The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon Friday Moraine November 29, PAGE FIVE Local News Briefs ! Om Mishap Occur- A single ! Thanksgiving day auto - accident was reported; to city police yes terday. Lloyd Campbell, Silver ton, notified officers his car had collided at State and High streets yesterday afternoon -with a ma chine driven by Franklin Van Pelt, 1070 North Church street, Salem. No injuries were listed. Two Wednesday accidents were reported -;" Involving E d ward; Klrchoff, 1630 Jefferson street, and W. P. Holbrook, 1690 South Cottage, at Commercial and Mil ler; Palmer Williams, route tour, and Fred Fetsch, Salem, at High And State. : -,s . ' . . ' , Police Recover Cars Three of the four automobiles stolen here Wednesday bad been recovered by city police last night. The only itnrecovered machine was a cou pe, Oregon license 175-079, be longing to "..Irene S. Shipp, 406 East Hoyt street. Cars belonging to Leland R. Sackett, Sheridan, And William F. McEldowney, of i Monmouth "route one, were found on downtown streets yesterday morning. Police Wednesday night located a machine owned by Earl Brunk within 13 minutes after he reported it missing. Have your portrait made by Ken-nell-Ellls Studio. Open evenings and .Sundays by appointment. Phone 7830. ..' Hickman Leaves Hospital 'Donald F. Hickman, 210 Market street, who suffered lacerations and bruises when he was run over by an automobile driven by Ar eola Russell Smith, route three, at 12:10 a. m. yesterday morning, recovered sufficiently to be re leased from Salem General hos pital in the early forenoon. Po lice said Hickman was lying un der the Smith car, parked near ; Ferry and Liberty street, when : Smith returned and started to drive away. Chimneys Blaze No Thanks giving birds burned up in ovens ; while the cooks were attending church services yesterday, as far as the Salem fire department knew. Assistant Chief William : Iwan last night said this was a most unusual circumstance. The department had been two calls, both to chimney fires, one at 960 Center street at 11:25 a. m. and the other at 1100 Norway at 6:05 p. m. Lutr Florist 1276 N. Lib. P. 9592. Hollatlay Speaker For rest ' Holladay, president of the Salem Credit association, will discuss prospects for the building indus try at the Friday noon luncheon session of the creditmen. to be held at the Argo hotel club dining room. In the association mem- ' bership drive, the Italian . forces are leading the Ethiopians, 355 to 236, in the contest. Police Eml Chase City and state police concluded an all- night chase shortly before 8 o'clock yesterday morning when they apprehended-Ralph Ham mett, fugitive ; from Fairview home, in the Southern Pacific yards here. Hammett escaped from the institution around 4 p m. Wednesday. Obituary . S wen son In this city Nov. 25, Roy S Swenson, late resident of 1595 North Commercial street, at the age of 38 years. Survived by widow, Alda Swenson, and a son Dale, and daughter, Phyllis. Fun eral services Friday, November 29, at 2 p. m., from Rigdon mor tuary. Rev. Lynn Wood officiat ing. Interment Cityview cemetery Jory At the residence on route 2, Nov. 26, Oliver Jory, at the age of 76 years. Survived by wife, Phoebe; one son, Lewis H. Jory: and one brother, Charles Jory, of Stockton, Calif.; and two neph ew, Charles T. Jory, Salem, and Bill Jory, Stockton, Calif. Funer al services at 3:30 Friday, Nov. 29, from chapel of W. T. Rigdon & Co. Rev. Guy L. Drill officiat ing. Interment I. O. O. F. ceme tery. Morris At the residence, route 1. Ger- 'vais, Nov. 26. Robert Melvin Mor ris, aged 11 years. Son of Mrs. Louise Romer, brother of Mrs. W E. Ames of Casper, Wyo., Mrs. Ju lia Kelly of Chance, S. Dak., Mrs. Reuben Wargnier of Brooks, Vir ginia L. and Donald V. Morris at home. Funeral services from Ter williger ' Funeral home, Friday .Nov. 29, at 2 p.m. with Rev. Brit ton Ross officiating. Interment Pioneer cemetery. Parmenter Near Hood River, Nov. 24, Vir ginia Parinenter, aged 19, of Sa lem, daughter of Bud Parmenter Salem; niece of Mrs. , Marjorie Dolam, Portland; Gene Parmen ter,' Portland; Dewey Parmen ter, Salem; Jack Parmenter, Mon tana, and- Rex and Clarence Par menter, Kellogg, Idaho. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Friday morning, Nov. 29, at the chapel Of W. T. Rigdon Co Interment In City view cemetery, Rev. Guy L- Drill officiating, Beware Cougfcs from comzion colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you bare tried lor your cougn,cness cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creormitelon. Berious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance Willi anything less than Creomul- eicn, which roes right to the seat of the trouble to sid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm la loosened and expelled. Even IT other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your turner if von are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get crtomniswn ngn now. i&avj Sheriff Arrives Sheriff George I Krieger of Craig, Colo., arrived in Dallas Thursday morn Ins to re turn two' prisoners, Orval Lee Sanson and Mary McLaren, to Colorado to face charge of passing worthless checks. The man and woman were arrested by Polk county Sheriff Hooker and a deputy at the Scrafford farm near Monmouth last week. Carrier bags 0 and 75c States man office 215 So. Com'l st. Arraignment Today Buford Allen is slated to appear in Justice court this morning at 10 o'clock for arraignment on charge of ob taining money under false pre tenses. He is accused of giving a worthless $5 check to the Eoff company here. City Prisoners Dine Chief of Police Frank A. Minto took pity on five men spending yesterday in the city Jail and provided them with better than the ordinary jail fare. They were served full Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, pie and "trimmings . No School Today Salem school children may stay home today and sleep off the effect of heavy Thanksgiving dinners. Classes -will resume Monday morning at the usual hours. The next holi day will be for the Christmas va cation. Plan Luncheon The Evangeli cal and Reformed church will hold its annual father and son lunch eon at the church Sunday at 12:30 o'clock, with Rev. Grover C. Birt- chejt of the First Presbyterian church the guest speaker. No Ad Session The regular Friday noon meeting of the Sa lem Ad club will be dispensed with this week, in view of the fact that the session would come so closely following the Thanksgiving holi day. Case Set Over Hearing for William LaFountain, slated for 10 o'clock this morning in justice court, has been set over until Wednesday at 2 o'clock on motion of the defense. Own Bids 5th Bids for con struction of the new city hall at Dallas will be opened next Thurs day morninr at 10 oVlnok at nn adjourned meeting of the city council: Drunkenness Charged Charles Arthur Borneman. 633 Ferrv street, started Thanksgiving day a free man but ended np in the city jail. He was booked on a charge of being drunk. Slate Jury Trial Jury trial will be held in justice court Friday at 2 o'clock for . Lawrence Goodall, accused of larceny of tools from Archie Pardee. Cited for Court William Pen ny, accused of driving a car with out a muffler, has been cited to appear in justice court Monday afternon at 2 o'clock.- Players in 20-30 Production Named Announcement of some of the leading characters for the 20-30 club benefit show, "Casey's Tri al," to be staged next Wednesday night at the Capitol theatre, was made yesterday by the directors The leads will include Mrs Hannah Martin, Mayor V. E Knhn. Walter Fuhrer, Frank Doo- little, Jerry Mason, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. George R. K. Moor- head, Don Upjohn, Sheriff A. C Burk and Harold Pruitt Nearly 100 actors will take -part in the production, with thetwo acts to present the court room in which a breach of promise suit is before the judge and a wed ding scene. Grocery Clerks Strike Over Work on Holiday SAN JOSE. Nov. 2 8.-P)-A. hundred employes of the three Franco brothers food stores went on strike today because they had to-work on Thanksgiving. Police were called out to prevent disturb ances while department manag ers, their wives and friends served customers. rhildrens Colds Yield quicker to double action of JUST ARRIVED! HOLEPROOF WOOL SOX 35c 50e 75e EMMONS, Inc. 4S6 STATE USE CHINESE HERBS WHEN OTHERS FAIL Charlie Chan Chinese Herbs Remedies are son poison ous, their heal ing virtue has been tested hundreds ers chronic ail- u onR meats, nose, throat, sinusitis, catarrh, ears, lungs, asthma, chronic cough, stomach, gall stone colitis, constipation, di abetis, kidneys, bladder, heart, blood nerves, neuralgia, rheu matism, high blood pressure, gland, skin sores, male, female and children disorders. C. B. Pong,' 8 years "practice In : China, Herb Specialist, give relief after others fail. 122 N. Commercial St Salem, Ore. Office hour to 8 pan. Sunday and Wed. to 10 sjb. Job Agency to Be Unchang State Compensation Board In Charge, Personnel Shaketrp Denied The state' public employment offices have been placed under the new unemployment compensation commission, which In turn, is ad ministered by the state accident commission; but there will be no change in the personnel or policy upon which the present offices are being conducted. It was announced by; the accident commission, the state employment service and Gov ernor Martin. .The employment services will remain under the supervision of Guy V. Lintner, director. The employment offices are now operating under a plan of affili ation with the U. S. employment service, in compliance with the sUte's acceptance of the Wagner- Peyser act of congress. The pres ent contract extends to June 30, 1936. The employment system in Orjegon is cooperatively financed, the state and local communities providing set sums, which are matched by federal funds. In addi tion, at the present time, the fed eral government furnishes further sums to finance the reemployment service and the veterans' and farm placement divisions. j To Expand Service jThere will probably be some ap preciable expansion of the state employment service, as the unem ployment compensation commis sion is developed; possibly open ing a few new offices and adding considerably to the personnel. This extended service will be fi nanced by funds from the admin istration fund of the unemploy ment compensation commission. the first allotment of which will not be available until after con gress meets in January, 1936. All appointments to places In the employment service in Ore gain in the future, as now, will be mide according to the merit sys tenw and from lists of ellgibles established as a result of open ex aminations, supervised by the U. employment service. The first ofi these examinations, which all present employes were required to take, was held last summer. j Work Now Heavy The unemployment offices are functioning, at the present time, onj a heavy schedule of W. P. A. placements. The Salem office is sending out --approximately 100 men daily; the Portland office, op erating day and night shifts, is sued orders placing about 7000 men at work last Monday and Tuesday. The 22 other offices throughout the state are operat ing on similar schedules. Some counties, including Clatsop, Lin coln, Polk, Multnomah and num erous eastern Oregon counties, have', practically exhausted their rejliec1 applicants, at least in the common labor class. "I want to assure the public," sajid Mr. Lintner Thursday, "there are no immediate changes planned in, the Oregon employment service. Scores of people have been coming to! see me, and calling on the tele Phone; there is no need for ex citement. The employment serv- icje will continue to function the same as usual," concluded Mr. Lintner. Tillamook Levies Tax j TILLAMOOK. Ore.. Nov. 28.- (JF) The county court approved Tlllamookfeounty s 1936 tax levy of $217,564. There was no dis senting vote at the final hearing. STOPPEDUP NOSTRILS cLu to colcU Use Mentholatum . to help open Ihe nostrils and perm if freer breathing. m hi oUAM If yow prefer itos . throat spray, call for th MEW MEMTN0LATUM LIQUID In handy bottle with droppsr ed f- r ILonns to Fulfill Every ILegitimate Need . . Modernization Loans for repairing and remodeling homes and other buildings constitute but one type of loan service we offer here. Others include: Personal Lonnas Tbwe are for tb Individual or family to pay bills, taxes. Insurance, etcetera. . J Bnaiaeaa Loans t For - conducting commercial transections. Agricultural Leanti To farm production and marketing No matter what your requirement may be, talk it over with us. D. W. Eyre, Salem oftho United States of Portland Head Office t Portland, Oregon Coming Events November 28-29 Salem public school Thanksgiving holidays. - l November go Christmas Seal Bale begins. : beeember B City council aaeete, TtSO p. Bk, city hall. i December Capital Post No. tf, American Region, meets, 8 p. ne Fraternal temple. : December 2 Eagle Boy Scout court of honor, fra ternal temple, in evening. j December a County bud get up on taxpayers bearing. I December 8 Bid on Sa lem high, grade buildings to be opened. i December 4 and 6 -Western Nut Growers association, chamber of commerce. : December o Salem water commission meets, 8 p. m., water offices. December 9 Young Dem ocrats meet, courthouse. December 10 Salem Mac Dowell club Christmas con cert, Knight Memorial church. December 11 .Benefit recital by AV. U. music de partment. Waller hall. December 13 -Salem high school Snikpoh play, "Go Ahead," 8 p. m. December 16 Hearing on Marion county utility district, Mt. Angel. Electric Motors Are Synchronized Introduction of synchro nixed electric motors has recently been completed on the paper-making machines of the Oregon Pulp & Paper company here, It was learn ed yesterday. While the installa tion called for a heavy capital out lay a big saving is expected monthly through less frequent Web breaks and greater ease In getting a paper machine started after a break. The synchronization of the mo tprs on a paper machine makes possible control of the speed of the machine throughout the entire distance the paper travels. Break ing of the web through the speed ing np of one portion of the ma chine is avoided. Since the greater Is the used time of the machine per day, the cheaper the ton cost of paper, the new motor equip ment is viewed by the manage ment as one of the most construc tive installations ever made by the mill. Woman Robber to Pen YAKIMA, Nov. 28. OP) - Mrs. Charles Hansen, alias Frankie Stow, yesterday was sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary On a charge of robbery in con nection -with the theft of slot maenmes from, a beer parlor In Union Gap last July. For the Right Person! For Sewing and Mending Moat convenient. With handle, spool tray inside, doable lid opening and knobs. Bounded bottom. Choice of finish. o "g aid Branch National Uanli m 1 fiJIS I II ta IT ' - -' Winter Sport i Plans Praised - i Active dub Gets Behind Program for Detroit Snow Activities The Salem Active club went on record this week to make a defin ite and continuous effort to ac quaint the people of Marlon coun ty with the desirability of making use of the present winter sports area in the Detroit region, espe cially In view of the subsequent construction full use may bring. In resolutions to this end, the club points out: "It Is the purpose of the forest service to encourage wider nse of the recreational facilities of our national forest, . . . . and the full est possible nse of the facilities there provided will . encourage their maintenance as well as the subsequent construction of more complete accommodations. Aid Highway "The present highway leading to the area can only be demon strated to be poorly maintained; and inadequate by placing on It a traffic burden justified by the recreational, needs of the people! of Marion county ami thereby hasten the construction of an adequate highway such as has al-j ready been surveyed and, "A new highway would en courage the forest service to create a new winter playground at Cinder Butte where it would then be readily accessible to win ter sports enthusiasts from the valley counties .... (which construction) would provide work for many and follow present gov ernmental policies." Copies of the resolution are be-. Ing sent to the Willamette forest supervisor at Eugene, the Salem chamber of commerce and news papers. Other Counties Face Tax Strike Other counties are experiencing trouble in collecting either cur rent or past due taxes since the special session of the legislature waived penalties and interest on back payments, tax collecting of ficials in the county here have been advised this week. Several county officials oft other coun ties stopped here to visit and re ported that their taxpayers were on a tacit "strike" against the allegedly unfair consideration given delinquent taxpayers by the last special session. Delinquent tax payments have almost ceased in the counties, mm. 11 . ivirueju'ti Ill IV- T T t T T T T T f T T t Y T T T T T f T T T Y ALL FOR $1.00 TO STATESMAN SUBSCRIBERS $10,000.00 for loss of life by the wrecking of a rail road passenger train. $2,500.00 - for loss of life by the wrecking of a pas senger steamship or steamboat, street, elevated, lnterurban or underground rail way, public omnibus, taxicab or automo bile stage. $1,000.00 for lose of life by the wrecking of an automobile or horse drawn vehicle. When struck or knocked down on a highway or street by an automobile or other moving vehicle. Collapse of building walls. Fire in public building. Struck by lightning, : cy clone or tornado. Drowning at m public bathing beach. $500.00 to $10,000.00 for loss of hands, feet or eyes. ; $10.00 to $20.00 weekly indemnity for disability, with ad dition! benefit when confined in a hos pital.: All as specified in policy issued by North American Accident Ins. Co. Chicago, The: Oregon DIAL these official reported, since the taxpayer, if he made his pay ment before April IS, 193f, will be assessed no interest. There is no . inducement, with interest waived, to expedite the money transfer; rather the taxpayer wishes to use his money until the final due date. Warrant Interest Savi Marked " savings for cities, counties and school districts are possible through reduction of in terest on warrants, Rufus C. Hol man, state 'treasurer, announced yesterday. He pointed to a 1935 enactment which enables these governmental bodies to refund their warrants at lower rates and called upon the government units to take this economy, action. - Mr. Holman said a number of taxpaying units were still paying Interest on warrants a six per cent, a rate he considered high. Some units are only paying three per cent. Holman has prepared a model transcript for use of school dis tricts in holding elections and in issuing bonds to fund warrants into bonds. . Short term bids for the state highway commission, through which to refund some of its out standing obligations, would save the state at least $40,000 anuually in interest, Holman averred. , , Mrs. Edna Schwab Funeral Saturday WOODBURN, Nor. 28. Mrs. Edna M. Schwab, 41, of the Ger vals community, passed away at the Woodburn hospital this morn ing. She had lived about four years in Gervals. She is survived by her husband, Zeno Schwab; one son, Carl A. Schwab, Gervais; one daughter, Zona Rutherford, Silvefton; her father, John H. Cutsforth, Ger vais, and. a brother, Frank T. Cutsforth, Canby; two sisters, Mrs. Tressle Rae, Salem; and Mrs. Vera Harper, Gervals; and several uncles and aunts. Funeral services will be Satur day at 2 p. m. at the Methodist Episcopal church in Woodburn. Interment will be in the Gervais Masonic cemetery. Retired Teacher Visit INDEPENDENCE, Nov. 28 Mrs. Gertrude Strange of Oak land, Calif., is visiting at the home of Mrs. O. D. Butler, her cousin. Miss Strange Is a retired teacher and will be here for an Indefinite visit. ' mmi v 1 - i .1 ng Is Advised I-U..U U'vi ,n j.j;ss;rjr ; in ' . ii -y l 'it Y t Y J Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y be accidents i lly icy, pany, one - duty Y Y I III. Statesman 9101 !j Clinic Is Planned nrjtBBARD, Nor. 28 Prepara tion for a clinic to be held at the school house, Tuesday, December 10, is being made under the su pervision of Mrs. George Orlmps, child welfare chairman of the Hubbard Woman's club, and the school faculty. I Here's Veryv Fast Way to Alkalize" Acijdrbidigestion Away ; 'I? m. r- 1 ,Zal gfiHBSKS I f00s J Amazingly Fast Nausea, ! If you want really quick relief from an upset or painful stomach condi tion arising from acidity follow ing ver-eating, smoking, mixtures of foods or stimulants just try this: Take 2 teaspoonf uls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a full glass of water. OR 8 Phillips' Mflk of Magnesia Tablets, the exact equivalent of the liquid form. This ! acts to almost immediately alkalize the whole stomach content. Neutralizes the acids that cause headaches, nausea, and indigestion paini. You feel rerulit at once. Try it. AND if you an a fre quent sufferer from "acid stomach,' f. 'i His ivife killed before it 1 ; .tit" 11 i K.".t ' . Sympihy helps lighten the burden of sorrow in time of bereaverrient, but it does not help pay the many items of expense incurred at such a time. Do not let your family depend uxn sympathy. ' " f ..r How much money would your family haye if you were killed in a common carrier, automobile or pedestrian accident-tomorrow? You have no assurance that you will not one o; 2500 persons who are every, day. What harmens to 2500 others tomorrow ;why take a chance on when I - vnn ran ohtflin & snpcial issued by the North American our nersonai service to as half cent per day. Others will to provide cash. Use the coupon NOW!: ' mmmm tjj Old Subscriber . 13 Renew Policy NAM E. ADDRESS.. CITY OCCtjPATION.. BENEFICIARY . REliATIONS HI P. I - ' . Mmn nf . receive a $10,000.00 Travel Accident Insurance Policy is ' snediby the North American Accident Insurance Company I "at Chicago, Illinois. - BlaU Sabscrlptions Must Be Paid in Advance! Citizenship Class Set There wH be a special citizen ship class at the Y.M.C.A. Satur day night for those who plan to take the naturalization examina tion at the courthouse next Fri day, C. A. Kells, executive secre tary, announced yesterday. Relief Now from Over 'Indulgence,- and Upsets use Phillips' Milk of Magnesia SO minutes after meals. You'll forget you hate a stomach!! When you jbuy, see that any box or bottle you accept is clearly marked "Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. his very eyes. ! " killed or injured in such todav mav-happen to you the welfare of your lam- a m ' J J T 1 travel and bedestrian pol Accident insurance com vou at a cost of less than sympathize. It is your I QNew Subscriber New Policy AGE STATE. PHONE. 11.00 PollCT fee. I m tO yMH nil .1 C .1 i 1 f ii