. Statesman Classified Ads I) ' Call 9101 Classified Advertising; - Single' insertion per line . ,10c Three Insertions per line ." .20c -Six insertions per line ... .30c One month per line ..... $1.00 Minimum charge . 25c Copy for this page accepted until 8:30 the eTiag before publication .for clauifirmtioD. Copy received after this time will bo-run under the head ing Too Late to Classify. Tb. Stateraaa tcuuHi so fioaa eial retpoaaibillty . for errors which nay appear Sa advert itementa publish cd in ita colnm-r. and in cases whet taia paper it faalt will reprint that pert ot an sdverticeiae-t ia which tat typographical miitaie occurs. 7 Tbo Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It far . ther reserves the right to classify all advertiaing under the proper classifica tion. Help Wanted WIN 32.2SO.OO ' ' Can you make 5 three letter words Using the letters In the word "PAR AMOUNT1? Rush your answer to O. F. Stavton, Dept. C, Dea Molnea, Iowa- and yon will get opportunity to wO3.2pQ.tl0. "WANTED Two salesmen to sell Christmas cards. Fatton'a Book Store, 30 State. Help Wanted Male Company oprtng. nationally, opening brnch. offices in this locality. Has poa. open for local mgr. possessing good char, and financial respon. Kxp. not rQ. Poa. pay wkly. salary with opp. for advancement, Write Credit Pro tective A Finance Corp., Empire Bldg., Milwaukee, Wig. Need man,- going business; salary, flus , profit guaranteed. interest 123. Bllgh Ilutel, Room 2S3. Will take ear part payment. Help Wanted Female W A N T E D Housekeeper between ago IS and 25. Tel. M7&. P....... ........ ii-i-ii-ii-u-uVXAJVfLTU-Ul SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT for mar ried women. 115 weekly and new au tumn dresses FREE representing na tionally known Fashion Frocks. No canvassing. No investment Send dress size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. T-9699; Cincinnati. Ohio. -i-i-i--.-i-i-n-i-.n.rurLR A DDRESSINO Mailing i.ln.nlon at liome, for mail dealers; earn 115 weekly. Experience-unnoceasary. Stamp brings particular WILSON CO.. Long Beach, Calif. Wanted housekeeper for 3 elderly pople. In country. TeL 184F3. B. J. TeeL Rt 9, Box 4S7. Salem. Salesmen Wanted MAN WANTED for Rawleigh route of 890 families. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. ORI-1 8 7-SA, Oakland, Calft Situations Wanted Reliable woman win care for apt in e (change for room. Box 69, States man. For Sale Miscellaneous ' Safe for sale, fireproof, 333 Cbeme seta. - -- -- --- i-i-,-,-,-i-yr-,wwwxrva A BABXSAIN Drop In or ive your order to one of our. agent. The Statesman one rear by mall, only $3.80. TODAT3 PAPER TODAT. Distilled white vinegar for alt pick ling purposes. TKeapa Taw Pickles Kriap." PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM . Greund Dallas limestone. Bulk or ders taken for the next S weeks only at $3.60 ton. F. Ct B. plant Hawkins Roberts Inc. Tel. 4109. A BAROAIN Drop in or give your order to one of our agents. The Statesman ' one year by mail, only $3.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAT. . . lypewrtters Rent a machine, prac tice at homa apoci-l ratas to students. Roen, 420 Court Phone 6771 SmriAth tnmotAA itu Paat 9 fin a -v-uvvmb, vna u if IQg al, - 1 i n iuluu'uti jii-uxann J Lat lmpvovd Elberta peaches now sere. Lovella. Satuniay- and Sunday. Salwaya later. Puritan Oder Work, vest feaiem. A BARGAIN ' Drop In or giro your order to one of our agents. The Statesman eae year by mail, only $1.00. TODAY'S PAPER TODAT. meats. $15 and $20. Box 595, care Statesman. A BARGAIN . Drop In or give your order to one of eur agents. Too Statesman one year by mall, only $3.00. TODATS PAPER TODAY. ' "'"'" -i-ririi-11-in.nnj-ijijuuij i Grapes. 2Ue lb. at Kind's v. ml. ic f penitentiary 4-cornera. 9jeeaaiBjBsfBa i Tomatoes for canning. TeL 71F3 eve nines. TexcavATING " of "any kind," baae- Milt, I WAMnn... 1 . . . - - " wit. icnivicu, uxi l ivr saie. Phone 4(44. , Sale Shepherd puppies, working stock. One dollar each. Also kale planta 25 N. Winter, Salem. .... . 1-ii-ini-i.ri.ixrumjt Gun. falllnsr hunVln -- 1. xern, nawaitan guitar. Ueo. Cree, Mill City, Oregon. E Trade Miscellaneona i I Trade equity ia house and lot for ra worth around $300. 10(5 N. 17th. Sundays or after evenings. fcTRADE Good watch and overcoat far day bed or bed davenport Bantams for sale or trade. Mudd, $3$ Ferry. I Wanted Miscellaneous j , Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. ToL 48(9. , ; ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon B. Bell, Security Building. Portland, Ore. Western Advertising - i ' Representatives Faacer-Hall Ca. Ltd. ' - T gas rraaeiace, Los AafeUs, Stattls .. - Eastern Advertising ' ; Representatives " "- Bryant, Grlfftrb Branson, Inew ". . Chicago, Mew York, Detroit - Boston. AUanU - ' Kafered mt te Peetofflee at Setem, Oregon, gscoa4-Clos Mat tar. Pms Kfked every wxonting sgeept Ifosday. Biwraess cice, 21$ South Covtwieretoi Street,- ; - .... .- . , - . , . 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Mall Subscription Rates, in Advance, Within -Oregon: Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. (0 cents: 3 Mo. $1.25; Mo. $2.1 5 ; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 10 eenU per IfOv or $3.00 for 1 year hi advance. Pet Copy cent News Stands f cents, Br City Carrier : 41 cents a month : S.01 a year in advance. Wanted liscellaneons FOR SALE OR TRADE We are Interested in trading a good used car, for wood. Carter & Church . - Motor Co, &6S North Commercial Wanted small all-ware set radio, reliable- make, i not over f 15. Box 43, Statesman. t ! - Miscellaneous Haircuts. 15e-20c 30: a Winter. -- - -i-i -Ln.-i.-iT.aji Dressmaking; by day, 260 N. 15th. " lion 1 1.51 mtririv tmmi . - CLERKS. $1909 first year regular. Ex aminations expected. Get ready imme diately. Full particular" FREE. Write today sure. Frank Un Institute, Dept. 876 F, Rochester, N. T. For Rent Rooms DestraMe living room, front entrance, fireplace. 230 R, Cottage. w, . -... - -i-rrrM-inn. ROOMS. 3C9 N. CapltoL TeL 578. FOR RENT Sleeping room with garage. Telephone SS24 1083 N. Summer. Furn.a lee P I ng or housekeeping rooms. Garage. Tel. 3452. Furn, hkp. room, 1173 N. Fourth. Front sleeps room, 255 Center. Room and Board Board and room near state house and university, reasonable rates 1358 Chemeketa St. Rooms with or without board, near State honae. 151 N. 13th. Board and room, 1315 N. 17th. For Rent Apartments FOR RENT APTS. Two room apartment, lights, water, and garage. 1431 N. Church. e-aeeeame---ni m mmm i - - ,-M-M-u-u-u-J, Attractive t R. apt., 1380 Center. For Rent Houses Houses. Grant. 629 Court. Tel. 5SS4. Furn. It unfurn. Forkner. TeL 303L Winter rates en cottages. Lone Star Auto camp, 160 N. Capitol. FOR RENT HOUSE S-room furnished, Spanish tvpe. To responsible people. 439 N. 14th. FOR RENT 6 rooms modern, 1775 FairmoBt .St. E. M. Hofnell. 7 R mod., easement, furnace, 320 mo. 2128 N. Commercial. FOR RENT 9T0 E. Street, partly furnished. 145. 171 S. Winter Street, S bedrooms, 845.00. 1245 Chemeketa Street, S bedrooms, $26.00. 234 West Nob Hill. (20.00. 445 Columbia Street 8 rooms fur nished, 320.9. f. R. BELL 425 Oregon BuDding Phone tltl T rooms, Salem Heights, TeL 5F11. For Rent Hospttal Beds and wftaeteLsJzs rwar. H. U- Stiff Fuwitturw a3av Offloo roe ma tor rest. 181 Stat : rL 3713. 24S A. near Salem. 130 A. tTBftBla. good water, xalr bldgs., good fenona. Low cash rent. 64 i Ferry St. Wanted to Rent WANTED Bu si neas woman wants huge room, partially furnished, or room and sleeping porch. Call 5064, after K o'clock or Sunday. For Sale Real Estate Bargain Oae acre, T R. house, good bid as., Irult stnd nuts. Bus Una. See owner. 175 Se. Cammerrial- ... ........ . - vxfuwuum. KiuAL ESTATE ( room modem house, good- location. arW4 a,l, 4, . m. , 5 room bouse, two Tots for $1100.00. a room nouse wen rurrnshed. paved street, priced for less than buildings would cost 3 room house, modern and tn first esses ceaditloft. can be bought right or will accept smaller house in trade. CIIAS. HUDKINS, Phono 9494. 279 State Street room nouse, large lot fruit etc. 3 room boose, bath, on paved st. North Salem. $1080. W. G. GRANT, Masonic Bollding. TAKE A TIP BUT NOW $250. down. Nice 6-R. plast home, .... Paved street, price $1150.00. $500. down. danSr strtctty modern 7 .home. Regular $5000 place for Have a client that will pay up to $3000 cash for a rood modern homo In Salem. Alsa hare a client that win pay small payment down and pay $100 per no. on nice 1 ' 2. 5 -"" PeSe with good house, what have you? SEE ,fA I SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 133 & High. St phone 9423. sale or trade 1 to (U acres outside city ltaiits terms. TeL 842. : awassj StVIUtJ Willi X Ult CMUeiir Mimiif tSimom 1..1 2n J?r ?t,c nw P"4. new roof. 7 "v uecwrarea in trie inter ior, nira utrw Anmv !n mi,w i . i. VZvPTZ&Z&ZP1 "arase, IMMEDI- THIS BARGAIN BEFORE YOU BUY. Located at 990 N. Fifth St . M. UnABENHORsX ft CO.. S. Liberty St Phone 84(8. immm . -iri.i-i.ru-iiuiiin J, , . SNAP This MAllm lal. S , ----- . l iwm plas tered horns newly decorated Inside and rlllr VTkca vsal mti . a t-, nmr tras line and School. IMif raiTATB" TeoracpmvT prtc 12w0. $J.0. down, bat lt per SEE, W. H. GRABEXHORST & CO T a? ft T TAn 43 134 a Liberty St phone (468 FAIRMOUNT HILL BARGAIN TniJI Vv1l-M Yt!nav s.-.rl -a i With oak flfwir- irkm A 4Ma - aa .14y WbATSW ai," 5: ;Te 'W,B and shrubs, extra good omrvir naipl T?ucea to ,59ft0 for QUICK SALE; if you want a nice fterore Its too late. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO..' 134 aXIberty St Pbone 844 1 J '''',""'" " " i -1- -i -u UUL a K n&lM K.a&Mte.A . hH tZm 1 , . : ul itepiace, buHt ins, gar., large lot I7KS Mh K. f c,c ... . . 8fe owner for appt. I6S, end of "rTr. aner. I p. m. Sun. HA 1 .M. 1 M I W . 1 1.- r - . $3100. 7" : -:. , J lots, corner, variety fruit rm. trm. ... , 5.,rm-. furnace, food district, , $150 down. $3200. 4 rail and nook, furnace, fire . place, y corner, close In, 3100 down.. .. . .., . $60. - - ; 7 rma strictly modern m every way. pracUeaily new and In best of condition, beautiful trees, $500 - down. - - - WINNia PXTTTJOfnf -111 Court Street Interesting Facts Eighty-fire per cent of all cor porate wealth in the United States is owned by only five per cent of the corporations.' " " . Only one or two per cent of the hogs in the United States are af fected with trichinae, bnt still there is danger If the meat to eat en without first being thoroughly cooked. - . In a double handful ot mellow, garden compost there may be as many as 21,000)000,000,000 llring soil bacteria. For Sale Heal state 3730 S rooms, bath, paving paid. 3300 down. 310504 room furn. Plastered, dou ble garage, paving paid. Terms. $1700 4 room bungalow, plastered, 2 lots, paving paid. Terms. $2500 i rooms and nook, full base ment, furnace and fireplace. "Newly decorated. Paring paid, $500 down. See L J. Crittenden or Gladys Brown WITH R. A. FORKNER 185$ N. Capitol $100 DOWN, 3-R. bungalow, living r., kitchen, bath, bed r garage and paving. $1100. $100 Down, 6-R. borne on N. Commer cial. Living r., dining r., 2 bed rooms, bath, some fruit, paving. , tHOO.- $10 Down. 5-R. bungalow in Kay Ad. Basement, furnace, fireplace, close to school, paving pd. $3000. $500 Down, 0-R,, English style home, large living r., dining r.t kitchen, nook, 1 bed r., and bath on 1st floor, toilet, lavatory and 2 bed rooms upstairs, basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage, nice lawn and shrubbery. $4000. MONEY TO LOAN at . MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. Phone 3725 BARGAINS IN WEST SALEM HOUSES $1500. Large 9 room home with barn and three large lots, located at 195 McNary Ave $200 down, bal. tl& rter mo $2350. Modern 4 room horn with baao-' ment and furnace, .garage ; this! property is In excellent condi tion, $300 down, bed. $230 per'; mo., located at 681 Uerth Ave. $1800. Modern 4 rooms, with basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, oak floor. $200. down, bsj. $18 per month. $1520. All cash will buy this modern 6 room plastered borne with baa ment, furnace, fireplace, cor ner lot, located at 1383 Frank lin St. $2500. Modern S roam Una, style JrameJ toaasmsnt. fur na.ee. -fireplace, J sax xioor, located u3 frank lin St, easy terms. $1300. AH oaaa will buy Oils Triad am 6 Town planeesad. hrmgnlww iome, with fireplace, garage, located st 1352 Fleam, fit SEE US FOR BARGAINS W. H. GRABEBCaoaST CO RHiSLTtaa 134 S. Liberty fit Phone OafiS. Cottage Frntt gardan. 3 lota. Slft.0 Fxrharrf!g Beti Estate Wast -Oreax. Xnr-T good kxaction. iStadam, -Csdit. FarreS, owner. Siewtecav Ores: A. W. ForSsde Fj 5 acre tract, weed, land, about erne mile from etfir limits. ( room btjugatow houaa. jnnall sut bldga. For bnnioaMa aaca- tbi arss- erxy ia ouerea ior sxsee -est misinisl terms. See Mr. Lin dam HAWKINS ft BO BESTS, KC Prices Going Do Better t Acres close in. good 6-R. burmloer. barn and P. H., electric tty amfl welL 1500 down ; price 42100. 13)s Acres; one of the best buys. Ex tra gooa improvements, lots or fruit and nuts ; a very pretty place. Must be sold. Come look it over and make an oner. our miles out 37 V, Acres, stocked and emilrmed. rood location and modern bldg. One of our nicest and moat profitable places. Priced very reasonable. 40 Acres (north), fair bldga, silo, and electricity, good soil. Only $3500 tase smau nouse in Salem as part 7 Acres, Pacific highway, 4 miles out Good 4 R. house, barn and P. H. 3-A. filberts all in cult Price only $5500 take bouse fax Salem as part payment If you want to buy or sell, JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 a High St Phone 9629. 6 A. 1 mL east of town, drilled .ncit. (WU SOU, 11VSD, 20 A. 3tt mL east of Salem, fair bldga. Variety of fruit, good soil, 105 A. on Pacific highway, 25 cuH. mi. iimDer. i en ceo, creeK, springs, well, fair 6-r. bouse, Trade for smaller tract. 80 A. 2H mt from Salem. A REAL FARM. 7-R plastered house, 2 bams, running water, variety of frutt. rnrr1 all VlnAa ff evmlM utensils $125 per A. MONET TO LOAN AT t. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 3723 Acreage One acre 6 room house, barn, chick en house, excellent solL Close to Salem. $1600, terms. 5 acres I room house, chicken house, good soiL Close to schooL $1350, terms. i : . 18 acres. 4 room house, barns, elec tricity. A good place. 32000. Terms. 43 acres river bottom soil, bldga. $3500. Terms. R. A FORKNER 185$ N. Capitol Easiness Opportunities 1 INVESTMENTS Invest your savings at I to per cent oa first mortgage securities. See Hawkins ft Roberts. Grocery stock and fixtures, doing good business, $100. . Gas station. 3 pumps, 4 room house. Entire property for $3800. Will take Salem house. - -- - R. A. FORKNER, 1851 N. Capitol Want nartnor who can Invest atse with his services to keep. books and handle the money. Nature of business buying -and selling staple commodity. nox , Braioaman. WAN'l'li'l 1 rT.. tm and real estate business, 3300 Investment- Far MrtlmlM .u. n. rod. Masonic temple. .- ' Money to Loan Auto Loans 0 A R 8 BEriNANOID &sy Terms Investigate WTLLAMETTat LOAN CO. M-119 503 Gssu-disn Bid . Salam .... ...... -nnmiwiivsjijuiji First elaaa mnrlnn In... .M..f $2000 and over. No commission or brokerage for borrower to pay. LADD A . BUSH TRUST CO. " . rii'i -ni-.n.ruuiji.n. Quick service, low interest rates. W. a KRUEGER HT K. ComL Phone 4758. Money to Loan Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest possible rates. .. .. - , .. . GENERAL FINANCE CORP. . -A Local Corporation First Naf 1. Bank Bldg, - Phone 3553. ' . Licensed by State ... MONET forgood-Xlrat mortgage real estate loans, any; amount farm, city or acreaga properties. Low interest rates. .No payment requirementsv CHILD3 4 MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phono 4708 - - -ri'rrrr"if,ii 1 1 tk MONET We now hare several good first mortgages on hand, amounts iron: $350 to $2500. Net Investors 6 per cent See us for real estate loans. CHILDS MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St phone (709 . ... -rini1Jnruxnjl Money to loan at six ser cent Small monthly payments. Salem Federal barings a Loan Association. Guardian Bldg. Phone 4109. A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 We can advance cash auicklv and privately to any employed man or woman in zi nours. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor iiu.raEL jso. s-irz ii 165 by STATE 518 State St TeL 3740, Loans Made In Nearby Towns Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. tier ore borrowing, inquire at uawains at nooerta Livestock and Pooltry Live poultry wanted. 328 N. Front Sale larCA farm team tli mf aar Af rxajeaviiio bcdooi. tan ocetucr. aa, - -l-l-V.-,nn n n IT FOR SALE Milk cow, cheap. 2249 i. uoenj. For Salt; Wood GUARANTEED DRT wood coal. TeL 6000. Salam Fuel Co. Trade uauag. No. 1 dry in. old fir. also 2nd Dry -wood, mil kinds, TeL BOSS. Dry 38 inch old fir, TeL 7034. Wood Satring Wood iwasonahlo. Call taO. JLoet and Famd LOST Xhrvalopa- contamlng ?10 nrr miuzy xwu enw, in r, u sr .on itmw Lost to atnlim thniit awn m mam last "from Salmn fati si mias hi.ia iiowru amgnan Jsexrer, "mala, weight ZS iirm. win -nnns -m nam, nr -ciartiiiA ThoTDUglily hroken. Liberal reward ior TBturn miurmation. w. e. Karon, mnmmwme. LOST Blank fur miliar.. 7hnn JX-m uooowin, frBoB. Reward. LOST mall San coin, jur with toaascM -money ana -two lasys. Gall -quuse st. nr jsawara; TTJCSCD StBgy Collie unp. Owner fczsoiial gTOttACH TZLCBat GAS PAINS, uvittUKBxton vicums, way anar Fee tmlck MUafet a. tree asasnle of woga, w nnctar-s pusaLiiiiuuu, at cap mu bbib rrye urug trtores. Ferr Sai Uaed Cta Iirternatianal 1 ton, B. J$m X93J Dodaw 1 tton. A. "W. B JS0 Ck. JBL C 1 ton. -wtth iMdy , taa 3a.atAJ3E3l CO. V3 Slsrta tit. Xhonw S8U -rzt lorf Coupe, gOSQ. -C2D S. TSth. Model A.'2S Fortl Cnm "V.a 1 $150.00 cash. Tii i ma, sxr -call sieulins For Better CZsei Car Values See Bonesteele Bros., Inc. 1934 Hudson DeLuxe Coupe like new ear $750 1133 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan safe ty glass. Golden beige 'color, 19,040 miles A-l (45 1921 Dodge Sedan: the famous D. A. model new paint leather upholstering ; actual mileage 35,000. See it 350 1929 Ford Panel Dely., excellent condition 950 19Z Bulck St 4 - door. . recondi tioned, motor, nn, of RnloVa best models 1123 Studebaker Pres. Sedan lots of car for the prlca good 2IS 250 15 125 125 1927 Oakland Coach this car will give lots of service 1923 Essex Sedan, 4-door; reduced to 1928 Pontiac Kton r aa la 1927 Essex Conse. new nainr. re. conditioned 5 1928 Nash Sedan. 4-door. Only 85 Sl UUt.MAK.tK DEALERS Bonesteele Btos Inc. 391 Chemeketa ' Phone 4444. Stop, Look and Listen! Big Values In the Best Condition ' 1933 Ford V-8. down payment -$185.00 1930 Olds Coupe, down payment 99.00 1930 Buick Coupe, down pay ment , 125.00 1929 Nash Sedan, down pay ment ; 120.00 1929 Essex Coach, down pay ment 80.00 1929 Hudson Sedan, down pay- ment $9.60 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, down payment 22.60 Carter & Church Motor Co. Tour Nash and Lafayette Dealers 3(5 N. Com'L. Salem, Ore. Phone 3734. iJV"BfyV'prsy"arervVr Cars for Sale Yv . b1A TtAA4!n wvvt tisuA tomobilea We'll pay cash or sell on consignment Used Car Market ' tH K. LTberty Street Open Sundays ... ....... . .I'H-innnj Following cars must be sold snd era priced for quick sale: r 1-1933 Chav. Master Sedan 4 new six jly tires, flnUh like new a fine buy and priced to sell. 11929 Light Nash Sedan owned be prominent family and In fine shane. The price on this car Is too low but must seM. 1 1928 Buick Sedan a fine car have cared for this car m our service dept. every since it wss sold newa real buy. 11927 Dodge Sedan; bearlnes and motor checked over by our service dept: a steal at the price we set on uua car. . OTTO X. WTLSOJf - ' " Buick ft Pontiaa Sales ft Sarrlco 313 N. Com'L St Phone 345L For Sale Used Can 1 1933 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1933 Plymouth Business Coupe -i. . - 1981 Durant Sedan . ) v 1930 Whippet Coach, 4-cyL tt . 1929 Chrysler 45 Sedaa 1 r 1929 Durant Sedaa f - ' ; - 1928 Iurnt 4-cjl. Sedan i V. ,X927 Chrysler 70 Coach i : A f 133 Chryeler- 4 Bedan C "p" ; h Salem Auto Co. ! 5 iit North Gromejcial Phot 7t. " - i -1 - hi r ii n isj-Lauj-LrtrLrufi s McKay's Used Cars : -Look for the Red OK Tag , 192 Chevrolet Coupe : r $195 Yi 19!l Chevrolet Coach- I $175 1923 Pontine Sedan $175 1929 Pontlac Coach ' $195 1929 Hudson Sedan $245 1330 Erakme Sedan! ' $245 1930 Stndebaker Coupe $245 1929 Pontiac Sedan $275 1931 Chevrolet Sedan $365 1933 Chevrolet Sedan r $495 . 1930 Buick 5-pass. Coupe $345 1933 Oldsmobile Sport Sedan . $615 1931 Nash Sedan .ivj,- $595 J92 Ford A Pick-urr $95 1929 Ford Truck $165 1931 Chevrolet L. W. Truck $325 1934 Chevrolet L. W. Truck $575 McKay Chevrolet Co, 233 Center 430 N. ComL Phone 3189 Art's Car Market Hupp Dealer tn N. Church St Tel. 3449 KewlftSS Hupmobile 4-dr. Sedan $1049 1934 Oldamonile Tour. Sedan (95 1S33 -Dodge Sedan 595 1S32 Thirant Sedan . - , , 850 1831 Pontiac Sedan . 315 1330 Pontlae Sedan - 250 1S2 For Coach i75 1BZ9 Olds Coupe 175 And several cheaper eeafs xn collect tram. My sniarantes Sm as good as the beat in the city. Pick Yours Today I j Only a Few Left 1930 Hup t Sedan. This Is veal miy jtia J3ZS -Oakland Coach. Mice, clean car. with lots of mUeeura . 1X5 XSSI Graham Standard 8a fl an. 3iaw mint. . good rabber, mo tchanicalry A-l "285 1322 -Ford V-8 4-door Sedan. Re- ' DTmdltloned motot, new-uaint, ' BEellent Ihws IDS U30 wtnrd Coaah. xepaintad, mo. tor lual awod 2S5 1829 Cherrfllet Sedan r K&rJ-Keen ' trunk: ; US 1930 Ford. Bport Coupe, a. snap TS5 1920 Vord Coupe, late onodeL 183 wheels T5 Vt&eyMetBrCa? . j. wu tjmt jms l siacuni w. jjusu - ieutai m xunwrry upen -jsvanmga -Haixmya. fh. mo, Down 1934 PTymoulh Caape --$WDJ)0 1933Myimmk Sedan delux 17V. CO 1932Plymmah Sedan, new paint, 1455130 I932DeSoto Coupe, air ! , wheels 1S0MQ 1931 Chevrolet ' Coupe 150.00 1931 Ford Tudor 150.00 1931 Studebaker Dictator Cp 130.00 1931 Packard De Luxe Sedan 225.00 1931 Buick Setfn 150.00 1980 Chrysler 70 Sedan 125.00 10 Others to Pick From . TRUCKS Down 1934 Chev Truck lOply tires. .$200. 00 1930 Dodge 3 ton truck ... . 150.00 3 1929 Chevrolet and Fords your pick. .. 50.00 HERRALL-OWENS CO. "Dependability? Dodge Plymouth 235 S. Commercial Phone 3511 i Stray erM Resignation - As . District Attorney ; Is Received by Martin The resignation of ', Manley B. Strayefs district attorney of Ba ker county, was received at. the executive ' department Satnrday. Strayer Jias accepted the office ot deputy United States district at torney ia Portland. Governor Martin said Btrayer's successor would not be appointed for a week. Bis resignation be comes effective October 1. - ; : Business Directory ' 'CarcLs In this' directory ntm on ev monthly basis only. Kate: $1.00 per line per montiu Anto Brakes Mlk Pataek,? ttl South Commercial. Brooms Factory, 41s N Church. TeL (440. Chimney Sweep Telephone 4150. R. B. Northnesa. Ikiropractors DR. Q, L SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. Ml N. agttTfl. Res. KM. , . Dentists Dr. E. Davis has eeubUsbed offices at 313-314 Masonic Temple. TeL 7133. Electrical Service BOSLEB Electric, 341 State St Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. Florists Bretthaupt's, 447 Court ALL kinds of floral work, Luts, Flor ist Mt N. Liberty. TeL 9593. Keys We make keya, Barry W. Scott laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LAUNDRT 2(3 & High TeL 91 2S CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First tn Quality and Service Telephone 31(5 1204 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO pbonw 40 SALEM FLUFF-BUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, alx- ng; nun rug weaving, a. utn at Wil bur. TeL 344U OTTO F. XWICKBR. Est 191L Music Stores UEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet muslo and Disco stud ies. Repairing radios, ohonosrranhs and sewing machines. 423 State Street salem. , Painting Uneeda painter - carpenter. Call 5213. Photo Engraving Solsra photo engraving, 147 N. Com- mercnu. xet asST. lrinling FOR STATIONERY, ccrda, xamob' tem, programs, nooaa or -any Jtina ot jreintimt. oall The -Statesman PrinUnsi Jepctrnenu Ilk & naimasi lisU. Tela- ptumo I0t Stoves t imolr stores, ransrea. drtmlalora. neu new ana reovut stevea rartres ana circulators, stock fsnce. potts, ehtckaaJ 'wcto, jaaiera fence and srore wombs. see Chemeketa, TeL 4774. R & rtemnsg. Taxidermist Paul Carrow, Chemawa, Oregon. E. E. Wiggins. 15 yrs. exp. 1 ml N. Valley Pack. Co.. Pac highway. Txanaier FOR local or distant transfer atorare. caJI XISL Lamer TransTsrCe. Trucks to -Porrjsmfl aany. - CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 311 -State St TeL 7TT3. DUtrfbuting, tor wmirag and storage out specialty. Qet 3"ar -anywhere for hire truck service. Call Joe West. TeL 5278. Well Drilling ft A. It Tel 11SFS. Iite Cmon Crop Exceeds 1934 One The late onion crop for 'Ship ment is now estimated to he 10,- 731,000 100-lb. sacks, compared with 9,281,000 sacks harvested in 19S4, and a five-year (1929- 1933) average production of 9,- 9(5.000 sacks. The combined estimate for the central and eastern groups of late onion states indicates that onion production on September 1 is 11 per cent less than was estimated, a month ago. Thrlp damage Cgr ing August was more extensive than usual in most commercial producing areas. A combination of adverse weather conditions during August heavy rsjns and. floods followed by a long period of high temperatures - caused much on ion erop damage, especially In New York. Ohio, and' Michigan.' In the Western states, the late crop made normal or better progress for all states except in Utah where the dry season has curtailed yield prospects. ; . Harvest of the Lake Lablsh on ion crop is just beginning and. prospects are very promising. Yields are Just about up to aver age and the quality is reported as very satisfactory. NOTICE OP FDTAI, . S1STTI KMT.XT . In. the County Court bfthe state of Oregon, for the County ot Marion. In the- Matter of the Estate of John Stegmire, Dec'd Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, executrix of the Last Will and Testament and , Estate of John Stegmire. Dec'd, has filed in the County Court in and for Marion County. Oregon, her final account, as - such' executrix, and that Monday, the ?th day of Oc tober,. 1935,. has 4een duly cap pointed by-said court as the time for hearing of objections to aucb final account, , MART L. COBBEL, Executrix. S $-15-2 2-2 . 06. - .j "'.--". i - Traders fDiscbunt : Mussolini's "No" Wheat Drops FnrtKer With Snip rise" Developniehts . " . Sunday Expected . ' , f s - , - CHICAGO,. Sept. 21-(py-Refus- ine to tak Ita It's "n nA.- a final rejection, of peace offers, the wheat market responded with a moderate downturn ot prices. Cautiousness in regard to pos sible surprise j developments in Europe over Sunday ruled deal Inss, espeeiatlyfaa trade-drew to an end. A lira undertone in wheat value ,iraa evident, with rautes easily achieved, and the bulk of selling appearing to come from recent bayers who were in a position to realize profits. " Wheat in Chicago closed un settled -l i& mirtfr rMnl,,'i finish, Dec. corn off to up, Dec. 6S4-, oats at aeenne to ; Vs advance, and provisions varying from "5 cents setback to an equal gain. Closing Quotations: Wheat: Sept. 98; Dec. 99- May Corn: Septl 81-; Dec. 58-; May Oats: Sept. 27; Dec. 28; May 29. S Salem Markets Grade JJ raw 4 per cent mUk, eo-ep kaslc pool price f 1.57 per hundred. MUk based ea semi ssentiUy utterlU svsnfa.) Distributor price $2.10. A grade bhtterfat Deliv ered, 29c; route, 27 He. A grade prints, 80c; B grade, 29)aci Priees paid to groeers by Salam buy era. ITao prices below, supplied by a local grocer, are indicates of the daily market bul art aSl gaarsotsed by Th States rSTJTTo Buying Price) Tokay grapes, lag Lady Fingers grass Local Concords, lb.i Local fir, si ft 1.40 1.5U .02 .25 .40 1.2S .75 JO .75 .85 .01 Pears, loeaL ba. Peaches, local, ba. lakuaa tialea Hackl. berries, lb, retail Poach plums. ba. Seedless srspes, lng WaterBwlaaa, lb. -i ' w .HKJ lO .50 to 1.00 "-We. wieaa. erato 6.00 ana . lamey j . 3.50 to Cftoica to Banaaaa, lb, sa stalk - S.0O 4.25 B.2S J55 6.35 S.50 Lea-ana, fancy 5.50 ia 4 50 to laoice Lraa-s. fnk 1.00 8.00 te 3 A3 - , ... .85 . 1.25 Grapefruit. Calit A poles. Grarenstaina, bo. Dalicioua, fancy, ba. VEOBtABLSS ,. . Brmt Prices) Itaiiaa broccoli, lag- Cranberries. hbL 8"-Ui potatoes, crato . Bed poppers, lb. , Erf Mist flat .50 5.00 1.65. .OS .75 5 JS5 J5 to eo 1.00 3.50 L20 jn 5 15 .70 as Daoiak Mraaaa. tax. UUJ, Can. tmml - JO to Itaiiaa squash, BMea eata, lotmL doiea uatona. Walla Wtlht ewt . Vh:te Bermndav, ewt Vakraaa marble tund sq-asb, H). Cauliflower, Oregon, lb. .80 to Cabbage, Oregon, -.;- i te Carrot, local, dataa : Calory, local, ana. : jj CeJory heorta, ox. s , .60 to Cucumbers, Am. : Cax-e-bere. pidcCat Sweet, lb- Boar., lb. .- .04 S .OS SO .03 H .08 1.2S -.00 Boats, aosea Beaas, local, lb. u)lH te uroea pepper, Ursfo-, lt. . Lettses, local , .73 to Lettuce; Seattle ,, tottoca, Califoraia Sew apuds. Waa-intoa Now BDV-a. Onn a.75 JW LIO .03 te .e .75 LOO -eeai asw nsas Sptasea. loeaL araaea erst- Sqaass, crate Taa Danes, 18 la. lag . , .40 to .SO .45 JO !S J te JO .13 te JLi -eeai, baaaol - , 1 araips, daasa Kadi-kaa. lse-l sous Walaets, la. j niserts. Is. i. sors (Buying Paica) Claitara, 1935, 1 top I-ggHs, S5. top,- lb, .13 .IS wool. ora moxuxs (Boying- Prtee) -oKair .38 .35 .23 Vedi-m wool Coareo sad fine wool ZOOS i-TD rOTJXTHT (Buy lag Price f JUdraaaai) a ttras ., , ., , ,, kt egress extra s tr ,. .80 .28 .35 as Staadards ediasts staadard Pallets (Aadrasoa Soi Buying Price) Hoary a taa, 4 ft or orer .18 aaary aeaa, orer 9 lbs. Ceiored sadinma, lbj Uediaa Legboras, lb. Light lb. '; . US a4 as as .OS J6 tsga. lb. OUl roosters, lb. - j tjoioroe trys, lb. WkHo Laahorma f r-r. IK auawiux CREAM gar bsyiag prices Lire PnnHr K. 1 at,v Colored k-n, h,J a iv.. Colored kaas, OTtr 6 lbs. J as .16 as .14 .17 ad iSra -e-a. So. 1 Legkora aeaa, ned Colortd apriagaTS, erer 3tt lbs. Colored tpriagera. nader 3 lbs. Logkora friers - , :-, . Old roasters lh 1 . .17 . JUt . .10 . .07 .80 M .35 .24 .15 .18 'J4 Stags ,,. Beiects Egga Caadled aad graded- rso suns Largo standards Med mat extras Msiasa ataudarda Pallata Undergrade . Case eoant, large agga. 58 poad otsc. ser esse X-rrESToec (Baying Price) - ,:.. .07 te .07 Lambs Ewes lh. .03 te .03 -. OSti t At Teer-ag laeths Hogs, 140-170 lbs. --: -, t to 9.50 120-1 10 lb, i , . . , te t.OO 170-310 IVa, tep 310450 lha h .10.35 e.00 ta e.T5 Sows ' - - Steers , Cows : .- T.OO ta TW ,5tO S.0O 1J0 to S.SO . 4.00 te 4.50 . 8-50 to 4.50 8 to 8. 50 Balls :: : Heifers Te-L top rrijii ban 4t as Dratted real, lb. HJUX AXS KST Wheat, weatera red. .93 - .74 31.00 -19.00 -20.00 18.0 w-ita, o. . Barley, . brawiag, tos reee seriey, toa . Oats, milling, toa -i. reed, toa ' ttar. aortas 1 Clover hay .11.00 iLoe .14.00 - 41 .14 . 3.15 Oats aad vetch, tea , Alfalfa, valley Bed clever seed, lb. , liaike elevor see. , Totch soed, .ewt General Markets PB01?TTCB 30XH-SOB POBTLASD, Ore. Sept 21. APU Prodaee exehaage, net priees r ' x Bser: Extras. 38e; sUadards, 7e; prrmo firsts, 24e; firsts, 25c - Batterfat: S9Kc. . . . . . . ' Eggs: I-us, V. 8. speetals, S2e; TJ. & extras, 81c; 17. S. medium extras, ?8c Portland Grain roETIl3a, Ore, Wheat: Opea May 85 Old Sept 82li New 8ept. . 82 December : UU Sept JWIP) Higk Low . Close 5 ) S4 2, 82 sa 83 82 .82 8Si 62 82 V -- lm - --v - . un is t seat. S1.1-; Big Bend Maoatesa. gl.07; -ark hard winter, 12 per eeat 31.10 l 11 per 2V 8.es tft 815 era watte. SOHe: hard winter. S-tie; orUt ora apriag. Sir; westara red, SOe. Oau: Ko. 2 white. $18.50. Cora: St.! eastern yellow. $39.25. XUirva: Staadard, $17. .. n , - Portland Produce POET -XD, Ore- Sept. 21 (APw Batter -t- Prints, A grade. 30c lb, ia parchment wrapper; 31c lb. ia eartoas; B grade parchment wrapped, 29e lb.: cartons, 30c lb. ' Eggs Baying price of wbolesaiers: Fresh specials, 81e doaea; extra, Sle ea ten; standards, 28e dozen; extra mediums, 25e dozen; medin-i firsts, 23e das en; sa derrrade, 19c doien ; pallets. 16e aosea. Cheese Oregon triplets, 15 ,e; Orsgoa loaf. l&e; broken win pay He below quotations. alilk-HA grade Portland deUrery, 52 lb. butierfat hui, ff 4 . Country meats Selling price to retail er : Country killed hogs, best batchers " anaer 150 lbs.. M-lTe lb.; realers. No. Sle lb.; country routes. 2-31e . lb.; heaTy. 8-9e lb.; cutter rows. 5-71je It.; eanaera. 5-6c; bnlla, 7-7 He lb.; lambs, 14 H -15c lb.; aiediuin. 8-12c lb.; ewes, 5-6c lb. Mohair 1933 baying price, 20e lb. Cascara birk Rnrin, nrir it;; .1 2cib. r Hop Nominal: 1924 clatter, 6-SH lb. deliveries at least twice weekly, 50 80 44 e lb enantrr mmh t.'o. Ik . & grade deliveries less than twice weekly -o-.sse id. ; 1 grade at atarket B grade cream for bottling Baying price, butter fat basis, 53c lb. Lrre poultry Portland delivery, baying price: Colored hen. oTer 5H IImL. 17-lSe lb.; under 5H lbs.. 17 -18c lb.; Leg horn hens over 8V lbs la-15e IK; under 3 lb.. 1415c lb.; springer S lbs. and up, 18 19c lb.; under 8 lbs. 17-18e lb.: white broilers, 13 16e lb.; rooatert, 8-9c; Pekio ducks, young, 16 17c lb. , gg-t Sew onion 'Walla Walla. 50-G0e-50-lb. bag; Oregon, $1.50, 100 lbs. Potatoea Local. $1 cental; Yakima Netted Gems. $1.25-1.30 cental. Cantaloupes Dillard. $1.23 erase; Willamette valley. 63-73e erate; Spear melons. 70-75c crate. Wool 1933 clip, nominal; WiUaaae valley mediaat, 25c lb.: coanui and hrai-v 23e lb.; eastern Oregon. 13-22e lb. Hay Buying; price from producer: At talfa. new price. $14-16.30; east ern Oregon tiatathy. $17: oats. $7-10 m; Willamette vail T iirmmhr tli. t w, . $7-10 ton. Portland. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND. Sept. 21-CP-C hanging; prices In many . Lines were noted on the Gardeners' a Ranchers' early market Sataraay. A 'annsually heavy stock of wegre tables and fruit was on the floor. Garlic, which nrprfonalw not moved sufficiently to warrant listing, was roine at eleht pent! a pound. Spinach -Box, 43 50c. Carrots Doxea btrnrhe. 23s. Beet Dozea hunches. 20c. Green onion a Dmn bnaches. 20 Drv nni nn. f1. 1 i t . i . j . 11.10; Walls Walla, T1.10; Oregoa. hot dred. 31-LSO: hoiliag onioas, $1-1.15. v. u-c son iw, o. x crate, fx. Kadis-ea Daren bunch ev 15c. Celery hevts Dorea baachea. SOe. Celerv FiaU n.lr-1 a, . . - , , ,..v, ; largo-iumbla whd fun Tn. .t crat.. $2.50. ' ' agpiaa Ywllow sparsat par sex, $1: Gxmvenateina. n OI. na -. khans, 60c Potatoes ICO-ponnd sack, $1-1-1. Xew poUtoet 100-lb, aack 90c. Parsley Doxan h-achaa, 60c. Peaa Talephoao. pooad. Oc. Lettaea ir.t. at a.i a. w $1.25. ' - Tomato Large gi- Dllisrds, fl-I. box, 85e; atediam, $0e; smalL Ks. , I 20c. . , . Turnip Parpl top. doia haachea. 25e. - " Waterateloa Poaad, far. A riTirot. k Ka. a.A. . tehee. 15-pound lag, 75c, ' x-eacnea uoenaa, box, eoc; The Dal les, box, eoc; J. H. Hales, 50c Plunu Bev. CalHarnia SI 75- '- 20 lbs, 25c. ' . Pranet Iulita, lb, 1 log, S5-4oe, Corn LeeaL S daa. aara, 90c-$ 1. fimrs,li r,,i h-.nt ..... a.. r hleoead. lb, lc; summer, 25c. arspec oeeaie. lug, ooe; g Mal aga, lag, $1.30; Tokay, $1; Lady Fin- lard, $1.15: Hall' Best 50-0c. Paar- .R.-vt, aC.ft.. Bn.-.:.. -es, 65e; Bartlett, extra iswcy, $1.25. n. i n - VH KTrDH, -C, Beaut Pound, 2e. Prapkia Pound, le. Garlic Pound, Sc. Peppers Log box, SOe. Dominion Estimates ' 1935 Wheat Crop at Above 1934 's Output The first official estimate is sued by the dominion bureau 'f sUtistics at Ottawa- places tho 1935 wheat erop at 904M00 bushels, which 1$ 5 per cent larg er than the 193. crop, but 18. per cent less than the average for the) tlTe. year 1929-33. according; to a report by the- foreign asiicuitirral serriee of tire bureau of agricnK tural economics. Last year's crop, . reduced by the drought, was 273. 849,000 bushels compared with th fire-year average of 354,294, 000 bushels. Stocks and Bonds Sept tl STOCX AVZJ-LQXS SO 15 13 - SO ' Jadaet tails - TJtiL Stoefca , S5.9 25A $6.1 4S.4, , 85.S 35.S 86.3 48.4 . S5.0 .25.3 ' 86.1 . 4C8 . 48.8 25.T 37.5 ; -rT;T ee.s 7.e ss.s sae 49.5 : 18.5 ; 21.6 S.S 41.4 42.0 40.6 5L4 46.5 " 32.8 " 34.3 :844 Today , Prav. day 19S5 high B0SX ATZXAG2S SO 10 1 10 i- ; Rails tndntt CtiL For' 37.4 - 66.S -06.4 66.7 Today 82.4 . S9J - Prsv. day 82.8 ee.s Month age S2.S Tear age 81.0 135 high ST.8 1935 low 74.4 1984 high 33.4 1934 low 74.5 99.0 , 97.8 87.1 83.9 s.e 6T.4 99.6 92 3 92.S ,73.7 08.7 70.4 84 S 65.3 88.0 , 70.0 68.3 60.3