The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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    'the pnEGON STATESMAN, Salera Oregon, Saturday Jlcmins, October "19, ; 1303
pag in nvn
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. l-: -
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Local News Briefs,
Clinics listed FlTe clinic are
scheduled lor next .the
Marion county health department
s follows: Monday 9 a. m boys
at Parrisn Junior , high v school.
2:30 to 3:80 pin, milkhandiers
.at local' health center; : Tuesday,
all day, Silvertoa; Wednesday, at
ternoon, school and preschool clin
ic, Salem health center; Thursday,
morning, L preschool clinic, local
health center; Saturday, morning,
immunisation cllntc, Salem health
Franklin's Tulip Bnlhs for sale at
Adams -and Brelthalpv Jnorists.
Also at larm. T -
- , . . - .-, -
Pension Groan Busy Meant
"of the -special city' pension com
mittee atBHd: byr Mayor - V E:
Knnn "Wednesday hare been sign
' ed studies la their Tespectrre fields
" relative, to pensions' lor city, em
: giloyes but probably -will not meet
together until after the legisla
tive session, : Alderman " Walter
' Fuhrer,ve"uirmansald yesterdayw
He -announced Dean Frank M. Er-
lckson -ef ..Willamette 1 nnlTersity
had been added to. the committee
'. in an advisory capacity.,'. - ;
Par auto Ins. -prem. monthly. Ho
mer Smith,- 371 Court. TeL 118 !
. ...- :v , -;.'-..! - ' ' - - A
riaa Big Auctions Residential
property and mortgages on other
": homes In Lane county owned by
' the Prudential Savings and. Loan
'. juociation of Portland. will be
sold at -public auction on Novenv
hr lv Charles H Carey." sUte
romoration e o m m 1 sioner, an
nounced Friday. Bids - will be
solicited. The Prudential Sayings
and Loan association was taken
over .by the corporation depart-
" - ment sometime ago ana ue saie
- ef considerable property ' In Lane
MimtT : was one of. the commis
sioner's first mores in liqoida-
: tion. .. , ; : '':
Make" your gardens co'lorfnl with
Franklin's Tulips., riant now..
" Honor Old Folks The Sunday
"morning" worship service of "the
Englewood United , Brethren
church will especially honor the
old people of the church and the
- community. The songs have' been
selected from a list presented, as
- favorites, by the elderly people.
- The-sermon will be preached by
- Rev. J. S. Green, a retired minia--t
ter of thet Methodist i church.
Transportation will j be furnished
for any who desire or need it. ,v
- Bfg Dance. Kentl, Sat nlteT. ;
Yachats Speeder Pays-Geof ge
LeRoy Govro, Jack P! 10
fine In Salem municipal court yes
terday alter he pleaded guilty to
. speeding vith a truck on I Salem
treet8ji;;j.'-t--'-ri AAAA:;" AA? ? JAAAA
: Here Is I'real, bargain for you.
The Statesman' one full rear by
-mail for- only $ 00.. v .
. Xo Water Meeting---Lack of
business to transact and of a quo-
rum led -to a postponement ot tne
regular: Ealem water commission
scheduled for last night; Chairman
" Edward Rostein announced.
-. Panther :- ' - ''
J At -the residence, XOIitlJorth
21st street, early Thursday, Mary
D. Panther, at the age of 7 r years;
Mother cf Ben and Blaine Panther
f gnokane. Wash.: ;WUbur and
William panther. Mrs. JuMa Kep
hart Jind Mrsl Ellen Holcomb, all
of Salem, Funeral, services' Satur-
&rs October If. at 2 p. nu Irom.
thebapel of W.' T. Rigdoa .com-
" pany..5stermentBelcTest4 Memor
ial. pars.
Harvey ' . '' .
' - In thl3 city, October It, Emma
'- Harvey, aged sS Mother of Mrs.
. .Pete Paxren.? Gervsis; Bob Har-
veyt Mrs.- Mary Valentine. Alsea;
-Alea Harvey, St. Louis; Jim Har
vev.. Mrs. Maggie Maxfield. Fun
eral announcements later from W.
,T. Rigfion Co.,
Gwynn v -
In this city, on Oct. 13; James
. R. Gwynn. afed 87?- Survived by
son. Robert, Treka,- Calltl daugh
ter, JJyrtle Gwynn, :of Montana.
Funeral 'announcements later by
W. T. Ktedon Co. c
Cummina -To Mr. J and Mrs,
Leslie David . Cummins,? route
three, a boy, Harold Lloyd, born
October 18 at the residence. --
Sip- To Mr. and Mrs. - .John
Wayne Sipe,- a i- boy, ..-Lawrence
Wayne, born Octftber 15 at the
residence. " . " "
Baldwin To Mr. and Mrs. John
C Baldwin, route four a boy,
"John Arnold, born' October 11 at
the. residence. - .
. - Schmidt To Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Schmidt, -route three, a boy,
Richord Henry; born October 9 at
" local . hospital. . v A'
- Cravanette
HATS f4 5
420 State
Sulayala Dinner
Ao American Dishes
How get theref Too walllax
down Commercial street to
Fits flshlsrs market' then yon
stepping upstairs. .There we
are. : T , - .
- If A It. to 3 A, 31.
I rmuDituary-m a
mi -
of All Kinds :
Basements Dug
" .' ' Dirt for Sale
Dirt Moved
Dirt Hanled
Mishap Draws Crowd Home
ward or shopping bound pedestri
ans nocked in -large numbers
about the scene of a minor auto-j
mooue acciaeni at state ana com
mercial streets- at 8 o'clock last
night,? All they found consisted of
two automobiles, their ; bumpers
securely locked together. ..Police ;
and spectators Joined in a strenu
ous and finally successful attempt i
to separate-- the - two - vehicles.
There were no . Injuries or car
Hen's special! Black -and' brown
brogues, S value, S3.sS." Oregon
Shoe .Co next to Ladd . it , Bush
bank. . . r . - ' .-
Minor Crashes ' Reported Mi
nor automobile accidents were re
ported to city police yesterday
with, the following 1 n o 1 r ed:
G o or e; Hurst, Birrerton. and.
W.' J. Knozr t SUte and 12tlk
streets;; Jamesv Russell Wld,
datska&ie. and Mary Ellsabeta
Dunn. 1710 Courts at Hood and
Winter; R. L. Kin ton. route one,
and 'J. XL Farrls, - one-half mile
north on Wallace Toad; William
Vogt.: route fcit and Harry Ray
mond Christensen, ' Marlon, , at
State and High."To injuries were
listed, ".;( ; ;
Quelle Cafe open all nits.
Five iBdmstrlal Death There
were five fatalities due to indus
trial accidents in - Oregon during
the week ending October 17, the
state Industrial accident commis
sion reported Friday.' The victims
were Arrol J. Jensen, Payette,
Ida., laborer; Ernest C. Loll, Port
land, deputy sheriff; Thomas
Walsh. Maupin, sheep herder; Os
car , Heikkensen, , Portland,, labor
err nnd Peter Bosich. Portland; la
borer. There were 93 accidents
reported to the commission dur
ing the week. - , t
LuU Florist 127S N. Lib. P. 9532.
Five Permits liise d Five
small building permits - were is
sued by the eity building depart
ment yesterday as follows:: Dr.'
S. C. Stone, reroof dwelling at 255
North High street, 12; Mrs. C. A.
Hendry, repair dwelling at 1 S 3 5
South'" Commercial. $50: Salem
Brick k Tile company, reroof
buildings, end of Tile road, 3200;
James Nash, build garage, 1243
Marlon; $100; Morse, build mar
quise, 3 7 Court, $ 1 9 5. :
Here Is a real bargain for you.
The Statesman one full year by
mail -tor only $3.00.
Want TJ. S. Goods State Treas
urer Holman will introduce a res
olution at the next meeting of the
state board of control - ptoviding
thAt all supplies and equipment
nsed by the state shall be Ameri
can made. Holman said he had
discovered that some equipment
now used by the state is manu
factured In foreign countries. . , .
Dance, ' "Mellow' Moon, Saturday
and Sunday nlte. Admission. 25c.
8crving- Chat Fine John! Cas-
sidy, Salem man Jailed by city po
lice Thursday night on a charge
of being' drunk, pleaded guilty in
municipal court yesterday but was
unable to pay the $20 fine Impos
ed by Judge A. Warren Jones. He
was ordered to start serving; out
the fine in Jail at the rate ot 32
per day. . , '. - - -
Here Is a real bargain for you.
The Statesman one- full year by
mail- for onlv .33.00.7 ' .
' Boosts Statesman "U n c 1 e"
EUc .Reed of Aumsville, . sending
in his subscription to The States
man for another year, declares
that he has read the paper contin
uously .for '.Tears and that" he
thinks "it is the beet paper in Ore
gon". "-.
Big' Dance, Kentl, Sat. nlte. .,
- At Chapel, Tonight Rev. and
Mrs. A. D. Graber, missionaries
from Africa.' will speak at the Dea
coness hospital chapel services to
night t 7:15 o'clock. The Gra
bers have been guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Enoch Zimmerman here.T
-. , - --rs-- - - ' . -
(Seorge Xewner Here - George
Neuner called - at the statehouae
Friday from Portland.
' Paul Jackaon Here Paul T.
Jackson, director of the NYA for
Oregon, visrted Salem Friday.
Dr. Chen Lea
.a Chinese Medicine Co.. .
Without operation - ,
most ailments of
sto m a c h, liver,
glands, skin and ur
inary system of men
and women can be
removed by using
ye . In business. - a.-sw4
L I e e nsed laturo
pathie Physicians. ? -
803 H "Court street,-
. -A' corner Liberty - of
- 4 '. v flee open Tuesdays
' L"ik W and Saturdays, 10
X'i A M u
-A-V---e P. MU to 7.
f I Consultation, - Blood
(touts csaa Presiun and Urine
n. D. -Tests free of charge.
Charlie Chan -Chisse
; Remedies
are non poison- v
ens, tbeir neai-.
ing virtue has
been tested
hundreds years
is toil owing '
chronic; all- 8. B. Fong
ments, throat, sinusitis, catarrh.
ears, lungs, asthma, chronJe
cough, stomach, gall stones, co
litis, constipation, diabetes, kid
neys, bladder, heart,: nerves,
neuralgia, J rhenmatlsin, high
blood pressure, gland, skin
sores, male, female and - chil
dren disorders.
S. IS. Fong, 8 years practice
In China, - Herb Specialist,
gives relief after others f au.
173 N. Commercial St Salem,
Ore A Office hours every day. D
to 6 p. m. except Sunday and
1 3
Wednesday, 9 to 10 a. m.
i7onderlv Case
Heard by Jury
Cause of Leg Amputation
Is . at Issue ; Jewelry
. Listed in Estate -
A Jury In Judge McMahan's
circuit court yesterday heard
plaintifTs case- la the-3 3 5.0 00
damage suit brought by Leroy B.
Wonderly against V. A. Douglas
for alleged malpractice. Wonderly
contends he was not properly ex
amined or diabetes test given be
fore he was treated: for varicose
veins, and ao gangrene developed.
ending In amputation jof bis right
leg- . . " ----.i
f : The defense, starting testimony
at 9 a. m. today, is expected to
allege that a clinic In Portland
found Wonderly was not suffering
from diabetes and that the ampu
tation was due te easse other than
that charged.
' A pear ahaped ring appraised
at 32500, a diamond and; ruby
bracelet, worth $850 and a . dia
mond : brooch worth $350 are
among jeweled assets of the 44930
estate of 'Amelia Claribele Rlety,
according to appraisal- filed - yes
terday; .-Order has - been entered
directing sale of some of the jew
; Court Filings
Elgin D. Soules and others .
Ella Soules, suit la- ejection.- De
fendant's reply.
G. D Bowen vs. D. McCleary
and others; plaintiff's reply.
'. Frank Waser- vs. A. J. Hasle-
bacher and Ed Haslebacher, com
plaint for 1553.30. -
-v HaUlday and Elliott Motor Co.,
a; H. -T. Hoke. "Answer of de
fendant.' - , -
H. O. Dahl vt. W. E. Matchel
ler. Objections to confirmation of
- Assumed business 'name: : 75
cent Permanent . Wave Shop, 423
Oregon building, -Gamett e l
Clearwater and Lucille Curry.-
Danco hall license approved
for- Nina Brown, Broadaeres hall.
route one, Hubbard,
: Virginia Witzel vs. Alwyn W-
sel. Hearing set ' November 5 , on
alleged contempt ot court on non
payment support money,
- E. Horton and others ts. Ar E.
Timpson, sale confirmed.'
- Jesse Luddington, Clifford Har
per and AlWert Ambrose,' In Jail
since late In August for possession
of 500 stolen grain sacks belong-
ing to Dora Steinboch,:yesierday
were sentenced to a year in the
state nrison. and naroled to their
attorney. . . .
Probate Court .
E.: W.":- Browuell estate . :
John A. Gruchow, administrator;
Lloyd Keene, : Ed ' Gilbert . and
Charles Nanamaa,
Value $150. 5-
Albert Edward Smith estate.
Order to play claims totaling
$849.40. r ,
Lydia R. Clark estate. Decree
discharging executor;
Vlnnie Powell, Incompetent, Es -
t at e appraised at $3042.82 by
Jessie M. Martin, Wiley Del Himes
and Ross Powell. Also order al
lowing payment of claims..
Marriaee Licenses .
Max tl. Scrlber, 27. ; route VS.
fanner, and . Kathryne M., Morri
son,' 22, Sllverton. : " "
Enos Korb, ,21,- Jefferson; can
nery worker,' and Jane Bernard,
21, Jefferson. ;'r----
Philip Daniel Kerber, 22, Stay-
ton;- textile machinist, and - Mary
Wachtery 20,-MV. , Angel, stenog
rapher.... -a.
: a
: ;No Permit - The young man
who is reported to be soliciting
funds here for his education while
making the plea that, he Is deaf.
has no permit -for such .solicita
tion, according to Lawrence N. Si
mon, president' of , the Business
Men's league. . ' . , ...
Legislator VisUs--Moore Ham
ilton of Medford was first of the
legislators to show up at the
itatehonse. He was here Friday
enroute to Astoria tor a meeting
with younger legislators.- . - '
Woodmen Meeting The. W. O.
W. will hold a ; home gathering
and - past , council commanders
night Tuesday, at the Fraternal
temple, starting sat 8 o'clock." All
Woodmen are invited' to attend.
At last your problem of a
breakfast food is solyed!
Tie NEW breakfast cereal
Will , Be Deliyered to
Your Home Thia Week .
It" MiiGt'BlBbiie!
Yi of Onr Suits Mnst Be Sold .
Your Choice
Of any Suit cr Coat
? Coming Events 5 i'
. October 1J "- Wfilam-;
ette university bomecomlng,
-- October 1U rOregost
IHgbv School Principals' as
sociation. . ,
October 1ft Marlon coun
ty Jersey cattle club, cham
ber of conynerce, l:SO pm.
October 11) WHUnactte
vs. College of Idaho, night
guae,- Sweetland field. v
October '21 Second U
series Elks-Statesman bridge
tournament, ISXks temple an
. October 21 Special ses
aton of legislature starts, .
October 23-rOrganlxatlon
meet for yenng republicana,
QneRe, 7. n.-
October S3 Salem school
board, resrular meeting,
BL, 434 North High
"StSeetr-" - - .
' tictane a.zs msuom
Ply sponsored by Elks. -
, October 23 Atmee 8em
'i pie : UcPherso speaks i-
bigh. school audit oriam, . at
T:30 "clock..
- October City -wide
teacher reception, chamber
of commerce, S to 10 p.-sa. . -5
October SI Salem . swb
dlstrict Ladies Aid rally f
M. E church at Donald, - -October
255 Salem Mis
souri clubf .IC P. halL BJs.
, October 2S - 27 Marion
cevnty Christian Endeavor
convention, Prcsb yteriius
church. . " , "
October 2T Dedication'
First Methodist church Sun
day school temple. . .
James Gwyiin, 87, .t
War Veteran TTes
James R. Gwynn, 87, Civil war
veteran, died yesterday afternoon
at' 3: 30 at the Salem Deaconess
hospital, where ho had made his
home for the last 11 years. "
A former : resident of Indiana,
he was born May 10, 1848. He
suffered a severe Illness In 19 31
and was taken to the Deaconess
hospital. After recovering from
this Illness, he remained at the
hospital by preference, aitnougu
he was up and around much .of
the time. He was a member of
the Salem G.A.R. post. - .
He Is survived by a son, Robert
O. Gwynn of Treka, Calif., and a
daughter, Myrtle Gwynn of Mon-
tana. Funeral arrangements, to
charge of RIgdon s mortuary.
await the arrival of the children.
Artistic Package
Helps Says Gross
Attractive "packaging of commo
dities is an important item in sales i
promotion, Ed Cross of the Valley
Packing company told the Ad club
1 at its regular meeting Friday noon
I at the Quelle. -
He illustrated" his talk with ex
periences of the packing company
here, telling about the increased
sales gained when : Cascade chili
con, came and Cascade sliced ba
con were placed In neat packages
and displayed on racks.
You feel at ease with our
label in your clothes It's
your assurance you are cor
rectly tailored.
a: ' - - " -
474 Court St.
10 Days
At .One of -4
Sacrifice Prices
and $27
, Incorporated v
High School Plant
i Snell Inrmires o Plans
For Iu Use After New
y.- r One Built
A. temporary solution ' to . the
Salem school .board's dilemma
over disposition "of the present
senior nigh school building upon
completion of the new; one; now
being planned ' for: the- northwest
corner of Ollnger field appeared
yesterday-in a letter from. Secre
tary ot SUte Earl Snell. received
at the office of W. H. Burghardt,
school .clerk. Snell said the state
might be latereoted In using the
old building as a temporary loca
tion for state- offices, nntil the
new capltol Is ' completed. He
wroter; ' . . ': - ,
.rit has "been brought to my at
tention that If the Salem school
district" completes a plan for con
struction of a new high school
with federal "' funds the. building
now occupied, will be vacated. -
1 should be interested to know
what plans the- board' may have
for the use of the building in the
future as It might possibly be 'of
interest ,to the ' state; to know
what disposition - is to be made
ot the high school structure.' It
any plans hare been made to this
effect X should appreciate Tory
much -- information ' concerning
themu . ' -.".; '
. The school directors have com
sidered a few plans, for use ot the
old structure, such: as cutting it
to two stories and using it tor a
grade school or offering it to the
city as a city hall, but have net
revealed any definite plan in the
matter. They said yesterday they
would give Snell the information
as soon as possible.
' 5.
- j
: &
.,f -. ,.'.-.o:jvvv'a w - - r . v
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inriiin iiiiHiUM1111'"1' miHiiiHiiii i ii n ttoin u,aw.-.&v..w
-. f. Jdddyj- THE NEXT : ' :A :
303 North Commercial St.
. llcrion Street Favored ?
Am WPA Project, Word
The proposed WPA project for
removal of the center parklugs
from Marion street here and the
J laying ot a foundation for future
paring received approval ot : dis
trict WPA officers here Thursday
and . was sent to state headquar
ters, Portland. The project -would
cost the WPA. $2290 for labor
and the city- $144 including, ma
terials -and allowances for equip
ment now on hand. -
The district officers Slso approv
ed a waterworks; project for Bea
ver, Tillamook county, and probate
record indexing project for Linn
county.' -
Removal of Parkin
Football Robes!
-v.: Special
Guaranteed all : Oregon wool.
geous . plaids! Fringed I 5
Main. Floor
Solid Steel "Turret-Top" Bodies
Fisher ,
Improved triple-sealed hydraulic
brakes with new chrome-nickel
' ' alloy drums -
Enclosed Knee-Action o and.
Do Luxe m4m L - "". ,
- . - -.. -f V . . - A ) "--
Smoothest el and cylinder
ngines with silrer-alloy bearings .
' and full-pressure metered lnbrica-
Electroplated lighi-weiBht nickel-
alloy pistons .2.
All-ail en tSyncro-Mesh transmission
SimpUiied starting with eatomallo
choke '
Concealed lnsrstge and spare tire
compartment . - -
New fall-length - water-Jacketed
cylinders ; .A'
-. . . . . -
Even stronger double R-T frame -
Armistice Parade
Leaders Selected
E. R. Austin win assist Colonel
Carte Abrams, marshal, as chief
of staff for the Armistice -dsy
parade here next month while
Captain Lewis McAUan of the Sal
vation Army, is assistant chief ot
staff, it was decided at a meet
ingot the Capital Post No. ,
American Legion. Armistice com
mission, yesterday, j - -'f :2i:: r
The Armlstiee celebration ai
now tentatively; planned will con
slstor a; large morning parade
followed at 11 a.m. ' by services,
probably to be held in the First
4x7 2
tor- - : : y
"Y7ES the new Pontiacs are actually even snor
"JL Heautiful than eebre, with' a new front-end, new
headlight mounting, a different hood, different running
boards, and si decidedly different rear-end treatment.'
'And that s only the outside story of the new Pontiacs.
The inside story is even more remarkable. The 1935
Silver Streaks are built to last 1004)00 nula; -'-
-The brakes axe trrple-eealed hydraulics with new
warp-proofed drama
linings. The bodies
' Fisher Bodies with No-Draft Ventilation, insulated
roofs, and built-in luggage and spare tire compart
ments. Clutch, brakes, and engines are eren smoother,
while the Syncro-Mesh Transmission is silent in every
speed. And the eren more economical engines feature
cooling and lubricating systems that are models for
the entire industryl -., s-'.,' - - -
These, of course, are merely the highlights of what
awaits you st your rentiac dealer. Be sure to get the
rest of the story including the startling facts about
Pontiacs low prices . .
List print m Ptmrimc. ifiehigmt, ;
Ugl mt SSJSfor ih SUmtuJ tT30
Jar lJut EI4) (ttJym tm clang
uiAtvt iwfira). Sundmi-pmtp
(LM.A.C Tv ' Payment;
Methodist church, of the Wills m-
ette-Pacifie university football
game in the afternoon and ot a
Legion' dance at Crystal . Gardens
at night. Salem theatres will co
operate with the Legion through
out the day. - - . :
The commission . is content -
plating asking . all school chil
dren throughout the county- to
otn in the parade here to make
it one - of the largest ever seen
here.-' , " - - " ..
2:20 cms. weight full cat
oxide overalls. Triple
stitched 'and bar taclced
at all points of strain
lots of pockets. 4 - . j
of fused iron on steel and molded
are solid, steel vTurret-Top'
Phone 5151