The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1935, Page 8, Image 8

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    PAGE Kiunx
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I - -k-r. -JL. W I . II it II II At II II I I r. j I I ' !
oouiciv news aneii uinio jma
New Officers Told
For Rebekah
, Lodge
ELECTION of officers took place
at the business meeting of the
Salem Rebekah lodge this
week with the following results:
Noble grand, Mrs. Jessie Beaty;
vice grand, Mrs. Justina Kildee;
recording secretary, Mrs. Bessie
Edwards-; financial secretary,
Mrs. , Elsie Townsend; and treas
urer, Mrs. Lora Groves. All the
officers were incumbents. . '
After the business session, a
program was presented with Rer.
Lucien Jones giTing a travelogue.
Miss Colene Mennis appearing In
a reading, rocal selections by Mrs.
Beaty accompanied by Mrs. Beth
Waters, and string selections by
Miss Verda Olmstead, Miss Myr
tle McClay and Miss Ella Smith.
Refreshments were served in
the dining room.
B. and P. W. Club Dinner
At Quelle Tuesday
The Business and Professional
Women's club held a dinner meet
ing at the Quelle Tuesday night.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar sang, ac
companied by Mrs. Kenneih Dal
ton. Miss Ruth Brauti talked on the
standing of women in the world, ;
as she observed it during ber two
years residence abroad.
Miss Hetta Field reported for
the international relations com
mittee on the independence of the
Philippines. There were 50 in at
Mrs. Maison fs Hostess
To" Contract Club
A Bmart bridge luncheon was
given by Mrs. H. G. Maison Wed
nesday for members of her con
tract club. Ivy and tall red tap
ers centered the table.
Places were marked for Mrs.
Karl Becke Mrs. Walter Kirk.
Mrs. E. T. Pierce, Mrs. John El
liott, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. E.
McMechan, Mrs. W. F. Poor
man, Mrs. William Mott and Mrs.
Maison, the hostess.'
Oak Point Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wilson were Thanksgiv
ing day guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Bates of Spring
field. Pattern
What with sewing classes at
school and ambitious young dress
makers becoming more and more
style conscious, every 'teen
- age 'Junior miss Is on the lookout
for smart patterns that make up
quickly and easily, with practic
ally no help from mother or
teacher. Here's a frock that ful
fills all these qualifications and
one more besides it's a real budget-saver.
It she's wise, she'll
make a long-steered version to
take her through the Winter,
choosing a warm woolen, wool
appearing cotton, or jersey. And
then for Just the. right dash of
collar for contrasting velveteen or
white pique.. That yoke and cen
ter panel's a grand work-saving
Pattern 2413 Is available In
ises 8, 10, 12. 14. 16 and 18.
Size 12 taken 14 yards 54 inch
fabric and XA, yard 3Q inch con
trasting. Illustrated step-by-step
sewing . Instructions Included.
Send fifteen cents (15e) la coins
or stamps (coins preferred) for this
Anno Adams pattern. Writ plainly
aamsv address and atyla number. &
sora to state !.
Order your fail and winter edition
(Ann Adams patters book! Ten Ml
be thrilled with th smart designs it
pictures clothes for ail occasions ...
for all roar family. Aderabla, oasy-to-mako
Christmas gifts, too. And help
ful odvieo on being th charming, per-fectly-gToomed
woman. A book yen' 11
lovo and consult frequently all sea
son I Price of book fifteen coats. Book
and pattern ' together, twenty firs
ate. - : 4 -
Address order to Tb Ortftt
Statesman-. Pattern Dept., 318 Sonth
Commercial street, Salem, Or. Hake
! necessary enclosures. Tonr order trill
bo promptly attended to.
i Order enstomorily are filled wltkia
four day from the tint resolved - by
The -Statesmen.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.M- -- - "I
: . - - :r 7 Rural Woman's Club Has I " i .
9 TXT Tl Ti A 5n 6 1 Dinner at Home I T
j i .
Jessie Steele,
Laura Wheeler Pattern
Crocheted Accessories
Pattern 1097
Daughter will-be a proud young
lady the day she goes off to
school in this new crocheted out
fit, and it can be hers whether
she's five, twelve or in between
for the set is suitable for all these
sizes. You'll be proud too, to
think that you made it yourself.
Just the thing for snowy days are
the snug little cap, warm scarf
and the muff-purse, which is like
Stuffed Peppers Are Topic
For Round Table Contest
THE Round Table resumes its
weekly meetings this coming
week with stuffed peppers for
a topic. Peppers are available on
the market; now and how good
they are filled with meat mix
tures, spiced in tantalizing fa
shion. Any recipe for stuffed peppers,
no matter what the filling, will
be welcome. There is no limita
tion on the number of recipes that
may be submitted. The deadline
is Thursday noon, December 5.
All of the following muffin re
cipes belong in your files:
Crumb Muffins
2 cups dry brown bread crumbs
Mi cups milk
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder "
H teaspoon-tilt
2 eggs
1 tablespoon shortening
2 tableopoons brown sugar
H eup chopped figs .
Soak crumbs in cold milk for
10 minutes. Add sifted dry in
gredients, sugar which has been
melted, well beaten eg?s and
shortening. Mix well. La."- add
figs or other dried fruit. Heat
greased muffin tins before drop
ping in batter. Bake in a hot oven.
Makes about 1 dozen muffins.
Mrs. H. R. Tishop
Route 3, Eox 75-A
Cranberry Muffins
i cup melted butter
' cup sugar
1 egg
s rop milk
teaspoon ta!t
2 cups sifted flour
4 teaspoon baking ponder
1 cup cranberries '
2 tablespoons kugar
Break the egg iato a mixing
bowl. Beat it lightly. Add 'the
milk. Sift the dry ingredients. Add
the milk and egg mixture and
melted butter. Roll the cranber
rie sin 2 tablespoons of sugar and
fold them carefully into the hat
ter. Place increased muffin pans.
Bake in a moderate oven about
hour or until brown.
Nellie Beatty
1959 N. Church
Emergency Muffins
4 cups floor
4 level tessoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon -sugar
1 cup cream
Milk to mix "
Sift dry ingredients then add
-cream slowly and enough milk to
make the dough of dropping
thickness. Drop from spoon in
muffin tins and bake in a hot oven
from S to 10 minutes according
Be Sure You're at Sally's
Christmas Sale!
J3l7i Pair Free
357 Court Street
Salem, Ore,
Society Editor
her big sister's. All three are
easy to make, for they are mostly
plain crochet, trimmed with a
pointed pattern of plcot stitch.
Pattern 1097 comes to you with
complete directions for making
the set In S through 12 year size
(all given in one pattern); illus
trations of them and of all stit
ches used; material requirements.
Send 10 cents in stamps or coin
(coin preferred) for this pattern
to The Oregon Statesman Needle
craft Dept.
to your oven. For those who have
cream, this Is the most economi
cal and most quicnly prepared
muffin I Lave ever baked.
Mrs. Ben Thomas
Route 2, Box 322
Jelly Cornmeal Muffins
1 cup cornmeal
1 y cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar.
6 teaspoons baking powder
y teaspoon sslt
a gt
1 cup milk
4 tablespoons shortening
Mix and sift flour, cornmeal,
sugar, baking powder and salt.
Add beaten eggs and milk and mix
well. Add melted shortening and
413415 II
in the VmX
w w. moore m
'Growing With Progressive In I
j Salem9' 1 HI I
! ! " - -I
Hospitality Bay
1 M
The Portland General
Electric Company
237 N. Liberty Street
Invites You to Accept
the Hospitality f its
New All-Electric Kitchen
At Any Hour on Saturday
Nov. 30, 1935
Dinner Served at
I Lytle Home is
Gay Event
Thanksgiving dinner was serv
ed at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
W. H. Lytle yesterday for a group
of Salepa friends and several out-of-town:
guests. White chrysan
themums and white tapers graced
the table
Covers were placed for Dr. and
Mrs. David B.;Hill of Salem, Mr.
and Mrs. James Hill, sr., Mr. and
Mrs. James Hill, Jr., Miss Iso
beir Hill, all of Pendleton, Mr.
and ' Ms. T. R. Hill and daugh
ter, Betty, of The Dalles, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Gattie of Port
land, Frederick Hill of Oregon
State college, and the hosts, Dr.
and Mrs. W. H. Lytle.
o o o
Wednesday Night Club
Has larty
Independence. Members of
the Wednesday night club met
with Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. PonT
eroy for a social evening Novem
ber 27.1
Members present were Mr. and
Mrs. Forrest Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Morlan, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Harwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth L. Williams, Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Link, - Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Hiltibrand, Mr. and
Mrs. Grover Mattison, Mr and
Mrs. Irit D. Mix and Mr. and Mrs.
Dale T.iPomeroy.
mix thoroughly. Fill greased muf
fin tins U full of batter. Put a
teaspoon of tart Jelly in each and
cover eith more batter, having
tins about 2-3 full. Bake in a hot
oven, 425 degrees, for 25 min
utes. This recipe is delightful for
luncheons or suppers- and will
make about 16 muffins.
1 Mrs. George -Manning
Salem Heights
o o
Ham Muffins
1 H en pa- sifted flour
Vt enp graham flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons sugar ? "
4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs: (well beaten)
1 enp bilk
8 tablespoon melted shortening
4 cup ground cooked bam
Blend flour, baking powder, su
gar and; salt. Combine with beaten
eggs, milk and melted shorten
ing, pouring liquid onto dry in
gredients. Add , cup ground
cooked ham. Stir enough to mois
ten dry ingredients. Pour into
greased! muffin tins and bake at
400 degrees. Makes 12 muffins.
Stayton, Ore.
Oregon, Friday- Morning, November 29, 1 1935
Oak Point. The 1 o'clock din
ner givea by thai Independence
Rural Woman's club for husbands
and children was 4 decided suc
cess. Miss Hasel Haghes was hos
tess at the Haghes home with the
dinner served cafeteria style to 28
Mrs. LaVant Pease gave read
ing, "The Origin of Thanksgir
ing." and Mrs. Hugh Rogers talk
ed on Oregon history. Mrs.-John
Walker won the contest by pin
ning a cap on the turkey.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Grove Peterson and three chil
dren, Mrs. John Walker, Mrs.
Lena Whipple, Mrs. Cecil Hult
man, Mrs. Edward Harnsberger,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers, Mr.
and Mrs. Q. A. Peterson, sr., Mr.
and Mrs. Orley Brown and daugh
ter, Rodney Peterson, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Bigelow and Mrs. Jen
nie Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wilson and Mrs. LaVant Pease,
A. B. W. Hughes, Lloyd Hughes
and Miss Hazel Hughes.
Guests at Oak Point For
Thanksgiving Day
Oak Point Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Lauterbach had as Thanks
giving day guests, his mother,
Mrs. Thomas Lauterbach and Mr.
and Mrs. John Lauterbach and
daughter Jean of Central Howell,
Mr. and Mrs. James Lauterbach
and children of Bethel, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Clark of Aurora and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunnigan
and Lucille and Donald Dunigan
of Hazel Green.
Salem People Invited
To Portland
A Thanksgiving dinner In Port
land included among its guests
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ham
ilton, Miss Betty Hamilton, Mr.
and Mrs. William Blake and Phil
lip Blake, all of Salem.
Their hosts were Mr. and Mrs.
William Woelk. Others invited
were Miss Mary Stadelman cf The
Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Will Blake,
Jr., and John. Ryner.
. 1
Independence Thanksgiving
guests at the Claude G. Skinner
home were Dr. William Cavan
ajrh rf Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Conkey of Roseburg, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Riches of Turner, Dr.
and Mrs. Iran Bennett and
daughter Gae, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Smith and daughter Alice
and Carroll.
Mrs. Fern Hayden of Toledo is
spending the weekend with her
daughter. Miss Esther Hayden.
I AHEAD ipxsii. I; :' .
MILLER'S lfj' f : r;
AHEAD pjSiji , J
AT ,S5 (
hum !
iiifn i
ft '
fit' ' : '
1 . : :-
- . : ' i
Of fir hours for the
10 a. m. to li p. m. and 2
urday On Saturday, they
12:30 p. m. to 6 p. m.
Friday, November 2i
South Salem W. C. T.
Rural.1 2 n. m.
N. Q. Grlevnow of Tibet will lecture
Y. M. C. A., 8 p. m. Public
Electrical Show
Getting Support
The Salem chamber of com
merce has contacted 28 chamber
of commerce groups in Oregon,
urging them to lend their support
to Portland, taking the lead to
ward an international electrical
exhibition to be held in Portland
in 1937 in commemoration of com
pletion of the Bonneville dam pro
ject. Favorable responses have al
ready been received from 10 of
the 26 chambers appealed to In
Oregon, and southern Washington
cities are getting in line also for
the electrical exposition.
The Bonneville project has been
declared the greatest single in
dustrial and commercial stimulant
in the history of the mid-Columbia
district, and with its comple
tion Oregon chambers feel this
state and Washington have an op
portunity to present such an out
standing exposition as has not
been undertaken since the Lewis
and Clark historfcal event in 1905.
Miss McKee, Jefferson,
To Be Hostess Soon for
Reception at Corvallis
JEFFERSON, Not. 28. Jean
McKee returned to Corvallis on
Thursday afternoon after spend
ing Thanksgiving day at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
McKee at the Terminal. Miss Mc
Kee will attend the wedding of
Miss "Vera Shattuck to Floyd
Mullen. She will be one of the
hostesses at the reception to be
held at the Alpha XI Delta.
J. E. Tyson has purchased the
building occupied by his pool
hall and confectionery store; also
McClain's shoe shop of the May
wood Investment company of Sa
lem. Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Hamill cele
brated Thanksgiving Saturday in
stead of Thanksgiving day at the
home of their son, David E. Ham
ill ad family at Beaverton. The
liller's cordially invite you to STOP tOOK, AND LIST!
jlTiere'8 no other way one can successfully shop for Christmas
gifts. You are welcome to shop through j Miller's and watch the
unfolding of the Holiday giftwares displays . . . see the newest
of gifts placed on exhibit for the
like magic!
Miller's are ready for the
advantage of the "early buys," "conjplete assortments'' and
the "choice of the season." i y A s
"choice of the season.
Miller's are ready for
society editor areas follows:
to p. m. eferjr day but Sat
are a. m.
TJ. with Mrs.
occasion was the 81st birthday of
Mr. HamiU. i s
g 99
The doctor
tojll:30 a. m. ana i
fl. E. Ot Jen, 818 g
In lobby of 0
irnrTTg,',"p " - " 11
fori CI
said it would-
I !
MtMrfMt a dMMiaC
mm mt illl Uxathw.
3vlatiaf taa. WMwrt to
t tfca fa.eMdilioa urn
IM regmlar aiaaralar acttoa
mt (b knell aa fart af
Why do people come home from a
hospital with bowels working like a
well-regulated Jwatch?
The answer is simple, and it's the
answer to fell your bowel worries if
you will only realize i t : n.any doctors
and hospitals juse liquid laxatives.
You can use a liquid laxative at
home. And: if you knew what a doc
tor knows, j you would use only the
liquid form. A liquid can always be
taken in gradually reduced doses
Reduced dosage is the real secret of
relief from constipation.
Ask a doctor about this. Ask your
druggist how very popular liquid
laxatives Wave become. They give
the right gind of help, and right
amount of jbelp when the dosage is
repeated. Taking a little less each
first time .,
. . watch TOYLAND
' I
early gift s
loppers who
ou to
Skeleton of Man Dead
More Than Year Found
in Woods Near Taeoma
SEATTLE, Not. 28. (JP) A
man's skeleton found In the woods
along the Tacoma highway near
the King-Pierce county line today
yi j iuvu w j - -
and sheriffs deputies trying to
Identify the remains.
Coroner Otto Mittlestadt said
the officers had gleaned no In
formation from efects ound near
the bleached bones. Mittlestadt
said the man apparently had been
dead more than a year. The cause
ot death was undetermined.
kwwiAv m mvtrprv inr rnrnnvr m
Hew te mnd the laxative heblt mm4
help netwre re este fcllsh reenlertty.
taka !; M III
alii rafwlarttr - aaa
time, gives the bowels a chance to
act of their own accord, until they
are moving regularly and thorough
ly without any help at all. 1
Once you have experienced this
comfort, you will never go back to
any form of help that cannot be
regulated to suit the needl
The liquid laxative generally used
is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It
contains senna and cascara both
natural laxatives that can form no
habit, even in children. The action
is gentle, but sure. It will relieve
any sluggishness or bilious condi
tion due to constipation. It is the'
very nicest tasting, nicest acting'
preparation you can buy. So, try
dyrup repsm. xouiusnaae
regulated doses till Nature
restores regularity.
VV...-' H
v ..
t Um do rack tfaM.