Valley News Page: The OREGON STATESMAN.- Salsa. Orescn, Sunday 'Morning, October 27, 1933 p r ' vwwn Of tumB I rCUIl ' ' " 'L -vv---.'." ICS UiCL.UUi aiAiJuaiJArf-oaia-urcsua, owiiuajr iiuiuiM6 wwmm - - ... . -.- . . . - - lUMMUbM UMMU. :VJLMMsU WUMsUUU V ' w- I I 1 : Tf -TI BTVMS. J I VW V; II I J I II 1 II 1 I . 11 tiff If 1111 1 1 " I .? .. 'A 4 I ff ff II I (f fl .11 llitl .1 ill Iff . i I MaaaeWnnanaeWenMnnBaBBBsnBaaaBM 1 I To Transfer VeteranM Outcroppings of Volcanic Breccia 'a . s "e - TT11 t i;iia- " At liancii in runs is jrussmmiy : For Building Material of Futures KrLVERTON. Oct. 23-' Rain Group at Mill City Will fined to dampen the Interest of 1Z0 geologist . WHO tfwu fossil Juwting and speculation up- on the time "when you were a tadpole and 1-was a fish" In the Silver Creek Falls area. .. The Sroup.. including.. 70' stu- Join Camp Near . Silverton - MILL CITY. Oct. 24 The Vet- eraTsamp which is located three dent, frpm Oregon .Statecollege mile." abet? Mill City, is Ldis- f Ji. Dr. ;E. T. Hodges, met at the June continued on account : of Jack; of funds: Th veterans will "he transferred i to ' Camp : Mill -City near Silverton'. . '-- - -'. z,j:;:" '" Th first meeting of the win Drake stadia at Silverton ; w here iom time was spent Jn inspect ing Drake's splendid collection of City Woman's, club met Wedaes- fossils and Indian relief fronv the 1 .J .".v k I SUrer Creek Tails area. Dr. Hod- M?l?ir LT Zzem srok. briefly 1 on these and unTaih.j nrident. nresidlnr. tdTne4 theories aa to the per- Tir intfestinr otserV -oa Jods wWch tier represented.;. riiinft." mr riven: -"The Geos- I ' Th rTO tepped a mile east rapby'ot China" by Mrs. H. Aspis- j of SflTerton on the road to the wall, and "Home Life In China," I Falls cuotry and dog fossils rep ay Mrs." Herbert Sehroeder. 1 Miss I resenting the Olegocene period. I'a'ntM And Mm. Nina Kahler rave I At the Bill Smith ranch in the Sil iano solos. Refreshments were I Yerton - HIMs. where outcroppings set-red by the hostesses, Mrs, W. i ot TOjcanic brecela are exposed, W. Mason and Mrs. William Mick- eaham. iQTlted. ruesta were, Mrs. 'J. .C. Kimmell, Miss Vannice. Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Henry Mlcken- ham The nt meeting will e held at the" home of Mrs. S. Jen sen with.; Mts.- Harry . Mason and Mrs. Jepsen as hostesses. - BeaefJt Lodse Sleets ; The Knights' and Ladies Se curity Benefit lodge members spent a social erening at the home of Mr. - and-1 Mrs. s. H. . Plymale Thin da y. Refreshments were serred. - Those Attending . were Mr. and Mrs. W. Larlne, Mr. and Mrs. C A. Bender, Mr and.' Mrs. ; gulllyan, Mr. and . Mrs." Plymale and Grace Golden. W. Ai Glllin water was operat ed - upon Wednesday in St. "Vin cent's bospttal hi Portland. Mrs.' GiUiowater xent to Portland to be with htm, and reports he is doing well. : another ? stop ,:- was -.- made.. Dr. Hodge explained that .this deposit could no doubt be used for build ing material Vhen timber becomes scarce.' Its composition permits easy sawing and nailing. . Study Sand Beds A stop was made at North Falls where the group went iown un derneath the falls and studied the old sand deposts and treemolds which are exposed there. At South Fall- noonday camp was made and during , the lunch hour, Mr, Drake explained the present - per lod "Silrer Creek Falls history? .... Formations at -South Falls, - it was explained' show; that , there had been three successive . lava flows covering an old land soil. Regret was expressed tnat wat er was too high to study the foot prints In the creek bottom which gave evidence that a "prehistoric animals of considerable sUe. had wandered the hills of the Silver- Carnival Slated ByTiirnerHigh Teachers' Club Gathers" at Qoverdale for Fall ' - ' - Organization " : TURNER. Oct. 15-At a stu dent body, meeting this week It was decided that the high school should sponsor a carnival Novem ber 22. .v .. - A journalism class, was formed ton iru f aw million Year aco. I Monday, and will publish paper The 'was told by some-l every two weeas. vine iirst ea. ho had iaited the snot at low ltiou:wHl be ready. No vemoer ,1. water, were abont the b1i of a The Staff; Editor-in-chief,- Claris- man', hat Smaller ones, kin to I aa Clarki assistant. Glady:Fish- h ir miea. followed xlona--1 err stall- adviser. r Mr.- unrnant- side. bringing out the theory that I merr Jokea Gladys Fisher; busi- a mother animal and her - off- ness manager, Kathleen Sparks; sorinr had wandered up the creek 1 sports, Charlotte Pan; activities. together. The ilocrmts - were described as hoot-shaped. ; Theories Swapped Some of the students of geology ady&need the theory that had din osaurs not bees extinct before the OligocenS period, they would have believed these marks to have been made by the huge dinosaurs. But as most, of the fossils found la the Silver Creek area' were from the Oligocene period some animal of a later -period than the dino saurs had left the footprints, Jt was thought. Sea shells exposures advanced Margaret Sehifferer; typists. Clar issa Clark and Charlotte Parr; ' j Officers Listed V Student body 'of fleers chosen tor this year arei President. Nor man Whitehead; secretary-treas urer,' Mable ShiffereT; rice-prefll-dent. Melrin Holt; boys" athletic manager, Elton Ball r girls' athlet ic manager,. Eloise Mellis; gtils yell leader, Clarissa Clark ; boys yell leader, Ray Godwin, Class officers -are: Seniors President, Woise Mellis; Tlce- president, Mildred Bones,' and sec retary - treasurer, Clarissa: Clark. the theory that the sea had over?! Joniors President, Genera Bar- flowed the entire area ages ago. The geological trip was 'arrang ed locally by Mr. Drake and by H. M. Potter." Tree Planting Is I Gransers' News P. T. A. Project CHEM AW A, Oct 41 The ber; i rice-president, Ruth Raw- lings; secretary - treasurer, Lois Gunning, and class representative. Leland Greenlee. Sophomores President; Robert Hatfield r secretary - treasurer, Herschel Peterson; vice-president. Keith Ball. Freshmen president. Aaron Dumbeck; secretary -treas urer, Vernon Greenlee. Balky Calf Jerks r j , Rope Hard; Leader Minus Finger's End: ' . CsALEM' H5IGHTS. Oct. 2eVCiIen Belnlein of this' community- had an nnusnV " accident this week. , While : leading .calf sto pasture, the animal i became fright -ened, jerking on the rope ad hard, which was wound around Mr. Heinleln'a hand, that ft pulled the whole end of his r finger conaplete rt.:&4:z& ; The Injured finger ; Is healing, nicely however. v;. Sirs. Christina Lee V - Reported Improying " Y From Fall Injuries SILVERTON. Oct. tK-rr. Mrs. Christina, Lee, mother of Oscar 1 Lee. Is reported as Improving. Mrs, Le fell ana broke- ner up earl-r this -wee and at tirafher condition was poor. She Is at the SilreTton hospital. V. White, who Is at the hos pital following amputation of one leg as. a result of a. gun .wound received while hunting. Is report ed as getting along nicely. Louise Leonard,, small daughter of - Mr. and Mrs.. T. Leonard, underwent tonsilectomy at the SllvertOa hospital Friday morning. Qioose 7 Acres As School Site DAYTON. Oct. 2 S Seyen acres of the Andrew Nlchol place in Dayton was chosen for the site os which to erect the new Dayton Union high school building at an election held here Thursday night. Three, other sites" were consider ed. There were 87 votes cast. The purchase price . ts!i.zlOO.'."ic-V ' f Bonds tor 132,000 were approv ed at an election held October" 19 for the new building and a fed eral loan will be asked dor the balance. The. project, calla for 52.00O'inalW:: r . Taxpayers of district No. ,2s grade school of Dayton Thursday night roted on the budget and it remained; same aa- last year, s 4,- Mary, Cammack Chosen. ; President - Missionary : Society at Rosedale ROSEDALE. Oct. 26. The La dies -Missionary, society held its first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Leota Bates, Wed nesday1 afternoon.- These officers were elected: President, ' Mary Cammack; rlce-presldent, Mrs. Elite Cannoy; secretary; Mrs. L. L. Brown. These women were Little T Garden CLub flaking Plans For Joint Onysantliemiim Exhibit : At Salem Heights Hall Next Month SALEM HEiGHTS.OctJ426. , will be at the home.of Mrs. Con- TheTitUe Garden club met with MrsJ R. D.' Cooper. Thursday. Mrs. Conrad Falk gare. ant Interesting naner on IIow to . Plant and I PrunRoesJbi.;;i;'--y?;-:";t More plana were-made for the chrysanthemum show, which Is to be held November ,13 ; nno ' i, sponsored Jointly by the -Little Garden clubhand the Salem Gar den club. It is planned to, open th chow the-erening of. the 13th, instead of afternoon, as has, been the custom. The dining room win be used for table decorations, set on card tables to show each one to the best advantage; r ' ' : An interesting feature of the meeting Thursday was the miscel laneous shower, in honor of Mis Nadeen McWain, - daughter of Mrs, H, E. McWain, who 1s to be a bride Tuesday of next week. Many beautiful gifts- were prer seated Miss McWain. V"""-'- - ; The aext meetlnir of the clnb Mrs. - Clifford Smith, Mrs. Paul BerndCMrs. L. L. Brown, Mrs Ellis Cannoy, Mrs. Bates. Time was spent In piecing a comfort top. . - Mrs. Cammack was la New berg Wednesday afternoon where she attended " missionary board present: Mrs. Albert Cammack. meeting of the Friends church. rad Falk November 7 th. Tonight at 6:00, F.S. T. ; . RICHARD CROOKS, TENOR A n-r i Sasirt wit . C ' v-V :":r-. ' HEiFORD .' SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS . -" . :' " . TOITOKOI FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR KOIN ? Complete CBS . Coart-to-Osit Nrtwork - Hagh Edwards Chosen . j Principal at Hopville ' .v As N. Nelson . Resigns INDEPENDENCE, Oct. 26.- Hugh Edwards of Monmouth has been elected as -principal of the Hopewell grade school, a vacancy caused by the resignation of Mel ford Nelson,- who has resigned to go into business. Mr. Nelson has been principal ; for the past, six . years. Edwards is a normal grad- - aate and has almost obtained hla . degree from Oregon State college. . duer.. . - - ; ? . . - FAIR VIEW, Oct. 2 6. Thurs ; day night, Octohen II, the first meeting of the season of -the Fair- view Community club will be held -at the schoolhouse with Mrs.'J. W. - Versteeg; the -' teacher. : in charge of the Hallowe'en program - to be given, by the school followed by the annual election of offi cers. . - Refreshments will - b e serted by Mrs. Peter Parvin. Mrs. . S. Lpnr and Mrs. Will Nieml. SHELBURN, Oct. 26. At the -v first fall: meeting of the Cole Community club Prlday night, at the Cole school, these - officers were- elected: . President, Gladys ' Chrlsman; secretary - -treasurer, Glen Vernon: 'sergeants,, " DilUon - McLain and Ira Wall; pianist, Ar- -. lene Darby;, song leader, .Freda Elder; and reporter, Arthur San- MOUNTAIN VIEW, Oct. 26. The initial meeting of the Moun tain- View Parent-Teachers asso ciation Friday night was preceded by s brief school board session with W. J. Schwartz In the chair. The school budget was approved. John Norwood presided at the P. T. A. business meeting. Mrs. Robert Adams was appointed chairman of the refreshment com mittee for the year and Albert Bouffler supervisor of entertain ment. Mrs." Ray Barker, Victor Lynch -and Ammon Grice were named ' to have' charge of tree planting and beautifying the school grounds. - Mra. Barker displayed the quilt made last year by the girls 4-H sewing class and the P.TJL. voted to sponsor sale of same, the pro ceeds to be applied on some wor thy school purpose. Plans were discussed for the organization of a girls? sewing class. The enter tainment consisted -of a musical program by A. R. Purvis and fam ily of Salem. rtiamavi eranff mtmlitri will ha host to their families and friends I Catholic Altar Society oa Thursday, October 31,; at the M." W. A. liall; at 8 p. m..jat a Hallowe'en masquerade party. The price of admission is free pro-1 riding the person comes masked and In costume. Otherwise there will be a charge. Following th masquerade there will be an en tertainment and refreshments. Prizes will be given for the, fun niest, the most unusual and the most elaborate costumes: The pub lic Is Invited. Other business transacted at the regular meeting held Thurs day were motions adopted to pub licly thank the Salem press for cooperation in giving publicity to the third annual grange fair both before and after the occasion to W. S. Butler for auctioning the gift exhibits and to the Keizer To Hold Annual Dinner , At Stayton November 17 STAYTON, Oct. 25 At the meeting this week of the Catholic Altar, society, it was decided to hold the annual - dinner on No vember 17. The committee in charge of the affair Is Mrs. Bar bara Boedigheimer, Mrs. Bruno Ruef and Mrs. Mary Kerber. Father Jos. Scherbrlng and Father Cashman, who Is now in charge of this parish were present and gave short talks, the latter telling of his recent parish In Min nesota. The remainder of the af ternoon the women played "600", the prize for high score going to Mrs. Frank Lindemann, and the door prize to Mrs. Clara Dozler. ! school and builders group for ttr" itUDy, Jr. Will their exhibit ' S. McCall discussed the in- ; crease of certain imports into the United States at the same time that the United Statea govern ment is curtailing the home pro- Cron I Rumnpr On ductlon of the same commodV7 I Kf C In th. At--..- Han esl of Walnuts Is Nearly Finished; Operate Stock Ranch In Waldo IMIs Area -SHELBURN, Oct. 26. The harvest .of walnuts is in full swing in this community. A bump er crop la almost all orchards is reported. . Mrs. W. H. Wyman Is spend ing two weeks' vacation t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, at Parkdale. Com Osborn is again able to be about with the aid of a cane. Osborn has been confined to his home the past two months with an infected ankle. . sion of freight rate differentials between Orego'n car lot shipments and California mixed car lot ship- i menta. A motion was carried to invite Fred A. Gof f, of Roseburg, to visit the grange at his earliest convenience, in the interest of stimulating agricultural activities. Following the lecturer's houri the ;HEC Berved refreshments. . -tnitr, Oetoasr 27 - KEZ FOKXZJUID 1180 Xa. v i 1.00 PertUnd CwacU ClmrcbM, . S:80 Chrit)n Endeavor Uaioa. - , 6:45 Edcis - Kif. ;--.vri.s' KMMmus Melodiet. r " ri 9:30 Mnaic a Tarca-reur Tims. t 10:15 OrthMtr. . ----- ". -. v j . 10:SO Hirhltrhti t Bibl. KBC. - 11:00 Muti Froa h Wand.. ; 11:30 Melodicr. - v..- .. It :00 OrefcMtrs. !,r V -" 'Si ' ; 1 2 :23 Odd Ssstbr. " ' , .' - ' 12 :30 Jsa Oitb' ccketra. . "-' 12:45 Paul JC Hntefciiuoa. : ' . 1 :0O Dun Kartkaa. i . " i ? l:4i -Lthr Charefe.- . -S :Q0 CUli(! Hoor, KBC ' T - . t AS Orcawtrs." . i-'"- ',-.' -; :30 Dsac Xolotfet. ifw': 1 . 6:15 Caaeert Boar, . t t Boca Chit, '.. ?- ; :30 -Owihtrs. -v'?:5?I--'..: 10:00 A Cpell "SittZwrs.-.':-1 - : 10:15 Brid? Drmlnd, KBC. t -10 :30 CWry Tattentsda. lliOe-12 Uaars Frolic. . 3 "Mony, October 21 r'-rv S:36 Tb RTeille Boot. , .. 7:80 Orchestra. 'f ; S:15 Mnaic Bo. ' - . .; - .. jf0 Tbe KW -World, KBC. 7 v ' ' ;S0 Roa!d &ek, FisaUt. - 9 its Ray Xobia't Orebestra. . , ' : 1 1 :00 Portland rablie . School Broad . . fast. - .- 11 :S0 W enters Farm and Hobm Boar, 15:15 American Produta C. 'SI' -12 :22 OrcheaTra. -' ;S-i 1:00 Foruat Lnachaoa. - . J" 1 :30 financial sad "-Orsia Eepart. -V 1 45 Body Vsllea ; Ortheatra. , .v .v -' 1:45 rriBly Chat. :ir: :iu,: . 8 :00 tMaes Matin, - "-. -'V :30 atmsieal . V-Zr.?.:.;' 4 :00 Maatar Album. ' . " 4:15 Oriaatal Garden Otehtatra, KBC 4 :S0 Concert Trio. . - . 5:00 Bports Talk.' v":1;: ' . 5:05 Oreheatra., - ? -3"- "' " v-:s 8:15 Ink SpMa SBC. f . t :S0 Jimmy SKftanUoa Sporta Talk. S :45 Melodiea Aria toera tic t . -:30W ratlins Boats. , - " 1:S3 Anti-Sleep Seciotr, KBC ' 11:00 PolK-a ttadio Kawa. - 11)5-13 Dsaee Ortaoalra. - r' .l - r8nadyt Oetaaar Vt KGW tOKTLXXD 620 Kb ' 8:00 Orraa, KBC. - 8:5 Franeea Adair. KBC - - - : 30 Major Boww. KBC. " . " :30 Edio City Kasie Ball. KBC 13:15 Leritott Enaaoible. HBC J1:S0 Ths Widow's -Son. NBC ' -6:30 Amaricas Albnav NBC '. " :8 ;eral Fowiai NBC. -:SO One Ma a' a FarnUj, KBC -11:00 Orchestra, SBC. - - ll:no-U Ral Tabarin Oreheatra, KBC, - Honda?, Octar SS -T:00 Oran, NBC. v- -I . Hi Joka Berrick, XBC. ' T:15 Edward MeUoKh. KBC r- T:S0 Swaeth carta, NBC. T:4S Jo-Wfaito. KBC. " -t.eo Jaek Spriirjra' Orektatra. Oolemaa Cos.' KBC. :39 Hr vt Itemoriaa. KBC. r-.lS Kdna Maa Jaeka. :39 Yon Kan It, 5BC 1 U( Murio Guild. KBC - 11 -OO American Education Tenm, KBC 1:30 A! Garden Party, KBC. 2 :35 Jane. Joan and Jeri. KBC. 4:00 Totrea oa Sports. KBC M Sam Vernon.. 4:80 EdocaUoa in' th Kawa, KBCJ 4:45 Troubadour. - 5:80 Mereditb W i 1 1 a o a Orchestra. -; - KBC 8:00 Aaws a Andr. KBC - 10:15 Be . Alexander, KBC. 11:00 Orraa and Violin. 11:30-11- tiotei JJiitmora Orchestra. KBC. . - , v,..,.- . ; Snndar. Oetabar S7 Xonr r-OKTiJutr-a40 Ke. ' S:0O Reflections, 4BS - , :0 Snadsy etaeert. " . 8:80 Old ViUase. Chareh, CBS. 9:45 International Rmduit - p.nst i:uo canrca at tae Air, CBS. 10t30 Eddia Duaatedter, errswUt, CBS. ix;av oerweea me door tnda, CBS. i 11 45 Blue -Flame, CBS. 12:90 New York - Philharmonic Orchat- ----- trs. CBS. 3 :80 Eunice BteeV CBS. S:0 Xstloaal-AmstMr Night, CBS. 3:S Rabbi Marnis, CBS. -4:00 Alexander Wooieott. 4:30 The atnnamera, CBS. - 5 :Q0 Preriew . with, larHl ; B roc km an. ";.' CBS. ' ' " " . I 5 :30 Le!is Howard, '' Amatear - Gen- tlematu'- . 8:00 Snndar Evening Hour. 8:00 Eddie -Cantor. ' 9 :0 Lees F.- Prews, organ; . . " 8:15 Salon Hadern, PLUS. 8:45 Ooldea Voieea. ' 10:80 Lsrry Lee, 1LBS. ' " 11 :0O Hififtna' Orehestrs. DLBS. -. 11:30 Ealiek Orcdestra, DIMS. , ' ; Monday, October SS " .8 :00 Air Fare. B3. . ' " 8:15 For Wnm Only, CBS. . -8:30 Oxsrk Xetrstsiaeen, CBS. - 11:30 Amerresn School ot the Air. CBS. 12:30 Hooeler Hop, CBS. . . . - 1:00 Book of Lite. . . 4:30-4-ataaieste Kick Kaeks, CBS.. 4:45 Save a Life clnb. 5:00 Land O Dreama. CBS. S:S5 Hsmoaettes, CBS. - " , 5:45 Edith Karen, Soars, CBS. '" .7:30 March ot Thna. - - - 8:00 Myrt sad Marge. 8 :90 Leva F.. Drews, organ. . 1 S:15 Anaen Weew's Orchestra, DLBS. :45 Higgia's Urehettrs, DLBS. -10:80 Ooldes- Moaie. 11:00 Aaaon -Week's Orchestra, DLBS. 11:39 Les Hite'a Oreheatra, DLBS. - Monday, Oetoher SS "" - -S0A0 COBVALLIS S0 Ke. - 8 rOO Homemakera' Hoor.- - 10 :4S KOAC 8ehoal of the Air. It :0O Xoo Farm Hoar. 1:15 World Book Man. " 1;J0 Orag -Poetry Belea : Millet Seaa.- ."-e-;; . . . . - - ' -4 :00 Ieaaoa - In Spaalsa Melissa M. - - Martin. .. ' i Z:80 Hobby fiornes and How to Bide - ."Them.'--.--- - ..- -,. 8:00 How to Frotect Ton FamTiy's . -- .Health.- v-'.. 4 :00Ona, Stories. S :0ft Dinner Maaie. 6;15 Oreroa Penitastiary. ' ; ' -t S:30 E railing Faraa Boor. - , - -1:30 4-H Ciah Meeting. 8:15 Tbe htaok o( the Week."- -" 8:30 The" Oregoa Leggers. - , - NORTH HOWELL, Oct. 6. The social night program present ed at the North Howell grange ball Friday night was varied and interesting. Numbers included orchestra music by - the - Silver Streak Serenaders of SUverton; song, Celia and Eleanor Jeffer son; story, "When the Prince of Wales visited Alberta," by - V. Van Brocklin; tap dance, Ruth Hassenstab; song, Dorothy , Sum mers; several musical selections by the graveyard symphony or chestra; song; Mrs. Edith Redding and Miss Alice Dunn: and Har monica chorus by the school band. The graveyard symphony orch estra was arranged by -Mrs. Nell Hlllfiker for pupils of the North Howell school, and its clever cos turning and method of announcing as well as the lively spirit of mu- WALDO HILLS, Oct. 26. Or val Kaser, Melrin Kaser, George Kuenzl and Floyd Kaser have re turned from a hunting trip into the Bend country. They brought back two-deer. They report heavy snowzall and extremely cold wea ther.- orval and Melvin left at once for Gresham where they will bale hops for Frank Eberhardt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Curtis Ruby. ir., of Portland, have moved to the . Ruby stock "ranch and will operate it in the future. The 330- acre place is better known as the L. B. Haberly farm. Artisans of Woodburn . To Meet at Silverton . WOODBURN, Oct. 25 Wood - burn assembly Artisans and their families met in the Artisan's hall Thursday evening. A covered "dish luncheon was served at t:4S af ter which, cards were "Played. Sev en tables of "SOO, were in Play with prizes, for high score going to Mrs. Cecilia Kust and Frank Covey, and consolation to Miss Georgia. Cole and Max' Waning. The Woodburn assembly plan to meerrwlth the Silverton' assembly, weanesuayr xugnt, uciooer. . so, sical efforts gave, the number -es-1 when the Woodburn drill team pecial merit: - ' . --. ' I will , put on the Initiation cere- Dancing followed. 7 - - monies. , (( (aim i0mi SV ;A' (( tjni : , The Bigger and Roomier: mm mm. W THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WILLYS 77 EYER BUILT 1 Study Urn hmto Hmmim showa Is this 4nij aad" taaa cewssrg IsnfaVcmcocbfsaaeWdawdoaaaM , Smy ss Yott Hsv Nvr Svd Brnform in Buying tjiw. Auiomohl! : UP TO 35 r.UES til CAUCH i L'PTO 70 r.ILES HJ HZlil X. Ml STEEl SAFETY tC!3 . . f .--,.. -. - - - 4rh year of oroees seceoa of 4ae tceao an Car - . IMMEDIATE DEUYERY. J, , ltmmAY-HLlJOITMOTOR CO. 2013 N. Capitol. Jost North of Honyweod Theatre Tbu 7144 TA7 4 The Stdiesirnan s Ann ua End (Regular Rates Thereafter) 3$M OffepI4mited to: Clarion, Polk, Benton, Clackamas, Oncofat, Linn and 1 Yamhill Counties. Biiys This Great Oregon Newspaper ' By Matt For ONE FULL YEAR llb:Q" WQvjTX- k- " fl'..., . t - : ' : . - i - ' . -. - - - .