PAGE SIX The CHEGON STATESMAN, Salcn, Ore-oa, Thursday Morning, September 12, 1S23 s ociety I News and Club Affairs -Jessie Steele Society Editor Play Continues at Country Club - On Tiophy fTlHE late summer is welcomed I by golfing;,. fans and .yester . day'a cool mornlnff sunshine was Ideal lor thes game. Women of the Salem dab gathered for play In the morning - and had luncheon at the clubhouse after wards. " - . " ' The day's prise la class A went to Mrs. E. I Baker and in class B to Mrs. Tan Wieder. The club la playing for the Kay trophy. J Those, enjoying the day's sport were Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mrs.-H. H. dinger, Mrs. Harold dinger. Mrs. George Tlagg. Mrs. Van vWleder, Mrs. E. N. GUlingham, Mrs. W. E, Chandler, Mrs. B. M. Donaldson, . Mrs. Earl Burch, Mrs. Graham Sharkey, Mrs. P. W. Byrd, Mrs. Roy Byrd, Mrs. V. Er Kuhn, Mrs. Harry Weldmer, Mrs. Walter Ar thur. Mrsv R. H. Savage, Mrsi U- S. Page. Mrs. Robin Day Mrs. Claade Johns. Mrs. Curtis Cross and Mrs. H. K. Stockweu. r ' Miss Mary Eyre will be v the speaker for the joint meeting of the Knight Memorial Aid and , Missionary societies Friday at t- ; ernoon in the church parlors at x o'eioc. ... - Styles Direct From Paris Described by Reporter : By ADELAIDE KEBR arls-(ff)Parls '. fashions s a r e mixed up with politics again. 5, t While the world is divided be tween, kingdoms, republics and dictatorships and j European statesmen weigh the problem -of threatened Italo-Ethlopian war, Schlaparelli has - launched both royalist and republican clothes "to meet the uncertain political tem per of the times.VTbe new clothes are , designed te .fit into the scheme of things whether thrones Or democracies prevail and eTen add a few modernistic touches for "the left. " "-: - r -.- ' Elegance In Fabrics : In case "kings come back the designer has launched afternoon and erening clothes of- regal ele gance made of rleh fabrics la roy al colors, r Shimmering , "high ness" satins, brocaded lames and stiffened silks ribbed with velvet fashion clothes tor wear from tea until dawn and such colors a royal bine and imperial blue. are teen. Peart rope belts and pearl embroidery finish evening frocks; regal fur such as mink and sable trim i coats; the crown, motif , is splashed in a' printed . "pattern over blouses and hats are made like a : field marshal's hat. . ' ' To make clothes .for republi cans or to be ready In case "the world swings left' the designer has fashioned clothes of new and daring simplicity.; ; A new "gall red'. Is intermingled with blacky brown and green, v HaU. are de signed to recall the caps worn by French revolutionists when' Louis X.VI lost his throne or like the bonnet worn by the' French Mar ianne (who -corresponds to Am erica's Uncle Sam.) , Zippers Appear .--Dresses are fastened with mod ernlstla sippers. ' Suits are made on the simplest lines, with broad shoulders and worn with sleeve less colored rests over wool blous es. Short coats are made of cat fur. - - - . : : To provide something new and daring for "the left! the designer uses bright satin erening pants instead of petticoats .with her evening gowns which are cut up in ; an arc in front to. show- the trousers beneath. . . . ff 4 . Throughout the collection, she McCracken-Youhg v Vows Today..- A simple ceremony this morn ing , at 1 a. VL in Portland win unite In marriage Miss Yerda Mc Cracken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. McCracken ot Salem, and Elmer. Edwin Young, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young of Port land, formerly of Salem. ; t . Reverend Boeder will officiate in his Portland home. . Miss McCracken will wear a smart brown suit with matching accessories and a. corsage. There will be no attendants. -; 7; , " . The couple will leave immedi ately after the service for Minne apolis, Minn., where theyiwttl make their home. Mr. Young Is a professor ot art at the University of Minnesota, i' 'i.?'-' ', ;-yv" - The bride is a' graduate of Wil lamette university and has been in charge ot A. A. U. W. classes in foreign languages for several' sea sons. . - has used the Cock on France crowing lustily for tomorrow, as la motif. It is used. as a printv ed motif on the front of satin blouses and reflected in eoxcomb hats and a new color "coxcomb red." . v Hedical Lleet at Gearhart is ; - Next Week wwTOMEIi affiliated with the V. Trl-County Medical society V ' auxiliary 1 are , anticipating with pleasure the meeting ot the state, society and auxiliaries sched uled. In Gearhart on September It, 29 and 21. r Physicians will meet at the Gearhart hotel and auxiliary members at Ocean House. Mrs. John Q. Abels, state auxiliary president, and Mrs. William F. Patrick, state president-elect,' will preside. c ' . ---Mrs. Burton Myers and Mrs. Carl Emmons are both state offi cers and will attend. Mrs. V. A. Douglas will respond to the offi cial greeting, Thursday. Friday, Mrs. C AlfDowns, president of the Trt-County auxiliary, will give a report on her organisation. s Delegates from Salem are Mrs. Edward - Lebold, . Mrs. - Douglas, Mrs. Myers, Mrs.- Downs,- Mrs. Hugh; Dowd and Mrs.. Emmons. Social affairs '.. in ' connection with the state meet include ' a "mystery! costume dinner Thurs day night. a tea Friday afternoon in the Astoria home of Mrs. L. M. Spaulding, and the " annual : ban uet for doctors and their wives Friday night at the Gearhart ho tel. 'There will be a golf tourna ment Saturday morning. ' . Those , attending the delightful dinner, meeting Tuesday night at the heme of Mrs. Downs were Mrs. M. C. Ftndley, Miss Louise Flndley, Mrs. Sarah Hunt Steeves, SOCIAL CALEIIDAE Thursday, September It . Oregon State alumni elub of Salem monthly lunch eon at Quelle. W. R. a social afternoon with Mrs. Bertha LoTe. Und, 401 8. J5th, I p. m. 1 'HoUywood Ladies Social club with Mrs. 0. A. For . gard, 1p.m. ; -r. v-rixr --?;":-- i.v Capital auxiliary No. 11, p. m., with Mrs. L. W. , , Webber, 65T Statesman, 2 p. m. '' T. L. club with Miss Myrtle McClay, t p. m. Sewing club of B. and P. W. club with Miss Ruth. McAdams, f 5 S. 12th, club dinner. Bring table service. ' . Fridav, September IS First Baptist church missionary society, 2 p. m. . with Mrs. L. M. Dourls, 204S N. Church. Daughters of Union Veterans at Woman's club- ' house, 8 p. m. . . ' ' ' -' Englewood Women's club -with Mrs. J. J. Kuan 40 N. 19th, X p. m. - - - Three Link club in I. O. O. F. hall, 2: SO p. m, ! Joint meeting ot Knight Memorial Ladies Aid and - Missionary societies In church parlors, 2 p. m. .:: - Saturday ; September 1U -" Salem Woman's club, board at 2 p. m.,' business see- . sion at 2:20 p. m., clubhouse. Mrs. Paul Moore, Mrs. V. A. Doug las, Mrs. Burton Myers, Mrs. Ray Walts, Mrs. Edward Lebold, Mrs. James Sears, Mrs. Hugh ; Dowd, Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mrs. George Vehrs and the hostess.; .dt The sewing club of the B. and P.. W. elub will have a, club din ner meeting at the home ot Miss Ruth McAdams, -f S. 12th street, Friday night. Those at tending are asked to bring their own table service. , - t Dinner Held at Home in Salem Heights - r Salem Heights Miss Neva Stolxhelse was hostess for din ner party at the home of her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. - P. F, Stolx helse, Wednesday night, , - Invitations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Granville Perkins, Mrs. Esther . Sheridan. Ben : Bad er and" Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Stolxhelse, Miss Upjohn Hrt to Win rnze ' Rowena TTnioin A sentatlTt from Marion eouQi. I Tuesday mw uin m.mivum JMUIJ gSl SfT to win in theH Dollar Waaer contest at thft it&i fair. & When at 4-H summer school In Corranis, she took the elass n tht Dollar Dinner faW cf ier studies. When she decided to en ter the contest, she hunted up itt summer notes and plannsi meal accordingly. , - The contest was to serve four people at the cost of $i or less in three hours' time from tns eon testants entering the booth mil they leave. ; 7 r- Miss Upjohn's menu wag ti t0t. lows: - ' Fruit Cocktail Chop Suey i Tomato salad Hot Biseults i Jello and Marshmallow Dessert Tea Shower Tuesday for Matron : , ' Salem " Heights A delkhtf al snower was neia for Mrs. 3 McFarland at the home of P. F. Stolxhelso Tuesday noon. - ; Refreshments were served (o Mrs. Arthur McFarland, Mrs c F. . Skelton, Mrs. Glen Heinleia! Mrs. Claud Jones, Mrs. Myron Van Eaton, Mrs. Chas. Crary Miss Lydla Hunt, Mrs. C. w! Bartlett, Mrs. Goldie La Duke and Mrs. Stolxhelse. DSA.R. to III Constitutioi ryLAN3 for the obserra j7 Constltntlon day, Sep r IT. have been changed Daughters of the American lutlon. Instead of harlng trict meeting at Champorf trict Ko. 1 of Portland nn chairmanship of Mrs. Lee port has invited southern. and Willamette valley distJ unite In honoring Mrs. J Rlchardson and to obser IS 0th anniversary of thecJ D.A.R- members will in the Multnomah hotel la land. Mrs. Richardson has ly been appointed reportcJ eral to the Smithsonian, tlon. . --fiA -i - Representatives from patriotic organisations aref invited to the sessions whi rene in the morning at Id There willjbe a luncheon a p. m. for which reser should be made with Mrs r, regent, at S5C3. - Mrs. Mark V. WeathI tate regent, will, extend ihgs to Mrs. Richardson morning session and Mrs. Sprague, state- chairman proved schools, will lntl Miss Denise C Abbey, n representative from the Cm school at Croffnore, N. will be one of the principal ers. a." . f)jy -. 0:0 lO-f ? a . ram scmmt -tzmmjuo Tim r mf a- i m I 1 Ti - f &c " M V SH0ES I so "STYLE-SI TAILORED THE . , - . ew mmm g . Suits f oir The greatest trek of the season starts next Mondaj morning in Salem when between 5000 and 6000 school boys and girls go back to school. The beginning of the new school year will find many- boys and girls fully equipped and ready to do battle royal to their studies while others may hare been necessarily delayed. Miner's are ready for every emergncy. Large stocks and assortments from : which to choose, new school fashions direct from fashion headquarters. .Try Miller's first! 1 HATS CAPS COATS SHOES SUITS DRESSES SWEATERS UNDIES Go Back to School in Fashions that Are Becoming to You! HERE ARE NEW WOOtS, AGET A T ES , R AYONS, COTTONS i that LOOK and WEAR RFEGTLY! : PE High School and College Frocks-S95575i Nelly Don school frocks possess that elusive' smartness for young women and girls of school age that Is not to he found elsewhere nt any thing like these prices. . .$5.95 and 17.96. Nelda crepes that wash perfectly , soft wool that will be campus favorites are here, too, and you'll like those deep rich renaissance shades of reds, greens, browns, tiles , and blues. , 2nd floor. . f HERE'S YOUR EVERYTHING FOR SCHOOL! r There's no need taking another step farther for . your school "everything!. ... let Miller's show you the way to happy selec - : . tions and ' good quality this week before the rush ' . of school starts. AND RE3H3IBER IT r COSTS NO MORE TO ENJOY GOOD QTJAUTIt ' $4.95 ti CREPE BE CHINE RAIN COATS Rubberised and light as a feather. All the new dark shades and white. 2nd floor. -, : ANGORA i d1 77r SWEATERS Jl -J J - tjlo I D Zebra striped In soft tones of red, brown, green, , blue, etc Slipover style. 2nd floor. ANGORA TWIN m OO KA SWEATER SETS tj)0 ,OU Svery school girl will need a set or two of ' this number in twin sets. All the wanted shades. 2nd floor. WOOL FLANNEL I ?0 OK ROBES : U t?Oei70 Ideal for all purpose robe wear. Long style, belted models, smoked pearl buttons, etc. ' 2nd floor. - SCHOOL OXFORDS, SUEDE AND GRAINED LEATHERS A smartly trimmed foot win be your good lot if we are allowed to fit you In this new school fashion number just received.: Main floor. NEW CHECKED SUEDE ' (jQ I A CLOTH RAIN COATS l-l. $Oelt7 A bautiful texture, a brand new style In rain coats arrived for your school days. Tan,- red, green, navy bias in small pin checked patterns. Main floor. . " - - - . " - $3.45 (3 Smart Looking School Coats Wash Shell be ready for - school and all kinds of weather In one of these specially priced ' new fall coats ot wool tweed or melton In smart plain tailored style or with fur collar. Reds, tans, browea, bines, etc. to 14 years. Belted and raglan sleeves. Some with Clark Gable backs. Main floor. Other Coats Priced $7.95 Up Large fur collars are tea tured - in this showing ef girls' coats tor both school and dressy wear. Kew dark, rich shade for this season are hers. Mala' floor, girls' dept. BOYS' SHIRTS 49c BASKMKXT RAINCOATS UMBRELLAS GYM SUITS GYM SHOES TENNIS SHOES HOSIERY ROBES CORDS New Brogues $3.98 BROWIT' BLACK BOYS' SHOES $1,39 BASEMENT GntLS'WOOL SWEATERS $1.69 BASEMENT GIRLS' OXFORDS $2,48 - - BASEMENT: BOYS SWEAT SHIRTS 39c BASEMEXT NEW- : FAsmoiis . FOR SCHOOL 9 f Frocko limiM, V: " V v!.- M 9Sc Prints. j.vL , - - TOWELS FOR , GYM 25c BASEMENT BOYS RAIN COATS ; $29 BASEMENT We're last opened the new : wash frocks tor school wear. BriUliat! You'll Uk etery , on ot them. Ton must come y down soon, tho, to . avoid disappointment, BOYS UNION SUITS V 49c BASEMENT Harvard BrownjNeS i: Oxford Greys " - Cambridge Greys Oxford Blues Reg. $22.50 College men everywnere art showing a decided preference for STYLE-MART young men' clothes. And' Miller's in Salenk are exclusive agents for thi good quality brand ' of suits which we offer at a school spe cial for a few days at ?18.50. Style-Mart clothes are made to fit . . stay fitted and give you not only good style, "but all around satisfaction as welL These smart greys, tans, blues in the newest gathered back fashions are ready to V show. Come see. "Gold Standard" 100 leather brogues for stout school boys. High school and college. Brown and black campus type. Basement. -v: ' BOYS' OXFORDS $1.39 to $2.98 Small boys and girls, too, will find our shoes new in style and leathers. Welt soles, all leather ox fords are here in black and brown for your school wear. Basement. Genuine Hockmeyerl Scho Wide Waist Band m i , Tunnel Ixwps V1 Newest CtUtfyM -Ot-; v SlwdeCoro JtA ww ' Hera'i too senufiao-Hockmeyer corduroy you've been burins at hisher prices. Ex . ceptlonailr weU mado . . new style, etc, . All slxea. tor school fellows. Main floor. ; Tin Pant for School i Boys tin school pants made of best r?'? army duck with extra reinforcing tff out. sues f to IS years. Main floor. r , j ol Cords 1 i-1 New At Extra wooly angoii for school room or : New shades mixed ZIPPER JA DfUMlCU HU Here's that bright ti wanted for schooM pleated backs, take-ii etc., too. Mam iloor. Gay, perky prints for the rrade schoolers are here at 7e . . , a very special bar gain for this week. f BOYS TENNIS I KEDS ; : BASEMENT BOYS' BELTS 25c&45c . BASEMENT Boy's Tennis KEDS : .89c;:: Here's that new ''Chain tred" Keds you've wanted for school wear at only 89c pair. They come with extra reinforced ; soles of chain tred pattern in; grey and black, also tan and brown. Buy Keds and make sure of Boys Polo Shirts 69c . Rerular 11.00 Quality ' Boys Heavy o OA - Trench CoaU $mOJ Good QuaUty, Drilling : Boys Munslnf- wear Soi ' New Stripes for School 25c good tennis ment. shoes. Base- Boys' Cord Knickers . 52.39 Grey and" tan mottled velvet corduroy knickers with the 1 knitted wool , knee cults J are here. A very popular school pant. Priced at only $2.29 . . they sell regularly at $3,00. Main floor. - - f aww. Ji -VKM Am..m m. . jsjs,Kmj w jejn-apv' m-.m JSt, wgsw 0r 1 Cr l Zippe Boys Heavy ' Jac pus Jacket made with ClarV fastened. Loop buckle taV durable tor school. Mala lie. Boy These new rain coats are t lahed checked tan and brov. fabrics cf , very strocs I welted models. A very mo&d Mala floor- , - f , j . L ii Oh- ii.