The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning,! November 26, 193S
Local News Briefs
Succumbs to Heart Attack
John W. Hilborn, 18 N. 12th
street, f uceumbed to a heart at
tack; Sunday afternoon while eat
tng luncheon at a : coffee shop
bear bis residence. It wai un
derstood that he had suffered
from a heart ailment for some
time. Survivors, in addition to
his . -widow, Jeasie Hilborn, ' in
clude a son, Walter Hilborn. of
Chehalis, Wash., a grandson
Donald, three sister. Misses' Vi
ola and Dora Shelby ot Iowa and
Mrs. Iowa Hardy of Oxford, la.
Funeral service will be held
from the- chapel ot Clough-Bar-rick
company today at 3:30 p.m.
Dressed prime turkeys. Tel."67F3.
Scout Leaders 'Meet Commit
tee meetings in the four "Boy
Scout districts in this area are
being. held this week with Scout
Executive James E. Monroe ot
Salem attending each one. The
first, for the Linn county dis
trict, was held at Albany last
night. The Silver Falls district
meeting will take place tonight
at' Silverton," the Polk county
meeting at. Dallas Wednesday
night, and the area executive
board meeting in Salem Friday
When at the beach stop at The
Grotto, Ocean Lake, for sea food
meals. Ella Foster.
Accidents Listed Three' minor
automobile accidents involving
the following were reported to
city police over the weekend:
Lola Merle Frelsch, 2295 North
Liberty street, and Josephine
Kebsom, 1397 North Commercial,
at Hood and Liberty' streets;
Herrall-Owens company, 235 So.
Commercial, and McCracken Bros,
truck, Portland, at 235 South.
Commercial; Ercel Forest' Pres
nall, 11 SO North Front, and Wil
liam Gregory, Salem, at Com
mercial and Center,
Carrier bags 60 and 75c States
man office 215 So. Com'l st.
Airport Job Okehed District
WPA officials here yesterday ap
proved an application for an im
provement project for the Silver
ton airport consisting of seeding
the 2600 foot runways to grass.
It vill cost $2510 of which 1,
210 will be local expenditures. A
project for construction of a pre
filtration plant to treat Mill creek
water tor laundry and other pur
poses at the state hospital also
was approved here yesterday.
Sewing Project Enlarged Ap
proximately 310,000 additional in
federal funds has been asked for
in the second unit ot the Salem
ewing project, which has been
approved at the local WPA offi
ces. The total WPA expenditure
now railed for in the application
is 341,552; local, 91215, ot which
3700 will represent an actual cash
outlay. The project would employ
150 women for four months.
-Come to, Townsend Thanksgiving
Service, High School auditorium,
Wednesday night, 7:45, Novem
ber 27tb. Speaking, music, and
sermon: Free; no collection.
Report Aecident The sheriff
yesterday received reports ot the
following; accidents: Bert M.
Hubbard, Marquam, and Ralph
Staggs, Saturday; Dr. H. A.
Beaucbamp and George H. Bell,
in . Marlon covered bridge over
Santiam south of Stayton, on
Friday; G. W. Ritteman, route
five, and John F. Collins, 1 a.
m. Sunday, with Lulu Brown,
pedestrian, injured.
Lebanon Jobs Ordered -Orders
to put SO men at work on market
road 24 between Lebanon and
Crabtree in Linn county Decem
ber 2 were issued at the district
WPA offices here yesterday. An
other start-work notice applied to
the Brownsville gymnasium Pro
ject on which a dozen men will
begin work the same date.
Thanksgiving Special Pompom
"centerpieces with bowls, 75c.
Breithaupfs. Ph. 5904.
Permits Issued Two building
permits were issued yesterday as
follows: A. H. Wolf, alter dwell
ing t 1342 Waller street, 20;
B. M. Woods, reroof 'garage at 710
North High, $50
Mott Returns Congressman
James W. Mott is scheduled to
return today from a speaking
tour of the southern part of the
state. -
Coming Events
November 20 Young Re
publicans meet, court bouse,
8 p. sn.
November 28 Thanks
giving concert. Knight Me
morial church, 7: SO p. m.
Alao concert at First Ktd
gelical church, 7:SO p. m.
November 28 Union
Thanksgiving service, First
. SI. E. church. 10 a. m.
Xevember 28 Thanks
giving. " November 28 Annual
Red Cross roll call ends.
November 28-20 Salem
public school Thanksgiving
December 2 City council
meets, 7:80 p. m., city hall.
December 2 Capital Post
No. 0, American Legion,
meets, S p. m. Fraternal
December 2 Eagle Boy
Scout court of honor, fra
termal temple, in evening.
December a County bud
get op on taxpayers hearing.
December 4 and 5 West
ern Nat Growers association,
chamber of commerce.
. December 6 -Salem water
commission meets, 8 p. m..
Water offices.
k December Young Dem
ocrats meet, courthouse.
December lO Salem Mac
Dowell club Christmas con
cert. Knight Memorial
December 11 Benefit
recital by W. IT. music de
partment. Waller hall.
December 13 Salem high
school Snikpoh play, Go
Ahead 8 p.m.
Drunks Fined, Jailed Two
men arrested by elty police over
the "weekend on charges ot being
drunk lay in jail serving out sen
tences or fines yesterday. Albert
Tracy, whom Deputy Recorder
Mundt said had been warned not
to reappear in court on this
charge, was fined 325 and ordered
to jail for 30 days. Homer W.
Kuhn of West Salem was serving
out a 310 fine in JaiL Earl White,
address unknown, and J. Poppell,
Salem, also . were booked on
drunkenness ' charges over the
Thanksgiving flowers. Adams
Given Degrees Three Salem
Scottish Rite Masons, W. C. Haw-
ley, former congressman; Victor
H. Collins and James B. Piland,
received degrees. Including the
3 2d, at Eugene during the week
end. The degrees were given to a
class Friday night, when C. Philip
Weeks, 3 2d degree, was also pres
ent from Salem. Saturday others
from' Salem attending a Scottish
Rite homecoming them were Dr.
Ben F. Pound, J. Lyn;an Steed
and. Walter Lansing, all 32d de
Flues Flare The fire depart'
ment was called out three times
Sunday afternoon to put out
chimney fires. Fire equipment
was sent to 1011 Oak street at
3:40 p. m., to Cottage and Mill
streets 15 minutes later and to
1244 South 12th street at 6:25
p.m. No fire damage was noted.
Thanksgiving Dinner, continuous
service all dav. The Sna.
Scouters to Elect The execu
tive board of Cascade Bay Scout
area will meet at the chamber of
commerce here Friday night to
nominate, by committee, and el
ect officers for the coming year.
A. C. Haag is nearing completion
of his third term as Cascade
council president.
Order your Thanksgiving Flowers
early. Lutz Florist, 1278 N. Lib
erty. Ph 9592. W deliver.
Would Name Bridge A reso
lution from the North Bend cham
ber of commerce asking that the
new Coos bay span be named the
."A. M. Simpson bridge" was re
ceived by the state highway de
partment yesterday. Mr. Simpson
was a pioneer of the Coos bay dis
trict. Class to Organize A meeting
of all persons interested in join
ing a weight lifting class is to
be held at the Y.M.C.A. Wednes
day night at 9 o'clock.
, Near Hood River, Nov. 24, Vir
ginia Parmenter, aged 19, of Sa
lem, daughter of Bud Parmenter,
Salem; niece of Mrs. Marjorie Do
lam, Portland; Gene Parmenter,
Portland; Dewey Par
menter, Salem;. Jack Par
menter, Montana, and Rex and
Clarence Parmenter, Kellogg, Id
aho. Funeral announcements
later from W. T. Rigdon & Co.
In this city, Nov. 24, John W.
Hilborn, aged 6 years. Late
resident of 168 North 12th street.
Survived by widow, Jessie Hil
born. of Salem; son, Walter of
Chehalis, Wash.; grandson, Don
ald Hilborn of Chehalis; three
sisters. Misses Viola and Dora
Shelby of Iowa and Mrs. Iowa
Hardy of Oxford, Iowa. Funeral
services from the chapel of
Clough-Barrick company, Tues
day, Nov. 28, at 3:30 p.m., Dr.
W. E. Petticord officiating. In
terment Crown Hill cemetery, Se
attle. Walter
At the residence, 1540 Belle
vue, Nov. 24, Mrs. Mary L. Wal
ter, aged 83 years. Survived by
widower, Jackson M. of Salem;
daughters, Mrs. Maud Kime, Mrs.
T. W. Beamish, both of Salem;
Mrs. Charles Smith of Vancouver,
Wash., Mrs. Mary Coovert of Her
mia. Ore.; son, Alva Walter of
Damascus, Ore.; also 31 grand
children and 37 great grandchil
dren. Funeral services Wednes
day, Nov. 27, at 10:30 a.m. from
the chapel of Clough - Barrick
company, fisv. G. G. Edwards of
ficiating.. Interment I.O.O.F.
In this city Nov. 25, Roy S.
Swenson, late resident of 1595
North Commercial street, at the
age of 38 years. Survived by
widow, Alda Swenson, and a son.
and daughter. Funeral anounce
ments late from W. T. Rigdon
At a local hospital, November
22, Jennie Frances Chamberlain,
late resident of 432 Marion street.
Survived by two sisters. Mrs. An
nie F. Penney, Mrs. Alice I. An
derson,, both of Salem. Funeral
services will be held from the
Clough Barrick company chapel
Tuesday, November 26, at 2 p. m.,
Dr. Britton L. Ross officiating.
Interment in Belcrest Memorial
just arrived:
35c 50c 75c
Becke & Wadsworth
189 N. High Phone 4947
Piles Cured
Without operation or loss of
829 Oregon Bldg. Fhon 5509
IClinger Given
Year, Paroled
Fine of $100 to Be Paid
Lamb vs. Woodry Case
Started in Court
if Ernest i Kllnger, found guilty
earlier this month by a jury ot an
assault and battery charge, was
fined 100 and sentenced to one
year in the county jail and par
oled, when he came before Judge
McMahsn yesterday for sentence.
Kllnger was glren time In which
to raise the money for the fine,
ij The damage action brought by
Opal Lamb against F. N. Woodry,
ei aL was started before a Jury
yesterday, the plaintiffs case be
ing complete as the jury was dis
missed in the late afternoon. The
suit arises out of an alleged in
cident in; which the defendants
sought 'to remove a store from
the Lamb home. The plaintiff
contends that as a result of the
episode she suffered greatly and
was confined to bed tor a number
of weeks. She Beeks a total of
37550 in damages.
Court Filings
Ruth Miller Norrls ts. Marlon
county; request to set demurrer
for hearing.
! Nora Seales as guardian vs.
Guy O. Smith et al; motion to
strike parts of complaint upheld.
' Thomas Dorrls vs. Joe Gobbetti
in connection with liquidation of
"an indemnity company; assign
ment of judgment by plaintiff to
W. J. Holtgrove.
; Dorothy Muck vs. Arnold A.
Muck divorce complaint. Married
May 5, 1932 in Salem; charges
cruel and inhuman treatment and
asks custody of child, 30 fees.
3100 attorney fees and 825
monthly temporary alimony; also
title to car.
i F. M. Rolf e vs. W. M. Smith;
motion to strike allowed.
! Salem Harness and Leather
Goods store; notice of retirement
by W. L. Rockhill.
Marriage Licenses
Robert D. Key, 22, route four,
box 111, laborer, and Leata Lu
clle Burch, 17, route three, box
332, Salem, housekeeper.
I Harold G. Bacon 25, 93S S.
Commercial, supervisor, and Ruth
Shirley Cullen, 23, 875 N. Lib
erty, housekeeper.
I James S. Taylor, 25, route two.
Turner, electrician, and Georgia
A. Davenport, 15, Sclo, house
keeper. Probate Court
Frank Duda estate; appraised
at 334,279.78, ot which 31,080
is real property, by N. M. Lauby,
Paul Fuchs and Martin Buchholz.
; Martin Kurzi estate; final re
port by N. M. Lauby, executor;
hearing December 31.
Ernest Kurzi estate; final re
port by Alois Keber, executor,
showing 31074.48 cash on hand;
final hearing December 31.
I Hannah E Elder estate; esti
mated worth 37090 entered in
probate with Grace Neibert, exe
cutrix and George Keech, Joseph
Fisher and A. C. VanNuys, ap
praisers. Under terms of will, one
third left to each Grace and Maud
Smith and one-third divided
equally between Gale Missler,
Marguerite Lee, Peggy Jane Miss
ler and W. A. Elder.
: Richard C. Kriesel; final order
closing estate.
! Irene R. Hoxie estate; Clifford
H. Townsend named administra
tor and C. E. Ross, Esther Alrick
and Mina Ott, appraisers.
; Loys M. Flournoy estate; ap
praised at 3225.57 by Mina Ott,
Alice Martinson and Brazier C.
Mary Darby estate; order to
file supplemental account for re
determination of Inheritance tax.
j Vinne Powell, guardianship;
petition to sell real property.
: Walter Mathey estate; final ac
count approved.
3 Bertha Titze estate; receipt of
; Ezra Beckley guardianship; or
der for leasing real property to
Lester Lippert for three years on
share basis.
ii Bertha Soderberg estate; vital
statistics from rector of Torp,
Sweden, showing record of birth
of deceased and brothers and sls-
Townsend Club No. 8 The
Bungalow Christian church on
Court street will be the scene of
the Townsend club No. 3 meet
ing tonight, Theodore Nelson will
be the speaker and an open forum
will be held. The meeting starts
at 7:45 p. m.
: lions Meeting Directors ot
the Salem Lions club will meet
this noon at the Spa. Members
Who missed the meeting last
week may make up attendance
at the noon ' session today, offi
cers of the club state. .
! Brennan Beauty Salon
228 Oregon Bldg.
Permanent Push Waves, Reli
able Solutions 75e and Up
Individual Hair Styl
ing Early and Late
Appointments Call
Mary JJrennan ' 3925
Dp. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine Co.
Without operation-
most ailments of
stomach, liver
glands, skin and ur
inary system ot men
and women can be
removed by using
our remedies 18
years in business.
Licensed Naturo- T'J?'v?m
pathic Physicians. '
393 Court street,
fb. corner Liberty of
: f;-Vl ice open Tuesdays
t- and Saturdays, 10
XT' - A. M. to 1 P. M
V- I. M. to 7.
J Consultation, Blood
CJT-JJ Pressure and Urine
H. D. Tests free of charge.
Santa and Puppets to Entertain
., -.1..
Santa Clans and a troupe of entertainers are Included in Shell's
Christmas carnival which will
lem soon. The feature is a unique puppet show. Above appear, two
of the puppet actors, with the strings by which they are made to
.walk, dance and act In a lifelike
ters for purpose of determining
Justice Court
A. J. Perkins, charged with
harboring a vicious dog, trial to
day, 2 p.m.
Monty Mundy pleaded not guil
ty; to a charge oif larceny of tools.
Case continued for two weeks and
defendent released on own recog
nizance on recommendation ot
district attorney.
James L. Murray pleaded guil
ty: to being intoxicated upon a
public highway. Sentence of 10
days suspended and Murray plac
ed on probation for six months.
Harry H. Schatfer on a plea of
guilty to driving with no P.U.C.
plates paid a fine ot $25 and
Practice Is Held
For Eagle Court
Practice for the Impressive cer
emony to be presented at the Ea
gle Boy Scout court of honor at
Fraternal temple at 8 o'clock next
Monday night was held on the
Willamette campus last night. The
ceremony depicting the rise ot a
scout from tenderfoot through the
various rankings to the top. Eagle
rating, and his march on to cit
izenship, will be participated in by
George Naderman, district scout
commissioner, and a group of Wil
lamette Eagle scouts.
Thirteen youths and young men,
setting a new record for any sin
gle year in this scout area, will re
ceive the Eagle award at this
court of honor. They are Walter
Stenman, troop 14; Billy Bentson,
troop five; Merle Long, troop 21;
Arhe Jensen, Warren Elliott, Har
ry: Parker and Jimmie Riddle, all
of! troop 28; William D. Morgan,
troop 22; Jack Pollock, troop
four; W. Lewis Stone and Harry
R. Larson, troop 20; Tom Bibb,
troop 10, and Walter Smith, troop
The court will be in charge of a
special committee consisting of M.
Clifford Moynihan, A. S. Jensen
of Monmouth, David John, Su
preme Judge Harry Belt and
Judge J. F. Nutting with A. C.
Haag, council president, and W. I.
Phillips, commissioners, assisting.
Secretary of State Earl Snell will
be speaker of the evening.
Trtmportation of WPA
Road Workert Arranged
i In Marion, Linn, Lane
Arrangements to transport
workmen to and from county
WPA road projects have been
completed in Marion, Linn and
Lane counties, according to S. W.
Richardson, district WPA project
The three county courts, he said
yesterday, have agreed to supply
transportation for laborers In ex
change for a concession by the
WPA. The WPA is to pay fore
men's wages and furnish a large
quantity of tools. For Marion
county Richardson already has
had 25 dozen shovels and 100
wheelbarrows ordered.
Still Coughing?
No matter how many twxHetnf
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you cans
ret- relief cow with. Cxeomulslon.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Cceomul
ston, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the Inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
Is loosened and expelled.
Even if other remedies hare
failed, dont be discouraged, your
druggist is authorized to guarantee
CreomulUoQ and to refund your
money if you are not satisfied witn
results from the very first bottle.
Get Creomulslon right now. (Adv.)
For Thanksgiving
PHONE 8037
Excavating of All Kinds
Dirt for Sale Dirt Moved
Dirt Hauled
Phone 4644
Mortgage Loans
on Modern Homes
Lowest Rates
Hawkins &
aire several performances In Sa
manner. ,
Puppet Show to
Be Of f ered Here
Puppets are coming to town
a traveling- puppet show just like
those which knights and their la
dies watched in castle courtyards
In the middle ages! This rare and
amusing spectacle will be here
December 3 to give a number of
performances. It is the first show
of this kind ever to travel Pacific
Coast highways by motor truck in
modern times and revives for to
day's audiences the oldest known
form of theatrical entertainment
o. k. Wilson, local manager
for Shell Oil company, announces
that all performances of the pup
pets will be free, part of Shell's
Christmas carnival which has be
come one of the west's big annual
holiday events. He will give full
details later as to where and
when this novel attraction will be
on view. Everyone is cordially in
vited to be present and enjoy ah
event the like of which they may
never be able , to see again.
Spur Track Being
Entirely Rebuilt
Entire reconstruction of the
spur which leads from the South
ern Pacific tracks, three miles
south of Salem, to the Willamette
river, is going on with a crew of
12 to 15 men at work. The recon
struction of the spur at a cost of
thousands of dollars, is being done
for the account of the Oregon
Pulp & Paper company. Senator
Charles K. Spauldlng said yester
day, although he Intimated that It
was a possible preliminary to the
reopening of the Spauldlng lumber
mill operations here. j .
Rails on the siding have been
removed, many new supports un
der the ties will be put in, each
bent of the trestle will be rein
forced and then new track will be
laid to bring the siding, which Is
more than 1000 feet long, into
first-class shape.
Spauldlng said yesterday that
an RFC loan with which to pro
vide working capital for the
Spauldlng mill had been approved
subject to ratification by bond
holders of the company who must
subordinate their claims, along
with those- of certain banks, to the
federal loffn. f
No assured date for reopening
of the mill is known, the senator
aald, although he averred "pros
pects for reopening are better than
they have been for some tlme."
The ideaK gifts for
Christmas Hand-embroidered,
all linen.
Shop now for the best
; Charlie Chan
: Chinese Herbs
are non poison
ons, their bead
ing virtue has
been tea t.e d
hundreds years
in folio wing
chronic ail
S. B. Fong
ments, nose, throat, sinusitis,
catarrh, ears, lungs, asthma,
chronic cough, stomach, gall
stones colitis, constipation, di
abetis, kidneys, bladder, .heart,
blood nerves, neuralgia, rheu
matism, high blood pressure,
gland, skin sores, male, female
and children disorders.
C. B. Fong, 8 years practice
in China, r Herb i Specialist,
give relief! after others fall.
122 ST. Commercial St.. Salem,
Ore. Of flee hours 9 to O p.m.
Sunday and Wed. 9 to 10 a on.
Iillie Nadstanek
Native of Valley
... " - i ' ": . . " ..
Lived in Salem 40 Years;
Member of Pioneer Ray
Family of Linn
Lillie Rose Ray Nadstanek, the
seventh child of Lewis and Mary
Eliza Ray, was born on the old
Ray donation land claim ten miles
east of Scio in Linn county. Ore
gon, April 11, 1862.
As one of a family of 12 chil
dren the environment was that
of energy, thrift, honesty and un
selfishness. These qualities were
dominant and marked the charac
ter ot her life.
On account of the never ending
work on the old farm in those
days, hef education was confined
to the public schools of the neigh
borhood, I but Ilk the children ot
other pioneer families, the knowl
edge obtained was retained and
ever at her command.
. Here Many Years
On April 21. 1894, she was
united in marriage to Valentine
Nadstanek at Albany, Oregon, and
soon afterwards they took up
their home in Salem, where she
lived . continuously until her
death, which occurred November
16, 1935. Her husband died
March IS. 1922. She was laid to
rest in St. Barbara cemetery, Sa
lem, November 19.
Surviving her are one sister
and three brothers, as follows:
Mrs. Roxana Shank and George
H. Ray, near Sclo; John L. Ray of
Lebanon and- Albert B. Ray of
Chehalis; Wash., besides many
nephews and nieces.
This Is a brief statement of a
life that! began and ended in the
Willamette valley, a life exempli
fying the highest attributes of
character, softened with inherit
for stubborn
You can
by small daily economies
These figures kre based upon the maximum
annual premium. You pay 15 per cent, less for
the first three ,yrJ. Thereafter your actual out-
lay is the maximum less dividends credited.'
J ! . . ,! I
Baxter is Thanksgiving
Speaker at Salem High
Wednesday, Announced
Salem hieh school sonhomores and
Juniors on the theme ot Thanks
giving at special assembly at
12:50 to. m. Wednesday, It was
announced by Wesley Roeder,
faculty j member in charge.
Thanksgiving decorations are be
ing arranged for by Ruth Brauti,
head of the art department, and
mnalcai numbers hr Lena Belle
Tartar,! director of music. , -
Suggestions Cos? Your
T&aof isgiving Dinner
SAW Cranberrv Sauce. No.
S & W Cranberry Sauce,
Lyons Glace Fruit Mix, Sherry Flavor, jar
j I (Contains all the cut peels and fruits)
Heinz Plum Puddings, medium, 40c, large. 6oc
Lyins Mar. Cherries (green or red), 5 oz 2 for 25c
'Lyons Mar. Cherries, 16 oz. Jars .... 1 40c
Walla Walla Large Green
iWalla Walla Fancy Peas,
;Faiiev Cluster Haisuts. lb.
Sure-Pop Pop Corn, 3 Ibs... .
Medium Walnuts, Norpak, lb. .
Large Walnuts, Norpak Brand, lb
Paper Shell Pecans, lb-....,
; Candied Cherries, lb. pk.
Salted Nuts, Assorted, l
Cliauot Club Ginger Ale. dozen .
I Del Monte Grape Fruit, Fancy, 3 cans........
Libby's Canned Pumpkin, 2
Red Snot Canned Pumokin.
S & W Tomato Juice, Is, tall, 3 cans,.... J. ..25c
jDole Pineapple Juice, No. 2 cans, 2 for : 25c
fClearhill Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 Vis, 2 for. J25c
tireen Spot Solid Pack Tomatoes, Is tall, 3 cans.. ..25c
ICampfire Marshmallows, lb. pk......?.......- 20c
Cove Oysters, 2 cans 1 .25c
IS & W Wet Pack Shrimp, 2 cans L 35c
iTasty Pack Shrimp, 2 cans i -25c
jLindsey Jumbo Olives, pints .... . ; ! 28c
iLindsey Mammoth Olives pint L. -23c
ExL Large Green Olives, jar.... .. LL :.19c
California Home Tomato Juice, 3 cans . I 25c
California Home Catsup, bottles, 2 for...i 35c
California Home Sweet Pickle Chips, qt. jar..... 25c
j California Home Real Dills, qt. jar. . . 25c
Bakery Department. -
Our own Make of Mince Meat, 2 lbs. .. .. 25c
Fruit Cake, 60c lb. Plum Puddings, 30c each
Pumpkin Pies, each, 35e
Special Cakes made to order. . ,
Bread Crumbs for stuffing.
The finest birds we could find.
Parker House Rolls, 20c dozen
Ducks, Geese, Capons, Hens,
! Turkeys Stuffed and Roasted
We. can roast a limited number of Turkeys. Purchase your
turkey here and we will stuff and roast it at 10c per pound.
I 275 X. High St. (Nert to City Hall)
Phone 4111. Use our delivery and charge account service.
life insurance
!i i
' .""'Ii '
In-Berween Ages, 26 to 49 cents
I 1 " -LESS
i 1 ' - ' - v
iSttHuratw damping nf Amrira
; I ' President
The musical part of the pro
gram will 'consist ot piano solos
by Elizabeth Steed, vocal solos by
Wllletta Sneed. instrumental num
bers by Maybelle Lilburn, Maxine
and Ellene Goodenough, and selec
tions by Dorothy Kibbe and Elea
nor Perry. .
J. Lk Cooke
We have a card to please you,
at the rlKht price!
1 cans, 2 fori 3oC
No. 2 cans, 2 for 45c
Asparagus, 2 cans 49c
2 cans ..L vc
DK. t uc
ib. box:.
Vis, 3 cans ...
2 Vis. 3 cans
Mince Pies, each, 25e
Come in and look them over.
Butter Rolls, 20c dozen'
AGE 27
AGE 45
Home Office
J .49c
I $129
J 43c
.J Z9C
J 25c