The OREGON ! STATES1IAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Blorning, December 7, ,1935 , - j , . . PAGE NINE ; : . . " - - - 1 i j , ' t i; rt.:t- v-- : -- -t ; . . I P""" T , . i : i i I ... V . - ' " - . -.4 .. ,, .. . -...I: ,. : I : ."V:,:-. ,r . .- -. - 1 Want o ti to U1TB ' 1 : . i - T Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tin . .lCc Three Insertions per lis . . 20c Six Insertions per line ....30c One month per line ... ..SL0S Minimum chare ........... 25c Capy thia par accepted antil 0:30 the evening Before peblicatiea for classification. Copy saceived after thka tima will bt ma under the bead lag To Lata ta Classify. Tba Slatesaiaa assesses a finaa clal responsibility for errera whits may appear is advertieenwata eubiiih ti ia its colons, and in rim irhrri this paper is at faslt will reprint thV part aa adrartUeoient la arnica th y pographieal mistake accara. Tba Statesman reserves the right t reject ofcjectieaabte advertising. It fur tfcer reserves tba right ta classify all tdvartisiag under tba propar classifies t:oa'- Situations Wanted Tlla drainage expert 10S5 N. 18th. For Sale Miscellaneous Safe for sals, fireproof, tSI Cheme keta. TYPEWRITERS Rent a machine, practice at home. Special ratea to stu dents. Hoen, 420 Court. Phone 877$. Prime youns turkeys dressed to or- dec. TeL 67F3. Saxaphone rape ami horn. Conn. E fiat. Perfect condition. Heavy silver ptnie" with sold belL Ideal Christmas Slit. Bargain, $T5. Tel. 3282. Christmas trs, ISO Center. " Cracked eggs. Good eggs for cook lna; and baking, reasonable. Marlon Crramery, South Com'L and Bellevue. $ Saxophone E flat Alta Conn, sli ver plated -with gold belL Excellent ahape. 12 Saginaw. ' 8 large Buff Orphhigton hens, full UH 1.25 each. 181 S. 13th. . Sidewalk bike and tricycle, Z0 E. Busiu A-l Jersey cow, milking now. Doo lie tested. HU reasonable. After 4 P. m. call 107F23. E. D. Pearson, mi. K. of Sunnvside. 'Holly wreaths, cedar rope, for f'hristmas decorations. Jay Morris, florist. Phone 63". Genuine leather luggage gifts, F. K. Sbafer, 170 S. Com U Siile, registered Boston Bull pups, 251 N. 20th, evenings. Hale, 1 iset of 5 V-8 wheels and fire. Will trade. 525 Marion. Tel. r33. . F.ed fox fur, 256 X. Capitol. Baled vetch and oats hay. R. 3, Box 413. Salem, 6 ml. west on Salem-Dallas 1 Ugh way. Brunk's Corner. . Xirge tot hogs. .Tel. 6F11. Carrots, 6 to. Tel. 44F14. Trade Miscellaneous TRADE rJElec radk) for battery set 1125 S. lCth, -Salem. Wanted- 'Miscellaneous Free Wa pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4S69. - Top price, casli, tor used piano. Deal er. Call S707. Will pay rash for bicycle for boy aged 7 yrs. 1530 Nebraska. j Wanted Furniture" CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOUS . Stoves, Furniture CitpUal Hardware A Furniture Co. tti N. Commercial Phone 7845. Miscellaneous Haircuts. lSc-20& SOS a Winter. Authorized Hoover service. Ph. 4233. Building proposition to owner of property suitable for bungalow courts. Bos 938, care Statesman. For Rent -Rooms Plenty of steam heat Bllgb Hotel. Rates $3.00- wk. and up. Pleasant sleeping room. TeL 4498. Sleeping rooms, 815 X. Winter. Sleeping room, $2 wk. 112 Union. j Room and Board" Tel. 8334. S6 Chemeketa. Room and board for men. Tel. 4445. F.ooni and board, 254 N. Church. Desirable rooms, good board. 1724 Oiemeketa. For Rent Apartments Furn. 2-room apt TeL 7461. 2261 Hazel Ave. S R. fnrn. opt., 340 Marion. Modern 3 rooms and bath ; 1 room and shower. 2005 X. Capitol. Small apt.. 252 X". Summer. Furtu apt for rent; 340 Division. 2-room apt Adults only; 44 5 8. Winter. Partly " furn. apt., adults, 1855 X. Winter. Xicely furnished 5 room apartment, heat, lights, water, adults. 965 X. Fifth St Furn. 1 It apt., 39 X. Liberty. TeL 33 IS. Front hk. room, radio. 739 N. Lib erty. ADVERTISING Portland Representative Cordoo D. Bell. Security Building, Portland. Ore. ' . Western Advertising - Representatives Fenger-Hall Co. Ltd. aa Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern. Advertising Representatives Bryant. Grtfritb 4k Branson. Ine .Chicago, New fork. Detroit. . Boston, Atlanta Bntertd at f Pestoffice at fate, Oregon, a Second-Clasa Matter. -lissed every oiormfna tmeept Mondav Basis ess ofiee, 215 South Commerciai BtrteU . SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Mall SubacriptloQ Rates, In Adranca. Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday, 1 Mo. 60 cents: S Mo. $L25 ; Mo. $2.5 ; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 88 cents per Ho, or $5,00 for 1 year in advance, pet Copy S eenta News Stands cents. By City Carrier: 46 cants av month 95.00 a rear la sdranoav For Rent -Houses Winter rates on cottages. I .one Star Ante Camp, 19C0 X. CapitoL Furn. A nfurn. Forkner. TeL SOU. Rent or lease mod. furn. 8 R. house, elec appliance. Call 1050 X. 15th. - - " - i-i-, i-,-M-ii-M-ii-rv-irw-.-wiryfvrroxjjw Mod- hornet -8S5 X. Capitol St Va cant Dec. 8, 25. Phone 4728. 5 room house, 2 biks. . from stat bldg. Adults. TeL 8102. For Rent Hospital beds and wheelchairs to -ent H. U Stiff Kumttura Co. Office rooma for rent. 281 State St. TeL 3712. For Sale Real Estate"! FOR SALE, by owner, room home, large lot with fruit, doubla garage, walking distance ; shown by appoint ment only. Priea 832U0.S0, terms. Phone 9541 or call at 1710 N. 17th Kt List your property for sale with-. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. IXC. Houses. Grant, 529 Court TeL 7723. SPECIAL Owner in and offers her home for sale. ( large rooms, modern in every detail, east front lot. beautifully land scaped. Priced low at $4500. Carries HOLC of $2700. See it today. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDK ar MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8708. $3800. 4 A. at rity limits, north. S rooma and nook, hardwood floors, basement, furnace and fireplace. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. $2800. 4 rooms and large nook, large lot paving paid, full basement, furnace and fjreplace. $506 down. 28 filberts and walnuts, $1500 down, $18 per mo. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 X. Capitol $1150 for a good 7-r. plastered house, bath, lights, paving, large lot $400 cash. ) $2375 for a 5-R. modern home at 38 Richmond Ave. $375 down. $ 500 down. 7-R. English type home m fine condition, modern in ev ery way. $3500. $ 500 down will handle a nice 8-R. Englisli type home at 1363 N. Church St. $3950. ! $1400 TO LOAN at 6 FIRE IN Si MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court Sti Phone 3723 See me about the best buy in a house in N. Broadway ; also have acre age for rent H. C. SHIELDS 210 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8302; Exchange Real Estate Grocery property and business for sale or for Salem home. Box 936, Statesman. Business house, well rented, for home or land. Box 975, Statesman. ' j 1 For Sale Farms ATTRACTIVE FARM BUT To close an estate. 147 acres 7 miles out on macadam road, fair set of bldKS.. weH and spring water. 80 acres In cultivation, bui. pasture and tim ber. Price only $7".)t, part terms. CHILD a MILLER. Itealtors 314 State Street Phone 67081 REAL ESTATE 1 acre, modern 5 rxni liouse with sleeping poicli. Wonderful gar den soil. If j'ou want a home In the country you cannot beat this. 130 acre farm close to Salem. Tills Is a real farm, good buildings and is priced right. CHAS. HUDKINS. Plione 9131. ! 175 State Street Acreage 24 A. 2 mi. from Salem, 6 r. plastered liouse. bath, lights, barn, good soil. $2950. 25 A. close to Xewberg. 4 A. timber 3 ' A. rclutril, creek, old bldgs., electric lights. $2350. $300 down 257 A. 3-1 mi. from Salem, 60 cult., 4 r. house, other bldgs. 8000 cords of" wood, creek and spring, $3700. 280 A. large concrete dairy barn and dairy bouse, electric lights, good house, 2 other barns. 57 cult., 44 head of cows and heifers, stocki, equipment. feed, etc. $12,5001 Trade for smaller acreage or city property. $1400 to loan at 6. Fire Ins. MELVIN JOHNSON. 723 Court St Phone 3723 Business Opportunities tVVPSTMPWTS - Invest your aa vines at 6 to 6 per cent on first mortgage securities. See Hawkins A Roberta. Grocery, stock and fixtures, doing nice business. $1000. R. A. FORKNER, 1S531 X. Capitol Money to Loan A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 We can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man or woman In 24 hours. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 M 165 by STATE 818 State St TeL 1 7 40. Loans Made In Nearby Towns Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates. Personal Attention No Delays Vou Keep Tour Car Roy Simmons First NafL Bank Bldg. Phone I55S. Licensed by the State Personal Loans By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to $1500 One to Twenty Months to Repay , Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and -operated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan Is made. No Delays - - - No Red Tape General Finance Corp. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 8553. Licensed. S-13S by State Mtge. loans, homea or bus. prop., low rates. Abrams 4 Ellis, Inc., Masonic B. FOUR PER CEXT-pald for savings. INSURED toL-$5vv00.0. Salem Federal Savings ft Loan Assfn. Guardian Bldg. Phone 4109. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing, inquire st Hawkins A Roberts. ' WANTED: $1009 private loan en dose In aix room borne with basement and furnace. Will pay 7 Interest SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. j HI South Liberty Street Livestock and Poultry"" SALE Weaned pigs. TeL 108F2. For Sale Wood It in. eld fir. $5.89. Phone 94S8. Dry wood, reasonable. TeL 3354. For Sale Used Cars'"" THEY BOUGHT NEW HUDSONS, TERRAPLANES AND PACKARDS ! 1935 PACKARD 129 TOUBtXG SEDAN This car has run less than 8090 miles it has a nice large trunk; safety glass, 2 windshield swipes and other fine equipment It cost few $1425 Now $1075.90. With new car service and guarantee compare It against the field of medium priced cars. i 1935 HUDSON 8 DeLUXE R. S.; COUPE Run less than 8000 miles painted black, 2 visor , 2 w. s. swipes, fender guards radio air horns 2 tall lights, 124 H. P. motor we believe this car will out perform any stock car made. It is strictly a DeLuxe Model. Sold tor $1226 In July of this year. Our price Is $895 with new car eervlee and guarantee.' 11934 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR CUSTOM DeLUXE SEDAN Safety glass, free wheeling automatic starting. General Jumbo tires largo trunk painted Buckskin Betge low , mileage cost new $1125 our price now $695.00. ! 1932 DODGE 6 4 -DOOR DeLUXE SEDAN Two tires In fender wells, nice large trunk, brand new paint upholstery la spotless, very good tires Run lesa than 39,000 miles. This car is extra ood $495.00. i 1932 FORD 8 ROADSTER Low mileage air wheel tifes, brand new paint and motor A-l $295.00. i 1929 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Extra good tires, motor, upholstery and paint first class $225. MANT MORE STATE MOTORS, INC. Dealers For HUDSON TERRA PLANE A PACKARD High and Chemeketa Street Open Nights and Sundays NEW PACKARDS $1299 A UP DELIVERED IN SALEM FULLT EQUIPPED NOVEMBER BROUGHT INTO MT USED STOCK SOME OF THE BEST VALUES I'VE HAD IN YEARS. 1934 DeLuxe Ford Coupe. This car has been driven only 18,000 miles; is equipped with radio, good tires, and finish and inter I lor like new $515. 19312 Ohev. Spt. Roadster, now don t fall to loo) at this car. 6 w. eq.. rumble seat, and has only been driven 7000 miles. Tires and fin ish are perfect $425. 1922 Pontiac Special Sedan. This car has been thoroughly checked over by our used, car service de i partment and will give thous ' " j ends of miles of service to Its new owner. $4 15. 1931 Pontiac Sedan, 6 wheel eq. .-$35 1930 Bulck Coupe, rumble seat 340 1930. Ford Touring 215 1929 Hudson Sedan 26 1929 Buiek 7-pass. Sedan 29 1929 Chrysler 70 Coupe. 6 w. eq. 320 1928 Buick Sedan 245 1928 Buick Sedan 19a l9S TCaaex Coach fas is) 75 1924 Moon Sedan . 1925 Flint Sedan 1927 Chevrolet " Coupe 25 1924 Ford Coupe 25 Otto J. Wilson BUICK A PONTIAC Sales A Service ! Used Car Values 1934 Plymouth 4-door Sedan $595 1934 Plymouth 2-door Sedan 545 19S4 Plymouth 4-dr. Special Se- I dan, down 195 1934 DeLuxe Plymouth 4-dr. Se dan, down ..... . 225 1933 Plymouth 4-door Sedan 495 1932 Chevrolet Business Coupe 395 1931 Durant Sedan . 345 1929 Durant 60 Sedan 245 1929 Durant 60 Coach 195 1928 Pontiac Coach 195 1928 Pontiac Sedan . ... 163 1928 Hudson 4-door Sedan, new tires, looks A runs like new .. 265 1927 Pontiac Coupe 65 192:6 Pontiac Coach 83 Salem Auto Co. 'Home of Chrysler and Plymouth" 433 X. Commercial Phone 4 673. Borrego's O.K.'d Cars 1935 Graham sedan $695 1932 Ford V-8 coach -. 365 1931 Pontiac sedan 325 1930 Chevrolet coupe 285 laao Ford coach 285 1930 Pontiac coach - 275 199 Nash coupe 245 1930 Ford rdst 165 1926 Pontiac coach 115 We have man more cars to choose from that are priced to sell. Borrego's Car Market Across from High School 523 Marion Street Phone 4333 Good Used Car Values 193 Ford Roadster ..$215.00 1931 Plymouth Sedan, A-l 325.00 1931 Ford Coach 295.00 1930 Ford Coach 275.00 1939 Chevrolet Coupe 215.00 1929 DeSoto Sedan 225.00 1928 Dodge Sedan 225.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 195.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN SUNDAYS Used Car Market 356 X. Liberty Street DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY "C" SCHROCK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR 542-575 Chemeketa St TeL 9388 Buy your used car from a USED CAR dealer. This is the time of year to get a bargain, and there are plenty of them in this list. Including many others. 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Pontiac Coach with trunk 1932 Auburn Brougham (radlo-h't'r.) 1929 Ford Coach (extra good) 1929 Ford Sport Roadster (6 w. w.) 1931 Hudson Coach 1929 Essex Sedan 1929 Nash Coach with trunk 1928 Buick Sedan, fine shape MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM INCLUDING SEVERAL TRUCKS AND MOTORCYCLES AT RIGHT PRICES. CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR SOLD ON CONSIGN MENT. For Sale Wood I6-in. dry big oak wood, $6.50. TeL 107F14, Paul Taylor. GUARANTEED DRT wood cosJ. TeL 5000, Salem Fuel Co. Trsds A Cottage. Dry 2nd growth fir. TeL 7889. All kinds dry wood. TeL 6663. Dry 2nd growth. TeL Fenwick 4527. Guaranteed dry 2nd growth, 7860. 12-16 dry wood. TeL S673. 500 cords dry fir and oak wood, on the road or delivered. BALL BROS., Turner. Ore. Wood Sawing Wood sawing raa son able. Call 1290. Wood sawing, reasonable. TeL $792. Wood-sawing, reasonable. Call 1735. Lost and Found LOST Nurse's pin. Reward. Call 4527. LOST Orange colored female cat: white throat and feet, dark markings on I face, head, sides, tan. Name Batty. Call 2151, Miss Schwab. LOST Young Seotty dog. Dr. C A. Downs, 2121 a High. LOST Male wire - haired terrier. Reward. TeL 71$8. Personal Lonely T Find happiness and a paL Free details. P. O. Box 345. Salem, STOMACH ULCER, GAS PAINS. INDIGESTION victims, why suffer I For quick relief get a free sample ef Cdga, a doctor's prescription at Cap ital and Perry's Drug Stores, 1 For Sale Used Cars 1 IN STOCK Everybody Drives a Used Car 26 ESSEX SEDAN $25 MODEL T. PICKUP $25 OLDSMOBILE COACH $35 28 ESSEX SEDAN $135 28 CHEVROLET COUPE $145 29 FORD ROADSTER $145 29 FORD ROADSTER (new tires) $165 28 CHEVROLET SEDAN $225 81 FORD ROADSTER alr wheels) $295 80 FORD TUDOR $245 11 BUICK COUPE, $365 S! FORD V-8 SEDAN $395 $1 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN $385 33 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN $495 33 FORD V-8 SEDAN $485 35 CHEV. COACH (STANDARD) $545 33 PONTIAC SEDAN $645 35 CHEV. COUPE (MASTER) $695 35 CHEV. COACH (MASTER) $695 McKAY CHEV. CO. 333 Center Phone $189 430 N. Com'l. Open Sundays A Evenings Automobiles INVESTIGATE OUR NEW OF 1 FINANCE PLAN on New or Used Automobiles STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson - Terraplane - Packard Dealers Marion and Polk Counties Located at High and Chemeketa Streets Open Nights and Sundays Ski Slide Opening To Be in January Plans for a January opening of the new ski slide at Idanah, six miles from Detroit, Ore., were for warded last night at a meeting of the Ski club here at the cham ber of commerce rooms. Conrad Texas to Observe Centenary Mitt 's Architect's drawing af exposition grounds -y rga.. . " " -ja'i j aiiinani ,t r --r- :!. s " i " li ';! V-.:-i,U"J.llll All if' n' I pBaaajajsjajg4g4SJgSJ For Sale Used Cars Special! Special! Special! THE FOLLOWING USED CARS IN STOCK" OVER 10 DAYS THEY MUST GO!!! PRICES LISTED INCLUDE 196 LICENSE 1935 V-8 FORDOR SEDAN. New paint, new brakes, new shocks, complete mo tor and Chassis service, good rubber. 193$ DeLUXE V-8 SEDAN. 6000 mL since .factory recond. ; new paint, com plete. Valley Motor Co. Recondition Service. 1980 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. New paint 1 new tires, others good. New rings, ' guaranteed. 1930 MODEL A FORD COACH. HOW MUCH? T ? New paint, K. K. trunk, . guaranteed. 1920 BUICK COUPE Wai $185, no takers. New paint, new upholstery, new rings, valves ground. LETS HAVE TOUJt OFFER. THIS CAR SOLD FOB $85. ' 1927 NASH SEDAN YOU buy it New paint, 75 percent rubber, runs good. WAS $145. Anything short of robbery takes this car. Come on Folks Inspect These Cars THEY MUST GO!!! VALLEY MOTOR CO. TWO USED CAR LOCATIONS Marion and Liberty - - Center and Liberty. GUARANTEED USED CARS, OUR LOW PRICES WILL COMPARE WITH ANY. . 1935 Stude Sedan, low mileage ....$850 1935 Dodge 2-door Sedan, 12,000 miles, radio and heater 765 1935 Studebaker Coupe, 6000 mi. with radio - 750 1930 DeSoto Sedan, excellent con dition, 750x15 : air wheel tires, practically new, deluxe : equipped - 630 1935 Dodge Business Coupe like new, 13,000 miles. Cannot be duplicated for value 095 1932 Ford V-8 Coach, new recon- ' ditipned "motor . 445 1934 Wlllvs 77 Sedan, economical ' to run 425 1932 V-8 DeLuxe Sedan 375 1929 Chrysler 72 Sedan 325 1931 Ford A 2-door Sedan 296 1930 Ford Model A 4-dr. Sedan .. 230 1928 Buick Sedan, taken In from oricinal owner. This car has reliable transportation 245 1929 Ford A Coudc excellent" con dition - 195 1929 Durant 664 2-door Sedan 150 1927 Dodtre Sedan 135 1927 Hudson Brougham - 75 1925 Buick Sedan 75 1925 Reo Sedan 75 1925 Stude Phaeton 55 Bonesteele Bros., Inc. 1936 STUDEBAKER NOW ON DISPLAY Chemeketa A Liberty T Phone 4444. '28 Hudson Sedan, $125. Terms. 112 Union. 1927 Standard Buick Sedan like new. $155.00. 2142 N. Com'L Street. Values Never Equalled Before Compare These Prices 1927 Chev. Panel Del $ 95.00 1925 Star Sedan, like new j 95.00 1930 Olds Coupe, new paint 195.00 1929 Ford A Road., rumble seat 143.00 1933 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Sedan 450.00 1934 Pontiac Coupe 663.00 1928 Pontiac Sedan 125.00 "See Our Stock .That's Not Listed' CARTER & CHURCH MOTOR CO. 365 No. Com'L St Phone 3734 Automobiles Frlgaard is president of the club and Edgar L. Morris la secretary. Through the cooperation of P. A. Thompson, federal forest su pervisor, a log cabin for the use of skleTS Is being erected at Ida nan. Logs and shakes willbe used in building the cabin. When enough snow Is In the mountains next month, the Che- meketans, the Skli club and the Salem chamber of commerce plan to join in. 1 - - A r , - - a y, i ; m f :. .f. . t- i av. ft i ' UJL - v 4 ' JJ j TT)AUmet i For Sale Used Cars'" Girls Sympathize, Slayer Van Vlack TWIX FALLS, Idaho. Dec. 6-(P)-Feminine admirers of Doug las t an Vlack of Tacoma term the accused slayer of two persons "handsome," Sheriff E. F. Prater said tonight. The officer said one woman came to the Jail and told the 31-year-old asserted slayer of his pretty former wife, Mildred Hook, that she was 'j'praylng day and night" for himj Other women have been ad mitted to the ! jail to see Van Vlack, the sheriff said. A 14 -year-old girl came jto the jail today with two candy bars and asked the officer to give them to the prisoner. j Van Vlack If held on a first degree murder) charge In the shooting to death of State Patrol man Fontaine Cboper on the high way near Buhl November 25. He was sought on advices he had ab ducted his 22-year-old former mate from Tacoma. Deputy Sher iff Henry C. Given, with Cooper when he flagged Van Vlack's car. was shot in the heck and arm, but is recovering. Cast of Outward Bound' Announced Completion of casting for the sophisticated eiomedy, "Outward Bound," which will be presented January 18 by Ithe Little Theater guild of Willamette university, was announced yesterday by Prof. H. E. Rahe, who will direct the production. Miss Genevieve Thay er will be assistant director. Rehearsals fjor the play, first produced in the United States in 1923 with a cast which Included Leslie Howard and Alfred Lunt, are already underway. The play was written by Sutton Vane and was originally produced in Lon don. 1 Lead parts will be taken by two Salem sophomores, Lloyd Riehl and Mary Elizabeth Kella. Riehl will take the part of "Scrubby while Miss Kells will characterize "Ann." Other parts are: Henry, Mal colm WaltmonJ Portland; Mr Prior, Art Lamka, Salem; Mrs Cliveden-Banks; Lois Webb, Port land; Rev. Williiam Duke, Robert C. Anderson Portland; Mrs, Mid-! get. Dorothy IJipps, Salem; Mr. Lingley, Frank Pemberton, Mt. Frank Thomson, Salem. Vernon; Rev. Warren Peters, Recruiting Opens For Coming Year Opening of te winter recruit ing season has tjeen announced by Major H. D. Bagnall of Portland, district recruiting officer for, Ore gon. Active enlistments are sched uled to begin after the first of the year. Malor T" a mall stated that there will be vacancies at both Vancou ver barracks and Fort Stevens. be some onenlnes 1n .thA nervicA for China but only previous service) men are eligible for this work Applications are being taken for enlistme n t s at the present time. Sergeant Lee B. Mabie is in charge of the local station in the postoffice building. Announcement was also made that another branch station will be opened in Oregon. Location of the mew station jls not yet known. This will make a total of five sub stations in the sate. i Drunken! Drivers Lose 34 Permits There were 5? revocations and suspensions of motor vehicle driv ers' licenses, in Oregon during No vember, Secretary of State Snell announced Friday. Thirty-four of the revocations were for drunken driving and two for hit and run driving. Of the 16 suspensions 12 were for reckless driving. In nine cases; the persons in volved had not renewed their driv ers' permit. J ' I Tb report showed that 49S persons were convicted of traffic law violations fa Oregon during the past month. I j BEDS WANTED WANTED - 3,100 cords four foot .wood. Bid forms may be re ceived from-- the 'Oregon State Board of Control, 403 State Of fice Building, Salem. Bids will be opened at 2 P. M., Thursday, Dec 1, 1115. D-7. Business Cards la this directory rtw oa m-tovmuuj haais only. Iiate: S LOO fec ILne per month. lAnto Brakes Mlkp Faijek. 17 Sooth Commercial Carpenter Work For A-1 (arpenter work, TeL 0517. Cbimney Sweep Telspbonsj 4450, a E. Nerthnsas, Chhtnney sweep. Tel. 4511. F. Rosea. 1 Chiropractors ii ! DBJ'fX U SCOTT, PSC Ctropractor. ZifL High. TeL Res. I7x. I ii FJectri4ral Services l! BOJLER I Electrta. ill Stats aft. Wb ing.i motors, sppiiancs, -repairs, servlos. (i xcavatina Excavating Of all kinds. Basements dugji Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for saieti nop 4644. Florists Breithaupfs. 447 Court. ALL kinds ef floral work. Lars, Flor ist jl 27 p. Liberty. TeL 1591. Keys We; makai keys. Harry W. Scott. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY !THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2 63 a High TeL lift j: CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY !' First In Quality and Service Telephone 1165 1204 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDIKO CO. PbOM 40(9 a r vu trr mro-rrn . u. Factory, j NEW. MATTRESS made t order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, ala tnsi fluff rug weaving. 8. tlth A WU buri TeL' $4 4 L OTTO F. ZWICKEB. Est!l91L Music Lessons Mandolin Banjo, Hawaiian and Span ish iGuitara, Ukelele A Harmony. Re sults guaranteed. Paclf is Studios of Music, 1433 Court St i Music Stores GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing maehtnesj sheet snuslo and piano stud iea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 431 Stats Street. Salem, Photo Engraving Salem photo engraving, 147 N. Com mercial, leu 8887. Printing lets, programs, books or any kind of Department, lit- 8. Commercial. Tale- . Slvaka 1! Stoves f repairi stoves, ranges, circulator a Sjlll nAW nH MiKaltlfr MAn. mmimm miA circuUtors, stock fence, posts, chlckea wiraw aaiein eence ana uve worse. 3ssi! wnemeaeta. Tel. 4714, R. B Fleming, Roof Repairing - HORIZONTAL aiinoy fhfed look lt chjrysanthe- mum 12 animals II unit of I electric I neasure I mnt 15 ascending 16 comrade -1? vatriety of I corundum 1 -eniploy 20 particle 22 neverthe S less 23 froze 24 fakhful 24 eosB- I manders . 24 dark oily 1 liquid 30 hardy I cereal 31 taller 35 deserves 3 females A efthe 1 domestic t fowl 40 silent 42 jump .. 43 emmet 44 inn 46 mineral spring 47 linger 49 modern 61 mistakes 2 ones remaining 83 discern- - ment 51 vuiy: poor House, root repairing. Phone 0495. Cross Word Puzzle L 1" LIZ IZI" T i2 33 ' 34 35 3tt 37 SO vM I mr I jI I b: j liy EUGE1NE SHEFFEU Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. lt-7 rCIAlRIEL IE E(VIyTf - CapnlCBt, ltli. Klas Directory Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 1131. Lartner Transfer Ca Tnieks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 120 Stats- St TeL 7773. Dlatrlbuttog. for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates, Aahcroft TeL 1330; 170 Kmgwood. Well DriUing R. A. West. R. 8. Box 845. TeL 11075. Allegedly Stolen Drill -Found; Ball Arrested An electric drill which had seen. stolen from Chris II. RIngwald, who previously had borrowed it from the Bosler Electric company. wag recovered by city police at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon and Mlchal Ball, Portland, was jailed on a charge of larceny. Po lice charged Ball had been appre hended In the attempt to sell the drill, which was valued at $60. Kentucky Major . Rossmsry Clinkscales New sponsor of the 100-pieca band at University of Kentucky Is Miss Rosemary Clinkscales wbV lacks the height of some drum majors but makes up for, it in ether ways.. . VERTICAL 1 plant 2 use ' 3 :mimie 4 morbidly tender , 6 foe 6 beginner 7 very small' 8 past : 9 diminish 10 obliterator 11 pert, to the Church of Rome 13 Vehicles 18 long fish . 21 suitable companions 23 visionary 25 lick np 27 affirmative vote ". 29 sympa- theUc . sorrow 31 laminated rock 32 manners of continuity - 33 whole 34 beaten track 36 reposed 37 table- , ' ; linen 38 boxes 41 plant of cucumber family 44 possessive pronoun 45 Urdy 48 weight unit SO definite article BIS mc. PIE fNl 4VEERB rfalana SradkaM, laa V 2. j, i V ! r '3 i, H ) r !! I- P l I, -c "-n I : I ' 1 i - , A I to' . ) f "' s '; i -"T - V.i