The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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    Local News Briefs
Accidents Reported John
Fromm, route fire, Salem, and
Cliff M, .Thomas, route three, Sa
lem, hare reported a collision on
the river road about two miles
south of the city. Other reports
were: Etta Mande Roberts. 815
Shipping street, and Gerald, Gas
tincau. at the corner of State and
Cottage streets : Fred Fetsch.
2340 N. Commercial, and 1-almer
Williams, route four, at the cor
ner of State and High streets:
George Alexander,. 1496 Court,
and Clarence E. Carlson, 280
North istn, at tne corner or lzw
and Chemeketa. The Carlson car
overturned but the driver was not
seriously Injured according to the
Special Thanksgiving dinner at
the Quelle. Watch for announce
ment of menu in tomorrow's
Statesman. ' -
Asks Plea Delay Harvey W.
Haskln; arrested yesterday by
state police on a charge of wreck
ing motor vehicles without a li
cense, asked for time until Tues
day in which to enter a plea when
he was haled before . Justice of
the Peace Hayden yesterday. The
Judge stated that ordinarily he
would not allow so long a time
before plea was entered, but that
in view of the holiday and the
number of cases already slated for
later in the week in court he
would allow the request. Haskln
was released on his own recogni
zance. - Marr Gets Turkey John G.
Marr outclassed aU other mem
bers of the Lions club in the sale
of tickets for the play. "The Yel
low Shadow," presented this week
under auspices of the club for
benefit of the Lions Christmas
cheer fund. Marr sold 138 tickets,
and for this receives the 13-pound
turkey offered by the club. Ralph
H. Kletxing was second high tick
et salesman. . r
Complete t-u r k e y. dllmer, 30c.
Horseshoe Luncheonette. '
.Charged With Assault Uernice
Dorbrkosky and Herman Dorbr
kosky" pleaded not guilty yester
day to an assault and battery
charge entered against them by G.
R. Mudd. and will have a trial in
justice court December 2. The epi
sode out of which the arrest came
occurred at a Ferry street "room
ing house. She was released on
her own recognizance and he put
up 825 bail.
Larkin to Remodel Clay Lar
kln hag received a permit to re
model a dwelling at 1110 North
Capitol streets. Cost of the altera
tion is estimated at 11000.
In this city Kav; 25. Roy S.
Swenson, late resident of 1595
axV.of- 38t rears." " Surrlvd hv
widow, Alda Swenson.. and a son
Dale, and daughter, Phyllis. Fun
eral services Friday, November
29. at 2 p. m., from Rigdon mor
tuary. Rev. Lynn Wood officiat
ing. Interment Cltyview cemetery.
At the residence on route 2,
Nov.26, Oliver Jory, at the age
of 76 years. Survived by wife,
Phoebe; one son, Lewis H. Jory:
and one brother, Charles Jory, of
Stockton, Calif.;- and two neph
ews. Charles T. Jory. Salem, and
jory, Biociion. uaiu. r uner-
al services at 3:30 Friday. Nov.
2S-frpm chapel of W. T. Rigdon
& Co. Rev. Guy S. Drill officiat-
. jua iuici ujcuv a. v. j. jt . vtrmt;-
tery. . . -
Lively '
At a local hospital, Nov. 27,
mother, Mary Belle Lively, Wood
burn; father, B. F. Lively, Port
land; three brothers, E. B.,
Dwlght, and George LIvelyTort
land; sister, Mrs. Alice Galloway.
Salem. Funeral services will be
held at the ehaper-Oreugh-Bar-rlclr
Co; Friday, Noy.-, at 11
a.m. '' .; ;
". ' . X : Morris
At. the residence, route 1,-Gt-vais,
Nov. 26. Robert Melvfn Mor
ris, aged 11 years. Son of Mrs.
Louise. Rotner, brother of Mrs. W.
iE. Ames of Casper, Wyo., Mrs. Ju-
Ila Kelly of Chance, S. Dak., Mrs.
j Reuben Wargnier of Brooks, Vir
jgihta L. and Donald V. Morris at
jhome. Funeral services from Ter-
williger Funeral home. Friday,
jNov. 29, at 2 p.m. with Rev. Brit-
ton Rossi officiating. Interment
j Pioneer cemetery.
OLSON, Florist
Court & High Phone 7166
Piles Cured
Without operation or loss of
time -
829 Oregon Bldg. Phon 5509
Cxcavating of AU Kinds
Dirt for Sale - Dirt Moved
Dirt Hauled
i Phone 4644
Loans for Automobile Buyers
Our rate Is FIVE (5) per cent. You can easily determine
what your loan will cost you here. To the unpaid balance,
add cost of standard Insurance, then add FIVE (5) per cent,
which ia our TOTAL CHARGE for twelve months.
Your-loan can be for as long as twenty four months. If
Remember -before you buy, investigate here.
j Ladd and Bush, Bankers
. .r r Est. 1868 h
Holiday Visitor Rev. and Mrs.
F. J. Cope and son - in -law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alison
Rogers, of Portland, will be guests
of the Thanksgiving holidays of
Rev. and Mrs. Edgar P. Sims here.
Rev. Cope, a retired minister who
has served as pastor of two of
the' Portland Churches of Friends,
is an old friend of the Sims. Mr.
and Mrs. Rogers are now pastors
of the Middleton and Sherwood
meetings of Friends, and previ
ously served as missionaries to In
dia and were pastors in Kansas.
Thanksgiving Dinner, continuous
service all day. The Spa.
Return Ball Fund The $100
bail money put up in justice court
for Pein Averill, who yesterday
changed his plea to guilty on an
assault and battery charge and
was fined $50 in circuit court,
was returned to the bailsmsn yes
terday. Averill 'was arrested fol
lowing an episode at the Ecker
len beer garden several weeks
Full course turkey or goose din
ner, 45c. Tourist Cafe, 163 S.
Plan Friday Hike Two groups
of the Friendly Indians, boys'
clubs at the Y.M.C.A., have plan
ned hikes for Friday. The boys
will leave the Y.M.C.A. at 8:30
o'clock that morning and will
take their lunch, with some spot
in the Polk county hills the prob
able destination. Leaders will be
Box Buxton and Dick Smith.
Mills to Clooe Both linen mills
and the woolen mill will shut
down for the Thanksgiving holi
day. The paper mill will operate
as usual. None of the industrial
shops will be closed for the week
end according to information fur
nished. Carrier bags 60 and 75c States
man office 215 So. Com'l st.
No Mail Deliveries Today The
postoffice department will make
only special deliveries today. Per
ishable goods will be delivered
and the general delivery window
will be open for an hour this
morning. There will be no general
city deliveries.
To Walla Walla Ed Canfield.
senior in the Willamette law
school, is spending Thanksgiving
vacation in Walla Walla, Wash.,
on the Whitman campus. He will
be a guest of his sister, Marion
Canfield, a member of Delta Delta
The Argo is preparing another
famous Thanksgiving feast. Roast
turkey, goose, duck or chicken,
with cranberry sauce, plum pud
ding, mince, pumpkin pie. etc.,
60c. Open 12:0.0 noon to 7:30.
Corwin in Jail - Rex Henry
Corwln, picked up In the Mt. An
gel vicinity Tuesday by state po
lice, yesterday was held to answer
to the grand jury following ap
pearance in justice court. He is
held in the county jail in lieu of
$500 bail.
Fined $25 Jack Vossil Dimi
troff. arrested -for operating a
truck without a p.u.c. plate, ad
mitted guilt in justice court yes
terday and was fined $25 and
Turkey for Jail Prisoners at
the county jail, eight in number
on yesterday's check, will haVe
turkey and all the "trimmings"
for their Thanksgiving meal,
Sheriff A. C. Burk says.
Lions not Meeting The Salem
Lions club will not hold a lunch
eon meeting today, Thanksgiying
day. The usual noon meeting will
be held next Thursday.
Have your portrait made by Ken-nell-Ellls
Studio. Open evenings
and Sundays by appointment.
Phone 7830.
Fines Collected City Recorder
A. Warren Jones yesterday col
lected 6 in fines for overtime
parking and parking in restricted
Council to Meet A session of
Cascade council of Boy Scouts of
America will be held Friday night
at 8 o'clock at the chamber of
commerce rooms.
35c 50c 75c
-- m
Also American Dishes
How get there? You walking
down Commercial street to
Fits fishing market then you
stepping upstairs. There we
11 A. M. to 2 A. M.
Turkey Dinner
All Day Service
Depot Cae
12th and Mill St.
Special Dinners Every
Revival at Ttosedale -riday Is
announced as school night at the
Headrick revival campaign being
conducted at the Rosedale Friends
church. The boys and girls of the
various school districts are work
ing hard to get as many of their
whool mates as possible, because
Headrick is planning to present
a motto to the school which brings
in the greatest attendance in ratio
wiih Its enrollment. The enroll
ment at Illihee, Sunnyside, Rose
dale;, Falrvfccw and Prospect
school is being secured. This same
plan1 will be continued next Fri
day) night and the two number
added to form the total attendance
of each school.
Final Accounts Filed Final
accounts were filed yesterday in
the estates of the following: Da
vid j'j Johnson, deceased, by Pearl
Jacobson, administratrix; Mary
R. Hal ley, deceased, by Lon
Wain, executor; J. A. Petterson,
deceased, by George Charles Pat
terson and Ina E. Melson, execu
tors; the reports were filed be
fore Judge L. H. McMahan, act
ing; probate judge. .
Come to Townsend Thanksgiving
Service, High School auditorium,
Wednesday night, 7:45, Novem
ber : 27th. Speaking, music, and
sermon. Free; no collection.
8926 in Estate The estate of
the jlate John L. Cooper contains
assets valued at $926 ' according
to an appraisal filed yesterday in
probate court. O. Earl Jones is
executor of the will. Of the assets,
$428 consists of postal savings
while $492 is the estimate value
of $1476 deposited with the Cool
Id ge & McClaine bank, now in
Wants Court Help Petition to
the; circuit court to grant him a
writ of assistance tn taking pro
perty allegedly sold on fore
closure and now belonging to him
wail filed yesterday here by H. O.
Dabl who names W. E. Batch
eller and others as parties defend
ant; Dahl asserts that he followed
correct procedure In foreclosing
his! mortgage and Is now entitled
to ;the property.
Remember your hostess with
flowers Thanksgiving day. Olson,
FloHst. Phone 7166.
Visit Keiths Mr. and Mrs. L
N. jRoney, Eugene, pioneer resi
dents of Lane county, are visiting
at (he home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan.
leyiKeith. 1450 North 19th street.
Mrs. Keith is a niece of Mrs.
Rofcey, who was born in Salem and
had made frequent visits here,
where she has many friends.
Seeks License Application for
a marriage license was filed yes
terday at the county clerk's of
fice by Earl C. Cummings, 27,
Olympia. a machinist, and Lot
tie E. Ray. 24, 1655 South Lib
erty street, city, a saleslady.
J e f f erson Woman Dies -Mrs.
Jefferson, died yesterday morning
at 'a- local hospital, following an
operation for goiter. She is sur
vived by her husband and two
Special, 5-course turkey dinner
served from 2 until 8 p. m.
Thanksgiving day, 60c. The Blue
Bird. '
Gaiser to Spokane Silas H.
Gaiser left last night for Spokane
where he will spend the Thanks
giving holiday.
Office Closed Relief offices
will be closed all day today in ob
servance of Thanksgiving.
Schramm Yet Undecided
"As to His Future Work
No plans, as yet ready for an
nouncement, . have been made by
A.I A. Schramm for his future
work, the former state bank ex
aminer, said while here this
week from Mehama near which he
has a summer home. Mr. Schramm
said he had been spending most of
his retirement since leaving the
bahk superintendent's office im
proving his 8nmmer place there.
This lamp Is o 1.S..S. 5-lite loot
lamp; one of the vety aaest. Bronx
mad sold finish with harmonizins silk
pleated shade braid cord decorated.
Comes equipped with doable k lament
300 watts inten&itr. Also has "nitc
lite" in base jut touch a button with
ror Coot and it lishts little 7 X watt
1 tmlb located at (he base of the lamp.
J Woaderfullr convenient when you
return boat at aishc Complete as '
j described. $ 19.93. Easy terms.
lectrlc STORES
Coming Events
November 28 Thanks
giving concert. Knight Me
morial church, 7: SO p. m.
Also concert at First Evan
gelical church, 7:30 p. m.
November 28 Unioa
Thanksgiving service. First
M. E. church, 10 a. m.
November 28 Thanks
giving. November 28 Annual
Red Cross roll call ends.
November 28-29 Salem
public school Thanksgiving
November 29 Christ ma s
Seal Sale begins.
December 2 City council
meets, 7:30 p. mM city hall.
December 2 Capital Post
No. 9, American Legion,
meets, 8 p. m.. Fraternal
December 2 Eagle Boy
Scout court of honor, fra
ternal temple. In evening.
'December 2 County bud
get up on taxpayers hearing.
December 4 and 6 West
ern Nut Growers association,
chamber of commerce.
December 6 Salem water
commission meets, 8 p. m.,
water offices.
December O Young Dem
ocrats meet, courthouse.
jDecember 10 Salem Mac
Dowell club Christmas con
cert. Knight Memorial
December 11 Benefit
recital by W. U. music de
partment. Waller hall.
December 13 Salem high
school Snikpoh plaf, "Go
Ahead," 8 p. m.
Police Expanding
I Crime Recording
i i
I A property room surrounded by
stone walls and barred windows is
being fitted up in the city hall
basement for use by city police.
They plan to store all articles held
as evidence, and uncalled for stol
en property in this room to which
at most, only the sergeants will
Lave, access.
; The police also are contemplat
ing another improvement, a pho
tographing and developing room
in which all persons arrested on
serious charges may be recorded
in picture in police files. The pho
tographing program, would be ac
companied by more general fin
gerprinting of persons arrested.
i t
Averill Pleads Guilty,
Fined $50 For Assault
i j
Qn Eugene Eckerlen Here
Pleading guilty to a charee of
ah assault of Eugene Eckerlen,
Pein; Averill waived Indictment
yesterday and appeared before
Judge L. H. McMahan. The court
promptly fined Averill $50 of
which $25 was paid in cash and
Averill was given a reasonable
time in which to raise the rest of
the money. The assault allegedly
occurred October 31 at a road
house near Salem.
Our Usual Wave, Complete 75c
Perm Oil f.60
Push Wave, 1 -Complete
Phone 3063
307 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Big Saturday
at the
F. N. V'oodry
Auction Market
1610 N. Summer St.
1:30 P.M.
Consisting of the
Furniture & Furnishings
of the Homes of
Grace Allred and
J. K. Owens
Range, heater, ex. tables,
dressers, beds, springs, mat
tresses, radio, phonograph,
rugs, linoleum, organ, dish
es, K. utensils, refrigerator,
end tables, card table, corn,
potatoes, vegetables, gang
plow, trailer, light wagon,
cream separator, and a hun
dred other articles. Terms
If you want to sell your
furniture, tools, machinery,
or anything of value I will
sell it for you on commis
sion or pay you rash. .Just
Phone 5-1-1-0.
F. N. Woodry
j Auctioneer
"Auction Sales Conducted
I Anywhere"
(Charlie Chan
Chinese Herbs
ire non poison
ous, their heal
ing virtue has
been tested
hundreds years
cWonlc rt. S-B-Fong
ments, nose, throat, sinusitis,
catarrh, ears, lungs, asthma,
chronic cough,' stomach, gall
stones colitis, constipation, di
abetes, kidneys, bladder, heart,
blood nerves, neuralgia, rheu
matism, high blood pressure,
gland, skin sores, male, female
and children disorders. -Ci
B. Fong, 8 years practice
in China, Herb Specialist,
give relief after others fail.
122 N. Commercial St., Salem,
Ore. Office hours 9 to 8 p.m.
Sunday and Wed. O to lO a.m.
Seal Sale to
Start Friday
Swift Urges Support for
Fight on Tuberculosis;
Seals Go in Mail
In launching the Christmas Seal
sale which starts tomorrow and
continues until Christmas, the
Reverend George H. Swift, presi
dent of the Marion county public
health association, has Issued a
statement setting forth the value
of the sale in providing funds tor
fighting tuberculosis, as follows:
"To say that tuberculosis is the
leading cause of death between
the ages of 15 and 45 may mean
little to us unless we hare a pa
tient In our own family.
"A vigorous campaign has. been
carried on continuously since 1904
against tuberculosis until today
the rate of deaths from that cause
has been cut two-thirds. Christ
mas seals support this work!
"A saving of life equivalent to
about 175,000 persons per year is
the result of this persistent fight.
"It is quite possible that we
ourselves are among the 175,000
persons who annually owe their
lives to the campaign against tu
berculosis. 65O.O0O 111 Annually
"Unless we interest ourselves in
this great work, it is quite possi
ble that our grandchildren may be
numbered among the 650,000 per
sons, who, it is estimated, are sick
from this cause annually.
"One dollar for seals will be a
direct contribution to public
health. We hope you will deem it
a privilege to help. A letter with
Christmas seals will be mailed to
you Thanksgiving day. Please
send in your dollar for the seal.
at your earliest convenience to the
address indicated In the letter."
Capitol Records
Near Completion
Official records of the ; state
capitol bill's progress through the
special session of the legislature
are to be completed this week
end, both for the senate and the
house, and the transcripts, under
House Resolution 7 will become
a portion of the mementos placed
in the cornerstone of the new
Every motion, every vote the
report of each committee on the
state capitol measure will be
come a part of the record on
which the clerks of each house
have been working since ad
journment. These records, to
gether with the official Journels
of the two houses, are substan
tially completed. Speaker Latour
ette and Senate President Cor-
for more than
Lhis year
' good reasons for saying, "Thank
you, America."
One reason is that people have bbugfit
so many Chevrolet cars that production
for the year uill reach 1,040,000.
1 i
And the other reason is that they have
placed a record number of orders for. new
Q Low&t
bett are expected . to sign the re
cords within a few days.
Commodity Group
Plans Conference
A meeting of the farm crops
commodity committee which Is
connected with the agricultural
economic conference to ' be held
January 21. and 22, met at the
county agent's office Tuesday aft
ernoon. The following represen
tative farmers attended: J. O.
Fair, chairman of the farm crops
committee, Henry Zorn, Ed Gil
bert, Fred Hottlnger, Samuel Tor
iyend, David Sancy, Ernest Wer
ner Joe Berndt, Lloyd Keene, and
Jlarry Martin.
I Professor G. R. Hyslop, profes
sor of farm crops at Oregon State
college attended the meeting and
discussed problems on production,
harvesting, and marketing of
grain crops grown In Marion
Fruit or Tomato
Salad '
Grape Fruit, Paprika
Cream of Chicken-Corn
Stuffed Celery
Filet Mignon, Rasher lof jBacon
Stuffed Pork Tenderloin, "fomato Sauce
Roast Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Chicken Fricassee, Egg poodles
Roast Domestic Duck, Apple Compote
! i
Hot Rolls and Better
Candied Sweet Potatoes Snowflake Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts Creamed Onions
i !
Desserts I j
Fruit Cake, Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream, Hot Mince
Pie with Hard Sauce, Apple Pie with; Cheese, Plum Pudding
with Hard
Chevrolet has two very
financing cost in CM-i.C. history.
.Oliver Text Is
Adopted by TO
Professor E. S. Oliver of the
Willamette university English de
partment received notification
yesterday from Doubleday, Doran
compajnyj publishers, that "Read
ings In Ideas and Form," English
text for colleges, which he edited.
has been! adopted as a standard
text by the University, of Washing
ton ad the Carnegie Institute of
Technjloy. j -j ' ' -
. profes$or Oliver's selection of
essays; fot-col lege English students
has. beenf highly praised since its
appearanpe last year. A sample
I j J. L. Cooke
We have a card to please yon,
fat! the right price!
J ;
Juice Cockta"
or Cojnso
mme Celestine
Limb Sherbet
Chevrolets during the first
ihey have been on display.
Chevrolet is j indeed - happy to" say
"Thank you,- America,'' and to pledge
continued adherence to the manuXactur
. ing and service policies which have won
and held the friendship of the nation.
Con tpare Chevrolet low delivered prices.
la the following quotation from a
member of the English faculty at
Wellesley college, "Wholly admir
able for the Interesting and vital
style In which the material Is pre
sented and or the sound and
thoughtful selection of that ma
terial." i
The book Is also being used by
English professors at the Univer
sity of Denver, Chlco State col
lege, Sacramento Junior college.
State Teachers colleges of Indi
ana, and Wittenberg college.
Buy four pair! for your
Christmas gifts. Double
constructed high re
enforced heel j habd
transfered tops insures
fit, Buy now t -
Dir. Chan Lain
- Chinese Medicine Co.
Without operation
most ailments of
stomach, liver
glands, skin and ur
inary system of men
and women can be
removed by using
our, remedies -V 1 8
years in business.
Licensed : Naturo
pathic Physicians.
893H Court street,
corner Liberty of
fice open Tuesdays
and Saturdays, lO
A. M. to 1 P. Mm
6 P. M. to 7.
Consultation, DIood
Pressure and Urine
Tests free of charge.
few weeks
V 4., 1
T. T. Ia
V. D.
Ooldi Chan
H. D.