The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1935, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGOJf STATES31AN. Salem,: Oregon, Friday: BforninjrV NVrcmber 291935
land, tras here to spend Thanks
tfvlnff with his parents.
Cadet Kendrlck participated In
the fifth annual Hill Military
cross-country championship Wed
nesday in Portland. The event
drew, an - entry record of more
than 600 students from SO high
schools and 11 universities and
Sclioal Building
Presidential Greeting in Georgia
Friendship? Topic
For Lounging
Social at Pratun
Will Be Tonight
Gordon Hendricks Takes
in Cross-Country
Funds Exhausted
1 T f
for Youth Banquet
flTAYTOJjr. Nor. tS. Gordon
Kendrlck,"sW of Mr. -and Mrs. A.
M. Kendrlci, or the Stayton hospi
tal and who has been attending;
Hfll MlllUty Academy In Port-
li I j nani I
1 '':v
$1800 More Required to
Staytou Endeavor Society
Banquet and Program Ar
Complete Gymnasium at
I . Liberty District
Host ; Young People on
list for Toafits
ranged for Methodist
Church j f
i l
LIBERTY. Not. 2S. Ttas fact
that there are not sufficient fundi
to finish the new gymnasium
community building now In pro
cess of construction was present
ed for consideration by the school
board Monday night at a special
meeting of the community club.
Funds will be ' exhausted when
outstanding bills are paid, tear
ing the building with no electric
wiring, no beating plant, unfin
ished floors. The board estimated
that about 91800 additional would
be - required to finish the struc
ture. The board wanted to get the
sentiment of the community as
to the best means of raising the
money. A .rote showed sentiment
almost unanimous faTorlng a
meeting being called td Tote on a
new Issue of bonds amounting to
11800. These are to be Issued In
amounts as needed not to exceed
the $1800.
The original sum voted for the
new building and repairs In the
schoelhouse was$3000 for mater
ials. Labor Is paid from federal
funds. However, the stopping of
federal projects, at Liberty, from
May 1 to October 21, ran the cost
of the project here beyonl esti
mated cost as prices of lumber
nd other materials had advanced
considerably. .. :
The school board will meet and
decide on future procedure. Mean
time work on the building will
proceed with supplies on hsnd.
The club voted to sponsor the
Christmas candy fund drive. Mrs.
Forster was put In charge of the
drive. A house to house canvass
will be made. Lester Summers and
Kenneth Decatur were named cap
tains each in charge of the least
and west sides of the district.
Other high school boys will assist.
Mrs. Forster states that donations
ol nuts Instead of money for the
Christmas fund will be very ac
ceptable. I
The form of Christmas program
to be put on by the school was
left to the discretion of the teach
ers. Heretofore it 'has been cus
tomary for the school to give an
elaborate Christmas entertain
ment. As It is expected now that
the hall will not be ready for use
In time only short programs in
the rooms may be given.
Surprise Shower
For Mrs. Kirkwood
- MOLALLA. Nov.. 21. Twenty
friends of Mrs. Glenn Kirkwood
gave her a surprise luncheon and
handkerchief shower at her home
this afternoon. The occasion was
Mrs. Klrkwood's birthday. Those
present were Mrs. Bernard kind
land, Mrs. 21 e n r y Welch, Mrs.
George Case, Mrs. Lyman Inman,
Mrs. Harry Richards, Mrs. E. R.
Wallace. Mrs. J. W. Moore. Mrs.
Glen Harvey, Mrs. Frank Dicken,
Mrs. Emery Worth, Mrs. m; L.
Simmons, Mrs. Oswald Marson,
Mrs. J. J. Walter, Mrs. George
Overjorde, Mrs. Everman Bobbins.
Mrs. Sidney Powers. Mrs. Elton
Ralston. Mrs. P. K. Stafford. Au
drey Henriksen and Mrs. Kirk
wood: Gifts were sent by several
other friends who were unable to
be present.
Mr, and Mrs. Chester Granqulst
celebrated their eighth wedding
anniversary by ; entertaining a
group of friends at a bridge party
-and chill supper - at their home
ilonday evening.:
Guests who were present were
' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Henricl, Mr.
and Mrs. George Overjorde, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Granqulst, Mr.
and Mrs.. Ray Heiple. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lowes, Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Breen, Mr.; and. Mrs. John
Stoars and Mrs; Olive Turner.
High score was made by Mrs. Tur
ner. Among Molalla residents who
left Tuesday and Wednesday to
spend Thanksgiving away from
home were Mrs Chester Gran
qulst and small daughter, Kay.
who left Tuesday afternoon for
Cottonwood, Idaho, to spend the
holidays with Mrs. Cranquisfs
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kirk
wood and children, who left Wed
nesday afternoon for Seattle,
where they will visit with rela
tives, i
Officers Are Electe?
For Yarahfll Endeavor
At Amity Convention
s,- AMITY, Nov. 28. Officers
-elected for next year at ths Yam
bill county Christian Endeavor
convention held here over the
weekend In the Christian church
were: President, Robert Sawyer.
McMinnville; vice-president. John
Astleford, Newberg; secretary.
Miss Marjorie Peters, McMinn
ville; treasurer. .Arthur Stcuten
berg. Amity.
Drying and grading of walnuts
j In the W. R. Osborne plant just
south of Amity was finished Sat
urday and the cracking and sort
ing of walnuts started Tuesday.
Thla work will give employment
to over 60 women. !
? wr i.
f i r
-.. .
President Roosevelt la shown smiling at wheal of especially constructed
ear which he drives around Warm Springs, Ga daring his vacation there.
Children Give Parents Data
About Their Schools; Put on
en House at Normal Plant
MONMOUTH. Nov. 28. An un
usual and effective program was
presented Tuesday night in the
auditorium of the training depart
ment at Oregon Normal school,
in which the children gave their
parents a view of their school by
means of three large size graphs
and various demonstrations. Ans
wers were provided for the audi
ence to such questions as these:
How much does education cost?
How much does it cost per pu
pil in Monmouth? What per cent
of children attending Monmouth's
grade school finish high school
and enter college? How healthy
are our children?
This program was an out
growth of work done during Ed
ucation Week, Nov. 11 to 18.
which, in Monmouth, was Inter
preted as "Know Yodr School."
Children went from room to room
checking on the number of text
books owned; number of absenc
es and tardiness; .increase In en
rollment; and the floor space per
pupil. In checking throughout
the school the children's health,
they noticed particularly out
standing defects such as in teeth,
eyes, and other handicaps, keep
ing a count where corrections
had been made.
Graphs Show Progress
By means of various types of
graphs, they recorded their find
ings. The findings were present
ed by simple dramatizations sum
marized with a display of graphs.
Following the program, all the
graphs were posted In the halls
for display and for a more care
ful study by those interested.
.Book week was Indicated
through the medium of old and
new favorites In literature. Teach
ers and pupils explained the sev
eral exhibits to visitors.
Cider and doughnuts were
served at close of the "open
Findings of Interest to parents
and others were these:
Cost of education in Oregon,
, $91.65 per pupil In the state.
I7C.C1 per pupil in Polk coun
$53.55 per pupil In District No.
IS, Monmouth.
The children explained that the
There's plenty of svnsbJne in
the summertime at the shore.
But winter sun are weak ia rays
that predate vitasaia D. Chil
dren partienlarly need this vkal
"samhine vitamin ! help build
sound teeth and bones.
McKtssorc's Yitamik Con.
caw nan Tablets or Cos Lrm
Oil provide vitamin D, a well
as vitamin A, which helps to
baild p resistance te Infection
ia general. Also, each tablet fon
ts hit one grain ef dicaleiam
Each 'chocolate-coatee! tablet
brings yoa all the vitamins ia
om testpoonfol of Cod Liver
Oil, U. S. P. X. (revised 1931) . A
grand way for children to get
their cod liver oil values.
Begin today. Get these tablets .
at your druggist's. A $1 bottle
brings yoa 100 of McKessok's
V it amiw CoNczirraATs Tablets.
reason for the low cost In Dis
trict No. 13 is due to the fact
that Oregon Normal school pays
for all upkeep, heating, and part
of the teachers' salaries.
"What happened te the grad
uates of 1930, Monmouth grade
school?" revealed the following:
14 per cent unknown.
19 per cent finished eighth
grade only.
38 per cent entered college of
30 per cent entered Oregon
Normal school.
7 per cent went to and are
still In high school.
No School Today
LIBERTY. Nov. 28 In add
ition to the Thanksgiving day hol
iday, no school will be held here
on Friday.! Report cards are to
be issued in all grades Monday.
STAHTON, Not. 33 The Chris
tian, Endeavor society, of the Stay-
ton Church of Christ, gave its an
naal "friendship" banquet in the
basement dining room of the
church ! Tuesday night for the
young' people of Stayton and sur
rounding districts.
' Bringing the theme . "friend
ship" in detail, speakers selected
topics which linked together - to
create the friendship chain. The
toastnt aster. Dale Crabtroe. intro
duced Ienor Lewis, who spoke
upon the subject, "Welcome
friends": Dee Lila Titus care the
poem, "souse By tne Biae or tne
Road"; -Glen Vernon spoke about
"My Friend", and Miss Lucy Nor
ton, member of the Stayton high
school faculty, pictured the ne
cessity for "World Friends." Ray
mond Frey. as the -musical friend.
played two guitar selections and
Ltnore tnglls spoke b r 1 e f 1 y of
Christ pur Friend."
Rer. B. J. Ollstrap, a guest
peakerJ of Turner, graphically
told about "Our Guest Friend,"
W. H. By man, pastor of the Stay
ton church, then thanked the
speakers, committees and others
assistants and donors.
Attractive room and table dec
orations of evergreens and holly
added td the festivity. Several gay
and some sacred songs were sung.
Gneet for Tnraey
STATION, Nov. 28 Thanks
giving guests at the home of Mr.
nad Mrs. Ben Gehlen were their
sons. Delmer and Benhardt, of
ToppenlSh, Wash. Mrs. Benhardt
Gehlen and baby daughter, wno
have been at the parental home
the past; six weeks, will return to
Washington with them.
f -
June Knight, attractive blonde
screen actress, display the lat
.. est in boudoir attire. Her bro
i caded satin negligee has long
I ifrlnged aash of : contrasting
J color. To complete the ensemble
'"he wears knitted slippers of
harmonizing pastel colors.
Miss Lcmcry Visiting
Relatives in Montana
ST LOUIS. Nov. 28. Miss
Louise Lemery Is visiting In Mon
tana. Miss Lemery formerly resid
ed there but had not gone back
since coming here to attend
school about 11 years ago. She
will visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saal field
and family motored to Salem last
Tuesday to attend the marriage
of Bernard Saalfield to a Salem
girl at Salem Catholic church.
Bernard: Saalfield is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Saalfield of this par
ish. 1
Cookery Clubs
Have Meetings
CLOVE RD ALE, Nov! 28 The
boys' 4-H Camp Cookery club held
Its first meeting Tuesday. All
fifteen members were present.
Starting December the club
plans to meet every Thursday
when they will prepare some dish.
Later the boys hope to prepare
several meals to which they will
invite s few friends.
The president, Gordon Kunke,
presided, and the club leader, Ar
thur Bestvater, explained the dub
A girls' 4-H cooking club 'was
also organised last week In this
school. The first meeting was held
Tuesday In the primary rooms.
The president, VIoma Taylor, Pre
sided. The club has six members
and 'Is to be known as the Jolly
Opal Bowers was elected song
leader. Mrs. Gayette Barnett, the
club leader, explained the duties
of club members.
Starting December the club
will meet every Thursday.
P R A TTJM. Nor. 38 Friday
night the Sunday school social will
be held st tne Metnoaist enurcn.
A large banquet is being planned
under the direction of the young
women of the church. The ban
quet will be served by six young
men and a program will be given.
Leslie ! Klampe of Lablsh Center
will play several numbers on his
Dr. D. H. Leech will gives talk,
Waldo Klein wlU sing a solo. Mrs.
John Jones will play an organ se
lection, Jsy Thompson will sing,
Mrs. Streeter from . Brooks will
give several readings and Dean
U. B. Duback from Oregon State
college will speak.
Rudolph de Vries, president of
the organization. Is general man
ager tor the banquet.
Thanksgiving a Joint service
was held of the Methodist' and
Mennonlte churches at the Menn
anlte church. Dr. G rover C. Blrt-
chet was the spesker.
Sunday night Rev. Jensen, s
returned 'missionary from. Africa.
will show pictures and speak st
the Methodist church.
Mrsl Honeyman to
Be Guest Speaker
The Independence Wotnaif's club
will have Representative Nanny
Wood Honeyman as guest speak
er at their; regular meeting Tues
day afternon. December 8, st
2:30. This will be guest day.
Special music Is being arranged
by Mrs. Loren Mort. Hostesses
will be Mrs. Clarence Charbon
eau, Mrs. C. A. Fratzke and Mrs.
Ivan E. Bennett.
PTA to Meet
Next regular meeting of the
Parent-Teacher association will be
held Monday afternon. Is the
training school at 3:8S o'clock:
The program Is to be s surprise,
The Girls' Glee club ef the high
school will sing. They are direct
ed by Miss Virginia Dahlman. This
will be their first appearance for
this year.
The two-act play sponsored by
the P. T. A. last week netted the
association 823. This money will
be used toward buying band music
and' Instruments to start a grade
school concert band.
Do tVt tell your Mother,
but that turkey lof
yours was the best
I ever ate ! . . .
Modern Gas Ranges
have these features:
v II
llhen take a hint, jjt Z?
Dad, and qet her a
LSi new oas ranap like I II n.I!TuZ)
mr" fc gT"i I ' "J III Srs light mfmkMictllf'
I f at a v m III vara fas rarxJ m.
f I i f I II Ovem Heat Control
Z ' : ll Ssnokoloss troller
I s . ! .. . ., J. I 1 1 4 dprtsxim tm saw pm tMtchtt
1 x n ' i i 1 1 ii . i ll " M yiwt,
J ::: !::Kjs'..' v II Oven Insulotion
, r'rvk'. 1 II Kpi ta kM in the ra wkrta
I . . " " " 11 btlout.
i u i , I - .Simmer Burners
1 ' - V;'-'VV-i' mp tm Ut, in gma.
Corner Court and High
Pboss 87a
Poultry : Dairy Fox Feeds ,
Kompletelay, cwt. , $2L25
K, K. Lay, cwt. 2X0
Leader Mash; cwt. 2.00
Komplete Komprest j
Turkey Finisher L. 2.23
KK Rabbit Feed cwt...$20
Angora Rabbit Feed. 2.15
Kow Eandy Meal 80s.. 1.30
Crown Calf Meal 25s.. 1.05
Delivered at onr Cream Statkm yonr Check the same day I
iV. dJ. HUE (B SJ
odern gas ratifies make
Hood cooks BETTER COOKS!
O Have you tasted a holiday meal prepared in a mod
ern gas range? If you haven't, there's a real thrill
awaiting you! j
Te best way to get this thrill is to have a new gas
range installed in your kitchen. Then you will be able,
to cook ail your food just the way it should be cooked
. . 4 od so easily, too. For Portland gas provides a
thousand or more distinct cooking temperatures at
top, oven and broiler burners. Because each tempera
ture is instantly available, every meal is nearer the
table than when you cook with any other fueL
Baking and roasting are so simple and certain in a
modern gas range. The temperature control assumes all
responsibility for oven watching. Rock wool insulation
makes all the oven heat usable by keeping it inside.
And sliding oven shelves make pans so easy to remove.
For every dollar you spend for Portland gas, you get
more heat than from a dollar's worth of any other con
venient fuel. New gas ranges are priced so reasonably,
tooj, and they offer more worthwhile features and
greater beauty than other types of ranges. Wouldn't It
be both thrifty and practical to get a new gas range
this Christmas? See the displays at dealers' and in our
showrooms. Then go home and tell your husband tnat
his. Christmas shopping troubles are oyer as tar as
vote re concerned!,
J - j5-'
. :
: X-r t
J;. " . --
. ' :
Portland Gas d Coke Coupauy
Showrooms: 136 South Illgh St. Phone 5910
Vancouver - Oregon City - Portland - Hlllsbore - Albany
i Newberr - Corvallls
- Remember, the more gaastvic yesi ftavevtao fewer Cft
fit ret sw. As sis mktmt mmr sissfsr fmhlnntltm rmf.
TheiOriginai Yellow Front Drug Store of Salem
135 N. Commercial St. Phone 5197 or 7023
$1.25 Penslar Halirer Oil Capsules...
50c Pablum
Insulin U 40 10 ce.
Insulin U 80 10 cc. ..
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste .
fl Bottle Italian Balm
50c Yeast Foam Tablets .
85c Kruschen Sails L.
$10 Pinkham's Compound .
35c Vick's Rub ......
$1.25 EJio Salts
60c Fleet's Phospho Soda -
50c Bromo Quinine ..
60c Condensed Jad Salts -50c
Colonial Club Blades
50c Feenamint Laxative -50c
Mennen Shave Cream
35c Pocket Combs
$7.50 3 piece Dresser Sets, $1.87
$5.0Q Manicure Sets, 83.85
25c Cascarets
$1 I roofed Yeast
25c Kotix . ..
25c Sanitary Napkins
75c Ovaltine ..... .
... 18c
J2 for 25c
... 57c
Peanut Brittle 19c lb., 2 lbs. for 35c
Fresh Salted Peanuts 19c lb.
Peanut Cluster 19c lb.
Asst. Hand Made Chews and Nougats 25c lb.
i Pound Sales or More
t Schaefer's Antiseptic Mouthwash. One Pint 49c
One Quart 89c
Colds Are Expensive Luxuries!
Protect yourself against them. Rid yourself of them
quickly Do not suffer.
jSchaefer's Cold Tablets
j are effective! I
ago acndl 5QQ
REMEMBER Throat and Lung j-n Cl Afi
Balsam for Coughs ..- D U C and 0 1 U U
Pric'es Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday
' s
Ml(9l 75 model
apecial terms nowl
1 All onr Mwn vnmn r .US.
r " .iiim vi u
startling Hoover lowest priced Positive Agitstion Hoover
in histonf. ' - L -
' Not a jonior model, but full size and genuine Hoover quality
throughout. I
' Latest conveniences a . famous features. Positive Agitation
ana cicnnc tvux rinaer.
Hoove men are here for a
short time only, to show thij
and other Hoover models to
every woman who it interested
in the finest home 'cleaning
Don't miss seeing the latest
Hoovers--no obligation to buy.
purchased while factory repre
sentatives! are in town.
Hoover ownerscall as for
free iaspectioQ sad adjust
teat of four present ma
china. There is no chars;
or this service. The visit
lag experts are factor?
trsJnd-wiU gire rou 4a
st work. If replacements ,
are needed, tner will
be sepplied at a
mlalinuai cost.
It etsJ..s rQ liCls...
349 Ferry Phone 9418
325 Court St.
l Phone 6022