Tha CZTGON CTATXC'IAN, Eileo, Oregon, Sunday Morulas, September. 15, 1933 ; page nine t r i a w ft k tc ' t fr it -: I a " . . ir a t - Social Affairs Play Part ; In Club THB Jnnior Womtn'i club Is and ha mapped ont aa ambitious program for its member. Mitt Frances Baler beads the orgaaiza- . tioa as president , i - Delegates to the district ' eon r - ventlon of the Federation of Wo- man's clubs will be Miss Grace , Holman, Miss Echo Hall and Mrs. Joseph Youag. Alternates are Mrs. Mike Panek. Mrs. Stanley Satehweil and Miss Lois Rtggs. The meeting will he October It In Salem.-';:.,;;':; ;.; ; ', Standing " committees for' the year hare been announced as fol ., .lows: .-...- . Toar : Book Hclsa Boardmaa, chaJr- nam, Bath 0r, Jtan Bahlburg-, Gract Craraa, Afnea Immell; Hospitality aa . friendship, Nora Tonne chairman, Fran- oa Wooiry, Betty fupker, Helo MeEl t . roy. Bales Briethaapt; proas, Loin Rif fa, i ... chairman, Cynthia Delano, Rorena Eyre; e tn history, -Jsaa Btklturj, eaairaaa, Jennio LJadros. s. - ' Department American eitUenahlp, Jaanstts Bob; Americas home, Harriett M,i . II 1 1 1 I (rn .a rniMar I' in Jan Haras. PkjUia Dsaaiaaa. Jaryme Upston; applied odoeatioa, Dorothy Cer ; Delias, chairman, Etaol Hepnar, Dorothy Kraba, lrtta Kahler. Pay Ilia Haaa. ' Jinn arts, ; Katnertno Earls, raaerai chairman; arta, Dorothy Dalk, ICareeUa Xtonfytt: drama. Nathalie Pane. Belaa Haydea; Jitsrataro, Myrtle McCUt, Vio let Eraser; Basic, Lueilo Satcttvsll; chaiman, Eaiel Shutt, Mary Kroger, Institutions, Bath Oeer, renaral chair nan. ?. B. hospital, Charlotte LaDas; t airrlew Home, Grace Crarea ; blind school, Bosslo T acker; pirla' induatrial aeheoi. Bather Wood: poblio valfara, An ita. Paxsoo. (eaaral chairman; child wel fare, Bath Bammotisr pnblie health, Bath Lear, chairman, Hales Stutt, Anna Calaba Anns Calaba; hospital aerrice. Myrtle Bobb; Indian welfare, Irma Hiatntel; no dal. Grace Elisabeth Holaaan, chairman. Mary II into, Joyce Anderson, KafO Beid and Wula Ames. On the social calendar are a Christmas shower, a Valentine dance February 14-, an Installation tea and spring dance and a picnic In July. The complete calendar with committees in charge is as fol lows: September 23 Madge Beid chairman, Leaore Kaegeii, Dorothy Cornelian, Alary Krager. October 28 Locila Satehwell, chair Baa, Katherine Eatle, Cora Smith, Har riett Gilbert Norember Harriett Stimmel. chairman, rrancea Woodry, Loratta Kahler, Nath alie Panek. December IJ Chriatmaa ahower v , ajnariona La mm, unrau, jmw utu fa. MT.t -BJ-.-e-l-A-r n.Wb. TW1W . TT.lm ' Brelthaapt. Jaaoary 27 Phyllla Deniion, ehtir aian, Jeannette Bone, Clara Jane Harms, Bthel Hepner. Nora Tonng. February 14 Valentine dance Mary Minto, chaincaa, Loia RiKga, Bath Geer, ' J eat Ba hi bare, Betty Tnpker. Yebnary S4 Myrtle Eobb, chairman. Rerena Kyre, Velnva Warner, ldarcella Da Mytt, Loraiae Beecraft, Anna Calaba. March S3 Joyce Andexaon, chairman, Iraxa Htnuoel, Graea Crarea, Aaita Paz - eon, Beaaie Tucker. - - ' . . April 18--GBeat Day Jeryine TJpaton, chairman, Mildred Braak, Phyllia Hange, Dorothy Krcba, Colene Kennia, ; Pattern: By ANNE ADAMS " ' Aa all-occasion crepe frock with becoming surplice yoke is the wise choice of the matron whose wardrobe is as limited as her income. She finds the clean- cut lines of the collarless neckline a nice change from too many bind ing collars, and slenderizing as well. She"a 'also partial to diag onal or vertical-line seams ,whicb do their bit, In a rery subtle way, to reduce the size of bust and hips. Best' of all is the. versatility of Just aneh afrock tor" you may dress it up with more elaborate accessories, or alternate with tail ored ones. Choose satin or sheer wool for it, if yon prefer. Patter 2399 isavailable in sis- es 1C. 18. 20. 34, 36. 38, 40. 42 and 44. Site 3S takes 4 yards 39 inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. Send flfteea tents 15c) ts eoias ar stamps (esias preferred) for each Anne Adams pattern, thirty eenta (0) (or both. Writ ama, addrvaa mad atyle number. State aiae. The Aaae Adams pattera hook for fall as A winter is Just evil la its forty haadaeaety - tllaatrated pef ee, yen find, iaat the mart mm oaar to aae paMeem deaigna yoat waait to keep yoarself sad family well dressed all seuea throng. Exelusita desiffns far arery oceaaioa heme, bnaineaa, acheol, parties, coata, Irerka. nadica . . . OTcm doU wnrdrobea. FaaCraatinf specialties to make for gifts. Helpful adriea as f abriea, seeesserics, beauty, etiquette of dress. Bead for your copy tedayl Price, of book fifteen crate. Book and pattern together, twenty-firs aata.-.--'i -'' . .. m Address erderr ta Tkt Orcesa BUtesoui PatUra. Dept, tlS Soatk Om menial Street. Salem. Ore. Make necessary eadoaaree. Tons order will be promptly attended to. ' - Oriers eutoBsrily arc filled wltkla four days from the time rsceiTad by The Sutetmaa. n III P Brighten Up Your Tea Towels Kitchen Towels Fattera 055 What sprightly little figure this is cross stitched in silhou ette In seven different poses, one for each day of the week! Pish drying Is surer to be less mono tonous with these charming tow els on the Job! To tell the truth, it's even fun to make them! To get this silhouette effect, you cross stitch the figures in a solid Xar It Tea installation Willa Ames. chairman. Violet Krnger, Jennie Lindroa, Myrtle MeClay, Helen Btntt. Jane 7 Dance Echo Hall, chairman. Helen Haydea, Cynthia Delano, Agnea Emmet. Jnly Picnic Beth Sammons, choir- man, atber Wood and Haael Shutt. Miss Melton Spends Summer East Miss Frances Virginia Melton has returned from spending the summer in the east and has open ed her piano studio at 321 N. Cap itol. She.wlll also conduct class es in Portland starting Monday at St. Helen's hall. The First-Sunday-ot-the-month Musical teas will begin in Octo ber. Miss Mellon studied with her old Paris teacher. Wager Swayne, during the summer in New York. She also saw a former Berlin teacher, Severin Eisenberger, who has been appointed to succeed Madame Liszniewska who passed away last spring as master teach er and artist at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Madame Llsxniewska was known In Salem." Mrs., Edward . MacDowell, wid ow ot the famous composer, en- J-tertained "Miss Melton as her per sonal guest at the MacDowell col ony in reiexDorougn, n. ansa Melton was taken all through the colony and has been, asked to write an article on it tor the Baton", official organ for Phi Beta. The article will appear in November. A highlight of Miss Melton's summer was a boat trip from Boston to New York. She stop ped over in Chicago on the way home and spent the past' three weeks at her summer home on Paget Sound. e e White Shrine Meets Monday Night me w "lie ounne -ui Jerusalem will hold its first fall session Mon day night at 8 o'clock in the Ma sonic temple fiss Minnie Moh ler will be guest ot honor togeth er with past and presents Watcb- . , men vl Daepaeras. The refreshment committee Is composed of Mrs. Herman Lafky, Mrs. Vera Barrick, Mrs. Lana Beechler. Mrs. Stella Henry. Mrs. Margaret Montgomey, Mrs. Nellie Taylor, Mrs. Pearl Speer. R. K. Ohling and Rev. Ulysses Crowder. 0.00 V.F.W. Entertainment Planned . The V. F. W.. auxiliary will en tertain with a jitney supper in the veterans room at the armory Tuesday night following by cards and entertainment. - Mrs. Effie Wetsel. Mrs. Rita Wolfe and Mrs. Ruth Watson are la charge. All veterans and their families are inrited. -. At the regular auxiliary meet ing last' week plans were made for s benefit card party to be giTen la the near future. LESLIE SOCIETY . The W. Ft M. S. of LesUe Me mortal church will meet Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. E. A. Rhoten, 1695 S. High street., Mrs. A. A. Lee will! be the speaker. There will be election of officers. Assisting hostesses; are Mrs. Ef fie Ireton and Mrs. C. S. Orwig. . - - CLASS HAS PARTY , The Loyalty class of the Calvary Baptist church enjoyed a picnic dinner and entertainment at the home of Mrs. Elma McAllister on the Portland road Tuesday, There were 4 5 in attendance; W. F. Foster presided.; - ' ;:v.:.-.. j e e' ;V . CUPPER IS SPEAKER Percy Cupper will speak on the new 1 building f nrosram at the Richmond P. T. A. meeting 'Tues day night, 7:39 "p. m. at the school : - COLE TO TALK The Men's 99 Bible class of the First' Christian church will have as Its speaker this morning How ard Cole, vice president ot the state . Christian Endeavor union. The class convenes at 9:45 a. xn. , . LEAGUE BANQUET HELD - .The Intermediate league of Ja sok' Lee charch held its first an nual banquet tor Its graduates Friday night. An Interesting pro gram of talks and musical num t-rf ij dark color, and work the flowen In color. In lazy daisy stitch. , Pattern 9SS comes to you with: a transfer pattern of seven motifs 6 V H Inches; Illustrations of all stitches needed; . material requirements; color suggestions. Send 10 cents In stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman Needle craft Dept. Miss Morrison Tells Engagement - Waldo Hills Mrs. Edson Corn- stock and Miss Janet Comstock were hostesses Thursday night at a party honoring Miss Kathryne Morrison of Silverton. The guests' rooms were gay with mixed asters. Early in the evening small cards were airen out with the news of the engage ment of Miss Morrison to Max Scriber. The wedding date was also told as October 21 at the Morrison home at 1534 Bethany road. Clever guessing games were enjoyed and a musical game, or iginal with the hostesses, told the romance of the young couple. The serving table was centered with a crystal bowl ot asters flanked by white tapers in crystal holders. o o ' o . Heald-Feneide Nuptial at Roseburg tsilverton The marriage of Miss Blanche Heald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Heald of Silver Ion, to Berger Fenelde at Rose- bur?, on September 10, has been announced. The wedding was per formed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Iverson of Roseburg, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. They will lire -at Silverton where Mr. Fenelde Is proprietor of Berger's Place. o o o KELLYS HAVE GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Kelly (Thelma Young) are parents of -a baby girl, Jacqueline Gene, bom in San Francisco. Mrs. Kelly is a former Salem girl. Two School Busses Serve North Howell High School Pupils NORTH HOWELL, SepC 14 North Howell high school stu dents will have the convenience of bus transportation to both Sil verton and Gervais high schools this year. From Silverton, the bus will arrive from the south and take on all students wishing to attend Silverton high school. Among these are Loretta Walt- man, Flora Woelke, Edith Mayle, Frances and Leona Schmidt, Lois and Evelyn Coomler, Dorothy Bump, Calvin Mikkleson, Carl and Joe Dilchen and others will go as the plan is worked out. . Gervais bus comes through the northern end of the district, and will accommodate Cella.and El eanor Jefferson, Ida May and Dor othy Summers, Raymond Jeffer son, Glen and Alice Rlckard and others may be named. later. - EXPECT A LOT FIRST JAR OF VITA-RAY C R E A ' Get a jar ef Vka-Ray Crcasa today use it faithfully every day and yea wlQ set, a Barked impf ovement ' ia yeatt skim la three Weeks i We east sheer year fauoropketogrspas ef skla befort and after, the net ef this maa which prove Its fratifylttg ef fects; entailer pacesfaiam tiers vsaishmg dryaam.?'; v. . Perfected try a Boston doctor, tea d b anSversky, VUa-Xay Cream - is the arat prcearmtloa ts meet the QUISENBERRY'S . ; CENTRAL PHARMACY Phone 9123 GUARDIAN BLDG. : 410 Sute St, Dr. Crittori Ross Tells of Travel Stays at Jeriualem V. and Reports Holy iiind ; - . Changed - An interesting, travel letter from Dr. Britten Ross, pastor et the First Baptist, church, who has been touring la Europe and the Holy Land has been received by a member of The Statesanaa staff. This was written from Jerusalem August 12, and Is as follows: ; : I am sure you will be inter ested to know that I aa located at the Y. II, C A la Jerusalem. This Is the moat wonderful build ing ot it kind la the world, the gift of an American Christian man to Jerusalem. It cost over m million dollars, , . . ." i - "I had a stormy-passage over the Mediterranean sea. but was able to stand the trip in good shape and landed at Jaffa, then coming to Jerusalem by bus very much like our Greyhound busses' at home. Is Much Changed "Words fan to describe the great and wonderful changes that, have taken place since I was here 12 years ago. Yesterdar I stood on one of the intersection corn era of the city. There .1 saw one of the most UD-to-date devices for regulation of traffic: a camel load ed, witn produce, a donkey with an Arab on hi back, aa up-to-date bus loaded with nassenzers. and a Buick car. This will give you some idea of the changes that are taking place in the Holy City. From my window I have Just counted 15 large, modern build ings that would compare favor ably with any of the buildings In Los Angeles or any of our large cities- Just opposite to -the Y. M. C. A. 1 the new King David ho tel which cost over two millions of dollars to build. "I have Just returned from church and the buildinc was a wonder, built of stone and furn- isned beautifully. All that was lacking was a preacher with a message. I will have plenty of time to see and investla-Ata hurt place and condition fa which I am very much interested, and will be able to bring these facta and places to our people when I return.- ' Roy Reeves Moves From North Santiam; Farmers Fill Silos NORTH SANTIAM. Sent. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeves and family, who have resided in this community the past year, have moved to the Union Hill district where Mr. Reeve haa employ ment. Mrs. Effie Angel is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Keithley. Mrs. Willis Schofield, who un derwent an operation at a Salem hospital some time ago. is still unable to return to her home. - Some of the farmers In this vi cinity are filling their silos earlier than usual this year, on account of the dry weather- and the corn drying out so badly. Mrs. Edna Guenkle and little son Kermlt of Deep River, Wash., who have been here during the bean season with her mother, Mrs. May Bond, and sister, Mrs. Roy Reeves, have returned to their home. Mrs. Guenkle's brother, Wayne Bond, accompanied them expecting to stay with her this winter and attend high school at Deep River. Shower is Given to Lyons Matrons LYONS, Sept. 14. Mrs. Roy Wales and Mrs. Harry Hobson were recipients of a farewell hand kerchief shower Wednesday after noon at the community social club rooms. The Wales family, who have spent the past three years here, moved to Albany Thursday. The Harry Hobson family will lo cate in Salem. They expect to move next week In time for their daughter Joan to'enter school. - It is understood the Hobson farm will be occupied by a renter unless they should sell the prop erty. The Wales family has had the Hadley Hobson farm rented while they resided here. FROM EVEN YOUR M Om(f ntmttk ktmTti mimiuiimtiUmll fScinct A Cntury tf Prtgnu ssamt fcw sW ef the fauna afclaT - any Es-givuig Titamla D direct te de Gvinf tissues under th. aWffacw. . . i. r -' And Vita-Kay deaases as well as supplies the beauty VUaraia D Tirtti aavl A frevi fy ; v-Cd HtuttkttptMg narrow . -; News of 7est Salea. 'r. WEST SALEM. Sept. lt.- Th West Salem school has announced that anr ehnd waV will be six by December 1 will, te admitted te the first grade without questioa. However.- any jehild who becomes six between, December and Marchl wni b required to take a specially prepared test to deter mine if he sbou,ld.ntr. .. " Large Enrollment Likely, Mt Angel MT, ANGEL. Sept. 14. Regis- j tration at ML. Angl college and seminary : will take, place, Septem ber 24 and 25 with tha opening of classes set for Thursday, Septenv her 2l.v- - 'V...r Increased enrollment W both the seminary and day school is ex pected. All available places in th seminary department have already been filled and applications tor admission are still being .received. Many Improvements were made ta the building daring the past sum mer to faciitate the accommoda tion of an increased number ot student. New equipment was also installed - . v k . ? - St. Mary's grammar school will open Monday, September '16. As tnany of th children are stui em ployed tor the hop fields, the first week 'may .hot see a full enroll ment St, Mary's Is the onlr public teTIl:iS'HERE V AVF . . BEGIN. MUSIC LESSONS NOW'. . 1 " - J i . . iT i Mrs. Walter Denton Accredited Teacher of Piano Private and Class Special attention given to children. Supervised ' , practice If desired. Nelson Bid?., Room 1 DOROTHY PEARCE . Teacher of Piano PRIVATE and GROUP INSTOUCTION ' v High School Credits Given Studio 267 North Winter Telephone 4236 Melton Piano Studios . r ranees Virginie Melton, M. M.- Accredited Teacher, Pianist, Lecturer Just returned from study in New York City. Ensemble Playing, Recitals. Public Performance at FirSt-Sunday-ot-the-Month Musical Teas. Classes forming in Musical History, Symphonic Study and Modern Music Appreciation. 324 N. Capitol Street ELMA WELLER Piano Studios Opens Sept I6th Register Now Artistic Piano Playing from Beginning to Advanced Eartrainlng Harmony Ensemble Playing Melody Writing Class Instruction In the Dunning Improved Music Study For Beginners Studios 695 N. Liberty Phone 655 , Lena Belle Tartar ACCREDITED TEACHER OF SINGING .- . . - . The following singers aad many other have had fundamental .training la Tolce with Hiss Tartar: Thelma Davis. Mary McCrone-Hughes, Ladle Cum-mlnga-Martin. WIHard Moses, Marjory 0DeU. Earie , Potter, Bernici Rlckmia, Lillian Scott, Josepaine ' Albert-Spauldtng. 407 Court St. V - Phone 3847 SIABEL S. POWERS - Pupil of 'Abby Whiteside, New York The Whiteside method ot musical twining develops th ad justment and coordiaatioa of the pianist' mechanism and quickly give ease and fluency in playing. privat. and Class Instruction ' " -' Supervised Practice If Desired Studio: lliC Court ; Phone fI ROBERTS' T-S. Tui4u fat . . Plmao mm Study and Claa rips Organ ' ' . iw)tuuva 505 N. Sostraer Street The West Salem Americaa Le gioa auxiliary met last Bight and elected officers. Mrs. Hasat Boea tag was reelected presideat; Mrs. Lidia Raid, first vlce-pTeaident Mrs- Lv Adams; second vice-president, and Mrs. Loise Niger, see re tary. ... --; Mrs. Waters, district president, gave a talk oa the work for next year. Refreshments were served. grade school ta Mt, Angel aad the enrollment usually -numbers sev eral hundred pupils. The staff ot teachers for the coming year include . Miss Ther eat Dehler, principal and -eighth grade; ' Mardoa Overosa, seventh grade; - Mis - Florence Walker, sixth grade; Miss ! Pauline - Saal feld, fifth grade; Miss Grace Smith, fourth grade, and Mis Hel en Keber, third grade. The first two grades will again be taught by the sister.' - - " Improvements Made at Service Station Capital Investment improve ments ia exeess of $1,009 have iner feo-n nam slsrtd la tha Twelfth aad Sute streets General Petroleum service station, accord ing to H. M. Williams, Salem manager for General. Included in the Improvements was the paving of all driveways at the station. Lorea Simp kins 1 manager of the station. Phone 7514 Telephone 5084 STUDIOS Ei'el R Daanlhf 87K tern ot Z Teaching for VTvrtA Muglc ' Telephone 7111 Polk dub Winner Menier Goat CluL MONMOUTH. Sept, 14 -- Kiss Eunice - Powell of McTimmonds VaUer, a 1115 graduate of Mon mouth high school, has been ad judged the leading 4-IX club girl la Polk county this year. . She be gan her club career 2t a member of aa Angora goat lab aad haa Held membership la a goat club continuously since, Her record follows: i : -?j?::v-:;? 1221 -Member goat club; at tended summer school; exhibited at state and county air; won a third place. . ' 1229 Member of goat club; at tended "summer school; exhibited at state fair; member of demon stration team won 2nd place in showmanship contest and a third place at county fair, . 1220 Member of goal' dub: exhibited at state fair; member ot demonstration team, third; 8th prize won oa goat. 1921 Member of goat club; exhibited at state fair, woa 4th aad 5th; exhibited at Pacific In ternational, woa second and fifth; member ef livestock demonstra tion team. 1122 Member of goat, sheep and corn clubs; exhibited at state fair; woa second and third; mem ber of crops Judging team, third; member of livestock demonstra tion team, second; attended sum mer School. 1233 Member goat, sheep, corn and home beautificatlon clubs; exhibited at state fair; home beautlfication, second; goat, JESSIE Private Kindergarten Daily - to ia 1363 Sooth Commercial St, Opening Date, Sept. 16 Limited Registration Esseatial Funda mentals and Cul tural Art taught by successful in structor In child training. Supervis ed outdoor play. Offers A Musical Kin dergarten Coarse for Music Teach ers, Beginning Sept, 16. Under the Ansplce ef imisoBV-Wbite Conservatory f Portland For Information Call Jessie F. Bush Phone 3282 1362 So. Commercial - ELIZABETH LEWIS Teacher of- Piano Stadlo 218 North. 15th Phone 7483 Ensemble Playing Private and Group Instruction Frank E. Churchill Teacher of Piano . and Organ Beginners or Advanced Stu dents Enrolled High School Credits Given 805 N. Winter St. - Ph. 6536 Margaret Hogg Pianist Accredited Teacher Beginning and Advanced -,. , Students Studio Nelson Bldg. Tel. 46T12 JOY TURNER MOSES . Piano - Violin - Cello . Daanlar System for Berlnnen Course for Advanced Student i. Diploma granted. -- ACCREDITED ' S33 N. Capitol St. Phone 4324 Mrs. Edward Tillson U Teacher of Piano -.u 7 8. Capitol st'photae 431S Watch The - Statesman : ; Saaday aad Wednesday for Advertisements of 8a leca Jjcadina: and Be liable Mnsle Teachers. CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS BALLROOM DANCING TUESDAY EVENINGS 7 TO 9 P. M. ) : ; ;:: Carhxra Caress School o! Dancing 155 Sooth IibertrSL V Phone 2535 third; crops Judging tears. 4th: demonstration team, fifth; mem ber of livestock Judging team. . - 1134 Member of goat, sheep, com aad home beanUflcatioa club; leader Of homo beautifica tioa; exhibited at state fair, third . oa sheep; woa the Hoislagtoa spe cial lamb; member crops demon stration team, third; exhibited at county fair, third oa sheep; sec ond on home beautlfication; at tended summer schooL . - ' 2232 - Member goat, eheep, corn, home beaatificatioa, sewing, gardea-and cooking dabs; leader of garden clubs; exhibited at county fair; won second and fourth oa sheep; first oa home beautlfication; first on cooking. CbuMy Cannery is :; : sit Woodburn, Goes to Silverton Next The Marion county .cannery, Glenn C. Nile. Marion county re lief administrator, announced yes terday, moved to Woodbura yes terday afternoon: The cannery, Mr. Nile declare!, will be sta tioned in Woodburn. where It will be open to day and night work, until Wednesday noon. From Thursday -morning an til Saturday noon, th administrator announced, the cannery will he ia Silvertoa. The cannery; Nile stat ed, will be located in Staytoa from Monday, September 22, until the following Wednesday noon. For the benefit ot those who are work ing la the daytime. Nile said, the cannery will be onerated both day and night. F. BUSH Announces The Opening of Her Studio with the New Classes la Creative Music It Includes: Melody Writing Form Creative Verse Memorisation Harmony Transposition . Rhythm : Technique Sight Reading Ear Training Composition Ruth Bedford Teacher of Piano Studio: Nelson Bldg. Tel 6675 Bertha Junk-Darby Accredited Teacher la Piano and Theory Stodio, 623 Union Street Phone 7738 Special Work tor Beginners, Both Children and Adult LENA MAY DOTSOII Piano Individual and Class 1109 Union TeL 4541 EIrs. David Eason Accredited Teacher of Piano Repertoire Creative Music Teaching Methods Progressive Piano School ESS Marion St. Salem, Ore. Mrs. Clara Tattle Fen ton - State Accredited Teacher Instruction given In all grades. Evangelistic playing a special ty. : Mary Talmadge Hcadrick Teacher of Violin Studio: 155 S. Liberty Phone 353S Mrs. Henry Lee ' . Teacher of Piano Private or Class : ' 554 N.Liberty ' TeL 5194 Iiilbtrm. Musical Kindergarten - Eighth Season la Salem Will Feature Creative Work ' Opeas Sept. 19 S7I N. Cottage St. - TeL 4 IIS" Mr. Xraak - LObara, Jirecter . Mrs.' Ray Barker, Ass't. in bers was given. -