The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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County W idle' Picnic
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Ore-cn, Thursday Morninj, Ac-ust 8, 1935
77 , o
Stf Sais on Her Pacific Run
Supper Will Be Served at 7
oXlock With Bonfire
Service After
Arrangements hare been complet
ed for the county-wide picnic for
members and friends of Christian '
Endeavor whica will be held Fri- i
daT afternoon and evening, Aug
ust. S, on" the Christian church
camn eronnds at Turner. Softball
and "water spo rts a re scheduled
for the afternoon in charge of
Phil Barrett of Salem and Dale
Crabtree oi Stayton.
. The picnic supper will be served
at 7 o'clock and the closing bon
- fire service will be In charge of
the "two Howards" - Howard
Cole and Howard Roberts. - AH
coming are requested tdbrlng well
filled baskets and fable,' service. '
Oil Million Dollar Road
The county road . oiling crew
has been working on the Lablsh
million dollar highway, since Mon
day morning. Operations were be
gan at the end of the pavement
one mile east of Brooks, extend
ing past the local scnooinouse a
short distance. When completed.
it will mean another objective ot
the community , club reached, as
that organization has been active
for many years in securing . road
improvement .for s the district. A
vast amount of produce is mar
keted over the road.
' Mr. and Mrs. H B. Aker left
last Thursday on a short, vacation
trip which will be spent in -Yel
lowstone park. The O.' G. Mc
Claughry family and -: Mrs. Mc-
Claughry's" mother returned Snn- j
day from v a five weeks - ' trip
throughout the southwest
:h ' -
p--4- r r 1 1 -
'- - V v -
: l.Ulj J '
f I ' Al.V
I 1 1 'A
Fox Terrier Bern
Minos Toil Though
x Other 4 Have One
Paper Mill Picnic at Haze!
Green Draws 800
The good ship Vigilant, slow bat picturesque. Is one of the few com
merclal sailing vessels that still ply their course between the main
land and Hawaii. From her home port of BeWngham, Wash., the
Vigilant regularly sails between Paget Sound and Honolulu, laden
with lumber on the outbound voyage and returning with 200 tons
in rock. International Illustrated ews Photo, ;
HAZEL GREEN. Aug. 7 Rev.
Edear Lour and Mrs. Long and
daughters. Misses Lois and Jean,
and Miss Ethel Walsh were guests
Monday of Mrs. Long's sister. Mrs.
Robert Massie and brother Alex
ander Sharp, Mr. Long and wife.
who is also a minister, are re
turning? to Medford for annual
conference and camp meeting of
Free Methodist church at Beaver
ton. They were assigned to
Lents. Portland, having served
Medford four years, the time Bm
it of their denomination. - Doris
Massie returned from Portland
with Mr. Long."''--
Mrs. - J. Matleys and grand
children of Vancouver, Wash.,
were guests of Rev. and Mrs. J.
H. ; Wortman at the parsonage.
800 at Mm Picnic
Sunday was a busy day at the
pork. - There were 800 present at
the Paper Mill picnic. , The Swe-
gle .community and a riate pic
nic were also well attended.
Mrs. Tony "Kasper and: chil
dren, Carolyn and Irwin, Mrs. W.
H. Williamson and sons, Donam
Zielinski-and Alois, Mrs. Nina
Yarmen and children, Marjorle
and Bettie, and Mrs. Yarmen's
sisters, Miss Boyt have returned
from a vacation at Neiarts and
DAYTON, Aug. 7. One
fox terrier male in a litter
of five paps: on the C J..
Countiss farm was born
Monday without taiL It Is
otherwise normal and thriv
ing. . . '
. . - Last February the same
mother : gave birth to two
pups without tails in litter
of four.. The mother's and
aire's tails were docked when
they were pups. -
fortunate - enough to have siring
beans are considering themselves
lucky and are planning on l can
ning them la small .Jars to make
them go as far as possible, cause
ot the beans sot maturing has not
been determined.
Varied Improvements
Noted at Hazel Green
HAZEL GREEN, Aug. 7. Max
Woods has painted his house In
cluding the roof. George Morris,
on the farm ; formerly owned by
Edgar Johnson,, has shingled his
dwelling. N. P. Williamson Has a
new roof and now is painting his
barn. The house on the Ralph Van
Cleave farm has a new roof. The
Watts family live there now.' Ben
Clemens is installing a new boiler
in his sawmill. -, . -
Peterson Family of Suver
Moves to New Home
, on Highway
Grangers' News
SUVER, Aug. 7.A load of hay
In the barnyard at the Ralph Hes
ter farm, accidently caught fire
and burned up. The wagon and a
few fence posts were also ruined.
The L; N.1 Peterson familyov'
ed from Suver the first of this
week Into their new home on the
Monmouth - Corvallis highway op
posite Flickenger's service station.
" - Mrs. Areneart IU 5 i
Mrs. C I. G." Areheart, who has
been quite 111 for sometime, was
taken to the Salem hospital the
first of the week and underwent
a major operation. She is reported
still In a dangerous condition.
. Yvonne Kerr and grandmother.
Mrs. Brown, drove to Airlie Sun
day to visit Earl Brown and his
son, Norman, who suffered a rath
er serious accident Saturday at the
sawmill when a steel cable broke.
Norman had three pieces of steel
removed from his eye but the phy
siclan says the sight was not in
jured..:-.' ,'. . - '
Fayettesville, N. C, had a sur
plus of $37,714 at" the end Of its
last fiscal year. . -- ;
TALBOT ' Anar. 7. The social
night at the Ankeny grange hall
Saturday brought out a 1 a r g e
crowd. Dancing and visiting were
enjoyed until a late hour. Supper
was served by the women at mid
night. r .
Forty-eight members were present
at tne outaoor meeting of the
Brush College grange held in the
community prove Friday ight. At
7 o'clock a club supper preceded
a short business session conduct
ed by Mrs- W. n. Henry, , grange
master. The, next meeting will be
held In the Brush' College school
house September 13 Instead ot
the usual date. ' v "
All 4-H club members of te
district were urged to take ex
hibits to the Polk county fair.
; VICTOR POINT, Aug. 7. The
regular meeting of the Union Hill
Home Economics club will Te held
at the W. F. Krens home Wednes
day, August ; It; Instead ot tbe
Hubbard home as formerly an
nounced. Mrs, Hubbard will astSst
the hostess. .
American automobile tires are
becoming popular , in Turkey.
That's an average of 27 miles to the gallon. I drove front
Salem - to Portland and return at about 60 to 53 miles per
hour. I would not have believed It if I bad not done it myself
In that Little Standard Six 4-door . .
(The above test and statement from a Tecent Graham pur
chaser. The gas tank' was til), a of ore and after the run.)
Open Sunday Until 5:30 P. Week Days Until :80 P. M.
xoDEn urioc.
445 Center Street
Phone 6 133
Salem, Oregon
Graham Sales and Service for Marion and Polk Counties i
Home of Good Used Cars ' - '
AUMSVILLE. Aug. 7. A num
ber of Aumsville people were in
attendance at : the : Masonic and
Eastern Star picnic dinner held at
Turner Sunday. Those going from
here, were Mr. and Mrs. Ed -Wal
lace, Mr. "' and Mrs." Charles Col-
vin. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson
and small grandson. Miss .Alice
Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. " Herman
Lewis of Santa Clara, Calif.; were
here to attend the picnic. ; ;
, - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Highberger en
tertained, ai dinner at their home
S u n d a y, : honoring, her mother,
Mrs". -Margaret t Hilderschlem, of
T Spokane. V ;r : ".' ii
- Elwln Cbeffings fell on the curb
In. Salem Saturday, night and
broke -two" bones in his wrist. He
is having to carry the injured
member in a cast, h ; ' ' '
mm of us
WOODBURN, Aug. 7 The
; 13th annual reunion of the second
Oregon volunteer infantry, vet
erans of the Spanish-American
war, will be held in Laurelhurst
park, Portland, Sunday, August
ill. ' .
Rev. Francis H. Ball of Trinity
Episcopal church will be the prin
cipal speaker. It is hoped that
Congressman James W. Mott will
be present to give an address. The
program will begin with mess call
at 1 o'clock. Music will 'be fur
nished throughout the afternoon
by the 16 2nd infantry band. Com
rade Rev. Willard Elkins will lead
the , opening Invocation, prayer
and benediction." . Colonel Percy
Willis will give the address of wel
come. Comrade Richard Delcn
will read the names of. those who
hare, answered the last roll call
since the 1934 reunion, and will
also read the resolutions. Lieut.
J. A. McKinnon, Co. H, will give
reminiscences ot his recent trip to
Manila and other oriental cities.
and Captain Harry L. Heath, Co.
A, will speak.
Colonel Percy Willis Is chair
man of the association and' Rich
ard Deich is secretary. .
Ray Maling Buys
Balance J Berries
at 3 Cents Pound
WOODBURN. Aug. 7. - The
Woodburn Fruit Growers Cooper
ative association has disposed of
the balance of its evergreen black
berry tonnage to the Ray-Maling
cannery company of Woodburn at
3 cents a pound, field run as to
size. Two hundred tons were sold
to Libby McNeil and Libby at the
same price last week.
The sale Tuesday cleaned up
the entire tonnage in this local
ity. Delivery started Monday with
10 tons being received. 7?
Lowly String Bean
in Heavy Demand
by Rickey Wives
RICKEY, Aug. 7. The lowly
string bean has come into its own
and from all appearances will be
king of vegetables this winter in
this community. Ordinarily the
siring; bean is used as a filler
when a large amount of food is
needed but this year if a Rickey
hostess serves string beans that
came from her 'very own gar
den" it will be considerable of a i
delicacy. . "
The bean vines bloomed pro
fusely but the greater part of the
blossoms dropped off in many gar
dens and only a few beans ma
tured. Several housewives report
only a "mess or two of string
beans this year. Those who are
Water Carnival- is
;. FeatureT Today of
: fji League's Institute
. FALLS cfrY. Aug 7. The
1935 Ep worth; League institute
got off to a good start -Saturday
night after a few words of greet
Ina; by Dean Johnson and intro
duction of members of the fact lty.
Recreational " Director Terry and
Reed organized the young people
Into four Indian tribes. Compe-
. tition rill M keen between the
tribes In all the sports.. 7; ; ,
. Thursday afternoon m : w a te r
carnival will be staged. It will
consist of one hour ot clowning
and stunting in the water.; fi.
The C. Mode home was com
pletely destroved by' lire a&out 3 ,
o'clock Sattfrday morning. No one
was at, home as' tbe family was
vacationing at the coast. '
1 11 TN 1
laena LJiCKerson
Dies at Molalla
. Following-Stroke
- MOLALLA. Aug. 7. idella
Thornton Dickerson. 77. a resi
dent of Molalla for Over 20 -years,
died Monday night at her i home:
near here. She suffered a paraly-
tlCstroke' Friday. She was born
In" Jon esville, . Mich.; April - 29 ,
18S8. She came west in 1889,
Srhere she lived iaJfresoa : City
Beaver Creek, Maple: Lane and
Molalla. v.Vr .-i'J. -c
She was married in 1890 to W..
O. Dickerson, who. survives her.;
She also leaves : two daughters.
- Mrs. B. O. Cole and. Miss Birdie
Dickerson, both -of Molalla: She
was a member of the Methodist
Episcopal church and of the Mo
lalla grange.-'
Vouths os ounxa
HUBBARD. Aug. 7. - A group
of young - people from Hubbard
are enjoying a three day outing
at Pat's Acres, near Barlow, Mrs.
Marie Claypool is their chaperons.
The group includes Miss Beatrice
Claypool, Miss Marlon McKensle,
.Mrs. Janice Ryan and son, Jim-
mlc. Miss Iris Moomaw. and Miss
Marjorle Friend.-
. HAYSSVILLE. Aus;. 7. Mr
and Mrs. J. W. Hilborn, who
have been living on the B&tdorf,
place, have moved to Salem and
the place is now occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. F. Chapman, parents of
Mrs. Berns Chrlstofferson. ;
PRATUM, Aug. 7. Mr. and
Mrs, Cobllts from Washington, are
v!6iting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Powell. Tuesday Mr.
and ' Mrs. Coblitz, Mr. and Mrs.
Powell and Henryand Lydia Pow
ll.motored to Breitenbush, v
Your response has been most gratifying during the Executor's Settlement
Sale just closed. Now toe, go ahead and clear the broken lines caused by the
forced selling, and pave the way for our re-organization and fall opening.
All broken , lines of regular stock and
especially men's and young: men's sport
styles of Brooks famous quality cloth
ing will go in this
lit' l 'VHV
V.- - vi--v -,
iv,- I wu
i r .Vhmu rS ,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Featuring
Our Finest
Sport Style
All Wool
. 3-Piece
It's an almost unbe
lievably low price on
these reg. to $24.50
; values. Not all sizes In
every model and pat
tern bnt . all sizes In
the group. . -
For Men
Even at this sensa
low price
charge will . be
for altera
A few genuine Greenwich,
worsteds and Saxony wool
ens In popular staple weaves
included In this lot.
f nf Even at
JIT tionaUy
WW tlons.
Store-wide choice of our "Hand-Crafted' salts. Absolutely unbeatable
at our regular price of 29.50. r Think what It means in savings when
yon take your pick now at only SI 7.85. All sizes while they last, so
come early! -.'" ' .
Lien's Slacks & Trousers
Absolutely any pair worsted slacks, some from
our highest priced sport suits. Zipper and pleated
styles included. Values to $6.50 the pair, choice
New stripes, fancy weaves and
'patterns. Reg. 85c values9c .
Fine AU Wool and Mohair -SWEATERS
AH wool pull-overs, reg. 12.95 '
value. Also in fancy backs, tip
per . coat - styles, ; mohairs, etc. :
Choice $1.89
Jerry-J, McGregor and - HoUy
Knits, new awing backs, sip
per styles too. Values to $7.50,
at choice : ..$3.89
Men's Fancy Quality Hose j
Rayons and mixtures in 'smart
patterns. Reg. 25c pair; now at
3 pairs for only ,,.,-..".,, She
Holeproof and Wilson Bros,
reg 35c and 50c hose, now,
the pair at, ;..;...;.gfte
Extra large size, woven color
ed borders in assorted colors.
Also all white. Reg. 2 Sc each,
now 1 for yi.,-!.-;-: , ga
Vat-dye fancy broadcloth shorts
of fine Quality. Values to .7 5c.
and : shirts to go with them. ;
Choice, the garment - , , ffOc
Matched sets, shirts aijd shorts
in our regular. $1 value. The
set, now ..j-;..!
Made of tine leather, wide or
narrow, braided or plain. Reg
ular S5 wlnM o.
SG8 DoCCdbob's
Thcr.. Fri. & Sat
X Glare Xf
L iJ I
Tronsparent oreen cellu- - Bloc
' loid . . . with strong wi
odjustoWe "S
brocket. . -
All Road Hazard
, end service at all our more than
,170 Stores in the West!
A tire for every purse ond purpose.
Ruggedly built, non-skid treads, more
"f mileage for your money.
Tires Mounted FREE
. .Strong hardwood
frame with heavy
iMsfcf Si
A -Tls - Xail and X 0)nt1J
. n SP? .tllght A ; stop Llght yS
- A rugaed guaranteed light. VVL'
:ellu- Block enameled ... complete V Block enameled, chro-; " A - Sn
nfl with cord Cr Mazda bulb. V mlurn plated tnm, . 1. . .yy
S For open or closed N,. brilliant redre- ; rfv"' '
SJr- cars. V flector lens. rJr f- X
1 1 rWP4A uAr II 1 1 w w. i
. iff .$. m,,m7
7M I ' nder burner ON CHS" " 7
; (ml I broce.Ufts3500lbs.Operotes C? " :-
W I :;.fmtondino position. -Mr 7"
II inches. il!Sie V I ? by mctiort cup. -
m . st - ub - - wm mw . m m i
7X7 Foot
Auto Tent
Full 7x7 feet With '6-6 ridge ond 3 -foot well
. White material , . . with stakes.
7x7 feet Khaki Waterproof
Auto Tent
Umbrella style Tents, from $17.90 up.
' .... .',
Cnmn Stool w
. - -
VP, According to
Cmr mnd Material.
Mod tuff wWH, no tcrwx. . Strong motoric!.
firmly k3Ck-titchd . . ottroctiv pattams.
LEADER Coupe or Roadster $ .9S
, 4-Door Sedan ,. ' , -,$1.y
DURO, os shown- '
i Coupe or Roodster.$1.S7 arid $1.95
2-Door Sedan or Cooch..$3.48 ond $3.90
4-Door Sedan....: ...$3.67 ond $3.75
HOLLYWOOD Coupe or Roodsr..$2.57
- - 2-Door Sedan or CoocK$4.SS to $5.95
- 4-Door Sedon ,. , :;:;,. $4.85 to $5.20
Metal reinforced hard
wood frame. . . 1 0-oz.
white duck.Very strong
. folds compactly.
$4.5 to S3S.00 (
American Home Enaxncl
SpoGiall .:Da.tttdi?y:
A'splendid oll-new-mqterial bqttery ft
for.light passenger cars using ,v : " S-ri'
;No. I. size cose.
Ijf J mitk U
A high quality, quick drying,
gloss enamel, ot a saving price.
Covers well, hides well, easily
applied. White, Ivory, Sea Green.
5 tt;-
' At fmr turn frirt wm
; , Powerful bottery for light pessenger cars.
IHcm mUtkti, himk U
'W" cenw
Absolutely clear. , .
Protects surface ond
dries herd in 1 -hr.
Scrubbing, washing
does not effect it.
Cinli and
V&lvc Gr indies Outllt
i Includes vocuum
type Volvo Grinder, lever type Volve Uf ter
"Gem" Valve Grinding Comp. ond. Spring.
Everything you' need for grinding valves.
Gtczzz Hctclncra
Rear Inner. at
Chew, truck '30 ICJ53
Front Chev. 25-'3 1, Ponttoc 2S-'31,
Oaklana w .
Ror A ford'28-'3l.
Axl and Pinion chart 'A' Ford '25-'31;
JK254 13
JC25S 27c
. . , Dries quickly and
forms o tough, lasting.
pure white finish re
tempting reol porcelain j
0; .J&m jD 'Hv- v?j ... t
sale:i stoicd
I 210 North Commercial St. Phone 7177