:iFo3r i':)Resiilt8o Always Uss Glassaf aedl Adrs mmmmmmmmmmm' . -1 - " . t 1 . 1 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line . .10e Three! Insertions per line, .26c Six insertions per line .. . .See On month per lino . . . .$1-00 Minimum charge . ...... 25e Copy; for this pass accepted until 6:30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy 'received after this time will be ran under the beading Too Late to Classify. The StatesaaaB jurames no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear In ad vertisements published in its columns, and in eases where this paper la at fa alt will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. , - . The Statesman reserves the right i to reject, objectionable advertising. It further reserves th. vlirhf a 1uifv all mftveTm .uv .,.. ... " -j tisinc' nnder the proper dassl- ficatioB. HELP WANTED "XTun rLi"iiriiii""r"ji''T" r "" Cherry picking will begin Saturday Instead of Monday m Jennie M. Thom as orchard, Salem Heights. SITUATIONS WANTED 2 WiltanieUe U. boys will do odd jobs of any kind. Call 8718; 20 Oak St. i Plain sewing. 20c per hour. Tel. "$13 MiddM aged lady wants house keep ing in motherless home. Tel. 7S84. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Safa for sale, fireproof. 2S& Cheme eta I : Crooked Finger Hill grown, non-irrigated Burbank seed1 and table potatoes. U. 8. Na 1 Netted Gem seed potatoes. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. Royal iAnnes, Bines, Lambert cher ries on tree. 4c lb. J. D. Dunn, 10 mis out, Rt. 1, Box 297, Wallace Road Hens, fryers, Uvo or dressed to order. 58 N. Front. J Large igtass porch sash.' 60 Union. Closing out Sale Large stock of staple and fancy groceries must be sold at once for wholesale and less. Build ing will jbe vacated July 1st. Lowest prices Ini town. Coma in and be con vinced. , Fixtures for sale. . C and C Caslf Grocery, 254 N. Commercial St. - 24 shares stock Producers' Cooper- tive Packing Co. Phone 8724, evenings. For Sale Two bins from kitchen cabinet, make offer. Box 245, States man. I ;-;vf . For Sale 2 "Pedigreed "white coIHe male pupa S mooths old. Special price -for a few -days; terms or trade for bay ..or wood; H mile east of fair-; grounds;! turn north, first house on left W..S. Bartlatt. R. 7, Box ITS. Kentish pie cherries, 2H cents pound, you pick them. 7(5 Rural Avenue, phona 8854. Salem. WANTED Miscellaneons WANTED 4 ft 2nd growth wood. Write location, amount best price in timber. 493, care Statesman. Wanted Hay to bale on shares, Engeman Bros., rSilvertou, Ore. Poultry wanted 328 N. Front Wanted Folding Must be: a bargain. steel camp Phone 7275. bed. THRESHING MACHINE WANT ,ED. I would like to bear from owner having need McCormlck-Deering thresher. 22x23 for sale. Must be late model, and in A-l shape. State price. I might consider Case, or Wood Bros, machine,; Phone 1F3, or write Ed S. Russell. Sweet Home. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS wvi.nirnvii"ir -.-i- - - - - -- - -- -- - Free .Wo pick up dead and worth teas horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4869. Saw repairing Salem Saw Shop Four Conwti Pr-n Road Tet 42SS. Haircuts l&o-Zt- Ml A nrrirVMif,-i-i--iv i- -i- W. Cohen has sold hts Interest ra The VaJlty Top ft Body Shop ME.H. Miller. ! FOR RENT ROOMS nn.n imni " -- Heated sleeping rooms. 444 S. High. Uvlng-eieeplng room. 250 S. Cottage. PuraMied room and sleeping porch. 725 Court street Home privilege, gar. 446 S. Cottage. iSteepaVoonrclose la. TeL4 9 8 xnjnjTJXiTJ'Xr-'"Js'JsrvMir J 2 rm.$, HonywM, 100S N. 22nd St. ROOM AND BOARD Boardai room, Terr close in. TeL 5482. Room. board. ,595 Court TeL 6678. $3.75 per week. Tel. 7313. FOR RKNT APARTMENTS Small ifurn, apt- clean and comfort. Adults Only. 846 Ferry. Reas. rates I B. furn- kltch, $50 & Cottage. a.n.n.nnruif-i-wi-M-ii'i-i-i -i ------- S room furn. apt. Frigidalre. private bath. Near state house. 1208 Court Attractive mod. apt. 210 N. 14th. Furn. 1 2-8 room apts., hot water, Maytag, $10 up, garage ; 624 N. Cap ltoL - - f ... - - . )WW MMMWW WWWW MAW Mod. S rm. apt with garage. None better. Adults, 458 a High. 2 room turn, apt 340 Division. I rm. 'furn. apt available June 23. Strattoa lApta, Phone 3842. .,; Five rm. fura; duplex, - first floor. garage. 869 Mill St T. A. Albert. WWWWW MWW Larrs i bedroom, sitting room, pri vate entrance and bath. Close in. Suit able .fori Z men or business women, Tel."47l ' - --- - FOR RENT -HOUSES Furn & enfura. Forkner. TeL S011. SJrUUUt"llJfc"rl" Houses. Grant 6S1 Court. Tet 668 sknjjJsjVaTtTla,VVi -i - m m 3 rm. turn, hoasa. Tel S115. fc 7 rm. house, -rent $18 ; S46 N. iu. Tel. 74f. FOR RENT inriAn.mwwfr'ri'' i - - - - - vTwiit.l beds and wheelchairs : to jsql Ii L, Stiff Famiture Co. - FOR RENT Office room for reol 181 Sit St. rL s?ia. . Cottag at Tachats. Tel. 4TF2. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE M-J-- - - " - ' "i'i-ii-i-i-ii-ii-ir rLn.nrirLn BeaoUfni buiklias lot on Falrmounl Hill, owner leaving city, for sale, price reasonable. Will take la te model car on deal. DUt owner. 8147. : Bar rain Uust be sold bv June- 25 Nice modern i room heme, 4 blks from 1st Nart Bank. Price 21i, $60 down. Tel. 894. 6 R. modern bnnu. "wett tnmrnml Fruit trees. See owner at 835 S. 15th. HOME BARGAINS 4 nice rooms all plastered in perfect condition inside and out, paved st price 81250. cash, IMMiJUIATK POS SESSION. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. : 1J4 & Liberty Street FOR RENT OR SALE Late huilt modem 4 room home, oak floors, fireplace, built in kitchen, base ment, furnace, garage, paved st, two bedrooms, good location, price $2100. 8250. cash, bat 821. per mo., or will rent for $0. per mo. SEE, YV. H. GRABENHORST ft CO - REALTORS 1S4 S. Liberty St Phone 48. " J"riii,iriiw' 1 i ii"inrsririiniriirutn THREE NICE BUILDINO LOTS Located on nice corner In W. Sa lem, cement walks and concrete curb, good drainage, east front on Kingwood avi?., ail lor 8&9 cash. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty street AAAAAAAAAiAVWwVMMMwWwwWwa A REAL BARGAIN 7 room semi-modern HOUSE, base ment, furnace, two large lots, large bearing fruit and nut trees, CASH PRICE 82.500.00. Will consider clear trade for part. W ANTED Money to loan on choice first mortgagee. ROSTKIN ft ADOLPH INC. 110 K North Commercial Street LISTEN Owner leaving city offers his neat 5 room English type bungalow for sale at bargain price of $2700. Lot 60x182, paving paid. call tor appointment. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtor 344 State Street Phone 6708. CHEAP FOR CASH. 6 room modern house, 10 blocks from State street, full ce ment basement, furnace, oak floors, 2 sets plumbing. Former price ISaOO. To day 8Z8V0. CALL Mrs. Ellis with CHILOS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. BUILDING LOT 60x150. South High street. $250 cash, price 460. W. G. KRUEGER, Phone 4728 $ 900. 3 rooms, bath, 2 lots, paving pd. xiaB down. $2650. Nice S room bungalow, modern In every way, corner lot, paving pd., good location. $500 down, 5 on bal. $3500. English style home, oak floors In living and dining rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, large lot, close to bus and school. 4 bedrooms, $500 down. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St Phone 3723 CITY HOMES 1-acre ground. 6-R plaa. house, barn and P. H. Just outside city limits for $1400. Terms. 5-R. house, lot 50x100. Only $1200. Almost new 5-R. plas. house, garage new. Price $1500. 8500 down. H'-A. ground. 5 R. .plaa. house, base ment furnace, fruit Close in for $2500.00; terms. Now is the time to buy that home. SEE Jas I). Sears or- G. W. Johnson 132 a High Phone 9629. Big house, on almost 1 acre of fine soU. equipped for chickens; garage, bam, woodshed, electricity, city water. Price 8500. win take Jiza.ra casn, terms or aood late model car for bal ance. See owner on premises, 1 block N. of the grade school in Falls city, Oregon. . EXCH A N G Ei Real Estate EXCHANGE Extra fine 7 acre tract highly im proved, modern bldgs., no mtge. Will trade for good home In balem or larger plaee on highway. CHILUS uill&k, iteauors 344 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE FARMS FARMS AND ACREAGE for RENT SALE and TRADE. Oregon Land Co. Pac Hy. Wood burn. Ore. 10 A. 12 ml. N. New bldga., all In crop, on paved road, clear. Trade for larger tract 10 A 4 mi. from Salem, 5 room house, basement family orchard, 30 A strawberries, 3 A prunes, a nice tract, $2500. 94 A, 6 room house, 2 barns, 35 in cultivation, bat timber and pas ture, 20 A. rich bottom ; stock and eouipment, including 8 cows. $5600. ISO A close to Newport on paved road. 65 in cultivation, good bldgs., electric lights, stock and equip ment, including 20 head of cattle ; a real bargain at $6500. 4 A full bearing English walnuts, 4 mL from Salem on paved road, $1400. 8 A. on highway, 1 mL S. of Salem, 8300 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Street Phone 3723 MasksaswaaMas'aaMSsssAs 2 H -acres, good home. 5 TL, bath, toilet basement, lights, orchard and berries; only $3700.00. 10-acrea close in on paved road, good 6-R. house, bath, toilet, elec, lights and water system ; good barn and log poultry house. All in crop and garden. A snap for $3750.00. 25-acres, paved - road. 5-R. house, bath, water system, poultry house, barn, on good creek. 17-A. cult, only $3125 a real bargain. $1625 down, bal. easy. 30-acres. good 6 R. house, barn. 2 hen houses, family orchard, well and running water. All tor iiaug.wu. Don't pass these up 11 you want a good farm. ' jas. l. sears or u. w. joraw 132 R High Street Phone ACREAGE jLnj-uiririr-i-i-i-i- - -- -- - -- --..- - 4 1 memm. modern 6 woorn house. -nrat barn, electric water system, fruit filberts. TeL 4280 . Rt , Box 105. Tij-ULrLruM'J"'M"ir"'lll'11 " - TTTVE ACRES V.r1ir all ttlow land, good road. S rones out prie $50. $25- down, baL $12. per mo. to mcmoe mt at . Sc. VV. ii. UMliiuinuiut m vv 1S4 S. Liberty Street: Small acreage tracts close to Salem. 637 North 20th. Salem. Rusiness ODDortunitles .n.nnrii-ii-ii-i r-iii-i-i - - - -- --- Vnr Sals Full v eoutpped saw shop with good business, reasonable. T. A. Jusa, Rt V B 10s. rnons infinnnnnrrinVi -ir- - - Fully equipped meat marxet iur bub - . . . . , . or rent. 178 R CotnT. MONEY TO LOAN S8aaisaaasa-aa-atstaaa4a MONEY for good first mortgage real estate loans, any amount. Farm, city or acreage' properties. 1 low interest rates. No payment requirement' rmtJDS a MILLER. Mtre. Loans 244 Stata Street Phone. 6701 Cash srocery and market, with living Quarters. Kent .ze.e. Juiec rerng eleaa stock, groceries and fixtures. Near- four tourist , camps on . Pacific hichwav." Thickly settled location.-' A K teal. 8976.00 cash. Owner. 8583 Fort land Rd- Salem, Oregon. , . SIONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans I 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest possible rates. r- GENEBAL FINAKCB COltP. -A Local CorooratlOB ZK Kan. nana mag.. tr Phone 85 5 S. 1 Licensed ty Biaie .5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty ef money for well improved I farms tf amply- secured. Improve er j bur now with chean money. Ask fori iwoklet "Willamette Valley. Farms." Hawkins-and Robert - Inc. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS DP TO 8309 Beneficial Loan Society; of -Salem Member of NRA- Room 119. New BUgh Bid, tnd floor LICENSED NO. 8-122 ft M 18a by STATE 818 State St Tet 8 T I -S Loan Mad In Nar Towns AUTO LOANS GARS BE J f N A N C E D Easy Terms Investigate WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. M-16 505 Guardian Bids. Salem FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DHT wood coat T.L 6000. Saiem Fuel Co. Trad ft Cottage. Fir, oak. maple. TeL 127FS. Old fir wood. 35.75 Tel T475. IS In. $5.00. 12 in. It in. old fir, $5. 4 ft 2nd $4. ft maple, $4.50. Tet 9785. No. 1 lC-in. old fir, no knots, $4.60 per cd. TeL 7836. 4 ft fir and oak for sale, cheap. Phone 7670. h lLcd:'.rTeen' $4.50. TeL 6936. 1887 N. Front WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 1290. LOST AND FOUND Lost Small black toy Boston ter rier, female. TeL 4958. evenings. LOST Swimming trunks, red with white stripe. TeL 474 Z. PERSONAL MRS. WHITE, PSYCHIC Without i a question, she will analyze your prob lems satisfactorily. Local references given; 325 South Winter. Phone-64 15. STOMACH ULCER, GAS PAINS, INDIGESTION victims, why suffer 7 For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctors prescription at Cap ital and Perry's Drug store. Not responsible for any debts con-1 tracted by Mrs. Mildred Hlnkie after this date. G. C. Hinkle. 1 FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars 1929 Pontiac Coupe $95 Buick Std. 4 -door Sedan $95 '28 Pontiac Coupe $125 1927 Packard Sedan $195 '30 Ford Spt Roadster $235 '30 Ford Std. Coupe $245 30 Stude. Dictator Coupe $265 1929 Buick Sedan $275 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $295 '33 Chev. Master Coach $495 '34 Cbev. Master Coupe $595 '24 Chevrolet Master Sedan $695 CASH, TERMS or TRADE See these cars at 333 Center St McKay Chevrolet Co. SPECIAL VALUES IN USED CARS GET READY FOR, YOUR VACATION TRIP THE FOURTH OF JULY, ETC LOOK WHAT TOU CAN GET NOW FOR YOUR MONEY 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. In first class condition, paint and tires good, needs a little -touching up but look at the price. Be sure and see this bargain $265.00 1934 Pontiac 8 Sedan, knee ac tion wheels, easy riding, that famous smooth Pon- . tiac 8 motor; take ar dem onstration . 685.00 685.00 193$ Pontiac 8 Sedan, com- pietely reconditioned 1931 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, rumble seat specially priced 395.00 1933 Ford V-8 Coach; way above average. See it drive It 475.00 And look at these specials In Buick Sedans 1928 Buick 7 -pass. Sedan. Looks and runs like new, ortgm , al . finish, new tlrea. Sold new for $2300. now ; 878.00 1927 Buick Stan. 6 Sedan, up holstery very clean. A-i condition . 195.00 1926 Buick Sedan, exceptional. original finisn. au gooa tires . 185.00 W invite Tmr Inspection We want you satisfied before you buy Otto J. Wilson Buick A Pontiac Dealers -Center A Commercial Streets Phone 64SL ' Bonesteele's Used 1935 Dodge Sedan, courtesy car. , ' ' 1935 Dodge Coupe, courtesy car. 1938 Dodge DeLuxe Coach, cour tesy car . - 1925 Dodge Coach courtesy car $$25 1934 Dodge Coach u 695 1934 Dodge Coupe, run 8000 miles 645 1927 Dodge Sedan , . . . 125 1932 Ford Coupe V-Sv A.tr-wneet 425 ttres 1931 Ford Coupe. R. seat 1932 Ford Coupe, V-8 1930 Ford Coach, trunk 326 395 285 1932 Pontiac Sedan 425 1931 Chevrolet Coupe, . rumble St 325 1929 Chevrolet Coupe .,, , 22; 1927 Chevrolet Coach,, , , , I2S 1930 Nash Sedan , r 1 295 1930 Oakland Coupe. It 8. , n 295 1929 Studebaker Brougham , , - 22s mjonnblle Poach . . 165 I92T Oldsmobile Sedan . -?5. i Ride in the Studebaker Champion. - j Studebaker Dealers ... Bonesteele BrosM Inc. Cbemeketa A Liberty . Ph. 4444. FOR S ALEUSEP CARS Good Used Trucks Ford T PIck-uo . S 15.00 Ford CanoDT milk delivery 150.001 International i 150.001 rord Model A. 1 W. B., new motor . ,. I3S.b Chevrolet, extra irood ..... ., , 223.00 Rtude baker 2-ton, good one 600.00 Reo 2-ton. L. W. B. S25.00 I Morland 2 -ton. with body Dodge IV,. with lody 285.00 100.00 1H yd- body hoist 60.00 217 State Phone 8590 James H, Maden Co. 1930 Model A lord coach, 870 down. 1819 S. 13th. BORREGO'S BETTER BUTS 1932 Chevrolet Cach $375 1929 Pontiac Coupe ibo 1929 Todjre Sot. Deluxe R. D. 245 1928 Essex Sedan 125 1927 Chrysler 8nt R. D. iz& 1S27 Oldsmoblle Sedan 8a Buick Toaring s Special in a 1932 Model B Ford rrucK. xnm iruca is o. a, throughout. It also has a hpaw dutv stake rack. A real buy at $$ We need more used cars. If you have a car to sell, oe us; we pay the top price. BUKHKUU a UAH aAMUil 240 N. Liberty St and Marion and High Streets 4533 Phone 3688 Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks I 34 V-8 Regular 13edan 33 V-8 Regular lie dan 33 V-8 Regular Coach 33 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe 32 V-8 Regular Coupe 32 V-8 Regular Tudor 30 Model A 8pt Roadster 30 Model A Tudor 29 Model A Coupe 29 Model A Fordor 30 Graham Sedan 29 Hup. 6 Sedan 30 Studebaker C Sedan 33 Plymouth Coupe 30 Model A Coupe 30 Model A DeLuxe Phaeton 31 Chevrolet Coach 28 Dodge 6 Sedan ti. Chevrolet Coupe" 30 Chrvsler Sedan 30 Chevrolet Coupe, bal. tires Trucks and Pickups 32 Ford 8. W. Bise $SaO I VrvrA flat hoii licensed 175 I 29- Chevrolet, wood body, licensed 145 29 Ford Delivery 175 AND OTHERS At Marion and Liberty and Center Streets Open Evenlnsrs and Sundays. TeL 7910 and 3158. DULLNESS EX1K PORTLAND, June 21. -CD-Ex treme dullness was generally sug- crested in the market for live cb.ickens with some recent price , j fm.t. . snauiug repurteu. aucd m a real shortage of small broilers and i for that reason, most operators were willing to drag more or less I although no further price changes were suggested for the day, Demand for turkeys was rather nlnw with aiirsrp.stinn of TJOOr dual- Ity as a rule. While there were no further price changes for the day in the butter market, easiness was sug gested in the price structure as a result of the late decline and in creasing supply. Egg market suggested a merely steady tone locally and practically without price changes for present days. Pullet laying was suggested as the chief reason for recent in crease In supply. General steadiness with strength in spots is suggested in the market for country killed meats. Lambs, veal and hogs were moving out well and up to quota tions. Beef alone appeared a tri fle uneasy. End of the season of strawber ry production in volume was Indi cated. Prices were higher. Fancy peas were reported in from Rainier. Pea prices were firmer to higher generally. Raspberries were in larger sup ply and a trifle lower. Loganberries were in like posi tion. Old potatoes were slow but at unchanged prices, new stock a tri fle easier for locals. Radio rogram P Saturday, June 22 - KEX POKTLAND 1180 Ec 8:15 Bands on parade. 8:30 Pickena Slater. 9:O0 Pipe organ. 9:30 Musie Box. 12:0Q Dance Frolic. 1:00 Studio. 1:85 Orchestra. 1 -.45 IViendly Chat 2:43 Baseball. 4:45 Musical Gemi. 5:30 Popular concert. S :00 Serenaders. 7:30 Melodies Aristocratic 8:15 Musical Comedy Hits. 8:45 Orchestra. ftiOQ Walts Tim. NBC. 10:00 Jantaea Beach orchestra. 11U5-13 Dane, oichestra. KOW POETULNB 620 Kc 7 :00 Honeymooners, NBC. 7:15 Ton Family. NBC. 7:30 Sextette, NBC 8 :00 Jack Sprigg's orchestra. 8:30 Words aa& Music, NBC. 9 :00 Trio. 11:00 llama, NBC . 12:15 KG W News. ' 1:00 Orchestra, NBC 1 :80 Onr American School, NBC aaSr-Orchestrs, NBC 3:00 Trio. 7:00 National Barn Danes, NBC. 8:80 NBO prafram. 9:30-Pb American, NBC. - -10400 NBC pro tram. 10:15 Orchestra, NBO. KOrST POETLAND 940" Kc. 8:00 Glee club, CBS. S.-15 Oriental., CBS. 8:80 Al". Both' orchestra, CBS. io loo This sad That with Art Kirkhim. io:30 cbs. . Store Reporter. 1:00 Book of life. -l 1:45 CBS. ' 2:15 rraak DaUay's rckestrs, CBS. 2:55 Seat for Yea. 4:00 Leonard! D Vinci, CBS. 5:00 Country Church of Hollywaed..' 6:30 Melody Masterpieces;. CBS. . - . :00 Calilornia Melodies, DLB8. 6:30 Bea Bernie's rchestra, PLBS.--:se Key' Berbeesi's ercheaara, DLBS. . :00 Orrille Kaapp'a ercaaatra, DLBS. 9:30 CBS. - . $585 625 . 475 485 395 415 235 585 Z 165 225 -So 275 325 49S 285 275 . d.J ISO ! 215 .. 85 - 300 ii chicken mm Business Directory Cards in this directory run on a monthly bails only. Bate: f..6Q per line-per month. AUTO BRAKES Mtk Pawk. 278 Smtth Ommerrhii. BROOMS Factory, 4 2 N.- Church. Tel. 6460. CEMENT WORK AH kinds cement work. Tel. 8848. CHIMNEY SWEEP TVVtitwie 44SS- R K. Noithwesa. CHIRAPRACTORS OR. Q. U-SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 5 N Hleh TM Rea I75t. ELECTRICAL SERVICE 31. m sut. Wlr- rvicw FLORISTS BreUhaupfs, 447 Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Luis, Flor ist 1276 N. Liberty. TeL 9592. , Bennett, 2232 Fairground Rd. T. 6173, KEYS We make fcera Harry W. Scott LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 26$ E High TeL f 125 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRT First In Quality and Bervtes Ttnfcnn 3f5 12(4 Brosdwav MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4061 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad. te order, old remade: carpet cleaning, ais tag; fluff rug weaving, a. ma ft Wil bur. TeL 644L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Rst 1911 . MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machmsa, sheet -music and piano stud ies Repairing radios, pwmograpns ana sewing machines. 433 State Street. PHOTO .ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving, 147 N. Com- merMsi. Tel. B7. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. namDb- lets, programs, books or any kind of nrlrttlna-. call The Statesman PrinLinK I Department. Sit S. CommerciaL Tele- nnonesioi- STOVES l repair stoves, 1 ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 263 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Femln. " TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 2131. Larmer Transfer Ce. Trucks to Portland dally. - CAPITAL CUT Transfer Co. 221 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get TREE SURGERY ETpjrreeswgrySBieth. TRUCKING Truck work, all kinds. TeL 8354. WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Ser vice company offices comer Commer cial ana its a. streets, mus payaoie monthly. Phone 4161. WELL DRILLING R. A. West. R. . TeL 110F6, Sneed. 1078 Highland. TeL 4487. XOTICE OP HEARING OF OB- t JECTIOXS TO FIXAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned, as admin istrator of the estate of LEAH DELL COLLINS, deceased, has 1 filed in the Connty Court of Ma rion County, Oregon, hia final account in said estate; and that 22 July, 1935, at ten o'clock. a. m., and the courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for the hearing of ohjec- tiohs to said final account, and the settlement thereof. JOHN F. COLLINS, Administrator. CARSON & CARSON, Salem, Oregon. Attorneys for Administrator. Je. 22-21; JL 6-13-ZO NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLiaiENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has flic ' In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the' County of Marlon, her duly verified final account, as the Administratrix of the estate of Jeanette ' Pooler, i deceased, and that said Court has fixed .Tues day, the 23rd day of Jaly,;1935, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Coun ty Court House at Salem, in Ma rlon County, Oregon, as the place J ior hearing said final account and I all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 22nd day of June, 1935. CLORA E. JOHNSON, Administratrix of the Es tate of Jeanette Pooler, Deceased. L; : if IHONAL C. GLOVTR, - Attorney for Admlnlstratrtt, I- Salem. Oregon.-'-- - - J. 22-29, Jiy a-13-Ztf Stocks Skyrocket Again 'I SHOCK OF ROOSEVELT'S PLAN NEW YORK, June tl.-VP)- Wall Street's nerves appeared to hare been only momentarily shak en by the presldent'a taxation-to- distrlbute-the-wealth program. In one of the three really vig orous railiea so iar anis year, stocks today more than recovered their yesterday's losses. Many is sues pushed into new high ten tory for 18J5 or longer with in- gains of 1 to around 4 points. I The Associated Press average I of 69 stocks advanced an even point to 44.7,' topping tue .o peak made last Tuesday. The 30 utdustriala included in the calcu- 1.4 I nninta to 60.9. not onlv bettered I the best mark of 1935 so far, but was within poliit of the best ' - - . I figure for 134, which was 61.4. The advance of .8 of a point in the IS utilities in the average of 32.5 was likewise a new 193& top. Volume stepped up encourag- ingly on the advance, with the day s turnover in me stoca ex- 1 change 1,517,240 shaTes, com- pareu wnu . miguuj ien uim m 1 M f.W 1 ,V . I million shares in the previous ses- sinn. Chemicals and motors were I among the most active groups. with good advances in both di visions. Gains of from 2 to around 4 points or SO appeared in Allied I Chemical at 153, American can of 11AU Phraslo- at 1QK. gears I Roebuck at 42, Air Reduction at I 142, Amerada at 70. dnPont at 104 and IX. S. Smelting at 111. Others able to add major frac tions to about 2 points included Santa Fe at 47, U. S. Steel at 33. Bethlehem at 26, Ameri can Telephone at 127, General Vfntnrs at 3 2 &4 Standard Oil of N. J. at 48, Union Pacific at 105, International Telephone at 10, Brigg8 Manufacturing at 31 and Case at 56. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Jnne H.-JP) The gardeners' and ranchers' market was unusually dull Fri- day morning. Incoming produce waa rather sluggish and the de- mand Weak. However the strawberry mar- ket was at a high peak in both sales and supplies. The general aualitv was excellent. The prices ransred from 11.30 to SI. 65 Der 1 crate with most sales at the high er prices. The first blackberries of the season were offered at the mar- ket vesterdav. Thev were bronrht in by an Aurora grower who ask- ed 11.75 at first and later raised the price a few cents. Loganberries held steady at $1.60 per crate, tne same price nunted vesterdav. Rasnberries were selling between $2 and $2.10 slightly higher than earlier In the VMk Gooseberries moved more slow - iy tuan eiyecieu si oc ycr yuuuu, thereby leaving some surplus which quickly caused growers to lower the price from 8c. Some beautiful Lambert Cher- rles were being offered at 9c per, Douua. dues were kuuu vui t little higher at 10c Black Re- publicans were selling as low as 5c and Royal Annes were bring ing 6c per pound. Some very sour pie cherries were sold between 4 and 5c. Peas were in good demand with a price spread ranging from 2c to 5c The telephone variety is the most popular. Local cabbage was bringing 85c per crate. There was a large sup ply of good, round, firm, heads of Calif ornja stuff being passed for prices near 75c. Asparagus was rather scarce at $jl.75 per pyramid and was not very good. Tomatoes were poor and un- even around si.bb. The onion family was well rep- resented. Red onions sold for 11.25, yellow for 31.25 also and wax onions were going as nign as $2.25. Green onions sold ror 22c mostly with some at Z5c. Tneion .nd sometimes a cent or so onion market was very good with some good stuff being shown. Bean Local, lb.. 7e. SlTSSJ!?rir ?b i7e Apricots Calif, 80 lb. lag. $2. Pass Oregon, lb- 3-3c; new tele phone, 4-4 c - Bpiaaca urate, so-oc. Carrots Dozen bunches. 25 80c Beets-Dosea bunches, 25 SOc. Greea onions Doien bunches, 20-25e. Dry onions Calif, rads. 100-lb. sack. $1.25; yellows. $1.86; was, $S.9S. Turnips iosea oaneaea, u-pve. Badishet Doies buncbes, 25-30C Icicle radishes Dosea bunches, SOe. Cabbage Lettae. crate, Ko. 1, 85c. Csliflowr Crate, No. 1. L25; No. s II 10. Uelery aearts jjozen Duacuea, fua. Celery Field packed, bos, $2.50. Apples Boat, jumble pads, box, $1.25; Delicious. $1.25. , Potetoes 100 Ib. sack. $1.86. New Botatses 100 lb. lack. $1.25; . . . '. ' . . . . a . m r sew Oregon, 60-Ib. box, $1.50; washed. 100 lbs- $2.85. 1 Greea gariie Mllwaukie. Ib.. B-lOe. Cucumber Box, Calif- $1.75; kot- honse, $2. Rhubarb 80-Ib. box. 40-fiOc Aspsrsgus No. 1, box, $1.75-L85; No. i. $l f-- Parsley Dossa bunches, 20e. Strawberrie New Oregon, ' crate. $L30: Gold Dollars, $1-1.15. - Lettuce Seattle, crate, 60; local. 60c. i. Gooseberries Pound, tc . - Touistoes Lag, $1.50; crer-ripe, $i T.nistoes lg, tu; over-npe et. ; Cherries Bines, lb- 10et Black Repab- lieans, 6c i Koyat Aaa, ee; pie, oa; sasp- nans, v7s aw r $1J3 . ; 4 ssspoei i ies "viw, ; Ij. ran karri e Crate. $1.50. . Watme4on Pound, 8. B lakbrries Crate. $1.75. Old court records ahow early onist absent from church services three times without valid excuse, Salem Markets . Grade 1$ raw 4 per cent milk, co-op basic pool price f UBS per hundred, (Milk asset en semi mentaly bsttarfat averagt.) Distributor price $32.10. A cmde butterfat Deliv ered, 25c; route, 24c. - A grade prints, 27c; B grade, 20Hc Price psld te growers by Ssleai bayers. (The prices below, -supplied by -a -local grocer, are indicative ef the daily market ' BOt as"d by Th. states- (Saying Price) S,"?0"1- z ? ce."ZL 20 ti sS" finempple, Cuban, crats 6.09 ao 6.00 Arixeaa ; l.ss to 2.50 Vl Um "f H Valencia - 3.75 te SO Baasass. lb, os sulk v-08 u. - . Hands Lemeas. faney A.00 to 4.75 2.55 te S.26 1.00 Caoic time, fresh - Apple, basb.l Ui to 3.S5 i Strawberries, Marshall 1.25 te 1.60 Etterbarg and Corvallis 1.60 VEOETABLES (Baying Price) S3 1 I I J .20 S.25 2.75 Bo lbfc Kfc x io. 2. 50 ib. . . xciiow. so id. . 3.80 1.10 .07 .01 ?4 3.50 to 8.00 -"-. .w, wv. in I Waihinrtoa. lb. Rhubarb, iceal lb. articbokes. bos Cauliflower. Oregon, lug .90 to 1.50 Cabbsg. Oregon, lb. .02 to .03 Carrots. Calif- doxea .25 te .50 Carrots, local, doxea .,,- 45 Celery. Calif, W. crats 8.75 Labiah Hearta. doicn ll50 cuesmbera, botnonse, box 1.75 to z.zs Beets. Csllf MOT -- , ... J5 .08 .so -20 .75 to 1.25 7. Gma peppers, la. Lettoee, local Potatoes Local. Ko. 1. twt Local. Ko. 3, ewt. Takima. No. 1, 60 lbe. Takima, Ko. 8. 60 lbs. . 1.75 1.00 14)0 .85 US 1.50 te 1.75 Sweet nw podt, CaiiL I Local sew peas 02 to .04 I ' r.Zi' .60 L25 I Tomatoes 1 Bot bosse. io lbs. 1.S5 2.00 .50 .20 SO JS Mexican. 10-lb. hie Turnips, doien ! Badiakes, local, dozen Walnut, lb. , as te .13 to rubsrts, lb. HOPS (Baying Pries) Clutters, 1934 lb- top . .11 FBgcles. 1934, top lb. EGOS (Buying Price) Extras .20 .19 as Standards Msdinms WOOL A2TD MOHAIS (Buying Price) Mohair JO .20 J8 m-ji,,-. "rrrr Cosne and fis. wool (nfprfc,) Heavy hens. -4 or ower . Colored medium, io. MTd,i tefc-h"a. lb. -- fryers, lb.". stars. lb. . J5 .14 as U2 J7 .06 .06 .17 J4 Colored fry a, lb. . . Whit Leghorn try, ib. . JCSAT (Buyiag Price) Sprinr lambs, lb. . .054 to Ewes, lb . .01 to .05 .OlVi. I Tearlmr lambs .03 to 03 6 l Ul 170.310 ibs top -25 210-250 lbs, top 8.5 to 9.25 7 k'aa iCowg . 3.00 to 8.50 I Bulls -00 to 4.50 1 Bieiri a 5if' 4.00 te 5.00 5.00 to 5.50 .15 creased hZsT Dressed veal. Ib. .08 1 . r: . .67 - .68 -25.00 i whit.. No. 1 Barley, feed. No. l. ton Malting, too .30.00 Oats, milling, ton -25.00 reed, ton -20.00 I Mas. burins prie Vy..7r. "tT . $.00 . 9.00 -ia.oo . .13 . -11 Alfalfa, valley Oover Seed Bad. lb. aiaika. Ib. J BOSTON, . June 21.-(P)-Tbe I Commercial Bulletin will say to- morrow "The announcement of further government contracts has stimu- I la ted the wool market, especially on medium Qualities, which are j most affected, so that prices are Dack fully to the point where they i were nrlor to the announcement 0 the supreme court ISRA decis I higher. I "Mohair is firm with good de- I mand moderate." The Bulletin will publish the following quotations: Scoured basis: Oregon: Fine and F. M. staple. 72-73; tine and F. M. combing, 16-68; fine and F. M. Clothing, 62-63. Mohair: Oregon, 26-28. Domestic graded: First comb ing, 43-4S; second combing, 38- I 40; good carding, 33-35; first kid. ! 55-60; second kid, 60-55. (Foreign prices In bond). Stodcs and Bond : ' 3nae 21 STOCK AVZKAGZa " (Ceattilsd by Tts Associated Prsss) SO IS IS 0 . Indus Rails: C tit Stocks Todsy 0. , 24. 82.5 44.7 Prer. day 59.5 24.1 81.T, 82.1 V 28.S RJ .9 -V 83.1 27.S SJ.6 18.5 31.6 43.0 40.6 22.8 ' 24.2 43.T 42.3 Month agOite 59.3 Tear ago - 51.8 1985 high . 1985 low 49.6 42 44. 84.S v:-..- fi. , I f!" ?'."'" A ! 51. 84. i .;,, JB3S I BOND AVEBAGE FEDERAL BR OF WHISIRKFJ o 10 10 10 Rails - I adus Ctli. for .1- sr.l 6. 95 - s.t 82.6 - M.S 94.4 . 6.$ ... 79.7 96.7 98.8 - 8.8 892 ' 88.7 S7.f i 64.8 87.8 97.0 95.0 T0.4 tad 92.8 84.5 65.5 jU-:. 894 2. . 8.a ; . 70.0 ZZ 745 73.J 6S.2 60.9 Today Prev. 4 j "r ago j "f? V i 1935 Ugh, IP MESS S PRICE RISE CHICAGO. June 21.- (i!p)- Un easiness over pernlstent delays to United States harvest operations in the southwest, especially Okla homa, where heavy rains were re ported, did much to lift wheat values today. ; . The domestic wheat harvest Is about 10 days' later than normal, and arrivals of new wheat at southwestern inters are extreme ly meager. Wichita, Kan., for ex ample, received but 19 cars to day, against 411 a year ago., With excessive rains regarded as probably injuring both the quantity and quality of the win ter crop, wheat. prices here closed firm, above, yesterdays fin ish, .September 81.-; cornj4 1 down, September 7S: oats unchanged, to U higher, anty provisions uncnanged to a rise of 5 cents. Closing Quotations: " Wheat: June 81, July September 8rs - Vs. December 83-84. Corn: July 81U-4, September 75-, December 63-H. Oats: July 35, September 33, December 34-. GeneralMarkets POXTLAKD PEODUCE POBTLASO. Ore.. June 21. CAP) Prodace exchsnfe, set prices: ,-. Hatter: Extras,. 25e; standsrdsL 24c; prime firsts, 23 He; first. 23c. Kizs : U. S. peciala. 26c: U. 8. ex tras, 24c: U. S. medium large, 33c nnnertat: zee Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., June 21. (AP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close Jury 6S 70 70 Sept 9 70 69 70 Der. 70 71 70 71 - Cash: Big Bend bleestem, 13 per rent. 87; Big Bead bloestem, 83; dark bard winter. 12 per cent 87 ; do. 11 per cent, 75 M ; soft white aad western white. 70 ; hard winter, 69 V4 ; northern spring, 70 "a: western red, 69. Oats: No. 2 white, $26. j Cora: No. 2 E yellow, S 39.50. Millrun ataniard, 824. , Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Or.. Jnae 21. (AP) (USDA) Bogs: Receipt. 200. ine hiding OS direct Market ateady. Good te choice. 160-200 lbs., $9.60 60: 260-263 lb, butchers, $9. Light hghts, saleable around 89-9.25. Packing sows, $7.25-7.50. Feeder pigs quotable up to $9.25. Cattle: Receipts. 50; ealve. 33, in- cludtoa SO direct. Supply aaostiy odds aad end. Cleanup sales steady te weak. Low cotter and cotter rows, $2- 8. Bulls, $3.75-4. Other classes scarce. Grass steers saleable around $5-7. Week' best grsssers, $8. Good, dry lot steers, Quotable te $8.50 and above. Ursa belt ers saleable around $4.50-0. Choice Teal- era Bootable up to $7. Sheep: Kecipts zoo, taemainr i di rect Market stesdy. Around S3 lb. spring lambs. $6.15 6.25. Com man to medium grade. $4.50-5.50. Medium 92 lb. Tearlinra, $. Blaufhter ewe, loo- 125 lbs- 75c-$1.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Jane 21. (AP) Butter:' Prints, A grade, 27 e lb.T parch- nit wrssper; 28e in cartons ; a grade. parchssent wrappera, 26 e lb. ; cartons, 27c lb. Bntterfat Portland delivery: A grade deliveries at least twie. weekly, 26-27 lb.: coun try .routes. 25-27 lb.; B grade deliveries less than twice weekly, 25-26e Ib.; C grade at market. B evade cream for bottling Baying price, butterfat basis, 55e lb. Kjtrs Sales to retailers: Bpeetais, ze; extras, 27e; fresh extras, brown, 27c; standards, 23e; freak mediums, 25c; me dium firsts, 21e dozen. grs Bay ins price oi wBoiesaiers: Fresh specials. 23c; extras, 23c; staa- dards. 21c; extra mediums, 20c; medium firsts. 17 ; undergrade, 17c dozen. Cheese 92 score, Oregon triplet. lc; loaf, 15e; brokers will pay cent below quotations. Milk Contract price, A. Portland da livery, $2.20 ewt; B grade cream, 27 lb., surplus basis. Conntry mests Selling pries to re tailers: Country killed hos. best butch ers, under 150 lba 15-16e lb.? vealers. So. 1, lOe lb.; light sad others, 7 -Re lb.; heavy, 7 -9c lb.; cutter cows, 7 8c lb.; tanners, 6-7e lb.; bolls, 8-8 'is pound: yearling lambs, 10c pound ; spring. lie id.; SHSmn, , ivc in.j-.swn, lb. . . . . .. Mohait 1935 buying price, aoe Cascara bark Burinf. price, 1935 pee!. 2e lb. , Hops 1934 toggles t io.; ciuswrs. I011e lb. . - - - . - Live poultry 1'ortlann aeinery, ouying pries: Colored hens, ores 5 lbs, la-loe ib.; under 5 lbs., 1516c Ib.; ever 3 lbs., 1314e lb.; nnder 3 lbs- 13-1 4e Ib.; springs, 2 lbs. and op, 1819c lb.; nnder 4 lbs- 16-17e lb.; white broilers. 13e lb.: roosters, te It.; resia aocas. yoong. 16-17e lb. Obiobs uregon. no. z, cw. Kew onions Cslifornis reds, $1.50 per 50-lb. bsg; California wax, $2.50 crate; yellow 50s, $1.80 per 50-lb. box.r Potatoes vregon narwui. Ul; Desrbates Gems. $1.50; Idaho Gems. $1.25; Pssee, 60s. $1.35 per 80-tb. bag. New potatoes California whites, $2 2.15 per centaL ' . Cantaloupes Imperial Jamba, $2-5-8; stsadsrds, $3.25-2.75: peny, $2.25 2.75 erate: Arixesa pony, 64s, $2.20; staadard. $2.85 erate. ' Watermelons California SUendikss. 'Heeot-lOSS elip.' nomiaalj r?tasietto valley wedlBm. 20-21 lb.: eosrse and braid, 18-19 lb.; eastern Oragos, 18-21s lb.: sonthera Idaho. ( ) lb. . r Bay Buyiag price from producers, al falfa Ko. J. wow price; $16.00-16.50: astern Oregon timothy. $17: ata7.00 10.00 ton; Willamette valley tnateshy, $14; clover. $7.00-10.00 tea, Portland. UG11T STJNNTSIDE, June 21. Only a light school vote was cast here, Mrs. Dudley Taylor being elected director and Ed Wheelan, elerk.. BuyinsChernes ANNES Gc. BLACKS 5c OREGON FRUIT PJRODUCTS CO. West Salem .; Max..Gehlhar;MgK.r r