The OnEGGN STATES1IAN, Solera, Orcc::, Tuesday IIorrL:-,- October i. . . u nil) Iwced - hz . Legislature - -'.5-.. ' r ' . 7TV - Pmi-BuMel- All;Types of ; " Gambling Hit Special Prosecutors and - Declaring Nuisances Other Provisions Repeal of the parl-mutuel law, s authorizing wagering on horse and dog races, and prohibiting aU other forms pt gambling, were prorided in bill introduced Monday . by Senator LeasaTd , ol Multnomah county. - ' The' parl-mutuel law was en acted at the -1833 legislative ses- . sioa anil tbe total wagers since - that time hare exceeded : 212,- : - -i ' Lessard sald ' his" bill was ' In line with recommendations made . . Saturday by I A. Llljeqvlst, who v 1j conducting the grand Jury- in- , vestigation ot ; gambling condi tions in ' Multnomah county, v A further prorlsion o the" bill authorizes any attorney to act as special prosecutor ! in - gambling . cases. He: would receive mini mum fee of 925, or any larger amount' fixed by the court - Places - in which gambling - U conducted? would be deemed a nuisance. Private attorneys also could be assigned to prosecute the owners of these, ; .. Slot Machines Hit ; Justices ot the peace - would bare concurrent jurisdiction - la i all gambling proceedings. ; .- Another bill, by Senator Car .' ney, defines nlckle-ln-the-slot machine, declares ' them ; a- gam- bliag vdevlee, and provides-for their confiscation and destruc- J . Carney said his bill -dlstin-. --- guisned between a- game ot . t nance and a .game ot akflL ". A efinilar bill was de f eated at the 19 35 - legislatiye session. - The state of Oregon already ha received' more than" 4310, . aa It share ot the wagering receipts. The state, receives 24 per eent of 'the total. - Lsai3 Seeks to. Move Institutions! (Continued from Pajje l) part of tbe -sUte wouM.r - Why should the -state confine to play Santa,- Omm to ' Salem V . The Lesaard "ameadmentr would provide thaVOl public instiU Uons not 'otherwise-located by tb electorate lh tat ot . Oregon shall be determined by aa act. of th legislative asaem- -no :mnhnnt vnnlti ba aumitted at the next general et ' ectlon. . 'If they (Salem and Marlon oantrV vain, these Instltntloas so rUeJthett - why should they net "he scattered among th other , eeuntlea? Our-nelghboTing. states - of Washinxten nd cauionua dUtribute their InsUtuuona I among the vaxlous couUea. Br I this decentralization, other see t ttons would benefit from them. Letsard declared. Summer ; Resorts; Menaced by Fire liMUMto -b .-.. -1 . off communications Irom 'Tajlac and CardnervQle. - Tbreo. trnckload of CCC boys - from the Snowline eamp wer sent out. and; .additional .firelighters- were being- reeruKed here and - from " Plcrvill.' where Forest i Supervis or Ed Smith, was in ' charge. ' ? About 10 p. m., the wind storm bcan dropping rain and snow on the Sierra, reducing the tire has- : "ard. The Call Board " STATE . . Today First run, Robert . Donat in' "The 81 Steps" . plus Major Bowes fAma- , teurs ot the Air. . J " Wednesday - Paul Robeson V In "Sanders of the Rlrer." , Thursday nlght-Halloween - reserved ' - , -f Friday ."The Werewolf - of . LondonT with Henry- Hull. Saturday . John Wayne In 'The Texas-Terror." : .. GRAND .V Saturday "Charlie Chan in ; ' Shanghai" with W a r n er "Oland.," . r Wednesday Double b 1 1 L , - Nancy Carroll in "Atlantic k rlmntnfo" snif TTpn MlT. ' sard In ."Western Fren- ' tier.' ,rx' " Saturday -"The Cay ; Decent Uon"; with Frances Led- : erer. . - -. . - : ' - ' ELSIXORE Today "Shipmates ? Fori .mp" m-ith FHck Powell. : . Thursday "O'Shaugbnessy's ? . HOLLYWOOD - Today William Powell In , 1 "Escapade. Wednesday. Double bill,' "Times Square Lady' with - Robert Taylor, and "Wom an Wanted'' with Maureen , . O'Sulliran. . . Friday Jack Holt In The ' Awakening ot Jim Burke.- . CAPITOL : Today Double biUC "Lit-- tie Women"! with Kather- ine Hepburn and Z&Su Pitts in "Going Hlgh- brow." . , Thursday Double bill, '.'la Caliente" with Dolores Del - . and " Hell's Angels ", - with Jean Harlow. Landon Gaining "tUm AltA tmAmm -:,.-. .r ;passbg w1cs inark an increasing ers to the standard of Alfred . ..... -. j - !7 VI : I : " - f ' " U 1 1 - , - j ! , , I ' Mrs. LhK Uby Naftcy and sen JoU ; " " jl -mtti. ' .-Jim i- - J " .Maesa-'-! -woi f Kansas and potential candidate for the Re publican presidential nomination. His achievement in balancing his state's budget after winning, the gubernatorial election during Rooaevelt year ha put bis name In the national headlines. Ho appeals Market Researcli Tasks Given Kerr (Continued from Page 1) Approval of architects con tracts, plans and specifications for the- infirmary and ' physical edu cation : building' at the University of .Oregon.: the infirmary at Ore gon State eollcend the adminis tration "bulldlax at Oregon normal. Accept. Offer of 'k- . " Pedeval Caoperatloa Acceptance ot -a federal offer of 3S4.000 tor use in constructing and equipping the nnlTeralty in- tirmarr-and $W,0Jor the Ore- goa norraal administration bnild- 7ostpooenieat ot the oatem- plated staoUatunent t a, social work, curriculum in Tortland. -.- Dr. H unter Announced that a to tal enrollment gain ot 12.7 per wen.iesuwHi ia- ui state Institutions of higher learn isgr individual increases were listed as. tollowa: University of Oregon IS vt cent; Oregon State college 31.7 .per cent; Unhreniity of Ore gon medical school, inedlcina' 2 per cent, nursing 18.1 per cent (4 set e as e); ' Oregon normal school.- H.t per cent; Southern Oregon, Normal. 11.7- per eent; Eastern Oregon Normal $.3 ; per The board scheduled It, next meeting for, November t at Eu gene. " . .. Is Well Attended .; (Contlnned. from Page 11 "Z Mrs. George : Jlenderson: .second high, William 'Quinn, Mr. Waale. Door prises-went to arl Fish er and Mrs. W.B.. Evans. The fourth ' Monday, night's play in the Oregon Statesman- Elks .lodge contract bridge tour nament will be "held November . 4, at .the 'Elks temple auditorium starting at & o'clock sharp. All old -players and new. playerr as well are invited to participate. BurkcPto Demand on Senator Burke will demand-to- day that all senate bills passed at the regular l a 3 : session, and later vetoed by Governor Martin, be reported:, out by committees.". Burke said he understood, there was a move on foot to hold np these vetoed bills until late In the session with a view of sustaining the governor "vetoes r-;-" iv The vetoed bills were placed on the senate desk , early last week. Burke aaid two; or,. three of the vetoed bills were controversial. Junior Woard pf T. 3. fleets Jo Make Plans : - For. Season - Activities ' The" Junior board of directors of the Y.M.CJLmet last night at the Y. to perfect their organiza tion and make plans' for the fall and winter, activities vthat- the ! group will sponsor, v- The newly elected' officers .or the board are: Herbert Glaisver, president; Rex Wirt, vice-presi dent;- John.' Laughlin, secretary, and Bill Shinn, sergeant-at-arms. Additional directors are Cecil Quesseth, n g 1 a s Chambers, George Arbuckle, Dayton Robert son and - Casper Swigart, high school "group; . Allen Smith', Joe- Law. Floyd Sanford, Jack Hayes junior high group; Robert Schun- ke and Jack Mennis, grammar , school, -v . : ttnjctumw Stren&k r - -- ....... .... suxe of follow Landon, governor a emeratar' la popular with the Girl Dies From Shotgun . ' Wounds. Hunter Shoots Upon Seeing Brush Move TACOMA, Oct. 21.- UF) - Ann Rasmussen, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rasmussen ot Sumner, died tonight in the Puy allup general hospital from gun shot wounds received . Saturday while hunting above Dlerlnger with lier father. She was struck by a bullet from the gun r Donald Olaser, Ur of Puyallup, who f 1 r e d, he said. when he WW a. movement in the brush, . - -'.- Deputy Prosecutor Stuart El liott tonight began an Investiga tion of the case. - fcir Fines od jail sentences were handed by Municipal Judge Jones yesterday to two men police ar rested over the.. weekend.V cm charges ot driving autos while un der the. Influence-of intoxicating nan or. Both men. Orval B. Ash- tton, -:i 1X10 wauer street, . and George Hetland. &57 WiUow, both pleaded nilty. Neither paid the line imposed. , ; w- . Hetland, who was lnTolred la an accident Saturday night, was lined 1150 and sentenced to SO 30 days in Jail. Should he par the Unm soon, tho Jail sentence prob ably Will be suspended and he placed on probation. - - Aanmon's fine waa set at 1100. tno jjaji sentence at so days. " Operators licenses of both men were revoked for a year: v Ttco Additional Stories - v On Office Building Arc S Proposed by Spaulding A bill authorizing the construc tion of two additional stories to the- present" state officer building was suggested to the Joint public Institutions . committee. Monday by Senator. C. K. Spaulding of Marlon? county. .The idea,' . "he said,' ;was proposed by State Treasurer: Rufus Holman and C, C. Chapman ot . Portland. " v ' -It will - tak at least : six years to complete the costruc- tion of the capitol building and in the meanwhile employes of the state are wandering Jews',, Sen ator' Spaulding said. V "This Job could' be completed by-next July at an estimated cost of ?1 5 0,0 00 and would pay. for Itself In rent als saved by the time the capltol Is readyi for ioccupancy. ? He said " he had been Informed that th .building was . originally' de signed" tor,- this additional con struction.-. i, . . ' y ' Obituary - " " Scott: - ' At his residence,, route 1, Jef ferson, October 28, .William H. Scott, 5. Survlred by wife, Mary Scott. Jefferson ; three rothers. Elmer Scott, eastern -Oregon; John Scott, Alex.. "Scott, "Gates, Ore.; . sister, Clara Scott, Salem. Member B.P.O.E. No. "338r5alem, and "W. O. W. Funeral announce ments later by w. T. RIgdon Co. ' Ohmart - At the' home of his mother, October 2 Sv Chauncey T. Ohmart. Survlred by wile, Gertrude B. Oh mart; three sous, Waldo P. Oh mart, Rex A. Ohmart and Jiles F.. Ohmart; m o t h e r, Valleda Oh- Imart; two brothers, Roy V. Oh mart, Reynolds W. Ohmart, and one sister, Lois Ohmart. Funeral services will be Wednesday, : Oc tober 30, at 1:30 p. m. at chapel of W. T. Rigdon Co., Sentenced. Drunkea Driving : ... ffI7-fM both t the fanner and the business man and has ; geographical considerations in his favor. Landon, now servfei his second terra as governor, is mar -ried, has three children, and lives at Independence, Kas. Landon made a fortune as an fadependent .renial and unexcltable. and Is j'conunon rauk , , . Slot Machines to n rt - r i n lie Smasned aoon (Continued from Paga 1) macmnes nave oeen since tno was being made and that he "dld atato police hauled them In last I n't fcnow what the-play or Wat- Norember. " A , WfrotW or not the ordftra i, J .1 111 V.l. 1L. I unuucuuH -w iu uvijf w i sheriff out ot tno problem oi now I to get the slot machines out Qti the steel cases In whlclr they are v OT " ' I locked depends upon the final wording; " ' Cannot Get Machine Out of teei Cases - Deputi. in the sheritr. office iJiJCl awm;t au sm uvov mwm .mmvm , ' l'1111 :eT j H. A. Whitney Portland archl- onockti e"a pro I tect. assistlnr the committee wtat bablr the sheriff win go easy oaf that it mmHA y any destructioa erder until he imas out now to gei at .me ma- chines wlthoat breaklna t h a steel cases. , in. any event, some urn , will probably eiapae ne- tween tho order ad aettml eon - ftscation to give defendant an opportunity to determine, whether! they wtjl appeal the ease. . Notsons Are Safe, Relatives Advised (Continued from Page i)" danger-fraught flight to the Asso- clatedi Pre. . , . . - i'- . ' Dispatches related, that the mis sionaries, trateling on rafts ofjn- flaied 'goat skins, were without shelter for IS days aa the party negotiated the perilous rapids of the ' Yellow river beneath ' the broiling China sin. Mr. and.Mrs. Notson had been stationed near the. border ot Tibet lor nearly-a year, -They- were working "under, the Christian-Mis Jbers will Include musical varie sionary Alliance -yr.K:. ties and atunts.- Tanl WaUnabe Mr.". Notson is the- brother v of Robert ; C. Notson, graduate, of Willamette university and now nighrcity editor of the Oregonlan. Chauncey.T. Uhmart IS - r7-J U nIL. T:m - ,CqUedtbypeathj Rites Will be Wednesday, 2 :30 : Chauncey T. Ohmart; -member of a well-known pioneer Salem family, died 'yesterday at. tne home of. his mother, Mrs. Val- leja Ohmart. Funeral services T. RIgdon Co. mwm mm h aa'v r SurrlTlng - are hi ' wife; Ger trude ' B. Ohmart, three sons. Waldo P.. Ohmart, Rex A.Oh- mart and -Jlles- r. Ohmart; : nl mother ;Valleda,-' Ohmart; ; two brothers,: Roy;, V. Ohmart, Rey nolds W. Ohmart, and one sister, Lois Ohmart-.-. Degenerate Frightens . r: Women Jn Vicinity of : r Chemeketa and Winter . - Citizens llrlnr in - the vicinity of Chemeketa and Winter streets complained .to police last night that a degenerate had been fright ening women in t.hat neIghbor- bood. On several occasion he has accosted - women on the streets and 'other have seen him peep ing in . windows, it was .said. r '. i Police, who said they had been on the -lookout for .the , man for. some time, said they believed he was not of a type who would re i sort to violence. " . : 7 y IH01 tocation - . . ' "v"'" ';'v. Is Voted Oiit BnUdlns Cost ' Limit Set by Joint Committee seek balem iSid - (Contlnned from Page 1) PWA; This will be a sum between S350.0Q0 yand 3525,000. Second, the amount of, the approprlaUon for', the capltol building and site was set- at 331,500,000. -lt 'was made dear - that . no member U bound bT his vote in the commit tee on these questions and that the committee can reconsider Its action later. ; . We should - have enough ground to build a commensurate building,"; Senator '- Pearson said. "If we are to use that VUle piece where - the old capltol - stood, 4 1 agree ' with . Senator. - Zimmerman that 3250,0 00 -is all that should be spent on a'bulldlng. . - Zimmerman ; brought' laugh when- he : replied, . "But theyve torn the wails down now. .. " Echoing Pearson's statement that 35,500.000 1 sbonld not -be spent . on . - building . tor - the old sight were Senators Duncan, Wal lace and others. I Frank Attempt to . r - , Force Salem's Handk ".!-" The limit of $525,000 for the purchase ot an . additional site was openly Admitted to be an at tempt to force the city of Salem into contributing, a. substantial amount toward the acquisition of more ground. The object . of my motion. Representative Kirkpatrlck said. is to squeeze a good proposition out or Kaiem." A sub-committee of three was appointed last night to determine the prices of the sites and to con- ler wua city omnais as to what extent the city would be willing w enter tn , negotiations. The committee will resort tonlrht Appearing berore the commit tee last night Elton Watklnm f Portland" warned th group that iw water SUPDIT Of Ealem -na tn- adequato and flrw protection woor. siftiif . vi.un mm situ that proper protection s would he KTen. Alderman Fred William ikIn waa, but that the water of di-laueia wouia aoon be just as good i ana snrrtciont er vnrtimA " ' . - iMHhihi Appreprlation is Declared Legal At the afternoon session of the fommHtw -R11 Moody, assist- ant attonifv runaral mA-winA ts committee that the continuing an- Iproprlatlon for the eapttol fund onia bo made. He stated that mere was no way to nave the su- I f.l.T. thenKwaa nd -tatuto yet to con- l at wig - put more . stories : on: the- of flco i bnUdlng; as suggested by Senator sprahig, a the buiWIn wa not j built to care for an ddittonal load 1 This is contrary -to the general understanding which haa been prevalent that the building could Ibe used for more space when ne- eesaary.. rq was . also- pointed out that one corner ot the building is already settling and would require a great amount of work to make it safe. Japanese Qiurch s Program An entertainment will he given Saturday: night at -the Japanese (church by the J. T. P. L., with funds to be used to send delegates to the annual J. P. C. C to be held la. Seattle over the Thanksgiving holidays. The main feature of the enter tainment Saturday; to start At o'clock, will -be short English plays and -a JananeM nli-r. Otlmr unm- I wm b mtr f Symio MIo, chairman has for Ihelners Mrs. Panl Ellis nd it J Hoshimoto, plays;' Tom and Kay Mlo, tickets; Tanl Watanabe, pub-' t f rt..Lf. TTTT-& 1 I - I and miscellaneous features; M. i Hoehimoto, electrician; HiroshI Kaneko, general- arrangements. ; ' V . - : t Molalla Woman Killed : Sunday in Car Plunge OREGON C1TT. Ore'.. Oct SS. -ffV-A broken - drtro-' shaft and over a steep grade near Scotta Mills Sunday - resulted - in - the death of Jessie May Eauts. 47. ot : Molalla..- The car. which backed, down hill and overturned. was driven by Eugene,Kauti,:t2, sop of the victim.. ymm trte C Ukm MdlMlahna miMtmmm -U fcrfaK? mthkmj fnfrt ' fcnAPi?i2D"; I f To imlckly rwllivo l , ' -:'i I ckmpvln and rcwla, A - . apply eoolhin. ' cooling Monlholatmsa. Wire Neivs. lold Briefly Associated Presa Leased wire. SerKe .. " - Garner Sees EnroCTorJSirohito Keeps Shoes on Garner of the United States was ! peror Hlrohito today. The American official, who before leaving : his home in Texas, bad voiced a if Japanese, ceremony required, round of entertainment where vice-president to keep his shoe Kich .Gold Strike Reported PLACER VILLE, CaliL oct,3.-W-eporu or a Tien goia ; strike on the Robert Yeerkanrp piopw ty at Garden .yalley, near here, were confirmed, today by Gilbert Chisholnr,; a representa tire of the Gold Company of Nevada. Ltd., Canadian and Nevada Finance firm. Chlsholm aid 165 ounces of gold, worth more than 35,000 were taken from 40 pounds of ore. - - - 7 New-Dainard Clue IsFo ' LOS ANGELES, Oct 28.-(-On a report that.WUliam Da in- ' ard, alias Mahan, sought In the Bobby "Weyerhaeuser kidnaping-, case at Tacoma, Wash had been seen in lower California, Mex- ' lco, Joseph E. P.-Dunn, head, of G-men In southern California, today ordered two agents in the San Diego department of Jus tlce investigation 'office lo prepare for a trip to the -mountain" -lumlet'pt J'''Josft'XMr,Telmo:.f-: '-rTK. Tobe Skeins Arrested for -. BURNS, Ore Oct 2SPrracing sereral months confine- ment regardless of the ultimate outcome of his trial tn murder charges, Tobe Skeins, also known as Flint. Spragg, was lodged in the county -Jail. here today after, having been tronght in-by C. L. Jamison, secretary of the Oregon Cattlemen's association.! Skeins had been hunted since August 18 to answer charges fol lowing the death of Ed McDonald, Burns' stock buyer. . - - One Union Miner Slain, Six - BIRMINGHAM, Ala.; Oct Z8.-(A'-SIx union .miners were wounded as a fusillade, of shots was poured into a caravan of . Btrlk aympathizers.moring on two coal mines operated by non union labor today. A seventh1 was found dead near: the scene. St Clair county officers, reinforced by .state highway patrolmen, threw a heavy guard about the -two mines- theHargaret and the .Acmar tonight to preserve order - . - ' 'r Tugwell Says Budget Will .. . LOS ANGELES, Oct 2 8 .jF) Addressing a democratic meet ing tonight, R G. Tugwell, under-secretary ot agriculture, said his calculations showed the administration could satisfy every humanitarian demand and come to a balance ot the national bud get within the fiscal year of 13 3. - v . Mae Marsh Star of Yesteryear, Critically 111 . -:. iAJS anoIs uct. zs.-a-one or tne top notch rum stars of the silent era, golden-haired Use Marsh, was critically ill in. Santa Monica hospital tonighV ganrrene poisoning having de veloped from a rupture ot the appendicitis. Physicians attend ing her would not predict her recovery, saying her condition was : grave. - , -..V'V;'l-':'J.:-"';V''' ' ..- 175,000 Farm Families to ' WASHINGTON, Oct 2S.-(fV'Besettlement and administra tion official said today they were taking stepa to remove ITS, 090 farm families from relief roll by December 1. As many families will be transferred . by November'! as possible, they said, 'but added the transfer ot the entire number may take as long as six weeks. : . . .. . ; NormahColeman et Dr. Norman Coleman, former president ot Reed, collece. wiU be- the speaker at the second an nual Willamette nnlTeralty .Ta-4 ther and Son" banquet which will be,, held at the .First Methodist church November IS. The affair. attended last year, by 80& "fa ther and soma . is v sponsored by Blue Key, campus service or ganization, and the Salem Break fast, club. Members of the Break fast dub act as, fathers tor the Willamette "sons, Dr. Coleman will spsak on topic ot hi own choosing bat which probably will deal with the European situation, , John Ross, senior from Stv Helens, Is la charge of the program which win also include several musical and dvelty umbers. . Debner BasssdelL - WoodbnrBi senior, IS ' general - chairman for the ' banquet rv- , . , The Breakfast club committee la charae or aale 'or tickets. Is Curtis Cross, Harold ;Hauk and Gus-Moore.1 - State's BiiUdings yalued2iaiillion The! state of Oregon owns build ings, furnishing ' and . equiament valued m excess of 121,000,000. This wa brought out at a sen ate committee meeting .- Monday afternoon - to determine whether it would bo economy for the state to carry Insurance rather than re lying -on a restoration fund. Senator Pearson haa introduced a . bill providing that : the - state buildings and' furnishings shall be Insured on the basis ot 1 70 per cent of their," sound value. Pearson . explained that - the state probably could carry .114,- 000.000 insurance at a cost of not more than $150,000. Thl insur ance would cover ' a three-years period.' - " . ach building would be insured on the basis ot risk; . - 5 - v Employment of a' competent In surance-engineer to appraise the properties wa provided ia the bin..: : t-'-r, sif?- i- liMSC UmJ ROBERT BOX AT ' THE -89 STEPS'. and ' ' .' "Major Bowe ; Amateur Show! ; Usr fl: C1IARLIE CHAN 1 : IN SHANGHAI.,. TJancy ' . . or00 ' Lloy - Nolan , 11 ' v . tm Banqn Speaker W - ... i i IJ - f . (. Frontier j received in an audience by Em--" willingness to remore his shoes departed noncommltally for a w care was taken - to permit the on.-'--. " , ,T-.J" ' Near Placervflle , . JMcDonald Murder Wounded ' ' , Balance by 1936 ".- Be Rehabilitated onts Play Tonight " . ... 4J Final try outs for oart in The Yellow Shadow," mystery-comedy in preparation by the Salem Civic PUyers for the Salem Lions club. will be held Tuesday night in the D'Arcy bulldmr on Stato street. according to aa announcement of Miss Beulaa Graham, director ot productions -tor the group. Pre liminary tryouts were held Mon day night at the- home of Mr: and Mrs. Michael Panek on South Church street . Mis Graham. -who Is directing this, production, has thrown the case wide-open for talented per sons, and will not make her final decision until tonight. "The Tel low Shadow" is a thrilling mys tery with, comedy relief and car ries several excellent character. parts for both men and 'women, according to Mis Graham. The tryout will be held la tha rooms occupied by the Salem -Business school and will begin at 7:30 o'clock.- : - ' -., Ankeny Bottom Reports Snow: Forecast Here is For Probable Flurries ' Salem np to 1 a. m, today had escaped the snow flurries predict ed for . the Willamette valley by the weather bureau but gusts-"of white flakes fell Im Ankeny Bot tom, southwest of the. city around 11,. P. nu last : night -: Unsettled weather, colder- with local snows was forecast for today but .fair weather - for Wednesday . with treeslng temperatures. ; : ; v - Maximum temperature . yester day was 62 degrees. . The mini mum, recorded at 7 p. m.; was 3S 600 Seats 15c 7 CT Today Wed. r- w :.A KNOCKOUT . . COMEDY SMASH!! L And 2nd Hit Louise May Olcott' LITTtE - ;;V0MET,M " . . "Wltb. ' ' : Katharine XXepburn . , Joan Bennett iry Qiange Voted, BiiUcling Plan . --.mmmmmmmmmmmm r g . ij ? . . Added Safety From r Fire Prorided; to Comply' With Local Code " (Continued' from Page 1) -' hndet classification of struction that la limited under -the bulld lg,code '-to 15,000 square feet of space per; floor .unbroken by- fire walls " running vertically'; from ground to Tool The changes dis cussed yesterday will cut ; the" building into at least three units. each separated almost - entirely from the other, by concrete walls . from basement to asbestos shin gle roof. Through the center of the building will run a concrete- enclosed corridor on each floor and fireproof stairways will lead ' to the- outside. .- ; - : ' m A fire escape also was added te the plans for the wing ot the building which will extend - west ward along' ! street, as no stair way had been provided at this end of the building because in the future it win be added to. The building ispector declined to- comment on . the conference other-than to say the board was meeting code requirements. He plans to spend each; night this week studying plans and speci fications for the proposed build ings in detail to ascertain if they -comply- with ', the code In other than the; fire wall respects. Anditorium to Be Entirely Isolated', v : The new-high, school auditor ium, , which like the gymnasium will be Isolated from - the main, buHding by concrete walls and . fire-resistant'; doors, will be of Class A reinforced concrete con struction. The gymnasium will approach that type, with its con crete floors, walls and fireproof doors. - r ' The new grade school building tbe built on Mission street near toe east .end ot Bush pasture, will be of the same type' of con struction as . regards the build ing code as tho senior high plant. Both 'additions to Leslie Junior high will be Class A, ful ly of reinforced concrete.- Seven True Bills Returnee (Continued from Page 1 ) voire a $100 .check 5 given the Carter Motor company last Jane 22. - - -" : '; ' Not true bills were returned in the following seven cases? " Wayne Schreve, moral charge; J. K. Butchs, trespassing on the Mrs.. Henry- L. Bents hop yard; Bert Broylea, Indecent exposure; S. L. Link,- threatening commis sion of A felony; Frances Schlack, assault and battery; " T. Opris, threatening commission of a fel ony upon person of Joe Marty; Elmer Dick, vagrancy and disor derly conduct ... ; ; Planners' Report In Full is Asked (Continued from Page 1) considered two bill, one tor an appropriation of 118,000 for es tablishing, a liTesloct range ex periment station and another for SI 5, 00 appropriation, for tne. state fair buildings. A public hear ing at an unannounced date was decided on, fPC the first and no "ac- tion taaen ij'Jie secona. - - BOO eat 25c ( TODAY & WEDNESDAY f Coming. Thnry" IrL, Bat. Wallace Beery Jackie Cooper "O'Shaoghnessy'g Boy VLJOBiWriVOOl" , Today Last TimeA y A GREAT STAR and a NEW STAR . . . together J . ''. - with ...--' - LU1SE RAINER raAxg-MoaGAif RIG1HAID OWH MAOV CHBISTIAJiS viaciMiA sauci Ibvjurv M 1 1 fata sea's I tanl ,f Comedy