PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleia. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October 8, 1935 oeiety News: and CMb Affairs Jessie Steele, Society Editor Delegates Coming From 4 States - , to Meet mOMORROW morning at 9 J. o'clock the 43rd annual ses Ion of the! Columbia -River Branch convenes In the First M. E. church. Mrs: W.- R. Coff man of Tacoma, the president, will pre side at all the sessions. Most of the delegates will arrive today. Committees of local women will be at train and stage 5 depot to meet and, assist the women who will come from various parts of Montana, Idaho, Washington and . Oregon. , 'ry-x. Among the delegates will 1 be Mrs. J. H. B. Royal of Portland, who was recording, secretary of -the ' first auxiliary organised ' In Oregon SO years ago in the south west room - of the First M. EL. . church parlors. Mrs... Royal still . las the first minutes in her pos session. She is now 85 years old. Accompanied .her , daughter. . .Mrs. Emma Royal OlSuIivan.; she will be. the guest of Mrs. Thomas Holman during the Branch meet '. ing. . - . ,.- Mrs. Scott Bozarth of Portland, the ; other charter member, was Miss Lizzie Dearborn at the time of the organization and was ap pointed on the : literature com mittee at the first meeting. ' Anothe interesting delegate who would be present if health permitted is Mrs. A.' N.1 Fisher, now 98 years old. She became In terested in the Woman's Foreign Missionary work in her college days coming west to Portland; in 1892 as the wife of Dr. Alber N. " Fisher, pastor of F 1 r s t M. E. church, Portland. She lmmediate- " ly identified herself with the Wo- - - men's Foreign Missionary society. The next year she was elected cor responding ' secretary of the Co ;: lumbia River branch. These exact ing duties she carried for 24 years. Part of her work ' was to keep in touch by correspondence ., with all the missionaries sent to the foreign field by "Columbia River branch. Mrs. Fisher is now .. corresponding secretary emeritus Today at2 o'clock the ; Marie Ebner Bri(je Q tuts pgaru iaeeu). uciwiM win uc . gone over and other business ar- Leonard Fisher ranged to be presented during the Branch sessions. ' SOCIAL CALENDAR ; .- "6 "Ik i :. -'HitM': " .'PV -, X W -" ' " , . Tuesday, October 8 " Orchard Heights club with Mrs. Will "Knower. . Luncheon at 1 p. m. in Jason Lee church tor Mrs. . - L. Wood's class, with the Friendly class as hostesses, . -Business Girl's class of First M. E Sunday school buffet- supper, p. m. with Miss Grace Allen, 290 8. v 21st streeti" ..'-y- -v.-rs,r' ' ;' - Cht DelU Delphians with Mrs. J. "Vinton Scott, S33 " Statesman.. 9:30 a. m. . - . . - , Sons of Union Veterans and'auxiliary in Woman's v, clubhouse. 8 p. m. ' v. . Sooth division ef Presbyterian church with Mrs. . H. S. Bosshard. 1143 S. Liberty, 2 p. m. . 1 McCormick class of. First M. E. church social at ' . home Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Rahe, 1026 N. Winter - Mrs.f R. M. Gatke's drama class with Mrs. Clifford Farmer 2:30 p; m. -- . . " .. Music appreciation class of A. A. U. W. at Melton : studio. 324 N. Capitol. 7:30 p.-'nuv ; '' Beta Chi Mother's club at chapter house, 2:30 p. m. ' .'. T. W. C. A. board meeting, 10a. m. Marion county W. C. T. U. convention at Turner. f Trans, phone 5098 or 5273. i ..Progressiye Woman's alliance at 344 N. Frontstreet, m.:.uJ:-;.v ' .v" . - ,Deitia, Zeta .elnb at S ir; n.; with Mrs.' Charles Feikev -J Richmond. V - - ;?:--- , --k A.A.U.W. Political Problems class at Eaton hall, ' 7:30 p. m; - ' ; . ,, if - , Wednesday, October 9 American Lutheran guild, 2:30. p. m. at church. First Presbyterian 'Missionary society at church, 2:30 p. ra. i , Missionary proeram of First Congregational church, 2:30 p. m. at home Mrs. Ada Elgin, 246 S. Cottage. Sweet Briar club with Mrs. James Imlan on Wal- -' lace road, 2 p. m. , A. A. U. W. literature class with Mrs. Herbert Rahe, 1026 N.i Winter, 7:30 p. m. Madrigal club rehearsal. 8 p. m. at Y. M. C. A. : F. Ol E. auxiliary social club at home Mrs. Lareva Sharp, 1082 Fir street Thursday, October 10 Thursday club with Mrs. Frank Spencer, 2:30 p. m. A.A.TJ.W. Franch class at Eaton hall, 4 p.m. Capital auxiliary to P. M. in I.O.O.F; hall, 8 p. m. - Friday, October 11 ; . - Mother's study . group . of First Congregational church, 2:30 p. m. at home Mrs. E. P. Armstrong, 160 Bush. Women's missionary society of First Baptist church with Mrs. P. J. Blessing825 N. 15th, 2 p. m. The A. A. U. W. French sec tion i will meet in Eaton ball Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Phil Huth is the leader. Pattern 1 :.-.. ..... . . . t't i f n .., S. I . l i It i it f 1 Mt. Angel With the sanctuary banked with gay autumn leaves and ' flowers, St. Mare's church was the scene ef a pretty wedding Monday morning at 8:15 o'clock, when Miss Marie Ebner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ebner and Leonard Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tisher of Hyder, Alaska, were married. Rev. Bon aventure Huesser read the nuptial high mass and performed the ceremony. St., Mary s choir sang. accompanied on the organ by Miss Helen Keber, who also played the wedding marches. Miss Clara Keber and Miss Pauline Saalfeld sang "Ave Marie". The bride was given in marriage by her father,'! Her dress was a lovely. model of white satin and lace with a long train. Her long tulle veil was arranged in cap ef fect held together with orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of white chrysanthe mums. Miss Delphine Ebner was her sister's only attendant. She wore Sigma Tau Has Dinner Sunday Afternoon - Collegiate in its appointments was the dinner given Sunday at the Sigma Tau house. The table was transformed into a miniature football field with golden goal posts and a ball in the center from which red and gold stream ers extended to each plate. s Chrysanthemums and favors were at the co-eds' places. Bill Hansen was chairman of arrange ments. Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Schulze were patrons. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. Schulze, Miss Dorothy McDonald, Miss Charlotte LaDue, Miss Caro line Hunt, Miss Harriet Childs, Miss Jean Hollingworth, Miss Jane Fisher, Miss Tessie Cupp, Miss Marlon Averill, Miss Marion Steigerwald, Miss Ina Bennett and Miss Margaret Hauser. Escorts included John Ross, Ross Gladden, Bill Hansen, Don Armpriest, John Robinson, Joe Harvey, Francis Crouch, Bob Hart, Bill Miller, Malcolm Walt mon and Paul Hauser. with orchid corsage and carried Birthday Anniversary Raymond Ebner, of Washington UOmpumeniea Ctato .nlUo. .-tart o. hut n..n A wedding breakfast was served t "J"1 ' to th- hridjil 1 Hi hAnt4MnL. Tan rnme on ner ouui- nf f r- : ti . h, . i aay anniversary i " - " . - , a . I the -groom;- Tbe wedding dinner. p?"u" r6' jras held. at the .-MrTAnrel "hntei ." t" ",' Auxiliary Installs Monday Night at Temple TIE American Legion auxiliary held " Installation ceremonies last night at Fraternal; temple. with Mrs. F. N." Waters, presi dent of district 2, presiding as in stalling officer. . : - The following officers were vested : Mrs. Mem Pearce,- presi dent; Mrs; Onas Olson, first vice- president; Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, second - vice-president: Mrs. Aus tin -Wilson, - secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Frank Zlnn,- finance "officer; Mrs. Elbert Bradford, chaplain; Mrs. Glenn Seeley, historian; Mrs. Paul Flcke, sergeant -at- arms; Mrs. Glenn - Porter, Junior past president. Committee -' chairmen ' for the coming year named by : Mrs. Pearce arei Hospital, Mrs. J. P, Ktlrlman hUd -wlfarn. tin Glenn PorCer; community service, Mrs. Robert Budrow ; American' ism, Mrs. A. S. Johnson; poppy and poppy poster, Mrs. William Taw; music, Mrs. A. M. Johnson; national defense, Mrs. Carl Sus bauer; legislation and education of war orphans, Mrs. Nota Hen derson; membership, Mrs. Onas Olson; publicity, Mrs. Earl T. Andresen; junior auxiliary, Mrs Bryan Conley; radio, Mrs. Leon Brown; National Bulletin, Mrs. William Myers; constitution and by-la wb, Mrs. Cordie Wiper; cem etery and memorial, Mrs. Oscar Poe; Fidac, Mrs. Ray Binegar; unit activities, Mrs. Dennis Ste venson; hostess, Mrs. King Bart lett; color bearers, Mrs. F. Alfred Williams and Mrs. Lewis Stanley; custodian, Mrs. Carl Hultenberg. After the business session. joint social hour with the Legion post was enjoyed, followed by re freshments served by Mrs. C. W Bartlett, Mrs. Earl T. Andresen Mrs. Cordie Wiper, Mrs. Lyman McDonald, Mrs. Fred Thompson and Mrs. Dick Barton. Bowers Open Home on Sunday Night Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bowers en tertained the Sunday Night Sup per club at their home Sunday. A delightful evening was spent with honors for high scores go ing to Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Erick- sen. Other members present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feike, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Melwood P. VanScoyoc. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Bradley, and the hosts and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bowers. The next meeting of the club will be November third at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Bradley. - Hubbard. A double wedding of local Interest took place at Vancouver, Wash., Saturday, when Miss Esther Baily of Hubbard be came the bride of Earl Ramp of Brooks, and Miss Ina Lesher of Salem the bride of Alfred, Bow ley of Gervais. Mrs. Ramp, who is the daughter of Earl Bailey, formerly of Hubbard, was born and reared in Hubbard and at tended school here until her jun ior year. . Both couples left Sunday for Hoquiam, Wash., where they will make their homes and where the grooms are employed by the Am erican Door company. Heights ClubWl Assist at Meet ; Salem Heights The monthly meeting of the Woman's club was held Friday afternoon' at the community hall with Mrs. P. F. Stolzheise presiding. Mrs. Clifton Mudd of Salem Woman's club, presented an invitation' from that organization tathe local ciuo, xor the 3d district federation of wom an's clubs to be held October 14 at the Woman's club building In Salem, with the Salem i Heights and Liberty clubs -as co-hostesses. Mrs. Emma ' Whealdoa was ap pointed as the delegate from Sa-. lem Heights district to this con vention, the hostess committee to be appointed at a later date. Mrs. Bishop f Salem waa pres ent and told l of : new - SERA classes in adult education in dra matics and literature, music, re creation and arts and .crafts by chosen instructors and, at class-' in public speaking under - the- direc tion of Mrs. Jas. French. These classes , are for anyone t over 1 6 years of age and two-hour class es in each subject held- once eacn week. Anyone interested in form ing classes in Salm Heights are asked to call Mrs. Stolzheise, 122F3. .'. .;-" -:.- i - . The semi-an ual convention of the County Federation, rtf Worn- an't- clubs' wffl 1e held at Aams- yille October - J 5. Relegates "ap pointed are Mrs. Belle ; Douglas, Mrs.- irrea - Burger, Mrs. . McWain, Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Mrs Alice E. Edmundson, with alter nates, Mrs. Myron Van Eaton and Mrs. A. A. Taylor. It was decided to have a recep tion for the teaching staff and school board of the local school. the committeeto be appointed la ter. It was also decided to have the Oregonian Traveling Kltch en schcol here later. Following the business meeting, a delightful program was given, with a talk on "World Peace" by Mrs. Myron Van Eaton, leader for the meeting, being greatly en joyed. Refreshments were served V. Rickey Sunshine Cluh Holds First Meet j - By -ANNE ADAMS Shirring, smartest of this sea son's style points, is all : that's - needed' by : this . dressy frock-. in theway of trimming, thus you're at 12:30. Assisting In serving were Miss Terese Fisher.' .Miss Lbuann passing and Miss Audrey Ebner; "Miss 1 Clara Keber and miss Hilda EDerie gave a num ber of vocal and piano selections during the dinner attended by 42 i guests. .Mr; and Mrs. Fisher went north for their wedding trip. For going away the bride wore a brown en semble, fur trimmed with" brown accessories. Out of town guests included Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank i Fisher of.. Hyder, Alaska, and Paul and Miss Tillie Fisher, of Oregon City. They wfll make their home ;in Mt. Angel where Mr. Fisher is in business. - - ! , Woodburn---The - first meeting of the fall season for the Belle Passi chapter, ' Daughters of the American Revolution was held at the home of the Tegent, Mrs. W. ! J. Wilson Thursday afternoon. A patriotic program has been outlined for the month and com- 4rtnrmlefl1 " us well as am art. If iecona style ieature -es' in . me i ed. v The. state rerent.-Mrs.lMark wealth;- of vfulness which flares. IP. Weatherford. wl h nrf9in - to.rthe front, and' you'll- like the ed at 'the November meeting. MrsA Mrs. TUnTer Gruchow, Henry Ru- ; j . omh..hiu,-ji)ou " " 1 1). uuianuers ana airs. ti. M. iu uu ruiu outxts uu . m i uverwn win oe in enarre of the-inonor guesis, mho xrauie mu In attendance were Dr., andMrs I Frank Prime, ' Mr. and Mrs.: Syd ney1 Stevens Mr. .and Mrs.--; Carl Armpriest;. Mr. and Mrs.- Carl Butte", Mr. and Mrs. George Carey. Mr; and Mrs. William Schlitt and Leo Spitxbart.- i " ' - - - Shaw A . party waa given : in Masser's hall Friday night by the young folks and . friends .of the Christian Missionary Alliance church' of Salem in honor of Milo Frank e and Pearl Biggs J whose marriage will be, in the near fu ture. Refreshments were served to Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Saldwell and sons. Dale, Merle and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sheets and Ronald Mrs. Olsen, Mr. i and Mrs. Will Frank e and Doris; Boyd and Hu bert Panther, Florence Elsasser, Ruth De Vault, Lawrence, Robert, and Louise Rich, Alameda Work ing,- Richard and. Anna Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frank e Selma,; Elvena and Louise Oraw, Winifred Rand,' Grace "hnd Julia Miller, Tees Bacon,' Bernice -Grif- fen: Charles Cannan, Marvin Matt- eon, 'William Beimer," Mr. i and your knees when you walk.-Note the way skirt, fulness .and. neck, ; darts combine to. lend this frock 'flattering, :emlhlne. softness, : while raglan sleeves are-, both . ' graceful ? and : easy -to make. .Choose a drapey, fabric such-as - featln .or . sheer . crepe from this - k youthful "veryTet" "frock. .Pattern 2 4 88,-ia available . . in sizes 14; 118,. 20. 32. 34; . :36, 38, 40 and 42. .Size 16 Ukes 4i : yards :3 9 inch fabric. II-1 ' lustrated ; step-hy-step . sewing in- - sfructlons Included. program. Belle Passi . chapter and Bavid Hill chapter at Hlllsboro will be the guests of. Mrs. John Of.-; Rich ardson, a national officer. Tues day, October J, at her home '2659 u eorgian f lace,-Portland Heights. foruana. . Pearl Biggs. ; WILLIAMS ; R.U.X. COMPOUND The meeting of the South Sa lem Friends: . Missionary, societv Rnt . fiftn 'centtf -f 15f 1 .! eoiai ilinM: (eoini nref errnl ) for thim Ami llim Mttnii WfiU nltinlT nam. -addrvM. sad atria aatnbcr. " B- -Important to for yo "sew A-.D adami . Pattern ' Book . for ' fIl aoii w'mtrl ! pictnr tb tsavcst at;4 and. florioaa aev. t brici and he kow yo en tfit - jonn-alt . ;. (itmm w.t t. vw ..'i mm fat loily rift. n4 tatla how. to loo . mora tkimunl tr , initinf Tnr mim ..nfi .nrla iA TOO, flVt pertoaaiitr. Frica of book iiftaB ceata. - Book- s4 pattara tosatkar. twetJty-fiTa -eanta-.; ;-. ' - Addmt ordera ? to . Tb " Oregon 3t. . rwnl .215 Snath Commercial Street, Salem, Ora. Make . aaMtrr eneloaarea. xear araar win ba promptlr attended to. . . Order enntomarily are 'filled artthm fnar tty from the t'.aia reteired by Tba Statesman. Quickly Relieves! Neuralgic- and External Muscular Pain -1 has t been ; postponed until,- next XOftea MisCaUed 4Rhematie,, week.- '- " : . ' . I , - . - - - - - The A.' A. V. W. Tjolltlcal TirnH-l.. - . . ' lems class will convene ; tonight h It itabblng." shooting mu'sculr at. t:30 o'clock in Eaton . halL .vtj Mrs. W. C. Jones Is the leader. f vi - ... , ia Liberty Mr.-and Mrs. C. wJ-heuralgic pains and surface pains Stacey-were hosts for .dinner and! of 'the' body are robbing yon of M. eJlnJ. .at"1 'V2?J 5 comfort and eas-Udon't endure Mr. , and Mrs. U Frank f Glaser of -torture another, day without Jefferson. -t; V h - : -. I trying Williams R.UJE. ' Com pound which Is bringing such quick relief to 'many sufferers. Costs ;only ifew "cents" day, OREGON BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Oil " V Waves - 91 J60 "TT spiai; t3;25 Supreme Oil " 4th Fir Ore Bldg rhooe 0754 Take; just a .few .doses ' and see how. much better you feel." The first ' bottle must satisfy you 'or money back. Ask .Perry's Drug Store for a bottle of Williams R. The. first of a series of card benefits is scheduled, tonight in the. St. Vincent de - Paul parish hall starting at 8 o'clock. Bridge and 500 will be in play. Old-time entertainment will conclude the evening. ... . v ' - . - Mrs. Frank Spencer will open her home to the Thursday 'club this week at 2:30 .o'clock Thurs day afternoon. : Mrs Frank Ben son and Mrs. Russell Cat 11a. are assisting hostesses. ' . Roberts Mrs. Alice . Coolldare will entertain the women, of .the G-i T. club at : her home October 10. ' V. ' Round Table Topic Gives : Cream Soups a Field Pay MANY home-made soups nave a cream or milk baser If they do, the recipe is eugio u .-.u week's Bound Table contest. Send a as many as you lixe oeiore Thursday noon, October 10. i Mrs. M. M. Allen, 2S North Winter street, submitted the fol lowing tips on what to serve with meat last week: Roast e, grat ed horseradish: roast r mutton, cuifant Jelly; boiled mutton, caT per sauce; roast pork, appiesauce; roast v lamb, mint ; sauce; -t roast goose, applesauce; Toast turkey, ovster sattce: roast chicken,, bread sauce; tenlson or. wua aaci, black currant Jelly; compote of pigeons, mushroom sauce; broiled fresh mackerel, stef ed gooseber ries; ; fresh salmon shrimp and cucumber. Cut With Scissors Cut. the edres of nnbaked pie crust with scissors instead of a knife as this prevents cutting the crust too close for proper erlmp- Orange Saacc , Half a cup of - diced oranges added to the stock left in the pan after a duck is roasted makes a good sauce to be poured over the duck after it has been: arranged on the serving platter l -; -;,i ter.i Mrs. Martin Schmidt. iji-:VIUmto 4s.Jox: S14. . ' ' The Rickey Sunshine club held its first meeting of the fall Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Floyd Beard. New officers were installed and work was planned for the winter. Luncheon was served. ' Present were Mrs. Frank Ful ton, Mrs. Fred Miner, Mrs. Wil liam Carothers, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs. Carl Shafer, Mrs. Roy Shaw, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. Alice Crooks, and the hostess, Mrs. Floyd Beard. Mrs. Floyd Smith will be the next hostess October 18. a a a Miss Marie Bone Bride Of Mr. Quiring Miss Marie Bone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bone, and Leander Quiring, son of Rev. and Mrs. Quiring, of Dallas, were mar ried at a quiet ceremony Satur day night in the Bone home. Reverend Quiring read the ser vice before an improvised altar of autumn flowers. The couple was unattended. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Quiring will make their home In Dallas.. Woodburn. Mrs. F. W. Settle mier entertained Chemeketa chap ter. Daughters of the American Revolution, or Salem, and mem bers of Belle Pass! chapter of Woodburn, at her home on Settle- mier avenue Saturday afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Geer, regent of the Salem chapter, presided,: and Mrs. Catherine Powell gave an in teresting talk on the history of French Prairie. I . - Mrs. Geer and Mrs. T. J. Men denhall. of Portland presided at the urns. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses. Mrs.. A, E. Austin,' Mrs... Katherine Powell, Mrs. Dean Ray, Mrs.J Homer Gbu let,' Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. Car rie Chapell and Mrs. F. L. Minard. W.W.G. Hears Program ; On School Room. HThe v Beacon chapter of ; the World Wide guild from the First Baptist church met Thursday flight. The business session was presided over . by the president, Miss Bertha Lu Mapes. The pro gram, "An Old - School Room," was in charge of Miss Ellen Mor- leyT; Devotions were Jed by 'Miss Frances-Nattson. , -. K' A social hour followed the reg ular business meeting .and pro gram with refreshments served by the hostesses. Miss Betty Clark and Miss Phyllis Morley. Those present were the adviser, Mrs. Floyd Starkey, and the Miss es Alice Goffier, Willow Gibson Edna Ankrom, Vernetta Bixel, Lois Hoyt, Ernestien Fredrickson. ' Alice Norton, Betty Clark, Nolv Cunningham, Harda Hansen; Ber tha Lu Mapes, Ellen Morley, Frances Mattson, Ellen Robins, Esther Mapes and -Phyllis Morley. Cheerio Club Honored At Bridge Party Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitta more were hosts last weekend to the Cheerio club. High scores at bridge were won by Mrs. Leon DnBois and Everett Andresen. A 'late supper was served. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Leon DuBois, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Or- ey. Dr. and Mrs. C. Ward Davis Mr. and Mrs. Everett Andresen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson. The club will have a Hallow e-en party at the Andresen home the last of this month. a a a Mrs. Lareva Sharp will enter tain the F. O. E. auxiliary social club Wednesday afternoon in her home at 1082 Fir street. ' ? Curbs Odor." . When cooking strong flavored vegetables.; add on teaspoon of baking powder to cibbage,- cauli flower, etcv and cook uncovered Peel Under Water . Onions peeled, under . water will pot affect, me eyes. - - ---.-.v. Anna, Takayama, Route 2, box 252 Ethiopians and Italian Of Credit Association -To War; Seek Members Battle lines are being drawn. " tnr a lfu-al war. and Judging from the plans being promulgated, the generals expect a sun camptw u. But the "war" will do no great harm, say officials of I the Salem Credit association. Ia fact, it will be the association's annual mem bership drive, with the Ethio pians, under command of Howard Grimm, arrayed iiaihst each oth- The . org anizatlpn; will be di vided into feajp diTialons for each side, infantry air -corps, tanks and cavalry, and -the battle will be started ' witbi Kstionai Credit week, the first-week, in! Novem ber. The League of Nation (For-, rest Hafladay," president -of the association; At Alv Hall and Le Sckoettler) -win - be the referee. The contest will kse with - tbs annual late in December. Mrs. Charles Fefke. 39 S Rich mond avenue will be hostess a the Delta Zeta club tonight at .8 o'clock. Bridge i will follow the business meeting. ; f- j - f-H , I I 11 til V !3 SAN FRANCISCO EQ70 ROUNDTRIP Ride in real comfort. These fares are good in the new hcuditiantd chair-can on our crack Gtstddtbig roomy cars widi deep-cushioned reclining seats. Or go for the same fares, plus small berth charge, ia ircnditioned1oitist Pullmans.- Rates are also low to Los Angeles, ' San Diego and other California points. And here's something else that will save money on yonr trip .... . Sg?'-Ta-aiWaj Nowserveiia coaches andTourist Pullmans on all our trains;: coffee 5c, milk 5 c, sandwiches 10c, 3 'do- nuts 1 Of, ice cream 10c, apple or orange 5s, cookies 1 Oc, etc (And pillowrental now only lOcin coaches.) Goafihera PacnCnc A.F. Noth. Ticket Agent : Phone 4408 Greeting Cards A Card for Every Occasioa PattbriV Boole Store - J. L. Cooke : , 340 State St. Phone 4404 Just Received the New ColorsJFor Afternoon and Dinner Wear Here you will find. a big assortment in miss es sizes, youthful large sizes and half size; . dresses. - - . . - . Including : the r- PT street;- . . length,, velvet . . cocktail dress. . PRICED- : 585 r:-;;y-.: 735 ( Iri v .2 k V 3? m i t - " ft tv'A24w 'P I ITU ' l v - .,? t t;"' Si a V Ma ' -V ' 'TV ', " ,1 -. i - - . ---' ,.-...;... ' ' . .'5. SHME Y'S Wf, OH BOYNfhanhs. M'lordN. Have you turned 'for your hind words V I out to be a swell but rnosT of the, honors A cake baher! V shou,d 3 to mY -: V '----" - i mmmmmmmmtimmmmuitffnrtfiiKr'' fsi-v hh us is nr mil siimbi mn iimi'stiiisrfni 'filni n ---isMa-tiiBsi mm "WW -r,j -t im , i i-iwifiit-ati inn ; , i n i, &msm - m - rn Baking troubles vanish when you install a modern gas range J ; Mm 9mtn,uu tJunx tnat a ;. rp sVhand', for pie. or cake or biscuit r y is a gift from heaven. Those. wo- " . , . men don't own new gas ranges." U - : -r ; All you need : for' baking sue- t - ' cess nowadays is to mix your in-1 L rdients according ".to. lnstruc-i.: T "T tiona. Tour new automatic gas - range will take competent care of ; . the baking; Its temperature con- 2 trol keeps oven heat constantly at : ' r. any temperature you desire. ' '- - - Ifeavy oven insulation keeps, the t r . . heat insidt where it,is'necded r: ' ; V"lnures a cool, comfortable hitch.." ""."."'en,' And .without your peeping 1 ? ... .even oncewithout your shifting . '' PMyoil.'wiU find your! baking U ; . rf eetljr "raised", , perfectly ' , browned and ready, to remove. CZD Modern gas ranges have these features: s? mi vrBvncii uu ieu7s u iirasr . ... . .. .-. .... whan the aoe'eified hakinr time V Another economy of ras is this :'" . .w hm.m aiapacu. . . - : f ..... '' jaws, u iv. uuuu Not '.only bakkr i. swcestWi. tef Jf n with, a modern gas range,'nt W - .Before yon buy a new range, kinds cooking. This is because r the1 lMS-odl gas " ranges." '.$ Portland gas is flexible provid- ." They offer moreconvenitnees v Inf at top, oven and broiler burn- ,.tban any other type of range. :! ers any cooking temperature yon ' They are priced to reasonably. may, desire. You get this tempera- Amd'ydm cam Save $20 It year :. ture inttsatlj, too, without an ex toy iew.Cetafstas'ciiiy afsaf pensive f wsrmlnf op period.':- ers or la ear thowroejn today, 'i PontLntiDns.ii'Coitp Copahy ,r V . 136South 'Hiih Phone &i 9 v f ; ; ; '.-. Remember, the more gas services you have,' the lower the - -" ; rate yon pay. Ask. as about our popular combination rate. Oven Heet Control : .. JttvIatM tmpratuni for ' -- , . btkiag aad raacuaf. -,... . .. ,. -. " . t. J ", . Oven Insulation; . ' Ztps tin ht a tfca 0tm ,' " .. whtn it belbag. I . - ' 4 T W A itprftuaa im raa aaa cttcktm - -- jutcta; a ntatt. - : imstaiLinsrs Jfafta watttirU fokiag atff car mpftS ia (U. U. X. Compound, today. :i 2L1