PAGE SEVEN Alw r The OREGON STATESMAN, Satan. Oregon, Saturday Morning, July C, 1535 Us Ads A, 1 IJ ft Statesman Classified Ads Call 910- Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line . ,10e Three- Insertion- per line -.20c Six insertions per Una ....30c Obo month per Use . ...$l.O0 Minimum chart ....25c Copy for $hi pag accepted until S:30 the evening ncfere publication lor classification. Copy received after- this -tintet wilt be ran under tb beadiae Too Late to ClassHy. The Statesman assumes bo financial responsibility Cor er rors which may appear in ad vertisements pablished ta Its cola ions, aavl In cases where this paper is at faalt will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserve the right to reject objectionable advertising. It farther reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Pulp wood cnttera. Dol lar fifty a cord. Good timber, good ground. M. O. Boyer, Grand Ronde, Oregon. Want 15 or 20 white fir cotters timber felled, trimmed and peeled; $1 per cord for sawing, splitting and pil ing. Long Job. Good camp ground. Tools furnished. Roy Stevens, 1025 2nd St.. West Salem. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted girl, 19-30, for general taswk, care one child. Room, board, wages; 8". X. Liberty. TeL 8859. Kxperienced waitress. Cafe. Coney Island Experienced waitress, teria. State Kafe- SITUATIONS WANTED Shirts laundered, 18o. lc Tel. 7313. Reliable high school boy exp. in farm work and milking; wants place in country. Small wages. Good ret Box 2T. Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Safa for sain, fireproof. ZS5 Cheme keta. Male C Spaniels. $2. 1725 S .Cap. We extract the juice from your cher ries and loganberries. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. fli-ij-ij-)j-iririjijir ii "iTV Belcrest. Sell, trade. TeL 463. ' Will sell my Hawaiian guitar and eonrse of instructions, reasonable; 796 - N. 15th. , ;. , Red fox fur. SOSO K. Oapitol. WANTED Miscdlaneoas Poultry wanted 3?8 N. Front WANTED Real Cultivated berries M;rion St wild blackberries, not wanted. 315 MISCtilXANKOUS Saw repairing Salem Saw Shop Four Corners Pin Rnart TeL 4280. Haircut Sc-2l)a ! S Wlo'e, Aiitn Park Service Station Julv snecial Cars washed 35c, called for I and delivered : 4)4 S. Winter. T-l. 7836 FOR RENT ROOMS ftrir iii i i-ii-i-i i i- - - - -- -Heated sleeping rooms. 444 S. HiCtL Attractive sleeping rm front, first floor, fireplace. 250 S. Cottage Sleeping room close la. TeL 4431. ar.-iiiiiiri in, i, i 1 1 i -ii-i 1 1 ii ii m i -i- -i ii.- Well turn, room close in. 909 Clieme- keta St. Tel. 5539. H. K. rooms. rnv, wit: 2S0 Center. r ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, very close in. TeL 5482. Sleeping rooma 595 Court. TeL 518. Room and board. TeL 4445. - Rrd , rm.. S0 Chemeketa. Tel. 8394. FOintKNT APARTMENTS 3 room furn. apt.. Frlgidaire, private bath. Call after 6:30 p. rn., 1209 Court Attractive 3 R. apt.. 1589 Center. Furnished apt.. 3 Center St. " Unfurn. 4 R. apt 1820 Ferry. Furn. apt.. 595 Highland. TeL 8132. Furn. heated at.. adults, $15, Prlv. entrance and bath. 991 Mill. 2 and 3 room furn. apts. Adults only. 1384 Marion. Five rm. turn, duplex, 1st floor gar aite F. C,. Albert. 8S0 Mill. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. ft unfurn. Forkner. TeL IHV Houses. Grant. 53J Court. TeL 6584 S R. unfurn. bungalow in southeast Salem. Tel. 7540. Good house, garage. Tel. 4581. Six rm. house, 3 bedrms., basement, garage, $22.50. Tel. 7767. ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon B. Bell. Security Building, Portland, Ore. Western Advertising Representatives Fenper-HaU Co.. LtdL 235 Montgomery Street San Francisco, Calif. Eastern Advertising Representatives , Bryant, Griffith ft Brunson, Inc., Chicago. New York. Detroit, - Boston, Atlanta Entered at thw Postoffice at Solam, Oregon, aa Sacond-Clasi Matter. P - o lisnca every mommy except aonaay. Rutin est office. 215 South Commercial otrecz. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, In Advance, Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, 1 Ko. 69 cents: 3 Ma $1.25 ; S Mo. $3.25 ; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per Ko or $5.00 for 1 year In advance, Per Conv 3 rents. News Stands 5 cents. - By-City Carrier: 45 cents a month;! a year in advance. FOR RENT Hospital fecdr and wheelcLalra ta rent. H- U surf Furniture Co. OIic- rooms, for rent. 881 Stata St. rL mi. Cotfcww t Varhnts, Tel 47FZ. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Beautiful -b-Udinar lot en Fntrmoant HiU, ew-ec, leaving city, tor sale, Tries reasonable. TVili take lats model ear: i SeaJ. XMaX owner. IHL Modern room .taraw. owner lea vtnr cKy.. Priced to sen. 3U K. Leffelle. or Dial 8147. FOB 8AU5 t mm hoot, 117S N. Fourth street ; double garage. Price KRTJEGER, 147 X. ComX NORTH SALESC BARGAIN 6 large rooma, unfinished attic, basement, furnare, large lot, street paved and paid. Priced low at 42660. CALX. MRS. ELU3 for anpotntment. CH1LDS A MUJ.ER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone C70S. SPECIAL. 7 room plastered house, basement, furnace, garage. Only 10 blocks from L dd Bush bank. Owner ill, offers place lor JSOO. part terms. CHILDS MII.T.KR. Realtors 344 State Street Phone (70S. For sale or trade for Portland clear, 8 A. Imp. clear at Detroit. Owner P. . Box 1S9, Detroit, Ore. 1150 down, 5 room plastered home in good condition, bath, lights, lawn. etc.. iizae. SI SO down. 6 room home tn good con dltion, basement, furnace, oak floor in living room, I18a0. liOO down, nice bungalow, large liv ing room, oak floors In living r. and bed rooms, basement, fur nace, fireplace, lot 55x150, some fruit, $2500. $300 down, room English style home, oak floors in living and dining rooms, bath and 1 bed room on 1st floor, toilet, lavatory and 2 bedrooms upstairs, basement, fur nace, fireplace, corner lot, double garage, $3950. $600, $1500 and iZiOO to loan at per cent on goid w cirrirr. MKLV1N JOilNSOX 723 Court St. Phone 3723 Want offer on Sr. 2 lots, par age, assorted fruits, original cost $5000. Grant-Crittenden, Masunic Bldg. For Sale Lovely home on Fair mount Hill, positively one of the fin est views in Salem, if not the finest, extra large living room with fireplace, large- dining room, nice kitchen with breakfast room, toilet, lavatory and back porch on first floor, 2 very nice bedrooms ami bathroom upstairs, lots of closet and drawer room, complete basement, connected with gas and elec tricity, best plumbing. If interested in a nice home, call owner for appoint ment. Phone 5127. For Sale Fine 1S7 acre farm 6 miles north of Corvallls, 150 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, nice set of buildings, strictly modern 8 room house, electric liKhts. plumbing, fine new barn and all other outbuildings. Priced at $S00.00, $1000.00 cash, bal ance like rent. For Sale fiO acres close to Wood- burn, all iu cultivation, best kind of land, 5 room bungalow, electric lights, large barn and other building?. This farm originally sold for $12,009, now offered at $4800.00, reasonable terms. For Sale 57 acres close to Salem, very ffne sub-division proposition. Look this oveti $7D00.00 give you clear ti tle, terms if desired. For Sale SS acre farm 3 miles east of Silverton. 45 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, good buildings anJ good land, nice family orchard : $6000.00 buys it with a cash payment of $600.00, balance easy terms. For Sale 13 acre farm 5 miles southeast of Salem, best bottom land, fair buildings. Price reduced to $2St0. Nice home for sale. Are you inter ested In a home for less than It is worth on easy terms! IT so, looK over property located at 990 North 5th street and come' in and see us. Wanted to exchange service station doing good business for home in Salem. For full and comolete information regarding any of the above properties, see Mr. Ltndgren, . Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE 173 acre farm In Yamhill county few miles W. of Cartton, on good road, close to school, fair set bldgs.. "d spring water. Few acres Price $3000, part terms or exchange I for Salem home. CHILDS Sl MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE FARMS BIGGEST BUY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Fine ranch of 773 acrs, located S miles from good town. 250 acres In cultivation, balance In timber and pas ture. All-year creek of fine water. air set of buildines. Six million feet of fir timber, six thousand cords of oak wood. This property is anr estate and must be sold. For quick sale, offered at 320 per acre cm reasonable terms, no trades, if you are Interested In a real, buy, act at once. See Mr. unngren HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. t A. ml. from Salem on paved road. -5 room plastered house, bath, lights and electric pump, basement beautiful home site, $3500. 9 A. 1(4 mi. from Salem on paved road, Rood soil, 6 room house, barn, fruit, 1 14 A. berries, $3000, $00 down. bal. $20 per mo. 5 A. 1 mi. from Salem, small house, barn, good well, fenced, $1000, M cash. 68 A. 1 ml. from Wood burn on paved road, stood bldgs., all in cultivation, fenced. $8000. 1 137 A. 13 mi. from Salem, 35 A. cultivated. 2 A. orchard, fenced, 1009 cords of wood, creek, fair bMn. 44100. $600, $1500, $2500 to loan on good security at o per cent. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Phone 3,23 MONEY TO LOAN 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty af money for well Improved I rarms If amply secured. Improve or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet -Willamette valley rarma Hawkins and Roberta Inc. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO $J0 Beneficial Loan Society of Salem I - I Member of NRA. I Room 119. New Blisrh Bids. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 ft U 1(5 by STATE SI I Stats St TeL 1746 Loans Made tn Nearby Towns AUTO LOANS cars REFINANCED Easy Terms Investlgtt WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. af-159 (05 Guardian Bldg. Sakua money:to loan Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest possible rates;-r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A Loral Corporation tat -Kat'L -Baa Bide Rhone $553. Ueaaaed by- Stata X2509. to LOA.N on good security at . Melvin Jaanaoo, H1QHLT SECURED FIRST MORT GAGE LOANS. Wa now bar on hand several farm and dry first mortgages, net Investor Shk to percent Int. Best of security.. Amount SS0O to 3000. SEE US for sound inaestmeiwu. CHTLDS MILLiCR, attge. .Loans 344 State wt Phone 870$ FOR SALE WOOD GXTARATTTEEO DRT wood coat Tat. tflOO. Satera Fuel Co. Trada A Cottaga. ' Fit, oak. -maple. TeL tXIFJ. 4 ft fir and oak tor sale, cheap. Phone 7870. Dry 18 In. old fir No. L $5 cd., green, 14.75. TeL 693. 1BS7 I. rant. 4 ft. 2nd growth fir. TeL 61F15 Dry wood. 18 In. $4. Tel. 4084. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. Woodsawlng reasonable. Tel. 4084. LOST AND FOUND Found Jersey bull, about 1 yr. old. Pall R. 3, Bi. 1S3A. PERSONAL STOMACH ULCER. GAS PAINS, INDIGESTION victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription at cap ital and Perry s Drug Sstore. Mrs. White, psychic. "My work sneaks for Itself." Reading dally. Tel 8745. 641 Edgewater St. Riverside Auto Pnrk. Jtist arrosa bridge. rUK SALfci USED CARS McKay's Used Cars 4th of July Specials 1928 Essex Sedan Chrysler Roadster $75 1929 Chandler Sedan 1930 Studebaker Coupe $265 1923 Chrysler 72" Sedan 1931 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Roadster 1527 Packard Sedan Overhauled $265 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $295 1932 Chevrolet Sport Roadster Airwbeels $345 1931 Chevrolet Coupe $345 1929 Cadillac Sedan $395 1?31 Tontlac Sedan $375 1322 Ford Tudor Sedan $495 1334 Chevrolet Coupe $595 Reconditioned Trucks 1931 Chevrolet L. W. B. 32x6 tires $325 1332 Chevrolet S. W. B., 32x6 tires $395 1953 Chevrolet S. W. B., new tires $465 1933 Chevrolet L. W. B., 82x8 tires $485 1934 Chevrolet L. W. B., 32x$ 10-ply $575 TER5r3 TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay ChevroEet Co. 333 Center Phone 3189. SPECIAL BUYS IN USED CARS Come in and inspect our stock before you buy any car drive them yourself satisfy yourself before you buy 1933 Chevrolet Coach, in excellent condition - $145 1933 Pontiac Sedan, new tires, new paint, motor runs like new. This is an exceptional value $585 1934 Pontiac Sedan, late model, knee action, easy riding, no draft ventilation. Priced low at .. $685 1931 Buick 6SS Sport Coupe, rum ble seat : .-.$435 1930 Ford Sedan Tudor, all good tires $275 1929 Chev. Sedan, a real good - value i $235 1929 Chev. Truck, stake body $150 Others to Choose From Reasonable Terms Trades Accepted Otto J. Wilson Buick & Pontiac Dealers Center and Com ! Sts. Phone 5451 Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 29 Ford Sport Roadster $185 29 Ford Coach ICO 395 32 Plymouth Coach 27 Chevrolet Coach 95 27 Oldsmobile Sedan .. 85 34 V-8 Regular Sedan 585 485 285 165 325 33 v-8 DeLuxe Coupe 30 Model A Tudor 29 Model A Coupe 30 Studebaker 6 Sedan 33 Plymouth Coupe f 495 30 Model A Coupe - 31 Chevrolet Coach 285 325 215 325 29 Chevrolet Coupe o Chrysler Sedan 30 Chevrolet Coupe, new tires 300 SO 145 390 18S 25 Oldsmobile Coupe . It Packard Sedan 33 V-8 Coach, air wheel 29 Model A Coupe so Model A Koadster 27 Oldsmobile Sedan i 250 85 i 150 27 Buick 6 Sedan Trucks and Pickups 2 Dodge 1-ton delivery 32 Ford S. W. base 75 250 29 Ford Delivery .... 175 AND OTHERS At Marion and Liberty and Center Streets Tel. 7910 and 3158 Open Evenings and Sundays Early '31 DeSoto eight Sport DeLuxe raster., reasonable. Phone 493- or &iv. Borregos Better. Buys 1929 Pontiac Coupe 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan 1929 Dodge Spt. Roadster $260 . 260 -24$ 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan 23S 1S26 Ford Tudor Sedan Special in a 1933 Ford lonr W. B. truck : this truck Is good . . 195 kORRERO'S CAR MARKET S25 Marion SL 210 N. Liberty SL Business I Directory J Cards tn this directory run oa a monthly baaia oaly. Rate: ei.oe per'Hwe per month. AUTO BRAKES MMte Paawkv tit gonth TJnT-irvrrrlel. BROOMS Factory. 488 N- Church, TeL MX CHIMNEY SWEEP TeeThorw 448 B B. Karrwrteas; CHIEAPRACTOR3 DR. fx L. SCOTT, PSC. Chtropraetor. tKS S. High Tel Rea. I75t ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric; 24( State 8c Wir- I nc mntom utmlmnoa.- rvpalra serrW FLORISTS Breithaupt's, 447 Court. ALL kinds of floral work. I-utx. Flor ist. 127 N. Liberty. TeL $593. Bennett, 2233 Fairground Rd T. 173. KEYS We make keya Harry W. Bcott LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LA UN DRT 263 S. High Tei 912ft CAPITAL CITI LAUNDRI First In Quality and Service T.phnn. 1165 12B4 PrnndwuT MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDD1NO CO. Pbon 40 a I cV IT I TT TTtr T TT1 antJ Maltlttta Factory. NEW MATTRESS mafla to order, old remaae; carpet cleaning, six- bur. TeL sJL'otto F. zwicKtcrt I Kt iii MUSIC STORES ueo. a will Pianos, radios, sowing machines, sheet music and pfano stud- ies. Renalrins radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 433 Stata Street. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engravlns. 147 N. Com-m-rclal. TeL 588T. PRINTING lets. Droerams. books or any kind Ql I printing, cau in statesman rnnuM Department. 2is a CommerciaL Tele- i STOVES l repair stoves, ranges, circulators. ell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove works. 2C2 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. a B Flemlne. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, : call 313 L Larmer Transfer Ce. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CJTT Transfer Co. m warding and storage our specialty. Get ir rates. TRUCKING L C. Ramseyer truck service, hauling of all kinds. Tel. 3354. WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Ser- c.a? ZZF&1Uto Pooler, deceased, and monthly. Phone 41 si. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, a . TeL 110F6. Radio Program Saturday, Jul; 6 KGW PORTLAND 620 Sc. 7:00 Honeymooners, KBC. 7:'15 Voss Family, KBC, 7:30 Sextette, NBC. 8:00 Jack Sprigg'a orchestra. 8:15 Genio Fonariova, NBC. 10:30 Miniature Theatre, KBQ. 12:00 Revue. v 12:45 Beale ft Taylor orchestra. 1 :00 Orchestra. 1:30 Our American Schools, NBC. 1:45 Tea Music, NBC. 3:00 At the Piano, NBC. 3 :05 Religion in ths News, NBC. 3:15 Our National Parks, NBC 3:45 Master Builder, NBC. 9:00 Archie Loveland'a orchestra. 9:30 Pan American. NBC. 10:55 Preaa Radio News, NBC. 11:00 Jantxen Baach orchestra. 11:30 Davenport Hotel orchestra, NBC. HOIK POKTLAHD 940 Ke, 8:30 Al Roth's orchestra, CBS. 8:15 Jack and Jill. CBS. 9:30 Billy Mills, CBS. 10:30 Captivators, CBS. 11:15 Village Oreen, UBS. 11:30 Buffalo Presents, CBS. 12:30 Chicsgoans, CBS. 1)00 Book of Life. 1:30 F.lsie Thompson and Evelyn Mc Gregor, CBS. 2:00 Frederick William Wile, CBS. 2:15 Concert Miniatures, CBS. 2:30 Frank Dailey'a orchestra, CBS. 8:00 Kvrdjia's orchestra, CBS. 5 :00 Country Chore- of Hollywood. DLB8. 5:30 California afalodiet, DLB8. 7:00 California Maaie Schools, CBS. 7:15 Musical Momenta, Chevrolet, CBS. 7:45 Hopkin'a Orchestra. CBS. 8:30 Herbeck's Orchestra, UUiiS. 8:45 Leon Pi Drwi, organ. B:00 Orrille Kaapp's orchestra, DLBS 10:00 neck's Orchestra, CBS. 10:80 Don Bestor's Orchestra, DLBS. 11:00 JaaUen Beach Orchestra to CBS. KOAt: COaVALLIS 560 Ke. 9 :00 H o m Economics Observer's Story Hour. 10:00 Music. 10:15 Wkat Edaeators are doing. 10:30 M-aie. 10:45 Guarding Tour Health. 11:00 Musie. 11:15 The Wprld Bookman. 11:20 Music, v i 11:30 Hollingaworth Organ BecttaL 12:00 Noon Farm Honi 1:00 Virginia Nelson, pianist. 1:15 Stories for Boys and Girls. 1 :30 MoAic. , ; 1:45 Citiaena Forum. 2:00 Maaie. 2:15-2:30 Komanc tTader the Water. 6:30 Evening turn Hour.. 7:30 Music. 8:00 U. S. Weather Boreas Report Fire weather forecast, 8 :05 Music. 45 ML STAYS H WITH FEDEMl I BOSTON. Suit MJeVThe Com mercial Bulletin, wilt-say tontor-r row: . ' -. . ' Dominated by newioTernment orders, the wool market has kept Terr tirm on all descriptions, While jnediura scoured wools suit able "far the-- government con tracts, have shown alight -farther advanoee." Worsied descriptions sre lees active bat steady. "Buying in the west is less keen... There has been a fair turnover reported tn the- -somth- west, notably Is Texas and New Mexico at steady rates mostly be tween 2o and 25 cents depending: upon the wool for fine and fine medium types. "Civilian demand for piece- goods is limited. "Foreign markets are firm. "Mohair is in modest demand at steady rates. The BulleUn will publish the following quotations: Scoured basis: Oregon Fine and F. M. staple 72-73; fine and F. M. combing 66-68; fine and F. M. clothing 62-63. Mohair: Oregon, 26-28. Domestic graded: First comb ine. 43-45: second combing, 38 40: good carding, 33-35; first kid, 55-60; second kid, 50-55. (Foreign prices in bond.) NOTICE OT HEARING OF OB- NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that, the undersigned, as admin istrator of the estate of LEAH DELL COLLINS, deceased, has filed in the County ourt of Ma rion County, Oregon, his final account in said estate; and that 22 July, 1935, .at ten o'clock, a. m., and the courtroom of said court hare been appointed by said court ior ine ue .riug ot uujet- tions to said final account, ana the settlement thereof. vwn.- r. v.wi.'.o, i Administrator. CARSON & CARSON, Salem, Oregon. Attorneys for Administrator. Je. ZZ-Z3; JL b-lJ-zu NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executrix ot tne last wj uu icommcu.. ana estate or tiODen acnmun, deceased, and that sne nas amy ..1lftA . r, FraintriT fill " " . .". ; .I pcisuuo " "& estate of said decedent are noti- tied to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Konaia u. Uiover, my aiotrney, zua uregon uunuiut,, oaiciu, Marion County, Oregon, witnin six months from the qate or tnis notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 29th day of June,- 193o. kosa uazllilkn, rixecuirix oi me jasi win and testament and estate of Robert Schmutz, de ceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, " ' J.-9-J1.6-13-20-27. NOTICE OP FINAL SKTTLiSMKNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has fill ' in the Coun- ty Court of the .State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as the Administratrix of the estate of I that said court nas nxea lues- f.j 4oir e T.iltr 105 at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the r4w T?r.m m . rnnn. ty Court House at Salem, in Ma- rlon County. Oregon, as the place for hiring said final account and ... 7,. aicu at .ooicui, wc6UU, 22nd day of June, 1935.. CLORA E. JOHNSON, Administratrix of the Es- tate of Jeanette Pooler. Deceased. RONAL C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. J. 22-29; Jly 6-13-20 Crash Victim Henry Swarts, of Philadelphia, representative of an American mo tion picture company, was among 14 victims of collision -of two pas senger planes at Medellin, Colombia. i m jour - v jaiSjsssijaaisBa . - - ? " - awt1 V l i- " s - - - " f V; . it? ; - - '-, ,r Shar es Rejpea I Strength FLOOD of mm ViDEAT IS FfEED CHICAGO, July B-CffJ-Appar- ent : virtual abandoning, of Cana da's pol(cy of withholding from internetfonal trade-huge amounts of snrplns wheat resulted today ta smashing, wheat values .down S cents,' . A statement 'from Premier Ben nett of Canada that there would be no sacrificing of grain from that country was ignored as a market influence. Attention of traders here 'focused instead on the. fact the price of wheat at Winnipeg today had tumbled to the minimum permitted by the Canadian government. Wheat in Chicago, and rye aa well closed semi - demoralized. wheat 5-5 U cents under Wed' nesday's finish, Sept. 81, rye 4-5 cents down corn 14-2 off, Sept. 73-73 M, oats at l-2 cents decline, and provisions un changed to 25 cents lower. Plosine- auotatkns: Wheat: July 81, Sept. 81 ?s, Dec. 83. Corn: July 79 U Sept. 73 73, Dec. 62U-- Oats: July 23, Sept. 31'4-U n. 3314- FLUCTUATIONS OF PORTLAND. Julv 5.-(A-The BjjKnt fluctuation in the Portland butter market during the last ffeel Baa suDsiaea, ana aeaiers found the same prices in effect after which held July 3." with the exception of stan- dards, which went up one-half cent anci prime firsts, which also went un one-half cent. Egg prices were not cuangea from the pre-holiday sessions. Cheese prices seem in a fair way to regain gTound lost in the slump of last week. Poultry market has remained qulet but steady. with most of t 0fferines taken hy a consis- tent flemanfi Berries are Lower I ... i - . , isernes, nn iue "lcV"uu rpnta ft crate on the wholesale .Ttr todav Raanberries con tinUed at $1.70, while youngber- took - diD from $1.50 to tj25 Sudden activity in string beans caugnt 80me of the producers and jobbers unprepared today. Prices went np sijgbtly. with those from The Dalles assuming importance again in the market. Local beans were not adequate to fill the demand. Field - grown cucumbers were appearing in local markets in suf ficient volume to almost displace the hothouse supply in dealings. The outside vegetables are of fine quanty and will be plentiful. Primo Camera cdalms he's neveri been deieated at "inaian wrest ling" where you clasp hands, el bows on a table, and try to push your foe's knuckles down to the table. NOTICE OF APPjMXTMEXT OF ' 1 ixouce is neieoy given me unigueu -c appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County f Mario. uju 'executors " thVv easned', "J have duly qualified as such exe- I , v ( i CICllUlO BgSlUBl LT OIOIQ . decedent are notified to present the same to us, duly verified, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, our attorney, 205 Oregon Build ing, Salem. Marion Connty, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 29th day of June, 1935. GEORGE W. HENDRY, CHRISTINE HENDRY, Executors of the Estate of - Marlon A.' Follett, de ceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. J.29-JL6-13-20-27 Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 5-4)-Tbe buyers were plentiful at the early farmers market Friday morning, but the producers were scarce. , . Wax beans held the spotlight and all quantities were sold out before the market was much more than underway. There were some nice looking wild blackber ries on the market and they sold readily at $1.60 per crate. Beets were a little cheaper this morning, selling for 20c per doz en bunches. They Bold Wednesday for 35e per dozen bunches. There were some currants selling- for $1.3X1-1.50 per crate. Green garlic Milwaukta, sew crop, lb., 15c Apricots Oregon, peath box, $1.40. Beans Local lb- 4e. Oreeav peppers California, Hi- 15a. Red peppers Calif- lb., 17c Apricots Calif, 30 Ib. lug, $2. Peas Oregon, lb- 8 3 Vic; new tela phone, 4-4 Vie; overripe, 8-2 Vic 8pinach Crate, 540e. Carrots Doiea bunches, 20c; local, 25c , ;. - Beets Deten bunches, 20c Green nloaa Dosea boaehes, 30c Dry onions Calif, reds, 60-lb. sack. flUTTER Ei Salem Markets Crmde U raw per cent milJ. crep basic pool price QiStO per hundred. tfetus- bases aa semi - montaly RBtteiXs avartaej l)latrOHtawatc . A grade bwttrv tat Drfiv-" ered, jWc; ute, 24c. A grade prints, 27c; B grade,1 SSc Price paid ta growers by Sakon buyers. (The pries aeic. iunTi4 by a local i car. as kaaicatrea ml wsrict 1 on ara not (wntMd by TSa SUtu i .., . 1 aaa.) : rSuXES (BnjTng Prire) WUd blackberries, cultivated 1.53 Freah figs, box .75 Feungberriei . ; 1.25 Black Caps, crate . 1.00 LagaBberries, erata , .80 Raspberries, 34s .. 1.40 Vi stermtlons, lb. 03 4 CaaUloupu, crste 2.50 to 8.00 tfiaespple, Cuban, erata 5.00 and C.oo Arises . - 1.85 to 2-50 Oranges. KstcI, faacy S.75 to 4.50 Cboics , ' to 8X0 Valeacias '. 2.75 ta 830 Bansnaa, is., oa stalk .06 Hands -o Lessons, fsncy a.00 to 4.75 2.35 to 3.25 1.00 Choic Lines, fresh . Applea, bushel 1.23 to 2.35 Strawberries, afarsball and Ore. crate Etterburg and Corrallir VEGETABLES (Bnyinc Prices) 1.50 1.60 Oreen onioni. local, doiea Local osiens, 50 lbs., Ko. 1 Ao. 2, 50 lbs. Yellows, 60 lb. .Asparagus, local, do. Washington, lb Rhnbsrb. Iceal, lb. Artichokes, box 2."50 to 8.00 Cauliflower, Oregon, lug .90 to L50 Cabbage. Oregon, lb. .02 to j03 Carrots. Calif., dozen .. . ... .25 to .SO Carrots, local, dozes i. .35 Celery, loeil, dot. 30 to .45 Celery hearts, doz. .60 to .75 encumbers, hothouse, box l.To to 2.25 Heets. Califs dozes .35 Beans, local, th- : .08 r.ndiTes. coiea . .60 Green peppers, IK .20 Lettuce, local . .75 to 1.25 t'otatoes ' Local. No. 1. ewu L75 1.00 1.00 , V85 2.35 Local. Ko. 2. ewt. Yakima, No. 1, 60 lha Takinuv Ko. 3. 50 lb Sweet . New snnds, Cslid. 1.50 to 1.75 02 hi to .04 Local new peas Spmach, local, orange cratt .50 Squash, Calif, erats 1.25 Tomatoes (lot house. 10 lbs. 1.83 Mexican, 10-lb. lug . 2.00 Turnips, dozen .50 .20 .20 as Radishes, local, .dozen Walcata, lb. IS to Filberts. Ib. .13 ta HOPS (Buying Price) Clusters, 1934 lb., lop .091,4 Fulea. 1934. top lb. J3 EGSS (Burins Price) Extras . Standards .21 J9 .IS Mediums WOOL AND atOHAXB Burinf Price) Mohair .20 Medium wool Coarse and fine tvno! ' POT7XTBT (Buying Price) Hesry hens, 4 or orver Colored mediums. Ib. , Medium Leghorns, lb. .15 .14 J3 .12 .17 .OS .08 .16 . J3 Lieut. Ib. Fryers. Ib. Stags, lb. Roosters, lb. . Colored frvs, lb .. hits Leghorn fry, lb. MEAT (Baying Price) Lambs, Ib. ; . .05 M to .05 H Ewes, lb . .01 to Yearlina- lambs .03 ta .02 .03 Vi Hogs. 140-170 Ibi. 7.25 to 8.25 120-130 lbs. 6.2- to 7.25 170-210 lbs top 9.25 210-250 lbs., top -. 8.25 to 9.25 Sows 7.25 to 7.50 4.00 to 6.00 Steers Cows .,, 1.50 to 3.50 4.0O 3.50 to 5.00 .5.00 to 5.50 Balls Heilers Veal, top Dressed hogs .15H Dressed veal, lb. ...... 09 Vi GRAIN AND SAT Wheal, western red . .67 - .68 -25.O0 .30.00 .25.00 .2000 . 0.00 . 9.00 -tree . -is White, No. 1 Barley, .feed. No. L ton Malting, ton Oats, milling, ton Feed, ton Hay. buying price - Cloret hay Oats and vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley Clover Seed- Red, lb. Alsita. lb. .it $1.10; yellows, $1.10; wax. $2.25; Walla Wall, W SI 25 wans, DOX, Toraipa Doxen bnnehea, pnrplt tops. 40-45- Radishea Doxen bunches, 20c Icicle radishes Doxen bunches. 20c. Cabbage Seattle. No. 1, crate, 60-75e Danish ballhead. 60-75c Cauliflower Crate. No. 1, 75c; No, 2 60e. Celerv hearts Dozen bunches. 85e Celery Field packed, crate, 82.25; washed, $3. Potatoes 100 lb. sack, tl.10. New potatoes 100 lb. sack, $2; new Oregon. 60-lb. box. 81; washed. 100 lbs, $2.35. Green rarlic Milwankie. lb.. 8-10e. Cncnmbert Box. Calif., $1.75; hot bouse, 82. Rhubarb Pound. 2c. Asnararua No. 1. box. S2: No. 2 $1.50. Parsley Doxen enncnes. zue. Xtw Oregon, eratn. Strawberries irttes Seattle, crate. 75c; local, 60c n w o . j , Tnm.toesHothoo.e 50 lb. box. 81.25- 1.40. Raspberries Crate. $1.50-2. Loganberries Crate. 8O-90c Watermelons Pound, 24c Blackberriei Crate. $1.75. Blackcaps Crat.e. $1 75. Wild blackberries Crate. $1.60. Voanxberriea Crate. 8L50-1.75. Apples Winesaps, extra fancy, 82.50; new crop $2. r'.-H n, T.a-(K--! T RIaeV K . publicana St. "Boyal Aanea 'se, pi f. . a A.K. . lU K CH, Taangbarries Crate. $1.25 1.40. Peaches California, box, 8' Pfum Cglifornis, box, $2 2.23. Currants Crate, $1.30-1.50. Stocks and Bond ynly S STOCK AVEBAGES (Compiled by Ths Aiaociated Preii) 80 15 15 60 Indukt. RshU TJtiL Btoeka Today , , 61. 23.7 Prev.. day 60.3. 23.5. 33.1 44.9 32.9 44.3 80.7 - 43.8 52.8 42.8 52.1 5JS 71.6 S4.S 40. 51.4 24.2 US Mont- ago 68.1 22.2 Year ago 52.7 82.9 1B35 high 61.9 27.6 1935 low 49.5 18.5 1934 high 61.4 -43.0 1934 low - . 45.3 -22.8 Nw 1935 high. BOND ATEBAQXS 20 10 10 . 10 Rails Indust. TJtiL For'n - S2 a 7.- 96.8 69.5 Today Prev. day 82.4 .TO 3.25 , 2.75 2.30 1.10 .07 .Oltt 7.3 96.8 ee.s 95.9 93.T '68.4 89.8 86.9 64.6 87.9 98.8 ' 70.4 92.8 84., 5.5 03 9 ' 88.9 70.0. 73.7 - 6t ' ' 0-S Month aga . 79.7 Tear ago 8S.S 1935 high 87.8 1935 low 7S.4 1SS4 high 8.4 19S4 14yr 74.5, New 1985 alghc UTILITIES (DilCE 10 L'Fi'J 18:15 KIEII NEW YORK. July 5-()-ReU-tively light demand in the stock market today was enough to push many leaders ahead fractions to. 1 around 4 points ach. Turnover In the stock exchange was well under the million mark at S77.730 ahares. The AasocUted ..-.---. c a v. e press average of 60 stocks was .6 Of a point- higher at the close st 44.9 The fifteen utilities used In the average edged .2 of a point to 33.1, a 1935 peak. The best gam for the day. however, was 'the 1.1 point advance in the, 30 industrials at 61.4, only .2 of a point away from the year's beat- Steel Shares Bought. Steel shares, "brokerage circles reported, were being bought by some' traders and investors on the (theory that with most auto con- i cerns preparing to turn out their new models in October rather than at the year-end, demand for steel from that source should shortly show a sharp pick-up. Lifts of 2 to 4 points appeared. tn such stock market leaders as Allied Chemical at 156. Westing- house at 56 Vs. American Can at 141, Chrysler at 50, V. S. i Steel preferred at 90 and Beth lehem at 75. - Gains up to 2 points were reg istered by U. S. Steel at 35. American Telephone at 128, American Tobacco "B" at 94, Inland Steel at 60, Liggett & My ers "B" at 115, Bethlehem at 29, National Steeiat 50, Internation al Harvester at 46 U and Ludlum at 18. CALL FOR BIDS . ... The clerk will receive bids up to 5:00 P.M.. July 15, 1935. on a steam heating plant to be in stalled in the grade -school build ing of School District No. 77 of Stayton. Oregon. The district re serve, the Tight to reject any or all bids. H. A. Beaucbamp. chairman Paul Stayton, clerk. J.6-10 General Markets PEODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore.. July 5. (AP) Produce Exchange, net prices : Butter: Extras, 25c; staniards, 24c: prime firsts, 23c; firsts, 22c. iiuyerfat: :5c Eggs: U. & specials, 26: C. S. extras. 24; U. S. medium, large. 23c. Portland Grain PORTLAND. July 5. (AP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close July 74H 74 71 71 Sept. 74 74 71 71 Dec 75 75 72 72 Cash: Big Bend Bluestem. 83; do 13 per cent, nT; dark hard winter 12 per 1 cent, 87 H: do 11 per cent, 75; soft rhite. western white, 71; hard winter, 69 ; northern spring, 70 ; western red. Oata, No. 2 white, 22.50. Cora, No. 2 E. yellow, 39.23. Millrun standard, 23. Portland Produce POBTLASD. Ore.. July 5. (API- Prints, A grade, 26 Vie lb. ia parchment wrapper, 27 Vic lb ia cartons; B grade. parchment wrapped, 25 Vic ib; Cartons 26Vsc lb. Bntterfat Portland delivery: A grade deliveries at least twice weekly, 25-26C lb; country routes, 24-26c lb; B grade, -liveries less than twice weekly, 25 26c Ib; C grade at market. B grade cream tor bottling Buying price, Buttertat basis, 55c lb. Kggs Hales to Teuuiers: Boecuus, zac; extras. 26c; fresh extras, brown, 26c; standards 23c; fresh mediums 25c; me dium firsts, 21c doien. Eggs Baying price el Wbolesalera: Fresh specials. 23c; - extras. 23c; stand- " Sic; extra mecium. 2cs I firsts, 17c; under grade 17e doses, I . (i. ,.;v-,. 15. loaf, 14e. Brokera will pay Vac below quotations. Mila contrac price, a, ronuiii e Iivery, 82.20 iwt; B grade cream, 27VjO lb. surplua basis. Country meats belling price to retail ers: Country tinea nogs, neat Duieoers. nader 150 lbs. 15Vi-loe lb;.vealera, ivo. 1. lie lb; light and ethers, 8 we lb; feeavy 7V-9c-lb; catter; caaners be lb: balls. Be lb: yearling lamba lue id; SDring 11-11 Vic lb: medium 9-10c lb; ewee -e 10 . Cascara Bark Buying price, 193a peel. 2 U. Hops 1934 tugglea, t - w; eiua- Ura, S-10e Ib. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing price: Colored hens, over 6, lbs, 15 16c lb: ander 5V4 lb. 1516c lb; over 3V4 lba. 1814c lb; under 3 lba, 1314c ID; iprinKS, TB u - Ml, ar aut Vi Jh. 15c Jb; d lb. I 1 6-1 i e lb; write broilers, 13e lb; roos- 'era, 8e lb; Ptkia ducks, young, 14- I17',b- Onions Orecon Ko. 1. $2 cwt. New onions California reds, 81.58 per 501b bag; California wax, 82-50 crate; yellow, $1.15 per 50-lb bag. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1.25 cea tal; Deschutes Gems, $1.50; Idaho Gems. 8123. New potatoes California whites. $L75 per cental; Pasco 50a, 90c per 50 lb. bsg. Cantaloupes Imperial Jumbo, 5c l -0J u",dJd, .,2: JL??-' ?ni.,- I Wool 193a cup. nominal; Willamette I . , IK. r. an valley medium, 20-2 le Ib; coarse and braid, l-19e lb; eastern Oregon, 18-21e lb. Hay Buy lag price from pro-seen: Alfalfa No. 1, new price, glS-16.50; east ern Orea-oa timet by. 917; oats S7-10 ton; Willamette valley timothy, fit; clover, $7-10 ton, Portland. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, July 5 (APCSDA) Hogs: - Receipts 200, inc Iodine 161 threngh and direct; market active, tally steady. Good ta choice 175-210 lb weights, .50-.80; light lights 9.00-9.25; packing aowa mostly 7.25; feeder pig saleable around 9.00-9.75 or abvc - - Cattle: Receipts 25; calves 25 includ ing 19 direct; demand active; sesttwred sates f ally steady. Fed bead common grass steers and heifers aroaad 5.00; good fat grass steers quotable t Monday's top of 7.85; low cotter and cutter cows, 1.75- 3 00; common to medium beef eews 8-SO-a!l5; balls f 4.00-4.5-0; choice veslers ououbl npward to 7-50 or above Sheep: Receipts 1,500 including 703 threach and direct; iaarket steady, qaal ity considered; two bads good ta choice 7S lb Mt, Adams lambs' 8.75; few enW las belag forwarded; few good tracked ia Oregon lambs 9.75; medium throw-outs SOO; medium 68-108 lb yearlings 8 75- 4 00; "aged . wethers t.SO-S.OO; aUughtes awes saleable around $1.50-2.00.