4 11 .-' PAGE TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Oclobef 18, 1935 locietv New s and Clnfc A 7bft airs Jessie Steele, Society Editor Society Booms as Alumni Return To Campus mODAY the annual trek of grade J. back to their alma mater be gins and the Willamette campus will be Tery busy playing host to the alumni and making their stay an enjoyable one. Briefly, - the campus social vents Include the alumni banquet at the First M. E. church tonight, a dancing- party at the Alpha Psi Delta fraternity tonight following the Homecoming play, a party at the Kappa .Gamma Rho house af ter the play and a late supper at the Quelle for Sigma Tans, their alumni and guests following the play. They will also dance. ' Alpha Phi Alphas will have a fireside dinner tonight and en tertainment by the house trio. Sunday morning a breakfast at the chapter house will honor alum ' nae. ' j Beta Chi members will be at home for an Informal tea Satur day afternoon and are also plan ning a breakfast. Delta Phi will entertain with its annual alumnae luncheon Satur day .afternoon followed by a pro gram. - Zontians Have Luncheon At Marion Hotel The Zonta club met for lunch eon at the Marion hotel Thursday noon. Covers were laid for Miss Nellie Schwab, Miss Kathryn Gunnell, Miss Lillian McDonald, Miss Bar bara Barnes, Mrs. Victory Morris, Dr. Marion Follis, Mrs. Ora P. Mclntyre. Miss Dorothy Pearce, Miss Helen Louise Crosby, Mrs Margaret Rosecrans, Hrs. Wini fred Herrick, Miss Helen Yockey and Miss Hazel Cook. , Pretty Luncheon Given By Two Matrons Hallowe'en decorations pre vailed at the dessert' luncheon and bridge given by Mrs. William J Braun and Mrs. R. D. Woodrow Thursday afternoon in the home of the latter. Chrysanthemums and mari golds were used about the rooms There were eight tables of bridge . In play. Mrs. J. H. Brady and Mrs. W. 8. Levens assisted the hostesses in serving. Pattern SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, October 18 Salem Council of Church Women, 10 a. m. at Leslie If. E. church. Past Matron's dinner with Mrs. Ida Godfrey, 7:80 p. m. Woman's Unitarian Alliance with Mrs. G. H. Little field, 224 Division, 2:30 p. m. Hal Hibbard auxiliary social with Mrs. Henry O. Miller, 405 Kearney, 2 p. m. Degree of Honor in K. P. hall, S p. m. Refreshments. West aide circle of Jason Lee Ladies' Aid, 2 p. m. in church parlors. Rickey Sunshine club with Mrs. Floyd Smith, 2 p. m. Mission Bottom P. T. A. at S p. m. In the school. Juveniles of Degree of Honor, covered dish supper, C p. m. at K. P. hall. - Executive board of B. and P. W. club with Miss Jua na Holmes, 607 N. Commercial, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, October 19 A. A. U. W. 1 o'clock luncheon at First Presbyterian church, Winter street entrance. Res. S559. Regular meeting W. R. C, 2 p. m. in Miller's hall. Monday, October 21 Salem Rebekah lodge in I. O. O. F. hall. Initiation. Chemeketa Players Inc. in chapel room of deaf school, 8 p. m. Many Tables Taken for Card Benefit A successful benefit of the week was the card party spon sored by the Lions and Salem Wo man's club Wednesday night In the clubhouse on North Cottage. The fund realized will go to ward the purchase of a "talking book" to be installed in the pub lic library for the adult blind. Prizes for contract bridge went to Mrs. C. C. Schneider and H. A. Rex. Honors for auction went to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pratt and J. McNeil was awarded the "500" prize. At the supper hour members of the Junior Woman's club served. They included Miss Frances Baler, president of the junior group, Mrs. Dwight Lear, Mrs. Ronald Craven, Miss Madge Read, Miss Helen Hayden, Miss Katherine E a r 1 e, Miss Dorothy Cornelius. lliss Hazel Shutt and Miss Jean Bahlberg. Reservations Among those making up tablet were Mr. and Mr. Ray Yocom, Mr. and Mra. How ard Jenki Mr. and lira. David Wright, Mr. and Mra. E.rl Stewart, Mr. and Mra. W. E. Deener, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A, Lee. Mr. and Mra. H. J. Thomas, Mrs. Ora P. Mclntyre, Dr. and Mra. Eatill Brnnk, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schreiber, Mr. and Mra. Don Smith, Mr. and Mra. Lu J. Stewart, Mis Helen Hayden, Mr. and Mra. Paul H. Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Em mett Welling, Mr. and Mra. George Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Marr, Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bobinsin, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Don sell. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. 6 toll, Mr. and' Mrs. E. G. Ricketta, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pazson, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sehnlie, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Haag, Hits Frances Baier, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. Kenneth Mnrdock, Mrs. George L. Forge, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. Ira Dar by, Kenneth Lee, Mrs. Robert Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schreder. Judge and- Mrs. George Ross man, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beach, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mootry, Mr. and Mrs Ronald Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Rex, Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Willett, Miss Haiel Cook, Jndge and Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Spaalding. Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hprajrne, Mra -Dan Fry. ar.. Mr. and- Mra. Charles Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kletzing, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holt, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Newman, Mra. Jeisi Singleton, Mr. and Mra. William Xewmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Os car Olson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Montgom ery and Mr. and Mra. M. Theodore Mad- sen, jr. Bethel Mrs. M. H. TJtter was hostess to the Bethel Dorcas club 2498 JlM By ANNE ADAMS ' Toull find it so easy to build up an extensive wardrobe, simply by making yourself several blouses Pattern 2497 is at Its best in ailk or lustrous satin, enhanced by a sparkle of crystal buttons, and will be the makings of a soft little velveteen suit or skirt. Pattern 2488,. with its youthful tailoring. Peter Pan collar, and precision of wood or metal buttons Is just the thing for .classroom, off lee or sports. It's bright and warm in checked , wool, jersey or novelty cotton. " Pattern 21 9 7 is available In Sizes 14, II, 18, 20, 82, 84, St, 88 40 and 42. Size 18 takes 1 yards 89 Inch fabric. Price 15c. Pattern 2498 is available In lies 12, 14, IS. 18, 20, 80, 82, 24 26. 88 and 40. Size II takes 1 yards 81 inch fabric Price lie. Illustrated step-by-step sewing In structions included with each pat tern. - i Send fiiteem cents (15c) la eolas r taaspa (eoias preferred) for thie Asa Adams, patters. Writ plainly muaa, ddresa and style; momfcer. Be sue te state sis, : r - Important te smi for ' year mv Anne Adams patter beck for (all and and glorifens new fabrics mm& enowe sow you can oaiiit yeurseii ana your GiTes pattern designs for lovely gift, and tella haw to look more charming fey salting yoar ciotnee naceecsonea to you owa personality. Price ef book fiftoea center Book and patters to gether, twenty-fit coats. '- Address erder to The Oregon t . . rv.. 4 a ttMik Commercial Street,- Salem, Ore. Make necessary enclosures. Your rdei will be promptly attended to. - m Orders customarily are filled wlthla four day from the tim received ky Th Btatsnasv Miss Savage Honored At Shower Parties Miscellaneous showers were given by Miss Mabel Harrison Monday and Tuesday nights in honor of Miss Delpba Savage whose marriage to Donald Kim ple will be an event of November 8th. The black and white motif was carried out at the supper hoar. Mis? Harrison was assisted in serving by Miss Brenda Savage, Miss Delphine Savage and Mrs. Homer Harrison. Those bidden for the affairs were the honor guest, Miss Del- pha Savage, Miss Frences Wolfe, Miss Mabel Wolfe, Miss Lois Wolfe, Miss Maurine Carmical, Miss Idella McAdams, Miss Ra mona Estudillo, Miss Lela Stortz, Miss Edna Storti, Miss Delphine Savage, Miss Brenda Savage, Miss Eleanor Llbby, Miss Augusta Breithaupt, Miss Virginia Coates, Miss Pearl Osterman, Mrs. Grace Todd, Mrs. Lolabelle Foster, Mrs Nellie Hathaway, Mrs. William Sexton, Mrs. Hallie Miller, Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mrs. Fred Perrin, Mrs. W. E. Savage, Mrs. Rae Hol land 'and Mrs. Homer Harrison. Woodburn. Evergreen chap ter, Order of the Eastern Star, meeting at the Masonic temple Monday, made plans for a jitney supper to be held on Hallowe'en evening. Miss El fa Lytle was ap pointed chairman of the commit tee on arrangements with Mrs Elburn T. Sims, Mrs. A. H. Reil ing, Mrs. L. R. Tweedie, Miss Gladys Adams and Mrs. E. AUne Beers as assistants. Sub-committees appointed are Advertising, Mrs. F. G. Evenden, Mrs. Nelson Adams and Mrs. H, W. Bladorn; candy, Mrs. R. H Scott, Mrs. Gail Lansden, assisted by the Rainbow girls: fishpond. Mrs. Hiram Overton, Mrs.' George ueacn; dining room, Mrs. Edgar Dodge, Mrs. Gerald B. 8mlth, Mrs. W. P. Lessard, Mrs. Frank Proctor; program, B. W. Dunn, Mrs. Wayne B. Gill and Mrs. John Muir. Unlonvale Eight members and one guest attended the first meeting of the season of the Un lonvale Erangellcal Ladies' Aid at the aid room Tuesday after noon. The group elected offi cers: President. Mrs. Clark No ble; vice-president, Mrs. D. E. Bartrnff; secretary, Mrs. Carl home here. A pleasing feature of -V". '';","" '7.1 U a uail SS 4 A. J - ( ttOOlQ t. ant secretary, All-day meetings the afternoon was a shower or tauilCU f.ot"vu 1 . ,...1, 1 M m I. Mrs. Dale Jeffries, nee Dorothy " " "au"cu iur lu" Gervais Miss Theresa Schlnd- ler announced her engagement to William C. Koch of Woodburn daring a birthday party given for her Sunday at the home of her mother. Mrs. Theresa Schindler The wedding date is not Bet but will be in the near future. Both Miss Schindler and Mr. Koch are well known In this vicinity. Laura Wheeler Cuddle Toys Election of officers for the year resulted: President, Mrs. E. E. Matten; vice-president, Mrs. J. M. Nichols; secretary, Mrs. A. C. Spranger. Delegates appointed to attend the semli-annual meeting of the arion County Federation of Women's clubs at Aumsville October 25 are Mrs. T. W. Beam ish, Mrs. J. M. Nichols. Mrs. M. H. Utter, Mrs. A. C. Spranger and Mrs. J. R. Carmthers. Mrs. Lnra G. Smory of Port land was a guest. Mrs. Carmth ers and Mrs. Dale Grim were re ceived Into the membership of the club. Program features were given bv Mrs. Spranger, Mrs. Julia Grant and Mrs. J. M. Nichols. Shaw The wedding of Milo Franke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Franke, and Pearl Biggs, daugh ter of Mrs. Glenn Biggs, was an event of Wednesday. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Aar hus in the Wesleyan Methodist church at Aumsville. The bride wore a dress of white crepe and tulle veil held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of pink earna- tlons. The bride's only attendant was Mrs. Elmer Gruchon, sister of the groom. Mrs. Gruchon's dress was white taffeta, and she carried a bonauet - of chrysanthemums. Clarence Franke, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Only the Immediate families were present at the ceremony. Af ter the ceremony, the young cou ple left on a snort wedding trip. 9mm Independence The Wednes- Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Charboneau tor a 1 o'clock Hallowe'en luncheon and an afternoon of contract Wed was won by Mrs. Clarence Char- hffOTfl elephant and bunny bo&eatt. I are just me sue it ciutca urouy , I when tucked up In the crib. The ' imttv Comnlimentina one. of dog will be a very special friend. Its members, Mrs. J. Donf argheur I f or pillow. And he'll make mis Carmen CrfDnenf a recent going to sleep something to look bride. Amity chapter O.E.S. serr-1 forward to! His ears are in pat- i a covered dish., supper in the ( ches of contrasting material which Masonic hall Monday night pre-1 makes him more alluring. Each ceding tts regular meeting. toy can be made in no time and Entertaining Goes Qn ior Guests 01 Month TWO of the most popular visitors la the capital are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brooks of Curacao, Dutch West Indies. They are house guest of Mr. Brooks' mother, Mrs. Mildred R. Brooks, and will be here until November 2. ' Tonight Dr. and Mra. C. H. Ro bertson will be hosts for a family dinner. Covers will be laid for the honored visitors and Mrs. Mil dred Brooks, Miss Mabel Robert son, Miss Gertrude Mildred Brooks, Dr. and Mrs. Charles ko bertson, jr., and children, Charles, r., and Carolyn, and the hosts. Last night Dr. and Mrs. William B. Mott entertained at dinner and Thursday afternoon Mrs. Charles Robertson, jr., was a bridge lunch eon hostess. Wednesday afternoon Senator and Mrs. Charles L. McNary Invit ed the Russell Brooks, Mrs. Mil dred Brooks and Miss Mabel Ro bertson to their country home, Fircone, for tea. 00 Donald Kowitz Honored On Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Kowitx entertained with a party yester day afternoon in celebration of the fourth birthday of their son, Donald. A blue and pink color motif prevailed in the decorations which Included balloons, hats and favors. Games were followed by refreshments. Those in attendance to fete Master Donald were Keith Har ris, Claudia Talmage, Chris, Jr., Mary and David Dowitz. Evelyn Bellows and Mrs. Elva Bellows of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kow Its of Lebanon, Mrs. Chester Harris, Mrs. Kenneth Talmage, Mrs. Justin Ransom of Aibanjy and Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Kowitz. Beta Chi Alum Meeting Wednesday Mrs. Alfred Mefford opened her home, Wednesday night to alum nae of Beta Chi sorority. Miss Helen Boardman and Miss Caroyl Braden were hostesses for the af fair. Bridge was enjoyed followed by supper. Tnose attending were Airs. Clar ence Emmons, Mrs. K u s a i n Blatchford, Mrs. Muriel Morse, Miss Loretta Fisher, Miss Lila Ca tion, Miss Ruth Flck, Miss Dor othy Dalk, Miss Virginia Wassam, Miss Florence Power, Miss Lena Johnson and the hostesses, the Misses Caroyl Braden and Helen Boardman. Gordon Findlay Will Be Complimented A charming informal reception to which all Interested In music are invited will be given by Mrs. W. E. Anderson In her home Sun day afternoon from 4 to 6:30 o'clock. Gordon Findlay, band and or chestra instructor for the Union senior high schools, will be the honored guest. Music will be furnished during the afternoon by Mrs. Jean Hob son Rich, pianist, and Stanley Ames, violinist. e Scio. Miss Irene Palon, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pa lon, of Sclo, and Arey Podrabsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Po drabsky, of Mill City, were mar ried at 11 a. m. Saturday at Al bany, Justice of the Peace Victor Olliver officiating. The' bride wor a navy blue in formal gown and a corsage of gardenias.- Miss Velma Palon, sis ter of the bride, was the only at tendant. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for Oakrldge. where they will make their home. A wedding dinner will be given Sunday, October 20, at the home of the bride's parents in Sclo. A dance and shower are planned at Mill City Saturday, October 19, honoring the couple. Mrs. Hemefc Tells New. Appointments Mrs. Carl Lamp has beea an nounced as the new chairman of the north Willamette district. Or egon Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, by Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick, j t a t e president. Mrs. Lamp is a past president of the Oregon City club. Other appointments given out by Mrs. Herrick include Dena Backes, Klamath Falls, state con vention In May, 1934; Leona G. Bry-Zola Morgan, Hlllsboro, speakers' bureau; Mona Yoder, Salem, record clerk; Minnie Mar cey, Grants . Pass, research chair man; Catherine G. Moses, Grants Pass, parliamentarian; Helen Celde, Bend, officers' training class; and the following district chairmen: Mrs. Lamp, Clacka mas, north .Willamette; Ruth Lano, Corvallis, south Willam ette; Ruth Nunn, Marshfeid, Coos Bay; Helen Selde, Bend, southern Oregon; Miss Jane Olson, Pendle ton, eastern Oregon. Mrs. Herrick has chosen as the nominating committee: Edith Falbe, Roseburg, chairman; Leda E. Parker, Klamath Falls; Miss Emma Summerfield, Albany; Miss Cecelia M. Beyler. Astoria; and Dr. Grace Young, The Dalles. Past Presidents Fete Birthdays Past presidents of the W. R. C. honored the birthdays - of Mrs. Lizzie W. Smith and Mrs. Effie W. Dunlap Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bertha Love land. At the tea hour, Mrs. Louisa Loveland and Mrs. Florence Shipp assisted the hostesB. Guests were Mrs. Julia Strand, Mrs. Florence Odenborg, Mrs. So phia Sykes, Mrs. Mettle Schramm. Mrs. Ella Eggleston, Mrs. Nellie Pierce, Mrs. Cordelia LaBare, Mrs. Amanda Crum and Mrs. So phia Mathers. Other members in attendance were Mrs. Bessie Martin, Mrs. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Pauline Clark, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, Mrs. Louisa Koon, Mrs. Eva Martin and Mrs. Hattie Cameron, Mrs. Jennie Martin and Mrs. Jennie F. B. Jones. I South Circle Meets for All-Day Session The South circle of the First Christian church held an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. W. H. Gardner Wednesday. Hostess es were Mrs. J. D. Sears and Mrs. C. Harold. Mrs. Davis Errett was the aft ernoon speaker. Other visitors were Mrs. A. M. Hansen and Mrs. G. H. Brooks. Members in at tendance were Miss Muzzetta Esch, Mrs. P. W. Geiser, Mrs. Es tella Gabbert, Mrs. Curtis Cole, Mrs. F. E. Birch, Mrs. C. Harold, Mrs. D. A. White. Mrs. George H. Dunsford, Mrs. Bert W. Macy, Mrs. J D. Sears, Mrs. J. E. Klrk patrick, Mrs. S. Richter, Mrs. W. 8. Birdwell, Mrs. W. H. Gardner 1st (lurch Plans Dedication Weik Dr. Fred Tayldr to Speak Sunday Slorning ; New -Plant Outstanding . A week of pre-dedlcatloi events will be held at the First Methodist church starting Sunday morning when Dr. Fred Taylor of Portland, former pastor of the church, will speak at the 11 o'clock hour. Some event will be arranged each night In the week for various departments of the church, the week to culminate Sunday, Octo ber 27, in dedication of the new church school temple, constructed at a cost of around 236,000. Pro gram details are now being work ed out by the pastor, Rev. James E. Milligan. Work on the church school tem ple Is Bearing completion. Building Insiilated Among the numerous outstand ing features of the new temple, constructed to the south and to join the church building proper, are the doors and the weather wood insulation. Double doors constructed of an historic walnut tree are found at both entrances to the temple. These were fashioned by U. J. Lehman, who worka at the Spaul ding Lumber company planing mill here, where the doors were turned out after nearly three weeks of painstaking work. The walnut for the doors, furnished by D. H. Mosher, is from a tree one of the Jason Lee Missionaries planted in this area. . The church temple is the only large building in the northwest entirely finished in weatherwood acconstlcal insulating board from the U. 8. Gypsum company, which has had a representative here throughout installation of the board. Another feature is the three unit heating plant, any one unit of which will function indepen dently of the other. The three units weigh a mere nine tons. Mrs. Jacob Stanffer Injured in Tumble r From Wet Porch Step SWEGLE. Oct. 17 Mra. Jacob SUuffer met with an accident re cently which might easily hare proved serious. She slipped leom a wet step en th porch and fell to the ground. She suffered three broken ribs besides a number of painful bruises. She is reported to be improving slowly, and it Is hoped that she will soon be about again. ' Mrs. C. H. McCullah recently spent a day in Albany attending the Central Willamette associa tion. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ekleberry of eastern Oregon and three chil dren, have taken the house on the Heltzel estate, which was formerly' occupied by the Aldrich family.. Knight Memorial Choir To Offer Its Monthly Music Service Sunday The chorus choir of the Knight Memorial church, 19 th and FerFy streets, will present its monthly musical service Sunday night. The organist is Donald J. Allison. Or der of service follows: Organ prelude, "AHetTo" (Gnilamant). Sreniof hymm, "Sub of H7 8onL" Hyna f prayer, "Jesus Lover of Ify Soul" Anthem. "Thy Temple Fin" (Eenoler). Qaartt,"A Chorister' Prayer" (If seller). Offertory, "Meditation" (La Foam). Anthem. "Upon the Bock" (Wooler). Sextet, "Under His Winfs" (Mere dith). Bola, 'Th Publiean" (Van DWtr). Richard Smart Organ, "Kameanoi Ostrow" (Robin stein). Anthem, 'Angels ef Jesus" (Wilder mere). Postlude, "March Celebr" (Erenow). OREGON BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Oil Waves $1.50 Special; $3.25 Supreme Oil 4th Fir Ore Bldg Phone 5754 Theatre Guild to ' Widen Activities More people in more plays w'ill be the motto of the Willamette university Little Theatre guild this year, according to Genevlev Thayer, who will direct' the ac tivlties, of the guild. v . Present plans call for the preV sentation of one play every three) weeks in the Little theatre on the third floor of Waller hall at Wil lamette. Several presentations will be made of each play with the. public Invited to Thursday and Friday performances. Miss Thayer recently returned from a summer's study at the Martha Oatman school of the! theatre in Los Angeles. She took; several important parts in plays which the school presented la Its theatre and over the air. Membership in the Little The atre guild is limited to SO stu dents. ' WINTER COATS 23 75 ft and Mrs C. R. Pritchard. Salem Rebekah Lodge To Entertain The Salem Rebekah lodge has Invited the Nowhere Rebekahs. auxiliary to P. M. and I. O. O. F. to its meeting Monday night, Oc tober 21, in the I. O. O. F. hall. There will be Initiation of can didates and refreshments will be served. All Salem members are requested to bring sandwiches. A program has been prepared. The following Monday, October 28, there will be a Hallowe'en costume party at the lodge hall Miss Blanche Lebold is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Isaac Broa, sister of Otto Hunt, from Walla Walla, and Mrs Mary Kusel of Los Angeles are visiting in Salem. Pelt Market Stronger Fox Breeders Advised; Show Here Discussed Holding their regular semi-an nual meeting at the chamber of commerce Wednesday, members of the Oregon Fox Breeders' asso elation heard J. Gordon Noakes of the New York Auction company. and C. D. Garfield, secretary of the Washington State Fur associa tion, tell of the marketing condi tions In the pelt business. It was stated that there is a stronger market now than there has been for the last five years. The meeting, which was attend ed by more than 100 members, was presided over by C. W. Sta cey of Salem, state president. Plans were discussed to hold a pelt show and sale in Salem but no decision was reached. Miss Arabell Foisey, special representa tive of the Belle-Sharmeer hosiery com pany, will be at Miller's today and to morrow explaining the unusual fea tures of Belle-Sharmeer silk stockings, lengths, widths, etc' Miss Foisey is an expert on quality and sizes of silk hosi ery; Let her show you how to cut your hosiery bills in half. Miller's hosiery section, Main floor. WOLF SQUIRREL GALIAC MARTIN LAPIN ALL SILK CREPE LINED BROWNS BLUES BLACKS MILLER'S SHIPLEY'S i B amain Offer ! Paint Highway Bridge White to Aid Safety Measure to Workers Coddle Pillow and Toys Fattens 514 These simple toys made of but two Identical pieces will meet with every tot's immediate ap- at practically no cost. Any ba saar would -Welcome these as do nations and find them a most pop ular number, ,s Pattern S14 comes to yon with a transfer pattern et the dog pil low IS x 15 inches, the bunny 8 lnehes tall, and the elephant 8 inches In length, complete di rections and yardages tor making tnem. - Send 10 cents tn stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman Needle- craft Dept. AMITY, Oct, 17 A crew of highway men are painting the cement bridge south of town on the West S.ide highway. The color Is white, which will be an aid tn the prevention of accidents to worker going to and from the dryer during the walnut harvest, as there ts no pedestrian walk on the bridge. The walnuts are coming In large quantities to the W. R. Os borne plant and the work of grading will start soon. P. T. A. to Meet VICTOR POINT, Oct. 17 The first of the season Parent-Teach er meetings will be held here Friday night New officers for the year are Mrs. J. O. Darby, president; Mrs. J. C. Krens, vice president, and Marlon Darby, secretary-treasurer. Is C E. Soloist SILVERTON, Oct. 17 Miss Frances Nel&on of Sllverton will be the soloist at the meditation hour of the Christian Endeavor union Sunday morning at 9 to 10 o'clock at the Elsinore theater, at sai em. By Mail Per Year To Any Point In Marion Polk, Benton Clackamas Yamhill Linn, or Lincoln Counties Only; DON'T DELAY ORDER NOW . . i i "TODAY'S PAPER TODAY" CUT .... MAIL .... To The Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon Please send me three sample ! copies of The Statesman without farther obligations. I want to ac quaint myself with your paper. Name Address , To The Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon ( New Subscriber ( ) Old Subscriber Please find $3.00 to cover my sub scription for one full year. Name Address , Also find $1.00 for the accident policy. Benef iVi ary My age New ( ) Renewal ( )