EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 15, 1935 No. 14ft New Faith to Link Up Deity 5 With 'Fuehrer Invincible Germany is Theme, Convention of Nazi Party Remarks Clearly Point to New Conception of Immortality ' rrvnvrSrkt 1935. hy Associated Prcu) Germany, Sept- 14.A new German religion with Cod manifesting himself In an in vincible German nation witn Adolf Hitler its moern mahomet ap peared In the making tonight If nazl party contention events and ntiannnM -mild h taken as in dications, j "You, mein juehrer, have given us an exalted land holy, religion," said Dr. Robert Ley, Hitler's trade onion commissioner, .in welcom ing the reichsfuehrer today on be-' half of 20,001) workers of band and brain assembled for the third annual demonstration of a Ger man labor front. "Twenty -one boys who gave their lives for (the nazl cause died with faith in you; fidelity in you is our gate to immortality," ex claimed the reich's youth leader. Baldir ton Sciirach, to Hitler in presenting him to 50,000 lads. Insists Upon Being First Among Nations - In turn, der fuehrer told his young adherents Germany "will not stand foe barm from any body" and that she desires to be first, not last, in the "concert of nations." - Last night, before a women's demonstration Gertrude ScholU klink. releh womens' leader, stat ed: "Out of the seriousness and pride of our age we want to carry a conception of God to our peo ple through which every one will rise, work, bel happy, and sleep; a conception that's within him, living and actfVe. . "This fact seems to me to be (Turn to page 5, Col. 8 J -';H !. ! j. .i. W..T ,; . nan Precautions at Gojtliam Fight NEW YORK, Sept. 14.-P)-El-aborate police precautions, with 1500 men on! duty, will 'seek to guarantee peace everywhere ex- -v-' f iVl fcllC JlOl , Baer-Joe Louis heavyweight match in the) Yankee stadium a week from Tuesday night. Patrolmen will carry no night sticks, the police department an nounced today, but there will re of them) Inside the park alone, ""hnlstprpd hv another . hnn. dred motorcycle men and 76 of ficers. Hundreds more will pa trol Harlem, jthe.' streets outside the ball park, and several hun dred will be j held In : reserve In the 'Bronx county court . bouse nearby. ; j .- . . The same precautions prevail ed at the Louis-Camera fight here earlier this summer, and all the policemenj enjoyed the match, there being .nothing else for them (to do. 1 t. : - . Louisiana Seethes as uict, nuii i uai . NKW ORLEANS, Sept. 14.-0P) -Louisiana was in a political whirl tonight with politicians of every rank in a fever over the approach ing January elections. A senator,' all congressmen, a governor and state officials will be nominated in the democratic primary election, the equivalent to election in Louisiana as the re publican party has a light follow ing here. - While political lines were being drawn the district attorney's of fice announced an inquest into as sassination of Hney P. Long would be resumed , Monday, with Long's bodyguards a n d eye witnesses summoned. Leaders of all factions were working on slates of candidates but they have produced squabbles among the conflicting groups. Prune Crop Will be Much Greater This Year, Bank Figures McMINNVILjLE, Ore., Sept. 14-VPr-lnt ormatioii assembled today by the McMinnvllle branch of the United State National bank indi- , eated that the production of prune for. marketing by Oregon and Washington this year will approx imate 80,000,000 pounds, or 20, 000,009 pounds more than In 1834." , Figures also Indicated that Cal- , lforniaW prune "crop would - in crease from 360,000,000 pounds to 4CO.000.000 pounds. ' HOOP " STAR MARRIES LOS ANGELES, Sept.- U.-ifly-Lee Guttero, star of University of Southern California's, champion ship basketball team' last year, was ' married tonight to Grace Mackensie, also a Trojan gradu ' ate: -' .- .-. Beats Machine For Nomination if I - , 0 i 1 J L'eut.-Governor A B. Chandler of Kentucky, who defeated Thomas S. Rhea, administration favor ite, for the democratic guberna torial nomination in that state. Record Freshman Class to Register 200 New Students to Lift W.U. Registration Over 600 Mark of 1934 While negotiations to make its eampus the site of the .new state capitol building continue Willam ette university will Monday open its doors to the largest freshman class that has ever registered at the near century old institution. Over 200 freshmen and a large group of transfers are expected to register during the week to swell the total attendance tor the year far above the 600 mark which was last; year's net total. -Last year's- entering class numbered 175. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day have been designated as the days of the freshman conference during which newcomers to the campus are greeted, made ac quainted with the campus and fac ulty and riven entrance tests. Registration for freshmen will take place Tuesday while other students will register on Wednes day. Classes will get under way on Thursday. Twtf More Full Time Professors Employed While no major improvements have been made on the campus this summer the law library has been completely Temodeled to meet' standardization require- ments. Two full time professors. (Turn to Page 5, Col. 4) Murder Suspect . Found in Prison SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 14-(fl) -The trail of officers in their hunt for the : ruthless killer of a Spo kane druggist six weeks ago led to the state penitentiary today, and a Justice court murder war rant was issued here against Tom Eskeridge, prison Inmate. Prosecutor Ralph Foley Bald Eskeridge'a release from the pris on at Walla Walla will be sought, so he can stand trial here. Eskeridge is serving a maxi mum, term of, 20 years for grand larceny. : He pleaded guilty' to the theft of two typewriters from the Spangle school near here. Foley said. The theft was July 31, the day after the slaying of Harry J. Phillips in an attempted holdup of anything outlying Fpokane pharmacy. It was Eskeridge's over-anxiety to plead guilty to the larceny charge and his evasiveness in an swering questions, Foley said, which first aroused suspicion. The officers have worked quietly- on the angle, for a month. Numerous Issues to Face Aldermen The city council will be urged to .take direct action Monday night to regain control or marble board and punch board operations here, to pass on a resolution removing R. E. Boatwright as fourth, ward alderman and to elect a successor to the late Alderman Henry H. Vandevort it appeared last night ' Two ordinances designed to give city police enlarged control of marble boards ' and punchboards are pending in committee. The lat ter would levy a tax of one-fifth cent per. punch on punchboards of the checkerboard types. O t h e r types ef punchboards are held Il legal. The police committee has declared It will demand revocation of all marble board licenses if the new licensing ordinance is not en acted Monday night Action Held Certain In Beatwright'Case Mayor: V. E. Kuhn said last night ft was Intended to take final StrilteThreat in Coal Fields Put Off Week McGrady Successful in Getting IMiners and Others Together Retroactive Clause Given up hy Men; Dispute Rages is WASHINGTON, Sept., 14. - (JP) Appalachian soft coal operators and the U n 1 1 e d Mine workers agreed shortly after midnight to day to extend their present wage and hour contract until next Sun day night, thua averting a threat ened strike in nearly every soft coal field in the country. Edward F. McGrady, the labor department's ace labor trouble shooter, arranged the compromise agreement after negotiations to ward a new contract broke down late yesterday. The present con tract expires tonight at midnight The truce, the fifth'in the past six months, was agreed to after telephone communications with President Roosevelt's Hyde Park, N. Y., home. Roosevelt Takes Xo Part in Parleys It was understood, however, that President Roosevelt took no personal hand in the negotiations but left the parleys to an as sistant. The miners gave up their de mand for a retroactive wage clause in any extension agreement. The producers gave up their pro posal for a twoweek extension of the present contract. Negotiations toward a new con tract were to be resumed it 2 p. m. today, with McGrady sitting in as the president's representa tive. Union officials yesterday berat ed the producers for turning down the 15-day extension plan with a retroactive clause pro (Turn to Page S, Col. 6) fTransiefat Beaten; Youth Being Held MEDFORD, Ore., Sept 14.-(ff)-Petro Chavez, 17, of Stockton, Calif., who told the state police he escaped from the California detention school for boys, was ar- rested here today, charged with beating John Slater, 51, over the head with a railroad spike, rob bing him of three cents, and then with the aid of an unidentified companfon, cramming his uncon scious form into the ice compart ment of a refrigerator car. Chavez, the state police say, assaulted Slater last night while they were "stealing, a ride" on the southbound Southern Pacific passenger train. Chavez commit ted the assault the second sta tion south of Eugene" the authori ties say. Slater regained consciousness when the train reached this city early, this morning, and' his cries for help, resulted In his libera tion by the train Crew.. Marshal Shot hy Prowler May Die NEWPORT, Wash., Sept. 14-(JP)-Two armed prowlers who fired without warning, wounded night Marshal George Conniff, 53, in an alley here tonight. Hospital attendants said he probably would not survive the night. Three bullets hit Conniff above the heart, in the groin and In the left wrist. He emptied his gun at the fleeing gunmen as he sank to the ground. Both of the men are believed to have escaped without being hit. Highways leading out of the district were guarded in an at tempt to prevent escape. Conniff met the two men be hind the Newport creamery. He said they opened fire without warning. Monday Night action on . the thrice - postponed Boatwright resolution. Boatwright is charged with failing to attend council meetings and with not at tending to his duties as chairman of the sewerage committee. Three candidates continued to receive mention yesterday for the first ward seat left vacant by Van devort's death. Alderman E. B. Perrine is backing W. F. Neptune and-M. , Clifford Moynihan . has been seeking to gain support for nis law partner, Kenneth G. Thompson. - "Indications pointed, however, to the election of Van Wleder, whose nomination at the last meeting was withdrawn after Perrine objected Ton the grounds of irreverance. to the memory of Vandevort in electing his succes sor so soon. - " The final city budget I meeting, the taxpayers session after-which the council will set the 193 C lev ies, will he held October 7. Nation Regrets HisStatements s . .v . x.:- .. .-v.... .. :: - ; J - ;s x : ; - - v $ lb Ifjjf Magistrate Louis Brodsky of New York, whose derogatory state ments regarding the nazi flag yesterday caused the United States government to apologize to Germany. The remarks were made when several men charged with defaming the Swastika banner were released In Judge Brodsky's conrt. Apology Sent on Brodsky Incident Gotham Magistrate Given Sharp Criticism in Note to Germany WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. -)-The United States officially ex pressed its regrets to the German government today for the second time-Jn two months as a result of the liner Bremen incident Secretary Hull also sharply crit icized Magistrate Louis B. Brod sky of New York City for "offen sive expressions" toward Germany which were "not a relevant or le gitimate part of his judicial deci sion." Summoning Dr. Rndolk Leit ner, charge d'affaires of the Ger man, embassy, to the state depart ment,' Hull read a statement em phasizing that Brodsky's remarks jrejreujuxelypejanoal AnLi4jno. way reflected the attitude of the United States government. Suggests Magistrate Merely Summing Up Secretary Hull added, however, that "it is to be regretted" that any American official should "in dulge in expressions offensive to another government with which we have official relations." Explaining the state department did not undertake to pass on the correctness of Brodsky's decision freeing five alleged communists charged with tearing the nazi flag (Turn to Page 5, Col. 6) Lee Schlesinger Sued for Divorce LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14.-p)- tcnoes of the mysterious disap pearance of Lee Schlesinger three years ago that led to fears he had been drowned in the Columbia riv er near Portland, Ore., were heard in divorce court here today. An answer filed by Schlesinger's attorneys to his wife's suit for divorce admitted that he bad de serted her. In her complaint, Mrs. Laura Anderson Schlesinger, daughter of Will H. Anderson, local attorney, charged she was led to believe her husband had been drowned, but later explained that worry over business affairs had caused him to carry out the mysterious disap pearance. September Rainfall is Already Ahead of Total for Year Ago Nearly three times as much rain fell in Salem Friday night and yesterday as lnall of last Sep tember, a. check of weather rec ords showed last night. Between 9:30 p. m. Friday and 5 p. m. yesterday precipitation here total ed 1.11 inches. Last September's total rainfall was .41 inch and the average for the month is 1-86 inches here. Unsettled weather with occa sional rains was forecast for to day and Monday by the United States weather bureau. , Mild con ditions were predicted inland, squalls off the coast. McMinnville Seeking U. S. Fund; Proposes to Build Flax Plant ; - McMINNVILLE, Ore., Sept 14. -(ffy-The McMinnvllle city council has announced formal approval of Mayor O. I. Cbenoweth'a applica tion for federal funds with which to construct and equip a 1 2 2,0 00 flax retting and scutching plant -the government would be asked to contribute f 10,000 ' and spon sors 312,009, under J the plane proposed. ' , -, .;"-; Application fcr a 185,000 li brary at Untie Id college also was announced today by the president ElaaT J. Anderson. States Worry 0 ver Fate of Public Works Scores of Inquiries on Status of Projects . Reach Officials I ekes is Sole Arbiter of His. Funds but They're Short WASHINGTON, SeC 14- (P) -Widespread; repercussions based on fears, that thousands of local public works projects might be scrapped today enveloped Presi dent Roosevelt's revision of the M8?0,000,000 work relief pro grain. . Inquiries by the score fell upon public works officials, who were unable to glve definite assurances as to the fate of individual pro jects. There were indications, however, that Secretary Ickes would decide which projects would go forward immediately. Whether this was involved in the president's settlement of ba sic differences in viewpoints of Ickes and Harry L. Hopkins, cen tral figures in administering the expenditure of the billions, was not immediately ascertained. Confronted with the task of scaling , down their program around 60 per cent, PWA author ities agreed, that chances of ap proval for the average project had been cut virtually in half. Fund Left to Ickes Relatively Small Mr. Roosevelt's decision to let Hopkins' works progress adminis tration spend the remaining $1, 250,000,000 of the works relief fund to provide jobs until PWA projects swing into their peak em ployment period in the spring, left Ickes with only $425,000,000 for public werks. Congress .had allocated 3900,000,000. : The reliable indications that Secretary Ickes would have ex (Tarn to Page 10, Col. 3) Ashland Student :HKiile MEDFORD, Ore, Sept. lL-JP) One Ashland high school student was instantly killed, and three other Ashland high students in jured in an auto accident on the Pacific highway one mile south of Phoenix tonight. The dead: Everett Harding Baughman, 17. The injured: Earl Neeley, 17, driver of the wrecked auCo; injured shoulder, severe lacerations and shock. Dorothy Borg, 18, fractured clavicle and still unconscious from headT hurts. Dorothy Mathis, 17, head and knee injuries, facial cuts and shock. According o the story told by Neely to Deputy Coroner Harold Brown and the state police, the death auto was forced from the highway Into the ditch, where it overturned. Protests of War Petals Broadcast LONDON. Sept. 14flVWarn ings against the dangers of an "imperialist-capitalist war" thun dered today in the ears of workers in 17 cities. Orators at rallies organized by the socialist league drove home the realization of potentialities in the Italo-Ethiopian dispute. ! Afthe same time, David Lloyd George, World war premier, speaking at a meeting not con nected with the socialist rallies, tongue-lashed the peace seeking nations. He said they were idling while Premier Mussolini was "baring his teeth, ready to bury them in Ethiopia's throat." Another False Clue Is Traced Down in Search for Dainard SACRAMENTO, Sept. 14- (JP)- Another false tip that William Dainard, -alias- Mahan, - long- sought fugitive in the Weyerhaeu ser kidnaping - case, had been sighted in the foothills near Pla cerrille, sent officers on a wild but fruitless chase tonight.' - ;; : The pursuit brought officers to the mountain copper mine, near Shingle springs, about 30 miles northeast of here, where, they questioned a man who resembled the f ugitivei f . ' - r Afterward they said the; man had definitely established his - nocencev'--.-rf-;----- Assistant1 Treasury j Secretary Divorced RENO, Nev.,r Sept .14. - Lawrence W. "Chip' Robert' Jr of Washington D. C, assistant secretary of -the United States treasury, was. divorced by f Mrs Louise Ayrea 'Robert prominent In Atlanta, Ga society, at a brief, uncontested trial before District Judge Benjamin Curler here today. War Clouds Hang Low as Italy Rejects Compromises; British Heet Waits in Mediterranean Over Hundred Ships Are Awaiting Lighter Italian Navy Believed Dangerously Near; English Sea Force of Nearly Equal Size Held at Portland (Copyright, 1935, by the Associated Press) LONDON, Sept. 14. Upward of a hundred British war ships about the third biggest navy afloat if compared with the entire fleet strength of the United States and Japan were believed by diplomats to be concentrated to night in the serene waters of the Mediterranean. Their officers, bent over navigators' charts, awaited de- Announce School Opening Schedule Half Day Registration and Organization Periods in Order Monday SALEM SCHOOLS OPEN On MONDAY MORNING Where Time Senior high -8:40 a. m. Leslie junior high ..8:45 a. m. Parr is h junior high 8:50 a. m. All grade schools 9:00 a. m. - Half day registration and or ganization sessions will be heldj in all Salem public schools Mon day morning. All pupils will be dismissed in the afternoon to give them opportunity to buy books, tablets and pencils and the teaehers a chance to com pile their room enrollment fig ures and report to their princi pals. Monday classes will - be dis missed at noon at the s en i o r high school and both Junior highs. Elementary school pu pils will be sent home at 11:30 a. m. Junior high boys and girls will spend the morning passing through a day's class rou tine compressed into short peri ods. Those at the senior high school will remain in their home rooms checking their class peri ods for conflicts and changes. ; While the grade and junior (Turn to Page 5, Col. 6) New Teachers in Shops at Parrish Two new vocational Instructors Will be found at , Parrish junior high school Monday morning-. Su perintendent Silas Gaiser reveal ed last night that new men teach ers would take the mechanical drawing and manual training po sitions at least on a temporary basis. ! Changes in these positions were intimated as Impending at last Tuesday night's school board ses sion when it was reported that S. H. Isherwood, mechanical drawing, and E. S. Barker, man ual training instructors at Par rish had failed during the past summer to pursue required study courses in education aimed at eventually enabling them to se cure standard state teaching cer tificates. 1 The new instructors will be J. A. Bullis coming here on a re lease of contract from Gaston, Ore., schools, for mechanical drawing, and Paul McCormick, from Corvallis, for manual train ing. McCormick was added as si substitute teacher last Tues day night; Bullis appointment has been Informally approved since that time. Bullis, a grad uate of Pacific university, holds a master'a degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State College and minor credits in draftsmanship. Statesman ''Head-Dress" Changed; The Statesman greets Its read ers this morning with a new head dress- -- ' r Styles change la types as In iothing (though fortunately tor tie publisher not so frequently), and a newspaper must be alert to new ideas In what is known to the craft as "make-op." , , tThe new type which is used in headings is from the Bodoni tarn lly, whose original design was cut by a famous typographer of Borne, Glambattista Bodoni (1740-1813): While formal In Its design, cut af ter the model of classic Inscrip tions on old Latin monuments, it is a type which does not soon .tire the eye, as do many of the newer I'modernistlc" types. ; i Statesman Discards J All-Capital Heads . .1 The unique feature of the Bo doni as employed In The States- m"an headings today is the use of Orders ovelopments in the Italo-Ethiopian crisis. Dangerously near, it appeared from reports, were about 250 units of the lighter Italian navy. ready to lend their force to the declaration of the Italian cabinet that it was prepared to meet any resistance that might be offered from whatever direction to II Duce's moves. Since the first of September, the pick of British fighting ships have been assembled in this troubled section. Belief of the diplomatic observ ers was that more than 75 Brit ish fighting ships were gathered at Alexandria, Port Said, Malta, Gibraltar, Port Sudan and Haifa, (Turn to Page 5, Col. 3) 400 Pay Taxes in RushonSaturday Discount Period is Ended; $22,710.14 Receipts, Biggest Day Ever The county tax collector yester day issued more than 400 receipts to taxpayers who besieged his of fice In a rush to secure the last discount available on 1935 taxes. The discount period ends today, or three months before the final quarter's taxes become due. The day's income amounted to $22,716.14, the largest sum ever taken in and receipted in a single day In the history of the county, Lewis E. Keet, deputy sheriff in charge of tax collections, declared. The largest payment was 10,lll, comprising the third quarter taxes on the Oregon Pulp & Paper com pany properties here. Other pay ments all were small. Delinquent Taxes Will Still Come In Neet anticipated a continuance this week of the heavy collections on 1930 and earlier taxes occa sioned by the impending foreclos ures by the county. Out of 61 parcels of property recently listed for the second foreclosure series, Neet said tax payments had since been made sufficient to cut the (Turn to Page 14, Col. 1) Several Injured in Crashes Here Kenneth Walker, route 7, driv ing on the highway one mile north of Aurora, yesterday struck Peter Thornton, Wilsonville, pedestrian, and bruised both his knees. Walk er says that Thornton threw his suitcase in front of his radiator. Kenneth Holler route 7 report ed to police yesterday that his machine collided with an unidenti fied car In front of the Hollywood theatre. - N. E. Edwards, 1849 State street, struck a bicycle ridden by Frank Einfeldt, and Otto Lance, Albany, struck, the bicycle ridden by LeHoy Holloway, 13. Hollo way is in the hospital and the extent of his injuries has not yet been determined. No All Capitals capitals and small letters in place of the old style Gothic all - cap lines. Much more legible are words printed in "upper and lower case," (the term used by printers in re ferring to capitals and small let ters), than words composed airin capital letters of the same height and weight like the. Gothics now replaced. So the, new style is more easily read, as well as more beau- tifnL---,:v:H;-:-i'-:i'i.T:-:r::'r '-. The reading text- continues to be Century expanded.' There has been considerable evolution in text types in late years:, but the newest- types are cut virtually on the model of the Century expanded, the type which, la twelve - point sise, "long primer, has been stan dard for school primers for many years. ; Recently the Chicago Tribune appeared with a new type face, , (Turn to Page 10, CoL i) , Defiant Reply Proves Shock to Delegates Ethiopian Envoy Make Reply to Charges . of Barbarism 'Preparedness for any Menace' Language is Significant GENEVA, Sept. 14 -)-Wr4 promise solution" in the Ethiea ian dispute . burst . like a fean grenade today in the assembly ef the league of nations. The news came as an impres sive procession of great and small powers, including Soviet Russia and the Dominion of Canada, pro claimed from the platform their fidelity to the league covenant. Shortly afterward the Ethiop ian delegation submitted ft de tailed answer to the charges con tained in the Italian memorandum laid before the council last week by Baron Pom peo Alois!. - The answer asserted 'that -it conditions in Ethiopia were really even "one-tenth as bad' -as Italian complaint asserted, foreign legations in' Addis Ababa long age would have made a joint protest to the civilized world. Ready for Menace Prom Any Direction (In his speech before the league council. Baron AloUl charged that "barbarous" rendi tions existed in Ethiopia and as serted that the Italian government had demonstrated Ethiopia's fail ure to carry out obligations as sumed through special conven tions with Italy.) A section of the Italian com munique stressing Italy's military preparedness against 'menace "from any direction whatsoever" was Interpreted bv some delegate as a direct challenge to Great Britain. They aid intended to create misunderstandings likely to torn (Turn to Page 14, Col. 1) Decision Looming in Colonial Case PORTLAND, Sept 14.-p-Kenneth P. Fraer, United States commissioner, said: tonigbt that he would render a decision Mow day on the proposed removal ef charges of using the TJaited States mails to defraud. A removal hearing which ha been in progress for more teas a week ended today. y Defendants Include Nelsew J. Sykes, Henry C. Prndhomme. A, D. Ken worthy and S. G. Blak kolb, all asserted to have been formerly connected with the Col onial trading company. The commissioner's decision will determine whether the peti tion for removal will be dismis sed or whether the quartet win be transported to Nevada to stand trial. . All have asserted their, inno cence of wilful wrong-doing. Man Struck With Auto Crank, Word ; Two asserted cases of violence at Independence, but reported mat to be connected, were reported here early this morning but de tails were meager. : i One man, said to hare been alt in the head with an auto crank, was being brought to the Deacon ess hospital here, and an balance was later called ' to Ii dependence to bring in a who was reported ; to have eea found lying beside the road, bad ly injured. Karnes were lacking In both cases. Pear Recipe are Ushed This Week . for Round Table . ' Baked pears, pickled peas . . any kind of pears Jos so they are appetizing. Sea in you pear recipe to the Round Table contest and try for one of the .three rash prizes;' I .'li ' Recipes may call for either fresh or canned pears or may detail methods for preserv ing them. The pear season Is now on, so the topic is ( seasonal Interest; The test closes Thursday noon.