The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 10, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESSlAl Salein Oregon, Saturday Morning August 10; 1935
. . - I
I Society News
At The Price Shoe Go's
Miss Adele Amort
Is Bride This
ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
AmorC wiH be wedded to
Orrille Eastrid, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harrey W. Eastridge, this
ra orning tt 7 :30 a. m. in tb par
ish house of St. Joseph's Catho
lic church.
Father T. J. Bernard will per
form the ceremony. Miss Amort
will wear a dark blue ensemble
with a corsage of gardenias. Her
attendant. Miss Cleo Amort, will
wear yellow crepe with white ac
cessories and a corsage of rose
buds. Mr. Eastridge will haTO Harold
Richardson for his best man.
After a wedding trip south, the
couple will reside at 10:55 Edge
water street. West Salem.
Mrs. Woolery Fetes
Mrs. Sharp
Mrs. Clarence Woolery was.
hostess at her home Thursday aft
ernoon honoring Mrs. Roy Sharp.
Tea was served following several
informal hours.
Mrs. Philip Sitner and Mrs. Ce
cil Woolery assisted at the tea
Guests were Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. E.
V. Ferguson, Mrs. Christine New
burg, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs.
Glen Needham. and daughter, Ber
nlce. Miss Lydia Martin, Mrs. El
mer Forbis, Miss Tresa Murham
mer, Mrs. Harold Bowman and
daughter, -Rita.' Mrs. Ferrel Co
valt and children, Teddie and Fer
rel, Mrs. James Tanner, Miss No
Tak, Mrs. Theodore Seder, Miss
Mabel Stone, Mrs. Phil Sitner and
son, Philip, jr., and Mrs. Cecil
Swim Party Enjoyed
A group of debs gathered at
Riverdale Thursday night for a
picnic dinner and swimming par
ty. Those attending were Miss Ves
per Geer, Miss Helen Way, Miss
Margaret Gillette, Miss Irma
Walker, Miss Margory Tryon, Miss
June Weeks. Mi?s Betty Dotson.
Miss Clarice Kolbe, Miss Muriel
Martin and Miss Alberta Howe.
Salem friends will be interested
in the marriage of Miss Nola
Pearl Kenworrhy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J: K. Kenworthy of Hos
kin, to Howard Wilfred Henning
sen of Salem which was solemn
ized August 1 in Independence.
The eouple will reside in Salem.
Independence. . Miss Naomi
Hewett, bride-elect of Frank Lab
berton of Wapato, Wash., was the
honored guest at a pottery shower
given In her honor by Mrs. Loren
Mort and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson,
hostesses, at the home of Mrs.
Mort. r
She Is a daughter of Mrs. F. G.
Hewett. Miss Hewett graduated
from the Independence schools
and from Willamette university,
where she was a member of Delta
Phi. She was a domestic jcience
teacher at Clatskaniehigh school
this last year. Theweddlng is to
take place in the early fall.
Mr. Labberton owns and oper
ates an automotive mechanics and
electric welding shop at Wapato.
Contract was In play at six
Guests were Mfs Xaomi Hewett, hon
ored guest. Mrs. F. G. Hewett. Mr. Fran
cW Krieg, Mi Glenn Hiitibrand, Mrn
I.ida Honn, Mr. Irrin Diment, Mn. K.
I.. William. Mr. Lottie Mcintosh, Mr.
Trude Davidson. Mn. J. B. Violette. Mri.
Robert Kelly, Mm. C. E. Tallent, Mra.
I.ek Wheeler, Mr. C. G. Irvin. lira.
. Pear! Hedge. Mrs. (fentge D. Herley,
Jin. George C. Knoft. Mrs. Carl DeAr
mand, Mrs. Karl Brauti ot Wheeler,
Oregon; lira. Gerald Hewett of Tilla
mook; Mrs. Fred Hewett ot VcMinn
eille; Mra. William R. Baker of East Or
ange. New Jerev; Mrs. Iwigst Adama of
Salem, Mrs. Gillette and Mia Thelma
Gillette of Monmouth: Miss Edith aod
Elizabeth Clement. Mies Beulah Cramer
f Salem; Mr. Maurice J. Butler and
Dayton. Members ot the Past
Noble Grand club of Naomi Re
bekah lodge of Dayton attended
a delightful 12 o'clock luncheon
Wednesday when Carlton Past
KoMe Grand club ntertafned Mc
Mlnnvile. Yamhill and Dayton
clubs. About 70 women were
present at the beautiful Dennis
park In Carlton. This Is a custom
enjoyed annually.
Mt. Angel Mrs. George May
entertained friends and club mem
bers with bridge and a late sup
per, Wednesday, evening, at the
home of "her mother, Mxs. Leo
Barr. Mrs. R. O. Appleby re
ceived high score honors and Mrs
John Ebner the door prize.
Mrs. Nina Hamby and grand
daughters, Louise and Elsie Slo-
cum have been visiting at the
John Slocum and B. E. Otjen
homes. They return to San Fran
cisco this weekend.
Be sure you are fair to
yourself. Have your eyes
examined today and let
us tell you their true
condition. Below-par vi
sion saps vitality and
handicaps your progress
in everything you do.
Mrs. Jones Honored
With Party
Complimenting Mrs. Victor
Jones who is a house guest of Mrs.
Fred Bynon, Mrs. Stephen. Merg
ler opened ber home Thursday
night tor a delightful Informal
The evening was spent in need
lework. At the supper hour, the
serving table was covered with a
lace cloth and graced with pink
tapers in silver candelabra. Mrs.
Mergler and Mrs. Bynon presided.
Those invited to fete Mrs.
Jones were Miss Lois Barker, Miss
Mary White, Miss Yelleda Ohm-
art, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Miss
Esther Hayden, Miss Jessie
Steele, Mrs. Harold Pruitt, Mrs.
Lillian Cadwell. Mrs. Charles Bol-
leans, Mrs. Fred Bynon and Mrs.
Stephen Mergler.
Miss -Rogen Tells
Wedding Date
as 2$th
marriage to Edgar King will
be an event of August 25,
was the inspiration for a kitchen
shower Thursday night given by
Mrs. Archie Bjelde.
Tea was served at 4 o'clock.
Those invited by Mrs. Bjelde to
fete Miss Rogen were Mrs. Charles
Lindquist, Mrs. Oscar Lindqulst,
Mrs. George Fake, Mrs. L. W.
Hall, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. O. H.
Strand, Mrs. Curtis Odenburg,
Mrs. O. E. Rogen, Mrs. Ida Ol
Ben, Mrs. Clarence Walker, Mrs.
P. A. King, Mrs. R. M. Phillips,
Miss Jean Rogen and Mrs. O. M.
Cbeelds of San Francisco.
Scotts Mills Mrs. Cora Heaton,
of Hill3b8ro. president of the Re
bekah assembly, paid Ivy Rebekah
lodge an official visit Tuesday and
gave an interesting talk. Ivy lodge
put on part of the degree work,
after which lunch was served.
Mrs. Heaton, a guest of Mrs. An
nette Hicks, over night, went to
Mills City Wednesday morning.
Other visitors present were Mr.
and Mra. R. G. Henderson of Sa
lem, Nellie Norton, Blanch Nor
ton, Grace Skilier, Ruth Ballwe
ber and Josephine Ballweber of
Monitor, Eda Rube. Alma Hene
mingsen and George Buch of Sil
verton. Mt. Angel Mrs. J. F. Sauvain,
Mra. Anne Holmes, Mrs. P. Zerr,
Miss Audrey Ebner and Miss Rose
Renner were hostesses at a bridal
showeT, honoring Miss Christine
Zerr, bride-elect, at the Zerr home
Wednesday night.
The evening was spent in play
ing "500 six tables being In play.
The high score prize was won by
Mrs. Henry Weiiand, second prize
by Mrs. Frank Hettwer and the
draw prize by Mrs. Fabian Stahl.
The card playing was followed by
lunch, served by the hostesses.
Mr. and Mra. D. R. Jamison of
San Bernardino, Calif., are visit
ing at the H. C. Shields home on
Browning avenue. Mr. Jamison's
mother, Mrs. Minnie Jamison,
lives with the Shields'.
Miss Evelyn DeMarals of Port
land is spending the weekend with
Miss Alberta Howe.
Planning Board
Members Added
Appointment of Lee Crawford
and Marvin T. Headrick, both
prominent in the young democrat
ic movement, as members of the
Marlon county planning board,
was announced at the meeting of
the board this week. This brings
the membership to 13. August
Huckestein is chairman and Dr.
J. C. Ebner of Mt. Angel, secre
Coats and Suits
for Wemen and Children
Tailored from all wool
materials and crepe silk
Lowest prices in Salem
for quality merchandise.
Thomas Kay Woolen Mills
materials at mill prices.
New Fall all wool materials
0 in. wide ranging in
price from . . .
$1.60 to $2 Per Yd.
Just Vet of Court how se
Briefs All In; Delegation
Of Authority Illegal,
Meyer Contends
All briefs in the ease against
Fred Meyer, Portland chain store
operator, involving the constitu
tionality of the state agricultural
adjustment act, have been filed
in the state supreme court.
The law previously was held un
constitutional by Circuit Judge.
Winters of Multnomah county.
The suit originally was filed to
restrain Meyer from selling ice
cream at a price under the code
quotation. Under Judge Winter's
decision Meyer must comply with
the code prices pending disposi
tion of the appeal In the supreme
court. Meyer contends that the
code was formed by manufactur
ers and distributors and-that it
raised the price of ice cream from
29 to 40 cents a quart.
Denies Farmer Benefited
"The fanner received only one
cent of the increase," the brief
filed by Meyer's attorneys read.
"The Oregon state agricultural
adjustment act is a flagrant viola
tion of the constitutional require
ment of a separation of legisla
tive and executive powers and is
an unconstitutional attempt to
delegate powers not possessed by
the legislature under the guise
of market agreements.
"If this type of legislation 1 Is
sustained the legislature could
meet, delegate all its powers to in
terested groups and adjourn for
ever." The case already has been
argued In the supreme court and
a decision probably will be hand
ed down late in September.
The decision of the supreme
court will affect 11 Oregon codes.
Mrs. Charles Weller has as
house guests this week three of
her sisters, Miss Ellen J. Cham
berlin, Mrs. George W. Belt and
Mrs. J. L. Schultz, all of Port
Chemeketa ahf- I.ibertr trmtm Snn.
day school at 9:45 and 11 a. m. Sunday
services at 11 a. nT. Subject of lesson
sermon, "Spirit." Testimony meetine
edne&dav ereninv .t A .'.In.t Th.
reading room in lissome temple open 11
m. to o:au p. m. except Sundays and
17th and Nebraska streets. R r Mnn
minister. Sunday church school at 9:45
a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Theme, "The Transformed Life." Com-
nmpa cnristian .ndesvor and evening
worship service at 7:30 o'clock. Contin
uing the study of the gospel of John.
195 North Commercial street. Cant.
and Mrs. McAlIsn. Sunday school at 9:30
m. Morning service at 11 o clock.
Young people'a meeting at 6:30 p. m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Bev. H. M.
Mead, spesker. Weekday services Tnes
dsy, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m.
North Cottage and Shipping streets
T. Springs, minister. Bible study at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Topic.
Parable of the Tares and the Wheat.''
Observance of the Lord's Supper. Eve
ning service at 7:30 o'clock.
19th and Ferry streeU. H. C. Stover,
minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m. J. J.
Thompson, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 o clock. Sermon, "What is
Your Namet"
8. Commercial at Washington street.
Chss. C. Il worth, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening gospel meeting at 8 o clock.
Midweek prayer meeting Thursday at 8
p. m.
Hazel and Academy streets. Bible
school at 10 a., m. Mare Saucy, superin
tendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Benj. Irona speakinT. Evening service at
7:30 o'clock. C. D. Saucy. Regular bible
stndy Thursday at 7:45 p. m.
Meets at the Salem Women's club. 460
North Cottage Street. Sunday school at
1U a. m. Preaching services st 13 noon.
71 if TT -s h M
THERE ia a decided twang of autumn in
the air . . . n6t a bit too early to shop for
your school wardrobe or plan a new frock,
suit or coat! '
Wherever gay, young people meet they're
going to be in wool. If you want to be a step
ahead, get into wool at once. These new ar
rivals are, indeed, a revelation in fabric and
pattern. Wooly tweeds, soft rabbit hair, semi
sheers of supple texture and a host of other
novelties here awaiting you.
Priced Surprisingly Low for Such Quality
Mils Cliftoa Boss, minister. 8unday
school at 10 a, m. T. D. Trick, superin
tendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Sermon, "I Will St Him on High.' In
tercessory praynr at 4 p. m. C. E. ee
eitie meet at 7 "tt. m. Evening evan
gelistic service at 8 o'clock. Reports of
Twin Bocks C E. conference. Sermon,
''mat Think Ye of Christ" will be illu
strated by film slides entitled. "Christ
Before Pilate." Vacation bible school con
tinues front 9 to 11:30 a, m. each day
this week.
North Cottsgii end Hood streets. L.
Wesley Johnson, pastor. Sunday school
classes at 10 a. m. Lyle D. Knox, super
intendent. Preaciing at 11 a. m, "Bless
ings or Afflictions." Young people's so
ciety at 7 p. at. Evening service at
o'clock. Subject, "An Adequate Gospel
lor 1935." 8pe:ial -mnsie by the Naia
rene church mule quartette. Teachers'
training class Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. di
rected by Mrs. U Wesley Johnson. Pray
er meeting 'Wednesday night at 8 o'clock.
Choir -rehearsal 1'ridsy evening.
Winter -and Ciaemeketa streets. G rover
C. Birtchet, D.O., pastor. Church school
at 0:30 a. m. J. K. Frtaaimmona, superin
tendent. Robert L. Evans, 1 D., of Pasa
dena, Calif., preaching on "The Indwell
ing Spirit." C. . societies at 6:30 p. as.
Evening -worship at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon,
"What are We to Believe About the
Bible" by Dr. Evans. Prsyer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. led by Dr. Evans.
State and Church streets. Jae. E. Mil
ligsn, pastor. R. M. Gstke, superinten
dent. The Sunday school meets at 9:45
a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The
sermon subject is, "Victim or Victor."
The young people's organixationa meet at
7 p. m. Evening worship at 8 o'clock.
J. A. White's nstional jubilee negro spir
itual singers will give a sacred concert.
Rev. Oswald Jefferson, pastor. Sundsy
school at 10 a. m. Ivan Hadley, super
intendent. WorsHip it 11 . n. Subject,
"Security and New Desl." Evening wor
ship at 8 o'clock.. Subject, "Prelude to
Personality." Junior league at 7 p. m.
Senior league at 7 p. m. Wednesday
night and Thnrsday at 8 p. m. service,
"Story of the Wilderness" by the pastor.
18th and State streets. Kev. Amos E.
Minneman, pastor. German services at
9:30 a. m. Kev. Matter Balterman
charge. English at 8 p. m. Kev. Jensen of
fcilverton conducting the service. Sunday
school st 0:30 a. m. Luther Lesgue at 7
p. m. Dorcjs society meets Wednesday at
& p. m. in cnurcn pariors.
Court and 17th streets. l. W. Dan
iels, pastor. Bible school st 9:45 a. m
Miss Jean Hawkins, superintendent. Morn
mg worship snd observance of the Lord's
Supper at 11 o'clock. Solo by Mrs. Mary
Hughes. Message, "Sharing." Christian
Lndcavor at 6:4j p. m. Lvening service
with music in charge of the Loyal Berean
class. Message, "Buried Treasure. Mid
week service Thursdsy at 7:45 p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Ross Hiles,
sapt. Rev. J. H. Wortman will bring
his farewell message at 11 a. m. Rev.
Wortman ia leaving for Spokane where
the Lmted Brethren will hold their an'
nual conference August 20. Rev. Ren
ton G. Roscoe. Portland, conference supt.
will preach at 8 p. m. and will hold the
last quarterly conference.
Center anc High atreets. Guy L. Drill,
minuter. Church sebool, B:30 a. m
Morning worship of the church, 10:45,
Communion of the Lord's Supper. Ser
mon, "A Holy Poverty." Young Peo
ple s service, 6:15 . m. Five groups.
Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. Sermon
theme, "Putting Jesus on the 8pot."
Church night service Wednesdsy evening.
341-345 North Church street: Rev. P,
W. Eriksen, pastor. 10:30 a. m., morn
ing worship. Sermon topic: "Is the
Way so Concealed or ao Difficult Tha
Few Only Find it!" Special music The
Ladies' Guild Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. at
the church parlors.
Mission, near 12th. A. S. Henderson,
pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Baptism after morning service. Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; Mrs. Alice M. Hencer
son, supt. Prayer service, 7:30, Wednes
day evening.
Fellowship center. 420 State street.
Sundsy services 8 p. m. only. Lecture
by Dr. Orlen Richard Kring. Subject,
"Environment. Devila Colored. Mid'
week services, Thursday. Circle, 8 p. m.
North Cottage and D streets. Rev. G
Senunke. assisting minister, smii
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at
11 o'clock. Evening- service at 7:30
o clock. Midweek prsyer Wednesdsy at
p. m.
Corner Rnmnev anil Mm., .(u.1.
Emorr W. PettienrA DTI. SlltiUlav Sin!
day school at 9:45 a. m. John J. Kudiit,
aupwnnienaeat. morning worship at 11
tnm. opeciai music. Bersawn,. -'jfani
Firat RrorHA flnak " Kmln t Will.
sea park at 8:30 p. m. High school lea
gue and young people' league at 630
n. f.venin- evangelistic service at 7:30
'clock, broadcast. Special music Sermon,
The Eighth Commandment" Bible stu
y Thursday at 7:80. p. m.
UDStairs. 44 1 Cnnr atvut V SI.-..
Bandera, pastor. Sunday Bible school at
-j a- in. ssorntng worm nip at 11 clock,
o'clock aersnoa follawawl liv knxim.i
service at the river. Young people's fel-
? . ' ' v' m" -Tngeutie service
t 8 O dock. Siirhininv fiii..v
ning over Sunday, 18th, the district fel
lowship conference of the Pentecostal
church wUl he in uui
services every evening open to the public
655 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, cas
tor. Sundsy school at 9:45 a. as. Morn.
rag worship at 11 o'clock. Theme, "The
Church at Philadelphia." Youi people's
meeting at 0:4a p. m. Evangeusue ser
vice at 7:45 p. m. Subject. "The Lardo-
eean Church." Bev. A. I. Garrison, whs
ia conducting meetings every evening this
wees, wui speaJc at nil the Sunday ser
vices. Prayer meetina Tneadav evenina-.
Young people's cottage prayer meeting
11 ciiunu; cclliD.
Sonth Tfirh n rl S-n-v mt-rmmtm ttnvV
school at 9:40 a. ni Mrs. W A ft.i-lr.i.
opt. liev. A. E .Dsvii Portland m;t
pastor. Morning worship at 10:50 and
young people s service combined with the
preaching service, at 7 o'clock. Young
people, who have been in attendance at
the aummer auemhlv t f..1i. win
give reports en the conference. Prayer
service end business meeting, Wednes
day, 1 :a p. m.
North Winter at Market street: M. H.
Pitcher, pastor. Sunday school at 0:45:
Herbert Hansen, supt. Morning worship
at 11. Subject, "Joy and Strength.-
The Y. P. M. 8. groups at 6:30; Maxine
rross. president, evangelistic service at
7:30. Prayer service, Thursday, 8 p. m.
W. M. S. business 'meeting Tuesday, 2
Corn of 17th and Chemeketa street: II
II. Dick, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45
m.; a. y. -r. aif, supt. Moraine wor
ship st 11, in German. No evening serv
ices as the church is invited to the
Dallas M. B. church to hear Rev. John
S. Dick, returned missionary from China,
upeat on Present Conditions in China
Prayer meeting on nednesdsy at 8 p. m.
Highland avenue at Church street: T
Clio Brown, pastor. Bible school at 10
a. m. Clifton Ross, supt. Worship at 11
Message, ."The Need of a Guide." Jun
ior C. K. at 8. Adult and intermediate
C. E.'s at 7. Evangelistic services st 8
p. m. Midweek prayer meeting, Thurs
day, 8 p. m.
Sunday school, 2 p. m. Messsge 3 p.
m. Salvation messsge, 7:45 p. m, Sun
day services at 1050 N. 16th street. Bi
ble study, Tuesday evening, 7 :45. Pray
er meeting Thursday, 7:45 p. m. These
services at 446 S. Cottage street.
North Capitol and Marion streets. Ed
win Horstman, pastor. Sunday school at
10 a. m. German services at 10 a. m.,
"Thy Kingdom Come." English services
at 11 a. m. The Rev. A. E. Binder, presi
dent of the regional conference of the
Pacific northwest district of the Evan
gelical and Reformed church, will speak.
Corner North Winter and Jefferson
streets. Rev. Lynn Wood, pastor. Church
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at
11 o'clock. Rev. C. L. Dark of Me
Minnville will preach. Epworth League
services at 7 p. m. Service ia charge of
Boy Scouts, troops 8 and 12, at 8 p. m.
South Commercial and Meyers streets.
Dean" C. Poindezter, minister. Church
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at
11 o'flock. Sermon, "Whe Gives Him
self." Epworth League at 7 p. m. Preach
ing at 8 p. m. Messsge, "I Go to Prove
My Soul."
North 19th and Breyman streets. Bible
school at 9:45 a. m. Harvey F. Finn, an
perintendent. Morning worshpi at 11
o'clock. Rev. J. E. Tooke preaching.
Tonng people's service st 7 p. m. Evening
worship at 8 o'clock.
Bible school at 9:45 a. m, Fred Broer.
superintendent. Preaching services at 11
. B n n H T P II. at 7 T. m.
Dr. J. E. Conant of Chicago, summer
snpply pastor, presence morning ana eve
UnnSnr mhiect 'A Christian
Labor Union." Evening. "Why Did God
Give the Ten Commandments I
Dfloce Aj?eJJmiGtt a Uew o2 ttEae Manasr
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LJ $9.95 "ft-? (nip ft
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WM Wttfm SEbg (So
135 North 'Libojr-OfiQtQGa
879 State St. -Salem '
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