PAtE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Mornintr, June 29, 1935 OlESJTEiVIEI'IS: OLDEST PHiE Ancient House with "Eight - Bedrooms Occupied - By Relative . SILVERTON, June 28 Ola Satern, who 'baa b.:n a resident of the Silverton country for 42 . years returned this week from a ' brief risit to Stanwood, Wash., where the Saterns lived prior to coming to Silverton. At Stan wood Mr. Satern was a guest at the old Rev. Christian Jprgenson home, the late uncle of Mrs. Sa tern. ReT. Mr, Jorgenson had ' been one of the pioneer ministers on the Pacific Coast and was one of the very first Lutheran 'minis tera to come west - i;-j The old Jorgenron home, where Mr. Satern .. visited, is a : large rambling house with eight bed rooms and la said to be the first Lutheran parson re on the coast. A portion of the hese lias been left Just as the ""Rev. Mr. Jorgen son left It at bis death a few years agd. His study is Intact with ,hia splendid collection - of books,' many of ; them over 400 years old. FItb children . of the Jorgeneons, none of them mar ried, still lire on the old 1ir.e stead.' Rev. Jorgenson,-during his . pioneer ministry on the coast traveled 1 through Oregon and ; Washington, to deliver sermons. "'and almost half a century ago he delivered a sermon In the hnmp sow owned by K. Torrestahl near 1 Silverton. ..r:-.v.;:----: Mr. Satern mentioned of parti cular interest the rich soil in the Stanwood district.. He recalled a particular hay field on the Jor genson farm from which bay was being harvested 42 years ago. This field was still, he reported. giTing a heavy yield of hay and It had never been ploughed nor sowed during the '1, years. On the return trip to Silverton. Mr. Satern and his party Tisited at the Edwin Tingektad home at Parkland, Wash.,' where Mr. Tin gelstad, formerly principal of the Silrerton high school, is now edit ing a paper. GHIGKETJ SHORTAGE PORTLAND, June 28. -(")- scramble for chickens was again generally showing In the'- local trade There was a good de mand at the moment tor prac tically all offerings. Chief shortage continued In the smaller : broilers. Some of the killers tried to advance the selling price on these to 1c Ik' V.., " U1l 1141.. . w., at urn ,uu tib,9 ui uu success but did not change ma terially the buying price. Conditions within the butter trade were generally of steady cnaracter in an parts of the country. No . further changes were shown here on the open market' for the day. While quality eggs, were get ting scarce, a fair supply was reported generally although some operators report a liberal decrease during the last few lays of hot weather. - Exceptionally good tone was showing for country killed meiU considering weather conditions with all - prices well maintained as a rule except for beef, which remained slow. ' Andersons Observe 13th Wedding Date SILVERTON, June 2 8. Mr. and Mrs. A.- R. Andonnn vhn have been residents of the Silrer ton community for the past 13 years, observed their 20th wed d i at anniversary Wednesday. During the week they have had as their bouse guests, Mr. Anderson's sister, Mrs. George Williams, her son. Gene, and a grandson, Jimmy Holden, all of Red WJng, Minne sota. The Andersons were mar ried at Red Wing. , - ML Salem arid Silverton to Be Hosts July 13 and 14 To Luther Men's Meeting "SILVERTON, June 27. Alf O. Nelson, chairman of the Lutheran Brotherhood of Oregon, and M. C Storruste, state secretary, h a v e been busy the. past few days send ing out announcements of the pro--gram and events of the " Pacifle Northwest convention of Lutheran men to be held at Salem and Sil verton July 13 and 14. -The Ore gon Brotherhood ' Is convention host for the tw days.- Preliminary, plans show that the men's convention will open at 10 a. m. at the American Luther an church at Salem on July 13. The forenoon session will be dfe- voted to registration of ' attend ance, welcoming of visitors, ;; or ganization of convention, bearing and acting on reports of the com mittee on permanent organization. Plan Open Forum During the afternoon session, which will open at 1:30. reports will be made on activities and in stitutions' in the Pacific northwest in all divisions, of the Lutheran church. An open forum discus sion will be held on the subject "The things that should and can be done to make our church more effective In propagating and main taining the Christian philosophy life." This discussion will em brace the problem of best utilis ing the radIo, theatre," increasing leisure time and the problem of. youth education and church un ity. The speakers will Include a number of well known laymen from all divisions of the Lutheran church. - SILVERTON HILLS, June 28 The Silrerton Hilla community club ia making arrangements for one of its .Interesting dances to be giTen at the hall on Jaly 6. One of the features of the evening will be the all-girls' orchestra un der the direction -of Miss Ann Dreller. Girls In the orchestra are all from Silrerton and include Lovell Gatchet,' pianist; Hazel McKenzle and Luella-Forland, violins; DordV thy Zollner and Dortnda Moffett, saxophones and drums. Miss, Drel ler herself plays a number of in struments. The girls call them selves the Silver Creek Serena des. Tbey will appear intostume. 1 HUBBARD, June 28. Eugene Silke. former superintendent of the Hubbard school, willjbegin bis work at Can by as high school su perintendent, July 1. The family will remain here until August 1, when they will move to Canby, where they will- occupy the Ed Bradtl residence. Fred CriswelL of Boise. Idaho, has returned home after a risit with his sister, Mrs. M P. Garren and family. He is an officer In the Idaho state police force. ' The Townsend club held as en thusiastic meeting Tuesday eve ning with the city hall filled to capacity. Music was provided by the "Little Wranglers," from Coos county. Speaker was E. East man, president of the Woodstock Townsend club, of Portland. The musicians have been booked for a later appearance. Mrs. Edna Hovenden, who has been visiting ber mother, Mrs J. L. Calvert, of Hubbard, return ed to her borne in Seaside, Wed nesday. S TO PUBLIC 2 DAYS SILVERTON. June 28. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jack will welcome friends and visitors at their gar den Saturday and Sunday at the fifth annual open garden at their home at 401 North Water street. Mr. Jack informs friends that for variety of lilies his gardens will be the best this weekend. The can terbury bells are also good now as is also the rock garden. The Jack rock garden is of un usual character. For years Mr, Jack has been a wanderer in and out of Oregon's native beauty spots, being. particularly fond of the rock formations and natural rock gardens along the Santiam. It was after the return from a trip along the Santiam that Mr. Jack decided fo build himself a miniature of the natural gardens. The Jaek home is fortunately sit uated along the banks of Silver Creek, which made the building of the rock garden easy and gave it a natural appearance. Little streams and water falls, tiny foot bridges and plantings of ferns, shrubs, mosses, sedums and other rock-loving growth have combined to make the sloping rock jarden interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Jack regret to re port that the abundance of lily bloom is far less than in former years. The gardens will be illum inated from 8:30 to 11:30 Sunday evening. CRAFTS MOVE SILVERTON. June 28. Dr. John Crafts, physician with the Silver Falls CCC camp, has rented the Nettie Schlador home near the city park and has moved into the bouse this week. Mrs. Crafts accompanied her husband to Sil rerton to make ber home during his connection with the CCC work. POGUE IS SPEAKER LIBERTY, June 28. After the regular weekly Sunday school session. Rev. Pogue of Salem will be the speaker at the church service tomorrow at 11a. nr. at the school - bouse. Christ tlan Endeavorers will meet at 7 o'clock In the evening. . From 5 to 6 o'clock on July 13, a sight seeing tour about Salem will be enjoyed under the direc tion of W, H. Krueger. At 6:30 a banquet will be held. The ban quet theme will be "Where do we go from- here in the Lutheran church.' The Young Men's choir of Silverton and a male quartet from- the .American Lutheran church of Salem -will ting. Ban quet reservations are in charge of Oscar Sedarstrom at 845 D street, Salem. - Picnic Second Day j An all day Lutheran family pic nic will be the feature of July 14 at the Silverton park;- The pic nic will open at 10 o'clock with an open air concert by the, 4-L band oi Silrerton and the Silrerton maleuchorus."',;.,''.;. y-i Rev. O. 3." Or da! of Bellingbam, Wash., will deliver the open air address at 11 o'clock. From 12 o'clock until 2 a picnic dinner and informal visiting will be enjoyed. Coffee, cream and sugar will be furnished oythe Silverton broth erhood. v:X- vva r- At 2 o'clock the program again opens with a concert by the Eagle band. Max Gehlhar ef Salem will give the address of the afternoon. Greetings from visitors from dis tant places will also be given. Tom Eaarhus ot Eugene will be the soloist of the afternoon. Plans call for a journey to Sil ver Creek falls at 4:30 with a pic nic supper to be enjoyed at the state park.' llttlMK JULY JACK GARDEN HS. I.ETTIE M ELECTEDJID HE! Chris Starr, of Amity First In Livestock Judging -4-H Contest AMITY, June 28. The Ladies' Social .Service club of the M. E, church' elected officers Wednes day afternoon at the last meeting of the conference year: Mrs. Net- tie Tovey, president; Mrs. W. R. Osborne, vice-president; Mrs. Em- mett Mitchell, secretary, and Mrs Mrs. A. N. Arnold, treasurer. Betty Jean Allison was honor ed with a party . on ber ninth birthday by her mother, Mrs. Les ter Allison, at their home east of town recently. Betty Brown of Portland cele brated her sixth birthday Thurs day at the home of ber grandmo ther, Mrs. M. E. Brown, here. Breaks Arm AcalA : Bruce Williams, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Williams, fell from a gravel bed at the Yamhill river this - week and broke his right arm. This is the third time with in a few years that Bruce has broken an arm. Chris Starr of Amity placed first in the livestock judging con test t at - the 4-H dub- summer school, at the Oregon State col lege. Starr won by a high margin over 307 boys. BOIDSIE SIGNED BY CITY OFFICIALS One hundred seventy-three re funding bonds of 1000 each de nomination were signed yesterday by Mayor V. E. Kuhn and City Re corder Warren Jones preparatory to delivery Monday to the pur chasers. The bonds were sold three weeks ago at a price to cost the city only 3 U percent interest on the obligations during their ten-year term. The date of the bonds Is July 1. Bond buyers refused to take them before that time, counsel on their legal status advising against the city's delivery until the date of issue. An ordinance to be introduced at the next session of the council will provide for sale of $160,000 to $175,000 in additional bonds, the proceeds therefrom being used to retire outstanding warrant in debtedness against the municipal ity. Warrants bearing dates of September 5, 1934, to May 7, 1935, inclusive, will be taken up Current tax receipts, are expected to keep the city on' a cash basis after the warrant refunding Issue is Bold. Rain Too Late for Brush Creek Farms; Hay Crpp Excellent BRUSH CREEK, June 28. Brush Creek farmers are report ing that the rain which fell Friday morning was not as wel come as it would have been a week or even 10 days ago. Much of the flax, which failed to make growth because of the extreme dryness, baa been plowed up. Spring grain here will amoant to little or noth ing. Fall sown grain In excep tionally fine, farmers report. The hay crop, also very good. is practically all in the stage of being harvested and farmers were In hopes rain would hold oft until the hay was In shelter. The seed crop on the Victor S. Madsen farm is also In the pro cess of harvestingnow. Valley Survey is Up Before Board The matter of allocation of $200,000 covering a survey of the Willamette valley will be brought before the federal allotment board Monday, Senator Charles L. MeNary yesterday. Informed the governor. MeNary stated that following advice from the army engineers, . that they had recom mended the . allocation he dis cussed the proposal with Secre tary Ickes, chairman of the al lotment board, and "feels he is favorable to the appropriation of the fund." COMMISSIONER'S COURT The following: is the official publication of the record of claims before the' Marion county commissioner's . court for the June term, 1935, with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc, according to the records in the office of the county, cleric. : ' - ROADS AXD HIGHW ATS FTJJfD June Term, 1035 - r Miscellaneous ' Accts.: Q Bahlberg, foreman, 103.82. Road District No. 17: Wnu . Allsup, sharp, plow, 1 ; labor: Joe - En drlgo, 23.S8: J. W. FItts, 15.96; Geo. Gent, 21.89: Conrad Hagen auer, 47.88; S. A.. Harris, 11.97; Chas. La Flemnie, 2 7.9 3 ; E. L. MeMahill. 13.88 J J. F. McNeff, 47.88; Clyde Menls, 5.97; Chas. Moisan, 23.88; V. L. - Morgan, 37.90; Geo. "Ramp, 1.99;: Tony Rasmussen, 47.81; A G. Streeter, 19.95; P. E. Jensen, 39.37. Road District No. 33: E. L. Kubla, 2.14. Road District No. 34: La bor: A. G, Myers, 1.99; A. R. Myers, 1.9 9 ; Eldon Myers, 1.9 $ ; G. D. Myers, 8.98; John Roda, 1.99;. Silas Roda, 1.99; Bill Ton kins, 1.99; L. F. Myers, 7.47. Road District No. 38: Labor: M. M. Booker, 59.78; J. F. Bewley. 59.80. Road District No. 57: La bor: Harry Phillips. 3.99: M.- M. Magee, 2.99. Road District No. 4: Labor: C. A. Blivea. 3.98; Wm. Manning, 1.99; James Mc- Cormlck, 1.98; Harvey GIrod, 5.97; J. MitchelL . 14.92; Leo Strong, 16.91; Edv.- Bdtterfield, 27.35; Fred MitchelL M.8J; Hom er MitcheU; 1.99: L. E. Kennies, 103.74; 'August Wardell, 3.98; J. E. Kimsey, 11.9 H. O. Bevier, 10.94; Jack Doyle, 8.95; C RIs teen. 12.93; - Lancet " Stewart; 8.95; E. J. Jtichards, 84.37; Jl P. Aspinwall, 77.74; J.1 F. Bewley, S.98; O. D. Binegar, 77.74; J. M. Coburn, 44.85; T. 1L Davidson, 77.74; ;F.i A Dutton, 2392; John Griesenauer, 15.19; Ben H. Haw kins. 132.86; V. J. Herts, 77.74; R. A. Hooper, 49.75; Wm. t R. King,. 10.82; Floyd Langston, 49.75; Geo, Mabrt, 33.09; Lester McHwain, 66.79: Wm. McIlwaln, 77,74 ; W. W. Mee, 4.48; Ray mond B. Miller. 5.98; H. Paul son, 67.09; W. G. Pearmine, 25.41; E. J. Richards 17.94; Nick Sch&b, 68.24; Dan Scharf, 44.84; O. G. Shepherd, 9.95; A. Smith, 26.90; L. W. Webber, 31.84,- Lee A. Wells, 5.98; W. W. Westenhouse. 7.98; : Frank R. Woelke, 67.27; Clyde Woodruff, 77.74; Walter Woolrldge, 2.24. Mill City Bridge Acct: Labor: V. P. Barnes, 62.14; M. Brown, 54.97; T. G. Cree, 11.95; A. Daly, 11.95; L." Ellsworth, 4.78; W. E. Fear heller, 84.53; J. P. Giefeler, 64.53 E. L. Graham, 40.63; Geo. Gunter. 5.97: "Vail Hinkle, 65.72; L. R. King, 95.88; Joe McKlnney, 129.74; Frank Mitchell, 64.53; Ted Olson, 8.36; H. Plymale, 64.53; C. C. Scott, 134.73; G. E. Thomas, 62.14; J. R. Trask, 37.94; V. W. Mason, 383.73. uiai Uridc-ft Arrtu Tbor: Rob ert O. Bye, 77.74; Anton Fesklns, 77.74; Theodore Keunzl, 77.74; Greg A. Robl,. 74.75; rrana eVhamnfar 71.7 S C1a.rnncA Z lib er, 74.76; A. H. Hennles, 129.74; APA.f. Jack Hurt, snarp. 1001s, b.bu; -oi- year Motor Sales Co., gasKeis, etc., C Asia T"Wtv er t rtn wrench, etc., 9.40; R. B. Fleming, wire, 2.50. Adm. Expense Acct: D. G. Boyer, stamps, 25.06; Capi tal CAtv Tttndorv- binding. 1.50: Unrub Knapp Printing Co., eps., 49.20. Battle Creek crusher accl: r. T-. mi! K Q Rn Pnnttnl 1JI A J l JCt.9 v., " r JnnV & Bareain House, cine. 2; Salem Iron Works, grease cups. etc., 30.99; labor: uoiman uon ohue, 67.23; Oscar Hoven, 77.74; Arthur Morgan, 107.73; T. J. Vandecoevering, 106.73; Otto Ho ven, labor, 107.73. Stayton Crusher Acct.: Mountain States Power Co.. electricity, 19.28; Stayton Switchboard Assn., tele- . - n 1 f. ftt pnone, Z.ju. engineers uiuio Acct.: N. C. Hubbs, trav. erp 74.76; N. C. Hubbs. salary. 149.74; Needham's 'Book store, nonAiin 1 sn- Thft Pacific Tel. & VUVU w t0i nn o1 9fl? Esther Scott. clerk, 18.00; Gladys M. Scott, do, 60. Buena vista erry accu: j. n rhnowith. labor. 99.38. Mo tor Patrol Accts.: P. A. Bernard Motor Co.. gas. 6.45; -Oregon State Hiehway Com., oil, tube, etc, 11.05; Paul Sowa, sharp teeth, .90. New Equipment Acct.: Austin Western Rd. Mach. Co. fcel 1113.60: Casev Tractor Co., broom, etc., 449.48. Oiling Acct.: American Brush Co., brooms, etc., 74.10; Goodyear nKhAT & AshPKtna Co.. tubins:. etc., 47.61; Ralph Rirod, labor, 149.74. Road Roller Acct.: Bu reau of Labor, inspection fee, 5 Tool House Acct.: J. W. Copeland Tarda, lumber. 76.50: J. E. Has fitJiiA & Co.. coal. 21.56: The George Lawrence Co., rags, 5.91 Oregon Wash. Water Serv., wa ter 2 19 Th Pacifle Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone, 6: Percy J. Pugh, arming wen, zuz.b; n.m a. Scbaefer. bandages. .85; Southern PacificCo., const, track, 543; Valley Macn. & weld, uo., oxygen, 8.70. Trucks Acct.: Mike Pan- aV -ronair brakes. 1.15. Wood Acct: James Colkin, labor, 1.99; -Palnti nntwirt An 5 25: J. J. Hollett, do, 1.99; Louis N. Wise(34 An. 1.99. Miscellaneous Accts.: Geo. E. Allen, bolts, etc., 67.83; The Austin Western Rd. Mach. Co., chain, etc., 56.40; W. E. Burns, hose, etc., 22.73; Carltal Journal, publ. claims, 10.40: D. G. Drager. cash adv. for freight, 6.80: Fererea Lumber Co.. lum ber, 7.20; Gabriel Powder & Sup. co., wire, etc., 3.i; uensrai pe troleum Corp.. OIL etc.. 4 (1.69: R. L. Hart, chainman, 12.83; Ha Jorgensen, spring leaf, etc., 91.16; C. B. McElhaney, chain man 11.97; Fred J. Miller, road viewer, 19.25; Pure Iron Culv. & ltr Cn MilTerts. 693.48: Sa lem Hardware Co., files, etc... 16; Salem Steel ft Supply, elevator buckets, etc., 268.16; Shell Oil Co., gasoline. 36.13; Silver Falls Timber Co., lumber, 593.87; Chas. K. SoauldiBK Log. Co.. do. 17.48: Standard Oil Co., of Calif., gaso line, 24.50; Union Oil Co. of CaUf., do, 75.22; Valley Motor Co., gaskets, 36.93; Western Auto Supply Co., tire, 15.10; Woodbury uo., Doits, etc., i.o; unas. . Hoyt, gravel, 5.60; Oregon Gravel Co.. do. 208.40: haulina- rravelr L. M. Case, 261.76; W. J. Daven port, 173.60; cieo Keppinger, 23.96; P. A. King. 209.74; Clar ence Libby, 51.84; Jobn Nag, 53.28; L. R. Tweedle, 180.48; State Ind. Ace.' Com., . insurance, 884.26: Stella ft Albert F. Wal ler, land, 225; labor: "Geo. Mc- Call. 1.99; Geo. Mabrt, 19.90; L. W. Webber, 19.90; J. F. Ulrlch Co.. bond. Si Soutbern Paeifie Co., freight on piling, 135.62; State Ind. Acc. Conu, insurance, 1023.85. GENERAL FUND " June Term, 1935 Poor Acct: Relief: Mrs. Ros- anna Aicher, 15; Golda May An- tnony, zo; Geo. H. Ashenbrenner, 10; Nora Barrett, 10; Mrs. E. L. Barton. 10: Mrs. Stella Bean. 1 0 ? Ruth Berry. 17.50; Mary Betker, 15; A. Bierward, 1 0 ; Emma- J. Bigler. 15: Mrs. Mable Talbot, re lief of John Bircber. 15: Ameri can Red Cross, relief of Chas. P. Boles, 15; relief: Hattie Bond, 10; BOys' ft Girls' Aid - Society, 25: Geo. Branch. 10: Mrs. M. E. Brooks, 15; ; Mrs. Amos Brown, 10; Jeneva E. Brown, 15; Wm. G. Bucbanon, 8; Frank L ft Sarah A. Burch. 20: Anna Butter field. 15; Nellie Cahill. 15: Mrs. Josla Campbell, 7.60; Mrs. - Elmer Chamberlain, relief at Elmer Cbamberlin, 16; relief : Mrs. Ef- ne Cooder. 15: Jas. W. Cover. IS: Mary E. Cummins. 15: Blanche Cupp, 25; Clara May Davis, 15; Clara I. Dimlck, 25; TJiy8Sa Ellen Dodge. 10; Cora L. Eby, 15; Lu clnda Emerick. 12.50; Mrs. Anna Engelhart, 10; Mrs Rose FaTlow, 10: A. R. Ferguson., relief ot self and wife, 25; Leonard Fleisch- man," relief, : 15; relief : Frank ft May Fowler, 1 5 : Margaret Fuchs. 75; Florence I. Furman, 20; Car rie uunert, la; Mrs.- Florence Graham, 3 0 ; W. I. Cobb, relief of Chas. Groening. 10: -I J. H. Harper, relief, 8; J. F. Bewley, relief ot Levi H. Harris, j 10 ; re lief; Grace A. Hart, 10; Mrs. Mat tie G. Hart. 20 ; - Edna May Har vev, 25; Geo. ft Addle Hayes,' 20; Annette A. Hicks, 20; Robert Hoage, 16 ; Mrs..,W.T. Hogg, 15; Ef fie R,cHolland, 20: Mrs. Lola Huddleston.,20; Mary Jackson, 15: Josenhlne Jeaudoinl 3S- Rosa Jordan, 15; Sarah E. Kep- aart, 15; Katherlne a Kopf, y 15 ; Mrs. Elizabeth Krause, 15: Beat rice zander, 15; Jtuth Larson, 25; Orpho Lee Loter. 2t: Emma Lundeen, 15; Paul Matt, i 5; Mrs Delia M. Shaw, , relief of Harry Meeker, 25 Carl H. Johnson, re lief of Chas. A. Miller, 7.50; Re gina Moffenbler. relief. 15: Rr. tha L. More, do, 5; Mrs. May Nel son, relief of Wm. Nelson, 10; R, G. Henderson, relief of J. H. Nick- erson, : 10; relief: Mrs. i ' Alvlra Northcutt, 12.60; Mrs. June Nus- sear, 25; Mrs. Kirstl Odman, 20; Mrs. Louisa Paquette. ' relief of self ft Nora Pluard, 16.67; relief: wm. a. parris, 15; Anton ft Ag nes Pavllcek: 25: B. A.t Borre- vik, relief of Olea Pedersen, 15; ura. Manilas smitn, relief of Wm. Perkins, 15; -W. J. ft Rosina Pe ters, relief, 20; relief: Chas. Pe terson. 10; Mrs. Eva PiUette, 10; Eva Quinn, 10; Anna F. Ratcliffe, 15; May Raymond, 15; Allots L. Redfem. relief of Leulla Redfern. 10; W.'L. Cobb, reUef-of Grant Keife, 12.50; Eber Rember. relief, 15; E. W. Garver, relief of Mrs. Annie Renlck. 15: Ettn':Knvdr do, 10; H. L. Oldenburg, relief of Cathrine L. Rhodes 15- i-n- wewm is. Knodes, 10; Lucille Rog w y -a v-a. ers, id; Mrs. Joseph J. Rondeau, .oo; Florence A. Rossell, 15: Anna Icuscher. 20: GenevfovA RuBcJher,1 15; Henry L. Sagsrold, lOr Lucy M, & Newton M. Sewell, 25; Newton Shepherd, 15; Nellie Simpson, 10; CO. Sipes. 15: Mrs. W. R. Slyter. 15: Mrs. Klnnnr Steward, 15; Mrs. Mary R. Stew ard, 20; Hulda Stripling, 8; Mur- us m. Bypnert, io; Joseph M. Terry, 12.50: Addle Tunnor IK- barilla Waidron, 15; Mrs. Anna l. wneeler, 10; Mrs. W. H. Wil liams, 10; Mary Wirtz, 15; Mrs. June wooaward, 20; James E Wymore. 5: Andrew Ynsr ik- ai. ieaa ucer, 1Z.50; Alma Zuercher, u 1. Warren. Pn rnm mamc. jree emp. off., 100. As sessor's Office Acct: Paul Grieb- enow, deputy, 115; Eva Roberts, ao. xoo; Alma Ackerman, do, low. Clerk's Office Acct.: C. C, Ward, clerk, 115; W. S. Lamkin, ao, ii&; j. h. Ward, do, 110; A. M. Presnall, do, 100; H. A. Judd, ao, ou; h. c. Mattson, do, 50 iog incense Funt Acct: H. A. Judd, clerk, 50. Court House acci.: a. H. Wyatt, Janitor, 70; W. W. Hill. do. 70: Mark W Pv. er, do, 70; Alice Dahlen, elevtor operator, 35; J. H. Kirsch, do, 35.. Dist. Attys. Office Acct: Lyle J. Page, deputy, 1775; Anna aiaoa, deputy, 50. Health Of fleer's Acct: V. A. Douglas. health officer, 100; Irma S. Le Kicne, nurse, 110; Ethel Lermon, clerk, 66.66. Salem Justice Court Acct: Alma Johnson, stenog- rapuer, o. juvenue Court Acct: Nona White, probation officer, 109.69. Recorder's Office Acct: Eva C. Lenhardt denntv: inn. Myrtle E. Beecroft do, 100; Ava C. Sundborg. do, 90; H. C. Scho- rieia, ao, 90. Registration and Election Acct: H. C. Mattson, clerk, 60. School Supt Office Acct.: Cora E. Reid, assistant, 115. Sheriffs Office Acct: W. Richardson, deputy, 117.19; B. R. &nnin. ao, 119.69; B. G. Honey cut, do, 54.84; Newell Williams, do, 62.34: L. E. Neet. An ill o. A. M. Dalrymple, do, 99.69; T. j'. craoec, ao. no; Robert Wagers, 100; L. Ohmart, 100; B. O. Con nor, do, 100; H. J. Thomas, do, 50. Treasurer's Office Acct: W. Y. Richardson, deputy, 115. Court House Acct.: Scott sAvan. watchman, 44.85. Miscellaneous' Accts.: Verden E. Hockett, relief of Mrs. W. J. Alguire, 18; Mary E. Jacobs, relief, 10; G. B. Smith, relief of Pete DeGuire, 15; G. B. Smith, relief of R. Deroche, 9.50 G. B. Smith, relief of Noah Egli, 9; G. B. Smith, relief of Burlye Leavitt, 12; Verden E. Hockett, relief ot Mrs; J. W. Cleveland, 10; Roy Davenport, relief of lAIfred Howe. 10: Rot Davennart nf of Mrs. N. Hensen, .15; Oregon etate Agri. ColL, co. agent exp.. 1100; Allots L. Redfern. rmM nt Luella Redfern, 10; Verden E. iiocaett, Teilef of E. K. Stewart, 5; Verden E. Hockett, relief of Mrs. H. P. Merrill. 10? Alfr.ri Rose, relief, 15. Co. Agent Acet: Yvonne Aufranv, clerk, 7.50. As sessor's Office Acct: Capital Press, books. 6.3 5 r R. stamps, 5; John Tweed, field de puty, 145; R. G. Doege. do, 200; R. L. Vounsr. do. Its- m w -w.ii do,-200; Ray Lick, do, 100; b! F. Terry, do, 215; H. R. Jones, do. xuw; tu wiiuam Thjelsen, do, 100; E. C. Dennv. dn iaa tnj. Itlng Acct: J. H. Roland, audit ing, 108. Circuit Court Acct: W. F.iBuchner, traveL exp., 6.10; Blanche B. Ferraann 10; Hotel Argo, meals for Jurors. 6.50; Hotel Senator, rooms for Jurors, 42; A.L. Lanktree, report er, 5; The Oregonian, pubL notice, 36.80. Co. Court ft Commission era Acct: Capital Journal, publ. claim, 20; Oregon Statesman, do, 21; Hotel Arro. mul fnr mm- mlttee, 12. Court House I Accts Geo. EJ Allen, rope, etc., 22.99 ; CapiUl City Laundry, laundry. 2; Graber Bros., nine. tc : 11 ok. Robert D. Lee, raising flag pole 1.99 ; R E. Northness, do, 10; Oregon ; Wash.r Wat fiarv r water,; 14. ' Delinquent Tax Fore cIosuto Acct: Gervals Star, pubL notices,-17. i Dlst, Attys. Office Acct: Salem Lanndrv C.n J lann- dry, 9.75; U. S. Naa Bank, rent. - vrawiord, stamps, 5; V. A. Douglas, travel prn - 3 7 rn. Hendrle Laboratories." Ub. i -i tees. ; inna S. Le Biche. traveL exp., 87.50; Dr. Geo. E. "Lewis, extract teeth, 2; Marlon Co. Dept. of Health, maint.' tt in- p.,v. Davis ft Co medicine, 6.15; Dr. A-enaeia ti. waters, rulings, 5. Herd Inspector's Aectr Dr. Fred W. Lance, assistant. 69.17 Hahi. culturist's Office Acct: fi. H. Van Trump, salary ft exp 135.80.lnd. I for Slau. Dis. Cattle Acct: John Kraus. Indemnitv. 14.92: W. H. Scott, do, 15. Jail Acct: A. C, Burk, board of prison cfs, 136.35; Chas. McKinler. paintinsr. 3.48: Red Cross Pharmacy, medicine. .13; saiem Laundry Co., laun dry, 2.40; Sanitary Service Co., removing garbage. 1; . Dr. A. D. Woodmansee. extractina teeth. 8. Salem Justice Court Acct: S. C. Catlin ft R. K. Page, rent, 40; M. B. Hayden, stamps, 1.50; Ross E. Moores ft Co., printing, 12.50; Sa lem Deaconess hosnital. cara of Fred Baker, 46.60; Amelia Cot- treil, do, 46.50; John Glandon, do, 46.50;e W. S. Brown, do, 46.60; Rolland O. Lee. do. 46.59: Jacob Gotthart, do, 46.50; Anna Owens, do, 46.50; Ear! Foster, do 46.50; J. N. Hornsbuckle. do, 46.50; Jer ry Guyer. do. 46.60: S. B-Bees- ley, do, 46.50; Sylvester S. Ack- ley, do, 46.50; Allen Davie, 4, 46.501 G: B. Ratcliffe. 46.50: Catherine Quillion. do. 11: M. F. Montgomery do, 46.50; R. O. ueniine, do, zz.50; Dan Upde- graff. do, 21 : Mrs. Clyde Allison, do. 33: J. H. White, do. 11.60: Mrs. Klnti Odman, do, 8; Mrs. Unas, R. Taylor, do, 47,50, Mrs. Elma Pduett, do, 37; WU1 Wills, do, 16.50; Otto Holmberg, do. 18.50; Albert Swartz, do, 26; Mary Jacobs, do. 10- Bert Raho. do, 9; Edna Paulus, do, 15; Edna Dowe. do. 42: Mrs. Madeline R. Rigler, do. 64.50. Law Library Acct.: Building Supply Co., inc.; lumber; 2.95 Bryan Goodenougb, law books. 2: H. F. Marsh, freight on boboka, 1; H. Schellberg, mak ing shelves, 29.94; West Publish ing Co.. books. 514. Poor Acet.: American Can Co.. renair nartn. 13.47; Josephine Banmgartner, rent, 20; Bloch's Golden Rule Store, doming. 53.05; A. L. Brougber. groceries. 8.80: Cloneh Barrick Co., burial, 35; Columbia Canning Mach. Co., retort 108.45; D. G. Drager. cash adv. for tickets. 25; Farmers Fire Relief Assn., ins, premium. 16: Greenhaum's Dept Store, clothing. 13.39; Ver- aen js. Hockett, physician, 65; Frank E. Hubbs, Ins. premium. 6.60; Jno. E. Hunt, do, 10.80; Montxomerv Ward & Co.. loth. ing, 16.32; H. L. Oldenburg, care or inmates, 254.15; Oregon Wash. Water Serv. Co.. water. 8.93? J C. Penney Co.,- Inc., clothing, 4.56; Jas. Plant, digging graves, 18; Rahn McWhorter Paper Co., carbon, etc., 1.50; Salem Hard ware Co., paint, etc., 4; Salem Mortuary, burial of R. O. Henline, 35; Mrs. Paul Starenau, care of Robt (?. Hall. 35 Mvrtlo Ctart , v .--w w.v n ., investigating. 93.53; TalTle Sup ply, groceries, io; Terwllliger Fu neral Home, burial. 36: Mrs. A. Vanderbeck. groc. for P. LaChan- elle, 5; CP. Wells, digging grave. o; airs. Koy s. Wickersham, nurse for Mrs. Gibson, 28; Dr. A. D. Woodmansee. extractine teeth. 22; Andy S. Handv Grocery, gro ceries, lo.sq; A8pinwalls, do, 7.6; Barber's Grocery, do, 14; Bentson's Grocery, do. 12: Ron. trager's Dairy, milk, 3; Broad- acres store, groceries. 10; Bus lck's, do, 103.11: C. ft C. Store. do. 20.50: Capitol Dairies, miltr. 9; Caplan, graceries, 138; E. D. carver, do, 20; E. W. Cooley Gro cery, do. 6: Cootes Red ft Whit Stores, do, 7; Curley's Dairy, Inc., milk, 5.90; Witters General Store, groceries, 18; East Hill Grocery, do, 10; Foshay Dairy, milk, 3.70; Gumey's Cash Grocery, groceries, 20; Walter Harris, wood. 4? Ha zel Dell Dairy, milk, 15.60; Hill lop Grocery, groceries, 7; Joe Holt, do, 8; Jessie M, Huber, milk, 3: Jenkins Grocerv. eraser. les, ; rana Masser, do, 15.50; V. L.Masten. do. 7.50: Fred Mov. er. Inc., do, 17; Robert L. Oak ley, wood. 6: Oswald' ri a- White Store, groceries, 9; Pade's Grocery, do, 5.50; Pay'n Save, do. 7E; Phillppl's Feneral Store, do, 7; Piggly Wisralv Store. zroceriM. 40; Pooler ft Klecker, do, 7; Pro ducers Milk Co., milk, 3.10; O. D. Quesnell, wood, 8.50; Red ft White Store, groceries. 8.50: Stanley Rogers Grocery,, do. 17.50; sareway Stores, do, 91.90; Salem Sanitary Milk Co., milk, 30.87: Schreder's Cash Grocerv. groceries, 21; Schrode's Grocery, do, 6.90; Serve Rite Grocery, do, 6; C. M. Smith, do, 18.60; A. E3. Spencer, milk. 2.40: J. G. Stand ard Store, groceries, 12; Steusloff Market, do, 7.50; Thurston's Red ft White Store, do. 24; XJhas. Vin cent, wood. 5: Walker' Economv Grocery, groceries, 22; A. L. wnitney, do, 8r50; Wood Bros. Grocery, do, 6; Albus Drug Store, medicine, 9.75; Aurora Drug Store, do, -9.05; : CapiUl Drug store, do, 85.08; Carson Pharm acy, do, 69.20; .Central Pharm acy, do, 69.08; Crown Drug Store, do, 7.85; Evenden Drug Co., do, 9.30; Fry's Drug Store, do, 70.74; Hubbard Drug Co., do, 4.95; L W. Lewis, do. 33.81: Geo. C. Mason ft Co.. do, .30; Fred Meyer Co., do, 22.87; Moore ft Beers, do, 7.5 3 ; mm. Nelmeyer do, .17.10; Alsen Pharmacy, do. 14.69: Onera House Pharmacy, do, 32.08; Paul A. Pemberton. do, 5.20; Perry's Drug Store, do, 64.74; Red Cross Pharmacy, d. 58.14: The Salem Drug Co., do, 12.05; Emil A. scnaerer, ao, 35.81; Dr. Edw. Scboor. do. 4: Snth Salem Pharm- arr. do. 3.989: Geo. W. stu hammer, do, 54.35: Woolpert A. Legg, do, 68.79; R. L. Green, use of truck. (25. Recorder's Office Acct : k Bertelson ft , McShane, prlnUng, 6.50; Mildred R. Brooks, sUmps, 6. Rodent Control Aectt Slentx ft Mann, barley, 42. School Supts. Office Acct: Canital Journ al, publ. notice, .95; Department of Agriculture, cleanlnir rranniti -10; Mary L.. Fulkerson, travel eip., 7Z.48; Mary L. Fulkerson, stamps, 20; J. K. GUI Co., tests, 2.12; Oregon Statesman, publ. no tice, 1. Sheriff's Office Acct: A. C Burk, stamps, 14.62; Capital Press, tax statements. 202.40? Thatcher Printing Co., tax eoL cards, 23.50; Unruh Knapp Print. Ing Co., prlnUng, 1. Survey's Of rice Acct; B. B. Herrick, stamps, 1.60. Dog License Fund Acct: Krapg ft Long, licenses, 4.45; Paul. Marnach. invest.' shepti claims,' 54.26; J. H. Porter, do, 4.22; Percy BlundelL sheep killed by dogs, i; C. H. Bowen, do, 21; G. D. Bowen. do. 12 : A. T. Dal. do, 24; A. D. Gardner, do, 43.50; Hartley ft Craig, do, 27; I Louis iienaricaa, ao, 2; Mabel Hunt, do. t W. . Keres. do. 27: Josonb Koenic. do. 2: Alex Lind. dn 4.50; Trifon Oprls, do, 4.50; Al mond A. Rich, do, 13.50; Tony Btemgamp, do, 36; J, C, Tedder, do, 2. .. Wood Acct: G. W. Caseb ber, foreman 59.76; W. G Nich ols, ? do, 59.7 67 Miscellaneous Accts.: - V. G. Boyer, sUmps, 25.06; Capital City Bindery, bind ers, 4tc, 1 4 5". 3 0 ; Commercial Book Store, paper, etc, 6.13; Blanche B. Ferguson, reporter, 7.60 Hansen ft Liljequlst, glass, etc, 9.15; Miller Mercantile Co, towels, etc., 2,71 ;rNeedham'a Book Store, glue, etc., 11.50; The Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co., telephone, 112.33 ; Patton Book Store, Ink, etc., ; 20.05; Thatcher Printing Co., printing, 31.75; Genevieve Foster, relief, 10; Mrs. Maude' Kime, do, .17.60; State Industrial Acc. . Com., ' insurance, 103.26; Verden E. Hockett, relief of Mrs. J. W. Cleveland, 10; Bryan XJood enough, law books," 205; ' Verden E. Hockett, relief of S. B. Alt hard t, 12; W. Reginald Hurst; court costs, ,86; Wm. S. Hurst, do, disallowed; Roy Davenport relief of A. D Howe, 10 A. B. Syverson, scalp bounty, 1; Blanche Lingo, refund of taxes, 467.43; Dr. L. A. Steeves, insane examination, 10; Dr. Murton A. Myers, do, 6; Dr. Verden' E. Hockett do, 55. OLD AGE PENSION FUND OLD AGE PENSION' FUND ' ; -June, 1035 , Flora Abbot. 10; James B. Ab bott 10; Frank Adams, 10; Mary E. Adams, 10; Silas L. Aklns, 10; Berthold Alblker, 5; Franklin B. Alford, 5; Missouri E. Alford, 6; Leora A. Alllngham, 10; Lillian G. Applegate, 10; Frederick W. Arensmeier, - 8.7 5 : Sophia M. Ar ensmeier. 8.75; Dora A. Arnold. 5; Wilford E. Arnold, 5; James R. Arthur, 10; Lemlra S. Baker, 8.75; William M. Baker, 8.75; Joseph Barber, 10; Evan E. Bar nett, 10; Mtlo Barnett, 7.50; Lil lie Barrett, 10; David M. Bartlett, 7.50; Melinda Bafzee, 5; Eliza beth Bayley, 15; Marcus T. Bay ley, 15; John J. Becker, 17.50; TheresI Becker, 10; Horace E. Bell, 5; Lena M. Bellinger, 10; George A. Bennett, 5; William Berlnger, 10; Nelson Bliss,- 5; Emma A. Boatwrlght 8.75; Val entine Boatwright, 8.75; Caroline Boesch. 8.75; Henry Boesch, 8.75; Clara Boje, 5; Caroline E. Boles, 10; Clora Bondshu, 8.75; Earnest J. Bondshu, 8.75; Mary L. Booth, 8.75; N. S. Booth, 8.75; George L. Bowman, 5 ; John Bow man, 8.75; .Katie Bowman, 8.75; Volney B. Boyd, 12.50; John E. Boyer, 12.50; Lewis E. Bradford, 7.50; Emma Brasher, 10; Mary E. Brassfield, 5; Aslak BrautI, 7.50; Sarah A. Brock, 8.75; John W. Brock, 8.75; John Brooke. 10; Fred D. Brown, 12.50; John A. Brown, 8.50; Mary A. Brown, 5; Marion H. Buell, 7.50; WUUs E. Bunn, 10; John T. Caldwell, 7.50; Sam J. Calnan, 5; David Canoy, 17,60; Martha R. Carden, 10; Richard W. Carey, 5; Millie Carl son, 10; John G. Carson, 10; El izabeth Chamlee, 10; Albert B. Chapman. 7.50; Eugene L. Church, 7.50; Charles L. Clapp, 10; Ella J. Clark, 10; Enos C. Clutter, 12.50; Martha J. Coffey, 5; Franklin G. oleman, 8.75; Mar tha A. oleman, 8.75; John B. Col well, 5; Charles D. Compton, 8.75; Malinda M. Compton, 8.76; Andrew J. Cone, 10; Heman B. Cone, 7.50;Frank H. Cook, 7.50; George W.Cook, 12.50; Jefferson N. Cothren, 7.50; Hattie B. Coul sen, 5; Jesse E. Coulsen, 5; Rosie Crete, 10; William R. Cross, 12.50; John W. Crouser, 7.50; Antonette Crump, 10; Sebron C. Davenport, 12.50; William T. Davidson, 12.60; Cuthbert K. Da vis, 5; Henrietta Day, 10; Jobn F. Day. 6; Mrs. N. V. Day, 10; Henry R. De Guire, 5; Mary J. De Guire, 5; Peter De GnlrQ, 12.50; Jacob J. Denzel. 8.75; 'Minnie Denzel, J.75; Frederick R. De Witz, 17.50; Sarah J. Dickens, 10; Oscar F. Dickson, 5; Fredrick Dierks, 8.75; Hannah Dierks, 8.75; Isaac A. Dixon, 8.75; M. Al ice Dixon, 8.75; Jessie J. Doty, 5; Elizabeth Drake, 10; E. J. Dris coll, 10; William C. Duncan, 10; Mrs. Luella M. Dunkle, 10; Mary Dunn, 7.50; Thomas J. Dunn, 7.50; Josephine Duval, 5; Octave Duval, 6; Charles H. Ekin, 7.50; Marie J. fcllia, 8.75; William El lis, 8.75; Frank Enz, 12.50; Louis Eppers, 10; John B. Erickson, 10; Laura B. Ernst, 7.50; Zarilda J. Eskew, 10; Catherine A. Evans, 10; John H. Evans, 12.50; Sarah Evans, 6; John Feller, 10; Mary Fielding, 10; Valentine Fisher, 15; WUliam B. Flagg. 5: David W. Forbes, 5; John E. Forbes, 10; John Fowler, 15: Henry P. Freeland, 5; Joseph Frolich, 12.50; G. Adam . Ftohmader. 12.50; Susan M. Froman, 10; Martha Fuson. 7.50; David M. George, 12.50; WilUam P. George, 12.50; B. B. Gesner. 12.50: Jim C. Gibson, 10; Jennie D. GUbert 1 0 ; ira W. Gilmer. 1 0 : Mary J: Glnter, 10; James B. Gipson, 12.50; John C. Glaze. 8.75: Sylvia J. Glaze, 8.75; Charles H. Glover. 10; Mary f. Goodell. 8.75: Wil liam H. Goodell, 8.75; Charles Gordon, 10; Martha Gore. 10: Thomas C, Gosser, 7.50; SUnley GranaUki, 10; Grant Graves. 8.75; Nannie Graves, 8.75; Rhoda M. Gritton, 10 ; Ida Sritzmacher, ?.6; caaries Groshong. 10: Mer- Ice EL Gross, 5; Richard S. Gross. ; Joan w. Haines, 12.50; John Hamilton, 7.5 0 ; Anders O. Han- en, '20; Mary A. Harrington. 8.7 5 : Michael J. Harrington. 8.75; Eliza L. Harris. 8.75: Wil liam H. Harris. 8.75: John F. THarrte, 12.50; Hirain E. Hart, .ao; Addle Hartley. 5: Hiram A- Hartley, 12.50; Manly Haaklns, 7.60; i Abram Haverly, t, 12.50; Mary Hawkins, 10; ,T homes Hayes, 10; Samuel A. Henry. 10 r Francis J'Henson, 10; Jacob P, Herbst, 1 2.5 0 ; Alice : B. HUde b rand, 10; Emma E. Hinkle. E; James R. Hobbs, 7.60; James T. HOitz, 5 ; James B. Hoss. 1 S r Amy N. Howell, 7.60; : Stephen Huber, 10r Thomas Hunt, 10; ls aae J Hunter. ,10; George R. Hard, 10; Truman H. Ida. fo? John W. Inman, 11; Henry Isher wood. 7.60; Daniel' Z. Jackson, 12:50; Minnie Jackson. 6: Mintii Jelderks, 6; William T. James, 10; Helen Jenkins, 7.50; Angusta W. Johnson, 8.75; JuUua Johnson. t.9Vi Miura jonnson, i; Lou isa Johnson, 7.50; Peter J. John. son,- 8.75; Thomas E. Johnson. 12.50; William M. Johnson, in Anna B. Jones, 10; Hans Jorgen F Jory, 10; C. Ela Kavanaugh. 5; Humphrey J. Kavanaugh. 6; John T. Kearns, 7.6 0 ; Leonora Kemp ton, 12, 50;. Eliza A. Keppinger, 10; Rebecca Kimsey. 10; Nazaire Kittson, 17.60; Peter Klein, 12.50; Jacob A. Koch, 10; Jos eph Komyate, 10; Elizabeth Krae mer, 10 ; Louis La Bunte, 12.50; George F; La Fleur, 10; Margrite La FonUIne, lz.50; Louise Lam berson, 5 7 August Lambert, 5; Addison W Lane, 7.50; George J. Langenbrg,5; Elmer G. Lantz. 12.50; John E. Larson, 7.50; George Lawton, 10; David Ledg erwood, 10; PauUne : Ledtke, 5; Robert Ledtke. 5; Mary E, Led ward, 10; Anna Lewis, 10; Her man L. LleUz, 5 ; Margaret E. Lletz, 5; Mary LIghtfoot,4 7.50; John W. LImbaugh, 7.50; William B. Lindsay, 5; Elizabeth. V, LIs ne, 10; William A. Llston, 10; Mary J. Littler, 7.50; William. J. Lofter, 7.50; Martin Loken, 12.50; E B Lowe, -10; Jack Lowry, 5; Clara Lucas, 10; James E. Lytle, 8.75: Susannah Lytle, 8.75; ; Mary MacLachlan, 7.50; William Marcho, 10; Gen evieve Marsters, 10; Elmer Mar tin,. 10; Frank H. Martin, 10; Mary E. Martin, 7.50; Collin D. Matheny, 7.50; Uly D. Matbeny, 7.50; Mrs. Ella Matteson, 16; Donald M. Maxf ield, 10; William McCaWster.lO; Angle W. McCon nell, 10; Mattie McDaniel, -15; William J. McDerby. 7.50; Net(tie S. McFadden, 8.7 5; Stephen A. McFadden, 8.76; Eliza J. McGee, 10; Robert McGlIchrist, 16; Adell G. McGrathl 10; Daniel G. Mcln nis, 16; Sarah McKay, 10; Mrs. Edna C McLeod, 10; Herbert W. McNeal, 5 : i Lucretia E. MeNeal. 5 ; PhUlip Ji McPoland. 6 ; Phoebe McTimmonds, 12.50; Jullns M. Miller, 6; Rufus B. Miller, 10 ; Charles Mitchell. 10; Ellen R. Mitchell. 10; Nathan R. Moon, 7.60; Martha Moon. 7.50: Eliza beth Moore, 10; Josephine N. Moore, 7.50; Martha A. Moorman, 5; Joba B, Moorman, 5; Nancy Morris, 10; Olevia d Moser. Iff. Olive J. Moser, 10; Charles A. Mote, 5; Minnie S. Mulkey, 10; AUce D. Myers, 10; Mahlon W. Myers. 10; George L. Neal, 8.75; Isabella L. Neal, 8.75; Swan C. Nelson, 7.50; Sofie'M. Norgaard, 10; John Norton, 7.50; William F. Nutting, 10; Benjamin F. Ney, 12.50; Maud Ohler, 6; Colonel J. Olmsted, 10; Benjamin Olson, 10; Anna L. Olson, 5; Nels A. Ol son. 6f Ole O. Opesahl. 5; Steph en E. Osborn, 10; Susannah Ott, 10; Benjamin F. Padrick, 10; Lin coln Paris, S; Charles W. Parker, 5: Hogue Parrish, 12.50; Arietta Payne, 10; Edwin Payne, 12.50; James R. Payne, 5; Martha J. Payne, 5; Robert Pearce. 10; John.W. Pease, 12.50; Miry L. Peck, 12.50; Nancy A. Perkins, 10; Nels C. Petersen, 10; Wil Uam L. Pettit, 7.50; Jessie Phil lips. 10; Celina Picard, 8.75; John A. Picard, S.75; Calvin Plessinger, 10; William C. Polka, 10; Henry Pomeroy. 10; Alice Potter, 10; Helen Potter, 10; Mary A. Pottorff, 10; Jane E. 10; Susie E. Prosser, 10; Sarah R. Ramsby, 10; Niels M. Rasmus sen, 8.75; Ollie L. Rasmussen, 8.75; William Ray. 5; Mary E. Rees, 10; Mary E. Redding, 7.50; Christopher C. Reeves, 17.50; Charles S. .Reistad, 12.50; Ed ward B. Reynolds, 10; Fanny M. Richards, 10; Thomas A. Rich ardson, 7.50; Hannah M. Rick ard, 5; Hiram M. Ricker, 12.50; Eva Roberts, 8.75; Harry C. Rob erts, 8.75 T Charles C. Robinson, 10; James D. Rodgers, 8.75; Ros ie D. Rodgers, 8.75; Danlal W. Ross, 10; Fred C. Rouse, 10; Eld ridge V. Ryder. 8.75: Sarah E. Ryder. 8.75; Amy C. Sanders. 10; Frank Scharf, 5; Katherlne Scharf, 5; Charles E. Scott. 12.50; Josephine Scott 8.75; Syl vester Seott. 8.75; Mary Shaffer, 5; Samuel Shaffer, 5; William A. Sharp, 12.50; John E. Shareland, 15; Louisa C. Shepherd, 10; Em anuel Shilts, 8.75; Matilda J. Shllts, 8.75; Amanda J. Shilts. 5; Fred Sievers, 1 7.50; James M. Shilts, 5: Alice I. Shrum, 8.75; Francis C- Shrum, 8.75; Commo dore P. Shrum, 10; James B. Simpson, 10; Monroe Slyter, 7.50; Anna E. Smith, 10; Edgar A. Smith, 10; Elva E. Smith, 10; Horace A. Smith, 7.50; Annie Souther. 10; George A. Spencer. 12.50; George M. Stafford. 7.50; John Stalzer, 8.76; Rose Stalzer, 8.76; Andrew J. Stark, 5,- Annie Stark, 5; Henry Stender,-5; E. Wallace 'Stevens, 10; James K. Stewart, 12.60; Rachel. Jv Stew art, 10; Hezekiah W; Stowell, 7.50; Kathern Stratton. 10; AU bert B. Straw, 12.50; Herbert C. au-ong, i.av; josnua sutler, . 5; John 1.1 Swanson.1 12.50; Gerrit Sweinink. 10; John A. Swenson. 7.50; Henry I Talbot, 8.75; Iva. N. Talbot 8.75; Henry "Tesch, 8.75; Reglna Tesch, 8.75; George H. harp, 12.60; George R.. Thom as, 5; Katherlne bomas, 10; Hi ram A. Thompson, 7.50; Mary A. Thompson, 7.50; Mike C. Thomp son, 10.60; John Uebel, lXH Ad elbert A. Underbill, 12.50; Anne Underwood, 10; Norton Vender Hoof, 12.50; Monte A. Vanden burg, 10; Charles Vaughn, 5; , Wm. Henry Vearrier, 8.50; Rich-, ard D. Blbbert, 5 : Peter Waber. 10; , Malinda J. Wade, 10; Mrs. Virginia Walker. 10; Emily - L. Wallace, 8.75; Samuel D. Wal lace. 8.75; Jackson M. Walter, 8.75: Marr L. Walter: x?s. f T. Wargnler, 10; Florence E. Watt, 7.60; Katherlne Webb, 10; Lewia N. Webb, 12.50; v Geneva Webber, I; Samuel K.Webber, 5; Katherlne Welssenfels, 5; Mathl as Welssenfels, 5 ; Pauline Wei-, ter, 8.76; Peter Weltev g.75; Emma Wengenroth, 12.60; Caro line West; 6; Hugh Westenhouse, 5; LiIa L. Wbitcher, 8.75; Nancy J. Whiter 5; Dora Whitney, 10; Sarah MY Whitney, 10; Martha J. Wiggins, 5; John N. WllUamson, 7.50; Anna WUson. 5; Owen Wil sons 5; John Wlrth, 7.50; Wii uam j. wmaes, 10; Mallsa T. J. Wood, 10; Jennie Woolery. 6: Ransom Woolery,- 6; Lucy U. Wrav. 1 0 1 W v wr ,m m. r-. Tin L. Young, 1 6.5 0 ; James W. - w m - w ii tiauL. a u . a y a xoung. 7.B0; Walter C. Young. iv : jjert Babo. 10? f!in r .k 1 , . . ' 1"- v,u., oufiai, w; unrua Knapp Printing Co.. stationery, 34.58; U. G- Boyer, postage, 25.06; L. S. Peterson, clerk. 65: Canital Jnnr. nal, pubL cl., 15; James Plant oiiiu ueaconess nos-' . -v.w; Or egon Statesman, nubl. el., le f.i;; son, a; tiarence u, Jory, 6j Ho-i 5 A.' Henleyt peB;if.n. 30. : :