PAGE SEVEN ' The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Blorning, August 28, 1935 T 0 1 This Earner I t 5r Statesman Classified Ads Call 91011 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line ..10e Three Insertions per line .2oe .Six insertions per lint .. . .30c One month per line ....11.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for thla page accepted until :30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be run under-tho beading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman awmmes no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear la ad vertisements published In Its columns, and in eases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an -advertisement la wbkb ebe typo graphical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserve) the right to reject objectionable advertising. It farther reserves the right tp classify all adver tising nnder the proper classification. HELP WANTED Local firm opening new branch. Ap plicants for position must nave pleas ant personality. Box 51. Statesman. fWWUVVVVVVV'rri i s s -sa 500 eversTeen pickers. Tel. 8J3S. HELP WANTED MALE First class noiicitor to drlTe dry cleanina agon. Apply $10 8. 14tb after p. m. evenings. .. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Young lady for perma nent position in boarding bouse. Box 6S7. Statesman. WANTED Middle aged woman to care for sick ladr. Bo care statesman. Ti i ii.nnnii. i i i i ,iii i Girl for housework and cars of bahy. 1185 Market. SITUATIONS WANTED Paper hanging. P.eca Samples. 7895. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Safe for sals, fireproof. && Cham- keta. Distilled whit vinegar for all pick- I ling purposea "Keeps Your Plckies PURITAX CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM Good, grave list eli apples, 1 mi. on Wallace road. L. E. Weadt . Red fox fur. 2059 N. CapitoL ; Peachea Crawford and Charlottes row ready. Hales and Elbertas later. Fetters" orchard. Wallers road. Bartlett Pears, 25c and up, 1 miles, Wallace Read. William Stoddard. Dining room table, chaira TeL 4315. Belcrest lots, 482 N. 18th St Irish setter and Lewellyn setter, fine dogs. Bargain price. Box 56S, States man. Good used Wakefield baby carriage. Call at 1635 N. Liberty St Leaving Salem Thursday. No look ers wanted. Ford delivery, new rub ber. Jersey, gov. tested, easy milker. Rabbits, chickens, lumber, windows, -rtn doora TeL 8SF12, Rt 3, Box 100. Salem Heights. Sweet corn 50c snck. Bring sacks John Tweed, Tel. 42F25. Ground - Dallas limestone. Bulk or ders taken for the next 3 weeks only at 33.60 ton. F. O. B. plant Hawkins A Roberts Inc. TeL 410. Cows and heifers to freshen soon. G. H. Roberts, Rt 5, Salem. Shafer place N. E. of Turner. No. 12 Economy King separator. Good condition, $14. G. II. Roberts, Rt 5, Salem. Shafer Place, N. E. of Turner. Good blocky team of Percheron mares. Well-matched. G. II. Roberts, Rt. 5, Salem. Stiafer Place N. E. of Turner. . . Mixed oats and vetch seed, lc per Ih. Tel. 4103. W ANTED Miscellaneous Wanted room .nd board for mother, employed, and daughter C years old, in home near .State buildings and Wash ington school. Box 571, Statesman. IJvs poultry wanted, 328 N. Front WASTE D Complete furnishings for four room house.. Will pay around $7 00. Box 572. onre Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts, J5c-!0c. 303 S. Winter. Young man to take up air condi tioning and electric refrigeration. Must be mechanically Inclined, now employ ed, willing to train spare time to qua lify. Write. Utilities Eng. Inst, Bos R!". Statesman. FOR RENT ROOMS Well furn. room. SOS Chemeketft. ROOM AND BOARD For couple, very close In. Tel. 5482. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 room, 495 X. Com'L TeL 8884. Attractive 1st floor, 219 N. 14th. ADVERTISING Portland RepresenUtiTt Gordon B. Bell, Security Building, Portland, Ore. Western Advertising Representatives Fehger-Hall Co- Ltd. 235 Montgomery Street . ' Ean Frandsco, Calif. Eastern Advertising Representatives ' Bryant, Griffith a Brunson, I no Chicago, New York, Detroit. Boston, Atlanta . . .. . . , entered at the VestoTfl ot Salem, Oregon, a Bccond-ClOMa Matter. Pub- itsaed every momma except atoaaay. Pntinest office, Hi South Commrrctat Strut. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - Mall Subscription Rates, tn Advance, . Uo. SO cents: .$ Mo. $1.25 ; Mo. $z.lS; l year -4.utt. itiisewnero so cents per Ma, or 5.00 for 1 year in advance. Pei . Coot 1 cents News Stands a cents. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month. f .0 a year in advance. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Small furnished act., ciean and com fortable. Adult only. S45 Ferry. FOR RENT Neat I room apartment partly furn ished. Adults only. $13 per mo. CHILDS & AIILLErl, Realtors 344 State St Phone (70s 2 R furn.; I1T3 N. 4th. Beautiful 4 R. apt. 158& Center. Mod. 1 room apt.. (43 Union. 3 room turn, apt., ftg-hts, water, $3 per mo. 412 N. 21st 2 rm. apartment. lights, water, gar acre. 1421 N. Church St. FOR RENT HOUSES Film A onfura. Forkner. Tel. J 01. Houses. Grant. 623 Court. TeL S5S4. S-room modern -house, close lit, com pletely turn., Frtglrtalre. fireplace, gar age, basement, elee range. Adults. TeL 7476. 8 room house, near schools, 115.00. Phone 724. 5 rm. furn., S20. Key 416 S. Cottage. FOR RENT Hospital beds and wheelchairs rent. H. U Stiff Farattura Co. to Office nomi for rent XII State St ri 37 is OR SALK REAL ESTATE Beautiful stttUdiac lot on Fairmount Hill, owner leaving city, tor sale, price reasonable. Will take lata model car n deal. Dial aimer. $147. Sale er Trade 240 A. ertock ranch. good water, fair bldga for smaller farm or Salem property. 5 Ferry. Lot sale Close In. splendid loca imT Eiirunmi tl sji 7, 1 s i s rioai No aaaesamenta Only $100 to isagewater. $300 down, living r., dining r.. bed r kitchen, bath, garage. ssoo. $150 down, S room modern home -In Kay Add., on bus line. $250. S room English style home modern every way. Trade for house in Portland or smaller house In Sa lem. $500 down, room English style home. east, large lot Modern erery way, J 2 5 08. MONEY TO LOAN at PER CENT MKLVIN JOHNSON I 25 Court St Phone 3723 For sale or trade for city -property. 11 acres. 4 miles S. of Salem. Small house, barn. Tel. 13TF11. Sell or trade. 30 A. old growth tim ber. 1933 Chevrolet truck. 200 cords cut wood. Road made in timber. Sell cheap on account sickness. Consider small pl'ice near Salem. 2341 Fair- grounds Rd. A REAL BUY Neat S-rooia buagalow, basement furnace, fireplace, gaa water -hea tan oak floors, etc. Place now vacant Priced low at 3a00. Bonus Ioan;.i zau can oe assumeo. , i Can NKn. ellis, with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors ' I 344 State St - - Phone 670S IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF SUBURBAN HOME lli acres not far out on good road. 3 room house, garage snd woodshed, electric lights, driven welL Price 31100, cash 350. bat. monthly. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 8708 S R. plast. Itv., din., kit. 2 bed rooms, bath, base., garage, large lot : Immediate possession: 13o0, terma For bargains, see FRANK GRIEPEX- TROG. 1940 McCoy St TeL 4954. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE 7 acre tract highly Unproved. 5 miles from Salem. Will trade clear for income property In Salem or ac cept house as part payment. Price 14750. See MRS. EIjLIS, witn CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors FOR SALE FARMS 180 A. coast dairy ranch, paved road. spring, creek, good Improvements, 65 a cult, 14 cows, team and eauinment 96500. J350 down, bal. 24S per yer at t per cent, 58 A., 40 in cult, fair bidgs., spring, good well. S310. 1 A. close to Saiem, 5 room bung- low, bath, lights, basement, gar age, paved road, 1 3 sou. xaEe a lem residence. 1 1500 6 per cent money farm or city MELVIN JOHNSON 72S Court St Phone 3723 TWO GOOD FARM BUI'S 46 acres. 7 miles out on good road 35 acres in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber. Good house, barn and poultry house, electric lights. Price SiOOO, one- third cash. 43 acres well located near small town on market road. Good 5 room house, barn, garage, poultry house and outbuildings ; 20 acres in cultivation with part river bottom land. Good well and creek. Price 93350. cash 31330, haL 3200 yearly and "NO IN TEREST. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 670S FOR SALE Very attractive 14-acre farm cherries, prunes, apples, wni nuts and filberts. Good hldgs., close to Salem. On account of death In family this fine home must be sold. Cnusual deal. SEE: Mr. Lindgren HAWKINS ROBERTS. IXC. WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted-!-Farras & city property list llnga R A. Forkner. 1S53 N. CapitoL WANTED To buy small house In or near' Siriem, like rent Address Don Marks, Waldport. Ore.. WANTED We have quite a list of clients desiring furnished and unfur ; nlshed houses and apartments; pleas phone 8121 and let us know what you nave. P. H. BELL. 425 Oregon BMg. Business Opportunities INVESTMENTS Invest your savings at 5 to f per cent oa first mortgage securities. See Hawkins ft Roberta MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest possible rates. UKNEKAL. n.ARCB CORK A Local Corporation 1st NatL Bank Bldg. Phone 155$. . Licensed by Stats MONEY for rood first mortgage Teal estate loans, any amount, farm, city I or acreage , properties. Low Interest 1 ratea No payment reqnlrementa CHILDS A MILLER. Mtce. Loans 144 Stats St. PbonS 6708 AUTO LOANS CARS RKriNANCBD Easy Terms laraatlgste WILLAMETTTE LOAN COL U-15S SUS Ouardlan Bid. Salem First class morteTagre loans wanted. $2000 and over. No commission or brokerage for borrower to pay. LAOD ft BUSU TRUST CO. MONEY TO LOAN MONET Ws now have several good first mortgages on hand, amounts from $350 to $2500. Net investors 6 per cent See us for real estate loans. CHILDS MILLER. Mtse. Loans 344 State St phone (70S A COMPLETE 8ERVTCE ON LOANS UP TO $ Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member ef NRA. Room US, New Bliga Bldg. Xnd floor LaueNSfc.iJ my. b-izz a as is oy STATE 511 State St Tel J 7 40 Loans Made In Nearby Towns See us for loans on Salem properties-1 Quick service, low Interest rates. W. G. KKUEUEK 147 NT. Com'l. Phone 472$. LOANS WANTED. Loans wanted on . farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A- Roberta LIVESTOCK and POULTRY I For Sale, C cows and loose hay. Must be sold In 10 daya P. Sorenson, Bethel Height. 3 rnlles E. McCoy. FOR SALE WOOD MaaaaaaaasmjaaasaasssaaaMMMarfMMMaMMaa GUARANTEED DRY TeL 6000. Saleni Fuel Co. rvttee Trad I WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call $290. Wondsewfng reasonable. Tel. 3792. LOST AND FOUND LOST Monday a. m. on Commercial or center St l-7ttx Maaland rug. Finder call at Imperial Furn. Co. and receive reward. LOST Truck gasoline boss Jefferson. Reward. TeL 3725. near 1 PERSONAL LONESOME? Let me find rmi a sweetheart Hundreds find love and! happiness through my efforts. Why not you t Many wealthy. Photos and de scriptions free. Martin Rowan, Box 1797-j, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. FOR SALE USED CARS 1934 Dodge D. R. Six Coupe Bun only 17,000 miles, appearance and mechanical condition like new. Has all new 6.25 x 16 tires. Will take car in trade and give terma McKay Chevrolet Co. Look Over These. Cars FOR BETTER USED CAR VALUES : 1934 Dodge DeLuxs Sedan, radio. etc. .. IT95 1934 Hudson DeLiixe .Coupe .. . 785 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe - Coupe; rumble seat ... ...ssni 930 Hupmobile DeLuxe Sedan 325 I 1923 President 8 Sedan 285 1930 Ford Model A Panel Deliv ery, extra good 265 1930 Chevrolet Pick-np body 250 192S Buick 4 -door Sedan, Stan- dard 225 195 145 125 1930 Essex Coupe, rumble a 1928 Essex 4 -door Sedan 1927 Olds 4-door Sedaa 1928 Nash Sedan eat . 85 1937 Essex Coupe 85 so! Several cheap cars under.. USED TRUCKS TO SELL REDUCED 1930 Dodge. 3-ton. dual wheela Good condition. L.W.B. Now..l3Si 1930 Ford L.W.B.. dual wheels. overhauled - tza 1928 Reo, -ton panel. Good tires 145 1928 Ford IH-ton, single tires rear 145 Bonesteele Brothers INC. STUDEBAKER DEALERS 391 Chemeketa St TeL 4444 Star Sedan - -I 5 276 Dodge Victory Sedan TRUCKS 1933 Dodge 1H ton 650 1930 Chevrolet Itt ton with trall- 1929 Reo 1 ton with trailer 2S8 1929 Reo two-ton. good rubber 476 1929 Dodge 3-ton witb body A hoist . James 11. Mad en Co. 217 State St Phone 8590 Good Ford Pickup, 145. Phone 4516, 1928 4-door Chevrolet sedan, bar gain. 1560 State. 1929-Nash Sedan, like new 3295.00 1929 Essex Coach, A-l con. 165.00 To trade for wood 1 good used car, nf w rubber mechanically O. K. CARTER A CHURCH MOTOR CO. Good '27 Pontlac Tudor Sedan, $85. 1S80 N. Liberty. You Will Be Interested in Our Certified Used Cars Remember that a used car Is no better than the organization that sells it to you 1934 Plymouth Coupe $200.00 down 1934 Ford Tudor : 195.00 down 1932 Dodge DK Sedan with radio 185.00 down 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 125.00 down 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 128.00 down 1931 Buick Sedan "8" 150.00 down 131 Packard Sedan 1930 Essex Sedan ... 1930 Graham Sedan 1930 Graham Town dan 1930 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Coupe 225.00 down 85.00 down dowS 110.00 Se- 110.00 down SO.00 down 65.00 down TRUCKS 1934 ?V ? Ut LWB 2lo.eo down 1930 Dodg-e l-'ton Truck- 185.00 down 1929 Chevrolet, singles 65.00 down 1929 Chevrolet, singles - 45.00 down Herra!lOwenS CO. Dodge -Dependability- Plymouth 235 South Commercial Street Phone 1511 McKay's Used Cars 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Ford Tudor $ 45. 165. 1930 Pontlac Coach 265. J75. 1934 Buick 6 -pass. Coupe 1931 Cbev. special Sedan . 1981 Pontlac Sedan SS. 895. 495. 525. 1933 Chevrolet Sedan .... 1930 Franklin Sedan 192J Olda SDecial Sedan . 645. DOUGLAS McKAT CHEVROLET CO. SSS Center. 4S0 N. com I. Man on Flying Trapeze Falls; Serio usly Hurt NEW YORK, Aug. 27. (ff)--As 1500 horrified members of the au dience looked. on Louis Bossalina, 31,- of Reading, Pa4 a vaude ville aerialist, missed a flying trapeze late today and plunged 18 feet to the stage of the Palace the atre. At Flower hospital he was said to have suffered a fractured pel vis and internal injuries. His con dition was described as serious. Business Directory Cards in this directory ran ob a monthly basis only. Rate: 1.60 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. ITS South Commercial. BROOMS Factory, 421 N. Church. Tel. (4(0. CHIMNEY SWEEP I Telephone 4118 '- R E. Nofihnesa CH1RAPRACTOKS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Chiron raptor. N High Tel Rea 67S2. COLLECTIONS We collect your slow accta Confiden tial investigations. STATS CREDIT CU j 111 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 7713 DENTISTS I Dr. E. Darts has established offices 1st 313-314 Masonic Temple. TeL 7133. ELECTRICAL SERVICE I BOSLER Electric, 24$ SUts St Wlr j Ing motor, appliance, repalra senrica FLORISTS Brsllhaopt's, 447 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luts, Flor- 1st. 1370 N. Liberty. TeL ttOL Bennett 2233 Fatrgrourtd Rd. T. $173. KEYS We make fceya Harry W. Scott LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY. THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2C3 S. High TeL lltt CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Teleritwne t1S 124 Bmi1w MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4049 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to Arrlop aM Mmnila iamt HMnlnr. ate hj S 'i&.SS- our. a ci w aw a a v w . im iuuih !1l MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musio and piano atnd iea. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machlnea 433 Stat Street saiem. PAINTING Cneeda painter -carpenter. Call 6213 PHOTO ENGRAVERS 9alem photo engraving. 14T N. Com- nwrclal. Tel. 6SS7. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. pamDh- leta Droarranut books or any kind Of printing, call in statesman rrinun Department Zla a. commercial, ieie- nhone 9101. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PerMns, 629 Court St TeL 6584. STOVES 4 ranalr stores, ranges, circulatora Sell .new and rebuilt stovea ranges ana circulatora, stock fence, posts, chicken wira. Salem Fence and stove worn. !62 Chemeketa. TeL 4714. It u- Fleming. TRANSFER I for local or distant transfer storage. call 3131. La rmer Transfer Ca. Trucks to Portland ualiy. ! CAPITAL C1TT Transfer Ca X2 Stats St. TeL 7773. UlstrlUUling. tor warding and storage our specialty, oet nor ratea Perkins Trucking Co. TeL 629 S. Anvwhera for hire truck service. We specialize In hauling heavy machinery and equipment. TRUCK SERVICE BY DON CHAPEL Oregon-Washington. Let us handle jouriauUnJ)roblMriSreJ7 WELL DRILLING R. A. West. R. TeL 1I0F6. J. A. Sneed, 107 Highland. TeL 4487. Sewing Club Has 100 Per Cent Work RICKEY, Aug. 27. - Exhibits for the Marlon county 4-H club . . . .. ,, oo on and fair to be held August 28, 29 ana I '"rere discussed at the meeting. the Rickey 4-H sewing club which was held at the home of the club leader, Olive Crabb, Sun- dy afternoon. The club leader gave the girls tips on sewing and presented them with their sewing emblems for completion of their projects after which the group had their pictures taken. A sur prise lunch was served by the club leader assisted by her sis ter. Laura Crabb. The club com pleted 100 per cent. The mem bers include Delorla Waser, Bob ble FiscutV Dorris' Drown, Aleane Courtnier, Faith Phillips, Patri cia Kenny, Jane Fiscus, Virginia Carothers', Gladys Crabb, and crothcr- GETS FIXE OK JAIL SILVERTON, Aug. 27 George W. Hill of .Portland was given the option' of a fine of S16 and costs or IS days in jail by George Cusiter, city police judge, for in juring and defacing public prop erty Saturday night. Hill, it waa alleged, had emptied too many bottles and rough-housed it in the city rest rooms. . STANDARD. SMALL PORTLAND. Ore Aug. ZT.-VP) -Eggs on the exchange showed a loss of 1c each on large standards aad small extras. On the open market pallets were openly selling: below estab lished values generally. I There was a steady tone gen-1 erally suggested for batter local-1 atonal developments gave way to ly and mostly without suggestion I day to uneasiness associated with of price change. Make was bold - ing up much better than norttaL I Cheese market reflected a firm I tone- at late price advances which J were more or less general Moderate hedging and scattered throughout the country. Make was selling attributed to longs formed better thau normal because of the the bulk of pressure and with buy relatively high price compared poWer weak occasional rallies with butter. were not maintained. A decline in Demand for live chickens con- tinued firm with full prices con- tinued. There are sun a lew oia ... m a I crop dressed turkeys oxiered anai the price was held fairly strong, While there was little material I change in tomato prices for the day, the market appeared a trifle soft and especially for Yakima and The Dalles stock which were n earing the end' oi tneir season, i Locals held steady. Peaches in Demand While prices indicated no change, the market ior country killed pork was a trifle slow at the moment. Veal were steady and lambs firm. I Some fancy J. H. Hale peacnes i were offered out of Ashland and other southern Oregon points and sales reported to $1.15-1.25 for large sizes. Elbertas from the same sector were also in good de mand, selling up to 90c general ly for large fruit. Willamette valley crawioras. Elbertas and a limited number of J. H. Hales were offered, the for- mr helnr scarce and selling rnoet- 1. arnnnd 74tO for nnwranued I -J " - - I stock of si-e with Elbertas around 83-3UC ana J . l. xxaiw iu . iw s r . , AS1UK1A, ure., AUg. '--Vrr The Columbia river salmon pack for the summer of 1935 was re- rtliri HI I lUiiMLW VO.OUU VOOCSi . a esV - av . UN PICK FOR SUMMED IS SHORT comparea to i,Him 7 Dayton Beach, Fla.. in Feb vious season. The total represent- , ed a drop of 26 per cent. Unusually large runs in May and June were declared to have kept the total pack from showing an even greater decrease because 77 v. . of the fish strike this month the uarriua i v " " Washington statute and the loss . j 11 T 1- 3l Ol IDS oroancuvo recut ovm , . " j v seining grounds through legal cnanneis. The mild cure and frozen fisn pack dropped 60 per cent. Around 15,000,000 pounds oi raw salmon was used and fisher men received about $1,000,000. Total value of this season's pack was estimated at $2,450,000. Gardeners' and Ranchers Mart PORTLAND, Aug. 27.-(rP-The best seller at Tuesday morning's early Gardenera and Ranchers' west siae wnotesa e mtz . w rantalouDe. which held a hign or $1.75 a crate. The smaller could do Dougm ior Ta.a a c the Quality still A-l Prunes were in a sufficient number to add them to the list yesterday morning. For a 30 poun'd lug of Italian, prunes, fann ers were getting 40 to 60 cents. Plums also made their appear ance, selling at 40 cents. Bartlett pears which previously sold for $1.25 were down as low as 75 cents, with the majority of the better quality pears going be tween $1 and $1.10 a box. New potatoes dropped from 1 cent a pound to 95 cents a 100 pounds. Seedless grapes dropped from $1.25 to $1 a box. Malaga grapes held $1.50. California Elberta peaches sold for 80 cents a box and the J. H. Hales went down to 90 cents per box. Spinach Crate, 60; No. 1, 85c Carrots Desen bunches, 20c. Beets Dotea bunettes, 20-25e. Green onions Dozen bunches, 20c. Dry onions California reds, saek. tlJO; Walla Walla S1.10. Cabbage Seattle, Ho. 1, crate, S1.15 1.25 per 100 poonds, round bead. Caunflower Mo. 1, BOe; o. 3, 65e. Radishes Doien bonches, 15c. Cslerr hearts Dozen bunchei. SI. Celery Field packed, crate, $1.95; large jomble-wasbed, oin,.70c; washed, erst a, S2.25. Apples Yellow Transparent, per box, 81-1.25; Gravenatoiaa, box, 81; Bed As- trakbaas,' 85eT Jumble pack, 60c. Potatoes 100-pound sack, SOc-81. New potatoes 100-pound sack. 95e. Parsley Doxea bunches, 20c. v Raspberries Crate, $2, Blsckterries Crate, 90c-$. Peas Telephone, pound, 8e. Lettuce Crate. 81.50. Tomatoes Large sise. 20-pound Vex, 40-5Oc; small aise, S5-45C Tumips Purple tops, dozen buaehes, 45e. Wstermelons Peand, le. ADrtcota Pssch bos. 65-T0e: Wea- atcbae, 15-pound - lug, 75e. reaches Ualitornia Eioertas, sex, 80s; The Dalles, box, 75c; 1. H. Hales, 90c " -- Plums Box, 40s. Prnnss Italian, 80 lbs., SOe. " Cora Local, box, 65c; Golden Bantam, Doav75a.' -' Squash Crook neck, crate, S5c; sr blebssd, poBsa, 2c. Grapes Seedless, lug, $1; Bed Mal aga, tag. IU4.--V . CanUloopes V. S. Xs. 1, $1.7$; No. a, 81. " . - Pears BsTtlett, 1.50 J Flemish Besa-1 ties. 81.25. Cacumbers fi0e - WILLIE LA5IB CHAMP MONTREAL, " An g. ZT.--For the fifth tlmince 1928, Willie Lamb of Lambton Mills, Ont, won the Canadian professional golfers' association open, championship to- day. The veteran played, through v. " the 72-hole medal test In 288 Strokes. . Bear I TOCirill B CHICAGO, Aug. 27.wjP)-Grain trade uncertainty as to congres the Canadian wheat marketing policy and wheat prices slumped again in another draggy, dull sea- sion. stocks was a denreasinc influence. Wheat closed cents below I the nrevioua finish. TWemher R9- I r ' w I -90, and corn was unchanged to OIt December 56-. Oats were nnchanred to V. off. rvt W - aj down and barley unchanged to up. Tne market ears Httla refle-- tion to adjournment of congress I without passage of commodities exchange legislation. I. Closing quotations: Wheat: Sent.. 88-88: Dee.. 89T4-90; May, 91-. fj0rn: Sept., 73-73; Dec., 5(- -: May, 57. Oats: Sept.. 25-: Dec, 27- ; May, 29. mm FEARFUL OF NEW YORK. Aug. 27. - (JP- . . . ' ' Anxious 10 attack- nis old record - ""10 - ciouaa are garnering, sir aaaicoun Camnhell. the E Q-vear-old Rrtnn who driven with th wlnrf. UnA. . " . ...-, .. cu iuuj, uuiiuu ior toe salt oeas of Utah. "I'm afraid there's going to be a fearful show over there," he said, far more worried about Ens- land's stand against Italy in the Ethiopian tangle than over the ManWM hit farpa strlvlnir tn nilnt hU mrhfv MBMrA - M miles an hour Hc Bet the prea - 1 a 1 A. MVOSSJk I en. miri at i .0.0.0 on ioe sanaa "Oh, If America would only back up Great Britain," he said. "Just tell the world that they won't allow another war to start. I . .. ... ! mere wouio ds none, we Deiong together. No one 0;ld dare def I t,a mlo-Vif rst P.root mnA 1 ,. TTnit Ctatno onmKlrxx I v ..Lx. v. .i i Tr. .n u- uo buuy iu uittu irui uo ao blef a9 fae can m&ke u g) that if trouble does break out abroad 1 he will be back there and ready to take a hand. "I'm shooting for 300," he j said, "but more important than 1 that, we're making scientific tests this time never tried before." Committee Sets Olympic Tryout G S SLUMP DU i ime ana riacess&xxx CHICAGO, Aug. 27.-(P)-The new 12,500.000 Randall's Island. N. T., Stadium Was selected today as the scene for the 4to.l tryout. for places on the 193 American 01 Jc , - d flel(, 8Qttad .by ,i. j,t. v M gport 8ubJftCt to appro-al by the general committee. The committee, headed by Wil- 1t.- T -lnffV.m 9 Tar-.- nam ! au ua ut a v a xiai laiu uua- versity, who also was named man- ager of the squad, set July 10-11, 1936, as the dates for the tryouts Radio Program Wcdnesdsy, August 23 KOW PORTLAND 620 Xc 7:00 Tbe Eoneymooners. 7:15 Wendell HaU and Others, KBO. 7:3ft U. 8. Navy band. KBC. 8:00 Jack Sprigg's orcbestrs. 8:15 Merry Macs, KBC. 8:30 Merry Madcaps. NBC. 9:15 Orchestra. NBC 8:30 California Federation of Womea's Clubs, KBC. 10:30 Golden Melodies, NBC. 11:00 Hollywood Varieties, NBC. 1 :05-r-Catherine O'Reilly, cellist. 1:30 Me and My Shadow. 1:45 Adventnres of Sam and Dick. 3:00 Woman's Magaxine of tbe Air. 8:15 Oriental Gardens orchestra. 3:30 Dot aad Will, NBC. 8:45 City Voices, KBC 4;00 One Man's Family, KBC. 6:45 Williams aad Walsh orchestra. 6:00 Organ. 7:00 Amos 'a' Aady, NBC. 8:00 Westchester BUtm ore orch. 8:35 Musical Comedy Moments.. 8:15 Hotel Bismarck erehestra. KBC. 8:30 Wandering Minstrel, NBC. -10:15 JsaUea Beach orcbestrs. I 10:45 Hotel Mark Hopkins orchestra. I li:uo Amnaasaaor Hotel orchestra. 11:30-12 DeanvUlo Club orchestra. -IOC POBTLAITD 1180 Kc 6:30 IteveiUe Hour. 8 S0 Tango Time. 8:00 ! Gordon orcbestrs, KBO. 9:15 Vesterdsy's Favorites. 9:80 Three-Four Time. 10:00 Ileanx Arts Trio, KBO. 11:00 Ballads ef the Sea. 11:15 Modem Melodies. 11:30 l'n Gold. 11:45 Ildaa Mae Jacks, pianist. 13 :00 Dane Frolic 13:15 Wsstcra Farm aad Horns Hoar. 1:00 Crosscuts, KBC 1 :80 Fiaaacial and grsia report. 1:35 James Wilkinson, NBC 1:45 Friendly Chat. 2:15 Dance, Matinee. 2:45 Songs of the Past. 8 :00 Band music. 8 :80 Bay -KoMe orchestra. 4:30 Melody Train, NBC. 4 :45 Tea Tims Melodies. C:S0 Jan Gsrber's orcbestrs. 6:00 Sports Talk. 6:05 The Venetians. KBC. 65 William Walsh orchestra, . 9 :80 Erasing concert. tilt Westehester Biitmora orcbestrs. 8 :30- Musical Comedy Moments. 9:00 Hotel Bismarck orchestra, KBC. 10:35 Hotel Msrk Hopkins erehestra, 10:45-Moment Knsteale, 11-12 Dsnca orchestra. XOAO COKVAXX ! 850 Ke. 9 :0O Hetaemfkers' Hoar. 1045 Guarding Tour Health. n ":oo Nooa Farm Hoar, I i:is stories for Bays an Girls. lm.awa a . A -1 a 1 r. I .VaE-Sri wltf Hour. I S:'so Evenins Farm Hour. Trend Puzzles Street I Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, co-op basic pool prtee ft. 5 7 per hundred. (MUk tessd oa semi - aoathly batterfst average.) Distributor price $2.10. A srade butterfat--Delivered, 27c route, 26c. A grade prints, ZOeiB grmOe, 28Mt I'rieea paid to growers bf Balsa buyers. wot Fnna win, uppuea oy a local I groe; are taalcstiv. of tho dairy osrkt si at sot guaranteed by Tho 8Utea ) rsrnra tei jm (Buying Price) .25 1.25 .80 .80 .70 .85 Peche. canning, ba. . ..a Pas. ba 4fK Peaches, Calif, EUtertss. is. Peachem. Calif., Elbertas,.lug Takima, h. LofL on., Crawford Elbertas 1.25 1.50 1.00 .20 .75 65 to .75 2.50 1.25 .75 Blackberries, crate Hackloaczrioa. lb, retail . Peach plant 1, ba nE'V. G tapes. Sea if slag, lug eealew- grapes, lag fresh figs, bos Wateraeleas. lb. -0H4 Cantaloupes, erate 1.50 in PUta, Cnbaa erate S.fiO and B.OO Orange. Cbates 2.50 to 8.23 Baoaaaa, lb. oa stalk .05 ttaasa , .05 U faaey 6.75 to 7.50 5.00 to 6.50 Cboico Lima freib 1.00 Crapofrsit, CalhT. 3.00 to tSS Applet, Uraveaateina, n. .... .75 VEGETABLES (Buying Prices) Egg plont. flat L25 Daaisb. squash, dot. ..85 Dill. doa. ot5 Cora. loeaV dozen .10 to .15 Italian squaib, dox. .40 Ureea onions, local, doits J20 Oaioas Walla Walla, ewt. 1.25 White Beraudat. ewt. 2J0 Zakims marble head aquaab, lb. .03 Cauliflower. Oregon. lug J0 to 1.50 I i v 1 r rJ?. a'.'. 01 to j Celery, local, dox. ' I Celery hearts, do. I Cucumbers, doi. Cucumber., pickling . Bweet, lb, Soar. lb. Dill, lb. Beets, dozeo Betas, local, lb. Green nepsers. Orezon. Ib. Lettuce, local H"uc, I x". " r - rfi;a K.. n.. Local new nett I 1 "ng I " i Tomatoes The Dalles, 18 lb. lug IiOcsI. lur Turnipt, dozen Radishes, local, dozen waisuts, lb. , filbert, lb. HOPS (Buying Price) cimtert. 1834. lb too g .06 nominal I EOGS 1 (Buying PllCO Of AbdreieSt) Film .29 .25 .24 " . . ea. extras MediniMi ,Und. WOOL A1TD MOHAIB (Baying Price) Mohair Medium .20 .23 ?0 root Coarte snd fine wool POUIiTBT (Andretea k Son Burlnf Price) Heavy hens, 4H or over .16 .15 Heavy heat, over 6 lbs. CeloroC- mediums, lb. , Medium Leg horns, lb. . ... .14 .13 .12 .06 .06 J7 Lifht. lb. I Btara, lb. Old' sooatert, lb. Colored frra. lb. White Leghorn frjt, lb. .14 I km sac Mm uuu; if -j iiif j; t f-wa j w lbs. .16 .15 .12 .13 JT U Colored hens, over 6 lbs. Leghorn hens, under' 4 lbs. S over 4 lot. Colored nrhicers. over 3Vi lbi. Colors springers, under 8 lbs. -; VibTZ I 014 roosters, lb. .18 .15 .08 .08 .08 sttrs. iiacu ffSTirrss .28 Urn tUadariU .25 .25 .23 Medium extras I meaium suntwus . r 1 - . . J J i prjUetl .16 I case count, largo eggs, so poonds or over, per case .24 UTEgTOCE (Baying Price) .06 V to I Lambs .064 ! Ewes, lb. .014 to .02 Yearling Iambs Hogs, 140 170 lbs .03 to .03 9.25 to 9.75 8.50 to 9.00 .10 to 10.25 9.75 120-130 lbs. 170-210 lbs top 210-250 lbs., top Sows 7.50 to 8.00 Steers 4.50 to 6.50 Cows 1.50 to 4.00 Bulls S.50 to 4.50 3.50 to 4-58 7.50 to 8.50 .18 .12 Heifers Veal, top Dressed hogs Dn3sed veal. lb. GBAI3T AHD HAT Wneat. western red .. . .65 White, Ke. 1 Barley, feed. So. 1. ton . .67 .16.00 U9.00 .16.00 Oats, milling, ton Feed, ton . Hay. buying pri Clover hay -11.00 Oats aad vetch, ton . -11.00 .14.00 .03 Alfalfa, valley Cbittum bark, dried, lb. Stocks and Bond August 27 STOCK AVE AGES (Compiled by The Associated Press) 30 15 15 60 ludust. Bails TJtil. Stocks 95.0 47.1 Today 64.4 24.7 Prev. day 65.8 25.6 86.5 83.7 29.0 39.3 21.6 40.6 21.2 48.4 46.8 89.2 49.1 34.8 51.4 84.9 Month ags - 64.0 25.4 Tear ago 50.5 26.8 1935 high 65.6 27.6 1935 low 49.5 18.5 1934 Ugh 61.4 43.0 1934 low 45.8 Z3.8 BOOT) ATEXAGES 20 10 Bails IndusU 10 10 TJtiL For'n 82.3 98,8 97.1 67,1 T . AaT 82.5 99.1 97.4 67.5 68.7 65!0 70.4 65.5 70.9 60.2 Month ago 82.0 H.t Tear ago 83.9 88.0 84.8 1935 high 87.8 99.1 M.6 1BS5 low - 76 92-2 84.5 1934 high 89.4 . 93.9 88.9 1934 lsw 74 J 73.7 8 Judging Team to -Visit;Canby Fair .02 - 5 .n to as .45 to ,.55 .10 to .25 .oa .03 .03 JS0 .014 to .03 U .03 .75 to 1-25 1.75 2.75 .90 1.10 .05 to .08 JJ5 1.00 .40 to .60 SO .40 .25 J8 to JO .11 U .19 A team of Salem Future Farm ers will go to Canbr todar to judge in the Smith-Hughea voca tional agricnlture livestock Judg ing contest at the Clackamas county fair. v Ralph L Morgan, lo cal instructor, will head the group. Members oj the team" are Earte Lyons, Earl Noble, Victor Wil liamson and Ansel Morlej. "SELLING OH GOOD 1 NEW YORK, Aug. Z7.-MVA vigorous selling wave washed over the stock market today in Its first post-adjournment session. Losses of around 1 to 3 or more points on pivotal shares in all sec tions of the list appeared to maks a eruiA mini IriHaiv he1r nl. ns n, th. nJItln.. . . . A".,, o.I ' I " . ber of Wall Street observers thai market Improvement was likely to follow the quitting of congress and the waning of Washington le gislative developments as market influences. Many brokerage quarters saw in the day's decline, in which the turnover was so heavy as to leave the ticker faltering several min utes behind transactions on the floor of the exchange on mors than one occasion, a reflection ol the Wall Street adage "sell on the good news". Stop-Loss Sales Seen Elsewhere it was said disap pointment over the failure of th market to rally appreciably on the congressional news brought out both liquidation and short sel ling, and that the decline uncov ered stop-loss orders in many cas- The day's decline of 1.3 point! in the Associated Press average ol 60 stocks, at 47.1 was the largest single session's loss for 1935. The flood of last minute Wash. ington legislation was being rush ed to the desks or Wall Street law firms for examination, but th mind of the average trade still appeared rather confnsed as to the ppsaible market influence of such bills as those dealing with utili ties, the coal companies, railroad pensions and several others pass ed at the close of the session. Fire Gives Threat To Water Supply TURNER, Aug. 27. Fire of unknown origin started Monday afternoon about one and one-half miles west of Turner on the city watet supply acreage. Little dam age was done to the reservoir but considerable damage to wood and timber belonging to the city and also to timber belonging to Mr. Peebles and to Dr. Sartner. The fire was controlled Monday eve ning. GeneralMarkets PtODUtTB EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 27. (AP) Produce Exchange net prices: Butter extras. Z7c: standards. 15 Vie: prime firsts, 'ilVic; firsts, 23Vsc; but terfat. 28e. Eggs: Large U. a. specials. Sic; U. S. extras, 30c; C. S.fmedium extras, 2 Sc. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 27 (API High Low Close 764 76 76 TS 72 72 78 72 73 75 7 74 Wheat; Open May 76 Sept., eld 724 ept new 77 Dec. 75 Cass; Big Ben bluestem, 18 per rest. 4ttc: Biz Bend bluestem, SSKe: dark hard winter, 12 per cent, SOttc; do. 11 per cent, 74ijc; soit wane, 71c; western white, 70 4e; hard winter, 73 cj north ern spring, 71c; western red. 70c Oats: No. 2 white, 819.50. Corn: No. 2 E yellow, S38.75. Millrun standard, 820. Portland Produce POBTLAND, Ore., Aug. 27. (API- Batter Prints, A grade, 29 tte lb.; ia parchment wrapper, S0"rie Ib. ia cartons; B grade, psremncnt wrappeu, ic id.; cartons. 28 He lb. Bdttcrlst Portland delivery: A grade deliveries art least twice weekly, 29-3fte lb - country routes. 27-80e lb.; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly. S8-29e lb. ; C grade at market. Errs Buying price of wholesalers: Fresh specials, 28c; extras, 28c; stand ards, 26c; extra mediums, 24c; medium. firsts, 22c; undergrade, lsc ; pullets, tbe doien. Cheese Oregon triplets, 15c; Oregon loaf. 15c Brokers will pay He below quotations. Milk A gTsae, roruana aenvevy, 52 He lb.; butterfat basis for 4 per cant. Country meats Selling price ts retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers under 150 lbs 16 -17c lb.; Tealer, No. 1, 13 13 He lb.; light and thin, 9-10e lb.; heavy, 8-10e 1K; cutter cows, 6-7 Ht lb.; canners. 5-6e Ib.; bulls, 8e lb; spring lambs, 133tte lb.; medium, 1112c lb.; ewes, 4-6c lb. Mohair 1935 buying price, 20c lb. Cascars bark Buying price, 1933 peel, 2Vse lb. Hops 1934 clusters, 6-8 He Ib. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing price: Colored hens, over 5H lbs. 14-15e lb.; under 6 lbs, 15l,-16H lb.: Leghorn hens, over SH lbs 13 H 14He lb.; under SH lbs.. 12 lSe U-: spring, 8H lbs. and up, 16-17 lb.: un der 3H lbs., 15-16 lb.; whits broilers, 13-160 Ib; roosters, sc id; reus aucKs, young. 16-17e lh. Now onions wans nana, t-a V" 50-lb. bag. New potatoes Local, $1.00 ceatal; Yakima Netted Gems. fl.IS-l.'SO eantsU CanUloapes DiUard, 82-3.50; Tbe Dal les, stsndara, 31.75-1.85; Tskims stand sru, $1.75-1.85 crate. Wool 1935 dip, nominal; Willamette valley medium, 32c; coarse and braid. 20 lb.: eastern Oregon., 18-22 lb.; Southern Idaho. (. ) lb. Hay Buying pries from producers: Al falfa No. 1, new price, $16-14.50; east ern Oregon timothy, 817 j sats, 87-10 ton: Wtllametts valley timothy. $14, clover. $7-10 ton. Portland. Portland Livestock IS THEORY POBTLAND. Ore Ass. 87. (AP) (TTSDA) Hogs : Receipt. 100, hold er 400; market very slew, few sales 25e ts 50 lower than Monday's uneven trsds. Good to choice 175-215 lbs, $100 down; heavier weights not yet moving; few light lights, $9.75 ; packing aows -sale-sbl. $7-75-8 echoic light feeders qsota ble up to $11 sr better. , - . , Cattle: Receipts. 100. talves ' 10j quality mostly plain, detnsw ' narrow with seatUredV sales around steady: lata undertone very weak. Few greas steers, $5.50-6.25; heifers, $4.50-5 23; low, eut-telr- and cotter cows. $2.25-85; eern moa ' to mediam; $3.50-4; ' plain bulls, $3.50-4.40 r medium vealers, $8-?, ekoic quotsbl Jo 19.50. ... ... , Sheep: Reesipts 6001 msritet fairly active around steady with Monday's av erage eatrem top 25 lowsr. 'Good ts) choice fat lsmbs largely $7.26-7.50; choice ts msdium. $5.50 6.75; few common ewes, $1.25-2.25; good fst dwes suetabl te $3.25 or better. j-