i-- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 7, 1935 PAGE FIVE Local News Brief s Tmh Mtkn Gain Kenneth " 3randon learn la the Salem Cre dit association membership con test made a sain to bring it with in 37 of the 669 points amassed ' in the contest so far by Howard Grimm's team, the count made at association meeting yesterday noon showed, urimm team was V credited with 130 points and urtBdon-s with 13 points yester day. The contest will close with the annual Credit association din ner -nd election next Friday night at ihe Quelle. The dinner session will take the place of the Friday noon luncheon next week. Danee Chlef Titus and 10 Royal Americans. Haunted Mill tonight. Committee Meets The annuaf meeting committee of the Boy Scout council met Thursday noon to discuss plans for the annual meeting which will be held in Sa lem January 8. Willis Clark, W. L.' Philips and Dr. B. F. Pound, together with James Monroe, scout executire, studied plans for the conclave which is scheduled to be an all-day affair. Every scout sad person interested in the scout movement is eligible to attend the meeting, 'He' will appreciate a Pendleton flannel robe for Christmas. Form eflywjlt it 12, now 16.95 at Bishop's. Swedenborg Lectures F. Gor don Fleming will start a series of lectures on the philosophy of Kmanuel Swedenborg at the W. C. T. U. hall. South Commercial and Ferry, Sunday at 8 p. m. In this series of lectures Dr. Fleming will cover such works as divine love and wisdom, divine providence, the four doctrines and heaven and hell. All the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. The public is invited. Santa Claus will be at Miller's Saturday with a gift for all little boys and girls. Troop Installed Installation of a new scout troop in the Cascade area council's territory at Browns ville was attended Thursday night by George- Naderman, Harry W'eidmer, Staryl Austin, Ted Ro ark and James Monroe, scout exe cutive. The new troop, which bears the number 35, is sponsored by the Brownsville Lions club. Rev. Wayne Wright is to seive as scoutmaster. Give "him" a famous Pendleton flannel rrb $10 It $12 values, now $6.9 5. Bishop's. Credit Union Elects The fol lowing officers of the new Salem' teachers credit union have been elected: President, Gertrude Shis ler; vice-president, T. T. Macken zie; secretary, Eleanor Fisher; treasurer, Merrit Davis; directors, Floyd Siegmund, Ola-Clark, Shan non Hogue. C. A. Guderian and Gertrude Shisler; credit commit tee. Beryl Holt, G. R. Cranor and Vda Ross; supervising committee, Martin Elle, NIel Brown and Fred D. Wolf. Dance Sat. nite, 12 Mile Tav'n. I'nrk Land Deeded The state highway commission Friday re ceived a deed for 1400 acres of land on Saddle mountain, abut ting the Nehalem highway, for state park purposes. This land re cently was deeded to the state land board by the federal govern ment. Officials said the park would be Improved . through the establishment of a CCC camp. Sample footwear again at Miller's. Sizes 4, AM, 5 only. Small feet at tention. Miller's main floor. One Industrial Death There was one fatality due to industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending December 5, the etate Industrial accident commis sion reported Friday. The vic tim was Courtney Steinhauer, loader, of sixes. Curry county. There were 667 accidents report ed Jo the commission during the week. Beautiful new silk robes, the ideal Sift for a man, $5.95 at Bishop's. Itv Graff Named Governor Martin on Friday appointed Charles S. DeGraff as justice pf the peace at Florence in Lane connty. to succeed Judge Miller, deceased. Kpencer Guilty John Spencer was tried yesterday before Judge Miller Hayden on a charge of op erating a truck with no P. U. C. plates. He was found guilty and was fined $10 and costs. Coming Events December Final play in Statesman - Elks bridge tournament. Elks temple. December 9 Young Dem ocrats meet, courthouse. December 10 Salem Mac Dowcll club Christmas con cert. Knight Memorial church. December 1 1 M a r-i o n county Jersey cattle club, chamber of commerce, l:SO p. m. - December 11 Benefit recital by W. V. music de partment. Waller hall. December ,13 Associated Veterans meet, chamber of commerce. December 13 Annual banquet Credit association, :30, the Quelle. December 13 Salem high school Snikpoh play, "Go Ahead, 8 p. m. - December 16 P 1 1 c hearing on proposed sone change for Willson park and Capitol blocks, 7:30 p. m. : council chambers. December IB Hearing on Marion count) utility district, MC Angel. December 17 Young Re : publican dub at court house, 8 p. m. .. . December 20 to January 6 Willamette university ' holding vacation. January 8 Annual ban quet. Boy Scouts couacil. January 20-21 Marion county farm outlook coa " Terences. , Fellowship Meet - An all - day fellowship meeting of the Pente costal Church of Ged will be held Monday at 315 North Commercial street, with services at 10:30 a, m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m., an nounces A. J. Jensen, local pas tor. Ministers will attend from Portland, Gresham and Browns ville. Rev. Wi W. Bradley, district superintendent, wUl be in charge of the program and Signs Peder sen and Inga Johnsen, missionar ies recently returned from North China, will address the assembly. Daughters of Veterans' Bazaar. Today, Columbia Market. Skate is Tonight The young people of the Jason Lee church are sponsoring a skating party at Dreamland r lk tonight for the district league, comprising 15 towns in the Salem district. In vitations have been sent to each town. The funds will be used to supply suits for the six basketball teams of the church. Harold Dun can and Don Dour is are in charge of plans for the skate. Mathea Old Time orchestra. Brown's Hall, Broadacres, 5 ml. N. W. of Woodburn, tonight. Start Projects Three hundred thirty-nine men in Marion, Linn, Benton and Lane counties will re ceive WPA jobs beginning next Wednesday, under requisitions is sued at the district headquarters here yesterday. Forty men were ordered for a road job near Brooks, 15 for Mt. Angel street improvements, 254 for Linn road projects, 20 for a road near Cor vallls and ten for road work near Florence, Lane county. Bazaar,, food sale, Hogg Bros., Court St.. Sat., 1st Congregational chnrrh Give engraved visiting cards this Christmas 100 paneled or plain cards, your choice of styles of en graving. Plate included, only 1.75. Statesman Publishing Co. Jailed, Drank Charge James McNabe of Chicago, 111., was jail ed by city police early yesterday morning on a charge of being drunk. Recklemness Charged James Edd Miller of Dallas was booked by Salem police yesterday on a charge of driving recklessly. Obituary La Fontaine B. F. .La Fontaine, Brooks, route 1, December 4. Survived by widow, Louise La Fontaine; brothers, Louis and P. M. La Fon taine, Brooks; Joe La Fontaine, Olympia, and George La Fon taine, Portland: sister3, Mrs. Hel en Aschwander. Mrs. Lila Ber trand. and Mrs. Lulu Rosencrank, all of Portland, and Mrs. Etta Cummings, Brooks; step-son, Del- bert Riggs. Woodburn; grand children, Delbert Louis Riggs, jr.. George Freeman Riggs, and Glo ria Riggs,' Woodburn. Final ser vices from the St. Paul. Ore., Catholic church, Saturday, Decem ber 7, at 9 a. m. Interment St. Taul cemetery. Burns At a local hospital. Dec. 6. Mrs. Etta Burns, 50. late resident of 1135 S. 12th street. Survived by two daughters. Mrs. Naomi Beach, Salem, and Mrs. Vada Sav age, Salem; and three sons, Har old. Max and Ivan Burns, all of Salem: three brothers, Herman Brown. Salem, Norman Brown, Portland, and Glenn Brown, Boise, Idaho; sister, Mrs. Myrtle Young, Portland; mother, Mrs. Mary Brown, Salem; and five grandchildren. Eleanor Burns. Donna, Geraldine, and Beverly Gene Savage, and Lerola Beach, all of Salem. Funeral announce ments later by Clough - Barrick Co. Davis At the residence, 635 Cheme- keta street, December 6, Mrs. Jo sephine M." Davis. Sister of Mrs. Ida F. Shade and Dr. J. W. Ball; aunt of H. E. Shade of Salem, J. J, Shade of Chicago, Hazel and Ora Penn ot Boulder, Col., Doug las and Bessie Bradley of Rock Rapids, Iowa, and Hazel Larson of Chicago. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday, De cember 7 from the W. T. Rigdon company chapel. Interment Bel crest Meir.crial park. Branson On December 6, Amos Branson. Survived by wife, Blanche. Hope well; brothers, I. N. Branson, Bellview, Ore.; and B. Branson, Troy Branson, and William Bran son, Salem; Harvey Branson, Portland; Jesse Branson. Balston, Ore.; and one sister, Mrs. Neil Stoutenberg. Dayton, Or.e. Funer al announcements later by W. T. Rigdon & Co. Whetsell At a local hospital, December 6, Kenneth Whetsell. aged 11 years. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Whetsell of War renton. Funeral announcements later from Clough-Barrick com pany chapel. DANCE TONITE Good Mimic, Requests Played MELLOW MOON "to .12 25c Adm. HOTEL MARION ROOMS Per Month Hot and cold wa ter, steam heat; 24- hour telephone service. See Oaso Dismissed AH parties to the suit ot C. A. Pelland and Anno Pelland against Florence Daly and. others having agreed to a settlement out of court, the case was ordered dismissed yesterday by Judge L. G. Lewelllng who was here for the day from Albany to preside In department one of cir cuit court during the absence of Judge L. H. McMahan. . . j h. Luti Florist 127S N. Lib. P-85JJ. To Try Math -Second tryouts of the season for membership in the Math club at Salem high school will he held soon, according to James Cole, president. Tryout tests have already been passed by Cole, June Armstrong, Leo An drews, Warren Biggerstaff, Glen Cheese, Marjorle Craney, George aversion, martin fiiuxer auu uara Smith. I; ' f Big dance, Kentl hall, Sat. nite. Rogers Will In The will of the late Daniel Rogers who died Aug ust 2 9 at the age of 93 years, was admitted to probate yesterday.: Rogers left property which has an estimated value of $3500. His wife is principal beneficiary with $2000 cash and certain real prop erty going to her. Julia Gregory is! to serve as administratrix ot the will. Carrier bags 60 and 75c States man office 215 So. Com'l st. I I At SOTAL Meet Several Salem Legionnaires last night attended installation of officers for a squadron of the Sons of the Amer ican Legion at Corvallis last night. George Manolis led In obtaining a charter for this squadron, spon sored by Delbert Reeves post. iBank Reports The First Na tional bank of Portland filed its annual report here yesterday in the estate of George I. Whltsell, insane. Income of $419 and outgo of $266 was reported. Assets in the estate are valued at $652. Give engraved stationery. Styles for men and women 100 sheets note paper, 100 envelopes to match, plate Included. Only $2.00 and up. Statesman Publishing Co. I Banquet to be Given A ban quet honoring the new citizens who received their naturalization papers Thursday will be held at the Y. M. O. A. Saturday night. December 14. The banquet will be given by the class in citizen ship study which Is under the in struction ot C. A. Kells. Big dance, Kenti hall. Sat. nite. ! Bolter Home Russel J. Bolter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bolter of Monmouth, is spending a ten-day leave with his parents before leaving for army work in the Hawaiian Islands in January. Vagrant Investigated James Nelson, San Francisco, was being held in city jail here last night for investigation, police said. He was booked on a charge of va grancy after his arrest at 5:51 o'clock yesterday morning. The nature of the investigation was not revealed. Claim Allowed A claim of j $503 against the estate of the late H. Steinbock was allowed yesterday in probate court in an order signed by Judge John Sleg mund. The claim was placed by. Guy E. Irwin. : Final Decree In Final decree in the estate of the late May F.; Ohler was filed yesterday in pro bate court here, Melvina Jaynes as executrix presenting, the final papers. Estate Closed A final order in the estate of the late Mary Abts was filed yesterday in pro-i bate court, all administration af fairs having been settled. Bert Ford was executrix of the will. ! Song Leaders Meet Tonight ; Girl Reserve song leaders will meet at 11 o'clock today at the Y. W. C. A. with Ruth Reasor as leader. ! Townsend Lecture Attorney Alf O. Nelson, Silverton, author ized Townsend lecturer, spoke on the McGroarty bill before Club No. 6 in the auditorium of the Saleni public library last night. Mott to Speak Congressman James W. Mott is to address a joint meeting ot the Marion coun ty Townsend clubs at the Salem high school auditorium on Tues day, December 17, at 8 p. m. M. L Brothers Win Y) :?F 2M2l.i 3 Morgan brothers with champions ' Two of the prizes at the International Livestock showat Chicago were won by the Morgan brothers, Lawrence, 14, and Dean. 10, with their Aberdeen Angus entries which won the reserve grand chanv pionshiprdan and 1,000 to 1,500-pound division, J Estate of Woman Slain Here Filed Estate of the late Mrs. Mary T. Johnson, who was killed by her husband Tuesday night at the Johnson farm, east of Salem, was admitted to probate here yester day. Personal property belonging to her has an estimated value of $500. O. W. Emmons, who served as Mr. Johnson's guardian prior, to the latter's suicide, will be ad ministrator of Mrs. Johnson's pro perty. Petition to name Ray Landon administrator of the estate of Mr. Johnson was filed yesterday with the probate court. He will substi tute tor Mary A. Moss and Nellie A. Varley who first asked to ad minister the estate. Johnson left property with an estimated value of $4400. Funeral services for the John sons were held Friday. Johnson was on parole from the Oregon state hospital when he killed his wife and then shot himself Tues day night. Officers were on their way to the Johnson farm to take Johnson back to the hospital when the tragedy occurred. Extradition Granted Gover nor Martin Friday authorized the extradition of Axel Ostland, who Is wanted in Stevens county. Wash., on a charge of grand lar ceny. He is und.er arrest in Port land. Accounting Made Annual ac count in the estate of William L. Ginzburg, incompetent, was filed yesterday in probate court. In come for the year was placed at $577 and outgo at 1473. Assets in the estate are $2304. Amends Complaint The Mer chants Credit Bureau, Inc., amended its complaint here yes terday and renewed its suit against W. C. Barchus from whom it seeks claims aggregating $432. For the Best , . . In Materials !. . . In Style j. . . In Workmanship Have Your Suit Tailored by D. H. Mosker 474 Court St. VENDEN at Stock Show 4 1 n Cannery Here Not Polluting Stream (Continued from Paje 1) amounts to malicious and injuri ous propaganda should have to come out la- the open and declare themselves," Yocom avowed, add ing that Custer Ross, attorney for Reld, Murdoch and company, was yesterday asked to investigate the movement, with a possiblie dam age action, with the packing com pany as plaintiff, in view. Mr. Ross said late yesterday af ternoon that he has not yet had opportunity to investigate the rec ords in the reported suit, inas much as the records are in Port land, but that he will do so to de termine definitely who is back of the suit. He inferred that is the picture as is presumed to be, the cannery may have recourse to a damage action itself. , Officials for Hunt Brothers cannery here, named as the other local cannery in the so-called cam paign to relieve the river ot pol lution, had no comment to make. Library Plan Aided McMlS'NVILLE, Ore., Dec. 6-)-E. C. Apperson, city treasurer, said today conditions which stand In the way of construction of the proposed $65,000 library should be 'worked out within, a week." Technicalities relative to a $29, 250 PWA loan and the sale of the city's $36,000 bonds were named as the next steps to be sur mounted. . CHIN CHILLA CURL MILLERS BEAUTY SHOP ETC ?r?r7 in How Near Are We To It? Judge-Jury-Attorney-Witnesses After the lecture you will say: "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." ' SUNDAY MIGHT V Singing Evangelists and Bible Lecturers DIG TABERNACLE Cottage and Marion Streets, Salem Notice Subjects for Week Tuesday, December 10 i 7:30 pjn "Three Hen Giving God's Message to the World ia Three Days." Wednesday, Dec. 11 7:30 pjn-r ' "A Two-Winged Lion; A Lop-Sided Bear; A Four-? Headed Leopard; and a . Ten-Horned Monster." Be swre to hear this Bible Prophecy. See the pic- tares, a thrill to the his torian, a challenge to the Inffdel. Vision Lacking Martin Avers Oregon Has - Fine People But Chances to Make Progress Muffed . f Continued from Page 1) one not on relief between May 1 and November -1" could be passed for work on WPA projects, Grif fith said that It was congress' in tention that all those needing re lief after May 1 should be taken care of by state and local govern ments, but that the time for the selection of the 8,500,000 quota was moved up to November 1, "Direct relief is now the state's responsibility," he declared. Governor M a r tin's opinions were expressed during what he termed a half hour of "plain talk." "What Oregon needs is some body to stir some ot these dead ones to life," the governor said. In referring to the defeat of his proposal to construct a larger state capitol than finally won leg islative approval, the governor de clared: , ; "We want to get some young men. Talking to some of these old birds is like administering medi cine to a dead man." Governor Martin also said he feared "a bust - up" concerning power from Bonneville dam. "Bonneville's chief purpose is to provide big blocks of power for manufacturing especially for chemical and metallurgical plants. Yet there are a lot of these poli ticians who want to keep all the power for farmers. Why, if all the farmers in Oregon had their lights running from Bonneville power it wouldn't make a dent in Bonne ville's output." Christmas Slippers All Leather L a d i e s' D'Orsay In black, red and blue. An ideal Christmas gift. SPECIAL Now is the time to get your per manent curls for the Holiday season! $ jl 95 YouH like this new CHIN CHILLA curl. It is a smart looking head dress! Spe cial prices! Good quality work and materials! Get your PERMANENT AT MILLER'S! Thursday, Dec 12 7:30 p.xtC "A Prophet Who Fainted and Was Sick For Days. What In ! the World Did -He See?" Friday, Dec 13 7:30 p.m "The Seven Last Plagues That Ring the Curtain Down on This World." (Who win they afect?) Sunday, Dec 15 7:30 p.m "The Striking Question Asked by, a Great Jesuit. Priest to the Protestants 'in Rome. ' Masterly Concert ; Is Presented Here Continued frbm Pare 11 i - hi flute players. Marjorle Broer and Donald Scott, whose work was excellent, and to his first trumpeter, Gordon Findley, a newcomer to the orchestra this seasonJ Also honored, by the con ductor! were Mary Headrick, con certmaster, and Irene M. Frank, her assistant. iNowj in its fourth year, the symphony has passed the time ot experimentation and is a Salem institution. The audience showed repeatedly its appreciation for the progress the players and the or SHIPLEY'S PRE-REMOVAL . SALE HATS All A Others at COATS . 1 2-8? It Luxurious fujrs, self selected to assure uni formity and quality. Others at 18.87 and 21.87. SPORT COATS 7.95 8.95 and 12.45 Every Coat Reduced A GIFT FROM GIFT OF Other Gift Dance Sets Silk Crepe, Lace Trimmed 1.00 Smocks Colorful Combinations 1.79 to 3.95 Purses New Novelty Fasteners 79c 98c 1.79 2.45 Gloves Capeskin, Half Pique 1.95 2.25 Kid Gloves; full pique 2.95 3.48 Pigskin Gloves 2.95 - 3.48 - 3.95 "We Cater to Men Who Buy For Women" ALL; GIFTS APPROPRIATELY WRAPPED SHIPLEY'S Now on Liberty St. Soon on Court ganization have made. Music lov ers heard the program on its mer its and pronounced it good and expressed eagerness to enjoy the remaining concerts of the 1935 36 season An informal reception was held in the Marion hotel mirror room after the concert, Mr. H. V. Collins, the former orches tra board president, and Mrs. Col lins heading the receiving line. Russia Peaceful . ' EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 6- UP) -Charles Stevenson Smith, former ly with The Associated Press for eign service, told a student audi ence here today that "Russia will not make war for a long time, with Japan or anyone else." $ 1.00 New Fall Styles 1.79 and 2.79 DRESSES f 12.75 Woolen and silk dresses for afternoon and dinner wear. Others to sell at 4.87 K7 975 15.95 - ru? Every Dress Reduced SHIPLEVS IS A QUALITY Robes! Robes! Robes! New -flannel, robes In solid ) colors with contrasting piping ji r ftp f? 6.48 8.48 Polkadot Rayon. Satin Robes - 5.50 Hand Embroidered Japanese Robes 1.S5 98C and 3.95 COQLIE COATS 1.95 and 3.95 Suggestions Brassiers By Renee 49c 98c 1.95 Blouses Silks, Satin, Lace$ 1.95 to 3.95 Hosiery Full Fashioned - ISilk 79c 1.00 1.35 Ask jfor special 2 or 3 pr. price Pajamas Two-Piece Sleeping Pajamas Rayon and Bembertr 1.39 Colorful Lounging: v Pajamas , 4.95 I