PAGE SIX . .. . i ? - The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday JHornin, December 19, 1935., 1 - 1 ,r ' .. and ociety News Club Affair Jessie Steele, Society Editor Chapter G Guests For Luncheon At IP. M. CHAPTER Q of P. EO. Sister hood will be luncheon guests today at the home of Mrs. P. W. L&nge at 1 o'clock. The table will be centered with a bowl of colored "ball studded with cellophane spikes. Red candles and holly will complete the Christmas motif. Places will be laid for 25. As sisting hostesses are Mrs. Earl Cooler, Mrs. Silas Gaiser and Miss Josephine Gray. Gifts will be exchanged about the Christmas tree and Mrs. W. H. Virtx will talk on the origin of carols. Mrs. E. J. ! Huffman will present the story "Where Lore Is" by Tolstoy and roll call will be answered with early Christmas recollections. Christmas Concert in Church Monday A pre-Christmas muslcale corn In; Just at the season when music is .most acceptable is the concert planned by the choir of the Amer ican. Lutheran church, the Madri gal club and the Civic Male chores. Prof. E. W. Hobson will direct the three groups Monday night, December 23rd, at the American Lutheran church. Soloists include Miss Josephine ' Bross, Miss Louglne Brietzke. ; Miss Frances .Kelson, Miss Aiding Smith, Mrs. J. A. ShoLseth, Ronald I Craven, Everett Craven and Se- j cundo Scarci. . ... . Woodburn Miss Ethel Tresid ider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. yy. C. Tresidder, and Alfred Jnve, 'son of Mrs. Sophia Jnve, were married Sunday afternoon at a simple wedding ceremony per formed at the D. J. Gillanders home on East Cleveland street. Rev. Gillanders reading the single ring ceremony in the presence of the two immediate families. The couple were attended by Miss Ag nes Jure, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid and Charles Tresid der, brother of the bride, as best man. . After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served for the bridal party and relatives at the Juve home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Juve are well known among the younger .set of Woodburn. They will make their home on their farm west of Woodburn. Three lank Club Meets In Clubrooms The Three Link club will meet Friday afternoon In the clubrooms of the LOX.F. hall for their busi ness and social session. Election of officers will take place. An exchange of Inexpensive gifts will be in charge of Pearl Swanson, Estella Callans and Bes sie Edwards. Jessie Moored, Lenora Kreisei and Evelyn Bremmer will have charge of the candy, and Jose phine Erlckson Is In charge of the decorations. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Ida Hochstetler, Sarah Hutton, Ruth Hornada, Lena Mason and Cora Van Pelt. All Re- bekahs are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Deeney are receiving felicitations upon the birth of a daughter. Patricia Ann, Monday in the Salem General hos pital. The new arrival weighed eight and a half pounds. Dime Club Enjoys Annual Party I Wednesday i. rIE Dime club gathered at the country place of Mrs. Rovilla McAfee near Hayesville last night for its annual Christmas party. Gifts were exchanged and attract ive holiday appointments bright ened the rooms. Contract was the principal di version. Those in attendance were Miss Gretchen Rinehart, Miss Margaret Corey, Mrs. Albert Petre, Mrs. Harold Hauk, Mrs. Tyler Brown, Mrs. .Trove Jones, Mrs. Vern Gil more," Mrs. Sephus Starr, Mrs. Ro bin Day, Mrs. Ed Raffety, Mrs. Ralph Klnzer and Mrs. Glenn Wil bur. Unlonvale--Honorlng Mrs. C. J. Countiss with a surprise birthday party, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brown of Portland, son - In - law and daughter, entertained Saturday night. Airs. Raffety is Hostess To Sorority Alums Alumnae of Alpha Phi Alpha were entertained Monday nllkt at the home of Mrs. W. Edward Raf fety. Following an informal eve ning, supper was served. . Present were Miss Dorothy Ann Gordon, Miss Josephine Anderson, Miss Edythe Glaisyer. Miss Velle da Onmart, Miss Gladys Taylor, Miss Mary White. Miss Myraa Bonney, Miss Roberta Varley, Mrs. Grant Wicklander, Mrs. Francis Earnest, Mrs. George Neuman, Mrs. Francis DeHarpport, Mrs. Wilmer Wells and the hostess, Mrs. W. Edward Raffety. Mrs. Mable Martin, 95 Hood street, will be hostess for the Christmas party of the West Side circle of Jason Lee church Fri day afternoon ta 2 o'clock. Each one is asked to bring an inexpen sive gift to exchange as well as a contribution for a box for the needy. Past Residents Feted ' With Luncheon f , Mrs. Mary Kennedy presided at a Christmas luncleou Tuesday af ternoon in honor of the Past Presidents of the Woman's Relief corps. Holiday appointments and lighted tapers glowed on the uble. , Gifts were ' exchanged during the afternoon. Present were Mrs. Florence Ross and Mrs. Berth! Ray, spe cial guests, Mrs. Bertha Loveland, Mrs. Sarah Peterson. Mrs. Effie W. Dunlap, Mrs. Florence E. Shipp, Mrs. Helen M. Southwick, Mrs. Lizzie W. Smith. Mrs. Rose R. Voris, Mrs. Eva Martin, Mrs. Hattie B. Cameron, Mrs. Jennie F. B. Jones and the hostess. Mrs. Mary Kennedy. Airs.. McCullough Honor Guest at Affair Mrs. Claude Darby is opening her home this afternoon for an informal affair complimenting Mrs. C. B. McCullough who is leaving in January to take up her residence in Central America. Intimate friends of Mrs. McCul- iougu wnose husbands are con-g neciea wna me state nignway de partment comprise the guests. Mrs. Will Reeves wlU assist Mrs. Darby. " Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Cree have announced the mar riage of their daughter. Crystal, to Arthur L. O'Rourke of Bridal Veil at high noon December 7 at the home of Rev. Lawrence Wells, pastor of the First Christian church of Vancouver, Wash. The bride was attired in a navy blue crepe dress with blue accessories and was given in marriage by her father. . Mrs. O'Rourke Is a former Sa lem girl and attended' school there before' moving here. The bride groom, a graduate of Oregon State college, Is connected with the Bri dal. Yell Lumber company at Pal mer, where the young couPle will reside. Amreican War Mothers Hold Jolly Party The Salem chapter of American War Mothers enjoyed a Christ mas tree and exchange of gifts Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Car rie Beechler. Carols were sung in the late afternoon, j At the tea hour, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks and Mrs. A. A. Lee poured. Those ? assisting Mrs. Beechler were Mrs. Addie Mills, Mrs. Lillian Chrlstopherson, Mrs. Mary Sim. Mrs. Mary Cleveland and Mrs. Maude Tallman. Mrs. Florence Perkett and Mrs. L. M. Thompson j were special guests. ! Mrs. Henry Honored At Star Luncheon U Zenaii-Mrs. (Wayne D. Henry of Zenalj was honor guest at a 1 : 3 9 oclock luncheon Friday, December 13, given by officers, quartet i'and Sunshine girls of Chadwlck chapter. Eastern Star, when Mrs. Henry was matron of the organization In 1932, at the home of; Mrs. Ida, Godfrey In Sa lem, the occasion being Mrs. Henry's birthday anniversary. A huge white birthday cake was decorated with red and green. Dainty silver and blue appoint menta were used at the large square uble which was centered by a silver Christmas-tree, flank ed by blue candles in crycial holders and at which covers were laid for;? Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mrs. H.!S. Bosshard, Mrs. D. X. Beechlerj Mrs. R. K. Ohllng, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Corydoh Blod gett. Mrs. Ralph E. Thompson, Mrs. Pearl Grote, Mrs. H. E. Crawford, Mrs. Charles McCar ter, Mrs. J. O. Russell. Mrs. Wil liam Merrlott, Mrs. H. V. Car son, Mrs; Harold Phllllppl, Mrs. Leon Birrlck, Mrs. A. L. Tom bleson, Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mrs. Lyman McDonald, Mrs. Walter Kestly, Mrs. James Jennings, Miss Lola Millard. Mrs. K. II. Pickens,!! Mrs. Harry Harms, Mrs. M. C. Cashatt. Following lunch eon the group went; to the home Af Mm. Ceorea Kins for a n. clal hour, Mrs. Lyman McDon ald. Mrs. William Merrlott and Mrs. Harold Phllllppl conducting contests. The honor guest was preseniea wnn n viwk as a fltt from the group. North Howell The young peo ple of the Dltcnen family were hosts Friday night to a large group of their Sunder school friends. Music, games' and re freshments were enjoyable feat ures. . Present were Miss Ida Baker, Miss Ruth Van ' L a a n e n, Ollie Schendel. and Mr. and Mrs. David Converse of Salem; Miss Flora Woelke, Miss Frances Schmidt, Irene and Helen Natsiger, Clara and Leona Schmidt. June Baugh man, Marine McDonald, Enid Paulson, Fred and Anton Schmidt, Arthur DeVrles, Donald Nafsigerv Olaf Paulson, David, Thomas and Joseph Pfau, Conrad Gunderson, and Elizabeth, Freda, Carl, Pete .j Tt. million Rickreall Mrs. Robert Pence entertained a group of girls Sat urday afternoon in honoring of her daughter's 12th birthday. A beautiful birthday cake filled with favors caused much interest and merriment. Those present were the honor guest, Jane Findley, Betty Aver, Thelma Whltaker, Nancy Adams. Elolse Findley, Mrs. Bayard Findley assisted the hostess. r Pattern - i - u Vv - V '1 v 1 M I ? 1 .2503 By ANNE ADAMS "I'd give anything-to be slim!" says the forty-eight. Then "dress it oft" with a slim-ltne. beltlesa frock such as this, which is easy ta make, and; simply brimming over with distinction. Well-placed tucks mold the natural waistline with subtle restraint, thus mak ing a belt unnecessary. A simple,, r pointed yoxe extends low in the bodice, detracting j from a too heavy bust, while clever diagon als both back and front reduce side - tp - side hip measurement. Sheer wool, or dull crepe create a charming daytime style; or rea lize tti, possibilities for semi-formal wear In satin, ankle-length, with softly puffed sleeves. The yoke and sleeves may contrast. - Pattern 2503 is available in sizes 34. 36. 38, 40, 42, 44. 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 44 yards 39 Inch fabric. Illustrated step- by-step sewing instructions in. eluded. . Sa4 fifteen eenti (15c ia colai r (tinpi (coin preferred ) for thi Abb Adams pittenu Writ plainly name, address anC strls namber. B t to sUto sise. Don't vatt! 8rad now for the wis ter patter kool T need all tha adrir Aim Adams firm yon keep ing toe faatiiy tkrtftily mnd attraetiT ir dressed. Ton nerd to know mom, about clothes etiquette, mora about fa brics and fashions, mora a boat glori fjris 7r typo! You'll srelcomo th timely tip en Christmas Gift prob-. leas too. Pric of book fifteen cents. Itpolc and pitUra together twenty firo cents. Addrsu order to The OrifOi Statosman Tattern Dept, 1S South Commercial street. Salem. Ore. Make necosasry enclosures. Yoor order will bo promptly nttonded to. Orders customarily ar filled within four 7 from tho tins roe oi rod Thn Statesman. w. uw V TONIGHT! Men's Night at iller s 7:00 to 9:00 o'clock Yes sir, tonight is men's night at Miller's! It's a night set apart for men only! For men who are either too busy or too shyi to gift shop in crowds or shop daring the day.- So many men took advantage of "men's night" last year that we decided to make it an annual affair! We, at Miller's can give men valuable help in selecting just the right gift! ' f THE STAGE IS SET We Are Expecting You ! X Just tell the home folks you have a date with Miller's. And it will be a rendezvous well worth your time and effort. Expert salespeople ready and willing to help solve your gift problems! ... Salespeople who know gloves. How they fit . color, fashion, etc. . . . Experts who Icnow silk hosiery. Kinds and colors required . . .Sympathetic salespeople who will tell you how to select lingerie, robes, pajamas to please her most. Come Be Our Guest Tonight! ... J lf I v r A m awb I . Ml I : lit ... Mill ft m t ill II H I I r, I " Si Gift shop, with a thousand ideas, ready to lend valuable help. .... Linen shop offers first aid -and expert advice to men who, want gifts for the home, f . . . And so, witli every department in the store", helpful service will be the order of the day!