The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Salurdaj XIonring, ABsnstlQ, 1933 PAGE SEVEN i 1 Use TMainni Statesman Classified Ads Call 910! Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line ..10c Three insertions per Una .20c Six insertions per line ....30c One month per line ....$1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page accepted until :30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be ran under tbo heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman mwibm bo financial responsibility for er rors which may appear in ad vertisements published in its columns, and in casea where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classification. HELP WANTED Wanted 200 evergreen berry pick ers. 495 S. 17th. Tel. 8332. Man or lad to do laundry work tor of apartment. IPS S. Com'l St. HELP WANTED FEMALE ! Experienced waitress wanted. State ----------- SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Janitor work evenings. Tel. 8377. FOR SALE .Miscellaneous Safe for sals, fireproof. 25 Chema keta. Distilled white vinegar for all pick ling purposes. "Keeps Tour Pickles Krisp." PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM We are now booking orders for our hill-grown tree ripened Slappy canning peaches for delivery about August 23. Place your ojder now by phone or mail and don't be disappointed. PURITAN CIDER WORKS Phone 642 West Salem. jauic snaKer. iu j. u. vv gas tanjj; ZJ3 Lioerty. WWWMW I common veiuu preu iuieu wicn 1 oats, ic l: 1st nouse wi 01 xmi Green schooL TeL 11MI. 9x1! Wilton rug Cost $105. Sacri- fce. 1211 N. Broadway. Oavenport. 4 drf.wn. Tel. 536 WANTED; Miscellaneous j Free We pick up dead and woith less horses, cows, slice p. Tel. 4869. 'Want lot or small acreage, by pri vt party. Boy 54o, care-tatewiian. MISCELLANEOUS ROOM AND BOARD P.m., brd. TeL 8394. 860 Chemeketa. K.jom - board. Tel. 4445. frOTit room, twin beds. Board. SS? N. Church. Tel. 4375. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Close In, modern apt. Phone 8499. 3 rm. furn. apt., 250 a Cottage. Small furnished apt., clean and com fortable. Adults only. 445 Ferry. Furn. apt 2261 Hazel. Tel. 7664. Furnished or unfurnished, extra fine. Hawthorms Court, formerly Engel Court, 1000 No. Capitol. Clean 1 R. apt.. 191 S. Church. Unfurn. Reasonable. 266 S. Cottage. For Rent Nice 3 R. furnished apt. at 712 S. 12th: rent reasonable. See Louis Bechtel, 341 State, Room 4. Rent First floor 3 room furnished Spartment. 96n N. ftth St. 1 . ; i FOR RENT HOUSES : Furn. A unfurn. Forkner. TeL 303L Houses. Grant. 529 Court. Tel. 5-lM. pnn ppT -1 - T?T',NTT,''TTrTM Hospital beds and wiieek-hatra ' to i rent.. H 1 Stirr Furniture ca Office rooms for rent 381 Stat St. Ranch for rent 45 acres, living stream, good Improvements with elec tric lights and water system, good soil and location. See my agents JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON , 13i S. High - Phone 982! WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent I bedroom modern born,: unfurnished. Box S4, care Smt-sman. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL, ENGLISH TIPE HOME r1n In Vn.h &9Um C Uaw ur. fyl roonis, tile in bath and kitchen, lot 69x121. A real bargain at $5259. Will accept good lot as part payment. SEE Mrs. Ellis with 1 CHU-OS at MILLER. Realtors 311 State St :. Phons 670S ADVERTISING Portland Representatlre Gordon E. Bell Security Building Portland, Ore.. . Western AdTertislnj ' Representatires f . Fencer-Hall ' Co Ltd, S3S Montgomery Street an Francisco. Calif. . . Eastern Adfertlaine Representa tires Brrant, Grtfflta Brunsoa, Inc : Chkaxo, New Torkv Detroit. Boston. Atlanta tnlertd at tkm Posteffte at Salem, Oregon, as Secosd-Ciass lfatfrr. rs- luaed every Moraixjr except Meadau. if fatness ice. ll sout vommercta' tres. . . - - ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, ta Advance, Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, l JkCiV cents: Ma 11.15 ; Ma l-t-il 1 year 14.00. Elsewhere 0 cente per sass -VI as.W sr M. j wa aj va as Copy I cents. News 8tands ( cents. Br Otr Carrier : 4S cents a month. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Beautiful bulMina; tot on Falrmount HIU. owner Icavfcts; city, for sale, price) reasonable, 'ft' ill take lata model car m deal. DIa owner. 1147. Sale or Tiade 240 A. stock ranch, good water, fair bldgs., tor smaller (arm or Salem property. 45 Fernv Out-of-town owner Instructs us to sell his fine 8-room home with 1 acres around, regardless of price. Lo cated In 400 block, N. 21th. Price a sain reduced on thia property. If Interested in a nice place at the right price, let us show this to you. Set Mr. Llndgren HAWKIIfS ROBERTS, Inc. Ocean Bea :h lots, total price $21.50. Terms $1.00 Sown, T1.00.jer week: 79 miles from ijaiem. This price is for beach front or highway lots. AH one price. Drive to Hebo turn left to Woods, cross the bridge at Woods and drive four mllea up the new Tillamook highway to the property. Owner on property all ilay Saturday and Sunday. If unable to get to the property mall your reerva:Jon direct to Floyd Bil yeu, 1113 & W. Broadway, Portland, Oregon. Lot sale Clone In, splendid loca tions. No Mwssments. Only 1100 to $200. Easy terms. TeL 8877, 1313 Edge-rater. TWO HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONK Only 13;( for both, part terms. One 5 rooms, one 6 rooms. If you want a reel Knap see us at once. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 314 State St. Phone 6708 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a choice suburban home, 2 110 acres, best of well drained, productive anil, close to talem on paved highway. Well arranged 7 room, plastered house, 2 aets plumbing, plenty of built-ins. fireplace, basement, furnace, good well and water syuem. garage and chicken coops. Price J4900. cash 8400, bal. monthly, low Interest. CHILDS .1 MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 8708 LOCK AT THIS: Five-acre home -all in bearing orch ard, small house, good drilled well. located 3 miles out on main Pacific highway. Prire 31 So cash. See, W. H. IRA BENHORST ft CO, 134 S. Liberty St. SUBURBAN HOME 5 acre tract highly improved, best I of soil, new rouse, dose to Salem in good district. Priced low at $5000. Call MRS. ELLIS to see it. CHILDS 4: MILLER, Realtors 34 State St. Phone 708 S room hom-, 94-150 creek lot. $1600 federal loan. Pay 312.00 per month. Total price $2 500. See house at 1985 State. R. A. FORKNER ISoI N. Capitol St. LARKJN" REALTT CO. 109 S. Com ! St. Phone 5470 10 acres close in, semi-modern build ings, exchange for Eugene. 100 acres. building. 3 to 5 thousand cords wood, qaIN. J2200. 12 acres, 2 miles out, mi'ildings. family orchard, electricity, llv .futn -,,.! onrln TOO AY'S RTTY - , ?eo t-ma THE BEST BUY IN TOWN! catwl prm"r jot 100xl00 in Fair- mount "Hlirs exclusive residential dia- I triet. All mis. are good size with. H.VV I firs. in-.dinine and living rms., fire- pla"e, basemen"., furnace, concrete fruit irm., a oandy nook, double plumbing. several fruit trees and garden space. Pric352S.rHIS IS A REAL BAR GAWAKP PRICED FOR IMMEDI ATE SALE - - See R. A. Johnson with TT. H. GUJ BESHORST & CO. . ftUALTOHS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 6463 1 A.. 4 H. home, near Kelzer school. Price $700. $100 down, bal. $15 per mo. Karl A Vick. 208 N. High. For Sale Svburban home 1 Vi acre. Best of soil, siime fruit, berries, 4 R house, barn, h;n houses, garage, only 3100 down, bal $15 month. Price cut to $700. A-t quick. Shown by ap pointment onlv. Bv Louis Iiechtel, 311 State. Phone H963. GOOD HOME STOP RENT "" Dandy creek lot, fair 5 R- house, for $1150; $250 down. Nice 4 R house In fine condition. for onb-$1230 : ,350 down (rented), for only 8800 : 3100 down 6 R. moilert. home (Court bt), only $3Ci). Give terms. See JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 a High St. - Phone 9629 5 A. 13 mi. from Salem, 4 cultivat ed. 3 room house, large chicken house, 1 A. timber, well and spring. 3950. 39 A., H mi. from Shaw, fair bldgs.. 3 A. timber, 5 A. prunes, some other fruit, fenced, creek. $2500. 49 A. 4 mi. from Dallas, 12 culti vated, 2 A. orchard, a few 100 cords of wood, fair bldgs., spring, water piped to house, fenced, 4 cows, team and equipment, 32650. ISO A. on highway close to Newport, good bldgs., 63 in crop, water piped house, fenced, 14 cows, team and tools, 86500. A REAL BARGAIN Monev to Loan at 6 percent MELVIN JOHNSON 2S Court St. Phone 3723 EXCHANGE Real Estate j w'wnvwvvwwiw Wanted To trade nice modern 1 house ami lot or 25 to 30 acres arood I farming land with good buildings for I 5 or 10 acre suburban tract with good tnotise and bulldinga. Stats full par- ilculars In answer. Box 543, care Statesman. FOR SALE FARMS 30 acres of the best soil In Willam ette valley with good bnildings on good market road, close to school and church, 9 miles east of Salem. Box 541, care Statesman. Modern house, y, A. land, bus ser vice. Immediate possession, 32000, worth 14000. I hum family on-hard, fine location, re I demotion price. 1 H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. S90: RAXCH BARGAINS 8 acre- 4 A. young cherries, good 6-R. bungalow, barn, good i well. only 11509, 3a8 down f 138 acre ranch (rtrer bottom), excel- lent aoiL Small house and barn. Sacrifice sate for 297&. $280 down. A snap. IS acres, fine location, paved road, good Improvements, well, electric lights and water system, at a price that will surprise you. If it is not here, we have Just what you want. Call and see JA& D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 1;-S. High St - Phone 939 ACREAGE IDEAL SITE FOR COUNTRY HOME S Berks, family orchard, barn, well, close In. Price reduced to $1000 for few days only. W. G. KRUEGER, 147 N. Com'L 29 A. t mi. from Salem, all ia cultl Tatlon : ( R. house,- basement, barn and onMMiildings. To trade for east- era Oregon, Wash, or Idaho property. K. A. FOKKNKK " 1853 N. Capltor " WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted Farms A city property list' lnga, R. Jl Forkner, 1S53 N. CapitoL riH Trttmrm mnA ttir-i tnr f JrmL ; I Oregcm Ind Co, Pae. highway. Wood- I oara. vrrjotu . . aw I Wanted Listings of houses at one. I a nave numoer 01 uuyera . oee cecatet. Business Opportunities CAMP GROUND AND SERVICE STATION SACRIFICE: located north on the main Pacific highway, has 9 cabins furnished, 3 Dumo service sation.- store, garage. about 43 acres excellent second, growth fir timber, estimated from two to three thousand cords of . wood. Price for IMMEDIATE SALE 16900. Must bo all cash. WORTH MORE. See, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Phone (46S 82000 Abrams and Ellis stock. Pays 7, will sell 31706 cash. Good lota for sale. Mod. house, fine service station; trees, elec. water system. A dandy property. Take farm. R. A. FORKNER 183 N. Capitol Beer, counter and restaurant, located just outside city limits, at a bargain if taken at once ; doing a good busi ness. Better hurry and see. my agents. JAS. D. SEARS and G. W. JOHNSON 132 & High St. - Phone 9629 See W. A. Bond for a real opport tunity and business chance on highway south. Let us tell you about it. 629 Court, tel. S584. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 ta 20 months to repay at lowest possible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A Local Corporation 1st Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phons 8353.. Licensed by State- ' awmplcteservic'on LOANS UP TO $300 Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. 'B8.h.!,.,l".fl1?or I STATE SIS State St TeL S 74 ft Loans Made In Nearbr Towns Money to Loan on modern improved city or country property in amounts of 82000 or more. Ladd & Bush Trust Co. Loans on furniture and autos. STATE LOAN CO. 21! Ore. Bldg. Lit by StS-165 5 Farm Loans Plenty -of money for well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve at ,y,?0W-Z? chffP J,0,lHy-vJLJS' . booklet "Wniametts Valley Farms. Hawkins and Roberts. Ins. AUTO LOANS CARS REFINANCED Easy Terms lovcstiffate WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. U-1&9 502 Guatdlan Bldg Salem FOR SALE WOOD 16 inch dry old fir. Tel. 4218. Good 2nd growth fir, dry and tree from knots : 4 ft. length, 34 cord. Im mediate delivery. Phone 107Z3. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. Tet. 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trad 41 Cottage. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. LOST AND FOUND LOST Keys. Call "227. Reward. Lost Black oxford. 292 N. Summer. LOST Black male part cocker spaniel, part Irish terrier: answers to "Putter . Reward. Call 848a. Lost Glasses. Reward. Tel. 3877. FOR SALE USED CARS SPECIAL. THIS WEEK ONLY You can't afford to miss these buys: 1934 Dictator Stuflebaker Sedan. This can be bousrht on new car plan i $678 1933 Olds Sedan. Reconditioned In our service department .. 595 1921 Bulck Snort Coupe, an ex cellenl buy lis 1931 Light Nash Sedan. Only driv en 18.000: looks and runs like new 395 1930 Ford Coune. new tires, mo tor Just overhauled 25 1929 Ford Sedan in Al shape 185 1928 Bulck Standard Sedan, low mileaee : turned in by the original purchaser 250 Other TlgTcalr I2RM to $.o5 litlO J. W 11 SOrl BUICK A PONTIAC Sales and be r vice -on -.. . ti r , r , .99 . L.Um 1 U U1IW '29 Ford Tudor, good shape, trunk and stdemount. Tel. 791Z. Sal '29 Chev. Coupe In good con dltlon. Good rubber. TeL 8332. VaSSSV Motor Company . . Used Cars I tucks 34 V-g Regular Coupe, low mile- - age 34 V-8 Regular Conpe 32 V-8 Regular Sedan 31 Model A Standard Coupe $415 line ..8300 SO Model A Town Sedan 30 Model A Coupe 28 Chevrolet Coach 26 Chevrolet Sedan 28 Chevrolet Coupe 35 Bulck Coach 28 Chrysler Sedan -I 5 -! s 29 Ford Coacn 29 Ford Spt. Coupe 49 Model A Standard Coupe 28 Model A Roadster -gg Jus 18 it odd A Coach" ; 33 Plymouth Coupe -!!?? 11 TXY 10 Chevrolet Standard Coupe 1300 30 Chrysler Sedan 3335 39 Chrysler Sport Roadstec 3250 27 Oldsmobile Sedan I 26 Dodge 4 Sedan fioo I 23 Dodge 4 Sedan 451 TrUCKS and PICKUp 31 Chevrolet, long wheel base Ills 31 Ford, ions; wtoeel base, 4 new . tires dump I4ZS 30 A Model 4 short wheel base -IZ25 28 Dodge U W. base, duals, over- hauled : ff ?? 30 Ford CC Pickup 29 Ford L. W. B, license 28 Reo 6, fiat body 28 Ford Panel 28 Ford, wood body with duals m Marion and Liberty Open Evenings and Saturdays Tel. 7119 Don't Wasts Your Time- or Money "C" Shrock To Rur or Sell Your Catf 542 Chemeketa St. Phone 18 Good Used Trucks 1930 Chevrolet 1 ton 1928 O. Ml a 1 ton 129 Reo 1 ton with semi 1939 3 ton Reo X W. B. 1939 Morland 2 ton. I W. B. 1929 Dodge S ton body hoist 6t James n. Maden Co. . , . S17I - 10 250 485 235 217 State St Phone 8590 FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars (With an O. K. that Counts) '25 Star touring -I 2S '28 Esaez- Coupe '28 Chevrolet sedan . '30 Chevrolet coupe . '29 Chrysler sedan . .8 63 -$17S 329t .8265 .8245 .8895 '27 Packard sedan 'II Chevrolet sedan '33 Chevrolet apt coups -8495 .3495 33 Kara coupe 30 Franklin sedan . .3525 I '33 Olds apt. sedan S4 Ford V8 Victoria .8(75 .3595 .3295 "31 Ford Tudor TRUCKS '34 Reo panel delivery ,.,3595 '33 Ford V8 truck, new motor 1485 '34 GMC truck 1595 '31 Chevrolet truck 3325 '31 Chevrolet truck 3275 McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center St. - 430 N. Com'L St. We've Gone Crazy "34 Terraplane Coach, excellent condi tion ; radio; 8155.00 down and 87.85 per week. '31 Packard Sedan, like new; 8150.04) Pei '34 Ford V-8 2 door Sedan, an out standing buy at 8155.00 down and $7.1 per week. "29 Ford Sdi. Coune. 3189.00. full nrlce. Many ether Used Car and Truck values at similar terms. Tour car In trade. 1 Trucks Dodge 3 ton chassis and cab, duals. I VV. B., line mechanical condi tion : 3155 down. 17.62 per weeK. 30 Ford 1H ton, dual; excellent tires. platform body; $125 down, $4.67 per week. '30 Ford. L. W. B., duals, platform I body, 3150 down, 15.89 per weex. Lhrr ?i?J?r" used trucks. Every used truck we sell has been completely reconditioned and carries the warranty of the Herrall Owens Co. Herrall Owens Co. DODGE and PLYMOUTH DEALERS 235 S. Commercial USED CAR VALUES 1930 Ford Roadster 1928 Oakland Rdst. 1929 Oakland Coach 1929 Stude. Sedan 1928 Pontlac Sedan 1934 Ford V-8 Sedan Used Car Market Open Sundays 856 N. Liberty St. Borrego's Car Markets 1930" Chev. Coupe 1930 Ford Tudor ...$!85 175 125 195 1930 Roosevelt Sedan 1928 Pontiac Sedan ... ij9 uiiiiuu ocuan aw Are you a kitball fan? Usten KSLM between 9 and 11 p. m. 625 Marion 240 N. Liberty Sts. 4533 - Phones - 3SSR IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE -OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of NO. 8710 HENRY LINK. Deceased HENRY A. LINK, TILLIE S. JIR- ARDOT. ADA LINK GROGG, MAUD L. DANIELS, ADRA PEARL BARNES, BENJAMIN A. LINK, EDA FARRINGTON Mc-1 BRIDE. LEWIS FARRINGTON ana akihik t,. r AKKirsuiU., H(irq at T nw nf Tlonrv T.lnV Deceased, Plaintiffs, -vs.- ARTHUR LINK, ADA E. LIXK.IUneeda painter - carpenter. Call 5213 THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAMUEL LINK, Deceased, THE u i rvii (j vv .n ncixvo jr uciorvuiu JUNIOR LINK, Deceased, JEN' - NTR FARRINGTON SHTTLL. IRA DONALD FARRINGTON, CHAR LES DATUS FARRINGTON, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF GUY FARRINGTON. Deceased, J. F. SHULL, CHARLES EUGENE euniT TintirDT rrwjv ctit-t t on u uli, uuuuni vin onuuu, KUJ LS U. nOLMAN, State Trea- surer of the State of Oregon as Administrator of the Estate of LAND BOARD OF THE STATE 1 rW rTt7PAV ff III? T TXTTT XTVTTT XT HEIRS OF HENRY LINK. De ceased, and ALL PERSONS UN- NAMED OR UNKNOWN HAV- ING OR CLAIMING ANY IN- TEREST IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY LINK. DECEASED. AS HEIRS OR DISTRIBUTEES. Defendants. CITATION TO ARTHUR LINK. ADA E. LINK. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAMUEL LINK, Deceased", XHK UNKNOWN HEIRS OF GEORGE JUNIOR LINK. De- I cum t ip TWMAT.n FAR- RINRTON. CHARLES DATTJS I . .T mn Y-x7T-xTTurvT i h a rtrtliWi 1 1 lit u n xvi j r I 1 , Deceased, J. F shull, cHAR - LES EUGENE SHi'LL, ROBERT JOHN SHULL, RUFUS C. HOL MAN, State Treasurer of the ctat rf nroonn on Administrator of the Estate of Henry Link, De- UonsAd STATIC LAND BOARD of the STate of oregon. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF HENRY LINK. Deceased, and I ALL PERSONS UNNAMED OR I UNKNOWN HAVING OR CLAIM ING ANY INTEREST IN THE -JIso ESTATE OF HENRY LINK. DE A 5 CEASED, AS HEIRS OR DIS- I TRTPTTTV.F.S IN THE NAME OF THE state OF OREGON, Yon are hereby commanded to appear b' fore tne uonoraDio county -o"loPened with trade brisk and con- ..sisolot the State of Oregon ior me ! County of Marion at the. court ot said court-at the Court I nouse in mo viiy oi oaiem. ' 1 g0n. on the 1st day of NOTemfcOr. 19SS .t the, hour Of' 10 O'clOC aT " , . , , . . A. M. o said day to show cause, If any exists, why the facts shonld not be found and the 1 - tlon of tne jsaiaie or iienry Lina.i I deceased, be aecreea as set loriu I ty.a T.t(tlnn nt th nlaintlffa on 1 u ... . I IOU, tne aDOTo naraeu ueienu- JTlZiamS ana ail persons nauieu ui ts I nnnamea navins or ciaimius n; 90 interest In the estate of said Henry Link, deceased, are hereby commanded to appear before this eonrt at said time and place and file your verified answers as pro- Tided by law. setting forth your ,i.. lalm - nf h(lrshln. . I- , 5,7 . ? it tT.v .T..a Estate of Henry Link, deceased. W1TJKSS my nana ana iu -.i thl. affivAd this " . . 13th day of Joly, 1935. (Seal) U. G. BOYER, Clerk of the Goanty Court. W 6 b. , u w.nn Deputy. This publication, la being made July 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 81, 1935 Business Directory Cards la this directory run oa a monthly basis only. Rata: $1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panes:. TTS South Commercial. BROOMS Factory. 428 N. Church. TeL 49. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4468 R R. Noel tines-. CHIRAPRACTORS COLLECTIONS We collect your slow sects. Conflden- tlal Investigations. STATE CREDIT CO. I 212 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 7783 DENTISTS Dr. E. Davis has established offices at 313-314 Masonic Temple. Tel. 7133. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric. 34 Stats St. Wlr Ins; motor. mnllnnr. repair. ar-W FLORISTS Brelthaupt s, 447 Court. ALL kinds of rioral work. Lut. Flor ist. 127$ N. Liberty. TeL 982. Bennett. 8233 Fairground Rd T. 8173. KEYS We nwtka Eeya. Harry W. Pcott. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2(8 S. High Tel. 8125 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Servtc Telephone SIRS 124 Rmnilw MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. I "hone 4069 SALEM FLDFF-RUU and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to rfAw aIA Mrnn Iji " mi rtwst 1 A n tn tp ttix- mg: fluff rug weaving. & 1$U Jk Wil bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKEIL F- ,9n MUSIC STORES UEOl;,G- WI,!T"iJTd'f"'W!8 lReiri I sewing machines. 43Z stats birecu i lem PAINTING nuyrn PVHR A VIPQ jsalem photo engraving. 147 N. Com -wrim. Tel 5887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampb lets, programs, books or any kind of I v .......... Department, zi S. commerciaL iej- I phone B101. piTRTiT! STENOGRAPHER Perklna, 629 Court St. Tel. 5584. I SMSJSBjjssjsSBfjBBBjj STOVES L Kove. ranees. clrcnUUors. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken I "rStV tlX' aT B Fleming. TRANSFER pori local or distant transfer storage, call 3131. Uurner Transfer C. Trucks f ortiana aauj. OAPITAL C1TT Transfer Co, - 2 I warding and stcag our specialty. Get !. I ti f-.-i.i- n i i rci aira iiuctiui -cu " I ft .Ka- fA. Kl ,.,,1.. We aiuAiatlea In Vvtil(ecr hfiaW morhlnPrV i;rrPny; - r ' - - WELL DRILLING j 1 X R. A. West H. . Tel. 11FJ. A. Sneed. 1073 Highland. Tel. 44 87. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Aug. .-(P)-The Friday morntng'i earlj Gardeners' Lnd sxr wholesale market I1-(I wtth. nnstnaitv nrices th-fthniit th- mnrniiir PrlrM ,a eral lrere a Tittle higher. I Tomatoes wero still scarce and the 1 -tnA Inm ..d Trn 17. S 1 w .A 1 es . ivmawct viu w j-. No ienl for between JOc l ... y-tttt' a utti hurhr tBd ,ar jU5 , crate for te I ocamo canUlonpes were higher hut i or nf wr. RiintT. Roth I vi- graves anu peauutat au weie ui a I nlgner QUA1KT.' COXnmoOltles -nmil! B.ocw nn immediatlv; Apricots Peark box, 65-70e; Wtast- i co, xa-io. mg, a naans Lioeai, id., e-oc. Pea i Telephone, lb- &-7e. i 8pite Crste, 7Sc. 1 Carrota Ioxa bnaeees, 20c Beets Do tea bnaeaee, Me. i Greta aioas Dosea banes. 20e. Dry eaioBS Calif, reds, 60-lt. lick. I $lio: wtu Wsiu. slio I Blekberriea Crate. SI. 13 Apples Tallow Transparsat. box. 31 M -5;!iis,-l5 Bed Astra- hkas. : California Grs?ntins. fa.7; jvnue psesv. I Peehe Oalifomla Xlbertss, box, f 1; I The IMllea, 75; J. H. Hales, (. I Plsma CaHforats. box. Sl.75. I Sq-ssk Crook Keck, crate; 5e; mar- ! Mebesd, lb, 2c I Taraipa Iosw bsaebea, porple tops. Sn-40-. Radubsa Doses bancoes, 15s. Cabbe Soattls. Ks. L 109 lb, I fl.50, mud bead. Celerr hearts vesea Daneaes, we. I 65c Stocks at New 1935 Peak DVER TWO MILLIDN SHARES MKTED NEW YORK, Aug. Stocks romped into new high ground for 1935 today. Turnover swelled to the best level In more than two months. Not since May 28 hare shares changed hands with such rapidity. The day's volume, at 2,186,800 shares in the stock exchange, has been exceeded only twice before this year. The last occasion was on May 28 when turnover was z,- 313,660 shares while the market was under pressure following the court Invalidation of the NRA. An advance of .9 of a point was registered by The Associated Press average of 60 stocks at 48.2. This new peak replaced the high of 47.3 made last Monday. The component 30 industrials at 65.2 and 15 utilities at 36.9 were like wise at 1935 tops. As measured by the averages the utilities had about tha best group advance of the day, but the market's Improvement was un usually broad with practically all major classifications sharing in the forward push. Some Up 8 Points Active issues advanced in many cases from 1 to 3 points or so. Stocks were firm from the open ing gong. Figures on automobile turn-out for last month, covering all pro ducers, but Ford, showed the best July production since 1929. The total, as given by the Automobile Manufacturers' association, was 256,200 units, off only 7 per cent from July, and 3 2. per cent better than July, 1934. Freight loadings for last week improved a little over the previous seven days which was contrary to the usual seasonable trend. .NOTICE OF HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FIX AIi ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that HAROLD T. WHITE, as the duly appointed, qualified and act ing administrator of the estate of MARY E. WHITE, deceased, has rendered and presented for settlement and filed in the County Court of the County of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of his administration of said e; tate, and that Tuesday, the twenty-seventh day of August, 1935, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court, in the Marion County Courthouse in the City of Salem, County of Marion State of Oregon, have been fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement there of. Dated and first published the twenty-seventh day of July, 1935. HAROLD T. WHITE, as Admin istrator of the Estate of MARY E. WHITE. Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administrator. -J27-A3-10-17-24. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar ion, his duly verified Final As count, as Executor of the estate of Frances H. Alden, deceased. and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 27th day of Aug' ust, 1935, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Sa lem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing aald final account and all objections there to. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of July; 1935. LUTHER A. HOWARD, . Executor of the Estate of Frances H. Alden, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. J27-A3-10-17-24 NOTICE OF HEARING OF OB JECTION'S TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that H. V. COMPTON, as the duly appointed, ualif led and ' acting executor of the last will and tes tament and estate of LYDIA R CLARK, deceased, has duly ren dered and presented for settle ment and filed in the County Court of the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, a final account ing of his administration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the tweny-seventh day of August, 1935, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Marion County Courthouse In the City of Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon, haTe been duly fixed and appointed by aald court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to aald fin al account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first . published the twenty-seventh day of July, 1935. H. V. COMPTON, as, Executor of the Last Will End Testament and Estate of LYDIA R. CLARK, CARSON & CARSON Attorneys' for Executor. J27-AS-1 0-17-24. Celery Tield eraU, SltS; washed. S2.25. Potatoes 100 lb. ssefc, tOe-SL. New potstoes lOO-lb. saek, f LOO. Rhubarb Posnd, le. Parsley Do sen bunches, SOe, Lettuce Seattle, crate, fl.23; local, 80-90; Ka. 4O-60c Tometoei Larje site, tl.35 per 20 lb. box; Oregon, small site, f t. Mountain, 2.25. , Rasp berries Crate. 93. ! Loganberriee Crate, 0e-tL15. Watermelon Peas.-, le. Honey Dsw melons $2.25, - - Seedless grapes Lnfc Red Malaga. rt KSV I "" Cantaloupes TJ. B. Ke. 1, fl.TS. Salem Markets Grade II raw 4 per cent tnlik, co-op basic pool price $1.04 per hundred. (MUk base4 oa semi mootalj tttttexiat average.) Distributor price $2.10. A grade bulterfat Deliv ered. 26c; route, 25c. A grade prints, 28 He; D grade, 27c. fries paid to (rowers by Salem buyers. (The prices helcr. cnpplied by local Crocsr. are indicatirs of ths daily market tint are not guaranteed by Th. Status rosa.) FEUTT3 Buying Price) Yakima cantaloupes, crate 1.63 to 2.00 Pears, Calif., bo. ; 75 Peaches. Calif., Eibertai, lug C5-!to Blackberries, crste 1.00 Huckleberries, lb, retail .20 Peach pluma. bu .75 Apricots, lag .6i to .75 Grapes, Eed Malaga, lug c.50 Seedless gripes, lug 2. so Local peaches, 31b. basket Jl Fresh figa. bos , .75 Loganberries, crats .90 Raspberries. 24s 1.75 to 2.00 Watermelons, lb - ,. .01 i Caataloapes, crate 1.75 to 2.25 Pineapple. Cuban, crats 6.00 ana 6.00 Oranges, Choice 2.50 to 3.25 Bananas, lb., on stalk .03 i lands .03 H Lemons, fancy Choice l.imea. fresh .. 8.00 to 10.00 . 6.25 to 8.00 1.00 Grapefruit, Calif. 3.00 to 3.83 Apples, Transparent, new crop. .60 GrsTansteins, bu .73 VEGETABLES fBurinr Prices! Egg plant, flat 1.25 Danish squash, dox. , , .70 Din, doz. .35 Corn, local, toten . .15 to .20 Italian sq villi. 2 lbs. J5 Green onions, local, dozen .ZD Onions Walls Walla, ewt. : 1.25 White Bermudas, cwt. 3.25 Calif- Beds. tL 8.50 Yakima marble head squash, lb 03 Caul mower. Uregon. lug -BO to 1.50 Cabbage, Oregon, lb. .01 to .02 Carrots, local, dozen .25 Celery, local, dox. .30 to -45 Celery hearts, dox. .45 to .55 -cumbers, nothouse. box 1.2a to 1.75 Beets, doxen .80 Besas, local, lb. .02 to .04 Green peppers, Oregon, lb. .. .10 l.ettnce. local .75 to 1.Z5 ew spuds. Washington ,, , .90 New spucU, Oregon 1.10 Local new peaa .04 to .03 Vk 8pinarh, local, orange crate , . .85 Squash, erats 1.00 Tomatoes The Dalles, 181b. lug .70 to .90 California. 28-30 lbs. .90 Turnips, doxen .40 Raduhes, local, dozen Jo Walruts, lb. .18 to .20 Filberts, lb. .13 to .15 HOPS. (Buyins Price) Clusters, 1934, lb., top . .0C'4 Fuggles, 1934, top. lb. nominal EGGS (Buyins Price) Extras .26 .24 .23 Standards .. Mediums WOOL AND MOHAIE (Burine Price) Mohair Medium wool , .20 .20 .18 Coarse and fine wool POULTRY (Buying Price) Htj hens. 4 H or ovrer .15 .14 .12 .11 .06 .00 .IS .13 Colore- mediums, lb. Medium Leghorns, lb. Lirht. lb. Stan, lb. Old roosters, lb. Colored frrs. Ib White I.erhorn frrs. lb. afarion creamery bnyin prices Lire Poultry, So. 1 stock Heavy colored hens, over 6 lbs .14 Colored hens, under 6 lbs. .15 Leghorn hens, all sues .11 Leghorn broilers. IM np .13 Colored fryers, 2 to 3 hi lbs .14 Colored springers, over 3H lbs. .17 Old roosters, lb. .06 Stags -0 (teiects . .uo Eggs Candled and graaeo Large extras Larfre standards Medium extras . .25 .23 no .15 .23 Medium stan-ards Smalls Case eouat. large ea, 56 pounds or over, per case MEAT (Buying Price) Lambs .0 to .05 , Ewes, lb.' Yearling lambs Hogs, 140 179 lba... .01 tt to .02 .03 to .031, 8.25 to 10.25 8.25 to 9.25 .. 11.25 10.25 to 11.25 120 ISO lbs. 170-210 lbs., top 210 250 lbs., top Sows Steers Cows 8.00 4.00 to 6 00 1.50 to S.50 4.00 to 5.00 3.50 to 4.50 7.00 .18 .12 Balls Heifers Veal, top - Dressed hogs Dressed veal, lb. GRAIN AND Bal Vneat, western red .... : .. .68 1 18 00 22.00 I20 00 ..17.00 ..11.00 -1.1.00 .14.00 White. No. I Barley, feed. No. 1, ton Malting, ton Oats, milling, ton Feed, ton '1st buying prices Clover hay Oats and vetch, ton Alfalfa, vslley APPLE CROP LARGE OAK GROVE, Aug. 9. D. D. Rowland threshed a field of wheat averaging 50 bushels per acre and J. Zelisch 'harvested 60 bushels per acre of wheat this week. There is an extra large crop of apples. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Bv virtue of Mortgage foreclos ure execution Issued by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregoa, for the county of Marlon In Salt No. 25088. State Savings It Loan Association, a corporation, plain tiff, vs. Conrad Frigaard and Blanche Frigaard, husband and wife, defendants; therein pending and to me directed, I shalL, on Saturday, tho 24 th day ot Aug ust, 1936, at ten o'clock in tne forenoon thereof at the front door of the Marion County Court house, Salem, Oregon, sell at pub- lie auction for cash, ali rlgnt. title and interest had and pos sessed by said defendants, on or since the date ot execution of plaintlft'i Mortgage, In and to the following described real prop erty: - All of Lot number two (?) Ia Bloc, number Ten (10) in Richmond Addition to the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, as shown by th- recorded. plat there of. m A. C. BUR : . Sheriff of .Marion County, Oregon. EDWARD K. PIASECKL atrnniAv for Plaintiff. - Date of First publication: July 10, 19SS. ' t Date of Last publication, Aug nst 17. 19 J5. JZ0-27-A3-10-1T SPEC U L T LI fi S BUT WHEAT: PRICE IIP CHICAGO. Aug. 9-;p)-Broad-ening of speculative demand that lifted wheat prices briskly at the last today accompanied issuance of a notable summary of current world-wide new crop destruction. Circumstances governing world wheat supplies, the summary said, have changed quickly and com pletely during the past ninety days. It was asserted over-production and burdensome immo bile supplies have faded out of the picture, and the problem of possible insufficiency to meet re quirements has appeared. Wheat Closes Firm Rising more than a cent a bushel, wheat closed firm, above yesterday's finish, Sept. 90 Corn i to 1 cent up. Sept. 76 hi oats at decline to an equal advance, and provisions varying from 15 cents setback to a gain of 5 rents. Corn borrowed strength from wheat. Oats were held down by fast increasing receipts. Closing quotations: Wheat: Sept. 90 5-; Dec. 92 May 93Ts-94. Corn: Sept. "G-U." Dec. 59-Ti-60; May 61-. Oats: Sept. 30 H; Dec. 31; May 34. GeneralMarkets P&ODUCI EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 9. (AP) Produce Kxehangt, net ,,ices: Butter: Extras. 2(5e; standards, 24 ',4 c; prime lints, 23 He; firsts. 22c Bntteriat : 2"e. Eggs: V. S. Specials, 29c; U. 8. ex tras, 28c; C. 6. medium, 27c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Aog -AP)- Oram : Wheat : Open High 73 75 Low 72 72 74 Cloes 76 ft 72 H 73 75 May 7e ept.. old 72 H Sept., new '2 Dec 74 Cash: Big Bend blnestem, 13 per rent, 93c; Big Bend bluAtem. SSsc; cark hard winter, 12 per cent. 88Uc; do. 11 per cent. 74c: soft white, 7ac; western white, 72 He; hard winter. 73c; northern spring, 7Jc; western red, 72e. Oatv. So. 2 white, S21. Cora: Ke. 2 . fellow, S39. Millruo standard, $23. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 8. (AP) Prints. A grade, 28 He lb.; in parch ment wrapper, 29 c lb. in cartons; B grade, parchment wrapped, 27 e lb.; rartons. 28 c lb. Batterfat Portland delivery: A grade deliveries at least two weekly, 27-28c lb.; country routes. 26-2SC ,i : G grade, de liveries less than twice week, 26-26 je lb.; C grade at market. B grade cream for bottling Buying price, buttrrtat basis, ojc lb. Eggs Sales to retailer : specials, large, 39?; extras, large, 28c; standards, large, 7c; extra mediums, 22c; large. 27c; mediums, extra. 27c; mediums, el- i, small, 17c dozen. Kggs Bujing price of wholesalers: Fresh specials, 27c; extras. 27c; stand ards, 2jc; extra mediums, 23c; medium firsts. 19c; undergrade, 18c; pullets, 16c doten. Cheese Oregon triplets, 14c; Oregon loaf, 15c. Brokers will pay l-2c below quotations. Milk contract price: A. roniana ae- livery, S2.20 cwt. ; B grjoe cream. SiH lb.; aurplus basis. Country meets ell'nf, pries to re- talers: Country killed hogs, best butch ers, under 150 pounds. 17 He; velers. Xo. 1, 12H-13C lb.; ligm ana inin, nc lb.; heary. 8-10c lb.; cutter cows, 6- 7e lb.: csnners, 5 -6c lb.; bulls, 8c lb.; spring lambs. 11-llHc lb.; medium, 9-10e lb.: ewea. 4-Sc lb. Mohair 1935 buying price, 20e Ib. Casrara bark Baying price, 1935 peel. 2e lb. Hop, 1834 clusters. 6-0 Vie to. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing price:. Colored nens, over a 5a 14 15c lb.; under lbs., lo-ioc id.; Leghorn hens, over 3 lba, 12-13e lb.; under 3 lbs., 1213c lb.; spring. 3 lba. and up. IS 19v lb.; nnder 3 lbs.. ISc lb.: under 4 lbs., lb-lie id.; wnito broilers. 1314c lb.; -ooaters. 8c lb.; Pe- kin ducks, young. 16-1 ic ID. Sew onion. Walla Walla, ou oue per 50-lb. bag. . , New Dotatoes Local, i u eeniai; Yakims Netted Gems, $1.25-1.35 cental. Cantaloupes California jumbo, -.o- Tb nalles standard. $1.75 erata; Yakima standard, 1.75 crate; pony, $1!5 crate. Wool 1935 clip, nominal; Willamette vailev medium. 22e lb.; coarse and brai-, 20c lb.; eastern Oregon. l$-22e lb. Har Buying price from producer: Al falfa Xo. 1. new price, S18-16.50; esstern Oregon timothy. $17; oata. $7-10 ton; Willamette ralley tnnotBj, ciotci. $7-10 ton, Portland. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 9. (AP) Takima standard, J 1.85-1.75 crate; pony. $1.25 crate. PORTLAND. Ore.. Ant. (AP) (USDA) Hosts: Beeeipt. 200, includ- inc 125 direct: market active, mostly steady. Good to choice, 175-210 lbs. lll.S0 U.75; 245 340 lbi $10.25 11.25; 125-140 Its- S1111.50: packing sows. (8.25-6.50: smooth batcher boots to SO 25; ehoie 24-130 lb. feeder pigm. $12- 12.50. Cattle: Receipts, SO; esWes. 35. in- cludisg 2 direct: market alow; icst- tesed sales areuad steady: few grans steer eltgrble to sell, around gS.SO-O: few keifera. 4-4.50; loar cwttae and ent ter eowa, $2.60-3.25: common to saeumm, $3.50-45; bnlli. $4-4 85; common t medium vea!ers, $3.50-7; choice trootabie to Ss0. - . Sheep:- Receipt SO. including 24 di rest: few SBeatrnnt te good lb. latnVs steady at $5.75; strictly good lam Us onotsble to $.C5; slaughter ewee tale able, $-.50-3.25. Augnst f STOCK AVERAGES (Co-ipUed by Th Assoeiatea Press) . fadust. Raile UtiL Stock Today . 25.S M.9 48.2 Prer. isr 44 J4.5 85.8 47.8 Month ago - M 4 24 0 M S 45 5 Tear ago - 3B.1 87.0 1935 k5 -, . 7. SO B 4. 1935 low 49.5 18.5 SLfl S4.S 1934 lk ; S1.4 48.0 40.S 51.4 19S4 loir . 5.3 22.8 J4.S S4.9 BOSS AVBHAOBS SO 19 19 ' 19 Rails fadasi. CtiL for'a TodsT ' 82.1 S8.7 !. 68.7 r--. dT 81.8 98.9 9T.4 689 tS.S 4 MA 87.9 84.V 64-5 99.1 97.S 70.4 93.2, 84.5 85.5 2.9 88.9 70.0 74.7 8.S e0. Month ago - 80.9 Tear ago . . 81.9 1938 higa 87.8 1935 low 76.4 19S4 high 89.4 1934 low 74.5 Xew 1933 high. Stocks and Bond a year ia advance. 311 State.