The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 13, 1935 i
Lot a I N e w s Br i e r s
Minor Crashes Reported Four
minor automobile accidents -were
reported to city -police yesterday
as 'follows, all occurring yester
day: Herbert ; William Savage.
1130 South Liberty street, and
Fred Lain?, route ilrej at .Liberty
and Mill streets; Leo-Gottfried,
1280 North Fourth, and Mm.
Floyd Siegmund, 1S5 North
Fifth, at Market and Fifth: Iran
Marks, route seven, and Edward
Hayes, 1795 North Cottage, at
Fairgrounds road and Winter;
George Henry Huege, 1547 Oak.
and an unidentified motorist, at
14th and State. No injuries were
Let's cut down the Pine Tree and
celebrate the opening, of MicEey's
tavern, 5 ml. south or taiem on
Pacific highway. New manage
ment. Grand opening tonight.
Another Tire : Found State
police, who have for more than
six weeks had in storage a large
truck tire which was found along
a highway near here, received an
other lost tire and wheel yester
day. The latest, an 8 by 20 ten
ply truck tire mounted on a disk
wheel, was brought to Salem dis
trict headquarters by a motorist
who said he found it on the road
near Junction City.
Luti Florist. 1276 N. Lib. Ph 9592
Claim Allowed Referee in the
circuit court case of Arnold
Schneider against' the state trea
surer and others in connection
with liquidation of Union Auto
mobile and Casualty company, has
allowed a claim of t)pal Crum
for $4000 as result of injuries
sustained in an automobile acci
dent in Salem June 21, 1931.
Mickey's tavern opening tonight;
5 mi. south on highway. New
Would Foreclose Benefit Sav
ings and Loan association has
filed foreclosure suit against H.
M. Lehman, asking Judgment for
$877.83 with 10 per cent interest
since March 28,1935, and $100
attorney's fees.
Picnic at Portland All ex-
residents of Harrisburg and Hal
sey are invited to the fourth an
nual picnic of that group, to be
held Sunday at Laurelhurst park
in Portland. Basket luncheon will
be served at 1" o'clock.
Silverton P. M. Here Henry
Aim, Silverton postmaster, was a
Salem visitor yesterday. While
here he stopped in to see Henry
R. Crawford, Salem postmaster.
, One Fine Levied A single
fine was levied in municipal
court. That was a $1 penalty
meted out to a motorist who ad
mitted having double-parked his
car. "
. - EUensburg : Editor Here -J. C.
Kaynor, publisher of the EH ens
burg Record, visited in Salem Fri
day afternoon.' -
Mae Boise Lauterman, late res
ident at 475 North Summer
street, at a local hospital early
Friday morning- at the age of 65
years. Survived by widower, J.
H. Lauterman; cousins, Mrs. Hol
ly A. Cornell. Miss Anna B. Par
menter, Miss Nellie M. Parraenter,
Mrs. Alice Pratt Schumack; Fred
erick H. Pratt, all of Portland;
Mrs. Ida M. Babcock and Charles
Parmenter of Salem: nephew,
Breyman Boise;, grand nephews,
Reuben Eugene and Evan Brey
man Boise, all of Salem. Funer
al services will -be held from the
Clough-Barrick company chapel
Saturday, July 13, at 3:30 p. m.
with Dr. W. C. Kantner and Dr.
Bruce R. Baxter officiating. In
terment in I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Ole J. Svenneby. at the resi
dence on Route 7. Thursday, July
11, at the age of 58 years. Sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. Marten
son, Casselton, N. D.; six broth
ers, Andrew, Ed, Alf and John,
all of Fergus Falls, Minn., Peter
of Sauk Center. Minn., and Hans
J. of Salem. Funeral services Sat
urday, July 13, at 1:30 p. m. from
he Clough-Barrick company ha
el. Rev. P. W. Eriksen of the
Vmerican Lutheran church offi
ciating minister.' interment Bel
Test Memorial park.
WheneTer the coroner.
O without consulting the family, it is
to be regarded as purely a tempor
ary measure. The family retains the
right to call the funeral director-of
thelr choice, without involving any
delay, embarrassment or extra ex
y pense.
J Any family preferring Salem Mor
1 tuary service, needs only to call us.
We will arrange all details.
Tune tn on KSLM every
Sunday at 9: SO p.m. for
oar, musical program.
Blackerbys Visit Mr. and Mrs.
Pearl Blackerby, who with their
daughter, Irene, are in the north
on a vacation trip from their
California home, called on old
friends at the county courthouse
yesterday. Blackerby was deputy
county clerk here some - years
ago under R. IX Allen. They left
here about six years ago and
both are. now in charge of boys'
schools in California. The Black
erbys were for many years resi
dents of Silverton, moving here
from there about 18 years-ago.
Ice, prompt residence delivery.
Also crushed ice and salt for ice
cream. Capital Ice & Cold Storage
Co., 560 Trade St.. Phone 6603.
Office Is Closed The local of
fice of the Oregon Motor associa
tion will be closed today and un
til Wednesday, July 17, during
the absence of Miss Claudia Ben-
son, local manager of the office,
.who is making a trip to Vancouv
er and Victoria, B. C, in company
with members of the touring de
partment of the Portland . of f ice
of the motor association.
Today is the last day for our
Free facials by Colonial Dames at
Review Convention High
lights of the San Diego convention
of Pacific coast advertising clubs
were related by Oscar D. Olson at
the lanehetfh meeting of the Sa
lem Ad club Friday noen. Olson
reported an inspiring and profit
able meeting. Xext year the con
vention will be in Seattle.
Asks for Divorce Mae Grazen
yesterday filed suit for divorce
from George Grazen, to whom
she was married in Salem May
26, 1932, and whom she alleges
deserted her last February. She
asks custody of their two chil
dren and such other relief as the
court sees fit to bestow.
Carolina Picnic Set The an
nual picnic for former Residents
of North and South Carolina,
their families and friends will
be held at Bryant park, Albany,
August 11, according to B. L.
"Buck"' Bradley of Salem, secre
tary of the Carolina Picnic as
sociation. Picnic at Albany The an
nual Oregon all-Ca olina picnic
will be held at Bryant park in
Albany Sunday, August 11, with
picnic dinner to be served at 1
o'clock, sponsors said yesterday.
A basket dinner will be served.
Wrong Tlates Roy R. Mad
son, driving for a California
truck line, was arrested yester
day for operating without Ore
gon license plates, and paid a
dollar fine and $4.50 costs in
justice court yesterday.
Asks Parts Omitted Defendant
in suit of Ellen Kusel- against
George Jensen and wife has fil
ed motion asking that parts of
the amended reply be stricken.
At the residence, 340 E. Wash
ington, Friday, July 12, William
P. George, at the age of 79 years.
Survived by wife, Laura A., Sa
lem; two daughters, Hazel L. Dav
is and Isobelle F. George, both
Salem: four sons, Jesse R. and
John D.,- both Salem; William P.,
jr., Albany, and Dr. Cbalmer Lee
George, New York; three sisters,
Mrs. Lizzie Wilson, Arkansas;
Mrs. Hannah Smith, Missouri, and
Mrs. Annie McKinney, Oklahoma;
twin brother, Lee T., Salem, and
brothers Jesse. Salem, and Edwin,
Wyoming. Three grandchildren,
Chalmer Lee, jr., and John R. of
New York, and Sharon Lee of Sa
lem, also survive. Funeral serv
ices Monday, July 15, at 3 p. m.
from the W. T. Rigdon company
chapel. Rev. Kantner and Rev.
Haworth officiating ministers. In
terment City View.
Died in this city July 11, Peter
A. Hansen, aged 67, beloved hus
band of Ida: father of Mrs. .Ida
Stevens. Oswego; Mrs. Olga
Dixon. Vancouver, Wash., and
Harold Hansen, Portland. Funeral
will be held Saturday, July 13,
10 a. m. at the chapel of Salem
Mortuary, 545 North Capitol, Rev.
Sidney Hall officiating. Interment
in City View cemetery.
In an emer-
Exceeds Expectations; One
. - Important Link Already
Completed; Report
Excellent progress Is being
made on oiling of county roads,
first work of which was done
Tuesday of this week. County
Engineer N. C. Hubbs reported
late yesterday afternoon upon re
turn from a trip with Judge J.
C. Siegmund to the oiling Job
on the Marion-Turner road. On
this stretch, started yesterday
morning, a halt mile had been
completed at mid-afternoon,
leaving but three miles more to
First work was done on two
and a half miles of the West
Stay ton - Turner road, which Job
was finished Thursday, and work
started immediately upon the
connecting link at the Crawford
school, which corner Is a double
reverse curve which had not been
finished in earlier road operations
because there was some idea of
taking out part of the curve.
Beats Forecasts
Work this weeh has been more
than up to expectations, as three
fourths of a mile of road per day
was estimated for the season's
No figures, other than est!
mates prior to starting the oil
ing program, have been gathered
yet on actual costs of oiling, but
Engineer Hubbs hopes to have ac
tual cost on the early operations
figured within a few days. About
20 miles Will be COVered In the
county oiling program his year.
Changes Hands Mrs. M. May
of Denver, Colo., sister of Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Knowles of Sa
lrn. has nurchased the former
Di. Tr-o Un fto mtloi cmith
x iuc 41'. 111.. ii.i- 1.1 1 . 1. u 1
on tne facnic nignway, ana win
... . , . . .,, I
nolo a grand opening lOnigni un-
der the name of Mickey's tavern.
An entirely new policy will be in
force under her management, she
cove "ha ravorn nna nwn innr-
. - I
ougniy reno.aiea prior 10
Hells at Seabeck C. A. Kells
general secretary
CIavm 1
Y.M.C.A., and Bob Smith, staff
member, will be at Seabeck,
Wash., today and tomorrow at
tending the northwest employed
officers" Y. conference. Kells'
daughter. Mary Elizabeth, accom
panied them. They are. expected
home late Sunday night.
Permitted to Reroof E. C.
Bushnell. city building Inspector,
yesterday gave permission to C
V. Pfaff to reroof' a dwelling at
860 North Front street at cost
of $67. and to Walter "Witchey,
for the same kind of job, cost
jnst 130. at 1130 North 15th
ShiDlers Here Tom J. Shipler,
a Salpm resident Until about Six
, 4.. with
years nBu, " " "'
Mrs. ampler irom . usib ""-"
relatives in California. Tbey wm
remain here until sometime next
week, when they, will return to
California where he is employed
with an extensive gold mining
Veterinarian Returns Dr. and
Mrs. W. B. Snodgrass, wno nave
spent the last week in Victoria, B
C. attending the Northwest Vet
erinarians' convention, returned
yesterday. They rejort a very en
joyable trip.
Car Quickly Found A pickup
type auto stolen from the Bone-
Steele lot. Chemeketa and Lao-
Arfv utrPAts. earlv vesterdaV mom-
in, -,o. AfannVDraA narked alone
1 11 VT HO U IWVV V i f - . T-
the highway near Turner yester
day afternoon by state police.
Twin Boys Born Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Doner are parents of twin
boys born July 5 at the Lebanon
hospital. The new arrivals weigh
ed seven and three quarters
pounds each.
Asks Hearing Motion has
been filed in case of Wentworth
& Irwin, Inc., against Allen Hut-
chins, askin
g hearing Of plain-
j.- j i .
tiff's- demurrer
amended complaint.
V'lvlto T. P Ho t L- C. Holt.
o i onv,nm rairi frolo-rit
Mlcm " ' .T
agent, has as his guest here his
father, Judge W. C. Holt, of the
common pleas COUrt, Bryan, O.
!--.. vtM vtht
iiuivin, jeuersuu, auu uw " ft "
ter. Mrs. Richard E. Davis, 01
Willamina. were Salem business
visitors yesterday
Shepherd To Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Dean Shepherd, 790 High
land avenue, a boy, Lyle Dean,
jr., born July 10 in this city.
Sukiyaki Dinner
Also American Dishes
How get there? You walking
down Commercial street to
Fits fishing market then yon
stepping upstairs. There we
II A. M. to 2 A. hi.
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine Co.
Without operation -
most ailments ot
iton'teb, liver,
glands, skin and ur
inary system ot men
and women can be
removed by using
our remedies - IS
yt In business.
Lice nsel Naturo- Pfcvsicians.
893 H Court street.
corner Liberty - of
flee open Tuesdays
and Satnrtlav. JO
'tt i A. M. to l i. ai
0 P. M. to 7.
I Consnltation. Blood
. T Ua
Pressure and Urine
in the Churches
Winter and Cheneketav streets. Grover
C, Birtcbet, D.1X, pastor. Church aekool I
at 9:30 a. m. 3. J. Fitzaimmone. super
intendent. Moraine worship at 11 o clock.
Semon. "Licavinr Christ Alone." Solo
by Mrs. Henry Millie, "Grant Me. Dear
Lord. Deep Peace of Mind" Stickles).
Beroce in wuison pars: at b:is p. m.
Presbyterian junior orchestra and Gideon
chorus. Sermon by Dr. Birtcbet C. E.
societies at 6:80 p.- at. Evening worship!
at 7:30 o clock. Sermon, "aliasing the
Miracle. ' Solo by Miss Vivian Benner.
Corner Summer and Marion streets.
Emory W. Petticord, D.D., minister. Sun
day school at 9:45 a. m. John J. Rodin.
superintendent. Morning worship at 11
o'clock, gpecial music. Sermon, "Peter
ni:, v..n. hnnr from 2 an tn
3:80 p. m. Young people's lesgue and I
high school league at 6:30 p. m. Ere-
UosdcI song service led by George Me-
Kensie. Special music. ' Sermon, "The
Fourth Commandment." Bible study
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
o.... .j rv,-v, iv j e. I
Milligan, minister. Floyd S. Bailey, di-
, ,:. ,j-.,; n, b m r:.t- I
ke, superintendent. Church school at :45 presides; Ruby Dana and Mattie Han
a. m. Classes lor all agea. Public worship are the speakera
at 11 a. m., "No Bird Soars on Folded ednesday evening. Choir rehearsal Fla
wing." Young people's' forum and high T-
school league at 7 p. m. Evening worship
at 8 o clock, " Spirited Christlaos.
ti;-vi.j . rh,,v, tT.. T
f!lin Rrnwn. nastor. Bible school at 10
" ' .. ......
111., XWB., v .
. r'Kfio- aim U AHhin af I
t 1 . n, Tnnin IT st fi n m A (1 11 1 1 I
and Intermediate C. E.'s at 7 p. m. At
a ..i.u . ,.ti. i
honor of our out coin missionary. Es-
thel Gulley. The South Salem Friends
will attend. Dr. A. V. Michelson speaks
here Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p. in.
Prayer meeting Thursdsy, 8 p. m.
Center and High streets; Guy L. Drill.
minister. Church school, 9:30 a. m.
Morning worship, 10:45.' Lord's Supper.
Dr. A. U. Michelson of Los Angeles, guest
------ - i
speaker, bringing a message on the Lord's
Supper and the Jewisn rassover iessi.
relist service. 7:30 p. m. Dr. Michelson
will address this service on 'The Jew
and ProDhecy. Mid-week service.
Wednesday, 7:30.
nrr-PTT iiTru T-Brrvns rwTTR.f!U
DW V A U WA w wroaw 1
8. Commercial at Washington street;
Chas. C. Haworth, pastor. bunday, 10
a. m., Sunday school. 11, morning wor-
shiD. Sermon : --snsring tne ivewara.
. . -. . .. . ...n.;.,
M Tl. m.. UniOn m lftlOIiai J '"UH6
Hi'hland Friendg church where outgoing
missionary. Miss Lsthel Uully will speaic
Thursday. 8 p. m.. Miaween prayer me
hazaeene chtjbch
lain ana center ...... 1.. v..
- , -i, 1 .. a .
; . ,. ,,, , Morning
worship st 11 o'clock, "Blessed Assur
ance. Young people anu junior men
ings at 7 p. m. Evangelistic service at
H n. m . - 1 ne DOUDie winaea. t r.i ci
Hour Thursday at 8:15 tod 8:4a
tc.i. ..j c. ...... Amn. F m in,-
m.n a HI ll.milll TT1 1 1. W 1 ( I 11 HPT, r. 1
Q-r.r 'm! anbiect. "Go Ye." Chil-
"s Dav services. 10:45 a. m. Picnic
for Sunday School and congregation aft
er services at HSffer s rrove. i-uiuer
I League, 7 p. m. at Hager s grove.
8undav school, 10 a. m. : Rots Miles,
. i-i..,.. tk. riff,,,, nf tn
Sunday Fchool. Morning worship at 11
The pastor. Kev. J. H. Wortman.
will brine the 11 a. m. message. "Chnrt
I Fnlfilline the Law." Bible study Wed
nesdsy, 7:30 p. m. st the parsonage.
655 Frery street: W. H. Caldwell, pas
tor. Sundsy school at 0:45 a. m. Mora-
: w..Kl,!n 11 . n Frninr fterv.
ices discontinued for two weeks on ae-
count of district camp meeting at Canhy
Prayer meeting Tuesday evening, loung
people's cottage prayer aerrice Wednes
day evening
Self development center, 420 State
in. m inn nr hihe school:
2-30 n. m SvmDosium. subject. "My
Neighbors and I." 8 p. m., lecture by
Dr. Orlen Richard Kring, "A Comedy
of Errors.
193 X. Commercial street; Capt. and
Mrs. McAllan. Sunday school, 9:30
m Mn.ninff R.rTir, II m . m. 1 ounr
People's meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evening
service. 8 p. m. tteefc-day services:
Tueoday, Thursdsy and Saturday, 8 p. m.
Ladies Aid, 1:30, Wednesday.
355 Court street, upstairs. A gift will
be given Sunday niRht to the person who
,k. u..f ,;ki rh,,h T?
idith CamDbell will Breach on "God's
Library." Sunday. 10 a. m., Sunday
school. 11 a. m.. Morning worship.
Wednesdav. 8 p. m.. bible study and
prayer, i riday, 8 p. m aiia weeic ev
Mission, near 12th: A. 8. Henderson.
pastor. A 11 a. m., "The Difficulties
0f Salvation"; at 8 p. m., "Full Gospel
Messaee." Sunday school. 10 a. m., Mrs.
Alice M. Henderson, supt. Toung peo
ple's meeting, 7 p. m. Weed-day serv
ice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Corner of 17th and Chemeketa streets
i H. H. Dick. Dsstor. Sunday school at
9:45 a. m.: H. W. Wall. supt. Morn-
inr worship at ll in the German. Theme:
I Tfcrint in Affliction" Christian En-
music in the morning and at tne r..
Tinwr meetinip Wednesday at 8 P. m.
coust or. viuusiuui
Court at 17; D. W. Daniels, pastor.
53a j, 17th. 'Bibie school. 8:45 a. m.
Jean H.wkins. supt. Messsge at 11 by
Mra Dodd. Christi.n Endeavor it :.
I I lirrO POClCtlCB. A V Uf) v..r...u ,
7:45. Guest speaker. Mid week meet-
CAXXON Percale Sheet
Blankets by KENWOOD
the ideal combination for
The Better Bedding Store
467 Court St. Phone 8419
(Cannon Towels in Colors)
426 State
Many people never sus--pect
that eyestrain may
be wasting; their physi
cal energy. An accurate
ly fitted pair glasses
will open a new world
for you. Headaches, diz
ziness, fatigue and many
other such ailments may
be corrected when eye
strain is eliminated.
870 State Su - Salem
Church notices should hence
forth be submitted an either foil
r haU sheet paper, y, by IX
laches er tbereabents. X i c s
shoald be In the ffJea n er be
fore rriday neon anA aaay be
either typed or written by asd.
My era and Commercial streets. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. a. V. If. Beckett, su
perintendent. Horning worship at 11
o'clock. Bev. Dean C. Poindexter. pastor.
Sermon topic. "Christ's Ministry and
Ours. ' Ep worth League institute serrlce
'.P- w wiiuame leader,
t-venini serviee at a ciock. 1UT. roin-
will speak on "Aware et God."
P."" meeting Thursday evening at 7 :30
Korth Cottage and Hood streets; L.
Wesley Johnson, pastor. Church school
rally ends. All classes meet at 10. Lyle
nox, supt. rreacwng at xi. itrang
reopie s meeting at . ie evening ev
"Septic meeting win oe in cn.rg. oi
the Young People s socety. Gail Berbst
315 Korth Commercial street: H. Han
en n1 wife, pastors. Sunday acnpoi. i
P. m.. prescning, a p. m. BUDjeet : ut.
lownsena s "la sj n
.. unA.e Ban n soav1ffa
1 It ft t I I U J iCUUCIIl. awvvuau lct.i t v.
S - tlikt. T.e..1. rbleri..
"cu .uV x;vs
manng! xoung peop.e s ew
day evening, 6:30. Street meeting Set
"day night. 7. at Commercial and Court
441 Court street, upstairs; J. Alonio
Sanders, pastor. bundsy bible school.
9:45 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. Praise
service and sermon, 2:30. Young Peo
ple. 7 p. m. Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Meet
ing every night, 8 o'clock. The annual
. . ; , . . I
camp mrBl.u ""S-.v1'"'
auw uac., uvu.u ' " "
V. A. lilanctaette speaker.
Korth Cottage and 1) streets. Bev. G.
Schunke, assisting minister. Sunday
school, 9 :45 a. m. ; 6am Schirman, supt.
Morning service, 11 0 clock, sermon text,
Romans 8:14. tvenmg service at 1 :du
J WI . J
missionary. will speaa and anow pie
tures. Mid-week prayer service, Wednes
day st 8 p. m.
Bible school at 9:45-. Preaching serv
Ices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. B. Y. P.
U. meeting at 7 p. m. Dr. 1. E. Conant
of Chicago, summer supply pastor, will
preach morning and evening. Morning
subject, "Sifted Like Wheat." Evening
subject, "Are We Punished for Adam's
Sin I Second in a esnes on me mi
ble and. the Coming World Revolution."
South Hich and Ferry streets: Kev.
Louis H. Handle, of San Anselmo, Calif.
truest pastor. Church school at 9:40 a.
m., Mrs. W. A. Barkus, supt. Morning
worship st 10:30. Young people s meet-
ins- at 6 x. m. evening worsnip, :;.
service at 7 ;45 Wednesday evening.
''!'!..-" ....... ' .
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school at 9:45 and 11 a. m. Sunday
1 services at 11 a. m. feunject oi lesson
sermon. Sacrament . 1 estimony meet-
me eunesuav evemna si. o u ciuu. turn
reading room in Masonic temple open 11
a. m. to 5:30 p. so. except Sundays ana
Milo Clifton Ross, minister. Sunday
achool. 10 a. m. : T. D. Trick, aupt.;
Mrs. Floyd Bates, junior supt. Morning
worship, 11 a. m. ; Clyde Thomas will
bring the message. Intercessory prayer,
4 p. an. Christian Endeavor hour at 7
Evening meeting at 8. Mid-week pray
er, Thursday, 8 p. m.
19th and Breyman; Jamea W. Black
miasionary paator. Bihle achool, 9:45 a.
m. ; classes for all ages. Morning wor-
I snin. n a. m. jneme. xiuw hi; ... c
Obtain Blessings From Godt" Young
People t servwe, 7 p. m. uospei service.
8 p. m.
Theme: "How Christ Became
the Needy One to Meet Our Needs.
17th and Xebrasks; R. C. Mann, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Morn
III K WfTBIllLf. A V vvuiuiutu
tun tndeavor and worship witn didic
I ntndy. 7:30 p. m.
Thursday, 8 p. m.
Mid-Week service
K. of P. hall. N. Commercial street
between Court and Chemeketa: F. Gordon
Fleming, pastor. bervieee Bunaay ax
I 7:45 n. m. Healinc and tone service, 8
p. m. Lecture. "To the Lnknown Ood
(Acts 17:22 23.)
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. Sundsy
school vacation, July and August. 10:30 a
m mAninr wnrahin. Special sonr serv
ice. Dr. George P. Kabele, D. D- of
Medford, will deliver the sermon. 7 p.
m., turner lesgue
Vnrth Cottar nr! Shioninr streefs: C.
T. Springs, minister. Bible study st 10
a. m. Preaching at 11. Topic: "The
Value of the Soul." Evening eerviee at
7:30 o'clock.
K. K. Clark, minister. Church achool
9:45 a. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m
Serman subject, "The One Foundation."
Successful Ancient Chinese
Herb Remedies Guaranteed
for Bladder. Kid
ney, and Urinary
and Bronchitis.
Disorder. Consti
pation, Appendi
citis and Tumors,
Neuritis. Asthma
Rheum a t Ism,
Throat, and
Glands. Skit Dls- 8. B. Foag
eases. Positive Removal ot Llv.
er and Female Complaints. Sto
mach. Gallstones and pains of
male, female and children, all
no operation.
8 Tears Practice In China
Chinese Medicine Herb Co.
122 N. Commercial St., Salem
Daily Offiee Hoars 0 to 0 p. m.
Sun. end Wed.. 9 lo 10 s, m.
' r 'y
S5 ip
Eight months service as cadet
engineer oa the General . Lee, Bail
ing between the coast and the
orient, have ended tor Gordon
Black, who - yesterday returned
here to the home of hia parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Blact
Young Black' plana to enter col
lege this fall.
. He reports excellent sailing
conditions both coming and go
ing on his. fourth and last trip,
also an interesting trip to Tokyo.
He says that or the entire 25
miles sailing between Tokyo and
Yokohama the boat apparently
passed through a continuous city.
Tokyo is very modern, and be
tween the two cities, nine elec
tric rail lines are in operation.
Theatres were especially impres
sive in Tokyo, be says.
First Christian
Folks Will Hear
A. U. Michelson
Dr. A. U. Michelson of Los An
geles, will be guest speaker at
the First Christian church at both
services Sunday. He is a gradu
ate of the University of Berlin
where he received the doctor of
laws degree. For considerable
time he was a practicing attorney
in Germany and became a judge
in the courts of Germany.
He is of Jewish birth, having
been reared in the home of a rab
bi. He became converted to the
Christian faith and is now one of
America's foremost advocates of
Christ. He operates a mission in
Los Angeles under the name of
The Hebrew Christian Synagogue.
Sunday morning he will present
the Jewish passover feast and in
the evening will speak of the fu
ture of the Jews as set forth in
the prophecies of the old testa
The South Salem Friends
church and Sunday school will
hold their midsummer picnic at
Silverton park Tuesday, with
transportation to be furnished
from the church at 10 o'clock that
Corner North Winter and Jefferson
street; Rev. Lynn A. Wood will preach
t n a. m. on Two f unctions of Re
gion" and at -8 p. m. on "The Influ-
nce of Jesus". Reception for the new
parsonage family following the evening
19th and Ferry streets. H. C. Stover.
minister. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. J. J.
Thompson, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "The Fin
ishing of Our Lives. Anthem, Open
Wide the Gates" (Hamblin). "The
Builder" (Cadman).
(Commonly colled the Uorman ehnren).
Meets Sundaj,, 420 N. Cottage. Sunday
school, 10 a. tn.; Kay stumco, supt.
Meeting; after Sunday achool.
Liberty-at Center; J. R.' Simonds, min
ster.' Sunday school, 9:45. .Morning
worship, 11. Sermon, "Make Believe
Bad Folks."
Corner ot Hazel and Academy street.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer serrice.
Thursday at 7:45 p. ra.
For Limited Time Only
.By popular demand from many of our cui- .
tomers who were unable to take advantage
of our recent Tire Sale, we announce a con
tinuance of our FREE TUBE SALE,
Act Now ... We Repeat
A Free Tube with each Firestone Oldfield
Tire purchased. You save the price of the
tube, and with a new tube add many miles
to your tire. This is your opportunity t-
save, but you must act quick.
Center and Liberty Streets, Sa'em, Ore.
Missionary Will
:Speak Sunday at
Highland Church
The Sunday night service at
the Highland Friends church will
take the form of a rally in honor
of the church's outgoing mission
ary. Miss Eshtel Gully, who wilt
saiF for Bolivia. August 22. Tne
South Salem Friends will ' Join
with the Highland group for thia
occasion.. Miss Gully will apeak at
S o'clock.
Dr. A. TJ. Michelson, converted
Jew, will speak Tuesday and
Wednesday nights at 8 o'clock at
the Highland church.
Announcement has Just been
made from the chancery office
that the Reverend T. J. Bernards.
pastor of St. Joseph's parish, Sa
lem, has been appointed adminis
trator of St. Vincent's parish,
North Salem, until such time as a
resident pastor will be appointed.
Rev. Bernards will retain his
former charges as pastor of 6t.
Joseph's parish, Salem, St.. Pat
rick's parish, Independence, and
chaplain of the state institutions.
He will be assisted in his ex
tensive field of labors by the Rev,
R. S. Ueugebauer who for the
past 1 0 months has been assistant
at St. Joseph's parish and acting
chaplain at the state institutions,
and the Rev. John Reedy who was
ordained to the priesthood June
9. The clergy will reside at 751
Chemeketa street, Salem. '
Christ Lutheran
Picnic Is Slated
At Grove Sunday
Christ Lutheran church will
hold its 46th annual picnic at Ha
gers grove Sunday following the
morning services. The Sunday
school teachers form a commit
tee for the games and contests:
Gus Schlicker, Mrs. A. Zamzow,
Mrs. A. Minneman, Edna Henne,
John Minneman and Laura Min
neman. Officers of the Dorcas
society, Mrs. P. Blundel, Mrs. A.
Zamzow, Mrs. A. Propp, Mrs. H.
Meyer and Mrs. H. F. Batterman.
will assist at the .meal. Serving
at the stand will be the Luther
league committee: Alvin Battal
ion, Edna Henne, Edith Kohiver,
Laura Minneman and Evelyn
is as Important" as the clothes
themselves. It means that the
wearer and the clothes exactly
fit each other in style, and.
more important, personality. It
is only in tailored clothes that
such individual expression is
474 Court Street
Reorganization of the Salem
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, more commonly called
the Mormon church, was perfect
ed at a meeting here this week.
when President .Quinney of the
Northwestern mission of the
church, capfe here for ,that pur
Retirigfficers were released
with a vote of thanks for their
diligent efforts, and these new
heads of the Salem branch were
voted In and sustained; President.
W. L. Smith ; first councilor,
Frans Wilhelm; second councilor,
A. G. Hawkins.
Ray Stumbo is superintendent
of the Sunday school which is
held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
at 420 North Cottage street. Meet
ing takes up directly after Sun
day school, at 12 o'clock.
Play Reception
For New Pastor
Sunday Evening
A reception for Rev. Lynn A.
Wood, new pastor of the Jason
Lee Methodist church here, and
Mrs. Wood will be held at the
church Sunday night following
the regular evening worship. Rev.
and Mrs. Wood and their small,
son, William Warner, arrived this
week from his former charge at
Rev. Wood will preach his first
sermons as pastor here Sunday,
speaking at 11 o'clock in the
morning on "The Functions of
Religion" and at 8 o'clock at
night on "The Influence of Je
sus'. Weekend Feature
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