piano Duet "Christmas Fan
tasie" Jewel -Christensen and Corliaa
Pathwav to God
"Star of Bethlehem" Adams
The Choir
Harp Solo "Aceste Fideles" Ward
Esther Palmer Say
"Glory to God" The Choir
Benediction Rev, Wood
Postlude "CBristmaa" , Stulta
Mrs. A. F. Christensen
Eucharist Slated
On Tuesday Night
St. Paul's Episcopal church will
present the service of the Holy
Eucharist at 11:30 o'clock Tues
day night, and Sunday night will
offer a pageant and carols at
The service late Christmas ere
Mra. R. It RobrtBon. Director of Choir
Mrs. Kenneth Dal ton Organist
Oreran ITelude:
-The March of the Magi King"
. . Du Bo is
(sustained note signifies Star of.
Processional Hymn 7S
Te Deum
Service in the Prayer Book Page (7
Tours Communion
Kyrle Eleison ,
Collect and Eplstla
Gloria Tlbl -Gospel
Gratiaa Tlbl
Sermon Hymn
orrertory .
"Jesii, Sob of Man's TVslrlng" Bach
Service In the Prayer Book Paare 74
Comfortable Words
Sursum Corda Sanctus
Communion Hymn
Gloria tn Excels!
Nunc tMmittis
Sevenfold Amen
Agnes Del
Hymn 73
-The Christmas March" Merkel
Music, Drama
Share Worship
Helen Nash to Sing Solo
at First Christian
Night Program
The First Christian church cor
ner of Center and High streets,
will present its annual Christmas
program Sunday night at 7:30.
Guy L. Drill Is pastor of the
church. The first part of the ev
ening will he devoted to a Christ
mas concert by the choir with in
cidental solos by Edith Jones and
Frances Denlson. Other number.?
will be presented by the men's and
women's quartets. .. Helen Nash,
soprano soloist, will sing a de
lightful 8olo by Geoffrey O'Hara.
John Schmidt is director of the
choir and Lois Plummer Schmidt
is organist.
The second part of the evening
will be devoted to a one-act dra
ma, "The Gift," by Madee A. Fo
ley. "The Gift" Is directed by
Beulah Graham and is presented
by the dramatic department of the
Crusaders for Christ, Marion. Min
thorn, chairman. Willard Gritton
Is in charge of the stage and light
ing. The Bcenes are laid in a Ju
dean home at the time of Christ's
ministry. It Is the siory of a lit
tle lad who gave a gift to the
Complete Program
The complete program:
Organ prelude "The Holy Xight"
Processional "O Come All Ye Faithful"
Congregational hymn "Joy to tbe World"
Evening prayer by the pastor.
Ladies' quartet "O Little Town of Beth
lehem Redner
(Helen Xash, Vivian Sharpnack, Mrs.
C. E. Lee. Dorothy Smith)
Tha Christmas Story, from the Scriptures,
by the pastor.
Anthem "Angel Voices Ever Singing"
Solo "Shepherds, in the Hush of Night"
(Helen Nash)
Anthem "Tne Holy Mother Sings"
t. McKinney
Men's quartet "The Guiding Star"
(John Schmidt, Milton Graiapp, War
ner Jackson. Abe Friesen)
Anthem "Angels From the Realms ef
Glory" .'. Dectree
(Incidental aolos by Edith Jones
and Frances Denison)
Organ offertory "The Coming of the
Magi Horse
Cut for Play
"The Gift," a one-act drama directed
by Beulah Graham and presented by the
following cast: Joe, Orval Cooley; tlulda.
Beth DeLapp; Malachi, Liston Parrish;
A Stranger, Melvin Holt; Gabriel, Chas.
Losh, and Martha, Joy Cooley.
Men'a quartet "The Stranger of Gali
lee M orris
Benediction by the pastor.
Postlude "A Christmaa Fantasy"
13th and Center streets. Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. F. M. Litwiller, superinten
dent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Christmaa cantata by the choir, "The
Manger of Bethlehem." Young people's
service at 6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m., Christ
mas program by the Sunday school chil
dren, consisting of songs, recitations and
dialogues. 8:30 p. in., Christmaa cantata
by the choir, "King AH Glorious.
Marion and North Liberty streets. Brit-
ton Ross, minister. Bible school at 9:45
m. Fred Broer, superintendent. Morn
ing worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "The
Diamond Point of Komane Three. B. i.
P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Sunday evening pray
er meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Evening ser
vice at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, "Jesus
Christ, Who He Is, How He Came, What
He Came For." Special music by the choir
at both services. No prayer meeting Wed
nesday evening.
19th and Ferry etreets. H. C. Stover.
minister. Morning worship service at 11
o'clock. Sermon, "Christmas in the
Heart." Anthem. "Where Shepherds
Watched" (Wilson). Trio, 'Across the
Desert Sands" (Hamblen). Duet,
"Brightest and Best" (Cranmer). A
Christmas vesper concert at 5 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. J. J. Thompson,
superintendent. Christian Endeavor at
6:45 p. m.
Eighteenth and Statestreets. Rev. Amos
E. Minneman, A.M., pastor. German at
9:30 a. m. Subject, "Behold the Lamb
of God." English at 11 a. m. Subject,
"What Sayest Thou ot Thyself." Sun
day school at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Jacob Fox,
superintendent. Luther league at 7 p. m.
Alvin Battalion, leader. Subject, "Substi
tutes for the Book."
Pueblo Indians Mix Christian With Pagan Rites
F-K.VVAc& K .isw . .-. . . .
, . , v
Pw Christmas celebrations In
stranger, than the observance
f I Pueblo village at Toa . , "
I v ft H 7 it f j- 13
IndUn. of New Mexico who combine ancient pagan f full regalia. '
4miimf than t n a nncprvinre
rites with the ceremonies of modern Christianitj.
Although they have followed Christianity for more
than 300 years, this ancient race still carrieson
their ancestral habit of sun worship. On Christmas
Eve residents at each of the numerous Pueblo
villages gather at the local church where ceremonies
Coart and 17tk atreeta. It. W. Dan
iels, paator. Bible school at 9:45, Miss
Jean ; Hawkins, Snpt. A special Christ
maa program by the children. Morning
worship and obsarvanee of the Lord's
sapper at 11:00. Vocal solo by Mrs.
Sarah Tennis ; sermon. "When the An
gel's Were Gone"; Christian Endeavor in
aenior, intermediate and junior societies.
Friday evening worship, singing, led by
Dr. H C. Epley. and an old-fashioned
Christmas program; short talk on "Wise
Men Still Seek Christ." The pastor wilt
be ont of town Christmas week so there
wiU not be the usual meetings of the
Ladies' Aid, Bible Drama club and mid
week Bible study.
Church Street between Chemeketa and
Center streets. Rev.; P. f. Eriksen, pas
tor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school, Alvin Ol
son, Supt. ; prelude, A Christmas Pastor
ale (Mathews) Ruth Bedford; 11 a. m.,
morning worship, "Searching What Time
or Manner of Time Be 8hould Come";
special mule, "It Came Upon the Mid
night Clear, and Over Distant Mount aina
Breaking." Solo, "The Lord la My Shep
herd," Mrs. Stanley Satchwell, (Liddle);
offertory. Adoration, from tha Holy City,
(Gaul) Organist; anthem. Rise Up O Men
of God, (Noble) directed by Prof. E. W.
Hobson; 7 p. m., Sunday achool program
and Christmaa tree.
Corner Summer, and Marion streets.
Emory W. Pettieord, minister. Sunday
school st 9:45 a. m. The Christmas prog-ram
by tha children will bo given. Morn
ing worship at 11 o'clock. Anthem. "Sing,
O Heavens," Fearis. Sermon, "Jesus in
the Midst." "Vesper service at 4 p. m.
The cantata, "The Star of the East" by
Fearis will be given by the choir. High
school league and yoong people's lesgue
will meet st 6:30 p. m. -Evening evan
gelistic service st 7:30 o'clock. Gospel
song service. Tenor solo by Prof. Wil
lism Wright. Sermon, "Messsges From
God to Msn." Prsyer service Thursday
at 7:30 p. m.
North Winter at Market street, M. H.
Pitcher, pastor; Mazine Ross, director of
the young people's activities; Herbert
Hansen, - S. S. Supt. Sunday school at
9:45; morning worship at 11, "The Value
of Tribulation"; special mnsie by Mr.
and Mrs. Chase, of Toronto, Canada : sub
ject for the 2:30 service, "The Witness
of the Spirit." The Y. P. M. S. meets at
6:30; Evangelistic service at 7:30, "The
Harvest is f'ast." , Sunday will conclude
Rev. E. E. Shelhamer's evangelistic cam
paign. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30
p. m. '
Highland avenue at Church street; T.
Clio Brown, psstor. Bible school st 10
o'clock; Clifton Ross, Bupt. Meeting for
worship at 11; messages, "The Reproach
and the Glory Associated with Christ
mas." Junior C. E. at 5:30; adult and
intermediate C. K's st 6:30 p. m. Evange
listic service at 7:30, evening message,
"The Appearing of Christ nnto those who
look for Him. A community Christmaa
program, sponsored by the Bible school,
will be given Monday at 7:30. Midweek
prayer meeting, Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
N. Cottage and D atreets. 3. T. Olt
hoff. pastor. Bible school, 9:45; Sam
Schirmann, Snpt. Morning hour of wor
ship at 11 o'clock.. Sermon. "The Ap
pearance and Purpose of Grace." The
evening service is In charge of the young
people, who will present an interesting
and edifying program. The Bible school
and the evening service are conducted in
English, the .morning, service In German.
Bible school Christmaa program Wednea
day, 7:30 p. m.
Chemeketa at Winter streets. Grover
C, Birtchet, D. D., pastor. 9:30 a. m.,
church achool. J. J. Fitzsiraons, , Supt.
Classes for children and adults; 11:00
a. m., morning worship; Christmas ser
vice; sermon, "Who Is This Jesus!";
anthem. "The Morning Has Come for
Rejoicing" (Gaines); solo by Miss Mil
tried Mulkey. "Holy Nieht" (Adams) ;
6:80 C. E. societies; 7:30 p. m.. evening
worship; sermon. "Things to Come";
snfhem, "Child Divine" (Geigel) ; Thurs
dsy, 7:30 p. m;, prsyer service.
Corner of 17th snd Chemekets streets,
H. H. Dick, pastor. Sunday school st
9:45 a. m. ; n. W. Wall, 8upt. Morning
worship at 11. Evening services st 7:30.
Special music and songs at each service.
Christmas progrsm Monday st 7:30 p. m.
Christmaa services Wednesday at 10 a. m.
Prayer meeting Thnrsdsy st 8 p. m.
Sunday school 10:00 a. m. : morning
worship 11:00 a. m.; sermon subject. "In
the Manger," by Rev. P. Crowle-U'Renn.
Evening worship: processional, , "Silent
Night! Holy Night"; offertory solo, "O,
Star of the East," by Mrs. W. D. Lamb;
sermon. "The Star and the Scepter," by
Rev. P. Crowle-U'Renn. .
W. C. T. U. Hall corner South Commer
cial and Ferry street". F. Gordon Flem
ing, pastor. Services Sunday, 7 :45 p. m.
Divina healing and aong service; 8:00
p. m.; lecture subject, "Is tha Townsend
Plan a Religion t"
- --'- ff-" Ti"asViffi -arhah-irv-aTi-aMaaT m
Aaciesit adob cTaarcla
United States are
staged by Pueblo
iLatKCU u t . . i - -
of Center and Hick atroota. Got
L. Drill, minister. Church achool at 9:80
a. m. with A. P. Speer, auperintendent.
A special Christmaa program. Morning
worship and communion at 10:45. An
them: "Angel Voices Ever Singing."
(Bortniansky). Solo bv John Schmidt; '0'
Holy Night." (Adam). Sermon : "Born
in Bethlehem.! Christian Endeavor soci
eties meet at 6:15. Evening service at
7:30. Christmss concert by tbe choir:
men's quartet, ladiea" quartet and Helen
Xash, soloist. The. Crusaders present the
drama. "Tha Gift," under the direction
of Beulah Graham. Church night service
on Thursday evening. Supper at 6:30;
classes and devotional following.
Ferry at High atreet. Kev. A mo Q.
Weniger. paator. Bible school directed
by W. J. Foster ot 9:45 a. ra. Horning
worship at 11 o'clock. Annual Christmas
messsge, "Simeon and the Saviour." Tbe
evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Ques
tions answered by the pastor during the
fore part of the service. Sermon. "Em
manuel -God With Us." The choir under
the direction of E. D. Lindburg will sing
at each service. The B.Y.P.U. at 6gJ0
p. m. The Christmaa program and enter
tainment of the bible school Mondsy
night. Because of the holidsy, the mid
week service will be cancelled.
Milo Clifton Ross, minister. Church
school, 10 a. m.; T. D. Trick, 8upt. 10;45,
Christmas program; anthem, "Cantique
de Noel," (Adam); illustrated sermon
by the minister, "A Little Child Shall
Lead Them." Intercessory prayer at 4;
both C. E. societies will sponsor a White
Gift Christmas; evangelistic meeting at
8; sermon Is &o. 1 ot a series. ;Vhat
the Bible Teaches About the Gift of
Tongues." Cottsge prayer meeting Thurs
day evening, ta W. T. Way Horns.
Corner of N. 19th and Preyman atreets,
Ernest H. Brown, psstor. Sunday school,
9:45. Wendell Cross. Supt. Mornina ser
vices 11:00 a. m., sermon. "Representa
tives at the Birth of Christ": at the
evening services .members of the Sundsy
scnooi and others will have charge of the
service featuring a special Christmas ser
vice at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day, i :au p. m.
North Capitol and Marion atreeta. Ed
win Horstman, pastor. Sunday achool,
10 a. m. ; German services 10 a. m., "The
Testimony of John." English services 11
a. m.. "A Herald Delivera a Message."
The annua Christmas program by the
members of the church school will be
given Sundsy st 7:30 p. m. Christmas
day Germsn services will be conducted at
10 a. m., and English services at 11 a. m.
Communion in both services.
315 N. Commercial. Sunday Bib la
school, 2 p. m., topie, Christ is Born;
Mrs. Joe Wilson, Supt.; devotional ser
vice, 8 p. m. ; evangelistic aervice, 7:30;
Monday night Christmas program, and
a message by Rev. H. Hansen, - 8:00;
Thursday night, prayer aervicer 7:30 Sat
urday night the visiting missionary
speaks. A. J. Jensen, pastor.
North Cottage and Hood streets, L.
Wedely - Johnson, psstor. Chnrrh school
sssembly at 9:45; morning sermon st
11:00, subject. "The Voice of the King";
young people's meeting st 6:45 p. m. ;
evening service st 7:45; broadcast at
8:15 to 0; goio, "Star of the East." sung
by Claudine Gillespie. Special marimba
music accompanied by Orval Beardsley.
Christmaa program Monday night at
655 Ferry street. Sundsy school 9:45
s. m. ; morning worship 11:00 a. m.;
young people's meeting 6:45 p. m. : even
ing service 7:45 p. m. Marion Griebenow,
returned missionary from Tibet, will
speak at both services. Gospel team ser
vice Sunday at 8 p. m.. at Methodist Old
People'a home. Christinas progrsm on
Tuesday at 7:45 p. m. Choir and orches
tra practice Thursday evenipg.
Upstairs 441 Court street. J. Alonio
Sanders, psstor. Sunday worship 10:30.
"No Room in the Inn": 2 p. m., Bible
school, S. A. Berkey, Kupt.; 8 p. m.,
prsyer snd praise; 6:45 Pentecostal
Gleaners; 7:45 p. m., evangelistiejPtJes
day, Bible study in the Hook OT Acts;
Thursday and Saturday gospel meetings,
Corner of Cottsge snd Chemekets: Sun
day achool 10:00 a. m. ; sacrament ser
vice, 6:30 p. m.; M. O. A.. Tuesday. 7:30
p. m.; relief society Thursday, 2:00 p. m.
Xorth Cottage and Shipping streets. C.
T. Springe, minister. Bible study at 10
a. m. Preaching at 11 by' the regular
minister. Observance of the Lord's sup
per. Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
Corner I2th and Leslie atreets. Up
stairs. Sundsy school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing worship at 11; evangelistic at 7:45
p. m. ; midweek servlcea Tuesday and Fri
day nights at 8.
Ol zr
I i i' i 1
r j I
-" i va
sat wnw
begin with a strange dance of weird firure cos
tnmMi with hufTalo or deer heads and hunters In
weaving In and out to the rhythm of the tribal
drums in a symbolic tableau designed to petition
the" sun god for future fortune and bountiful
harvests for the coming year. These pagan rites
then "give way, to modern religious services with
mass led by a robed Franciscan priest'
Ghoir to Sing
In Candlelight
Eleanore -Moore Soloist at
First Methodist
A candlelight Noel service will
be an Innovation for the Pirat
Methodist church Christmas offer
iag, this program to be given San
day night at 7:30 o'clock, with
the choir ot 50 voices singing. The
choir members will march In bear
ing candles, and during the ser
vice the aisles wil be lighted with
large cathedral tapers.
In the morning at 9:30 o'clock,
the Sunday school departments
will give their, program for" the
Roberts Organist
The order of the candlelight
service, with Prof. T. S. Roberts
organist and Cameron Marshall,
choir director, follows:
Prelude j
Processional "Adeste Fideles'
Hymn "Joy to the World"
First- Scripture .Reading
Anthem "Gesu Bambino" v.Pietre Ton
Incidental solo, Richard Barton,, bass -Ancient
(a) "Tha First Noel"
.(b) "What Child is Thlsf,
fe) "A Babe in Born ia Bethlehem
Second Scripture Reading
Solo "O Holy Night" , ; Adam
Offertory "Tha March at tha Magi'
Ancient Carols .
(a) "Songs of Praise the Angels Sing'
(b) "Away in a Manger"
(c) "I Saw Three Ships Coma Ssiling
In" -
The Message of the Candle, Lighting
Miss Mildred Bartholomew
Anthem "No. Candle Was There snd No
Fire" -MLehmsnn
Tbe Csndle Lighting ;
Organ Foatlude
Vesper Program
By Candlelight
For Sunday Eve
T,he soft radiance ot many can
dleij; tbe simple beauty of the age
old Christmas story and the well
loved Christmas hymns; solos and
carols by an augmented choir;
here is a service ot beauty, dignity
and inspiration to be observed at
the First Congregational church
on Sunday evening at 5 o'clock.
Herbert Hobson, Ronald Craven
and Miss Josephine Bross will sing
solos; the gowned choir will sing
old-time carols; and Mr. Simonds
will read Christmas poems. Christ
mas greens, -ana i;nrisimas organ
numbers by Mrs. Rich will furn
ish the background for this "An
nual Candle Light -Vespers."
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sundsy
school at 9:45 and 11 a. m. Sunday ser
vices st 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject ef
lesson sermon, "Is tha Universe, Jncluil-
ing Man, Evolved by Atomic Fores 1"
Testimony meeting Wednesday at S p. mj
Reading room in Maaonie temple opea
11 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., except Sunday a
and holidays.
North 17th and Nebraska streets. K. C.
Mann' miniatr ' fV II iHnvr .LaI,
rector. Miss Helena Price, pianist. Sun
day school at 0:45 a. m. (ilen Looney,
auperintendent. Morning worship at 11
o'clock.- Anthem, from the cantata,
"Around the Manger" by Lorens. Theme,
"Simeon 'a Joy at tha Presentation of tha
Christ Child in the Temple." At 7:20
p. m,, the choir will give a special pro
gram of Christmaa muaie and song.
South Commercial and Myera streets.
Dean C. Poindexter, minister. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at
11 o clock. A Savior ia Born." Tba
Epworth league Christmas vesper service
st 4:30 p. m. A sacred Christmas cantsta
will he given st tha 7:30 hour. A chil
dren's Christmas progrsm and treat will
be given Monday at 7:30 p. m. r-rayer
aervica Thursday evening at 7 :30 o'clock.
South Commercial at Washington street.
Chas. C. Haworth, paator. Sunday achool
at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Bermon, "Tne Meaning of Cnrlatraaa.
Christian Erfdeavor meeting at 0:30 p. m.
7:30 p. ni., the fcunuay school Christmaa-
exercises a scripture Christmas service
Thursday. 7:30 p. m- midweek meeting
for prayer, praise and Bible study.
North Winter and Jefferson streets.
Lynn A. Wood, minister. Chnrrh school
st V:4 a. m. Morning worsnip st 11
o'clock. Theme. "The Meaning of the
Incarnation." Intermediate league at 5:30
p. m. Epworth ieagoee at 6:30 p. as. pro
gram of Christmaa music by the church
choir at 7:30 p- m. Sunday achool Christ
mas program , -Monday, ieceraber 23, at
7:30 p. m.
State and Church atreeta. Jaa. E. Milli
gan. pastor. Mildred Bartholomew, di
rector of young people'a activities. K. M.
Gatke, Sunday school superintendent. Sun
dsy school Christmss program at 9:30
a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
"Tha Sonl'a Sanmise." At 7:30 p. m..
"The Candle Lighting.". A beautiful ser
vice at worship, gives by-tha young peo
K. K. Clark, minister. Church school
at 10 a. m. Esther Henningsea, auperin
tendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Christmas program presented by mem
bers of the church achool. Evening wor
ship at 7:30 o'clock. A Christmaa mys
tery drama, "The Starflower." will be
presented by a group of young people as
sisted by tha choir.
Ferry sad 13th atreets. C. G. Weston,
psstor. Sundsy school at 9:43 a. m O. W.
Sehetadel, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock. Christmas program.
Sunday school with church choir and or
chestra, at 7:45 p. m. - .
' (Missouri Synod)
' leth and A atreeta. H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday achool at 9 a. sn. Service at
9:45 a. n. German at 11 a. m. christmss
program Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Service an Christmaa morning" at 9:43
o'clock. German at 11 a. m.
sssl i MAMjaokUM atsMAWlw
Liberty st Center. J. R. Simonds, mln
tster. Sundsy school, 9:45; morning wor
ship, 11:00; sermon, "The Story Beauti
ful": 5:00, candlelight vespers. A beauti
ful service ef Christmas music, scripture
and poetry. Tha Fortnightly rlnb will meet
at tha parsonage Immediately following
tha vesper aervice. ;
Sunday school 9:45 a. m., Albert
Brewnlee, Supt. Chorea aervteee 11 a. m.
by G. L. Hall of MrTatinnville; also even
ing aervice at S o'clock. Christian En
deavor at 7 o'clock.
S55 Court atreet, upstairs. ' One-act
play of Christmss Sundsy night; progrsm
by children st Snadav achool hour. Bal
derson revival peas Fridsy night.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George. H. Swift, rector. Holy Communion
st 7:30 a. m. Church achool at 9:45 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock.
Pageant and earola at 7 p. am.