TZ Statesman . - Classified Ads Call 9101 . ' 'Classified AdrerUslag -..-., Single Insertion per line . .10c Three insertions per line . .20e Six Joaertions per line Y. .30e One month per line . .... 11.00 Minimum c targe .... ... . . 25c Copy tor this pafe accepted ontil :SO the evening before pabtiratioa for classification. Copy received alter thtt time will b ma andsr tbe bead lag To Late to Classify. The Staiesnaa- liiumet a . f inaa eial rcapMsifaility for orrors which may appear ia advertisements publish 4 ia its celamaa. aad in eases where this psper Ja at fault "ill reprint that part ef aa sdrertisesueat ia which the typegrapbieaJ oiirtake secure. The Statesman reservea the right to reject objectionable advertising. It fur ther reserres the right to classify all sdrertisiag aader the proper classification. 1 Help Wanted Male A REAL. OPPORTUNITY District manager for Universal Por table Toor Co.. AVaeo, Texas, win selec: distributors and salesmen from men who want to earn $10 to J50 per day selling; our line of portable tools. Call evenings ? to p. m.. Central Hotel. Room 27. 1 Help Wanted Female - Want exp. waitress. State Cafeteria. Girl for general housework and care Of. 2 children. Tt-L 7260. For Sale Miscellaneous Safe for keta, " ale, fire proof. 1SS Cbeme- A BARGAIN Drop In or give your order to on of 'our agents. The- Statesman "one year by mail, only $3.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAY. "" Stark' Delicious - apple. Gilbert Farm Co. Eola. TeL 573 Ground Dallas limestone. Bulk or ders taken for the next weeks only at $3.50 ton. F. O. B. plant. Hawkins Roberts Inc. Tel. 4109. A BARGAIN Drop In or giv your order to one of our agents. The Statesman one year by mail, only $3.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAY. Sale Burbank potatoes. 73 U. No. L TeL 134F2. One complete course, private lessons on steel guitar- and Spanish guitar. Students made- -down payments and moved away. Course for balance. Gui tar furnished. Box 876, care Statesman. A BARGAIN Drop In or give your order to one of our agents. The Statesman one year by mail, only $3.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAY. - West's sweet Juicy Concord ' and Wordon gsapee now TSe a bushel. Brine your container. Rv A. West, Rt. S, Salem, Ore. Phone 110FS. V Live clams. 3 lbs. 20c. TeL 8470. Montag range. 1325 Ferry. - - - -. --,-, Big blue grapes, 60c bu. Brtng con tainer. Chen wa Road, Route 7, Box 289. Oscar Noren, " i rirWM-M -,rnrrtfu-ifVLfui Good watch dor beautiful male Fox Terrier. $5. 1510 N. 21st. Plants. 343 N. Liberty. Grape 1 1 1 Box 181, Wallace Read. BARGAIN Drop fat or give, your order to one of our agents. The Statesman one- year by mail, only $3.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAY. Rabbits Some pedigreed and prize winners, $1 up. Dr. Walts, 195 W. Su perior. Lots of shrubs- and trees, Schreiber Englewood Nursery, 2060 Neb. Ave. FOR SALE A new 1935 automatic Magic Chef gas range, never been used. Call 3880. . - Spits, Delicious apples, .25c sk. R. L. Meyer, 2H ml E. out Center. FOR SALE 10-tube American- Bosch Console radio. A-l shape, all- wave. Owner needs money. See at S9 North High street '- Small Jersey cow. Fresh. Dec. 15th, $25, '27 Essex Coach, ' HO",; to trade fer what? Leonard TtWjUut, Box tli Salem. - ' C .. Cow for sale. TeL 7260. FOR SALE Puppies, "4 . Weeks old. caii mo itn r . - Apples, zc. TeL 8115, T$5 N. Coma Cider fresh and clean, 25 cents gal lon. Phone 8854, 765 Rural avenue. Wanted -Miscellaneous" WANTED: Walnut and filbert meats, new and eld crop. Stat Cafe teria. Free We nick . ud dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4BSS. Male Pointer pup to good home. 1920 Hunt street. Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR YOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hard war ft Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial Phone 7845. Miscellaneous , . NEEDHASTg BOOK STORE. Type. - writers Sold Rented Repaired. Rub ber stamp, office supplies. ; . Haircuts. '15c-20e. 303 S. Winter. VACUUM CLEANERS For rent Salem Hardware Co, For Rent Rooms Rooms. $94 N. Cottage. TeL 6C7S. ADVERTISING : Portland Representative "."Gordon B. Bell. Security Building, ..Portland, Or. - ' : t Western Advertising Representatives - Fenger-Hall Co- Ltd, ' "f . tas frsaeisco. Lot Aareles, Seattle Eastern Advertising ' " Representatives Bryant, Griffith ft Brunson, Ine ..Chicago. New Tors,-Detroit, . ' r .. ' Boston, Atlanta .. Catered at tk Potorrtc at Salem, Oregon, os Seeead-Oiose Matter. Pm lUked every morning cep4 Moaday ' V. Bwsmeas effic: 315 Souik Comtmmmal . 1 - ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES i' - i ' Mall Subecription Rates, in Advance. . : wttnta urecon; uany ana Sunday, . Mo. 5 cents: 3 Mo. $L25 : Mo. $2.1$ 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per . Mow or $5.00 for 1 year fas advance. Pes - - copy s cents, Mews ttanos cents. By city carriert cent a aaoaw " ' paajsjssja, Interesting Facts A 20 horse motor can emit one cubic feet ot carbon monoxide gas per minute. see Washington's big fall and win ter nuisance has returned. The starlings hare taken up their roost on the new government buildings and elsYwtrere. But this rear Clifford Lanham, who as the district's superintendent of trees and parks is the capital's chief starling chaser, is ready for them. With an appropriation of over 14,30 he is already planning the 1935-1936 drive against star lings. e October 10. marked the 90th an niversary of the founding of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. For Rent Rooms Plenty of steam heat. . Bllgb Hotel. Rates S3. 00 wk. and up. Room and Board Em. - bd. TeL 8394. 860 Cbeme'seta. Large front bedroom for two with board. 332 N. Church. TeL 4375. Sleeping room, garage, close In. Board if desled. TeL 3S59. Nice room, board. 1724 Chemeketa. Forvtwo, large front room, with meals. 1245 Chemeketa. Tel. 4927. TABLE BOARD, room and board. 333 N. Church. Tel. 4375. Hon cooking. Very close in. 5482. For Rent Apartments 2 rm. furn. apt., $2.25 per week, 1 room $1.00. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. One nice, large, clean, one apartment at 1120 Center St. room 2 or 4 room apt. furnished or partly furnished. 633 terry. Mod. 'lst floor apt., 113 Union. 2 R. turn, apt., 1173 N. Fourth. Furn. 2 -room apt. TeL Hazel Ave. 764. 2241 For Rent Houses J -Furn. ft uirfurn. Ferkner. TeL 2031. Winter rates on cottages. Lone Star Ante Camp. 1940 N. Capitol. Furn.. borne. 1337 Court. TeL 6924. Furnished 6-room modern bungalow. adults only. 1444 Ferry. 4- rm. house, newly paprd., painted. (64 N. Summer, $18. Inq. 17(0 S. High. Furnished ( room modern, bungalow. adults only. 1444 Ferry. 5 room house for rent. $25. House hold furniture for sale. 1020 Hunt St For Rent Msgtal -keel nft wneelrfcsrrs to M. I. Stiff jrarnttur Cn. OXOc rooms for rent 881 Stat St 4L 3T13. 248 Jl, near Salem. 130 A. tillable. good water, fair aides- good fences. Low cash rent. (45 Ferry sc. Fer rest chicken ranch one mile east of Anmsville. J. B. Calmbs, Beau- .moat, California. Ill acre near Roaehurg. all neces- rv buUdlnxs. 60 acre cultivation. good pasture. Inquire 1217 State St. Wanted to Rent Elderly lady wishes small apt mod erately priced. Box 692. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate FOFt SALE Br owner, modern 5 room- bouse. 1556 N. Summer St Must aeu, leavtatf town. Hcnrsea. UranT. 529 Court TeL. 6584. OlrlasWyWWwVWrV SPECIAL . L Immediate possession of one of Sa lem's finest homes. 7 large, airy rooms. best of construction, oak 'floors U-S!.? 2yE5LZ?S2Z J. age, corner lot. In fact, everything to make an A-l home for you. Owner has moved from Salem and offer the low ra the low Pce or o. consMier aooa SEE Mra Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 314 State Street Phone (708. FOR SALE, by owner, ( room heme. large lot with fruit, double garage, -rallrlnr Hctanr t shnem hr Bnrtoint- ment only. Price $3200.00, terms. Phone 9541 or call at 1710 M. ltn St. ATTRACTIVE BUYS IN REASON ABLY PRICED HOMES, EASY TERMS $ room cottage newly decorated. built ins. basement 3 large trees in yard. Immediate possession. Price 31500. cash 8100. bai. 815 mo. MOVE IN NOW ! Shake cottage of 4 cheerful rooms, newly decorated, drift' wood finish, hardwood floors la part. fireplace, kitchen and book wnn oum ins. nice halL bath, raraxe and wood shed. Large lot. paved street Price $2200, cash fioo, bat izi monthly, low Interest - In choice residential district over looking the city, lot 75x100 ft, 7 room. well arranged house, basement, fur nace, large garage. Price $3600, cash $200- baL $35 monthly. 2 room house on paved, street ana bus line. Price 3600, part terms.. TO BUT TOUR HOME, SSee CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 314 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A nice 6 room bungalow, fireplace. basement, garage, ou Richmond St near bcdool r ree oi incumorance. . . . WUI exchange for house In district bordering Marion. Hood, Liberty and 16th streets. Will pay cash or assume mortgage. Call 5310. i m-, i i i r? . 1 Exchange Keal Instate For Trade br Owner Good acreage propertyr,' near iialem, ror smau noma m baiem. or larm property ci ieas value, suitable for turkey and sheep. Address. Jim Callaway. 1020 N. Cot- tage, Salem, or Inquire at Capitol Street Market For Sale Farms FOR SALE OR RENT 5-acre tract good 5 room house, lots of fruit and berries, good spring and well in Lib erty district. Phone 8541 or call 1710 t. 17U Bt. - Modern house. 2 A. land, . chicken houses, garage; sell on easy, terms. consider ieas las;. And lots oi other good deals. I might help you. ii.. t. smr.i ja TeL $903 For Sale Used Cars - t 1914 BUICIT AND PONTIAC BUYERS ARE TURNING IN THE FOLLOW ING CHOICE USED CARS, INSUR ING US OF, THE BIQ MONTH .IN 1934 Buick Sedan, six wbeel L, . sold new for $1400. Be sure to see this car at ooly llg 1934 Pontiae Sedan, driven only 10,000 miles. Our service rec ord will show that this car has bad the best of care . 72S 1934 DeLuxe Ford Coupe, radio equipped and In fine shape S2S 1929 Buick Sedan 7-pesav., new tires, completely overhauled 295 1931 Buick 67 Sedan 435 1928 Buick Sedan, overhauled 21 1 1928 Pontiae Sedan, overhauled IBS 1926 Hupp Sedan, a real buy at ICS 1026 Moon Sedan, only 43 1927 Ford Coupe, only . . 35 1927 Ford Trg. . 30 Otto J. Wilson BUICK PONTIAC 38S N. Com!. St. Salem, Ore. : sates service Ask About Our 6 Plan ir jyvvvvrsi'vvvviWrirvxA I Quality Used Cars at Reduced Prices The New Studebaker For 1934 Prom ises Outstanding Value We MUST SELL. OUR PRESENT USED Car Stocks 1934 Hudson Coupe $498 1929 Chrysler 75 Sedan 325 1931 Ford Tudor - , 195 1928 Buick Sedan 225 1929 Durant 2-dr. Sedan 145 1927 Oakland 2-dr. Sedan 1 1 5 i 1927 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan 110 1927 Hudson Brougham 75 1925 Nash Tudor Sedan 85 1925 Reo 4 -door Sedan 75 Severals cars under ;.. 75 WATCH FOR THE NEW 1938 STUDEBAKER ANNOUNCEMENT Bonesteele Bros Inc. Corner Liberty ft Chemeketa Acreage CITY CONVENIENCES AND COUNTRY PRIVILEGES Like new. 4 room plastered cottars with nook, bath and closets, ecreened- in back porch, built ins, plumbing, elec tric lights, driven well with water sys tem, garage and woodshed. 1 -acre best of dark, fertile soil, not far out on paved road, near bus line. Price $2300, part terms. CH1LDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 4708. Business Opportunities INVESTMENTS Invest your savings at 5 to I per I cent on first mortgage securities. See Hawkins ft Roberta. FOUR PER CENT paid on savings. INSURED to 85.000.09. Salem Federal Savings ft Loan Aas'n. UuarClaa TOdg. Phone 4109. I Money to Loan Mtge. loans, homes or bus., prop., low rates. Abraras A Ellis, Inc., Masonic B. Personal Loans By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to $1500 One to Twenty Month to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan Is made. No Delay - - - No Red Tap General Finance Corp. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 8558. Licensed, S-13S by Stats A Complete Service on ' Loans Up to $300 W can advanc cash autcklr and i privately to any employed man or : woman in 24 hours. Beneficial . Loan Society of Salem Room 119, New Bllgh BJdc 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 ft M 145 by STATE 518 Stats St TeL 87 0. Loans Mad In Nearby Town Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates. Personal Attention No Delays You Keep Your Car Roy Simmons First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 1553. Licensed by the Stat MONEY TO LOAN on farm, city or acreags property. Piunipt service. Low cost. CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtre. Loans 344 State Street - Phon; 4701 Loans Wanted livaui tv mi iu vu miui anu vn S!hiJtj&m - . n i I I Livestock and Poultry 1 I i i tjt, poultry wanted. $28 N. Front -rt,.-, o,-.v and , "vif. m m. I i.terd Guernsev hull, (-month's rests - ?Ll S i' Jh, ifV,-., n. I ' ' r"- For Sale Wood Dry wood. IT. M-B0- TeL '608. Dry 2nd growth fir. TeL 7889. Dry wood, all kinda. TeL 6663. 16 in. old fir, $5.00. Phone 9456. GUARANTEED -DRY wood ol. TeL SfiOO. Salem Fuel "Co.- Trad ft i Cottage. Large No. 1 2nd growth, dry, $4.00. Phone Carson, (lis. . Wood Sawing Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. Wood sawing, reasonable. TeL $793. Lost and Found LosT-Pair of aoid-rimmed glasses ttaohed to silver chain. Phone 4870. Reward. - mmwwvwwwwww... ...... . i .. . , T5,. JIa. In KI i oraui uio cu.n t" I saiem unaay nignu newire. 4073 until 5 p. m. After 6 phone 7613. I . I I Ponnnal J 1 ; STOMACH ULCER. OAS I indigestion victim why I For Quick relief get a free -si PAINS. Buffer T I sample ot Udga, a doctor's prescription at Capl- tat. ana -erry- tjj oiom , , I Wnntrrl ITrrrl IJirn - VYanietl USea 4-arB Wanted to bur 25 or 3D good used cars. Highest market prlee Paid. . . Arf 5 Car Market ' , Phone 3449. 266 M. Church, m WANTED ear to wreck. Must be '27 r later. Will pay cash. ; Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers- - .Look for the Neon -Sign 43 8. coinierclal I Phone 7723 - For! Sale -Used Cars j I A Teiv of Our Latest Additions Acquired from 1936 V-8 Ford Purchasers - All Exceptional Values 7 1933 V-8 Re. Sedan. 18,000 miles. Looks and runs like new ..$415 1933 V-8 Pick-up, 3700 miles. New balloon tires, artillery -wheels 675 1934 V-8 Coupe, To drive this car is to buy - 500 1911 Buick Sedan, new paint. This-la a real buy . 373 1980 Model A DeLuxe Roadster. New 1930 Model A Coach. K. K. trunk. A We also have a few lower priced cara at clean-up prices. VALLEY MOTOR CO. MARION ft LIBERTY - - CENTER ft LIBERTY TWO CAR LOTS Open Evenings and Sundays LATE MODEL We can give you 18 Months to pay Your car for all or part of down payment 1934 Dodge Sedan, 1100 miles 1933 Dodge Brougham 1933 Plymouth Sedan, new paint 1933 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan. 6 wheels 1932 DeSoto Coupe, air wheels 1930 Chrysler Sedan ..... 1929 Pontiae Sedan 1923 Chevrolet Coupe, good shape TRUCKS 1933 Ford Pickup 1531 Ford L W. B. 1930 Ford I W. B., 10-ply rubber 13 months to pay you have to see ask our salesman to show you these cars. HERRALL-OWENS "DEPENDABILITY 235 South Commercial Street For Seven lears "THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS" Loder Bros. 445 Center Salem Phone 6133. Graham Sales and Service for Marion and Polk Counties McKay's Used Cars Ford Touring $25.00 Ford Roadster $35.00 ' '28 Chrysler Coach $65.00 '27 Durant Coupe $95.00 '28 Chevrolet Coupe $175.00 '29 Chevrolet Sedan $245.00 '32 Chevrolet Pickup $345.00 '31 Chevrolet Special Sedan $395.00 '32 Chevrolet Coach $395.00 '33 Chevrolet Coach $495.00 McKAY CHEV. CO. 430 North Commercial 333 Center Telephone 3189 Open Eves, and Sundays 32719 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Depart ment. In the matter of the Estate of "WHITNEY L. BOISE, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In pursuance of an order of i mai. m j , by the above entitled Court In the aer Of the tbOYe entitled e- 1 tate on September 28th, 1935, I i xr cni.. v i Louise H. Boise, the duly appoint ed, qnalitled and acting executrix or me last wui and testament of Whitnev L. 1 Rnlae. deceased, shall f ram and l tttr Monday, the 4th day of N0- tember, 1935. proceed to eell at I . - v private sale, on the terms here inafter named, to the highest hid der. at the office of Plowden Stott, Room 1521 Yeon Building, In the City of Portland, County ot Multnomah, State of Oregon, all the estate, right, title and inter est of raid Whitney L. Boise, de ceased, at the time of his death, and all of the estate, right, title and interest since acquired by his said estate in and to the following described real property situated in Marion? Multnomah .and Pols Counties, State of Oregon, to-wit An individual one-third Interest in the' following described real property, situated in Multnomah County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point In the North line of Block Seven (71 tn Council Crest Park, 20:5 feet East of the Northeast corner of Lot Two (2): thence running in a straight line- Southerly to a point I Oft-th h-a ftf v,0t imitia 91 I " w t pi. tii foot Wpatorlv from I " " V"' r. V-I the . Southwest corner of Lot Eight (8); thence Northeasterly along the . Southeasterly line of said Block Seven (7), dividing Lots Seven (7). and Eight (8) from Shehalem Avenue, to the Southeast corner of Lot Seven 7); . thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of said Block Severn (7), dividing Lota Thre (3)f Four (4), Five ) I ci- it anA Kmart tv tmm rnnn- nr1- n t ha nnint of ha- ginning, comprising all of Lots i FITS (). SU (6) and Seven 171 and portions of Lots Three (j; Four (iV.j'Eig-t (8) and Nine (II In said Block.- seven I7. also all of Lot Thirteen (13) in Block Foar (4) (Including Septic tank! not deeded to R. L. Mc Don ald: all of the. above, described I property being In . Council Crest Pk, In the City of Portland, ) - For Sale Used Cars top, feign compression neaa - z nice clean ear 275 USED CARS New Car terms $71S.00 . 450.00 . D25.00 . 625.00 . 415.00 . 295.00 . 265.00 . 180.00 415.00 S75.00 335.00 these to appreciate them. Come in and CO. Phone 3511 or 4711. County of Multnomah, State of Oregon. An Interest of 31.2 as an heir of R. P. Boise, Sr., and Fish er A. Boise In the following prop erty owned with Reuben P. Boise (formerly Reuben P. Boise. Jr.) and Maria P. Lauterman, situat ed In Polk County, State ot Ore gon, to-wit: (a) The John W. Lancaster and wife D.L.C. excepting 54.37 acres in the southeast corner of same, thus leaving 2S5.63 acres, (b) The Northeast quarter oi Section 34 T. 7 S. R. 6 W. the same being, the homestead claim of M. Thompson, containing 160 acres, (c) The east halt of the South' west Quarter ot Sec. 27, T. 7 S R. 6 W., containing 80 acres. (d).Tbe Northeast quarter or the Northeast quarter and the East half ot the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, T. 7, S. R. 6 W., con taining: 60 acres. (e) The North halt of the Southeast quarter of Section 27 T. 7, S. R. 6 W., containing 80 acres, (f) An undivided seven-eighths interest in the west half ot the Daniel Sammis & Wife D.L.C. con taining 140 acres. An undivided one-half interest in the following property in Polk County, State of Oregon, known aa Eilendale Farm, owned -with Renben P. Boise (formerly Reu ben P. Boise, Jr.): (1) The North half of Reuben P. Boise and Ellen F. Boise D.L.C. containing 320 acres, (2) The North 54 acres of the South halt of the Renben P. Boise and Ellen F. Boise D.L.C. together with improvements, (3) The Donation Land Claim of Ezra Y. Hallock excepting 8.65 acres of the Southeast corner of same, and 2.19 acres lying East of the Bridge across RickreaJl Creek, and between said Creek and the County Road, thus leaving 153.93 acres; (4) The D.L.C. of James J. Sheaagreen-less 20.33 acres out of the Northeast corner of same, thus lesvlng 304.90 acres. (5) The D.L.C. of William Hlndman, less 2-9.71 acres out ot the Southwest corner of same; also 69.73 acres out of the North west corner of said claim; also 53.24 acres adjoining last de scribed tract on the East, thus leaving 182,09 acres. (6)5.65 acres In the North west corner of the L. C. Tuthill D.L.C. (7) Also a portion of the B F. Nichols D.L.C. described as fol lows: beginning at a point on the West .boundary of tthe B. F. Nich ols D.L.C. NO. 70, la T. 7, S. R. 5 W., which point Is 99.49 chains North of the Southwest corner of said claim: thence East, 8.40 chains, thence North 37.64 chains; tnence west 8.40 chains to tne West boundary of said claim; thence South 37.64 chains to the place beginning, and containing 32.62 acres more or less, (8) Also Lot 3 and part of Lot 4, in Sec. 25, T. 7, S. R. 6 W. 30.94 acres. An undivided one-halt Interest in and. to the following real prop erty situated in tthe City of Sa, lem, Marion County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: Lot Ten (10) fn Block 55, Boise's Subdivision ot Blocks No. 53, 54 and 55, vacated street and fractional Block N of Block 53. and parts of Blocks 62 and 63 North Salem, In Marion County, State of Oregon, according to the recorded plat ot said subdivision. Also Lots-1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6. Block 3, Pratt Addition to said City of Salem. State of Oregon. Said real property just herein above described situated In the City of Salem, Marlon County, State of Oregon, had - been -sold under 'contracts of sale and pur-r ehasa by -Whitney L. Boise and Reuben P-' Boise, the owner of the other undivided one-half Interest, during tthe lifetime 6f Whitney L. Boise. " - - V. Said Teal' property situated tn Multnomah County', Oregon," will be void wholly, as one tract of land;'' .. - i Said real property situated In Marlon County, "Dregon, will . be sold wholly, a one tract or lana. - Said real property situated In Polk County, Oreron, will, be sold wholly, as one tract of land. v The terms on which said real property will be sold by said exe cutrix are as rouows; Tne nign Busiiiess Directory: L Cards In. this directory run em a jrtoathly basis only. Ratei $I.OO per Una per month. Anto. Brakes II j 3flk Panek. 375 South CourmerciaL Chimney Sweep Telephone 4151. R. B. Northness. .Chiropractors DR. O. L, SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 256 N. High. TeL Rev 8752. . Contractors Peter Johansen and Co Gen. Contrac-1 tors. 1166 Madison. Phone 9587. Electrical Service ( nOSLER Electric. 341 Bute St Wir ing, motors, appliance, repair, service. Generator Each, 930 N. Coral St Florists BrtUhaupt's, 447 Court. ALL kinds ot floral work, l-uta. Flor ist. 127 N. Liberty. TeL 86. Keys We make key. Harry W. Scott Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WCIDER IJkUKDR?- 263 S High . TeL 9116 ' CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First In Quality ami Servtc Telephone $16$ 11(4 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL RKODtNU CO Phone 404S SAIJCM KLUfr-RUO end Msttr Factory. NEW MATTRESS made t order, old remade ; carpet cleaning. hf mg; fluff rug weaving. & 13th Wil bur. TeL (441. OTTO F. ZWICKEO. Est 191L Music Stores GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, wms machtnea. sheet musi end oavne etod- l Repairing radio, phonographs and sewing machines, 423 state street. Salem. Photo Engraving Sntera phol eitcTffvftts. 147 N. Com mercial. TeL tui. Printing FOR STATIONERY, card. Damob- tets, programs, hooka er any kind of orlntlnc call The Statesman PrhrUng Department. 21 B. CoxnrnerrlaL Tele phone 910L Repair Work Shingling, repair work. TeL 9495. StOTes I ranalr atovea ranges, circulator. Sail sew and rebuilt stove, range -and circulator, stork tence. easts eatcaefi wtr Salem Fence end Stove Works. 343 Chemeketa.. TeL 4774. B. B Fleming. Tamales Salem made Tamales. TeL 634L Transfer FOR local or distant rmnefer . t 1111. jrni.r Transfer Tnt.-k to Portland aflv CAPITAL CITf Traimt- i . State SL Tel. 77TS. Usiritan'iua fir -wsErsnBS? (And atoraae ui biiiy V r rate. Anywaere-for-hfa-e. R. H. AshcrafL TeL 360. 370 Klngwood Ave. Well Driliirig R. A. West R. 6. Bot 445. TeL 110FS. est bidder for said real property shall pay the full purchase price in cash, or credit, or ootn, upon the execution and delivery ot a I rood and sufficient executrix a deed to said real property. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 28 th dav of September, 19 3 S. Date ot First publication ucto- ber 1. 1935. Date of Last Publication. Octo ber 29, 1935. LOUISE H. BOISE, Executrix of the Estate and of the Last Will and Testa ment ot Whitney Ia. Boise. deceased. PLOWDEN STOTT, 1521 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Multnomah County, Oregon, Attorney for Executrix. 0.1-8-15-22-29. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Connty Court ot the State of Oregon, for the Coun- tv of Marion, as administrator of the estate of Lucy E. Siewert, de ceased, and that he has duly qual ified as such administrator; all persons having claim against the estate of said, decedent are here- j by notified to present the same. duly verified, to me, at tne oince ot Ronald C. G lover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Bonding. Salem, Mar- ton County, -Oregon,- within six months from the date of this no tice. , Dated .at Salem, Oregon, this 8th day of October, 1935. WILLIAM C. SIEWERT,. Administrator of the Es tate of Lucy E. Siewert, Deceased. ' RONALD Q. -GLOVER, . " Attorney for Administrator, Salem; Oregon. OS-1522-29N5 Experiment Success' -Reasonably definite evidence that broadcasting commercial fer tilizer on hops- gives a greater re turn than the method of circling the hills with the material was obtained in the G. W. Carroll yard east of Rlckreall this year, reports County Agent- J." R. Beck.:. Two equal portions of the field on level ground showed a yield ot 4697 pounds of green hop with fertili ser to circles around plants, and 6351 pound ef green .hops with fertilizer applied broadcast. NOTICE OF HEARING OF. OB iTECTTOXS TO FINAL ACCOCXT NOTICE HEREBY IS i GIVEN that. SARAH ' LEMERY, as the duly appointed, qualified and act ing administratrix of the estate of MARIE LEMERY, deceased, has rendered-and presented for set tlement and filed ln"the County Court t the County of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of her administration of said es tate. ' and that Wednesday, the thirteenth day of November, 193S, at the hoar ot ten o'clock In the forenoon of said dax, at the court room, of said court, in the Marion Connty Courthouse in the City of Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon, hare been fixed and ap pointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final account. and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the fifteenth day of October, 1935. SARAH LEMERY, as Adminis- tratrlx of the Estate of MARIE I LEMERY, Deceased CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix. 0.15-22-29-N.5-12. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On. the 7 th day of November, 1935, at the hour of 10 o'clock (10:00) A.M. at the West door of the Court House in Salem, Mar ion County, Oregon, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder, for Radio Programs Tuesday, October 29 SOW FOBTLAHS 620 Ke. :00 Orrin, NBC. 7:05 Tone Twisters, NBC. T:15 Edward McHugh, XBC. 7:30 Gypsy Trail. NBC. 7:4s Three Bhades of Blue, NBC. 6:00 Jack Sprisg's Orchentra. 8:15 Xewsical Sunshine, NBC. 8:30 Wards and Music, NBU. :15 Willowkk Club Orchestra, NBC 0:30 Tm Name It. NBC. 10:15 Cliff Nssarro. NBC. 11:00 Jane, Joan and Jeri, NBC. Z :0O American Medicine Association. NBC. 2:30 James Wilkinson, NBC. 4:1S Concert Cellist. 4:30 NBC PregTsnu. 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy. NBC. 10:13 Csmskt. 11 :0O Ambassador Hotel Orchestra, NBC. 11:30-12 Hotel If ark Hopkins Orches tra. KEZ POSTLAJTD 11S0 Kc. 6:30 The Beveille Hour. 7:SO The Reveille Hour. 8 :00 Financial 8erriee. S:15 Breakfast Club. 9:00 Simpson Boys, NBC. 0:15 Victor Young's Orchestra. 9:30 Ronald Buck, Pianist. 9:45 MoraiBr Melodies. 11:00 Concert Hour. 11:15 Portland Coancil ef Charcae. 11:80 Wtera farm and Home Hear, XBC 12:22 Dance Tunes. 1 :00 Alrwsy News. 1:15 Page, NBC. 1 :S0 Financial and Grain Report. 1 JS Vocalist. 1:45 Friendly Chit, 2:15 Music Box. 2:45 Orchestra. 4:43 Concert Trio. 8:45 Dance Mnsic. 10:16 Ricerdo and His Violin, NBC. 10 :85 Orchestra. 10:45 Hotel BiHmore Orchestra, NBC. 11:00 Folic Radio News. ' 11:05-12 Danes Frolic. Cross Word Puzzle 7 75 20 21 22 41 51 52 " W vM 1 1 Bj EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL 1 Privation s . , 5 Seaport city in Hlgeria ' 9 War engine 12 Dill 13 What was tne first state to rat ify the Federal constitution? IS What star ef the first magni tude is ia the constellation Cygmos? 17 Who was U. S. ambassador to Great Britain from 1913 to - 19177 18 Exists 19 Eradicate 21 Cut in lone' slits 23 'Who was the first navigator to - eater the Pacific? 26 IUmninated 27 Constellation - 28 Trepans SO Provided that 32 What treat poet wrots th . MAreopgitica" ? 34 Dwell 36 Like - 37 Diners 39 Number 40 Sailor . 42 Dirtlesa ' 44 Inn 48 Take a solemn oath . 47 Latin conjunction 48 In Polynesian mythology, the - first man 50 Hauls , 53 Native of Algiers 56 Case for small articles 57 Masculine same. '584-Egyptian solar disk 59 Dispatched ' - VERTICAL v l-Small boy . 2 Unit - 3 What river give its Mas 6 a " . - colony ef Frestch West Africa? 4 Cubic 3neter - ( 5 Supposed hypnotic force , 6 Revoke . 7 Winged part tld horses ".' cash, the following described real . property: located In Marion Conn-. tyt Oregon; towlt: v, Lot seventy-one ( 7 1 Ewald Fruit .Tracts, according to the ".duly recorded plat thereof on - record In the office of the Re--. corder of Deeds, Marion County, ' Oregon. v Said sale Is made under execu tion issued out ot the Circuit Court of Marion County, State ot Oregon, to me directed in the' case or MUTUAL SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corpora tion. Plaintiff, vs. ROY J. AND ERSON and HELEN M. ANDER SON, his wife, and EDNA GAR FIELD, Defendants. A. C. BURK, Sheriff ot Marion County, Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON, ' Deputy. Keyes & Page, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 306 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg, Salem, Oregon. OcL8-15-22-29-Not. 5 Borers .Are Fought More than 2000 pounds of par idichlorobeniene was purchased by Linn county farmers this year for use in the control of peach and prune root borers. This is in comparison to 200 pounds used in 1933 and 900 pounds in 1934. says County Agent F. C. Mullen. KOnr POKTLAND 040 Sc. 8:00 Songs for Ton. 8:15 Clyde Barrie, CBS. 8:30 Oxark Mountaineers, CBS. 11:30 American School of the Air. CBS. 12:00 Town Topics With Lois Long, CBS. 12:30 Town Topics, CBS. 1:00 Book ot Life. 1:30 Educational Feature, CBS. 1:45 Three Little Words, CBS. 3:00 Feminine Fancies. DLBS. 4:35 Nadine Conner, CBS. ' 4:45 gar a Life Club, 5:00 Hanaonettes, CBS. 5:15 Edith Karen. Songs, CBS. 5:30 Lawrence Tibbett. S :05 Mosicomedy. 6:80 Leon F. Drews, Organ. 7:30 March ot Time. 8:00 Myrt and Marge. 9:00 Warms' s Pennsvlrsnians. 10 :X) GeUea Voices. 10:35 Hal Grayson's Orchestra, DLBS. 11:00 Bart Weedyard's Orchestra, 11:30 Jim Walsh's Orchestra. DLBS. 11:45 Les Hite'a Orchestra, DLBS. KOAO COBVALLIS 550 Kc 9:00 The Homemakera Hour. 10:44 KOAC School at the Atr. 12:00 Nooa Farm Hour. 1 : 15 The World Book Man. 1.-30 The Mystery of the Mind's De sire Helen Milter Senn. 3 :0O . -Lesson ia Spanish. 2:30 Raral Life Review,) 3 :00 ' "About Boys and Girls in Neigh boring Lands" Leah Finkel stens. 4:00 Ope Stories. 5:00 On the Campuses. 6:00 Ethel J. Miller. Soprano. 6 : 15 Columbia Empire Industries, lae. 6 :10 Farm Hoar. 7:30 The Citixen and His School 'Nationalised Progress ia a Ra ral School." 8 :00 Musieale. 8:13 The World la Review Dr. . Vie- tor P. Morris. 8:30 Oregon State College Cadet Band. 8:45 The ABC's ot Homelike Home "Color Plsyt Tricks ea Ton." 9 Eryptian sun rod 10 What Atheaiaja stetesaaaji was calUd th "hut" fer hi serv ices in the Deliaa Leagae? 11 Network 14 Whom did President Reevlt appoint Ambassador to Cuba? 16 Who discovered the Facifia Oceaa? 20 Leans 22 Three-toed sloth 23 Mother 24 What philosopher wa th ts tor ef Alexander the Ureal r 25 Bigoted 29 Examined 31 Boggy lands 33 CyUrdricai 35 Repeat 38 Dyestuff 41 By 43 Roman household gods 44 Cure 45 Italian coin 49 Collection of tools 51 Weapon 52--Pose for s portrait 54- iDepart 55 Half an em Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puxxle. e-t D5PAPTEIL SIE IMs.1 W Nhr Fp fM oof aMt 6IHIR1E MMC jG IP S la ftavanc 210 Oregon Bldg.