The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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He .OREGON STATESMAN, SallOreffdn, Sunday Morning; September 15, 1933.
Boon to Walnut Growers;
Sprayed Hop Yards Kot
Ilnrt Yet, Believed .
The rains Friday sight and Sat
urday will be s material boon to
walnut growers and will also Im
prove the prune and tomato crops
for canning It the wet spell ends
quickly. It was predicted yester
day. The showers were bettered
likely and most of the. season's
hep picking -with several ot the
larger yards originally scheduled
to have continued harvest through
the middle of this week.
- A few hop growers were not
greatly worried bat -others de
clared that 1t the sun comes out
- now it will drlTethe bugs tar it
" the rain keeps up "mildew will
crow worse and pickers scarcer.
-If no more rain falls; the yards
that are.'i$.pTayed-r-onlyt-- small
. percentage ot the total will ben
eflt by the moisture,; it was said
' Yesterday one large grower es-1
timated ' two-thirds- ot the late
hops remained unpicked. There
were predictions that -the change
In tliA nithtr nni nr ernn nam.
age, and the onset ot school, cut-
Aided by B
. tine into picking --crews, mlgbt
. f- cause 10,000 bales of hops to be
; left on the tines. .
I " ' Helps Walnuts
Walnut growers, especially
those on the heights, whose crops
mature late, rejoiced at the steady
- rain, saying It would help fill out
the meats. The long dry spell led
to fears the nuts this season
would not be of top quality. While
a few filberts aredropping now,
quantity harvesting is not antlci-
. pated for ten days longer.
Impossible picking conditions,
due to mad, and crop damage by
brown rot threaten if the rains
continue long, prune growers said
yesterday. But if the showers end
. soon, they will hare served to im
prove the quality of the prunes.
Early picking has shown the
stems to be sticking to the prunes
" and the fruit to be hard, some
what yellow inside and shriveling
r around the stem.
Canners said staked tomatoes
would profit, by the rain although
the riper ones might crack. They
are -at the picking stage now.
The bean harrest for canning is
near a close.
Expect Demos to
Convene in North
WASHINGTON. Sept. 14.-(aV
aten close to the democratic par
ty leadership forecast today that
-the 1936 national contention will
be held in some city of adequate
, - size In the north central states.
. Minneapolis, Chicago . and Clev-
- eland received prominent men
' -tion, t ' e- -
San Francisco, who had been
mentioned as a possibility, has
lost ground because of its remote-
- ness, despite pleasant recollec
tions ot the treatment received
in 1920.
Atlantic City, another possible
location, still has a chance be
cause although a coast point it
Is nearer the homes of a larger
- number ot delegates than San
Because of confidence that the
session will be brief party lead
. ers are represented as feeling
- that the convention city should
be at a central point
- It was emphasized, . however,
' that the question of money is of
prime importance. Party leaders
r are said to believe that , a city
-8houd offer at least $200,000 to
- obtain the convention and its re
7 'sultant trade for hotels and
stores. -
Harlem Negro to
: ADDIS ABABA. Sept. 14-ff-Hubert
Julian, - Harlem . Negro,
mounted . on a superb Arabian
mare, which he said Emperor
Halle Selassie gave him. left to
day for Ambo, 100 miles from
Addis Ababa, where he explained
he would train 5,000 rookies to
tight against Italy.
He was followed by streams of
white-dad and barefooted retain
ers carrying rifles, swords, teats,
beds and tinned food. .
The minisiery of war presented
"The Black Eagle of Harlem a
shining revolver, a gilded sword
and, three uniforms -of a "com
mander. : He also was provided
with a. house, sergeants and in
terpreters at Ambo.
Some Ethiopians, however, said
this was camouflage plan to
banish Julian because of his re
cent verbal blasts against' Ethio
pia's air f orce.
Expert service cn Eleo
tricYcthers. Speadhe
cn llaytcss end Ecsys.
Hogg Broo.
Salem - Ore. City - Tillamook
White House
1 White Hewsel
jHeary Nebitt
I ' I n 5 I ' i : m-r '
i.- A 5
This is hoasedeaning time at the White House.
Each year before the winter social season begins
a thorough hoasedeaning is given the executive
mansion by the White House staff tinder the direc
tion of be housekeeper, JSirs. Henrietta Nesbitt.
One ot the most difficult Jobs is the cleaning, of-
McAdoo and Young
Girl are Married
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14.-l7F-Senator
William Glbbs McAdoo,
71, drove his 2S-year-old bride
to "Bealls Pleasure" in Maryland
today in his own small coupe for
a wedding like those in Washing
ton's time.
The small, prettily - profiled
Miss Doris I. Cross, a nurse in.
the public health service, and the
tail senator made their vows in
the intimacy of a quaint living
room authentically colonial.
A huge golden harp tinkled the
Mendelssohnwedding march. A
negro doorman admitted most dis
tinguished guests to "Bealls Plea
sure," the century-old Ivy-covered
colonial brick home of McAdoo's
son-in-law, Brlce Clagett
McAdoo .wore a blue-gray busi
ness suit. His bride was in a dark
blue crepe tunic travelling dress,
her dark blue off -the -face hat
softened by a mere suggestion of
a veil.
Medford Aviator
Has Even Chance
14 -(P)- Piloi Dan Howard, of
Medford, Ore., injured in the
plane crash which killed Mrs. Mil
dred Hiles Stansberry yesterday in
an isolated region of central Ida
ho, was given an even chance for
life today.
Howard still wa3 at the Red
River CCC camp tonight, but re
ports reaching here said he
would be taken to the Cottonwood
hospital by ambulance tomorrow
for an X-ray examination.
The crash occurred on the farm
of Con Nits, county commission
er, additional reports reaching
here indicated. Two Nits ' boys
witnessed the tragedy. They said
the -plane gained a 200-foot alti
tude on Its takeoff, nosed over
and fell.
Mrs. Stansberry, 25 - year - old
school teacher, apparently was
killed Instantly.
Planes Continuing
Search for nines
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Sept. 14.
5V-Fonr elaaea tnria v frm tin
ned to search for Pilot Arthur
Hines, his plane and three pas
sengers missing en route from
Dawson, T. T., since August 19.
Although hope for their safety
Jn Imagination children are
already grown -apa, ready
to adapt, your modes of
thinking, yosr ways et llv
tag, tout every day expres- -c
sions. They are men and T
women in the : making,- tn
your keeping.
Our method of prlcinjr "
furnishings allows yon
' without i any embar '
rassment ' to choose a v
service . within your
means. ,
7unerai 3fonc
nO O'.EttlKtTA pkon: e?23
Goes Through Annual Cleaning
if N
t 'V
s.. eaeew eWA ,' ,. J
Et room j
three chandeliers in the East room. Requiring'
careful handling and exceedingly large in size, it
takes six men a day and a half to clean each one
"Mrs. Nesbitt, and her husband, Henry Nesbitt, the.
custodian-chief clerk of the White House, were
former neighbors of. the Roosevelta..'
is being abandoned with the pas
sage of time, aviators said they
hoped to continue the search un
til stopped by lasting snows.
Joe Crosson of Pacific laska
Airways, resumed inspection of
the country at the head of the
Salchak river where he left off
Thursday when stormy weather
stopped the search. James Pod
son of the Bowman Airways and
Jack Herman of the Northern Air
Transport, flew over the' Good
paster river country and Frank
Pollack searched the Volkmar riv
er district from the air.
Governor and Party
Visit Bend but not
one Speec his Made
BEND, Ore., Sept. 14. - (JP -
Still equipped with their 10-gal-
lon hats and shirts ot many col
ors, acquired, during their attend
ance at the Pendleton Roundup
earlier in the week. Governor
Charles H. Martin and other
state officials attended a lunch
eon here todayand not a speeh
was made.
The party, was en route to Eu
gene to ; spend the night. The
group left Burns early today.
Bay your school books and supplies here.
We are official dealers In school books and
can help yon to get the correct items.
Loose Leaf Covers
We have a large assortment in different col
ors priced from 10c up.
Loose Leaf Papers
By the ream, 75c and 90c, also 10c and 25c
Typing Paper
By the ream, 55c; packet of 100 sheets, 25c
also- 10c packages.
Fountain Pens and Pencils
Of standard make that will jive you service
at prices you can afford to pay.
"Buy Salem Made Products'
163 N. Commercial Street
The Store With the New Front
If it) I! (g
ft ft
Battery, Slectrleal and Carbwretor Servlc v
464 N. liberty Street . Phone 5178
Hovimg - Stoiing Crating
Larmcr Transfer & Sioraga
. . . ; r. I ' -
V7 Also Han-Hs Fed OH, Ccal tad Eriqret zi Hlgb
Grade Diesel 00 for Tractor Engines and OH Corners
1 -
June Knight Says
Jewelry is Taken
NEW YORK, Sept. 14.-(ff-
June Knight, former follies girl,
reported to police today that two
men forced their way into her
apartment and robbed her ot jew
elry and coins "valued at more
than $5,000." "
The blonde actress said the in
traders bound and gagged her and
a negress maid. Hazel Curry,
shortly before noon today and
then stripped the rooms ot jewels
and $50 in cash.
Multnomah Solons J-
. May be Named Soon
PORTLAND, Sept 14.
Frank Shall, chairman rot .the
Multnomah county board of com
missioners, today indicated It waS
probable a state senator and two
representatives would be chosen
Monday to fill the vacancies cre
ated when at attorney general's
opinion barred Senator Ashby C.
Dickson and Representatives Wil
liam Johnson, Jr., and Lew Wal
Strike Rioting in: .
Georgia is Fatal
: ROUE, GaJsept14.--Gttns
biased In a pitched battle between
pickeu and a group ot workers
at the Borne Store ' and Range
company today,? One worker was
fatally shot and three wounded.
Two men were taken into cus
tody on charges of violating a su
perior court antl-plcketlng order,
and tire were arrested later on
charges of shooting at another
person. "All were , released J on
bonds. Ttt' '-
The victim ot the gun battle
was Fred: ueia. anout so, wno
came here from Cleveland, Tensu,
to work in the plant ,
Police said picketeers resented
importation of workers to fill jobs
vacated by more than 6 0 men
who were enjoined from picketing
or from engaging in a group walk
out. The men quit their Jobs, and
some of them hare been picketing.
The shooting today occurred as
workers began .arriving at the
plant.-;;' l
Invented this Miracle Pen
to Guard All Student
from Pen that Suddenly Run Dry
','' " : . -;J" A"' - - - ." :'
A Wisconsin professor discovered that
often it vasnt students brains but their
Dens that ran dry caused failure in
classes and exams. That led to the
the ievolutKaanr, sadess yacnmatic. per
fected by Parker, and Guakanteed
Mechanically; Perfect.
It never runs out of ink unless you let it.
For it holds 12,000 words ot ink, and
- shows tJie 4evel shows when to refilL
The Point is solid Gold combined
with predons Platinum skilfully
fashioned to write 2 ways.
Pandit. $20,
)U0 and $5
Com ta the iaaiiaeM
bavy of tkU iwntiiaHd PwhI
m4 Jot fltyis) ciolJoee )tlSc
Pwkr fNi, SUS to S3 JO.
Corner Libertj and Court
"j - r
a. .aV aV a. aV Aa. a. Aa.
01.00 Vill Day
for loss of life by tbVvtrecaJag of a rail
road passenger train.
' $2,500.00
for loss of life by the wrecking of a pas
senger steamship or steamboat, street,
elevated, laterurbam or udergroond rail
way, public omnibus, taxlcab or aatomo-.
bfle stage.
t $1,000.00
for loss of Tdfe by the wrecking of an
automobile or hone drawn vehicle. -When
trvek or knocked down on a highway or -street
by an autonsobile or other moving
yehide. Collapse of building walls. Fire in
public building. Struck by lightning, cy
clone or tornado. Drowning at a public
bathing beach. '
' $500.00 to $10,000.00
for torn of hands, feet or eyes. -
$10.00 to $20.00
Y weekly tedescmlty for dtMlry. wltli ad-
Xf mUooal benefits when confined la a hos
pitaL AH as specified la policy Issued by
Ifartn American Accident las. Co. -.
" Chicage, HTu-. -
TIio Oregon
Manley Stray er, to
be Assistant U S.
' , Attorney, Revealed
PENDLETON. Ore ' Knr 14 -
ftPV-APBOintment of Mauler B.
Strarer of Baker as assistant
United States attorney, was an
nounced here today by Carl C.
Donangh of Portland, United
States attorney for Oregon,
Strayer would succeed Hnrh L.
Biggs, resigned. The appointment
is effective October 1. Strayer is
a graduate of Willamette nnlter-t
Sity.?-;. f IJ..
Miss Hoe s Prints
On Pistol Bolster -Theories
of Suicide
WEST CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 14
-C?p)-A Bertlllon expert's report
that the fingerprints ot Miss Eve
lyn Hoey were found on the pis
tol which blasted out her 'life,
strengthened the theory tonight
that the diminutive blonde Broad
way torch singer destroyed her
self. birth of
Legg, Drugs
Phone 3444
Aa. .ja Aa. .aa. Aa. aa. j&j&aj&
: 1
r : 1
President BrealW
Faith Says Teddy
: ITcCLURE, Ia .Sept. U.-VP)-In
a direct attack, Colonel Theo
dore ; Roosevelt toda jr labelled
President Roosevelt a "faithless
public officer. ; - .; .
Addressing a rally ot Snyder
county republicans, the New York
party leader declared, as if speak
tug personally to the president:
,Yoav have been faithless. Ton
"We Thought We
Just Try to Take
' A grest many people don't realize their need for an adding
machine until they try wing one on" their detail figuring for a
- . time. They're never without one after that! -
, With the new Corona mY at $60 no office, however tmaH,
need be without this great convenience. For in this small, com
pletely portable machine is combined the highest quality and
precision in manufacture, unusually sturdy construction, and
an actual adding capacity of 999,999.99. (It has 7 banks of
key but adds and prints 8 columns.)The keyboard is standard
in size and arrangement, and hit full kite key top. Corona 7;
like other products of L C Smith 4; Corona Typewriters Inc;
is beautiful in design and finish; and will sell itself on every
point. If yon see it and don't agree with ns, don't buy h.
wdemonstjatkatsndfuQuuctmatSra J
Eloco Typewriter Exchange
420 Court St. Phone 6773
" ..r
One dead horn road
ROAD HOGS! They shoot unexpectedly from
behind other cars. They invade the right-of-way
of approaching1 automobiles. They imperil
their own and other lives.
Suppose you collide with one of them? What
will happen to you and your family? Will you get
Si weekly allowance if you are totally disabled?
Will your family have a lump sum paid them in
case of fatality? Not if you are unprotected,
1 To save you and your famfly the embarrass
ment that comes from finding oneself unprotected
in case of accident, we are offering: you a Travel
and Pedestrian policy issued by. the North Ameri
can Accident Insurance Company. With one of
these policies in your possession, you and your
family will have needed protection. The cost is less
than one-half of a cent per day -Mail coupon for
The Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon
( .' ) New Subscriber
( ) . Old Subscriber
Find $1.00 for the
Beneficiary ... '
( ) Renewal Policy
have usurped the functions of con
gress, hampered .the freedom of
the r press, - removed men from
Quajl-JudiciaT bodies lor political
purposes and striven to concen
tr&te in your hands - dictatorial
: "You have ursed congress to
pass laws that yon knew were un
constitutional. Too said in advo
cating one of your measures: 1
hope your committee will not per
mit doubts as to constitutionality,
however reasonable, to block the
susgested legislation. "
v You have broken your sacred
oath taken on the Bible.
Didn't Need it
it Away Nowl"
v . rtJ
hogs carelessness
Accident Policy
My is .
- v :( ) New Policy