ft . . t.i 1 mi minami mnnin ociety Simkins Reunion At Champoeg Sunday THE annua? reunion of the Sim kins clan was held at Cham poeg park Sunday." A picnic luncheon v served and imme diately following a picture of George Klrby- Gay. given by the Simkins family, his descendants, was presented to the Historical .Society of Oregon, at Champoeg park. Dr. Clever Simkina, of the University f Tennessee," made the presentation- speech, giving a sketch of Gay's life, including the important part whieto. he played in the organising f the Oregon country, and the building of the first brick ' house in Oregon - by Gay. Also therewere left at Cham poeg some- relics of Gay's -possessions, which "were held by his de scendants. Th. attmciair tlut muuia tl yer were too foHowras: Urmton Srmkina. ga lea; Mr. and Mr. A1 Williaanuu. Kua ier: Grsea Kieftamaan, Portland; Mn, Htti tmfeins, Mr. sr. 4 Hre. Tern Ot tinger ant Baacnten, elya aad Vesta. Independence; JSr. u Krs. timer Cttk ana aaBfhtera, -ewrfis. Boa aad Helea May. at Salem: In. Beilo Sirakine, Ar lingtoe gimktaa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Da idsaa and dsurkten. Clordmo and Janet, Mr. ana Mr. Kenneth llrmy and dmogh ter. Clorrtae, Paulino Siki, Mr. Jack Stasias sad ebiWren, Priscilla and Stea ler Salem; Mr. and Mr. Clove- Simkins. Memphis, Teon.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ksy and children. Etna and John, DtUaa: Mr. and Mrs. Trcce Kirkwood U4 chil dren. Heeaer,- Soman, Ioria' and Vera. Lskeriew; Mr. Koa Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jasoa frisiaH, Salem; Mrs. May Yer steeg . Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Veratees. Mr. Kiaa Cnapasan. and - daaf hter, Kenneth. Vereteeg, Densil and Lola WU B. Sales: Mr. and Mr. Frank Charles, West: Linn; Mr. and" Mrs. Annan Gros senbscher and sons. Anoen and " Frank lin. Vaneonrer, Vih.;"J4r. and Mrs. Or eille Chmrle. Vaaeoorer. Wash;: Mr. and Mrs.' Jesse E. Simkln. Mr. - and Mrs. Lorno Simkin and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deckebaca, Salem. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. U J. Anrers, Sherwood; Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Andrews and family, Dundee: Perry Vials. Bfh Cot and Viola Cox, Salem. . The date for the next reunion was tentatively set for August 8, 1936. o o o Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morley have as their house guest, Mrs. Horley's sister, Mrs. Jeannette McGowan of Comp ton, Calif. The Morleys and their guest attended the Shepherd fam ily reunion at the old home in Che Crooked Finger district Sun day. Miss Esther Gibbard has as her house guest this week her cousin. Miss Ellen Lentz, of Monmouth. Pattern By ANNS ADAJIS Doeint she look poised and debonair, this smartly attired jer aon who has chosen pattern: gggf for her first fall frock? Topping a straight center, panel is a round ing yoke, which contains back and points downward to a trim waist You'll lore the two-way neckline worn, open, or closed under a con tra sting bow ; - the softly puffed Ieeres which on an elastic band can be adjusted to any length; and inverted pleats, back and front. If your, wardrobe leans to brown, have a yellow dress 4a. one of the . new - woolly - weave cottons, and tuck a brown bow under your chin. Equally smart in black sa tin. Pattern 23(9 is. available In sixes 14.: 1C. 18. ro. 32, 34, IS. 28. 4 and 42. Size 18 takes 3. yards 31 inch fabric. Illustrated tep-by-etep sewing Instructions Included. Seat Cttota cents (15e) la eoias or I tamps (coias preferred) (or this Anne A daw paturn. Writs plainly nema. address and stylo a amber. .Bo aarsv. to state six a. ' - . " Anno Ad sag Snaioer Pattern Blok shstild bo la every- kernel Its- 44 fascinatlnc pafea axo ull of Fashioai Facta OTary wtaaa. wans to know! Ersryoao's ttrebVenv to aotsoA . . -. . th Bride with Troasseaa TroaUss . ; , . too Matroa. vita Weighty ProUema . . . th nsach datad" Dt . . . . Tiny Tett at play . . . Vacation Plan aers! Consult its tashioa pages-tor smarter wardrobe I Bead itarahsorh lag niiil article for sv-smaxtsr voiat. of view! ' Bead tor yoar copy todayl Price of book 15 oasts. Book sac psttora tssvther, 25 aoata. Aadroas- ordera .to The Oregon, etatoaaaaa' PacSerav Dcpi, US Sooth. Coankorcial Street, fiaieaa, Oro. -Stake necessary aacteaaio. Toal order will. b peesnptly ttaded to. Owaora. eattumaiiry a filled erlth la fear dayo from th time toomvoA by Tao S News and Club Jessie Steele. SOCIAL CALENDAR : : Tuesday, August IS Cherry bud Junior camp, W. O. W. at Fraternal temple, 2. -p. m. Past Presidents of W. R. C. at fairgrounds, picnic and business meeting:. Covered dish luncheon. Wednesday, August H .Missionary society of First Presbyterian church with Mrs. U O. Clement. 345 N. 17th, 2:30 p. m. Social club of F. O, E. auxiliary at Fraternal tem ple, 10 a. m. to motor to "Woodburn. Bring cktb lunch. American Lutheran guild In church parlors, 2:30 P- n- ' . Dorcas. society of Christ Lutheran church, 2 p. m. In church parlors. W. F. M. S. or First Methodist church at Paradise Island. 2:15 p. m. Women of Jason Lee church all day picnic with Urs. 'L. M. Scharff. 2037 Nebraslnu . W. H. M. S. of Leslie church with Mrs. Anne Koore maa, 255 Myers street, 2 p. m. Thursday, August 15 Fidelia class of First Baptist church with Mrs. P. J. Blessing, 825 N. 15th, 2:30 p. m. Friday, August 16 Missionary society of Calvary Baptist chnrch, 4:30 p. n. with Mrs. Earl Barham, 85 N. Winter. In the Valley Eldriedge. Around one hun dred and fifty relatives and friends attended the reception Sunday at the A. W. Nusom home on the Wheatland Ferry road hon oring 'Mr? and Mrs. Nusom on their 60th wedding anniversary. Throughout the afternoon greetings were read from those who could not attend. This program was presented: Duet, 4I Love You Truly" by Miss Lu Ellen Flier and Mrs. L. D. Brooke. Miss Flier played the wedding marches while the grand children of the bride and groom marched In procession to an im provised altar. A mock wedding was performed with F. It. Nu som reading the service, Rose mary Nusom as the bride, given away by Norris Becker; Betty Lou Brooke, bridesmaid: Donald Nu som, best man; Shirley Jean Nu som, groom; Eileen AspinwaH, flower girl; Dale and Ronald Nu som, train bearers. Following tbe ceremony Mrs. F. R. Nusom and Mrs. Allyn Nusom sang; reading, Mrs. R. W. Nusom; song by Mrs. Frank Angelo and Mrs. F. R. Nu some; song by Shirley and Elea nor Brown. Those present besides a host of friends were: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cope land and friend from Karshfield, Mrs. Mary Ma Bom, Robert and Dorothy, Mrs. Bossooa Aitfcer and Mnrbette. all ( Woodburn; Mr. -and Mrs. Floyd Kasom and children. Mrs. M. Flier. Mr. E. Furlong and Dor othy Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Kormaa Estelle, Mr. and Mrs. Panl Jones, Miss Mary Joitoa, Lu Ellen Flier, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Craft, all of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Aspiawsll and EHeea, Ruth Caldwell of CiaUkanie, Mr. and Mrs. H. t Banting ton, Mrs. Post of McMinsTiUe. Mr. and Mrs..G. W. Tharmon of Clat&kanie. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Marphy of Molalla, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Angelo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froman of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ward BnsseU of Keizerr o Zena. Mrs. Boy E. Barker was a charming hostess Friday after noon when she entertained for Mrs. Ralph Robertson (Marguer ite Johnson), a recent bride, with a miscellaneous shower. Assisting about the rooms. were Mary Es ther Pemberton, Salem; Gladys Crawford and Marjorie Matthews, Spring Valley, and Virginia Shir ley. Zena. The group played an, amusing game, filling a scrap book for the bride, and then viewed the num erous gifts received by the bride, who is -the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephens. She will make her home in Sa lem. The guest list included: Mrs. Ralph Kohertsen. Mrs. Prod Boft ortaon, Mr. A E. Robertson, all of Sa lem; Mrs. Balph Sofan. Mrs. Milton Ste phana. Mrs. r. HaUwwrt. Mr. Frank Windsor. Mem. Joha Childera. Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. U. Frank Mstthows and daughter. Marjorie. Mr. S. D. Crawford: and daachter.Hamxa, Mrs. U Shirley and daafhteT. Tlrgmie, Mrs. Orette Hiart, Mrs. C. M. Pa seine. Mrs. Ban McKinney ami aashter. atacwia. Mrs. V. A. StrmV tem. Mm. W. S. Bastry, Mrs. W. H. OU avrt aad emdys mad: Margoorw. Mrs. W. W. acy, Mra. CtmrlM McCarter, Uro. Walter B. Hmsx, Mrs. J. . Worth iawsoa. afrm oaoo Watting: Mrs. Frsm Miller, am Uia modeen. airs. Boa Gmig; an. W. K. Crawford, aa. Coras MvM artery, ?m Pyperaad ths hostess. www Marion Mrs, Iran. Barns (Doris Hirbee) who was married last week in Salem waa given -a. bridal shower by her old friends and neighbors at the home of Mrs. Fred Schermacher, Friday aftsrnaoa. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter Wilma. Present were Mrs. Jtebert Smith, Mrs. at thnr Ceorre. Mrs. . Margaret Da vidson, Mrs. C. M. Smith, Mrs. M. A. Barber, Mrs. Dorris Bobbins and. daughter. Lucile, Mrs. Ho. mer Smith and daughter Marcia, Mrs. Charles Sarver, Mrs. Herman DeLanga and 'daughter Janette, Mrs. J. L. Calllvan. Mrs. Warren Gray and Mrs. JChty PIckard. " Sllvertett Mrs. J. H. Stay ner waa- hostess at bridge Satur day night in compliment to Mrs. A. W. Kleeb, formerly of Silver ton, but now ef Portland. Mrs. C. J. Cooler score high and Mrs. F. M. Powell low. Present were Mrs. Kleeb. Mrs. Cooler, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. E. R. "Ekman, Mrs. L. F. Tucker, Mrs. Gertrude Cameron, Mrs. E. Heald, Mrs. Oscar Storacts lie, Mrs. Martin Waarviek. Mrs. Clyde- Ramsby Mrs. Robert GoeU and Mrs. stayaer. Zena. Mr." and Mrs. Ernest Martin, wo were married' to Jane; were bwnor guests at a de Ughlf al miscellaneous shower giv en at the Zena church by Mrs. Enoch Zimmerman, Mrs. J. S. Werthington and Mrs. W. H. Gil bert Thursday -sight. Little Doro thy Zimmerman -pulled in a small wagon,, laden with gifts. A light lunch was served by the hostesses followed- by -gajnes play on- the Ufa. The OltEGON STATESMAN, Salera, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 13, 1923 , ......... ... i , .......... i. ....... ...- Society Editor Social Realm Woodburn - An event of the past week was the wedding of Miss Bessie In galls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingalls and Russell Yoder, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jones which was Quiet ly performed at the Foursquare Gospel church on East Lincoln street Saturday morning. The- cer. emony was performed by Rev. Gertrude Danlin and the atten dants were Miss Gladys ingalls,. sister of the . bride and Robert Bonney, cousin of the groom. The bride wore an ensemble suit of pink crepe with wood violet trimming. Mrs. Yoder Is a graduate of the Hubbard high school of the class of 1934 and Mr. Yoder attended Woodburn high school. They will make their home temporarily at the Jones' home but will occupy the Belcher residence east of Woodburn in the falL Shower at Lyons is Smart Event Lyons A miscellaneous bridal shower was given in honor of Miss Norelle Hobson, Thursday. Present were Mrs. -Elizabeth Burdick of Mehama. Mrs. Ring. Mrs. Westenhouse, Mrs. McCali, Mrs, E. Hiatt, Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mrs. Engdahl, Mrs. Kimery, Mrs. Emma Lyons. Mrs. Alta Bodtker. ' Mrs. Eva Bressler. Mrs. Fank Johnston. Mrs. Layman of Salem, Mrs. Jack Johnston, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Roy Downing, Mrs. Harry Hobson, Mrs. Ralph Trask, Mrs. Orville Downing. Mrs. Forrest Nydegger, Mrs. Ethel Forrest, Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mildred Berry. Joan Crabtree, Fannie. Wilson, Mrs. D. C. Abels. Mrs Swank, Mrs. Wales, Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Corn- forth, Mrs. Huffman, Francis Letse and the guest of honor. Miss Hobson. Refreshments of cake and punch were served. Mrs. Bodeker and Mrs. OrriUe Downing arranged the shower party. o Recent Bride Feted At Hubbard Hubbard Mrs. Arthur. Zehner (Marion Carlson) was honored with a miscellaneous shower giv en by Mrs. Charles Moore and Miss Haxel Moore, or Woodburn. The affair was held at the John Carlson home in West Hubbard. A social evening was followed by re freshments. Guests present were Mrs. Tava Dealt, Jdrs. George Knight. Miss Helen Knight, Irene Hlggenboth em, LneUav Gugel, Mrs. Wilbur Sevens, Mrs. Clarence Friend, Mrs. A. W. Zehner, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Higgenbothem, Mrs. Warren Higgenbothem, Francis Leffler. Mrs. Ada Ott, Mrs. Marie Clay- pool, Mr. and- Mrs. Jean Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zeknet, Mrs. Charfee Moeae, MSse-Hasel Moore. Woodburn Urn V. V. Piw eatertaiaed at her heme in Hub bard. Thursday afternoon for tk ipleaanre of Mrs. Frank. Bottertteld oi woooourn, wiui a gilt ahower. Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon with the prize for high score going to Mrs. Botterfield and the consolation to Mrs. Wayne -Tenant. Refreshinents were ser ved to Mrs. Lester Waltfrrr: Vn Harold Steele, Mrs. Howard Mag- nuson. Mrs. Fredrlrlr IvrrtahhMv- er. Mrs. Norman' Richards, Mrs. Keisoa Adams, Mrs. Wayne-Ten ant. Mrs. Clarke Jackson and Mrs. Butterfield. all of WoorHmrn n Mrs. Fenton Harless of Molalla. - Mt Angel. Mrs. Bert Ebner waa hostess at a bridge party given at her home Thursday night A special guest was Mrs. Tecla Van Hatten of Oakland CaL. who Is visiting at the home of her daughter; Mrs. Fred J. Schwab. High score honors went to Mrs. Forrest Satrrain. .- Mrs. Herman Schwab received the door prise; . -r- The son born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hot f er at the Ralph Hook home August .3 . waa christened Sunday and , named Ttobert An thony. Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Aman were godparents. - - - SUverton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Syr lag ot Suverten Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Syring ot Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Syring ot: Port land attended the weddmg of Mrs. Syring's niece. MTas Eileen Myers Saturday at ; Portland. The 4 occa sion was also the 2Sth wadding anniversary ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, JL E. "Myers. , . Affairs McLoughlin Party Has Attention Thursday PLANS are complete tor the first state-wide benefit to be given to raise -funds for the restoration of the John McLough lin house at Oregon City, sched uled Thursday afternoon at the country home ot Senator and Mrs. Charles L. McNary. The general public Is invited, both men and women, to call at the beautiful grounds and resi dence of Fircone between the hours of 3 and 8 -o'clock. Two handred prominent citi zens of the state are serving as patrons and patronesses for the tea. In the line with Mrs. Mc Nary .will be women who serve as members of the board of trustees of thj McLoughlin association. ' BeceiriBS Line They are Mrs. John Y. JRichard- son,. vice president of the associ ation and chairman for the res toration of the shrine; Mrs. A. E. Rocker. Mrs. C. 8. Jackann Mr Joseph T. Peters. Mr. 3nhn n Abele. Mrs. C. D. Haynes of Ore gon uuy and Mrs. Herman Gross man, aiso ot Oregon City. The band from the Chemra Indian school and the Scottish Bagpipers from Salem will enter tain d urine the afternonn A fashion show of costumes of the McLoughlin and contemporary families will be in charge of Mrs. Willard Hart Chanln. rnritnr nt the McLoughlin house. Tickets may be purchased at the gate or from reoresenra thro in nil Willamette valley cities. At Tea Tables The following have been invit ed to pour at the tea tables- Mia Jane Doyle and Miss Elphe K. amun. jure, iowell C. Paget. Mrs. Olin J. Hosford, Mrs. Mary Drain Albro, Mrs. T. Howard Groves, Mrs. W. W. Gabriel. Mrs. Ferd T. Warren, Mrs. Walter Pearson, Mrs. Harold F. Wendel, Mrs. Wil son Johnston, Mrs. C. W. Walls, Mrs. E. D. Kahler, Mrs. Stuart H. Sheldon, Mrs. Joseph A. Hill and Mrs. A. R. Zeller of Portland; Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, Mrs. Charles Caufield and Mrs. Nita Barlow Lawrence, Oregon City; Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Marshfield; Mrs. Mark V. Weatherford, Albany; Mrs. C. V. oyer, Eugene, and Mrs. George W. Peavy, Corvallis. The Salem Spinsters and mem bers of the Junior league of Port land will assist with serving, a o Mrs. Jenks Hostess for Tea Mrs. W. T. Jenks was hostess Thursday for a smart informal tea complimenting Mrs. Stoddard and her daughter, Mrs. Paul Folllard, who are leaving Salem to make their home in Los An geles. Mrs. Folliard is active in aviation circles. Among those calling were Mrs. Alma McAllister and daughters, Ruth and Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Gur nee Flesher, Mrs. Otto Paulus, Miss Mary Elizabeth Anderson and Miss Faith Priday. Miss EofF to Marry Mr. Chaney Latest of Salem maids to an nounce her betrothal is Miss Bette Ruth Eoff, who gave out the news of her coming marriage to Richard Osburne Chaney of CorvaUis at a party- Friday night for which aer mother, Mrs. Gladys Eoff, was hostess. Gifts were presented to the bride-elect after the supper hour. Out-of-town guests were Miss Kay Legrand, Miss Mae Spencer and Mfoxr Bette White or Portland. Others In attendance were Miss Helen Rosebraugh, Miss Marjory Sa fiord. Miss Jean Anunsen. Miss Wilms Stortz. Mrs. Harold Muhs, Miss Bette- Ruth Eoff and the hostess, Mrs. Gladys Eoff. or- Rev. and Mrs. Percy Hammond of Woodburn will contribute to the program of the annual all day -picnic for women, ot the Ja son Lee church Wednesday. Mrs. L. M. Scharff. 2T37 Nebraska, is opening her.bsme for the event. Rev. Hammond will lead the de votions, and Mrs. Hanrmond is the guest speaker. e Mrs. Anne Kooreman. 255 My ers street, will open her home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, to the W. H. M. S. ef Leslie church. Mrs. H. C. Lea van worth, Mrs. B. E. Otjen and Miss Mar jory 0"Dell are on the program. Mrs. L. C. McChan is an assisting hostess. o o Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenks Join ed their son, Win, at their sum mer cottage in Newport for a weekend trip. The Jenks have as their guests, Mrs. Maud Jenks and daughters. Parens and Ellnore, and Mrs. Ronald Johnson of Al bany. . Mr. and Mrs. Curtis French left Monday for their home in Bandon where they will teach this winter after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bishop. Mrs. French is the Bishops' daughter. . ; Corps members and guests are welcome to the meeting of Past Presidents ot the W. R- C. at the fairgrounds today. A picnic and business session are scheduled. Keizer The Ladies Aid will meet Thursday with Mrs. Ben Claggett A plcnle dinner will be served on the lawn at noon. . - Mrs. V. E. Hockett and son. Richard, and Mrs. A. L. Adolph on and son Tommy, leave today for a week at Keskowla, , - Miss Nellie Dibble of Palo Alto Is the house gdest ot her brother, W. C. Dibble, of this city. . - Mrs. B, D: Pari and daughter, Frances, -spent Saturday la Port-land. uauinuiiiii r mt iu ; Three thousand or mere former Oklahoma -residents are expected to attend the first all-state picnic in Oregon at the- fairgrounds here Sunday, August 18.: states C. P. Courtnler, route 6, who Is la charge of the - program for: the event: ... ,. .-. ' Twenty' thousand former resi dents ot Oklahoma are residing in Oregon, according to registra tion records . gained :. from the cownty courthouse over the state. with 200 of this total residing in Marion county. Large delegations will attend Sunday from McMlonvllle. New berg, Roseburg, - The- Dalles, and Portland, which" city will send 700 to the plcnle according to in formation already received lere. Far away Baker will also send a group. A special. program will be. of fered by the Portland, Gresham aad Salem clubs, and Salem and Portland radio entertainers will be heard. The program will open at 1:30 o'clock, with a welcome by Mayor T. E. Knhn of Salem and response by Dr. Walter E. Hempstead -of Oregon City. Other details will be announced later, The Salem club, as sponsors. will present awards to the oldest married couple present and to the youngest married couple pres ent who formerly lived in Okla homa. Lad Accidentally Shot at Lebanon Kin of Forrest Merle Geil, 17, Sweet Home youth who was accidentally shot Saturday night about 5 o'clock is a brother-in-law of Russell For rest, a former Salem resident. Geil is in a Lebanon hospital. A group of friends were inves tigating a new gun when the ac cident happened, the gun explod. lng and the bullet penetrating Geil's left hip. Little hope is held for his recovery. Reunion at Belfontaine Large Affair Hon. Willis C. Hawley, former congressman, was the principal speaker at the recent annual re union of the Starr-Belknap fam ilies at Belfontaine. He spoke on economic conditions in the United States and causes and effects of the depression. The reunion was held at the Belfontaine park near Monroe, on the site of the old Simpson chapel, which was the first church In Oregon. One hundred thirty-five people were present. Clyde Starr of Mon roe was elected president and Ethel Starr Mack retained as sec retary. Most ot the people were descendants of the first settlers who crossed the plains in 1848. An interesting quintette made up of members of the Belknap fam ily ranging In age from 78 to 85 sang. Dr. Ray M. Waltz, a grand son of Noah Starr, an early cir cuit rider ot the Willamette val ley, was another Salem man who attended the reunion. Crochet This Lovely Chair Back r rpr4 CROCHETED CHAIR BACK SET PATTERN 1024 Variety is the spice of Hfe and you'll find it in this lovely chair set' It will add individuality to your living room, for it is indeed distinctive. Done in the simplest of filet crochet, the lace stitch ef fectively sets oft the roses. It is a fascinating bit of needlework so get out your crochet book and get to work on it. You can use the Institute Group Back; 50 Attend From This City About 50 young people from the three Methodist churches of Salem returned last weekend from the Epworth League institute held at Falls City August 3rd to 10th. Rev. D. C. Poindexter and Mrs. J. B. Ulrich accompanied the group of 20 from Leslie church. Mr. Poindexter reported that ap proximately 400 students were registered at the institute which conducted daily devotional ser vices, classes and recreation. Twenty ministers and university professors from the Willamette valley made up the faculty. Drunken Driving Penalty 30 Days Ernest Richard Pickens, 19. of Brooks was fined 3100 and hand ed a 30-day jail sentence yester day when he pleaded guilty be fore Justice of the Peace Miller Hayden to driving while under the influence of intoxicating li quor. Complaint against Pickens was made by John Koepke Sun day after Pickens' car crashed into the machine driven by Koep ke on the Pacific highway north of town. - so me ALONG about this time of the year we begin to set sun conscious. Last winter, remernber. we longed for weather like this honestly believed a real sunburn would be a tiling of beauty; and a Joy forever! Now we're looking forward to the season when the" thermometer will go -down and down. Strange? Not at all! One of our basic characteristics is desire for change. And your newspaper is dedicated to the daily satisfaction of this Iranian need. Each day it is as new as tjiat day's sunrise. Each day it is full of sur prising things. And nothing in it is newer in appeal or in opportunity than the advertisements. They are filled with facts, about all the things you want today and will be wanting tomor row. Always changing, to keep up with your own eternal desire for change, the advertisements in this newspaper are guide posts to happier living. Read them regularly they offer opportunities you should not miss. chair back on yotuT davenport, too It will be most effective. Pattern 1024 crimes to -you with directions for making the set shown;, illustrations of it and ot all stitches used;, material re quirements. . - Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Statesman, Needlecraft Dept. Obsidians Climb Jeiferson Peak Nineteen Eugene Obsidians climbed Mt Jefferson Sunday, with M. B. Castelloe, leader. All but four scaled the precipitous pinnacles at the summit. The route was from Jefferson park up the north face and across White water glacier to the south slope. mw.-m.... nnrTr.nrir11 n t f M m Mmm m ri-mf-in-iniMafm: -fannqp-, I ' a Every modern scientific instrument in eye-care is at your service here. -We prescribe the glasses and fit them. POBIEROY & KEENE 79 State St. - Salens liwei 4 i PAGE FIVE o nr co-op will picii on iiY The fourth annual picnic ot the Dairy Cooperative association will be held at Jantxan Beach park Sunday, with a large num ber of members from the Salem milk shed expected to attend. All members and their friends are in vited. . The morning program, featur ing a sottball game, will open at 10:30 o'clock and luncheon will be served at 42 o'clock. Speakers on the program from 12:30 to 1:30 o'clock will in clude Louis Mlnoggie, president of the association, who will ex tend the welcome: Dr. Robert Prior, dairy and livestock super visor, department of agriculture tor the state ot Washington, who will apeak off "What Milk Con trol has Meant to Washington Dairymen"; and Solon T. White, director .of agriculture for Ore gon. Races and another baseball game wlH. follow the program. Camping Party Has Brief Stay At Breitenbush A camping party composed of Dean Roy Lockenour, Prof, and Mrs. E. S. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wult and Robinson Spen cer returned Monday from a brief stay at Breitenbush lake. The par ty explored scenic spots in the vicinity and some went into Jef ferson park. They report the mountain meadows gay with flow ers in the wake ot retreating snowbanks. Prof. Oliver joined the Obsi dians in the climb ot Mt. Jeffer-. son Sunday. He left Breitenbush lake camp Saturday evening, reached the park about 11, sat around the cam pf ire until the par ty started at four, scaled the mountain, and returned to the lake camp a 24-hour stretch of strenuous mountaineering without sleep. ' S g g I i i 1 i m M i m g I I 1 3 If . . J - X. ' 4 M.I j: ' - f n-W:,N i . V MMaNiuMajMMkaMi