1 1 The OREGON: STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, November 29, 1935 PAGE THREE 2 -t Diabetes Qaims Eldriedge Youth Radio Evangelist to Con duct Services at-Schoolhouse ELDRIEDGE, Nov. 28 Robert Romer, youngest eon of Mrs. Lou ise Romer. passed away Monday night at the home here. Robert had been ill many months of dia betes. He was a lorable and pa tient boy, beloTed by his school mates as well as grownups, lie is survived by his mother, one sis ter, Virginia, one brother, Don ald., of this place, and two sisters. . iu Wyoming. Sermon Topics Announced Evangelistic services beginning Sunday night, December 1, will be held nest week at the Eldriedge schoolhouse. Herbert V. Arm strong, Eugene, the radio evan gelist,: will conduct the meetings which will begin at 8 o'clock. Rev. Armstrong's subject Sun day night will be "What is Wrong With f. World Today?" Other subjects the following nights will be: 'Musgolini's War Against Ethiopia," the largest, most spe- Deeply Re-Styled First, you will be charmed by the handsome, modern appear ance of. the Furniture we Re Upholster for you. Then you will' be fascinated by the deep, embracing comfort our Uphol stering provides, as you sink into its luxurious depths. And you'll be amazed at our small charge for such Re-Upholster-ing! cific prophecy in the Bible. "Will the End of the World Come in 1936?"; "Armageddon"; The Second Coming of Christ"; "Shall Christians Usejthe Old Testament or the New?" are other topici of interest. 50th Anniversary Honored by Lodge AMITY, Nov. 28. The Rebek ahs and Odd Fellows of Amity eave a sumrise party in the I. O.O.F. hall Monday night for Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Durant m honor of their 50th wedding annivers ary. A mock wedding ceremony was performed at which Mr. Dur ant was dressed as a bride. Re freshments were served and the guests of hon&r were presented with a beautiful .bouquet of flow ers. About 40 were present. The. Social Service club of the M. E. church met Tuesday after noon in the church parlors with the new president, Mrs. Emmett Mitchell, presiding. Mrs. J. N. Burdell had charge of the open ing devotions and gave a talk suit able for the Thanksgiving season. During the social hour Miss Esth er Schmidt gave a reading. Host esses were Ms. Joe McKee, Mrs. Earl Massey and Mrs. A. R. Rier son. This was the last meeting before the annual bazaar to be held December 11 in the church parlors. Hurts Toe When Iron Slips From Its Board W A L D O HILLS, Not. 28. Mrs. Otto Dickman is suffering great pain from a badly bruised large toe on her right foot. While ironing late Tuesday afternoon the board slipped throwiug the heavy iron onto her foot. It is thought no bones are broken al though that will not be known un til the swelling goes down.- Union Services Held STAYTON. Sox. 28. Thanks giving found most Stayton folks either "going places" or "having company". Union services were held at the Methodist church on Wednesday night. A special Thanksgiving mass was held at the Catholic church on Thursday morning. Most of the young col lege folk were home for the day. Revival Drawing Good Attendance School Night Is Planned With Competition, at Rosedale Church ROSEDALE, Not. 28 RerlTtl services at' the church are being well attended.) Friday night will be school night With competition in a t tendance between the three schools. There will be a children's meeting Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. L J.jD. Alexander 1?ad the mis fortune to cut his hand quite bad ly Inj a wood Baw. Mrs. Martin Schmidt is in a lo cal hospital recuperating from a major operation. F'cjrrest and Albert Cammeck took the major part of the lumber from! a small church at Rex. to Valej They also visited in Idaho and Reached home early Tuesday morning. Mrs. Inez Blinston Hanson of Ellensburg, Wash., has been vlsi Mrs. !-bel Needham. Gehlens Special Guests At Stayton Sunday for j Mrs. Kane, Vancouver STAYTON, Not. 28. The C. H. Ryder home was the scene of an enjoyable dinner party Sunday honoring Mr. Ryder's mother, Mrs. jN. J. Kane of Vancouver, B. C. Cither guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Gehlen (Myrtle Rider) who were mar ried Ithe day before at VancouTer, Wast. Quentin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gehlen and has spent practically all of his life here. The young couple will continue to live in Stayton. Two more new families have come to Stayton to make their home, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Grif fin and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Griffin and children of Miles City, Mont. The former purchased the H. J. Mutsjchler place on Water street, and bis son, Carl and family, mov ed into the Merton Mack house. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Griffin are the parents, and pari, the broth er of Mrs. Clarence Peska. Mr. Peska purchased the Stayton auto wrecking shop last summer. TESTED QUALITY Au. Rexall Product are tested and approved by the United Drag Co. Institute of Research and Technology; and every printed, statement about them is first approved bj medical and legal authorities. ' 4 vX"""4 "-Jv. in every aeiicious arop Two of the richest sources of vitamins combined in a form children like AIDS IN PROMOTING STURDY GROWTH ... IN DEVELOP ING SOUND BONES AND TEETH . . . AND IN BUILD ING RESISTANCE AGAINST COMMON AILMENTS Take the TEETH out of SHAVING Your foe nvf faals as tf your bawd wat tawd off "' whan you thii combination! xall Sharing Cream for oftmng Hi tovghast board) RxaN Skmrmg lo noa, to rafrathing. SHAVING LOTION 3-1 SHAVING CREAM BOTH FOR I fll 13 29c MOTHERS notice quick improvement in their children soon after Melo Malt is given. Melo-Malt contains Cod Liver Oil and extract of Bar ley Malt, two of the richest sources of health-giving vita mins. The presence of cod liver oil is concealed by the malt's honey-like flavor. Mao MALT WITH COD LIVER OIL j OUNCES Rexall Milk of Magnesia p 29c Petrofol American Mineral Oil pint 49c RegS Chocolate Flavored Laxative jquVr. PepffOna Iron and Nux Vomica Tonic p'n 1 Rexall Corn Solvent j 25c AspireX Cough Drops with A$pirin lOc TOILE 50c Iodent Tooth Paste . ....... 27c 55c Lady Esther Cream 33c SI Wildroot Hair Tonic 74c 50c Burma Shave, jar 29c 55c Pond's Creams 39c 60c Neet Depilatory 40c MISCELLANEOUS 35c Tick's Nose Drops . 21c 50c Phillip's Magnesia .1 , ..29c 25c Cascarets . . 15c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 89c 35c Bromo Quinine ..' . 24c GOODS ! 50c Jergen's Lotion 50c Lyon' Tooth Powder $1 Mar-O-Oil Shampoo 60c Murine for the Eyes .. 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste $1 Pacquin Hand Cream . 29c 29c 67c 40c . 34c 74c 2 2 2 2 2 RUBBER GOODS Qt. Belmont Water Bottle 23c Qt. Hoxbury Water Bottle 39c Qt. Defender! Bottle ...1 79c Qt. Belmont Fountain Syringe ....29c Qt. Roxbury Fountain Syringe 49c BISMA-REX Quick, lasting relief for acid indigeition. Worth a trial. n l i AGAR EX Combines laxa tive actios of mineral oil and agar-agar. 69' REXE L LAN A Fine for coughs. Loosens phlegm. Soothes iirrita tion. Delicious. 50 115 South Commercial St. aa!t Prodocta arc tatted and approve1 bjr Ut Unite J Drag Co. $natitvt) of Research m.ud Tachaology. j F DRUGS T Bares Rail Finance Details Xi L mm v-jr - ' ! William Wye7 "; j1VanweriBgewJ-j ii t l:l Testimony that he had changed the financial report of the Missouri Pacific railway to cover op security purchases involved in plana of jO. P. Van Sweringen to reshape the road's capital structure was' given by William Wyer, left, secretary-treasurer of a subsdiary company. Wyer and Van Sweringen are shown as they appeared at a federal hearing in Cleveland called at Instigation of stockholders who alleged that unauthorised manipulation by Van Sweringen i caused heavy losses to the railway ' Eastern Star Has Reunion Tuesday I INDEPENDENCE, Nov. 28. The annual Homecoming of Adah chapter, O.E.S., was held Tuesday night with many members and visitors present. An Interesting program was enjoyed. I The program: Vocal solos by Mrs. Maurice J. Butler; reading and stunt by Mrs. E. T, Tollef son; vocal solo by Mrs. C. W. Irvine; numbers by the Lomia chorus directed by Miss Blanche Cohen. The chapter's rooms were beau tifully decorated with chrysanthe mums, red tapers and holly. Dur ing the business meeting the secretary presented two lovely sil ver vases to the Eastern Star from Mrs. . Burroughs and daughter Margaret Burroughs of Salem, who "are members of Adah chap ter. I A degree will be conferred at the next meeting, December 10. This is also election night. Waldo Hills People Spend Thanksgiving At Homes of Friends bers were sung by all the chil dren; a clever pumpkin song by Opal and Ruth "Archer and Del lora Doerfler, accompanied by Max Archer on the guitar created much comment; Dellora Doerfler gave a guitar solo; recitations by George Haberly and Ruth Archer; Governor Martin's proclamation and two short plays made up the program. A two-day vacation will be en joyed by this school. Finish Crushing Rock For Lyons Road Work LYONS, Nov. 28 John Jung- wirth, road overseer here, expects to get through running tha rock crusher this week. They have been crushing rock for repairing, the roads. The Marion Lumber com pany has rocked the road to their new mill site east of Lyons. Mill Gty Women To Buy Building ! MILL CITY, Not. 28 The; 'Mill City , Woman's club met ' at the borne of Mrs. F. R. Olln with Mrs. 0. M. Cline and Mrs, Olln as host esses. The elub decided to spon sor the sale of Christmas seals. The club voted to purchase one of the Hammond Lumber company residences to be used for a club house. Funds were raised several rears ago for this- purpose. Roll call was responded to with current events. The hostess served a lunch to the following members: "Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. Tom Allen. Mrs. Vivian Albert, Mrs. W. W. Mason, Mrs. Harry Mason, Mrs. C. C, Por ter, Mrs. John Dawes, Mrs. A. Holthouse, Mrs. Cleve Davis, Mrs. Chas. Kelly, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. A. Milsap, Mrs. James Mc Auley, Mrs. Frank Taylor, j Miss D. L. HendricBon, Mrs. Walter Leisy, Mrs. Vanhlce Newman. ! Mr. and Mrs. Vannice Newman and family and Mr. and Mrs. O.; H. Newman are spending Thanksgiv ing in McMinnville. 'j 1 Home from Arizona : - Miss Genella Gentry has return ed from a visit in Phoenix, Ari zona. ' Mrs. Kenneth Case of Seattle is in Mill City on account of the se rious illness of her father, Rev. Porter. He is reported improved today. Mr. W,' A. Gillenwater has re turned to St. Vincent hospital for a major operation. j Mrs. Roy Newman and sons, Dale and Joe, of Salem, and Mr. Russel Fales of Portland, are Thanksgiving visitors at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Andy Holt house. Mr. Henry Schmidbauer, a stu dent at O. S. C, is spending the weekend with his sister, Mrs. John Dawes. Mothers Attend Tea For School Project j MOLALLA, Nov. 28. As a part of the room-mother project started this year by the Molalla Parent-Teachers' association, Mrs. Frank IJicken, Mrs. Oliver Bux ton and Mrs. Jack Peterkln. nen tertained 16 mothers of pupils in A Heavy Team Harness to Meet Competitive Prices $39.95 1 F. E. SHAFER Leather Goods Miss Vada Howard's room at the grade school at a tea Tuesday af ternoon at the school. Mrs. Dicken is the (room-mother for MUs How ard's room. The mothers visited the' schoolroom and were, shown exhibitions of the children's work before f the tea was served. Next Tuesday mothers of pupils tn Miss Berneta Thompson's room will be entertained. It is the duty of the room-mothers to help mothers to becom . better acquaintel with their children's teachers and with the school work. i MakiW ater Diet lis Health Club Topic BETHEL, Nov. 28.i "The uses of water jj and milk in the diet" was te subject at the regular meeting of the school health club. The handwork division in sewing have finished making ' zipper pursesl , j -.-. The members of the 4-H cook ing clubs have nowj learned in the school kitchen to make "hur ry up? dishes. I Has Eye Removed HAEli GREEN, Nov. 28. M. AspinaH, who had an operation to remove an eye at the Salem General hospital Friday, has re turned: home. He has suffered very. much since a piece of steel wedge; was embedded In his eye while splitting wood recently. Brooks in Hospital LIBERTY, Nov. 28 O. E. Brooks, who has been 111 at his home for about two weeks was removed to the Deacconess hospit al Monday. A son and daughter-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Byrum E. Brooks of Portland are at the Brooks home. :. UP-TO-DATE DENTISTRY V ' O-fv i - t 15 YEA KM I'ltACllCB Dr. HIGGINS DENTIST Over J. C Penney Store Telephone 0834 WALDO HILLS, Nov 28. Many Hills residents will spend the boliday with friends. !Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cunie and Mrs. Helen H. Paget will be with relatives in Portland and will re main until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Curtis Ruby and Email son will spend the day with; Mrs. Ruby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'McMillan In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dickman and children will be guests of the Ed- I ward Dickmans near Mt. Angel. !Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowers, Sam Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Pooler, Fred Pooler, Mrs. E. Mc Mauus, D. Morton and Harry Bow ers, who is visiting her from Ban don, will be dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton in their new home in Centerview. jMr. and Mrs. Max Scribei will entertain Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mor rison and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mjulk'ey of Silverton. Pupils at Centerview school presented a Thanksgiving day pro gram before 12 visitors Wednes day afternoon. Two chorus num- i aajaaajHS I', iiJ,,aiias V XT """Y HOLIDAY DELIGHTS j litfhhJL SPECIALLY PRICED mrSjfWfi II TO FIT YOUR rjMffM CHRISTMAS BUDGET H2 2-lb. Box, 59c II 1 rlere '$ the kind of Christmas candy jrouVe-j I fi been looking for. YouH agree, wc think, ka I B the greatest bargain and biggest value (or i I jj mites around. Each handsome box contain j I choice carameb-deUcate and smooth. Big j I r chocolate creams-the kind that meh in your I I fi mouth. Thick nougats-favorite of young and j lse Albers Feeds to Increase Poultry Prof its Tested Helps No. 101 Are your birds troubled with poor feathering? If they are be sure you use a feed with the neces sary protein and mineral element; that tempera ture of brooder house is not too high, or the hu midity low or your young stock crowded. Calf Manua. rr 25; lbs. ......... MaU3 Progressive Mash, ) ft si 100 lbs. ........ 4UU Rabbit Pellets. to OA 100 lbs PaaU Albers are . Interested in making bigger poultry prof its for you. Bring your poultry problems to us ... we can help you solve them scientifically. . Molas-O-Meal, rr 100 lba. 31.DD Turkey Fatener fn Oil Paks. 100 lbs. ... P&aJU 1938 Egg Maker t0 Oft, Paks. lOOlbs. . .. aOU Molasses Feed, n r 80 lbs OUC Turkey Grower Paks. 100 lbs. . . . 193 Egg Maker so njj .Mash. 100 lbs. .. btfaJ. $2.35 Morton's Smoked Salt and Sausage Seasoning j All These Prices Cash, F.O.B. Store Sttarffic3ai?(l I?eedl (S. 228 Ferry St. Phone 6858 Flawless Interiors With Sherwin-Williams FLO-WAX SPECIAL OFFER 98c r i m no Uiln III t, ,lim ir Ctor 1.4 Vstua No more tiresome rubbing! Just sprctd on Ro-Wx and let dry 1 5 Of SO minute. For linoleum, composition or wood floors Sherwin Williams "DDC Special Offer S-J124 II t Wt II M.MX SB Im CHtar Sl-Sa ValM Keeps linoleum bright nd tew. and mtores lustre of old linoleum. Easy to apply . . one quart enough for average btchen. Nelson Bros. J Inc. 361 Chemek ' Street Phone 41 d9 Ii. 1 Elfstrom, Mgr. Taint j and Roof Dept. eld. And each luscious bon bon is dipped in rich whole milk chocolate! These delicious "Sweets in Silver" come packed in gorgeous (cerise and silver boxes. And Ik price will smw yom! Why Dot get several boxes? Keep one on hand to tempt bobday visitors. And give your inencba thril-with a bos of Holiday Delights Tf -W TTI'r iTtrtsiTiii s Vifas Sti itrr " For one hour of laujghs and fun tune in on Safeway Circus Court! over KGW Saturday, 9 to 10 p.m. (Salem Night). Hear your friends and neighbors on a program you will remember. Winnino; New Friends Daily, 3 lbs. Laj-gc i Italians, bright, fresh, 3 lbs. Rose City Brand, a nourishing dish, Jell Well 1 lbs A buick, appetising de serH I 1Qr 3 rjkg. ..... IOC jrJatcbcs Ev6ry one a light 10 6 boxes ., J... X O C 1LES Gem Nut made in Ore-, gon, economical, yet highly nourishing . . a SnaollllaEieG Pripp jsoda crackersj 2-lb. box ... ....... A, lb. t - Grade r LarirelCans. Firm Pack. 3 for Golden Bantam, 3 cans ZEE Toilet Paper -j 3 for . ... IOC SANKA 40 lb tin 40C SOAP, White 1"7 King:. 5 bars 1 C Christmas Package of VETVET, GRANGER, PRINICE ALBERT Pound Tin 68c L" CORN MEAL Fr4sh Stock, mite or Yellow 28c lbj sack Sunkist Juicy Fruit Salem s Leading Produce Department j Golden Ripe Firm Fruit Maximum, iodized or plain, Reg. 10c Jf size .. Fancy Sunkist, Full of Juice oz More of those NoJ l jSweets Guaranteed Satisfaction or Jloney Refunded Gallon CI 99 7c Can Tax aj-!ir'. . - , ,.!-. i i .mi , ,,..,, ,,, i I , ,,, .miiiii 111,11. Quantities Limited No Sale to Dealers Three Stores Conveniently Located in Salem 935 S. Commercial Co 1987 N. Capitol t I Prices Fffective Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29-30 7