PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm, Oregon, .Wednesday Morning-, July 31, 1935, - - DRCUfg. Budge and Allison Beaten ' As British Clean up; Vets Will Retire WIMBLEDON. Eng., Julr S 0-(yp-The American Da-ria cup ten nis regime, which has been fight tag unsuccessfully to regain the trophy annnally since losing it to France in 1927 came to the end of the road again today as Eng land's forces completed the most painfol ront Inflicted on a U. S. team In 24 years. England swept all five match- es and brought to a magnificent finish her second . straight de fense against America of the tro- phy wrested from France two years ago. It was England's eighth cup Tlctory since the in ternational series started. A few minutes after H. W. "Bonny" Anstin and Fred J. Perry had defeated Don Badge and Wilmer Allison, respectirely, giving Great Britain a white wash Tlctory over the United States, Allison announced his re tirement from Davis cup play. His veteran doubles partner, Johnny; Van Ryn, said he felt Just abont the same way. Tanks Win Set Each . v.- The 20-year-old California phe - nomenon became the rictim of the fourth point when he bowed to Austin in four sets, 6-2, 0-4, 6-8, . 7-5, giving the Briton revenge for the defeat administered by Budge in the quarter finals of the all-England championships. Perry finished Allison in four eta, 4-6, 6-4, 7-5, 6-3, and com pleted the ront The Americans were a dis couraged lot but were able to see one glimmer of sunlight in Badge's bright red hair. "I think he has made a great showing for his first time over and he undoubtedly is the one to build future teams around." said Harry Hillman, Dartmouth college track coach andS trainer of the U. S. team. Home Teams Top Invading BallOutfits Kay Mill rallied in the final Innings to come from behind and beat the Portland Woolen Mills team 11 to 5 in an inter-city soft ball double-header on Sweetland field last night Master Bread led all the way in beating the Mc Minnville All Stars 13 to 5. - Barrick drew a walk in the sixth to start Kay's on a run get ting spree that netted them nine runs in", three innings. They scored three times in the sixth, four in the fifth and two in the eighth. The Portland team scored four runs In tbe sixth on four hits. an .'error and a walk. Master Bread hit safely 18 times against the McMinnville stars. Kellogg hits for the cir cuit in the eighth with two men on. Portland Mills 5 9 4 Kill MU1 . .11 11 5 ' G, Doig and Foss; Mickenname and Barnes. McMinnville 5 11 6 Master Bread 13 18 1 Copeland and Price; King, Bahlburg and Kellogg. 3- 12 13 15 16 6 21 23 24 25 26 21 32 33 f77 36 Cross Word Puzzle VA 43 44 45 46 47 41 SO By EUGENE VTA XX HORIZON! AL 1 -upright tide of doorway 6 sodium carbonate 9 possessive . , pronoun 12 xillary 13 hostilities 14 extinct bird 15 ponders 17 peep inv . pertinently IS machine for sowing 19-cuts 21 wander about 22 fixed gaze 23 mean habitation 26 resting cozily 28 salutation 29 length measure .. SO devoured 31 divested of, covering v 34 mud . " rolcano :-v 88 vegetable , exudation 17 perceive 23 stow cargo 39 pertaining to ankle 43 belonging to us 44 want of knowledge 48 fury 47 costly 48 lacerated 49 guided 50-brink Blwater pitcher Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. BllliiSi White SoxCUmbtoWithin Game of Yanks, Gaining on Tigers Also; Leaders Lose AMERICAN LEAGUE W. ' L. Pet Detroit 57 37 .606 New York . 52 37 .584 Chicago 50 37 .575 Boston ......... 48 44 , .522 Cleveland 45 44 .506 Philadelphia .... 39 47 .453 Washington 39 54 .419 St Louis 30 60 .333 CHICAGO, July SO.--CW-cago's third place White Sox came home today to conquer Cleveland, 8 to 6, In a battle of extra base hits and moved one game closer to both Detroit and New York in the. American league pennant tussle. The league leading Tigers, who lost to the, St Louis Browns, were three and a half games ahead of the Sox at the close of the day's business, while the margin of the second place Yankees, who were defeated at Philadelphia, was cut to one game. Cleveland . ; 10 1 Chicago 8 11 0 Pearson and Phillips; Kennedy and Shea. Rowe Badly Treated DETROIT, July 30.-P)-The St. Louis Browns, showing no fav oritism to American league lead ers, showered Schoolboy Rowe and the Detroit Tigers with a 12 hit barrage today to take the series opener, 8 to 6. Ducks Pound Out 11 Hits, Defeat Sacs COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. San Francisco ....25 17 .605 Missions 25 19 .568 Los Angeles 22 20 .524 Seattle 22 20 .524 Oakland 22 21 .512 Portland 21 22 .488 Sacramento 18 26 .409 Hollywood 17 27 .386 PORTLAND, Ore., July 30.-UP) -Pounding out six hits for four runs in the first inning and pounding out another counter in the third, the Portland Beavers tonight downed the Sacramento coast league nine 5 to 1 in the in itial game of the series. Posedel, for the Beavers, yield ed seven hits but kept them well scattered except in the third when the Senators tallied their only score. Koupal weathered the first frame for the losers but went out in the sixth for Zinn. Davis, Portland first - sacker, walloped a two-bagger for the only extra-base hit of the game. Sacramento 1 7 1 Portland 5 11 1 Koupal, Zinn and Berres; Pose del and Cronin. San Francisco 10 13 1 Los Angeles 3 7 1 Ballou and Woodall; Meola, Kimball and Goebel. Hollywood 3 9 2 Missions 4 7 0 Hebert and Desautels; Mitchell and Frankovifch. Oakland .1 3 4 Seattle 9 11 1 Haid and Raimondi; Barrett and Bottarini. BELLING HAM GOLF CLUB, Bellingham, Wash., July S0.-(Jpy- Al Zimmerman, Portland, and Neil to 14 7 11 20 'A 22 21 4 27 30 V, 35 'A 34 37 3? AO 41 42 4 a A 51 SHEFFER VERTICAL 1 sticks fast 2 opposite to a weather 8 con structed 4 structure over river 6 turf 6 cereal grass L2 7 clothed 8 property 9 of superior size 10 violent streams 11 utters 16 river duck 20 vessel 23 possessed 24 musical prelude 25 gave a gloss to 26 incline the head 27 iriviBg command 29 failed to follow rait 32 employ 33 Apportion 34 scorch 35 charge with gas 87 reserve fund 88 dirt 40 Form of precipiU- " tion , 41 land mea - sure 42 To look askance - 45 horse Russ Van Atta got credit tor the victory, although he retired In the sixth Inning after successive singles by Greenberg and Goslin and a long fly by Rogell had given the Tigers their third -ran and endangered the early five run lead of the Browns. St Louis Detroit . . 8 12 12 Van Atta, Knott, Thomas and Hemsley; Rowe, - Sullivan and Cochrane. Ostermueller Good WASHINGTON, July SO.-tfV Boston won the first game of Its series with the Senators today, 11 to 4, as Fritz Ostermueller pitch ed four hit ball. Boston 11 13 1 Washington 4 4 3 Ostermueller and R. Ferrell; Hayes, McLean, Pettit, Russell and Holbrook, Coppola. Tanks Nosed Out NEW YORK, July 30. (ff) -The Philadelphia Athletics nosed out the Yankees 6 to 5 today in the free swinging opener of a four game series. New York - 5 11 1 Philadelphia 6 9 3 Ruffing, Malone, Murphy and Dickey: Mahaffey, Marcum an Richards. Christian, Yakima, were tied at the close of the Washington state open golf championship today. with a score of 283. They will play off the tie for the title to morrow. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE (wHEREb I I IN TH' SWIMMIN- - "X I I S N NUTHIN ' -J-LP OvW-OOn 9 I V BREED TANK; I DOVE ( VSURE L WHATfe ASH A I SERIOUS ,) HE BUMPED, A I 0-'uu000 .q 7 v(TH'BUMBr INTO 'ER WITHOUT k KEEP IN 1 WAILIN' ABOUT, J SUSIE. ( HIS CRAZ" BONE! ) AM'QOOqoo rni7 son? ) look in' t" see yW character.; S sam'L? J -vtj --S7r1 fC& 'CONSARN IT ALU J THAT'S THE - - ftf LAST TOWN ON THE ROAD AND ff , i PROSPECTORS I pFTp AN' rrr -r- , SQUEAKY" SWWG ( GOT A LITTLE SOLjfNCH J ( THOSE DOGGONE '"T WHAR BE V CLAIM OUT fh AR STU.U S V DELAYS COST -&HggF ( HEADED, IN THE W AHEAD ) ITu X US TOO MUCH LuAsSeoV STRANGERS? V DESERT.' Hhmr THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye fWOi. GET BrCK AtH'T GOT HO TIME J My V FOR tAO 8LfST60 jsi c ( LOVE SICKNESS, ? tW7 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TOOTS AND CASPER X GWB YOO MV WO CD AMNie ROONEY M IS NOT 1M SOUTH BOCO - MY MEN HAVE WAOMTEO THAT BURS tW -v CAY AMD NVGHT 'w-.r7 YOUR MEN- ' rfj v y THEV COULDN'T f Jr ) FIND AN ELEPHANT DAN, tVB LOCATED OALLY PIPPIM BV A STRANGE .TWIST OF IWE 1 crOT A AfrKlAr M1IMRJR WHEINl 1 "PHONED "TOOTS AND SALLY CAME ON THE WIRE! son h FORMED. RfiOlALLA MOLALLA, July SO. -A toft ball league composed of four teams sponsored by Molalla busi ness men has been formed here. The first regular game will be Tuesday night at the high school grounds when Fogles'ong's Bone-' makers will play Marson's Chevs. This evening Henriksen's Rolla tors will play the Riddell and Ken dall Marketeers. Thursday the losers of these two-games will play and Friday the winners will play. All games, with the excep tion of Friday's will be at the high school at 7 p. m. Friday's game will be at the Buckeroo grounds preceding the weekly free talking picture show. Managers of the teams are E. R. Wallace, Jess Emmert, Oswald Maroon, Marvin Henriksen and Jack Gregory. Day Crew Wins Horseshoe Bout Dissension loomed between. The Statesman sports staff and the day mechanical crew yesterday when it was found that the sport pages bore a story of the night crew defeating the daytime work ers at Softball at the annual Statesman picnic while no story showed the Tlctory of day over night at pitching horseshoes. The day team of Harold White and Lloyd Stif fler vanquished the night team of Phil Miller and W. R. Smalley at shoe tossing. The night crew explained its de feat bysaying that its star player injured a finger while practicing Softball. YES, THE TO SHE 6rAVE MB HER ADDRESS AND I'M 6rOtN6r OVER TO SEE HER RldrHT AWAY OH. SHE'S NOT MARRIED AND I CAM TET HER TO MAKE UP M WITH HERMAN, HEOJ- PUT YOU MatNobility Speedy Battle Here .Class - noble or etherwlse wins and Lord Lansdowne, cle-, ver grappler , from Barrlngton, England, demonstrated class with a capital K as he subdued Larry Tillman, -aandy Vancouver "-grap-f pier, "in the "armory maln event last night. Tillman could rarely keep his holds on the clever and slippery Englishman whose acrobatic training stood him in good stead. The lord worked his favorite trick of a rope flip Into a cradle to win the first fall in 15:45. Tillman got a series of full nel sons on the duke to end the sec ond round. Lansdowne cleverly, slipped out of two of them only to have Tillman regain tbe hold and Tillman finally pinned him with a body slam following his third full nelson, in six minutes. In the final go Lansdowne ran Tillman into the ropes to break a fuU nelson and fell on him to take the last fall in 7:36. Devil Disqualified Rob Roy, Michigan, was awarded the deciding fall in his match with the Red Devil, Mon tana, on a foul after the "dirty devil" had punched him groggy with closed fists. Roy took the first fall in 12 minutes with an Indian death lock. The Red Dev il took the second in ten min utes with a series of body slams and a flying drop kick. Dickie Trout, San Diego, and. Danny M c S h a n e, Hollywood, wrestled to a draw In the open er. A three-way rough-house in which McShane.took a flying leap at Trout and landed sprawled on the press table followed the de cision. Head On the GOT A LITTLE CLAIM OUT IN THE Now Showing "Birds of a Feather" G'tJ'. BEfT VT BACK. TO VER UDORK.YA VVW-BrXHEO MOTS, BEFORE 1 CKftCKS DOWN Or4; YA1. An Open r PUMPED ALL THOSE SERVANTS - MOARLANO DOESNT MOARLANO'S BUTLER IS IN HOSPITAL.- I TALKED t HIM - HE WOULDN'T UE WHEN HB. THINKS HEa SONNA CROAK a l The Price of IN THE MOVIES OUT OF KEEL KB, - FIBSTT1TIE OK MT.-ANGEL, July 80. . The ML- Angel Junior Legion nine won the first' of a three game series with Milwaukie 4 to J here Sun day In an exciting pitchers' battle between Bourbonnais and Hurle. Milwaukie got otf to aa early lead but in the eighth Mt. Angel tied the score at three all. Third Base man Hall's hit in the ninth in ning brought in the winning run. Bourbonnais, Mt. Angel's star moundsman, allowed no earned runs. The second game of the play offs for the district championship will be played at Milwaukie Sat urday at 2 p. m. The winner of the series will be eligible to en ter the state finals' to be held at Woodburn. Mt. Angel 4 4 Milwaukie 3 5 0 Bourbonnais and Harold; Hurle and Mise. Dan O'Mahoney Now Undisputed King ofMatmen BRAVES FIELD, Boston, July 30. - (JP) - Danno O'Mahoney. 22 year old Irishman, tonight gained the undisputed heavyweight wres tling championship by tossing Ed George out of the ring after , an hour and 39 minutes of earnest grappling. Jimmy Braddock, heavyweight ring champion and referee of the match, counted up to 20 and when George failed to return to the ring, awarded the victory to O'Ma honey. First Spot follerin' us claim-Jumpers, YE KNOW! THEY'RE WANTED BACK E AST TOO, FER STEALIN' A P.OLICE ZAT SO? WAAL, JEST LET EM ENTER MOTOR-vr-i ts ' OUR CITY AND THEY'LL BETAKEN Wccrn THE OEftRtt WSW?! THEM Cff7.Vr-i C7 O W 60MS 6ETTIN'J v 'i I VI T rJ0S' OVER COUPLE ' TORTLE-OOVES I SUSPOSETHEV WT GOT MO UJlLL-POU)ER Air Gass BUTLER- I'LL SEE THAT A IV y KEE!? r r I I if I ONE SOONER OR LATER THAT LITTLE BRAT WILL TRY IN TOUCH WITH HM Gratitude IN TOUCH WITH HIM . YES, CASPER, IT'S A FACT SOPHIE HAS LOCATED SALLY PIPPIN HERMAN LU&6r 'S SWEETHEART OP LONcr AtrO EE(I HOPE SHE AINT MARRIED SO SHE'LL, BE FREE TO TEAM up with HIM AtlAIN! I I I I rm a. Donkey Ball Slated Here :ust6 "Waifs and'Hogg Bros. Softball clubs have been signed to play a donkey ball tilt on August 6. at Oliager field, it was announced yesterday by the 20-30 club, spon sor! of a three-day donkey ball show. The opener of the series on Monday night. August . 5, will be a contest between the 20-30 club and the Salem Lions. Participants in the third game have not yet been announced. The rules of the game provide that the fielders and base-runners be mounted on donkeys. When , ball is hit- the fielder must ride hia animal to it, get off, remount and throw. It would seem that the advantage would be entirely with the runners. The catch is that the donkeys, members of a touring troupe, have been trained to halt before arriving at first base and the rules forbid the run ner to dismount. wcucomc to - OnAue SOOEAKV SPRINGS Pthe PRitNoefcrry Three HOURS LATER.' - 7 3 Jo?.Pr HE? GETS AND GET -AW T TJAf?f? ELL. m Ka ttamn SfriidK, hot daws? HeLlV Ml HERE'S AN OLD PICTURE OF SA1XY--BEAUTIFUL LITTLE 98 POUND SALLY, WITH THE Blqr . -BLUE EYES AND 6GLDZM HAIR: CASPER, ILL BE IN WITH HERMAN FOR WHEN I BRUMCr HIS SWEETIE BACK TO BBTOB TIME TITLE WOODBURN,- July 30 The Woodburn Townies won the title to the. league championship, when they as champions of the north ern division, -of .the JMid-WillAm-ette baseball league defeated Turner, champions of the south ern division, Sunday afternoon at Turner. The final score was to 1 for Woodburn. The Woodburn team started scoring in the first inning and were successful in making four runs. The other two scores were gained in the third. Turner's oniy score was made in the sixth when Pearson was at bat, and knock ed a high fly over center field ft r a home run. Woodburn 8 T 2 Turner 1 3 2 Batteries: For Woodburn, Kus- see. Batchelor and Halter; Tor ner, Bradley aad Lnley. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR By JIMMY MURPHY 3 ? o Jy I'D LOVE TO BE IN THE SCHOOL, BUT I'M AFRAID THAT NOSEY OLD MISS SAE$H WILL. SEE ME ITS NICE AND SUNNY OUT HERE WN PRETEND TM STIU.G01H'T0 SCHOOL. - he, CfM trittia ri(ta mmi By BRANDON WALSH r What A HAPPY : TT WILL BE FOR THE OLD F3G71D2D SALLY . IS', , :. NOT ALREADY' MARRIED! SOLID LIFE OLD V4 A N 1 ....-.-i4i.rn t - - I Hit.