The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, November 29, 1935 PAGE ELEVEN f Want - - i Statesman : Classified Ads Call 9101 Classing Advertising Single insertion per line ..10c Three insertions per line .20c .Six insertions per line ....30c One month per line .....fl.00 Minimum charge .........25c . Copy far ibis page accepted nntil 6:80 the veniag before ptiblieatioa for elaulfieatuin. Copy received after this time mill be rra ndtr tbt bead lag To Lata to Classify. The Statasaaaa aaaraie so fisaa rial reapooaibUUj for errera whits mmj appear in advertisement publish ed ia ita eolomns, and ia eases wkera tali paper ia at fault aill reprint that part ( aa advert teeTaenl la wkicb taa typographic, ntisiaae occurs. The Stateama -reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classifies Ue a. Help Wauled Female ' Tonnff woman, good cook, clean liousekeeper. go home nights. Small family of adults. Tel. 7841). , Experienced girl or single woman for boordlng house. TeL 4445. Girl for housework and care of baby. 1185 Market. WANTED Woman of good appear ance and education to represent Salem firm In the homes. Phone 6572 Friday or Saturday after S p. m. Situations Wanted" ? WANTED rAny kind gardener work, experienced. . Reference. Win. Otto, TeL 8094. For Sale Miscellaneous Sat, for aoJev OreprooC. 2&S Cheme keta. T I r"K WRIT EKS Ren t. a machine practice at born. Special rate to stu dent, Roen, 42 Court, Phon (771. Prim young turkeys dressed to or der. Tel. 67F3i. : Poultry fertiliser, tacked straight or with pet. moss. TeL 1X3F3, Lee's Hat chery. Freah fertiliser, 30c per yd.. 100 yd. lota. Schmdler Uros., Hit. Apple, walnut a, cider, 73S N. Cem'L Sale, milk cow, 1405 Edge water. TeL 6t;5. ..I....;... Will allow responsible party to aa- tric refrigerator. BaL due about 661. Call 2713 between 1 and 3. Trade- Miscellaneous" ; TRADE Efec. radio for battery set. 1123 SL 16th. Salem. Wanted-g-Miscellaneous Free W pick op dead and worth ies horses, cows, sheep. Tel.: 4 SS9. - Top price, eaah, for used piano. Deal er. Can 6707. WANTED Walnut and filbert meats. Stat Cafeteria. Wntd. clean baled gtyy. TeL 51 Fl a. WANTED Late model Electrolux. Tel. 7840. Wanted oats and vetch--dlover hay. TeL 6000.. Claude McKenney. J Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR YOUR ; TOOLS Stoves, Furniture ' Capital Hard war 4Tb Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial Phona 784S. Miscellaneous ' Haircuts. 15c-20c. 30J Sj Winter. IF TOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH or PAINT Write for Free Art Test and Art Book. Box 923, care States man. . : Authorised Hoover service. Ph. 4235. j For Rent Rooms ' Plenty of steam heat BUgh HoteL Rates $3.00 wk. and up. Heated, dose In 224 Division. Room and Board Rra. bd. TeL 8394. 860 Chemeketa, Room and board for men. TeL 4445. Room and board. Close in. TeL 4445. For Rent Apartments Furn. J-room apt. TeL 7t4. 2281 Haiel Are. . Furn. apt. for rent; 340 Division. Nice furnished apt.. 590 Union. S rm. furrt apt., 1st floor, lights, water, 81 2 mo. 412 X. 21st. Strictly mod. 4 rooms, furn. Adults. 4J S. High. 3 rooms and bath: 1 room and shower. 2005 N. CapItoL 1 2-room apt. Adults only; 415 S. Winter. j For Rent Houses Winter rates on cottages. Lena Star Auto Camp, 190 N. CapitoL Furn. unfurn. Forkner. TeL 803 L Modern furnished 8 roora house for rent. Inquire 1050 N. 15th. Cosy S room fur. duplex, 1st floor, garage. 883 M11L T. O. Albert. Rent 8 R. house, $25. 11325 N. 17th. TeL . 972L I 1 ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon & Bell. Security Building, Portland, Or. Western Advertising Representatives renser-HaU Cow Ltd. 8aa VraBeiae. Los Aageles. Seattle : , Eastern Adverttslng . Representatives Bryant, Griffith A B run son. Inc. Chicago. New York, Detroit, - Boston. Atlanta Kt tred art taa Powtoffte mt 8al0m. Oregon. fiacoad-Claa af after. Pe BnaraeM 316 South Commercial tract, - ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man SubsctlDUon Rates, la Ad vane. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, 1 Mo. 60 cents: 1 Mo. 81.25; Mo. 32.26: 1 year 34.00. Elaewher 69 cent per How r .V tor 1 year in iorufs, r Copy S cents. News Stands 6 cents. By City Carrier: 4S cents a month: 15.09 a year la advance. nteresting 3& Facts An electrical device which trav els at the rate of six miles per hour and marks all defective rails is now in use on several rail roads. e A steady Increase in the num ber of receding glaciers proves that the world temperature is gradually rising, scientists say. . Evidence of hitherto unidenti fied Indians and important geo logical data were gathered by the National Geographic society par ty which recently explored Salmon river canyon in Idaho, deeper even than the Grand Canyon. Tests on prisoners at San Quen tin indicate pyorrhea undermines health even before it has advanced to a painful stage. For Rent Hospital beds and wheelchairs- to rent. -H. 1 StUf Kurnltura Co. Of tic room for rent. 381 Stat St. 1L 17 li 240 A. near Salem. 130 A. tillable, good water, fair bldr, good fence. u cash rent. 645 Ferry tit. For SaleReal Estate THREE WONDERFUL BUYS IN REASONABLY PRICED HOMES -Immediate pose caaion of a neat 4 room shake cottage. Interior recently redecorated, built-lita, hardwood floors In part, fireplace, best of plumbing:, garsge. larg lot, pared street. Price only 82200, ceuh 4106, baL monthly, 6. - To close an estate, will sacrifice price of a well-built aeml-modern res idence of 8 rooms, garage and wood shed,, large lot on bua line and paved street. Price was '12800. Offered for short "time at 81580. cash bal. easy. SUBURBAN HOME. 4 room plas tered residence with closets and nook, ball and bath room, good plumbing; electric lights and gas, good well with water system, garage and woodshed. One acre of good land on paved road not far out and near bus line. A real snap for 32300, part terms. Imme diate pessession, -CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE, by owner, f room home, larg lot with frutt. double garage, walking distance; shown by appoint ment only. Price 132O.00. terms. Phona 541 or call at 1710 N. 17th St. I louse a. Orant. 839 Court TeL 6584. List your property for sale with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC. LISTEN Would you give 50c for every $1.00 value in purchasing a beautiful Salem home? We are. offering you a 7 room, modern house, oak floors throughout, mahogany woodwork, tile fireplace, 2 sets plumbing. Fin corner lot with abundance of tree and shrubbery. Dis tant owner say "Sell". My loss your gam. Worth $15,000. Sell for $7500. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE Good 7 room house and garage In North Sulem, 4 blocks west of the Hollywood theater on Maple avenue. Price including paving paid, $1200.00. W. U. KRLEGEK Phone 472$ 147 N. Com'L Houses. Grant, 529 Court. Tel. 7723. LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN $3150. Will buy this -modern 6 room bungalow home, has all nice large - rooms, fireplace, full ce ment barsement. furnace,- gar age. A REAL BUY located at 430 S. 21st St.. terms. See, W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty Street MODERN- SUBURBAN HOME Modern five room home with base ment, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, 76100 of an acre of splendid garden land, bearing iruit and nut trees, located near citv limits on paved road. A WONDERFUL VALUE at $4000. $1500. cash. bal. easy terms at 6 int. SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 64 6 S. LOT BARGAIN Good lot located on N. 24th St.. near State St. for 250 cash, clear title. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST 4 CO. 134 South Liberty Street SNAP. FAIRMOUXT HILL HOME Modern up to date 5 room home with basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, cor. lot. A REAL VALUE FOR $3000. $1000. down will handle. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE 10 acres alfalfa clear, Alspaugh, Calif., fenced, water, no buildings. Want Oregon clear, what have you? WILLIAM OTTO 254 N. Front TeL 8094. Location wanted. Have good 1st mtg. note and Wyo. ranch. Cash later. Will assume for something here. J. A. SMITH, 3455 State St. No agents. Wanted- Real Estate Hare cash buyer for farm up to $30, 000. Will be here Immediately after Thanksgiving. Must be attractive home and "income, interested In mature wal nuts. Bring In your listings. WINNIE FETTYJOHN 619 Court Street Business Opportunities INVESTMENTS Invest your savings at 8 to per cent on first mortgage securities. See Hawkins A Roberta. Money to Loan A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 We can advance cash quickly and privately 'to any employed man or woman In 24 hours. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119. New Bltgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED Kd S-182 A M 165 by STATE SIS Stat St. TeL S T 48. Loan Mad In Nearby Town MONET TO LOAN on Salem resl dene property. Small monthly pay ments, competitive rates, saiem rea eral Savings A Loan Association. 402 Stat Street. Phone 4109. Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rate. Personal Attention No Delays - You Keep Your Car Roy Simmons First Natl Bank Bldg. Phon SS53. Licensed by ta State For Sale Used Cars GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED 1934 Plymouth DeLtxxe 2 -door Sedan 1934 Plymouth PF 2 -door Sedan, low 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-door Sedan, free wheeling auto, clutch 550.00 1931 Studebaker Commander 8 4-door isedan .. : 425.00 1932 Ford V-g 2 -door Sedan, owned 1929 Bulck 4-door Sedan 1929 Oakland 2-door Sedan 1928 Dodge Victory Seean 1927 Whippet 4-door Sedan 1926 Chrysler Coup 1924 Ford 2 -door Sedan Terms Open Eve.ings W. L. ANDERSON, INC., DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH 360 Marion Phon THE NEW 193$ V-8 FORD BETTER VALUE RECENT NEW CAR DELIVERIES ! PERMIT THE FOLLOWING QUICK TURNOVER PRICES ON GOOD USED CARS 1935 V-8 Reg. Sedan $615 1935 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe 615 1934 V-8 DeLuxe Sedan 573 1934 V-8 Victoria 523 1934 V-8 Cabriolet 575 Radio, heater, spotlight. 1933 V-8 Deluxe Sedan 623 1933 V-S Reg. Sedan 4S5 Your Neighbor ! Driving One of Our Ued Car Ask Him About it and come to the VALLEY MOTOR CO. AND BUY TOURS MARION & LIEERTY ! CENTER A LIBERTY i TWO CAR LOTS Open Evenings and Sunday - Phone 7919 We are in the New Car Business so the Used Car Buyer Gets the Breaks 1935 1935 1932 1932 1931 1936 1929 1929 1927 1926 And Pont la e Eight Sedan, a won derful buy at only $833. Bulck 7-pass. Sedan with low mileage. C w. eq new tires, radio, heater and fin ish in fine shape 795. Buick 5-pasa. Sedan, 6 w. eo,, low mileage, and in A-l shape Pontlac DeLuxe Sedan, thor oughly checked over 663. 415. Pontlac DeLuxe. w. eo... good tires; a real bargain at 385 Bulck Coupe Hudson Sedan 340. 265. Bulck Sedan 295. Fcrd Coupe, Model T 35. Fcrd Touring 30. Other Cheap Cars to Choose From Otto J. Wilson PONTIAC A BUICK 388 N. Com'L Phone 5131. Doht Waste Your- Time or Money otroc To Buy or Sell Your Car 542 Chemeketa St. Phone 9388 Plenty of good buys, fn all makes, body types and year models. CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH, OR SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT. INVESTIGATE Thanksgiving Specials Compare These Prices 1923 Stude. Phaeton $29.50 1925 Star Sedan 95.00 1929 Ford Ai Sport Road., 4- rass. . ..j. IIj.OO 1929 Stude. Sedan 165.00 1930 Nosh Sedan, new tires 3S5.00 1930 Olds Coupe 195.00 1930 Bulrk Coupe 235.00 1931 Ford A Pick-up 245.00 192S Fontlao Sedan 125.00 1933 Ford V-8 DeLuxe S-Jan, radio and heater 46.00 1934 Pontlac Coupe 565.00 COMPARE THESE PRICES Open Evenings and Sundays Carter & Church Motor ' Company NASH-LAFAYETTE DEALERS 365 N. Com'L St. Phone 3734 Money to Loan . Personal Loans By art Independent Salem Finance Co. Amount to $1500 One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with as independent - Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan Is made. No Delays - - - No Red Tap General Finance Corp. First NafL B.-nk Bldg. Phon 8553. Licensed. S-138 by State Mtge. loans, homes or bus. crop., low rates. Abrams A Ellis, Inc.,, Masonic B. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta WANTED: 31000 private loan on close in six room home with basement and furnace.. Will pay 7 Interest. SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. "134 South Liberty Street Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 2 mares, coming 3 and 1. weight 1500. One-half mile nouth of Victor Point, J. C. Krenz, Silverton, Route 3. For Sale Wood IS In. old fir. $3.50. Phone 9456. 000000000000000&0000000k GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trad A Cottage. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 8334. Dry 2nd growth fir. Tel. 7889. All kinds good wood. TeL 8254. Ash, sec. growth old fir. TeL 3330, Ashcraft. For Sale Wood IS in. old fir, 16 in. 2nd growth. TeL 500. Wood Sawing Wood aawtng reasonable. Can 8299. Wood sawing, reasonable. TeL 3792. Wood sawing reasonable. TeL 8735. Lost and Found Boston Bull, left face white, male. Reward. Phone SS39. Personal Lonely? Find happiness arid a paL Free details. P. O. Box 345. Salem. ' STOMACH ULCER, GAS PAINS, INDIGESTION victim, why suffer t For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription at Cap ital and Perry's Dreg Stores., For Sale Used Cars ! USED CARS 1- ".. ..1S10.09 mileage, an exception 550.00 my mechanic, exceptional 415.00 295.00 250.00 200.00 75.00 60.00 40.00 Trades 17703 Salem 1)31 Model A 1931 Model A Coupe $285 Vic 326 176 150 175 1929 Model A Spt. Coupe 192 8 Model A Spt. Coupe 1928 Chev. Coach .... New paint, new rubber, new j upholstery. 1929 Bulck Sedan 1930 Plymouth Sedan 250 300 1928 Bulck Standard Roadster ! R. S 15.00 1930 Ford Roadster, air wheels 195.0 1933 Ford V-8 Pickup 400.00 1932 Studebaker Z-ton I w. B. o.oe 1929 Dodge Dump truck 350.0A 1929 Morland 2-ton L. W. B. 285.00 Holt Trac Tractor 300.00 Caterpillar 15 Tractor 1000.09 James H. Maden Co. 21? State Street Phone 8599. International Motor Trucks A McCor- mlcJc-Deering Farm Machinery SUMMONS No. 25273 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. DE PARTMENT TWO. F. N. DERBY and MARIAN A. DERBY, Plaint iffs. GEORGIA G. MONTGOM ERY and W. A. MONTGOMERY; KATE J. LONDON and EDWIN B. LONDON; ELENORE T. LAWR ENCE and CHARLES H. LAWR ENCE; JESSIE G. HARTMAN; LAURA FRANCES GILL; DORO- TfiY GILL MONTGOMERY: SU SIE MORELAND GILL; MAR GARET W. DILLINGHAM; FRANCIS JOHN G I R A R D; FREDERICK THORNTON GlR ARD, a minor; MARY ELIZA BETH GIRARD, a minor; HAR RIETT SMITH WYTHE; DON ALD McHENRY WYTHE, a minor; RICHARD GAILLARD WYTHE, a minor; MARGARET Wt WYTHE; K. GRACE W! Y T H E : LOUISA BELLE WlYTHE; WILLIAM WILLSON WjYTHE, a minor; HARRIETT SMITH WYTHE, as Guardian of the Persons and Estates of DON- AtD McHENRY WYTHE and RICHARD GAILLARD WYTHE. minors; TITLE AND TRUST C0MPANY, a corporation, as trustee: AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UN KiN OWN CLAIMING ANY RtGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIE COMPLAINT HEREIN, De fendants. TO DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED. AND EACH OF YOU: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, hereby are required tai appear and answer the com plaint filed against yon in the above-entitled court and cause on ot; before tbe last day of the time prescribed by said above-entitled court for publication of this sum mons, to-wit: On or before the sixth day of December, 1935, and ifj you fall so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to said court for tbe relief prayed in their complaint herein, namely: Tiat you, and each of you, be required to set forth the nature ahd extent of your respective claims in or to the following-described premises, to-wit: j Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot numbered Four (4) in Block numbered Five 15) ot and in the City of Salem, County of Marion, State of Ore gon, according to the duly re corded plat thereof now of re ford in the office of the Re corder of Conveyances of and tor said county; and running thence Westerly along the South line of said Lot num bered Four (4), 55 feet and 6 inches; thence Northerly on a lne parallel with the East line pf said Lot numbered Four (4) knd Lot numbered Three (3) in fcaid block; 112 H feet; thence Easterly on a line parallel with the North line of said Lot num bered Four (4), 55 feet and js inches to said East line ot said Lot numbered Three (3); and thence Southerly on said kast line of said Lots Numbered Three (3) and Four (4), 112 , feet to the place of beginning; being a part of said Lots num bered Three (3) and Four (4) In said Block numbered Five 1(6) in said City of Salem; that all conflicting or adverse claims, interest or estates of de fendants, or any of you, may be determined by a decree of said cburt; that it be adjudged and decreed that you have, and that each of you has, no claim, estate, right, title, lien, or Interest what. spever In or to said premises, or any part tbereor; that plaintiffs afe the owners of said premises, and the whole thereof, in fee sim ple absolute; that yon. and each of yon. and all persons claiming through or under you, or any of ybu, forever be barred and en joined from asserting any claim For Sale Used Cars ( McKAYS GUARANTEED USED CARS EVERYBODY DRIVES A USED CAR! 28 Essex Coach u... '30 Ford Tudor 4. 31 Chev. Spt. Roadster 145.00 245.00 275.00 265.00 365.00 ."31 Bulck Coupe 33 Ford V-8 Roadster j '34 Reo Panel Delivery (Special) $595.00 McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Street - Phone Open Sunday Automobiles INVESTIGATE OUR NEW V2 OF 1 FINANCE PLAN u on New or Used Automobiles STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson - Terraplane - Packard Dealers Marion and Polk Counties Located at High and Chemeketa Strccls Open Nights and Sundays or Interest whatsoever in or to said premises, or any part there of, adverse to plaintiffs; and that plaintiffs have such other relief and remedy as to said court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served on yoq by publication thereof -in the Ore gon Statesman, a dally newspaper of general circulation published at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, for four successive weeks, com mencing with tbe issue of said newspaper of the eighth day of No vember, 1935, and ending with tbe issue thereof of the sixth day of December, 1935, pursuant to an order of the Honorable L. G. LewelUng, Judge of said above- entitled court, dated the sixth day of November, 1935. CARSON A CARSON. Residence and postoffice address: Salem,. Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. N-8-15-22-29 D-6 Tragedy Spoils Family Reunion TACOMA, Nov. 2S.-P) - Plans for a happy Thanksgiving family reunion were turned to sorrow and despair today by a head-on auto truck cra&h near Sumber. which killed an infant boy and in jured his parents and an aunt. The fatal accident occurred as Mr. and Mrs. Norton Morris of Seattle, their 7-weeks" old Von Da vid, and Mrs. Morris' sister. Miss Cecelia Rowe of South Prairie, were driving to the F. Rowe home at South Prairie,' and their car was in a head-on collision with a truck driven by H. L Linn of Se attle. Valley Could Double Population Through Irrigation, Claimed ALBANY, Ore,, Nov. 2&.-JP)-W. D. B. Dodson, executive sec retary of the Albany chamber of commerce, told the Albany cham ber that the population of the Willamette valley could be dou bled by irrigation. He said Ore gon's greatest resources were ag riculture and forest wealth, and urged Willamette valley residents to organize for action in securing irrigation, flood control, drainage and navigation projects. , ' One of Last Frontier Guides i . i i S , 4 V:.t kVi7 - lAVs.' Harriet Haasea . In is an expert hunter and guide for parties which, penetrate the sparse-' ly populated Idaho frontier Country near Lowman where she lines ta iabin eight miles from her nearest neighbor.- . . I For Sale Used Cars 35 Chev. Coach (Standard) 543.00 275.00 31 Ford Spt. Rdstr. '35 Chev. Coach (Master) 35 Cher. Coup (Master) 28 Chevrolet Truck 695.09 695Aft 95.00 3189 - - 430 North Commercial and Evenings Automobiles Naval Conference Delegation Sails WASHINGTON, Not. 28 -ypy- Amerlca's delegation sails tomor row for the London naval confer ence, frankly recognizing tremen dous odds against success but de termined on an effort to stave off a threatened armaments race. The United States was repre sented today as determined to ut ilize every diplomatic means to carry out President Roosevelt's In structions to oppose sea power in creases that will further pyramid mounting naval costs. The govern ment waa expected to seek agree ments to reduce tonnages or main tain existing navies tor another five or six year period. Norman H. Davis, chairman of the delegation, has been drafting the address in which he will set forth American aspirations for the conference in its opening sessions. Bank Accountant Kidnaped, Robbed VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 28.-(JP)-E. G. Miller, 34, accountant for Traders Finance Corporation, Ltd., was abducted by two bandits today on one of the city's ousiest corners. They forced him into an automobile and drove him to Stanley park, where be was rob bed of $575 of the firm's money. Miller, 30 years old, was tak ing the money to the Bank of Montreal branch, across the street, when two men forced him to enter an automobile. In Stan ley park, they escorted hira to a thicket, tied him up and rifled his pockets, then drove away. Miller wriggled free and tele phoned police and his office. Pedestrian's Injuries Fatal at Oregon City OREGON CITY, Ore., Not. 28. (A3) Injuries received when he was struck by a car proved fatal last night to Joe Weibel, 0, ot Mount Pleasant. Frank M. Mir wald, 19, Oregon City, driver, was released on his own recognizance. Weibel was struck as he was cros sing an Intersection. ,vN. .A the lif of Mrs. Harriet Hanson wh Business .. Cards in tUl directory run ott stfiuoaUily baaia only. Rate: tl.ib per line per month. Auto Brakes M1U Fa nek. 275 South CommerclaL Carpenter Work For A cafpe: nter work. Tel. 9387. Chimney Sweep Telephone 4150. R E. North nesa Chimney sweep. TeL 4513. F. Roach. Chiropractors DR. oJu SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor r. jrtigh, TeL Kea. S76Z. Contractors Peter Johaitsen and Co., Gen. Contrac ra. 1165 Madison. Phon i$7. Electrical Service tag. motor, appliance, repair, service Excavating I Excavating of alt Ktnda ' Basemeats Dug. yDirt Hauled or Moved. I Dirt For Sal. I Phon 4644. Florists BrRhupt'a 447 Court. ALL kind of floral work. Lota, Flor ist. 1374 Lj Liberty. TeL 8693. c Keyt W mak key. Barry W. 8cU. I Laundries THS NEW SULEM LAUNDRY THE WE ID ICR LAUNDRY 263 a Hlg Tea, S126 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First Tn-Quality and Serrto relephaXlS5 12S Broad' Mattresses OAPlTfU. .srcnrHKO CCX Phon 48D stAI.EM FLUFrVRna - nd Factory. NEW SCATTREStl maUU oraer, eia remaoe ; earpet ctesmrsg. ana lag : fluff rug waving. S. 13th A Wll tiur. TeL S44L OTTO F. WICKER. Est. MIL i Music Lessons Mandolin, iianjo, Hawaiian and Span ish Guitars, Ukelele A Harmony. Re sults guaranteed. Pacific Studios Of atustcf i$f court St. Music Stores GEO. C. WILL Piano, radios, sewing mac nines, sheet music ana piano stud ies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 433 Stat Strt, salera. j Photo Engraving Salem ipholo engraving. 147 N. Com mercial. TeL 5887. E I Printing f FOR STATIONERY, card, pamph lets, programs, book or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 215 S. CommerclaL Tele phone 910L, t Roof Repairing ( House,' roof repairing. Phon 9495. Stoves t repair stoves, ranges, circulators Sell new and rebuilt stoves, range and circulators, i stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stov Works. 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B Fleming. By EUGENE HORIZONTAL 49 May apple 51 outside cut of a log 52 Peruvian chief 53 incline 64 Mexican dollar ' 55 act 56 printer's measures 1 -oppress 5 fdrunkard ft street . wanderer 12-great lake 15 bird lestivitr 15 uthentica- - ition loMCoriflned by icuttlng the wings 18 droop 19 despised 20 golf xaoond 21 rerbal 1 23preposition 25narrow iways 27 bothers 32 ardor S3 binder 34 ostrich llikebiril 3S itookosxt 37 4rwoon lAronoan ' 39 oren Herewith is the terdays pnxale. i. i . . , t i . U article of. -i property 44 turn to the Caarrlaat, tBtt. j Cross Word Puzzle l m -m- . 11 WL-" 3j f JO 21 JO 31 7 30 7, w " TftTZs III. I53 w 6- Directory Transfer FOR local or distant transfer atoragsv .-all 3131. Larmer Transfer Ce, Trucks to Portland dally. . CAPITAL, CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage ur specialty. Get Kir rate. AshcrofL TeL 3380 ; 370 Klngwood. r Well Drillins R A. West. R. 4. Bov 44 Tel. 110F5. Rioting Charged To Four Youths VANCOUVER. Wash., Nor. 28 (P) Fottr Portland youths were held in jail on second degree as sault charges today, as a result of what special Deputy Clarence McKay said was a riot at a road house near here last night. McKay said he answered a riot call and that when he attempted to arrest Jack Dunn. 19 and Hen ry Sherlock, 24, tour others "jumped on me." McKay said her was . badly beaten. Deputy William Yates aided In placing the youths under arrest. Dunn and Sherlock were re leased today at Yates' request. Those held gave the names of Tony Coskey, 22; Clem Stillon, 22; Roy Reimond, 20, and Julian BenoJd, 22. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon for the County of: Marion. In the Matter of , the Eatate ot EZRA WALTERS. : Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the -above entitled Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County aforesaid. Administra trix of the Estate ot EZRA WAL TERS, deceased, and having quali fied, notice is hereby given to the creditors of. and all persons hav lng claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as re quired by law, within six months aner ue tirsx p-uoiicanon oi inia PARKER at the office ot BR1GGS it BRIGGS, her Attorneys, Pio neer Block. Ashland, Oregon. MTNNIE OWEN PARKER I Administratrix of the Estate OF EZRA WALTER, de deceased. Not. 1-8-15-22-29 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby glve.t that the undersigned by an order of the County Court of the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, duly made and entered of record on the 16th day of November, 1935, waa appointed administratrix of the estate of William J. LHJe qujst and that she has duly quali fied as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the came, dnly verified as required by law, at the office of Carl T. Pope, 413 sonic Building in the City of Sa lem, Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, to-wit: November 22, 1935. MERSA V..LILJEQUIST. Administratrix of the Estate of William J. Liljequist. CARL T. POPE. 413 Masonic Building, . Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Administratrix. N.22-29-D.8-13-20. SHEFFER "57 Arabian seaport VERTICAL 1 smaller in capacity 1 open space 3 oblique ,4 long fish 6 leaf of a calyx ft leave oat 7 melody ' 8 past ' 1 9 rave j 10 to the sheltered j I - - side i t " 11 made aa offer , ' , j 17 image, : 19 possesses ! 22 renovate f 24 wild t 25 guided " ! 26 beveraee ! : 27 angry 1 28 conjunction ' 29 cut the hair short 30 number 31 reposed i ' 33 exist ! 36 rip . ' 37 capable 39 holds J 40 amongst ! 41 Scandi navian 42 at one time 44 satisfy 45 glance i over J 47 relieve J 48 rery black - 50 gather f 51 mineral - spring; solution to n it" i