The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1935, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October .29, 1935
Rush Teas Smart
1 Affairs Given
FRESHMEN women at Willam
ette university called at all
three sorority house yesterday
" afternoon for the first formal rush
affairs of the term. Tea m
served at Beta Chi from 3 to S
o'clock, at Delta Phi from 3:30 to
6:30 o'clock and at Alpha Phi Al
pha from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door of
the Alpha Phi house was Miss'Ra
.' chael Yocum. Miss Rath Johnson
Introduced to the line made up of
MisK Helen Knight, Mrs. C. H.
v Breck, Mrs. George Pearce, Dean
Olive, M. Dabl, and i Mrs. W. E.
Kirk .. V .. 1 ; :
- The chapter bouse glowed with
'light from lavender candles and
.; yellow" and lavender flowers were
about the drawing- room. The tea
-.- table bad a yellow -chrysanthe-mum
eenterplece' guarded by yek
, .! low candles.. - . :
- Pouring - the first hour were
.'- Mrs. W. V. Johnson , and Mrs.
Charles V. Galloway and the sec
ond hour, Mrs. Ray Yoeom and
Mrs. Percy Kelly.
? Serving during the afternoon
were Miss Norma Fuller, Miss
Hilda Crawford, Miss Margaret
BiederY Miss Ruth Reasor, Miss
Louise Tonts, Miss Lunelle Chap
in and Miss Betty Taylor.
Salem Artisans Bidden
To Silverton
Salem Artisans have been in
vited to Silverton Wednesday
. night together with lodges from
Woodburn, Sweet Home and Ore
r gon No. 1 in Portland, ,to witness
the charter presentation to the
Silverton group.
Supreme Master Artisan H. S.
Hudson will make the presenta
tion. The Woodburn drill team
will put on the initiatory work
and refreshments and dancing
will conclude the evening.
Salem members will meet at the
Fraternal temple at 7:15 p. m.
for transportation.
. v Pleasantdale Twelve members
and two guests, Mrs. Neal Vers
teeg and Mrs. Robert Sims attend
ed the Aloha club meeting held
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edwards.
Three birthdays of members were
complimented with dish towel
showers: Mrs. Glenn McFarlane,
Mrs. Ivan Gubser and Mrs. Berlyn
- :: By. ANNE ADAMS i
, No matter what the scales may
: show,! forty-eight will find the
same,; slim-line silhouette as a
fourteen in this easily made slip.''
Its chief claim to fame is an ex
: tra back piece which may be sewn
.across the, back, and,' down one
side only, vto provide . a shadow
proof feature, and assure a .com
fortable stride with its added
' i'grre." No chance for Straps to
slip, either, being cut in one piece
with the bodice, while cleverly
placed darts "provide-fit over the
bust. It's a grand idea to have a
dark slip to match Important dark
frocks. Non-shrinkable rayon or
crepe are nice, tocvJn tea-rose.
Pattern 2512 is available in
' sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38,
40,-42. '44, 46 and 48. Size 16
takes - 3 yards 1 3 9 inch fabric
v Illustrated" step-by-step sewing in
, structions included. - -
- Seal fifteen ecsta (15c) In coin
or lumps (coin, prfrr4) (or taia
Anna Adama pattern. Writ plainly,
name, address and style nmnbir. Be
art to cUU aiia. a , . .
- Order joar fail and wlnUr' edition
of Apnm Adama pattern bock t You'll
ha thriBe4 with the amart - deaicna
it pictnrea clothes for all eeasioes '
y . . for all yonr" family. Adorable,
May t to maka . Chriatmaa si ft, too.
Xui r helpful advioe om - heist the
charm ing. prf ectly-j-rooojed woman.
A book yea 'II 1st and eoaa-alt 4i
qnently all eaionl Prita ef book
iifteea ctata.. Book' and pattara to
aether Hranty-fiva cents. .
: Addresa ecdera to The Oregon
Statesman Pattern Dept, 115 Soflth
Commercial atreet, Salem, Ore.; Alaka
necessary enclosures. Yonr order will
be promptly attended to. '- ''
- Order enatomarily are filled within
fear tart from the time reeeired by
,Tha 8tateaaa. . ,
j! j ifcZ 1
TuTt '
Jessie Steele,
; Tuesday, October 29
Neighbors of Woodcraft Juveniles, 7:30 p. m. in
Fraternal temple for installation of officers. Friends
Invited. '
South division of Presbyterian Ladles Aid with"
Mrs. L. M. Purvine, 961 Oak, 2 p. m.
East division ef Presbyterian Ladies Aid with Mrs.
D. A. Hodge. 1270 Chemeketa, 2 p. m.
A. A. U. W. French class in Eaton hall, 9:30 a. m.
Music-Appreciation class of A. A. U. W. with Miss
Frances Virginie Melton. 324 N. Capitol, 7:30 p. m." -
Wednesday, October SO .
Leslie Candos Hallowe'en, party in church parlors,
8 p. m. ? ,. .. .
Juveniles of. Royal "Neighbors party at home Mrs.
Bertha Loveland. 405 S. 25th, 7 p. m.
Thursday, October si
club with Miss Grace Elisabeth Smith,
7:30 p, m.
Friday, November 1
Lonesome club, S p. m. at 420 State street
Honor Bride-Elect
At Rebekah Fete
Woodburn Miss Louise Moed
ing, was pleasantly surprised
when Home Rebekah of Wood
burn honored her with a pre-nup-tial
shower at the I. O. O. F. hall
Thursday evening. Miss Moeding
is the bride-elect of Emmett Hunt
of Grants Pass and the wedding
will be an event of the near fu
ture. A program included a med
ley of wedding music by Miss
Joyce Woodfin, a reading "Pro
phecies to the Bride" by Miss
Thel Tresidder, and a reading
"Mandy's Fourth Wedding." by
Mrs. Millie Musser of Iowa.
Many lovely gifts were given
the bride and were brought in by
little Alice and Paul Petersen who
drew them in a wagon. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Frank
Wright, Mrs. George Taylor and
Mrs. Fred Hall.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Strike, Mrs. Addle Doud, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Otjen, Mrs. Eth
el Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Hopkins, Miss Joyce Woodfin, Ro
bert Hall, Helen Moeding, Marjor
ie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Guy En
gle, Mrs. Nancy Carpenter, Ethel
Tresidder, Mrs. Edith Grentz,
Kathleen Garrison, Mrs. George
Beach, Mrs. Jeanette Zimmerle,
Mrs, George Taylor, Mrs. W. P.
Lessard, Mrs. W. H. Broyles, Mrs.
Theron Finch, Mrs. Millie Musser,
Mrs. G. F. Wright, Mrs. Hattie Pe
tersen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. August Moeding
and Miss Louise Moeding.
Molalla A dessert luncheon
was served to 30 guests Thursday
afternoon at the Odd Fellows' hall
by members of the Past Matrons'
club -of Orchid chapter of the
Eastern Star. Cards were enjoyed
after the luncheon.
Present were Mrs. Michael Sly-
ter, Mrs. R. S. Grettie, Mrs. Frank
Dicken, Mrs. Maurice Buxton, Mrs.
C. 'W. Kendall, Mrs. C. C. Connett,
Mrs. Alfred Shaver, Mrs. J. H.
Bowlin, Mrs. P. K. Stafford. Mrs.
Chester Granquist, Mrs. Glenn
Harvey, Mrs; Oliver Buxton, Mrs.
Glenn Kirkwood, Mrs. Everman
Robbins, Mrs. Floyd Campion,
Mrs. Ray Boehmke, Mrs. Harold
Ridings, Mrs. Henry Welch, Wil-
ma Bliss and Audrey Henriksen,
all of Molalla; Mrs. Neva McKen
xie, Mrs. Julia Stauffer Mrs. El
mer Stauffer and Mrs. A. J.
Smith, all of Hubbard: and Mrs.
Lincoln Shaver and Miss Esther
Carrigan, all of Portland. Host
esses were Mrs. Otis Foglesong,
Mrs. Emory Worth, Mrs. George
Gregory, Mrs. Ralph Holman, Mrs.
Fred Henriksen, Mrs. Grace Sail
or, Mrs. T. O. Ridings and Mrs.
John Ridings.
Bethel Mrs. A. C. Spranger
gave a surprise party honoring her
mother, Mrs. John Spranger on
her birthday anniversary Thurs
day night at her home in Salem.
The guests were members of the
Bethel Dorcas club. A gift was
presented and at a late hour re
freshments were served inform
ally. "
impy's Favorite Food is
Current Round Table Topic
Hamburgers make a quick,
healthful luncheon dish, and
when prepared with all the trim
mings as J. Wellington Wimpy
likes them, are delectable. If you
make unusually good "wimpys"
send in the formula to the Round
Table this week.
-Any recipe calling for ham
burger is eligible in the cash
prise contest. Please1 submit only
one recipe. Contributions must
reach The Statesman office by 12
o'clock noon Thursday.
Following are more sour milk
. Steamed Brown Bread
S capi yellow corn meal
cup molasses
8 cups soar milk
1 cap graham flour
1 enp mashed sqnaah
3 teaspoons soda dissolved In
1 enp hot water
Steam for 4 hours. This is a
recipe from an old Maxnmy in the
south. ' .
Mabel Ross Kellogg
2105 N. Front
Apple Torte -
sH cups peeled and sliced apples
enp sugar
- 2 tablespoons hotter
, S egs
X enp soar cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
H teaspoon cinnamon
SS craham crackers
In a covered saucepan, cook ap
ples, sugar and butter until ap
ples are tender. Beat eggs. Stir
in cream and add vanilla and cin
namon, Crumble graham crackers
fine and put- of the crumbs in
the "bottom of "a buttered loose
bottom pan. Pour apple mixture
over- the crumbs, add - the - egg
cream mixture and top with re
maining crumbs. Bake in a mod
Society . Editor
Kleinke Home Scene
Of Birthday Party
Mrs. Lois Kleinke was a smart
hostess of the past week when
she entertained with a dinner
party honoring the birthday an
niversary of her husband, L. E.
The table was centered "with a
lighted birthday cake and large
orange candles were at - either
end. Yellow chrysanthemums and
marigolds combined with autumn
leaves made attractive bouquets
about the guest rooms.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Kleinke, Mrs. Frank
Kleinke, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Thompson, Elmer Kleinke, War
ren Fanning, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Blair, Emmett Kleinke, Miss
Betty Sedgwick, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan DeSart, Stanley Nevens, Miss
Virginia Pugh, Wesley Kleinke
and Miss Edna Hurley.
Miss Gregg Entertains
The W.W.G. of the First Bap
tist church met- Friday night at
the home of Miss Joy Gregg. The
rooms were decorated in seasonal
black and orange. Mrs. Ruth Eng-
dahl led the devotions.
Plans were made for the As
sociational rally of the W.W.G. to
be held at the First Baptist
church in Salem November 8 and
9. A large attendance is expected.
Present Friday were Miss Flor
ence Wallace, Miss Hoshie Watan
abe, Miss Sylvia Mattsen, Miss
Berndette Clark, Mrs. Ruth Eng
dal, Mrs. Lucille Starkey, Mrs.
Linda Butler, Mrs. Kate White,
Mrs. F. M. White and the hostess,
Miss Gregg.
North Howell Saturday af
ternoon a large group of friends
and neighbors met at the home
of Mrs. J. S. Coomler and surpris
ed her with a unique garden show
er, the occasion being her birth
day. Garden gifts were presented.
Under the supervision of Mrs.
A. T. Cline and Mrs. Sam Brown,
the women planted and planned
at .a busy afternoon and then ad
journed to the house where re
freshments were served to Mrs.
Theodore Marx, Mrs. Fank Hynes,
Mrs. Ruth Jefferson, Mrs. Caro
line Aspinwall, Mrs. Thomas
Bump. Mrs. Wm. Oddie, Mrs. V.
M. Steward, Mrs. A. T. Cline, Mrs.
Edith Rue, Mrs. Mary Stevens,.
Mrs. W. H. Stevens, Mrs. Martha
Vinton, Miss Emma Fitike, Mrs.
M. A. Dunn, Mrs. R. A. Beer, Mrs.
Sam Brown, and the honor guest,
Mrs. J. S. Coomler.
Mrs. L. A. Esson and Mrs. A. B.
Wiesner assisted by Miss Ellen
Vinton and Miss Evelyn Coomler
Hubbard -Rev. N. S h e r m a n
Hawk was honored with a 6
o'clock dinner Thursday, the oc
casion being his 66th birthday.
Besides members of the family
Mr. and Mrs. TJ. Denyer of Turner,
were guests.
erate oven at 375 degrees for 20
minutes. Makes an 8-inch torte. ,
Mrs. H A. Penny
Route 2t Box 168
Sour Milk Waffles
' 3 eupa' flour
1 enp mol&asea "
enp batter " t
' enp soar milk '.- : .
1 teaspoons (inter
1H teaspoons soda '
H teaspoon, cinnamon
teaspoon aalt
First sift flour, ginger, cinna
mon and salt together. Heat to
the boiling point but do not boil
molasses and ' butter. Remove
from tire and beat in soda. Add
sour milk, beaten egg and sifted
dry Ingredients. Bake in . a wat-
fie iron, watching carefully. Serve
hot with whipped cream, sweet
ened and flavored to taste. V-
;Mrs. Helena Gundran
Route t, Box 252 "
Skirts, -
91.69 to, 2.03
' Blouses,
. 70c to 92.03 .
387 Court; Neit
to SteasIofTs
Permanent Oil
Waves ; fl.50
Special; 99.25
Supreme Oil
4th Fir Ore Bldg
Phone 5754
a run.
- A I It
Active Club Dance
Calendared on
WOMEN of the capital may be
the leading afternoon host-
esses .but it is men's organizations
that make the, weekends gay with
club dances.
Next on the social calendar is
the Active club informal Saturday
night at the Salem Golf club. Last
weekend Fraternis club entertain
ed with one of the smartest dances
of the season and the weekend be
fore that, the 20-30 elub was host
for a similar affair.
The dance this coming weekend
is called a trustees dance and is
being arranged by the board of
trustees' with B. K. Graybill the!
chairman. Assisting him are E. E.
Thomas, Dr. E. V. Fortmiller, Ray
Busick, Vernon Perry and W. W.
McKinney. .
Brad Collins and his orchestra
will furniah the music. There will
be special guests in addition to
the club members.
Miss Wagner Honored
At Shower Party
Miss Velma Wagner whose mar
riage to Lawrence Reasor will be
an event of Thursday morning at
11 o'clock in the First Christian
church was complimented with a
crystal shower at the home of Mrs.
C. L. Reasor Friday night.
Hallowe'en appointments were
need. The evening was spent in
games. Miss Guinevere Wood was
the hostess.
Those invited to fete Miss Wag
ner were Miss Marie Lippold, Miss
Iona Ford. Miss Frances Kyle,
Miss Agnes Moore, Miss Helen
Rose Lee, Miss Ruth Reasor, Mrs.
Neil Fleming, Mrs. Eugene Ken
nedy, Mrs. A. D. Wagner, Mrs.
E. J. Reasor, Mrs. C. N. Ruggles,
Mrs. W. G. Grant, Mrs. Glenn
Melr, Mrs. George Smyth, Mrs.
Kenneth Fleming, Mrs. C. L. Rea
sor, Mrs. A. E. Wood, Mrs. Ida
Steele and Mrs. E. C. Wiesner.
Junior Class Sponsors
Skate Friday
Friday night from 8 to 10:30
o'clock the junior class from Sa
lem high school will sponsor a
skate for its own members at
Dreamland Rink.
Prizes for the best looking
couple and individual best skaters
will be given as they were last
year. Refreshments will be served.
Benton Sailors. Alpines.
Turkans and Off the Face.
Fur felts in all the newest
styles. Black. Brown, Navy
and Kent Green.
Miss Hobson Becomes
Bride Saturday .
A "home wedding Saturday
morning at -1 0 : 3 0 o'clock united
Miss Norell Hobson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Hobson,
and Frank Moravec, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Antone Moraree of Mill
City. . ,1 v '
Rev! Lydia Berkey read the ser
vice in the residence of the bride's
parents, before an improvised al
tar of asters, chrysanthemums
and autumn leaves.
The bride was gowned In blue
trimmed -with white lace. Her
bouquet was made up of gladioli,
lilles-of-the-valley and maiden
hair fern.
Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Oregon
City was the matron of honor and
John Hobson the best man. Miss
LoDema Hines sang.
Prior to the ceremony wed
ding breakfast was served to
members of the two families and
Invited guests. After the cere
mony a luncheon was served. Mrs.
Ivy Bushey and Mrs. Fred Fen
dall assisted.
The couple left for Seattle,
Wash., where they will make their
home. The. groom is connected
with the Carnation Mills', Inc.
Guests were1 present from Mill
City, Lyons, Siayton, Mehama,
Oregon City, Portland, Seattle
and Salem.
Both young people were grad
uated from the high school at Mill
Jodelle Parker Feted
On Birthday
Mrs. Virgil Parker honored her
small daughter, 1 Jedelre, on her
fifth birthday Saturday after
noon. Hallowe'en decorations pre
vailed. Miss Ethelyn Thompson
and Miss Dolores Parker assisted
the hostess.
Guests in addition to Jodelle
were Patsy Elliott, Barbara
Lewis, Roberta Paulus, Patty
Jenny. Jimmy and Roy Goddard
and Richard Rayburn.
Gray-Love Marriage
News of the marriage of Miss
Georgianna Gray, daughter of
Mrs. Claire Jones Gray of Salem
and Hollywood, to Addison Love,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Love
of Honolulu, has been received
in the capital. -f
The ceremony took place in
Honolulu Saturday and the couple
will reside in the Islands. Mrs.
Gray sailed recently to attend the
The Lonesome club will meet
Friday night at 8 o'clock at 420
State street. There will be cards
and refreshments.
Pattern Book
National Head
. .:"': J-
.:...;,:...: N- V
Biinm., a
v . :.-:.-...':'.
, s
Mrtw Melrille . Hacklestone,
tional president of the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary, in one of
the leading club women of the
nation. .
National Auxiliary Head
Capable Woman
As national president of the
American Legion auxiliary. Mrs.
Melville Mucklestone of Chicago
is leading the largest women's pa
triotic organization in the world
Under her leadership, the auxil
iary's 400.000 members are carry
ing out a broad program of civic
and patriotic activities in support
of the work of the American Le
Mrs. Mucklestone was elected
to her office in September at the
national convention in St. Louis.
She has been active in auxiliary
circles for the past 10 years.
The national organization first
recognised Mrs. Mucklestone's un
usual ability in 1931 when she
was appointed Americanism chair
man for the central division. At
the national convention held in
Portland in 1932, she served as
chairman of the rules committee
and following this convention was
appointed vice chairman of the na
tional legislative committee.
In 1934, as chairman of the na
tional legislative committee, she
led the auxiliary's efforts to aid
the Legion secure restoration of
compensation for disabled veter
ans. She was completing a third
year of legislative work when
elected to the national presidency
Bethel Members of the Bethel
Dorcas club who attended the
meeting of the Federation of
Women's clubs in Aumsville on
Friday were Mrs. T. W. Beamish,
Mrs. E. E. Matten, Mrs. A. C.
Spranger and Mrs. J. R. Carruth-
You ask eagerly. "What do the new fashions mean to me in the clothes I want to make for
myself and my family?"
pattern designs, each one beautifully illustrated, each one showing a clever adaptation of the
new mode to the practical needs of home dressmaking. Clothes that will eep you looking
smart on every occasion all through the new season, no matter what your type! Clothes for
home, school, business . . . party clothes ... slenderizing clothes . . . coats, frocks, undies, sleep
ing clothes . . . doO clothes . .'. easily made gift specialties. On top of all this, an exciting report
oh new fabrics and accessories, and Anne Adams' own comment on how to be better groomed
through a personal analysis of face, figure, clothing needs.
Remember every partem in this book is on exclusive ANNE ADAMS design at Id make,
sure to fit, a perfect foy to wearl Order your copy of this ANNE ADAMS PATTERN COOK
today. Price 15c When you order book end a pattern together, you get both for 25e. JSee
today's pattern feature elsewhere in paper.) c
SMMMJMmr. 243
Marjorie Tucker.
Wins With Song
' snnanannnnnaa-ana, T . ,. .
70 Members of Jefferson
. Townsend Groups
Hear Leader
JEFFERSON, Oct. 28 Mr.
and Mrs. Nick Welter and small
daughter of Warm Springs reser
vation are guests at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Emma Whed
hee. . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKee, and
Mrs. Verna Carroll and son Joe
motored to Kelso, Wash., Monday
morning to attend the funeral ser
vices for George M. Carroll, 61,
who died Friday at his home at
Kelso following a lingering ill
ness. Carroll, ' was the father-in-law
of Mrs. Verna McKee Carroll
of Jefferson.
George Asper, who lives three
miles west of here, cat his leg
while -working with s drag-saw,
recently, and ni addition to his
Injury, contracted a bad cold and
la now 111 with the fin.
Friday night waa.amateur night
at the Masonic hall) the numbers
were presented before the moving
pictures. Little Marjorie Tucker
won first prise of S3 with her
song, "Sweet Memories of You";
Audrey Sorenson won second prise
of $2; and Shaffer sisters, third
prize of one dollar.
Man gin on Visit
Maurice Mangis, who has been
employed at Castle Rock, Wash.,
during the summer and fall, re
turned to the home of his grand
mother, Mrs. W. W. Warner last
week. He expects to go to Hood
River soon.
About 70 members of the local
Townsend clubr gathered at the
Masonic hall Sunday afternoon to
hear the address "ofTXT Francis
Townsend broadcast from the
convention af Chicago. A loud
speaker system was Installed by
Lindon Curl for the occasion.
Hubbard The women's con
tract club met for the first meet
ing following their summer vaca
tion at the home of Mrs. Charles
Fiddes, Thursday. Present were
Mrs. Mose Garren, Mrs. George
Grimps, Mrs. Charles Moore, Miss
Francis Weaver, Miss L e n o r e
Scholl, Mrs. Edmund Chausse and
the hostess, Mrs. Fiddes.
Brennan Beauty Salon
228 Oregon Bldg.
Permanent Push Waves, Reli
able Solutions 75c and Up
Individual Hair Styl
A&fting - Early and Late
Li A Appointments - Call
y-if Mary Brennan - 3925
west i7iK streel
JIts. Martha O'Deli;
Only living Charter
Signer, at Gathering
DAYTON, Oct. 28 Mrs. Mar
tha O'Deli, past SO years of age,
of McMlnnvllle, the- last surviving
charter member of Naomi Rebek
ah lodge of Dayton, attended tha
annual homecoming held Friday
night at the Odd Fellows tetnplew
There were more than CO people
present. ;
The Dayton lodge was charter
ed December 13. 1895, and this
year will obserte the 40th anni
versary. A ahortrprocram of mu
sic and readings was presented
followed by a club snpper.
Fritz Doerfler. Home
But Still Unable -to
Work Due to Injuries
Friti Doerfler, who was quite ser
iously burned several weeks ags
when a hot water pipe bursted at
the peppermint still where he was
employed, near Longview, Wash
has recovered sufficiently to come
to his home here. He is up and
about but still unable to work.
Mr. and-Mrs. George Boger.
who lived here on the Slagel farm
for. the "past two years, are. located
on a 'small , place, on the Edison
road near Silverton.
79c -89c
$1.00 - $1.15
13th Pair Free
357 Court Street
Salem, Ore.
svesli Grille
9 35
9 36
new yoBK.lN. x
- :.
4 :
' 4
1 '