- ..... , . he OITEGON STATESSIAN, Salem Oregon, Saturday Marninff, October 19, 1935, PAGE NINE r "9- . 101 . Ads 2& Statesman v - Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising -Single Insertion per line ..10c Three Insertions per line . .20c Six insertions per line . ..-iOc One month per line . . . . .$1.00 Minimum charge ......... 25c- Copy for this par accented until 6:30 the enaaing ibetm pabliestioa fee tlaaaifiealion. . Copy received after this tint wilt b run onder the bead iag To Lata to Classify. Tta Statesman, asiamea ao flnaa- elal responsibility for mm -wkreh my appear ia advertisements pabliah ed la its calamus, and ia aaae rtm tata paper ia at fault will reprint that -part of aa advertisement la which the typographical mistake occur.1-'' Tb Statesman reserve flit right ta reject objectionable advertising: it fur ther reserves the rifbt to classify aD aertiiin unr tho proper claaaifiea-t'oa. Help Wanted Female ) Girl for Jiousework, state experience. &i 3, Statesman. WANTED Medium - sized girl for hotel dining roem work. Box 882. care Statesman. -CUrl with some experience in board ing house work, 405 Marion. 1 . Salesmen Wanted Salesmen Wanted An opportunity for good sales men to cash la now on the fed eral housing plan. You can aefl on a no down payment and small monthly payment plan, our com plete U. t5. -G. building material line-. We major in composition roofing. Suits instruction given j o 1 - HJtance given you all leads turned over to alesmi. We wtil cooperate with .yon 100. We havejvst moved to larger Quartera. If you was! to make real mon ey. See Mr. Wilbur or Mr. Haroun ac The Cascade Supply Co. 42S Cheaneketa Street MEN WITH CARS PTtKr'ERRED Situations Wanted Esp. girl v.-ants housework. 63F4. SjYYYYytil r 1- - m -.-----. Responsible elderly woman, city reference. Write Box S0, Statesman. WANTED Invalids or convales- rni to rare for in my home. Mrs. U. K. Gilbert, 48 X. 18th. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Bridge-Beach circula tor ia splendid condition. 149S Fir t-L crun-njin-TLnruLfxruLfi m ii'ir-M-ii-ir-i-i i- ' No huatiw? signs, 3 tor lac; no trespassing etsns Z for 25c. Statesman Punishing Co. -inn j-ijml i an ru i.n.n.ri n 1 r i-.-irii-i FOR SALE CATTLE AND MA CHINERY consisting ot 22 head milk cows, registered Jersey bull ; several heifer calves ; Cletrac ; dairy Implements and farming tools ; to close estate of W. M. To ner inspection at Toner ranch adjoining Toledo, Oregon ; private sale, as a whole, sacrifice price ; terms cash ; lease can be arranged i tor suitable tenant; 150 A. diked bottomland: 100 A. hill land; good house ; running water ; large dairy barn; applvjtto JESSE WALL1XG, Administrator, K. F. D. 1. Box 391, Salem, Oregon, or telephone 2F4. Safe Cor sale, keta. fireproof. 2a Ctn-rno- A BARGAIN Drop in or .give your order to one of our agents. The Statesman one year by mail, only $3.09. TODAY'S PAPER TODAY- Pmilti fertilizer, sacked, straight r with peat moss. Tel. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. Stark's Delicious apples. ' Gilbert Farm Co., Eola. TeL 5730. Ground Dallas limestone. Bulk or ders taken for the next 3 week only at $2.60 ton. F. O. B. plant. Hawkins Roberts Inc. TeL 4109. A BARGAIN Drop In or give your order to one of ur agents. The Statesman one year by saail, only (3.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAY. A BARGAIN ' Drop In or slva your order to one of ur agents. The Statesman one year by mail, only $3.00. TODAYS PAPER TODAY. A BARGAIN Drop In or give your order to one or our agents. Trie statesman one year by mail, 6nly $3.0. TODAYS PAPER TODAY. One complete course, private lessons en steel guitar and Spanish guitar. Students made down payments and moved away. Course for balance. Gui tar furnished. Box E7S, care Statesman. Cabbage tor kraut TeL 81F13. Real Concord rrapes for all purposes. R. Schmidt, Route , Box 235, east out penitentiary road. Mast sacrifice sign shop to settle. estate. Brushes, ladders, tackle. 170 S. Liberty. Mrs. Dustin. Pekingese puppies, 534 N. lath. Concords, Brocks. Hie. Rt 1, Box 33, riano for sale or trade. 960 S. Salem. 14th, Lots of shrubs and trees. Schrelber F.nglewood Nursery,, 2060 Neb. Ave. Nice folding baby carriage, 2 ISO North Fourth St '- $4.00. Trade Miscellaneous 10 acres alfalfa clear - at Alpaugh, Calif. No buildings. Trade for Qjre- gm. what have you? Otto, 24 N. Front Phone 8094. - -H: ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon B. BelL Security Building, Portland. Ore. , - Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-HaU Co, Ltd flsa Francisco, Los Aagetes, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant Griffith A Branson, tnc, . Chicago, New - York, Detroit Boston, Atlanta., Bnttrtt at tX rottoffici Salewi Oregon, as Second-Claw Hatter. Pb- iukfd every stor-srae except ifonday Bwoinese office. Hi South Comwtoreial Street ' - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, tn Advance, within Oregon: uauy and Sunday. -. Ma. St cents: S Ma SLt : Ma $l2S 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere SO cents pei Mo., or $5.60 for 1 year In advance. Pe Copy 8 cents. News Stands cents. By City Carrier: 4$ cents a month 5.e a year In advance. . Interesting Facts A local barber shop has had an ad on its window reading: "dis posal sale of 5009 hair cats." While getting one of these 5000 haircuts we were told Roosevelt's slogan for his next presidential campaign would be "we kept you out of Ethiopia." o - o If a guest spends three days at a large metropolitan hotel today he is served by at least 60 per sons front bootblack to manager. During 1934. injuries in the home resulted in more than 34. 0D0 fatalities, while auto acci dents took only 3,000 more than tbat number. 0 0 0 Gifts made by rich' folks in this country in July totaled over $40,- 000,000. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED : Walnut and filbert meats, new and old crop, btate cafe teria. Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4869. WANTED Clean rags. Hogg Bros. W1J1 care for Invalids in my home. 555 S). Liberty. TeL 3382 . Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial Phono 7845. Miscellaneous Dressmaking, by day. 260 N. 35th, Haircuts. 15c-20c 303 S. Winter. NEEDHAM'S BOOK STORE. Type writers Sold Rented Repaired. Rub ber stamps, office supplies. For Rent Roams Plenty of steam heat Bligh Hotel, Rates 13.00 wk. and up. Rooms. 696 N. Cottage. Tel. 57S. Nicely Turn, not smoke. 175 rm. for man S. 14th. who does Desirable room, close in. TeL 8697 Room and Board Rm. - hd. TeL 8394. 169 Chemeketa. For Rent -Apartments Mod. apt., 643 Union. TeL S681. 2 room furn. 1173 X. Fourth. For Rent Houses Furn. A unfum. Forkner. TeL 30SL Winter rates on cottages. Lone Star Auto Camp. 1960 X. CapttoL Nov. 1, 5 room modern house. 1842 X. Church, $27.50. No small children. Tel. 784. 5 R. mod. house, 1682 N. Fifth, For Bent Ho.-pital rrwt. H. L bed Stiff and wheelchairs Furniture Co. to Office roams for rent. TeL 3713. 381 State St 240 A. near Salem. 130 A. tillable. good water, fair bldgs., good fences. Low cash rent Ci terry L RENT Finest nursery location m the valley. Close to business center. Plenty of display and parking space. Call at 775 ikire water St., W. Salem. Fine farm 180 A. on paved high way, near Salem. Mod. home, 160 A. cultivated. Part share and part cash rent. SEE BECHTEL, 211 State, Room 4. Wanted to Rent Want to Rent Furn. house by Nov, 1st. TeL 5005. For Sale Real Estate PRICES ARE ADVANCING Our best bargain today Is a fine 5 room bungalow only 8 blocks north of State street, splendidly built ana worth much more than price offered- 500. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE One of Salem's most beautiful and newly built homes, hardwood floors, giimwood finish, tile work, large corner lot, paving all In and paid, owners business has moved him from Salem, hence the low price of $6i00, part terms. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. WHY RENT? When yoo can buy this neat little shake cottage with easy terms and have Immediate possession, 4 rooms with closets, plenty of built Ins, good plumbing, fireplace, hardwood floors In part, newry decorated, uarage ana woodshed. Paved street Lot 60x180 ft Price only- $2250. cash $50, bal. monthly. . CHILDS A MITJ.FR. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. Houses. Grant. 629 Court TeL 6584. FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME Thia 7 rm home in exclusive rei Idential district is for aale at sacrifice Lot 75x150, double garage, several fruit trees, large yard with fine shruba Price $3750. TERMS. See R. A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE! $275 Buys this 6 rm, home located 10 DiKs. irom center ot town, f ur nace, fireplace, laun. trays, hardwood floors in It v. and din. rms.. srarasre. creek property. $3400 Buys this 6 rm. home located In good community on 2 lota Full cement basement furnace, gar age, fruit trees, close to bus line. TERMS. See R. A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 1JT4 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. LOOK AT THIS " Good 4 room modern home with basement furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, paved at, located. In good district, has two 'bedrooms, all for $2100. $250. down, baL like rent LOOK AT THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty Street Can you beat this 6 A. 4 mL from Salem A-l soiL 4 R. house, barn, $1000, terms. We can sell, trade or rent your property. VOSBURGH GRANT Masonic Blag. . For Sale Used Cars COMING November 2 the new 1936 Our used car stock must be Never have we been able cars. TRADES 2 1934 1832 1934 Chevrolet Sedans, each Ford victoria Nash Ambassador Sedan THE FOUR ABOYE CARS ARE IN BE TOLD FROM NEW. 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet Sedan BOTH UNDER 30,000 MILES ORIGINAL FINISH CONDITION EXCELLENT, FULLY GUARANTEED. THE FOLLOWING CARS ARE ALL AND CARRY THE FAMOUS McKAY 1932 Nash Small S Sedan . 1931 Butck Small 8 Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Buick Co ape 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 La Salle Sedan . 1930 Chevrolet Sedan SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM 333 Center Phone 8189 430 X. Commercial. McKay Chevrolet Company USED CARS BORREGCTS BETTER BUYS Ralph Borrego 1935 Graham 6 Sedan 1933 Plymouth Sedan 1932 Ford V-8 Coach 1931 Buick Sport Coupe - iyji rontiac seaan 1931 Ford Sport Coupe 1930Pontiac Coach 1930 Ford Sport Coupe 1930 Chevrolet CouDe 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Roadster 1928Pontiac Coach 1925 Dodge Sedan Studebaker Touring Willys Knight Touring Come in, See This Fine Line of Guaranteed Used Cars! BORREGVS CAR MARKET 525 Marion Street saaaaWarfaaawMawsMaaaasnaaw 1 Quality Used Cars 193; Plymouth DeLuxe 4-Door Touring Sedan,., gunmetal finish, duplate glass, low mileage, new car guaran tee $818.00 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan, blue color, duplate glass, low mileage, new car guarantee. Only 750.00 1934 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan, low mileage, new car guarantee S75.00 1933 DeSoto 4-Door Bedan, trunk, radio, low mileage. guaranteed 850.00 Chevrolet Business Coupe, 193! perfect condition, guaran- 415.00 175.00 1928 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan Terms Open Sundays Trades A Evenings W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSoto-Plymouth Distributors 360 Marion Phone 7703 Salem For Seven Years "THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS" Loder Bros. 445 Center Salem Phone 6133. Graham Sales and Service for Marlon and Polk Counties 1933 Ford V-8 De Luxe Coupe 26.000 miles, new 6-ply tires. In A-l mechanical shape, $425.00. $100 Down No trades. Stanford C. Sparks, Rt 3, Box 211, Salem, (Croisan Creek road), phone 8731. Don't Waste Your Time Or Money "C Shrock To Buy Or Sell Your Car 542 Chemeketa Street Phone 9588 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Hudson Coach 1935 Ford Deluxe Coach (trunk) 1933 Ford V-8 Coupe 1932 Auburn Brougham (lots extra) 1929 Ford Coupe (rumble seat) 1930 Ford Standard Coupe 1929 Essex Sedan 1929 Hudson Sedan 1929 Durant Coupe 1928 Durant Sedan 1929 Nash Coach (trunk) Dodge Light Delivery Truck Manv others at rlsrht prices. CASH PAID FOR CARS OR SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT. TERMS TRADES. A New List 19S4 Plymouth 4-door Sedan Plymouth 4-door Sedan Plymouth 2-door Sedan Essex Challenger Plymouth Coupe Star Coupe 1933 1934 1929 1929 1927 1923 l'ontiac Coach These cars are all priced right, and we will give terms aiso. Preview of the 1936 Models Salem Auto Co., Home of CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH 435 N. Com'L - - Phone 46 1 3. Selling A Partnership Car 1928 Lincoln Sedan. Price $225. Phone C4F13. Come In and See These Used Car Values 1935 Willys Sedan 1930 Dodge Sedan 1931 Ford Coach 1929 DeSoto Coach 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1929 Olds Sport Coupe Others to Choose From Open Sunday: USED CAR MARKET 356 N. Liberty St.. ' Salem, Ore. - -nrf-r n nnnn niJsirirYrT"M ---' -a s Sale or trade for auto '39 Hariey with side car. 685 S. 1-th. For Sale Used Cars SOON Chevrolet will be here. disposed of by that time. to offer you finer used TERMS 123.00 6s.oe . 645.00 PERFECT CONDITION AND CAN'T .$473.00 495.00 AND GENERAL THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED RED OK TAG GUARANTEE 385.00 365.00 366.00 345.00 345.00 295.00 295.00 USED CARS $69o 495 365 395 00 285 275 275 295 265 185 165 50 45 25 Phone 4533 DAYS ONLY you will receive 10 dis count on our complete stock of reconditioned cars and trucks! 40 TO PICK FROM WE HAVE MADE OUR PROFIT FOR 1935. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR 1936 MODELS. YOUR CAR IN TRADE YOUR TERMS WITHIN REASON 1934 Dodge Sedan $745.00 1934 Plymouth Coupe 595.00 1933 Plymouth Sedan 595.00 1929 Iodge Sedan - 25.ut 1033 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 545.00 1935 (2) Dodge Touring Se dans, driven by company officials, only ; carry new car guarantee .. Trucks 1930 Ford L. W. B. (duals) 333.00 1928 Ford (milk route body) 145.00 1934 Dodge L. W. B. 10-ply (duals) 695.00 Herrall'Owens Company Dependability" 233 S. Commercial Street 477 " Phono 3511 1936 Pontiac on Display but Dorit Pass Up These Used Cars 1-1931 Deluxe Ford Sedan. Motor thoroughly gone over and a good buy at only $335 1-1928 Buick Sedan, overhauled 21S 1-1928 Pontiac Sedan, overhauled 195 1-1929 Buick Sedan 7-pass. 4 new tires : thoroughly over hauled 295 1-1927 Dodge Sedan 95 1-1926 Moon Sedan 45 1-1926 Fgrd Touring 30 Easy terms and plenty of time to pay If needed. Otto J. Wilson 388 N. Com'L St. Phone 5451. Quality Used Cars at Reduced Prices The New Studebaker For 1936 Prom ises Outstanding Value We MUST SELL OUR PRESENT USED Car Stocks Reduced 1934 Hudson DeLuxe Coupe with low mileage, clean, smooth, powerful, tires good. Now $695 Chrvsler 72 Sedan, excellent con dition, now only 435 Ford Model A SI-Tudor car in fine condition mechanically and In appearance 235 Dodge Victory Six Brougham Hydraulic brakes, trunk, re finished, a fine car for a small investment 283 Buick Standard Six Sedan. '28 model, a real value - 225 Hudson Sedan, '2 7, Oakland Tudor, '27, Essex Coupe, '27, Nash Coach, "25, Dodge Touring, 23, Maxwell Sedan, '25, Dodge Touring, Stude Touring '21 models and others from $25 to $125. Look them over. Corner Liberty A Chemeketa Bonesteele Bros Inc. "SEE THE 193$ STUDEBAKER" Valley Motor Company Used Cars 1934, V-8 Ford. Long wheel base truck. Full floating rear axle. Has stake - body, excellent tires.' licensed for balance of year. Was priced $625, NOW $395 193$ Chevrolet Closed Cab pick- - up. Low mileage zor age zo 1129 Essex Coach, one of the good -ones-.. : I 1$5 1128 Pontiac Sedan. Almost new i tli-M. New namt A arood buv at Z . 175 19S1 V-8 Fora Tudor. Recondl tiosed motor. Painted black - 495 19 27 --Oakland Sedan II 1929 Buick Coupe .185 192 Buick Coach 1924 Hudson Coach 193$ Model A- Ford Coach 27S 1927 Nash Sedan . 145 1S0 Ford A Roadster, new top- 245 Marion A Liberty - Center A Liberty Two car Lot Open Evenings A Sundays. Pb. 7910. for Sale Real Estate HOME BAROAtXS 1240 Down.. Price 81600.00. Dandy S- K. piasterea come, gooa location, oaved street : a snan. $350 Down, price 1 2240 buys dandy S- n., easement ana lurnaee. a tois. 7 R. houso eloae In, 4 bedrooms, double plumbing; price reduced to 33500 trade for smaller bouse. 1U Lots, paved St. Modern s-R. house, basement, zurnace, i ire place, hardwood floors, all for 13675 down. Better buy now, SEE Jas. D. Sears or O. W. Johnson 1J2-S. High St. Phone 9629, f Exchange Real Estate Good farm to rent. Also modern house to trade for acre age : trades ana gooa nuys a spe cialty. H. C. SHIELDS 110 Oreatm Bid. Tel 8905. EXCHANGE Neat 5 room bungalow In good dis trict In Portland. No mortgage. Price 23600. Will trade for good home in Malm. 344 State Street Phone 6708. By owner, beautiful mod. 6 room bungalow for Portland home. Bos 881, care Statesman. Verv best buy. S acres, good im provements, all kinds of berries, fruit, ! good poultry house; 17. H. C SHIELDS 210 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. GOOD RANCH BUYS 5-A. close in. 6 R. house, bath and toilet, electric lights, P. H. and barn, some fruit. Only 82700.OO. 5-A. place for $7500 dandy stock j farm. Some stock goes with place 82500 down. bal. easy. Better buy that farm now, prices are the lowest. SEE Jas. D. Sears or G. W. Johnson 132 S. High St. Phone 9629. 1 For Sale Farms FOR SALE OR RENT 5-acre tract. good 6 roam house, lota of fruit and Uny district. Phono 9541 N. 17 th St. berries, good spring and well In Lib- or cau 17l ACRE SNAP Close . to city limits, comfortable 6 room house with good plumbing, elec tricity, aood well. etc. Beautiful sua. nut and fruit trees. Price only $3500. CALL Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. SUBURBAN HOME 14 acres first class soil, close to town, modern 8 room home with bas ment. furnace, fireplace, oak floors. lots of bearina- fruit. A RaAL HUME AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Price 15000. some terms. YOU SHOULD SEE THIS BARGAIN. W. II. GSABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Street ' PACIFIC HIGHWAY. BARGAIN" Five acres of good land all in bear ing fruit, small house, good drilled well, only 344 miles out Price. 12000. 1100 down. baL like rant SEE. W. H. G RABElmORST m CO. 134 S. Liberty street FARM SACRIFICE US acres located 8 miles out 99 A. plow land, price for immediate sale. 35 per acre, pent terms. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Street Acreage TO TRADE 50 acres bearing nut and fruit ranch near Dallas for city property or acreage. Bargain price for quick turn over. Owner can't handle because of other business, s. L. bmltn, I 1405 N. Commercial Street Business Opportunities Tamales INVESTMENTS Salem made Tamales. TeL 6541. Invest your savings at 5 to 6 per cent on first mortgage securities. See in r Hawkins A Roberts. iraTtSier FOTTR PER CENT paid on savings. INSURED to $5,000.00. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Ass n. Guardian Bldg. Phone 4109. Money to Loan Automobile and Chattel Loans at lowest 1 to 20 months to repay possible ratea GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A Local Corporation First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 8553. Licensed by State Mtge. loans, homes or bus. prop., low rate a Abrams A Ellis, Inc., Masonic B. MONEY TO LOAN on rarm. city or acreage property. Prompt service. Low costs. CHILDS A MILLER. Mttre. Loans 344 State Street Phone 6708. A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300' We can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man or woman in 24 hours. Beneficial Loan Society , of Salem Room 119. New Bligh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 & M 165 by STATE 61$ Stste St TeL 87 4 0. Loans Made In Nearby Towns MUre. loans, homes or bus. prop., low ratea Abrams A Ellis, Inc., Masonic B. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta Livestock and Poultry Sale fresh milk cows. Tel. S1F15. Live poultry wanted. 328 N. Front For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. Tel. 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trad A Cottage. 16 In. old fir, $5.00. Phone 9456. Dry 16" old fir. TeL 3354. . While it lasts Dry 2nd gwth fir, 8 cd. lots, $3.75; cd, $4. TeL 7860. Dry wood, 16", $4.60. TeL 4084. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 86S3. Wood Sawing Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290- Wood sawing, reasonable. TeL 8792. Lost and Found LOST White 87F13. Reward. pig, 100 lba Call Personal STOMACH TJLC-R. GAS .PAINS, INDIGESTION victims, why suffer? For .quick relief get. a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription at Capi tal and Perry's Drug Stores. Wanted Used Cars Wanted mora for service than looks. Buick, Studebaker, Dodge, or any cheap car for real service. Coupe type. j.- "rv Jicuiotnern, oweei noms,- - Want 26 or '27 Star 6 Roadster Coupe, Write $81, Statesman usiness 1 Direct ory Cards in thin nimtory ran on moaOily basis only. Bntei Tiao -per 'line per -month. - 3 Auto Drakes Mlka Paaek. Tt South 'CaaaumMU Chimney Sweep Telephone 4 IS. R. E. Xorthness. Chiropractors DR. :CL ' ISOtHXlTSC Chiropractor. 25 N. Higb.TL Kes, S78Z. Electrical Service BOSLER Electric 241 State St. Wir ing, motors, appliance, Tt pairs, serrtea. Generator Exch. 929 N. Com! St Florists Brelthaupl'a, 447 Court. ALL kinds of floral work, Luts, Flor ist. 117 s N. Liberty. JTeL wosx, Keys We make keys. Harry W, Scott. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE -W ETTJ EH -TJLUNDRY 281 a High TL J 12 6 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY first la Quality and Serrtc Teleabano tit 4204 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL-BEDDING OCX Phono aOSS SALEM . FLUFF-RfJO and atattrsu Factory. NEW MATTRESS aoadw -t order. Aid rasaade; carpet eoaaalac aaa- Ingi nuff rue weaving. in at vrit bur. TeL J44L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est lllL Music Stores GEa C WJLL Pianos, radios, aewlng I macntiMS, sbeat musio and ptano atao ioa, Repalrlnc radios, pbAaocrapbMUsS ' mrlBC machines, 432 Stats Street. Salem. Photo Engraving Satom photo engraving. tt? n. Com- merclat TeL Si ST. Priuting TOR STATIONERY, cards. aamDh- teta, programs, books or aay kind at printlns. call rno statesman t nnvina Department. 218 S. Commercial. Tela- phona 910L Repai r Work Shingling, repair work. TeL, 8495. Stoves I reoair stores, ranges, circulators. Sen new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, pasta, chicken wire. Salem Fence and store wortta. C Chemeketa, TeL n t. w. Fleming. FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131. Larmer Transfer Ca. Truck to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITI Transfer Co. 22S Stat St. TeL 7771. DistriDUuag. ror warding and atorags our apec laity, uet our ratea, Well Drilling We,t Box a- TeL n0F5- Some Industrials Make Good Gains Average .2 Down; Smaller Motor Companies Are Leaders in Rise NEW YORK. Oct. 18-aV Screened by a forward skirmish in a variety of industrial special ties, the main body ot stocks re treated slightly today. This was reflected in The As s o c i a t e d Press average of 60 stocks, which lost .2 of a point at 50.3. At the same time, war headlines from abroad tended to induce caution and to restrain the pace of dealings, which aggregat ed 1,455,300 shares In the stock exchange, the smallest lull day's trading since October 9. Wary, Not Alarmed There was no disposition to minimize the seriousness of the growing international tension in volving England, Italy and France but Wall street quarters said war iness rather than acute alarm ap peared to be the- prevailing atti tude, and pointed to the relatively small volume of trading as evi dence that stocks were under real pressure. Among issues which lost frac tions to around a point were Al lied Chemical at 170, Wool worth at' 68 American Tele- phone at 140, Sears at 57, Un ion Pacific at 97, Union Car bide at 70", Pennsylvania at 26 Vi, Santa Fe at 46 and Mont gomery Ward at 32. Stocks and Bonds October 18 STOCK AVEBAOEI (Compiled by The Associated Press) 80 15 15 60 Incus- Bails Today 60.T J4.0 Prev. day 6. X4.2 Month ago 65.S- 25.S Tear ago , 54.5 28.3 1985 high 70.8 "27. 1935 low 4S.5 18.5 1984 high 61.4 43.0 1934 low 45.S 22.8 Ctil. Stocks 87.9 87.9 S6.3 27.5 89.8 21.6 40.6 24.2 SOJrj) ATESAOCS - 20 ' 10 10 Bails Indast. CtiL Today . 80.5 .5 98.0 Prev. day 81.1 - 99.8 98.0 Month age - 83.G 99.3 97.4 Tear ago 84.5 88.9 84.3 1935 -kig, 87.B lOe.e 8.7 1035 low 76.4 93. 84.5 1934 high 89.4 93.9 88.9 . 1934 lew 74.8 78.7 63.2 10 Fer'a. 67.8 66.T 67.S 7.4 . S5-S 70.0 60.3 or War Scare Buying at CJiicago Ethiopia to be Divided up Among TEree Nations is Traders' View CHICAGO. Oct 18.-4PHk fade- ont of wax-scare bnylng distin guished wheat trading today; and with speculatiTe sellers outnum bering the purchasers, most of the time values averaged lower. In some trade quarters, selling was associated with belief the Eth iopin war would hare no outcome other than a dmskm of Ethiopia between Italy, Great Britain and France. Wheat closed irregular, cent lower to c higher compared with yesterday's finish, Dec. 1.02- 1.02; corn -e down, Dec. oats, c off to c up. and provisions showing a rise of 5c to 10c. Leading trade authorities said the Italian-Ethiopian struggle is not bullish as to wheat, but if other nations become involved, it is. , little Foreign Sale An additional wet blanket on speculative demand here for wheat was word from Winnipeg that lit tle if amy important new overseas buying of Canadian wheat was in evidence. Rye, corn and oats largely fol lowed wheat. Favorable weather for maturing the corn crop pre vailed, and indications pointed to enlarged receipts soon. Better demand helped provis ions upgrade. Closing quotations: Wheat: Dec. $1.02 -S: May, 1.01-: July 91Vi-c. corn: Dec, 59-4c: May, 59 c; July, 60c. Oata: Dec- 274c; May, 29c; July, 28 Tic Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk co-op basic pool price f 1.73 per hundred. ftfilk -based aa aenl monthly hsttarfat veraca.) Distributor price $2.10. A. grade bnUerfat Deliv ered. Sic; route, 80c. A grade prints, 83c; B grade, 32c. rros pant o xrowora by Balom bwrcrs. (The prices below. aaDoUod br a local rrooar. -are iaaieati f the daily market "i wre boi -guaraaieea by The States- riuTrn (Buying Pries) loitay grapes, lug 1.15 1.25 ,02 Lady Fingers grapes - Local Concords, lb. l.ocI figs. dox. Pears, winter, local, bu. .25 .65 Local late peaches, bu. 1.00 to 1.25 Huckleberries, lb., retail 15 Seedless grapes, lug aj5 vs terra ions, lb, .01 Cantaloups, crate 1.25 finesppla Cuban, crats 500 an- S.OO Oranges, fancy ; 2.35 to 3.00 Choi CO 2.00 to 2.50 Bananas, lb., ea stalk 06 Bands 07 Lemons, fancy 5.50 to 6.25 4.50 to 5.50 Caoics I. lines, fresh Grapefruit Calif. 3.00 to 3.85 Apples- Delicious, fancy, ba. .40 to .40 to . .30 to .75 .75 .65 .65 Jonsthans, fancy spitz, bushel Kings, bu. . .40 to TEOSTASIXS (Bur ing Prices) Parsnips, hig Applesauce melons, each .50 .10 .05 .50 3.35 1.35 .05 .75 .25 .35 .80 .40 .20 1.25 2.50 .03 .60 .03 .25 .45 .70 .60 .29 .04 .03 .03 O0 Uumeas batter beans, each , Italian broccoli, log Cranberries, bbl ,, ,,, , Sweet potatoes, erste Ked peppers, lb. Egg "Plant, flat Danish squash, do. UUL do. Corn, Yakima, dot. Italian aqaash. do. Green onions, local, dozen Onions, lakima, cwt. , Whets Bermudas, ewt. Takima marble head squssh, lb. Cauliflower, Oregon, crate .40 to Cabbage, Oregon, lb. .01 to Carrots. local, dozea Celery, locsL do. .80 to Celery hearts, dox. .60 to Celery roots, doz. - Cocumbers, doz. .10 to Cucumbers, pickling Sweet, lb. Sour. lb. Dill. lb. Beets, dozen Beans, local, lb. .01 H to Green peppers, Oregon, lb. Lettuce, local - .75 to Lettuce. Seattle , , , Lettuce, California New spuds, Washington New spuds, Oregoa' -.- Looal peas 05 to .03 4 .03 1.25 2.00 2.35 .90 1.10 .06 .60 1.00 .65 .30 .25 Spinach, Iocs I, orange crate , . Sqnash, erst Tomstnes Local, bushel 40 to Turnips, dozen , Radishes, local, dozen ...... Walnuts, lb. ; .18 to Filberts, lb. .13 U HOPS .20 .IS (Baring Price) Clusters. 1933, lb top .12 .18 Juggle. 1935, top, lb. . WOOL AND MOHAIK (Buying Price) Mohair .27 .25 .23 Medium wool Coarsa and fine wool : no EGOS AND PO-XTBY (Baying Price ot Andreieni) Kxtnts .81 Medium extras Standards .25 .25 .23 Mediums standard Pallet 15 (Andresen ft Son Buying Price) Heavy hens, Vt or over .19 Heavy hens, ever 6 lbs. Colore, madrnms, lb. Medium foghorns, lb. Light, lb. ,15 .14 J3 .13 .09 Stags, lb. Old roosters, lb. Colored fry. lb. .06 JS White Leghorns, fry, lb. .14 MARION CREAMERY baying prices Live Poultry, No. 1 stock Heavy hens, under 0 lbs. . .16 .16 .18 .13 Jl .IS Heavy sens, over B lbs. Medium colored hens, lb, Leghorn hens. No. 1 Legaora hens, light Colored springers, ever 3 Vt lbs. Colored tpringer, under 8 lbs. Leghora springs Old roosters, lb. , - i Stags - .- 50.8 .15 50.5 4S.4 8.T 60.9 .16 .07 .10 .OS Rejects 848 81.4 84.9 fcrr Candled sad graded Large extras Large standard ; Medina extras Medium standards .80 . .25 .22 Pullets J4 J7 Undergrade . 67.6 UVESTOCK (Buying Pries) Lambs 8.00 .08 Ewes, lb. r. r . ... TearHag lambs Hogs. 10-170 lba. . .03 to OS 8. SO to 9.00 7.50 to 8.50 . 9.75 12O430 lba. 170 210 lb, top General Markets rXODVCS EXCHAHQB PORTLAND. Ore. Oct IS. (API Produce esebsage, set prices: Batter: Esrtras, aotte; standeraa, 38 He; prima firsts, 24c; firsts, 87c iraitemrc: a-amt. Eggs: Lares V. 8. specials. 84e: U. S. extras, S2e; U. S. sioaiam extras, 26c Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct is. (AP High Low Close 7T4 87 S7- naeat: upea May 87 December 80 86 Vi 80 Sff Cash: Bis Bead fclaeitm 13 $1.23; Big Bene blnestea, 81.18; dark hard winter, U per rest, $1.13; do, 11 pr eoot, 92 c; soft white, 85e; weat era white, 8a; kard whiter. 88c: aorthern spring. 85e; weatera red, 84c Oats: No. 2 white. 824. Corn: No. 2 eattera yellow, $37.50. Millron: Stsadard. $17.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct 18. (AP) Butter Prists. A gTade, 33c lb. ia parchment wrapper; 84e lb. ia cartoas; B trade, parchment wrapped, 32c lb.; cartons, SSe lb. Butterfat Portland delivery: A graAo deliveries at leaU twics weeklv. 32-1 lb.: country routes, 30-33e lb.; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly. Sl-83e lb.: C grade at market. B grade eresm for bottling Baying price, battvrfat basis, 55c lb. Eggs Buyme price of wholeulera: Fresh specials, 83-34e; extras. 32c) stan dards, 27c; extra nediams, 23c; do, me dium firsts. 20c; smderrrade. 18c: pul lets. 15e dozen. Cheese-r-Oregon triplets, 15 Uc: Oreiroa loaf. 16 He. Brokers will pay He bciaw quotations. Milk A grade.- Portland deUTerr. 52 He lb.; butterfat basis for 4 per ceat Country meats Selling price to retail ers: Country killed Bogs, best butchara under 150 lbs.. 16H-l"e lb.; tellers. So. I. 13H-I4e it,.: lirht and thia. 8 11c lb.: heavy, 7-e lb. ; cotter cows, 6-7e lb. ; eaw ners. 4H-Hc lb.; balls, 7tt-e lb.; lsmbs, 15-16e lb.; medium, lw-lSe lb.; ewe. 4-7o lb. liohair Nominal Baying price, 20c lb. Casrera bark Baying price, 1935 peel, 2He lb. Hops Xominsl; 1934 clusters. 6-8 H lb. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing price: Colored hens, over 5H fha. 1617c lb.; aader 5H Ua.. 17-1 9c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3H lbs, 14 15c lb,; under SH lbs., 1A-I5e lb.; carats. 3 lbs. and up, 16-17e lb.; colored -rpriag, 3 to SH lbs, 15-17e lb.; fear H lbs, 16-17e lb.; roosters, 8 -9c lb.; Pekia daeks. yowag, lS-17e lb. Onions Walla Wli, SO-60e per 50-lb. bag; Oregon. 8L50 100 Ihs. Potatoes Local. $1-1.05 eeaial; Klin ath, $1.80; Besehntes. $1.25; Yakiaa Net tab Gems. $1.20 cental. Cantaloupes Nominal, Dillard, $1.75 3 per rrate; WilUmetto "Valley. -$1.28 crate; Spear melons, 91-1.10 crate. Wool 1933 dip, nominal; Willamette valley medium, 25e lb.: conns and braid. 23c, eastern Oregon, 18-t2e lb. Hay Buying price front producer : Al falfa No. 1, $14.50-15; eastern Oregoa timothy, $18; oats, $13 ton; Willamette valley timothy, 815-18; clover, 410-13 ton, Portland, Portland Livestock PORTLAXO, Ore., Oct. 18. (AF) (L'SDA) Hogs: Receipts 200, Including 1159 direct. Market steady, rew gooa to choice around 200-lb. firiveins, $10.25; 25-lb. eights. $10.10; packing ao a mostly $7 -SO; choice light feeder auota bh) to $1L25. Cattle: Receipts 200. Including o di rect. Calf receipts 25, including one oi- rect. Market steady. Few common to medium steers. $4.50-6.50; heifers. $4.50- 5.50; low cutter and cutter cows. S2-3.-5; medium grade beef cows, $2-2.75; bolls, $3.75-4.75; good to choice vealers, $8-9; rommo nto medium -ju-jiu io. csives. $3-5; good 263 lb.. $7. Sbeep: Receipts ouu, inciuaing ooi through and direct. Not including aroond 4000 bead expecteC to arrive user Toosy dav on through billing. Market nomin ally steady. Good to choice lambs sal able sround $8-3.35; fat ewes quotable up to $3.50. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND. Oct. 18 A brisk trade and an acute scarcity of produce marked Friday's Gar deners' and Ranchers' early mar ket. There were practically no price changes. Potatoes were the only out standing sellers on the floor. They were in good demand and sold around $1 a sack. Tomatoes also appeared to bo enjoying a demand above that of the last few days. They sold be tween 30 and 40 cents. Carrots Dozen bunches, 1714-SOe. Carrots Dozea bunches. 2 0-2 5c. Beets Desea bunches, 20 25c. Green onions Dozen bunches. 20c. Dry. onions Takima. SL10-1.0; Ore gon, nundred. Io- is.. S4.35-1..0; boning onions, $1.15-1.25. Cabbage Seattle, ho. 1, erste. SOe $1. Radishes Dozen bunches. 15c. Celery Field packed, crate. Sl-10-1.15; large jumble, dozen, 70c; washed, crate, $2. Celery hesrts Do sen bunches. SOe. Cauliflower No. 1. $1-1.10; No. 2, 50- 75c. Apples Yellow Transparent, per box. 60c; Grsvensteias, box, 60e; Jonathans, box, 75c. Potatoes 100-pound sack. $1-1.10. New potatoe Local, per 100-lb. sack. $1-1.10; Takima Cem. $1.25-1 40; No. 2s. 50-lb. sack. 43c. Parsley Dozen bunches. CQe. Peas Telephone, ponnd, 4c. Lettuce Crate, $1.25; ice, $2.75. Tomatoes All sizes range 25-40c. Turnips Purple tops, dozen bunches. 25-30e. Watermelons Pound, -le. Apricots Peach box. C5-70e: Wts-" atehee. 15-ponnd lug, 75c Peaches ElberUs, box, 60e; The Dal- les. box. 60c; J. H. Hales, 70e. Plums Box. Caiiiomia, i..a; loeai. 20 lbs.. 35c. , Prunes Itsllsn. Ib le: log. 85 40. Corn Loral, 5 doz. ears. 65 93c. Squash Danish, lb.. 2c; Hubbsrd. Set Zacohimi. box. SOe; Crook Neck. lb 2e; Bohemian, ?e; marble head, 2c. Grapes Seedless. $1.SS; Lady ringers, $1.10; Tokays. $L10. Cantaloupes Spear, erate, $1-25; DH lard. $1.75: Grand Island, $1.25. Pears BartleU. 65-85c: Fiomish Beaa tics. 65c; Bartlett, extra fsaey, $1.25. Cucumbers Bax. 80c. Beans Pound, 8 -4 He. Pnmpkia Poand, lc Garlie Poand, 5-6e. Peppers Lag box. 80e. Sweet potatoes Crate. $1.85; No. 1. $1.50, Chile peppers Lugbox. 75. Rutabagas Lug. 40-50c. - .10 -MO lbs, top 8.50 to 9.25 7.09 to 7.25 5to 6.0O , 1.50 to 4 00 . 4.00 to 4.50 S.50 to 4.50 .. to 8.50 .17 .11 Sows 8teers - Cows . . Bulls Heifers VeaL top Dressed hog Dressed veal. GBAXV AND HAT Wheat, western red 1 .... .75 .77- ; 23.0O 21.00 22X0 20.00 ? J White. No. 1 Barley, brewing, toa Feed barley, toa . Oats, milling, ton Foed, ton Hay. bnyint n-iers Clover hsy - . i-. Osts aad , toa -. , Alfalfa, valley ' Red clover seed, lb. .. AUike clover seed , Vetch seed, eat, .. 11.09 -11.00 -i4.oo ; .13 : -.is -'X.40 ..: