The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1935, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Jnly 17, 1935
Neuswanger First to Cut
Waldo Hills Wheat Field
For Third Season in Row
State Park is Mecca Sunday
for. Many Picnickers
1 From All Over .
SILVER FALLS, July lft. Ex
tremely warm weather bronght
many picnickers to the state park
here, Sunday. An estimate of
1000 cars was made during the
day, a record breaking crowd for
this: season. Probably the largest
group of Tisitors was that of the
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs who
gathered for their annual all day
The strawberry season here Is
near completion, the last pickings
in some fields to be early this
week. The crop this year was
somewhat light, due to late frosts,
and extreme warm weather at the
beginning of the season. Heavy
rains in this district lengthened
the season, kicking of raspber
ries, black caps and cultivated
wild blackberries began last week
Picnic at Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Neal had
as their guests Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Hawkins of Toledo
Joining this group at a picnic din
ner at the state park were Mr. and
Mrs: William Elder of Silverton;
Ed Hallick, Salem; Mr. and Mrs
eharles Goodwin,kpark caretaker,
and Mr. and Mrs. Geory Neal. Eu-
eenia. Eulina and Lillth Neal.
Truman Hamill is visiting his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ham
ilk He has been in the veterans
hosDital at Portland for some
time and is now much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin
have had as their guests Mrs
Goodwin's mother, Mrs. Margaret
Werner of Boardman, also her
sister. Mr. and Mrs. John Heck
Doris, Frances and Cathern of Se
attle: and Mrs. Werner of Se
McCOY. July 16 Miss Winona
Finn was honored with a bridal
shower by Mrs. Rose Jennings
and daughter, Mrs. Beatrice
Brown, at the lovely Jennings
country home recently. Miss Finn
announced her marriage to John
E. Coleman of Portland for Aug
ust 4. The rooms were decorated
with pink Dorothy Perkins roses
Dainty refreshments were serv
ed Mrs. August Rohde, Mrs. Min
erva Jennings, Mrs. Lucile Ba
ker. Mrs. S. L. Stewart and Mar
srerv. Miss Myrtle Davis, Mrs
Henry Domes, Mrs. J. P. Hamil
ton, Mrs. Pauline Domes Mrs
Jake Sears, Mrs. Hollis Hamilton
Mrs. George Patty, Mrs. F. A
Rohde, Mrs. Elmer Hamilton
Mrs. L. C. Lynch. Mrs. John
Romig, Mrs. Walter Dickey, Mrs
Lewis Tiffany and Luella and
Patricia Finn.
John Finn and friend. Ralph
Nattons of Baltimore, Md.. ar
rived by plane in Portland Fri
dav nljcht from Phoenix, Ariz
They with their friend, Max Tin
eher of Minnesota, suffered se
vere injuries in an automobile ac
ddent of June 25 which necessi
tated a two weeks' stay in tb
hospital. The boys are West Point
cadets on furlough and were on"
their way to McCoy to spend the
summer. Max Tincher returned to
his home in Minnesota.
Harry Humphreys is Elected
f Legion Commander
at Stayton
STAYTON, July 16. Descend
ants of the Thomas, Bilyeu and
Shelton" pioneers will meet at
Wilson park, Scio, Sunday, July
28. There will be free coffee and
everyone is Invited. '
L. A. Thomas of; Salem and
Frank Thomas of Mfll City have
been engaged to paint the grade
school building, inside and out
A new heating system will be
installed so that from this build
ing, which is of frame construc
tion, all stoves or fire . will be
A large attendance enjoyed the
entertainment sponsored jointly
by Eva Rebekah lodge and the
community chorus in front of the
comunity club house.
Legion Klect
Officers of Stayton Post Amer
ican Legion, for the ensuing year
will be Harry Humphreys, com
mander; Jos. Pieser, first vice
commander; J." L. Jordan, second
vice commander; finance officer,
F. H. Albus: adiutant. Geo. R.
TvnTP.PEKnPATE. Jnlv is. BETHEL, July 16. The Farm- Duncan: historian. Nick Welter;
Harold Tllberg, 16, son of Mr. erg union win now a special piu
Mrs. oeorze Tilbere of this evening Friday, July 19. There
city, was drowned in the WH- will-bo a fine program. Icecream
lamette river about 11 o'clock and cake will be served for a very
this morning, at the Island Field smau cnarge
islmmlntr hnlo. Th hodv. diS-1
nmA w T-nndM- and Sens- TALBOT, July 16. ine reg-
. . J - - 11
nn Walker i shout 3;3D uiar
WALDO HILLS, July 16 Har-l
vesting began in the Evergreen
district Saturday when P. J. Neus
wanger cut a wheat field, and Ro
land Kuenil cut oats. This is the
third year that Mr. Neuswanger
has been the first to go into the
harvest. Haying is nearly finish
ed here, and was1 a good crop. All
fall sown grain looks fine. This
section was visited by a heavy
shower early Monday, morning,
which delayed haying until after
When Dewey McBride was
bringing home a load of hay from
the Silverto airport, where he
has put up about 29 loads, the
team turned too short on the cor
ner leading from the highway to
his road. The load upset but he
and Harold Rice, with him, jump-
bors with block and tackle had
to assist him in reloading. -
Mrs. G. O. Shockley and daugh
ter Nellie, expect to go to Da
mascus, : Oregon, Thursday; to
spend a week with Mrs. Shock
ley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Henrice, and her daughter, Mar
garet, who for the present makes
her home with her grandparents.
Mrs. Dewey McBride, and
small son, Dewey Junior, reached
home Saturday noon, after "six
weeks visit in New Tork with
her parents. On the 'return trip
they visited relatives in Missouri
and were accompanied home by
Mr. McBride's mother, who will
spend some time here and with
other relatives around the state.
Monday saw binders in the
fields on the K. O. Rue farm and
ed and were uninjured, but neigh- on the Ruby Stock farm. ,
mm m ra
Farmers Union
chaplain, Frank Lambert; exe
cutive committee, G. W. DeJardin,
V. R. Tuel, L. Pietrok, Tom Tte
and Elmer Barney. Delegates to
the state convention at The Dalles
are V. R. Tuel, S. F. Etzel and
TTnrrv Hnmnhrpvs! alternates.
meeting or bioney-iaiDoi ninh rurtis. T.. Pietrok and O. r..
o'clock, was recovered by Paul Farmers m on was neia in tne Hagen A number of members of
E. Robinson, principal of the Talbot school house Friday night. snvertcn post were in attendance
high school, who dived and got
it to a body. Many tried to
dive for the body, which was
brought to the Keeney undertak
ing parlors here.
Young Tilberg and Billy Camp
bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
David Bloom was accepted as a
member. The exchange board
showed a splendid list of ads.
The next regular meeting will i
be held in the Emmons grove if j
the weather permits. State Presi
dent G. W. Potts gave a talk on
at the meeting, bringing an invi
tatlon for Stayton members and
their families to join them In a
picnic at Hazel Green park July
In honor of her husband's
birthday, Mrs. 0. L. Hagen gave
Lake Labish
School Now
union Sunday school was organ
ized' at the schoolhouse Friday
night by J. J. Ray of Junction
City, assisted by Rev. I W. John
son of Salem. The Sunday school,
to which everyone is invited, will
have., its first session at 10
o'clock Sunday morning at Lake
Labish school. '
Officers are: Superintendent,
Herman Habn; assistant, Mrs.
William Schaffer; secretary,. Miss
Atha Panther; piano. Miss Lila
Perkins and Miss Velva Perkins;
treasurer, Florence Matthes.
Campbell, were swimming from rural electrification. Punch was & dinner at ier home Monday ev
" .. . . . . I served
a smau island to Bome piling i
when Billy noticed his companion
was in difficulty. Billy tried to
pull Harold out and went down
with him twice, then had to give
up and managed to swim ashore,
where he was pulled out in a
weakened condition. Both boys
were high school sophomores the
past year.
The body drifted about a quar
ter mile farther south down the
ening. Guests were air. ana airs.
H. J. Hagen and children, Mr. and
Mrs. E. D. Alexander and Miss
Maxine Fox of Portland.
The Louie Dawes family have
moved into the Floyd Crabtree
house formerly occupied by the
Leo Rock family, west of the
At Clan Meeting
The B. A. Schaefer family and
their guests, Mrs. and Miss Bach
man attended the annual Schaefer
river and was caueht on a snaK reunion of members of tne
at the bottom, at a Doint where Springer and Klampe families was clan reunion at LaFayette Sunday
the current was very swift. Many held Sunday at Laurelhurst park The Bachnian's are from Illin-
volunteers, state police from here in Portland, with a picnic dinner ois and motored here.
and Salem and Sheriff Hooker of served at 1 o'clock. Both fam- The old swimming hole at the
Dallas ioined In search for the Hies came west from Allendorf, Masonic park has been well oc
hnHv Th Salem firp denartment la., in the early 1900's. In the cuDied durhiK the past few days
inhalator was brought over by group were Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sunday afternoon the "standing
Firemen Art White and state do- Phelus. the Ralph Ackley family, room only ' sign was almost neces
lice but this equipment was not Lavina Miller, Jean ana Marie sary. Today tne wnuewaier is
TURNER, July 16 Nathan
W. Hutchens, 66, died Thursday
afternoon at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Madeline Austin,
following two years' illness. He
was born near Mt. Airy, N. C,
October 26, 1868 and came to
Oregon 18 years later. On De
cember 24, 1898,- he was united
in marriage to Margaret M. Mc
Donald of Scio. For the past 33
years the family had resided on
the home farm near McMinnville.
until 7 months ago when he went
to Newport for his health.
Mr. Hutchens was a pioneer
melon grower of the Willamette
valley. In his younger days he
played on the league baseball
teams in the east, opposite Billy
Sunday, the evangelist. For many
years he had been a member of
the Methodist Episcopal church,
and his life was full of kindness to
Funeral services were held Sat
urday afternoon at the Macy
chapel in McMinnville, Rev. Mill
er of Newberg officiating. Floral
offerings were profuse.
Besides the widow, Margaret M.
of McMinnville, these cmiaren
survive: Mrs. Edith Hammock of
San Rafeal, Calif., Darrel W.
Hutchens in the naval service in
Honolulu, Mrs. Madeline Austin
of McMinnville, Mrs. Grace Pra
ther of Turner. Floyd W. Hutch
ens of McMinnville, Max A.
Hutchens of Newport, Thomas
Willard Hutchens of Portiana.
One brother and six sisters, ten
granchildren and four great
grandchildren. Interment was in
the Evergreen Memorial park at
61 S
Winters of Portland; Dr. and Mrs.
L. R. Springer and son Richard;
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Springer and
daughter, Marilyn; Mrs.. May
Moores; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Strip
ling and daughter Sharon, Mrs.
Lydia Wilson of Salem; Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Klampe and son Lyle
coming down irom me mountains
and the water is milky. However,
this does not deter the flaming
Manv Stayton people hare
driven over the new oiled road
from West Stayton west, and pro
nounce it excellent. Many claim
WOODBURN, July 16. George
Ginther, 64, died at his home,
1110 fact lorclond ctrant Catiir-
day at 6 p. m. after a short ill- went a gor re operation las
of Middle Grove; Anna Klampe that when fully packed it will be
and Nettie Reeves of Jefferson; as good as. paving
Mr. and Mrs. Dudolph de Vries of
Pratum; and the W. F. Klampe
family of this place.
Mrs. W. A. Starker, who un-
ness following a stroke
born in Missouri, Dec. 27
The family moved to Woodburn
He was week at tDe Mt- Tabor hospital
iS7n in roriiana, expects to De aoie 10
return nome tne lauer pan oi.
from Williston, N. D., about nine the week
At a recent meeting of the hop
bowl committee, Dr. C. E. Long
was elected president. The board
of directors is composed by A. L.
Thomas, K. L. Williams, T. Dale
Pomeroy, and R. M. Walker.
The committee chairmen to
choose other members are: Tom
Smith, finance; Robert W. Crav
en, Queen contest; Gerald B. Kel
ley, parade; Dale Pomeroy, con
cessions; Dr. Herley and Elmer E
Addison, all sports contests and
wrestling; Kenneth L. Williams,
grounds; Dr. Maurice J. Butler,
publicity and advertising.
The dates have been set for
August 29, 30 and 31.
years ago. He is survived by his
widow, Christine; five daughters,
Mrs. Marie Renn, Miss Ann Gin
ther of Woodburn. Mrs. Norma
Cleveland of San Francisco, Mrs
Leona Ellingson and Mrs. Irma
Freyman of Los Angeles; three
sons, Arthur of Woodburn, Al
phonse of Williston, N. D., and
Charles of Silverton; a brother
and sister in Missouri and six
-Funeral services will be held at
the Beechler-Kilian chapel Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Rev. John T. Myers will officiate
The annual picnic of the La
bish Center Sunday school will
be held Tuesday afternoon and
evening at Silverton park.
WOODBURN, July 16. The
Woodburn fire department was
called oat Monday afternoon to
r extinguish a grass fire which had
gained headway on grounds on
Young street near the Fruit Grow
ers association building. Both
tracks answered the call and the
flame were quickly under con
trol. Small damage was done.
The next regular meeting of
Townsend club No. 1 will be held
at , the community hall, Wednes
day night.' The nominating com
mittee will make its report that
night and election ot officers for
the ensuing term will be in order.
R. A. Harris will be the speaker.
MEHAMA. July 15. A reunion
of the Stout clan was held at the
Luther Stout home Sunday. Rel
atives present were Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Glover. Mrs. Effie Wright,
Mrs. Mary Mulkey and daughters,
Genevieve and Mildred of Salem,
Mrs. Jessie Stevens and daughter
Esther of Los Angeles and Mrs.
L. A. Irwing of Wilbur, ore.
Guests at the James Blum
home Thursday were Mrs. Emma
Bakely, Mrs. Grace Spickand and
WOODBURN, July 6. Hannah sons Robert and Meredith or ug-
Marv nawson. 77. died Simriav den. Ia.. and Mrs. J. W. Bass of
Music will be by Mrs. Ben Miller nizht at the Woodburn hosDital. Roseburg
and Wayne Tennant. Pallbearers Her home was near Monitor Twenty-three members of the
are Mrs. Ed Renn. S. R. Kallak. where she had lived for the Dast Mehama Sunday school were pres
Charles Rice, Frank Halley, Louis 23 years, coming here from Port- ent at the district Sunday scnooi
Woods and Fred Hall. Interment land. Her husband. George Daw- convention held at North Santiam
will be in Belle Passi cemetery. son died about 10 years ago. Sunday. Lyons received all three
She was born in England July banners. Mehama s Sunday scnooi
19. 1887 and came to the United suDerintendent. Harry Monroe
RtAtea In 1SRS Rho la survived hv urna elected President of the COn
Placed- Indenendence two sons, J. H. Dawson of Los vention and Willis Keithly of
' I a 1 -i
I a J 1. . 1 r 3 T-t .
IVnF.PttVnF.WF Tnlv 1 fi iwo uaugaiers, Mrs. mm rra.i-
TVa TndoTK.T.don.a Tin A and Hnn ner OI JMOnilOr ana KITS. tLdllU
Young Pheasants are
North Santiam, vice - president
Nora Taylor of Stayton was re
elected secretary-treasurer.
club had about 200 young pheas- FJ.etz ot Woodburn; nine grand
....... lnimrn onn nno crroat cronn
ants delivered to tne pens on iner" -- - "1-. ZT? Ci ! T-l
farm of John Storey, south otKU"u- A - U1CU 1TAV finite iacs
town, this week from the state a ears a&- Nnvir a Tniimpv in
s-ama commies farm ner Por. She was a member of the Bap- lNOVlCe lOUmey Ul
vain. Tm wnnd nrMMtnt ... tlst church for 35 years.
that inr hefnrA hntin ..fln Funeral services will be held at
the roosters will be freed and the Ringo chapel W e dn e s d a y
more bird will h received. morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. D. J.
Women's Contests
Grangers' News
wnonnnnic .Tnlv 1 fi fis
Gillanders omclating. Interment M gt ik vitn 5g Bcore was
ww til Wn lfUlAli'a A ASV AO I "
win in mCi o v, u. winner of the novice tournament
The picnic planned for the Union
Hill juvenile grange for Wednes
day has been postponed due to the
busy season and will probably be
held late. in August.
The regular meeting of Union
held la6t week by the women of
the Woodburn Golf clnb. Mrs
Georgia ' Keppinger of Gervals
placed second and Mrs. Tom Renn,
third. The entrants and their po
pAwalU Qna sitions were: 1, Miss May Strike;
Mrs. Tom Renn; 4, Mrs. Rose Can-
Kimmell to Take
Vacation Job at
MILL CITY, July 16. Mr. and L,ar,i. k mi ' Marin strike 6.
Mrs. J. C. KImmell returned toIM ,-,, i mu viefiv
........ 0 - , . . ( , . i . . , - . . . '
Hill gTange will be held Friday I lue,r " ? u ,,!' " Cutsforth; 8, Mrs. Henry Miller;
night. No lunch will be served but e V . tt ,,, v v e . 9, Mrs. H. W. Bladorn; 10, Mrs.
the Juvenile grange members are Mr: Kimmell will have charge of Nelgon Adams; 11, Miss Mary
planning an ice cream sale. a drug store for the next month Vincent; 12. Miss Esther Hettin-
The annual picnic sponsored by wane me owner is away on ia- 13 Mr8 Rodney Alden; 14,
the Union Hill eranee will be cauon. jar. Mmmeu nas oeen Mlu Rarhara Jensen: 15. Mrs.
held Sunday, July 21, at Silver oia.ln a Bimiiar position in Clyde Whitman; 16, Mrs. Edgar
Falls state park,
eon at noon.
News of West Salem
WEST SALEM. July 1 Mr.
and Mrs. H. Nordahl and son ot
Portland, spent the weekend with
A. R. Graves. ,.. ,
Jack Gosser, who has been
Quite seriously 111, is home from
the hospital and Is reported as
much Improved.
- Mrs. -J. H. Bagley of Portland
Is spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Bagley Jr. She
will leave for California shortly,
1 Mrs. Faye Thompson of Marsh
field stopped for a visit with her
mother, Mrs. D. BelL She will
come Wednesday for a more ex
tended visit.
Basket lunch- Reedsport for the past two Dodge: 17, Mrs.' A. J. Hayes; 18,
"l7. urovw .yw previous Mpg Minnie Richards; 19, Mrs
ne naa Deen aruggist ior tne Ham- BlaJae Brown; 20, Mrs. J. Melvin
mond company store in Mill City. Ring0; 2i, Mrs. J. P. Jensen.
Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and in- Thursday, July 25, the women are
i am wn, yie nurmw, are now planning a two ball novice-exper
at their home in Mill City, hav- enced player foursome tourna
Ing returned from Stayton where ment.
visit with. Oregon relatives here,
Salem and Portland. Lovre la a
cousin pi Mrs. Johnson.
Lowery in Hospital Here for
Emergency Operation;
Visitors Leave
special . school meeting is called
for 8 p. m. Friday to vote on the
building of a stage and garage
and on transportation of pupils
to high school. Kenneth Bayne
is chairman.
iS rs. La Roy Van Cleave was
hostess to the Leila Luckey chap
ter of the Otterbein Guild Sunday
afternoon at her bome In Hayes
ville. Miss Helen Davis, recently
returned from Portland, read a
story. The August meeting will
be a Joint meeting with Engle
wood Women's Missionary society
and Otterbein Guild.
Golda Lowery was rushed to
the Deaconess hospital for an
emergency operation for appendi
citis. He is employed by James
Yada. He and family are from
Jaw Broken in Fall
Lawrenee Zielinski is getting
along nicely after suffering a
fractured Jaw, caused when a
limb broke while he was picking
Mrs. Joseph Zielinski and
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Barnick of Salem, re
turned from Baker City Sunday.
They accompanied their cousin,
Keith Knuths of Ames, la., who
has been there during July.
Knuths was much pleased with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lovre
and sons, Curtis and Vernon of
South Dakota, who were guests
at the Carl Johnson home, have
returned home after a
Rodgers Clan Has
Annual Reunion at ?
Farm Home Sunday
" i 1 1 a - '
The Rodgers clan held the an
nual reunion at the Clark Rod
gers farm Sunday. Owing to the
extremely hot weather the attend
ance was small. , '
Those enjoying ' the day were
Mr. and Mrs.. S. W. Reed and son
Mark; Dr. and Mrs. Charles An
derson and sons, Roger and Allen
all ot Corvallis; 'Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Thomas and, sons Raleigh,
Ronald and Kenneth; -Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. ' Nearhof f , Roger and
Darelline Nearhof f of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Newgent, Ro
bert and Norma Jean Newgent;
Mr. and Mrs. G. W Wood, Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Macy, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Kernes and son Loren, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Mclntire, Mr. and
Mrs. Forest Edwards, June and
Leroy Edwards, Mrs. C. P. Rod
gers, Helen and Paul Rodgers.
Woman 81 Years Old
Suffers Broken Hip
Mrs. D. D. Warnock, 81, "is in the
McMinnville hospital with a brok
en hip sustained at her home
Sunday when she slipped and fell
while feeding her chickens. She
called to her. husband, who is
elderly and deaf, but could not
attract him and she lay in the
yard for some time until found
by Harry May and Bfllie Carter,
CCC Camp at Falls is Still
Under Quarantine
for FeYer
HUBBARD, July 16 A weld
ing gang is stationed here engag
ed in some work for the Southern
Pacific railway. E. G. Berry is
foreman of the gang, which -con-
month's sists of 10 men.
UNION HILL, J ly 16 The
members, families and friends of
the Union Hill Woman's club met
in a 'grove on the Peter's farm:
Sunday, for their 19th annual pic
nic. Present were &. and Mrs.
Henry Peters and Donald, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Peters, Mrs. Maud
Hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott
and Guy, Mr. and Mrs. George
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ra
bens, Mr. and Mrs. Winnie Tate
and Marjorie, Mr and Mrs. C. C
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hea
ter and Lenora, Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Potorff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Heater, Miss Florence Potorff,
Edna, Alice and Charles Mo-ley,
Emery and Dale Harris, Ronald
Heater, Dorothy J-hnston, Mrs.
Anna Thomas, Irma Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cooley, Mrs.
Jessie Pendleton, Betty Hunt,
Marjorie Knight, Mr. and Mrs.
Harley Scott and Maxine, Mr. and
Mrs. Hersal Scott and Genevieve
and Mrs. Emma Hurt. Mrs. Kate
Anderson, Jack Anderson, Mr.
Van Cleaf.
The Mill City CCC camp No.
1922 near Silver Creek Falls is
still under quarantine for scarlet
fever. They have been under quar
tine for some time.
Mrs. Emma Hnrt, Mrs. Kate
Anderson, Jack Anderson, Mr.
Van Cleaf of Portland, visited at
the Maud Hurt home Sunday.
Mrs. Emma Hurt rema ned for
few weeks' visit, and the others
returned Sunday
HUBBARD. July 15. The
community band, under the di
rection of Dr. A. F. deLespinasse,
will give a series of concerts be
ginning Saturday, July 28, and
continuing each Saturday during
August. The band stand is being
moved from its old location on
the Methodist church property
and will be placed on a vacant
lot on Main street. It is expected
that one or more of the women's
organizations will serve ice cream
and cake on concert nights.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pfiftner
and family from Minnesota have
purchased the Ray Bailey prop
erty on the Pacific nignway
north of Hubbard and are making
a number of alterations and improvements.
Joe Wilmcs is sufiering from
crushed ankle received while
handling logs on Squc" moun
tain, near Estacada. The Injury
is expected to keep him coniined
for two weeks or more.
riONEER, July 16 Clyde
Robbin3 was honored with a
birthday dinner Sunday when
several relatives and friends gath
ered for a picnic. Frank Donias
chofsky, Freddie Domhecker and
Truman Robbins were also hon
ored as they have July birthdays
also. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robbins
left Monday for Portland where
he expected to consult p specialist.
RICKEY, July 16. Word has
been received of the birth July 8
of a son, Ronald Grant, to Mr.
and Mrs. Rrederick Ashby of
Portland. Ronald Grant arrived
on the birthday of his uncle, W.
H. Humphreys of Rickey.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Reed I Lyle Norman made his appearance
ana son. Bayard, of Portland,! July 5.
were dinner gnests of Dr. and Following two days of Intense
Mrs. A. F. Goffrier, Sunday. Miss I beat with the mercury soaring
Carol Reed returned home with I around the 100 mark, Mill City
aer parents. i was visited by a cooling rain Sun
Mrs. B. A. Hanks was brought day night Although quite a lot
nome jaonaay irom tne supreme of hay is down it is not believed
court building where she became the rain was heavy enough to do
suddenly ui, one 10 a neari atiacK. much damage.
L. VJuirmg, who has been work
log. in fenneys store In Salem, SUFFER SUN STltOKT!
has moved to Dallas, where he SILVERTON, July 16 Mrs.
win De empioyea Dy me Observer. Marv Townl suffered m. Heht
Mrs. O. Peterson and daughter, sun stroke Satiirdav aTtmnnn
Raychel, left Saturday for Wash- and was confined to her bed over
ington to visit relatives for several Sunday. She was reported as rap-
aaJs idly Improving early in the week.
Can It be that improper diges
tion, sluggish bowels, and a tired
and run-down feeling keep you
from enjoying the pleasures of
life which are rightfully yours?
If so. it is probable that the
use of a tonic, laxative and stom
achic is needed. By combining
these three important actions in
one product, Williams S.L.K. For
mula has proved very effective in
obtaining relief from such condi
tions as indigestion with gas and
pains, atonic constipation, sick
headache, loss of weight and ap
petite, and general run-down feel
ing. Williams S.L.K. Formula can
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