v The OREGON STATES JUNSalea. Oregon; Sunday jilornini. Jnly.lM935. .i PAGE THREE a m-' " w Spanish Musical, Air Drama," Newspaper Yam and Comedy at Shows cunt 'IT Colorful Musical With Big List of Stars; Capitol Has Lively Comedy i I- . "In Caliente, First National's latest musical, opens at the Elsi nore theatre today. Its all star cast is headed by Dolores Del Rio, Pat O'Brien, Leo Carrillo and Ed ward Everett Horton. Scores of beautiful Hollywood chorus girls appear in numbers created and directed by Busby Berkeley, who staged the big hits in "Gold Diggers of 1935," "Won der Bar." "42nd Street." and a score of other film musicals. Two famous song writing teams, Warren and Dubin and Dixon and Wrubel.. wrote the songs for the Berkeley production numbers. They include'Mucha cha," "Lady in Red" arfd the ti tle song, "In Caliente. Phil Regan, the radio cop, sings the "Muchacha," which fa tures Dolores in a dance review, and "To Call You My Own." a ballad. Winifred Shaw sings the "Lady in Red" and "In Caliente." Others in the cast include the famous DeMarcos, who do some specialty dancing and "The Cano va Family." radio's Hill Billies of the south. Brilliant Musical Now Showing I 'Don't Bet on Blondes" Comes to Capitol Warren William, Guy Kibbee and Claire Dodd. supported by a big cast of film favorites will open in the new Warner Bros, hit com edy. "Don't Bet on Blondes," at the Capitol theatre today. The story is based on the ex ploits of a big time gambler who reforms and enters the insurance business, where he underwrites every risk brought to him. Warren William, starred in many society dramas and detec tive -pictures, portrays the insur ance man. It is his first light com edy screen role in some time. Guy Kibbee enacts a worthless scamp supported by his daughter, Claire Dodd, against whose marriage he takes out a $50,000 policy. What is said to be one of the strangest and most exciting film records of adventure in unchart ed places is scheduled for every showing here. This is "Savage Gold", second feature at the Cap itol. It is an authertic record of an expedition made by Command er George M. Dyott into the Xingu country of South America, that wild region inhabited by head hunting savages that lies between the Xingu and Araguay rivers in Brazil. - -- - - - !' M "iV. -V- : I."' -1 , -.: y The Elsinore has a splendid program today featuring "in Caliente Four of the stars are pictured above. r. - j n TODAY AT GRAND THEATRE Ralph Bellamy, Wiley Post In Cast; State Offers Newspaper Picture 'Air Hawks," Columbia's thrill ing air romance, is the new film at the Grand theatre. Ralph Bella my, Wiley Post and Tala Birell head the cast with Douglass Dum- brille, Victor Kilian and Billie Seward supporting. Bellamy has a strong masculine role as the head of an air trans port company while Miss Birell in the employ of his enemies who are seeking to nut him out of business by a camaign of sab otage against his planes which re sults in-the cracking up of three of them and the death of two pilots. Bellamy gives an excellent per formance and Miss Birell has nev er appeared more exotic or glam orous. Dumbrille, unquestionably the screen's most famous villain since "Lives of a Bengal Lancer," has a real "heavy" role. Kilian, a newcomer from Broadway, makes comedy success of his first mo tion picture portrayal. Billie Sew ard is young, appealing and beau tiful and does fine work in all her scenes. Fryt Ehtcrtain At'Picnic Dinner AURORA. July 13.- A Jolly picnic dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Fry recently was attended by Mr. and Mrs. William ning to ripen. Claire Dodd and Warren William compliment each other to advantage in "Don't Bet on Blondes" at the Capitol. Japanese School Will Start Monday HAZEL GREEN. July 13. The Japanese school will begin Monday with Rev. H. Hashimoto, principal. Miss Kiyo Mio assist ant. An enrollment of 50 pu pils, is expected. The school meets Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday at the Ogura hall, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday at the Fukuda hall on the Pacific high way. The school; will be in ses sion the remainder of July and August. Cards have been received from Miss Truye, daughter of R. Ot subi, saying she had an enloable voyage and is now in Italy. Thursday Mrs. C. A. Van Cleave was hostess to the Wo men's Missionary society. The August meeting has been a joint meeting with Englewood, Salem, during 18 years, alternat ing places. It was here last year in the Edward Dunnigan park. The Call Board , - ' I - lev ; ; s f "Headline Woman" Is at State Theatre "Stop the -presses I ve got a scoop!" That is to be the theme song at the State theatre for two days starting today. And as a theme-song it keys Mascot's "The Headline Woman," heralded as the fastest and most ingenious yarn evolved in Hollywood in years. Roger Pryor, ace reporter, in volves the press of a big city in a feud with the police, who refuse to issue any news. On his own hook, Pryor briskly leads his fellow newshounds into a murder mys tery and even more briskly leads a beautiful girl out, it is said. The girl is lovely Heather An gel, teamed with Pryor for the first time. Also featured are Jack La Rue. favorite screen villain rotund Ford Sterling playing an uproariously comic cop; Franklyn Pangborn, Syd Saylor, Russell Hopton, Theodore von Eltz, Whee ler Oakman, Wade Boteler, Con way Tearle, Jack Mulhall, Lilian Miles and numerous other stars. Smart Romantic Team Here . . James Dunn and Alice Faye, who furnish the romantic interest in jj Jjjj I jMi V f "Scandals" at the HoUrwood today. 1 jgSMPITTrW r II ill 6 DAFFY LAFF STARS lv i I Pf jv f l y :r IN A HOWLING HIT! r J 1 J fmio nrra aal I mil 1 TX ! M I U If II li 11 X' IB m$U I W:: VWJJ imTOif 111 k U I L'"! And Second Feature j I I 1 1 COMMANDER DYOTTS TRUE STORY OF j I I 11 IB AN AMAZING AUViSMUKiS WITH ilili HI 1 SAVAGE HEADHUNTERS OF THE AMA- I I I II B ra ait nminnnm li'TTTmTi a T T T r A X7V H H H II U A M1L,L,1UIN UAlrliltt. II iMii a l. tflT"1 Tf '"- - IB IB II B3lTUeK TZzkZ ml S I ri D I I i I If HI I V XTettA IMiliit-Jll 13 rrg! y ii -ki 1 1 1 1 ' itiw! i sir ur:re:r IV r 1 II I fS yS24VUV5 I I 11 I H B. SB I J te AV. BK. Ll MM I K - Till Five "W-l I -V I X'-l'Jj'r'-- 7 I SEAJS T Gullickson, Mrs. Martha Heinke and Glenn Foster of Portland, Mrs. J. W. Sadler and Albert Fos ter. Later they drove over the Fry Brother well-irrigated farm where a fine, crop of tomatoes which supplies a large market is begin- NEXT WEEK STARTING TOMORROW! THE MOST SENSATIONAL AND REVEALING SHOW IN AMERICA TODAY! mm 1 11 JL TRUE STORY OF "DAMAGED LIVES" ON OUR STAGE AMERICA IN PERSON Beauty contest winner and bona fide titleholder. See for ytmrself America's most beautiful redhead. Astounding Beyond Belief! LADIES ONLY 2 to5 j M. PROF. FRANCIS FREEMAN In Perion Noted outhoriry on sex, will talk to the ladie tell you how to hold your hut band ... what cause divorce I WEN ONLY 7 to 11 P.M. PROF. FRANCIS FREEMAN In Per ion .Noted sex philosopher, will talk to the men tell them the laws of nature and other tea fact. Ralph Bellamy and Billie Seward Hawks" at the Grand today. have important parts In "Air LIVINGSTONE TO TOUR SILVERTON, July 13. Dr. W. O. Livingstone of the First Chris tian church of Silverton will spend his months vacation work ing for the Townsend Old Age Today- ELSIXORE -'In Caliente" with six stars. Thursday Double bill, Rich ard Dix in "The Arizonian" and Zasu Pitts in "Going Higfihrow". ' with Wiley GRAND Today "Air Hawks Ralph Bellamy and Post. Monday M a r r 1 e d Love", stage feature. Saturday Jack Holt in "The Awakening of Jim Burke". CAPITOL Today Double bill, "Don't Bet on Blondes" with Guy Kibbee, and "Savage Gold". Tuesday Double bill. "David Copperfield' with 65 stars and Joan Bhandell In "Trav- ellng Saleslady". Thursday Double bill. Gene Raymond in "Hooray for Love" and Buck Jones in "Law Beyond the Range." HOLLYWOOD Today "George White's Scandals of 1935" with Alice Faye. Wednesday Donble bill. "Death Flies East" with Conrad Nagel and "Let's Lite Tonight " with Lil ian Harrey.' ' Friday . Double bill. Neil Hamilton , ia ,"Honeymoon Limited' and "In Spite of , Danger j with Wallace . . Ford. STATE Today First niB, Roger v Pryor In "The Headline Woman." Tuesday only "The Cbnnt of Monte Cristo." Wednesday "The Silver Streak" ,witn Sally Blane. .t Friday only Claude Rain In "The Mystery of Edwin Drood." Saturday only Tom Tyler la "The Fighting Hero. Dension plan, he has announced. Dr. Livingtone's first speaking engagement will be at St. Helens Mnnrtnw nieht. From there he intends to visit all the pension clubs up and down the coast. lest Jj- r vrv r V I ) filory if rrrn N yi I i Ell 1 S 1 m W I -s A-Mr-f III I (Pan ocffl si a Vr, I ! t.., I W ( r v i ' MUSICAL HEAT WAVE! Seething with scnoritas! . . . . Flaming with hythm! . . . . Ablaze with the tropical of Mexico's hot spot for big shots! 500 Seats AIR CONDITIONED -ITS COOL i best of TTquiui r r T"y"""TT"MTT77rX 2S TODAY & MONDAY FIRST RUN! iciani n rncc as x ontrrt iixp , mn.i.n 1 Il (- w A r- A Fast, Snappy Comedy-Drama With a New Screen Team HEATHER ANGEL ROGER P RYOR rKiraiiDa AC" i munrm. t pgSJW'Piln 'NewDealerk nil HfM tal ""fp r 1 : MH MM. f 4-i !! mn Kf m Attwr nrnm!' ,uiiiiii , n i.iplly m , 1 Mii M. Ml tm - yi 'jj; n, t. tow IM WV . :: ..w lf'r Cyinoti ' JT in Nov?A Mm. "Tj"iJi-jL MjM kr Br. M "V MCX URUI MAMKLVM AMC0M KHtD STDIUNC iACX MUUUU COHWAT TtAJOI MO CAN WAUACIv Plna a Great Program of Short Films 1 mi v iii IIMIIH W Imp F. -xxmmmK Wm ,,js2- sjrjg THE KINGS OF MIRTH IN ANOTHER RIOTOUS COMEDY! Plus- Comedy Cartoon News UNIVERSAL NEWS EVENTS FIRST RUN COLOR i CARTOON The Valiant Tailor A new and different kind of musical... that transports you joyously to Holly wood's holiday playgrourfd... where the stars of the screen rival the stars in the sky! 100' OF GIRLS . . . 4 SONG SPECTACLES PIw CARTOON Ncvc Events rhlldreaT Da too wait ehll. 4m t What are the aecreta ( lave and uulnl Wkat raun crime t Hm rail happlarsa be beat (aardrdt Haw caa aaUrry be avoUlrdr Knotr the truth! Don't aveaa! DARING SEX FACTS RE VEALEU. The trath ahnal I.ate and Sex ow rraakJT and fearlraaly told. Plcrta facta ahaat avcret aiaa tald la Jala lancuatre. Startllaa;, dy aamir, feoaekt. "hratlac about the baah" eaeh fact told straight tram the ahoalder. Thla aerforaaaaee aaay tkaac the earae ( rear luel FREE! The first 100 lad ies in line at the box office Mon day Matinee will be admittld free as guests of the theatre. Special Shows For Business Women and Working Girls Only 6:30 to 8:30 o'clock Friday Night. Note: 2 Solid Weeks Portland 3 Week San Francisco 2 Weeks Seattle. We Bring You This Big Road Show First Run to Blow by Blow OJtrOwi FIGHT PICTURES A ringside seat for the entire fight! TODAY ONLY PLUS- with RALPH BELLAMY VDey Poat Tata Birell .aw r I H .BaaaaaaaW 3 BIG MATCHES Rob Roy -vs.- Lord Finnegan 1 Honr Bulldog Jackson -TS.- Larry Tillman 45 Minutes Pug Ryan vs. Abdul Khan Salem Armory, 51 8:30 Lower Floor 50c, lUicoay 40c Reserved Seata 73c No Tax) ; - -. : J' SttBdcnts SSc. Lsies 25e" 'xy::-X: Tleketav Cliff Parker's and Lytle's - Aasplces Amerleaa Leslost . . , Herb (hrea. MaK-hmaker '