PAGE SEVEN x ft me The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning June 19, 1923 Ads Bimmg Remits -4 1 Statesman Classified Ads Call .9101 Classified Ad-ertteing Single insertion per line ;.10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per Ihie .. . .30e One month per line ....(100 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page accepted uatll C:30 the e-eniitg before publication for classification. Copy recel-ed after this time will be ran under, the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear In ad vertisements pabli&bed In its columns, and In rases where this paper is at fanlt will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectlonaMe advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Wood cutters. Inq. Pe des or write Roy Gage, Rt. 2, Mon mouth. Oregon. -- HELP WANTED FEMALE Experienced housekeeper wanted. In quire Apt. 1, 145 North 14th St Wanted young girl to do house work and care of children. Apply at 1790 Lee St.. after 6 p. m. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted Salesman. Young man pre ferred, experience not necessary- Work In Salem. 311 State St Wanted Salesman with car. Good proposition to man who wilt work. Write Bfx 4, care Statesman. ' SITUATIONS WANTED 2 Willamette U. boys will do odd Jobs of any kind. Call 871 S; 920 Oak SL Young man interested in filbert rais ing wlsnes Job in filbert orchard. Ad dress Box 497. care Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous mjmmm Safs for sale, fireproof. 2SS Cheme keta. - ROOFING Mail order prices. Let ns save you money. SALEM PAINT A ROOFING CO. 474 Ferry Street Phone 4642. Crooked Finger Hill grown, non-irrigated Burbank seed and table potatoes. U. S. No. 1 Netted Gem seed potato a Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. PAINT SALE AT BUILDING SUPPLY, CO. 170 No. Front .... Phone 9111. Cadsotnine as low ssSc --pound. Enamel as low as $1.60 gallon. Pamt as low as $1.00 gallon. Wall paper, half price. Brushes at lowest prices. See c-ur store for savings. Strawberries, 'not wormy. Tou pick, bring containers, 75e- crate. Wallace Rd. Turn W. to Brush College. Rt. 1. Box 410. USED PIANOS A few samples listed here Winteroth 159 ; E.tes 363 ; Kings- I bury 375; Hackley 378 ; V illard : Jacob Bros. S3 ; Lenox 97 ; Wlllard Tlayer J98; Kohler & Campbell $39. Easy terms. See these snaps at once. TALLMAN PIANO STORE 395 S. 12th St. at Mill MWWWWM-W----W- Royal Annes, Bings, Lambert cher ries on tree, 4c lb. J. D. Dunn, 10 miles out. Rt. 1, Box 297, Wallace Road Hens, fryers, live or dressed to order. 828 N. Front. Large brown porch sash. 690 Union aAJinrui ri-i ri ii i riu. i-f- i I Girl's bicycle. 445 S. Winter. TRADE Miscellaneous For Sale or Trade Violin for stand ard typewriter. 1845 N. Com I, up stairs. WANTED Miscellaneous " 2c to 3c for your cherries on the tree. Large or small contracts Inquire 1709 Center. WANTED 4 ft. 2nd growth wood. Write location, amount, best price In Umber. 493, care Statesman. Wanted Hay to bale on shares. Engeman Bros., Bilverton, Ore. Poultry wanted 328 N. Front. mj"LiLiiinrTiiiJL -------- m m mmtt Wanted Folding steel camp bed. Must be a bargain. Phone 7275. MISCELLANEOUS tAjTAnivri'iVi' Free We pick up dead and wortn lu horses, cows, sMcft Tat. 41- r-n. -i.ri.r - s rlrin. Salem Saw Shop. Four Corners Pea Road, TL 4280. - tcnj-u-L u-u-ii-i- mmm Haircuts lte-SOe. SOS a Wleter. Carpenter repair painting, phone 6213. W. Cohen has sold his interest in The Valley Top Body Shop to E. H. Miller. FOR RENT ROOMS sjxru-aJKTLnrrrsrii'isss - sasnun Heated ileeplnc room, 444 SL Hi!t Living-sleeping room. 250 S. Cottage. Furnished room and sleeping porch, 725 Court street. Home privilege, gar. 446 S. Cottage. Sleeping room close In. Tel. jSS ROOM AND BOARD tjinru-utrrrrfirirM-.-i-i-i"i- - Board, room, eery close In. TeL 5482. Room, board. 898 Court TeL 5678. a, Liru-j r i - Brd, row t69 Chemeketa. TeL 8394. ni-ii-nnju"tn -irni 6S.7S per week. . TeL73j3. FOR RENT APA RTMENTS Small fnrn. apU clean and "comfort Adults; only. 648 Ferry. Reas. rates WXAfsfsifsrli r- " 1 R. furn, kltch. 151 8. Cottage. m0m0H00m ' t room turn. apt. Frlgldalre, private nath. Near state bouse. n9 -oun. SmalL turn, apt, 690 Union. - Attractive mod. apt, 210 N. 14th. Nice, small gpt, 6S8 Center. . 1 n nnrimf n"i"ii",'M Nice room kitchenette apt with fireplace, 159$ BUte St FOR RENT HOUSES Furn, dr unfura. Forkner. TeL 2031. V ... ... w,,,..s.w wx.'. Mod. furn. 7-roqm. TeL 7200. Houses. Grant. B31 Court. TeL -SS4- For rent: partly furnished, 7-room house, modern, excellent location, $25 month. Address .inquiries Box 131. Statesman. C room cottage. References required and given. TeL 3 70S. Coir. mod. bun. Nicely furn. T. 3940. For Rent Houses and apts. See Bdchtel late. House, small down pay ment, b&l. like rent. Se Bechtel or Wilson, 341 State. FOR RENT Hospital beds and wheelchairs to rant H- U Stlft Fumltura Co. Office rooms foe rent SSI Slats SL TeL 27 IS. 000S00n0Vmmmm m0m Cottage at Yachate. TeL 4TF2. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Stock ranch 2300 acres, near Pow ers, with 1800 head of sheep. 1300 head of lambs, SO head of cattle and seven bead of horses. Price reasonable. For further information inquire Mrs. Lily Dement, Myrtle Point, Oregon. Small new 4 room house, by owner. Reasonable. Box 618, Statesman. Lota for sale or trade for small car or truck. Box 517, Statesman. REAL ESTATE 2. acres, good soil, good four room house, barn, and other out build ings. S room house, two good lota This Is a bargain for 41500.00. 5 acres on garden road, modern 5 room house, soma fruit, bam, chick en house. HVDKTNS A- ADAM 3, Phone 434 275 State Street Beautiful building lot on Falrmount Hill, owner leaving city, for sale, price reasonable.- Will take late model car on deal. Dial owner, 8147. FOR SALE Ocean front beach lot at Roads End, SO miles from Salem. 3500. G. M. at Statesman office. VIEW PROPERTY ? room house with basement and furnace, 3 lots with good mixed orch ard. Joins city limits and has fine view of city. It's a bargain at $3000. Call MRS. ELLIS to see It. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. Sacrifice Owner leaving city 5 R. house, mod. except basement $250 will handle. Box 495, care Statesman. New 4 room home just finished In North Salem. Price $2000, $200 down. HavenlO A. with good improvements, close to Salem. Also fair residential pro. with 3 lots In N. Salem. These pro's are clear of Jncum. Will trade for 50 to 150 A. Must have electricity. See Art Madsen at 169 S. High. TeL 8890. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Beautiful home on large creek lot, abundance of shade trees and shrub bery, outdoor fireplace, pool, etc. 7 large airy rooms. Price $D500. part terms or will accept smaller house In exchange. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. EXCHANGE FOR CITY INCOME Fine 155 acre farm, 90 acres in crop, balance pasture and timber, rooms and batli. house, large barn, silo, chick en house, etc., spring water piped to house and yard, an exceptional oppor tunity to exchange your city Income for a stocked and equipped farm. WILLAMETTE LAND COMPANY 4 23 Court Street. Salem Phone 4513 FOR SALE FARMS FARMS AND ACREAGE for RENT SALE and TRADE. Oregon Land Co. Pac. Hy. Woodburn, Ore. 43 A. FARM SNAP $5006, all stocked and equipped, good soil, fair bldgs. It will pay you to see it. No trouble to show farms. See Bechtel or Mr. Wilson, 311 State St. DISTANT OWNER SAYS SELL AT LOSS TO HIM His choice 10 acre tract 2 miles out on good road, part In crop, some bear ing cherry and walnut trees, 7 room house, barn, chicken coops, outbuild ings, good well, electric lights and close to school. Price very low at $2600. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. 40 ACRES EAST OF SALEM On good road, all In cultivation ex cept 3 acres timber and pasture, 6 A. walnuts, 7 A. filberts, 3 A. strawber ries, 20 A. bottom land, running wa ter, 2 springs, welL 4 room home, barn. Telephone service. Price $4000, cash one-half, balance payable $300 per year Including 5 Int. SEE Clifford Harold with CHILDS tc. MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708 11 A. tract, E. of Salem, small house. Price with crop $1100. $300 cash, bal, to suit. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L Phone 4728. yuxru'uXJiJU'u"' rutfu"uui.rxrii" r"i"'-i,"iir ACT QUICKLY If you want to buy one of these fine farms. Priced for less than half val ue at hard-time prices 158 A. at $22 pr. acre; 64 A. well Improved, $75 per A.: 64 A. at $50 pr. A.; 189 A. at $24 pr. A.; 20 A. 10 m. Salem, $45 pr. A. ; 60 A. at $25 pr. A.; 16 A. for $75 pr A.; 160 A well Improved, 3 miles Salem for $160 pr. A. See Bechtel or Wilson, 841 State St.. Room 4. ACREAGE u. acres, modern i nom nouse. good barn, electric water system, fruit, filberts. Tel. 4280 . Rt. . Box 105. Business Opportunities irijijjTjT.ririsirr,r" " a Foe Sale FullT equipped saw shop with good business, reasonable. T. A. Juxa, Rt 8, Box 105. Phone 4210. Fully equipped meat market for sale or ient 178 S. Coml. MONEY TO LOAN 04t00mw1 movet for rood first mortgage real ut.t. innns. nv amount Farm, city or acreage properties, uaw mtersat rates No payment requirement r-im.Tta a- MILLER. Mtge. Loans 844 State Street Phone 8708. 5 Farm Loans 5 Plant it money ; for well improved farms if amply - secured. Improve er buy now with cheap money. Asa tor nriuamtt Vnllev - Farms. Hawkins and Roberts. Inc. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOAIS8 Kif IU v Beneficial Loan Socijety of Salem' Member of NRA. ftAom tit. New Bligh Bldg. Snd foot LICENSED NO. 8-121 U65 bj SIS State St - TeL t 74 Loans Mads la Nearby Towns Interesting Facts .Nicotine collected in old pipes sometimes causes death, says -Dr. William Thorpe, of England. O Recent experiments at Tale In dicate that the new heavy water slows the action of the heart and may be useful medically. o During the first four months of this year 15 new steam locomo tives and 39 new electric locomo tives were placed in service in this country. MONEY TO LOAN AUTO LOANS CARS REFINANCED Easy Terms Investigate WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. ftf-U9 Soi Guardian Bide. Sa-sm When You B'orrow BORROW FROM A SALEM-OWNED FINANCE COMPANY I te SO months to repay at lowest pos- sttM rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Natl. Bank Bids. Phone IS53 Licensed by State LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Pure bred Jersey bull calf, tffthout papers, $5. Garden Road, S miles west of Pre turn. Tel. 86F4, Melvln Lien. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. Fir. oak. maple. TeL 137F8. Old fir wood. 16 In. $5.0. IS In. $8.75 TeL 7475. Dry 16 In. old fir No. 1, $5 cd. TeL 5938. 1887 N. Front. 16 In. old fir, $5. 4 ft. 2nd $4. 4 ft maple, $4. SO. TeL 9785. Box Wood and Planer Ends Just the thing for quick, hot fires. The inexpensive summer fueL Salem Box Co. TeL 7122 WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown and white male set ter. 3 yrs. old. Dial 4995 or S450. Re ward. LOST Lady'9 black pigskin glove on Court St. Tel. 8901. Reward. I Lost Glasses. Return Sears, Roe- I buck office. No questions asked. Re ward. PERSONAL MRS. WHITE, PSYCHIC Without a question, she will analyse your prob lems satlsfactoily. Local references given: 325 South Winter. Phone 6415. Not responsible for any trouble of Mrs Nita Fetsch. ("Miss" Stalding). Signed. John Fetsch. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars Bulck Std. 4 -door Sedan $95- 28 Pontlac Coupe 1125 1927 Packard Sedan S195 '30 Ford Ppt Roadster $235 10 Ford Std. Coupe $245 30 Stude. Dictator Coupe $265 1929 Bulck Sedan $275 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $295 '33 Chev. Master Coach $495 '34 Chev. Master Coupe $595 '34 Chevrolet Master Sedan $695 CASH. TERMS or TRADE See these caf at 333 Center St McKay Chevrolet Co. Valley Motor Co, Used Cars and Trucks 34 V-8 Regular Sedan 33 V-S Regular Sedan 33 V-S Regular Coach -S5S5 . 625 . 475 . 48S 395 41S 235 285 185 225 290 275 325 495 285 33 V-S DeLuxe Coupe 12 V-8 Regular Coupe 22 V-S Regular Tudor 39 Model A Spt. Roadster 30 Model A Tudor 29 Model A Coupe ? 29 Model A Fordor 29 Nash Sedan 1 29 Hup 6 Sedan 20 Studebaker C Sedan 32 Plymouth Coupe 1930 Model A Coupe 1930 Model A DeLuxe Phaeton 275 1931 Chev. Coach 125 1932 Chev. Coach - S9 1929 Chev. Coupe ; 115 1930 Chrysler Sedan . S25 Trucks and Pickups 32 Ford S. W. Base ,..- 59 29 Ford flat body, licensed J 175 29 Chevrolet, wood body, licensed 145 29 Ford Delivery 15 30 Ford Panel 170 AND OTHERS At Marion and Liberty and Center Streets Open Evenings and Sundays TeL 7910 and J15 . 1930 Model A Ford coach, 170 down. 1819 S. 13 th. Business Directory Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis only. -Rate: ft. GO per line per month. AUTO BRAKES M4ke- Pan T7S .South Oomrnerelat. BROOMS Factory, 438 N.-CTrerch.- Tel. 6488. CEMENT WORK All Jrmds eement work. Tel. 8868. CHIMNEY SWEEP Teleen. 4 4 5 R g. Nerfhnesa. CHIRAPRACTQRS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. N Htrh Tel. Res. 8TS2. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric, 84$ Stabs St. WIr tn tnntoen. rrrHanr iwrmfra. er !- FLORISTS Bfslthaupfv 447 Court. ALL kinds of floral work. I Aits. Flor ist. 1376 N. Liberty. TeL 5SX. Bennett, 2233 Fairground Rd. T. 6178. KEYS We make keyn Harry W. Scott LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDKR LAUNDRY IS a Hisb TeL 112S CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Serete Teleirhrm IMS 12(4 RrflnflwtT MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 406) SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRBSa mad. is order, old remade; carpet cleaning, su ing: nuff rug weaving & ltn Wil bur. TeL $44 L OTTOVp. X WICKER. Rat. 1411 MUSIC STORES UEO. C WILL Pianos, radio, aewtna maenfnes, sneer, duiiu and piano stud ies. Repairing radios, phonographs end sewing machines. 431 State Street Sslenv PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engravtns. 147 N. Com mercial. Tel. 6S8T. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 31a S. Commercial. Teie- phone Slot. STOVES renalr stoves, ranees, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove works, S3 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B- TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Ce. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 33 State St Tel. 7773. Distributing, ror warding and storage our specialty. Get tr rafea TRUCKING Truck work, all kinds. Tel 3354. WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Ser vice company offices corner Commer cial and Trad streets. Bills payable monthly. Phone 4161. WELL DRILLING R A. West a I. TeL 110FS. Sneed. 1078 Highland, TeL 4437. FOR SALE USED CARS Good Used Trucks Ford T Pick-up S 35.00 Ford Canopy milk delivery 150.00 International 150.00 Ford Model A, L. W. B., new motor 335.00 Chevrolet, extra good 225.00 Studebaker Z-ton, good one S00.00 Reo 2-ton. L. W. B. 685.00 Morland 2-ton, with body 285.00 100.00 . 60.00 Dodge 1. with body 1 yd. body ft hoist 217 State Phone 8590 James H . Med en Co. 133 FORD BUSINESS COUPE. New tires, reconditioned as needed. Finish Ilka new. Car run less than 20,000 miles. Make Tour own deal on this one. No reasonable offer refused. STATE MOTORS, INC 525 Chemeketa Radio Program Wednesday, June 19 KOW POETLAITD 820 Xc 8:00 Jack Sprigs' a Orchestra. 8:30 Wor-s and Hnaie, NBC. 9:80 Songs, NBC. 10:30 Hotel Sutler Orcheitrs, NBC. 1:05 Soloist. 1:30 Us and Hy Shadow. ' 4:00 One Man's Family, NBC. 6:15 Grace Hayes. NBC. 6:30 Ray Noble Orchestra. NBC. 10:00 Richfield News Flsshes, NBC. 1015 Bart Woodyard's Ortheatra. 11:00 Jantsen Beach Orchestra. 11:30-12 Archie Lovelaod's Orchestra, rOBTLANI 1180 Xe. 7:80 Calvary Tabernacle. 8:19 Mnsie Box. 9:30 Three-Fsnr Tims. 9:45 Singable Sours, NBC. 13 :0O Danes Frolic. 1 :00 Popular Vocalist. 1 :15 Operatic, Gems. 1:85 Melodies. 8:30 Rsy Noble Orchestra. 4i0 Melody Train.. NBC. 4:45 Tea Time Melodies. 8:50 Just Around the Corner, NBC. sn m is en FIXED DATE WHEATLAND, June 18. Forty-nine members of the descend ants of the Mark and Susan Saw yer association attended the lath annual reunion Sunday at the .grove on the John Smith farm which is a portion of the original donation land claim taken by the pioneer couple who came across the plains from Illinois by ox team in 1847. Re-election of all officers was unanimous: president, George Penrose, of Amity; vice-president, Mrs. Ernest Shelbnrne, of Mc Mlnnvllle; s e c r e tary-treasurer, Mrs. L. L. Thornton, of Salem. The third Sunday was a fixed date set for "future reunions. A program of music and read ings was presented and a basket dinner was served by Mrs. Acker man end Mrs. T. Lawrence. Attending from a distance were: Mr. snd Mrs. L. L. Thornton snd son Leo, Mrs. Angie Ditmar, Mrs. Jessie Beaty and Miss Beva Penrose of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fetter, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Myers, sr., M. B. Myers, jr., Mrs. Sinai Blasell, Mrs. Lala Hashes snd son Robert, Woodborn ; Mr. end Mrs. Clifford AekerrasB and family. Beaver- ton; Mr. and lira. Bay Antrim, Misses Winnie sad Cerint Antrim et Aloha; Mrs. Frances May Myers, Mr. and - Mrs. John 8. Myers snd family, Hubbard; Miss Ella Hendricks. Mrs. M. E. Hen dricks ef MeMinnville: Mr. and Mr H. O. Allen end their Randson, Harold Allen ef Sheridan; Mrs. Grant Arms- worthy of Wasco. - Heavier Demand For Wool Shown BOSTON, June 18.-(-(U. S. Dept. Agr.)-The wool market here showed a better tone, and Quotations were firmer than a week ago as a result of the in creased demand during the latter part of last week. Medium grade Ohio and similar bright fleeces were sold recently at maximum price of the range, 30-31 cents in the grease for strictly comb ing 568, blood and 48s, 50s, blood. Territory wools of the same grade a(so were more ac tive than a week ago, but the Increase in demand was not as marked as for fleeces. Hewitt Will Address Heights Pension Club SALEM HEIGHTS. June 18. The Salem Heights Townsend club will hold a meeting In the com munit hall, Wednesday, at 8 p m.. with Roy R. Hewitt of Salem the speaker. Special music and community singing will be held NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the School Board of School Dls trict No. 113, Marion County, Oregon, up to 2:00 o'clock p. m. Friday, July 5. 1935, for the pur chase of negotiable interest bear ing warrants to the amount of S3000.00, maturing S300.00 July 6, 1936, and $300.00 each year thereafter until entire amount Is paid. Bids to be at par value. Rate of Interest, not to exceed 6 per cent, to be fixed by purchaser In the bid submitted. The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bid3. Send bids to DAISY LAMBERT, Clerk. Salem. Oregon, R. S. Juno 19, 20, 21. NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLKMNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filer5 in the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, her duly verl"ed flal account, as administratrix of the estate of T. T. Whittig. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the th day of July, 1935, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court HoHse at Salem, In Marion County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Saler , Oregon, this 5th day of June, 1935. GRACE H. WHITTIG, Administratrix of the Estate of. J. T. Whit- ti, , deceased. RONALD C. GI VER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Or n. J. 6-12-19-26; .. 3 7:30 Velodies Aristocratic. 8100 KKX News Flsthes. 10:35 Cobwebs and Nuts. 11:00 Ambsssador Hotel Orchestra. 11:30-13 Dance Orchestra. XOZN POBTULTD 940 Kc. 6:80 KOIN Kiosk, Ivsa snd Wsltsr. 8:00 Country church of Hollywood, DLBS. 9:80 CBS. 10:00 Thia and That with Art Kirk- bam. 10:30 Between the Book Ends, CBS. 10:43 Happy Hollow, CBS. 1:00 Boole of Life. 1:30 Bailey and Sherr, CBS. 3:00 Happy-GoL-ey Hoor, DLBS. 2:45 CBS. 3 ;00 Feminine Fancies. DLBS. 5:30 Bob and Dolly Save-a-Life club, 8:00 K. C. B.'s rsdio column, SAW, CD LBS. :30 Little 8how Fahey Brockman. 9:30 American Family Robinson, Jos Wsiaer's. 1000 Kit Herbeek's orchestra. DLBS 10:30 OrriHe Knapp'a orchestra, DLBS. KOAC COSVALLIS 560 Xc 9:00 Home Economics Observer. -10 :00 Music 10:30 Mnsie. 10:43 Guarding your health. 11:00 Violet Herigstsd,- pianist, pnpUi. 11:30 Hollinrsworth organ recital. 12:00 Siooa far hour. OO Modarn elodiaa. snd 1 :30 4-H dob summer school, assem bly. ' 2 :S0 Maaie. . 8 :0O Hemeaakers. half hour. 8:30 Tooth and lbs new deal. :00 On the campuses. 4:30 Stories for boys aad tWs. fi :00 Co poaera ia earn eo. 8 :0 American Legioa pro am. 6:30 Eve-inf farm hour. Stocks and Grains Higher DEW IS HEAVY FOB MSPS1IES PORTLAND. June 18. - UP) There was no batter price change for the day and the movement appeared practically steady at the late price loss. A fair increase in receipts was shown last week but there was a decrease' in centralized churn ing, a seasonable condition. Market for eggs appeared firm er elsewhere but there was little apparent change in the local situ ation which reflects hot weather eggs from Inland points. Steadiness was reflected gen- erauy in me mirnei ior u i . a . a i 1 a 1 X, chickens. Last price decline ap- noarod to have cleared the at- . v. j i .. I mospnere somew-ai niiu UUJC,D I were talcing noia more ireeiy at the lower value. Market for tomatoes was still more or less unsettled as a re sult of rapidly increasing sup plies from California, holdovers from Texas and a liberal gain of hothouse Offerings Within the lo- I cal'- territory. Strawberry market appeared steady for the day with decreas ing supplies and continued lib eral demand. Most of the supply was snowing tag ena oi tue seas- On UUality. -..-. .mna iVn. .if rnr UUUU UC " I the limited offerings of raspber- riea. while receipts were siowiy i . e..nnw a- -till far in. I Buiiu. buvwj v... i sufficient to take care of needs. Prices were tnereiore nrm. NEW YORK. June lS.-(-The stock market bulls nibbled away Rails ai me auaro mi seemed to their taste, along witn a few snprialtlpa but their aDDe- .... . lite was nui vutiuua. in spite 01 ine laci iuai ouy- In? selective and cau - tk. m .nln -lea In iiuuo, iuo ui i,-- " tne Associaiea x-ress u erase ui 60 stocks was sufficient to set a 10?H nalr nt A I The nro- vious top was made last Saturday at 44.2. Early car loadings reports for lndvldual roads supplied a con- venient background for the rail buyers. Better traffic was report- ed by such roads as Chesapeake & Ohio, North Western, Illinois Central, Pere Marquette end Nickel Plate. The turnover in the stock ex- change amounted hover, to only o o r jon .u Some of the utilities found modest following-, although ad vances were generally small. Public Service of K. J. made a new hleh at 36, but closed a little below its best. Gardeners and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., June 18.-(;P) -Today's session of the gardeners' and ranchers' market was better than the average i uesaay session, The last of the Delicious apples went, leaving only the Rome Jum- ble packed apples which sold at $1.25 per box. Strawberry supplies were mod erate with the demand improved New Oregons sold at $1.45 to $1.50 with poorer grades at $1 to 11.25. Some of the poorest sold as a T rt AAwa 1 t- in fho aoooinn iuw aa t v vcuta iuvc ia vug doo.v-. Peaa continued low, around 2 and 2 cents per Dound with tel- ephone peas bringing from three tint- iu 71 mi a. i a xn ue lire l ixuy m.i auu uucmico m nt --r J -1 --- iroui umeu. iaiui-u Diwn- 1., v- rtAii-rl T)11r IJ OlA eclats JCl vvuuui -av. Dalles were reported jnovlngfast at six cents a pouna. mugs muieu upward from nine to 10 cents a pound. Cabbage sold from 90 cents to $1.75 per crate, according to qua lity. Tender green string beans sold at 9 to 10 cents. Raspberries were scarce and a No. 1 quality sold for $2.50 per 24 basket crate. Field packed celery held a price of $2.50 per box, washed went for $3.25 per box, and cel ery hearts sold as low as $1.25 per dozen. Besns Local lb., 9-10c Oreea pepptri California, Tb Uc tied peppers Calif., lb.. 17c. Apricots Calif. 80 lb. log. $2 Peas Oregon, ih., 2e; Telephone, 8 He. Bpinaeh ;rate, 30-40C. 1 v" w ., i-wvv. BeeUDoxen bunches, 80-35c. Green onions Dozen bnnches. 20 2Sc ifrj omona iaui. ream, iuu it. eacs, $1.25; yellows, at; wax, $2.25-2.85. Turnips Dozen banchei. The Dalles, 50c. BUYING SILL BUT 193S MARK IS SET Radiahes Doses bunches. 20 23e. 7 Icicle rsdiahes Dotes bunches, 20c. I Gaubert-Chalfao has duly quali Cabbaga Lettuce crats. Ko. 1, 1 1.60- I fled na snch administratrix. All 1.70; No. 2. $1.10. Cauliflower Crate, No."!. 1.25: Ko. 2. 11.10. re?e7 Apples Rome, jumbis packed, box, V 'ii. . . Zn?ek' .,on. new Oregon, 50-lb. box, $1.50 Green rarlic Local, lb.. Be Cucumbers Box, $1.75-3 ; hotbousa. Rhsbarb 80-lb. box. 40-50e. Asparagus , box, a.ea-.7a; aPrsleT Doxea bnncnea. 0e. Strawberriea Ore goa, crate, $1.10 h LSSS. -nV"1-"1 low frde- Lettuce Seattle, crate, Tie; local, eoe. Gooseberries Pound, 6c r-Uo.t, Ore lb. ie: Bins. fro The Dalles. .Be; Black' B-p-bUcan, 6e; Boysl Ane;jpi, fte lb. f- i n- ! IS Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, co-op basic pool price . fl.88 per hundred. - (Ifilk . baasd oa aeml atoattly kattertat average.) Distributor price 92.10. ' A grade but t er rat Deli v- ered, 28c; route, 23c. A grade prints, 28c; B grade, 27 He Prlret paid te .growers by Sale buyers. (Tba prices KelcT, supplied by local grocer, are indicative ef lbs daily market but are sot guaranteed by The States man.) ramas ( Buying Price) Raipberries, 24 2.00 te 2.40 Watermelons, lb. .03 ti "Uionp., rso t s.oo -ri""i w -. .w Arj10B u 2.50 Oranges, if fancy 8.75 t 4.50 Choice 5.35 to .00 Valenciss 2.75 te 8-50 .08 Bananas, lb. ob stalk Hand .00 li Lemons, fancy 4.00 to 4.75 2.55 te 3.25 1.00 Choice ...,. I. Imn. fresh Apples, bushel . IJtR to 2.85 Strawberriea, Manball 1.25 to 1.60 Etterbnrg and Cervallis VEGETABLES (Bnrinr Prices! Green onions, local, dozen .20 a.25 2.75 Local onions, 6U lbs rvo. 1 . No. 2 50 lbs. Yellows, 50 lb. " 2.30 1.10 .07 .01 4 i.60 to S.00 Asparagus, local, dos. Washington, lb. iSEfS,, Rhubarb, lecal, lb. cauliflower, ogon. ig .90 to 1.50 Cabbage, Oregon, lb. .02 to .03 usrroia, Viui. oozea -J va .su P.Ata J...n .35 S-75 .90 reierr.'caiifj w crate Celery, local doi. LAbian nesrts, aozen , i. ... i , .- or Kett, Ctit d0IeB J .35 Beans, Calif, lb. .08 .60 JZO .75 to 1.25 Endives, doten , 1 Green peppers, lb. , Lettuce, local , . Potatoes Local. No. 1. ewt Local. Ko. 2, cwt. Taknas. Ko. 1. 50 Iba. Takima, Ko. 3. 50 lbs. 1.75 1.00 1 00 .85 2.35 Sweet New spuds, Calid. , Local new peas . 1.50 to 1.75 .mv, to .04 Spinach. local, orange crate .50 Squash. Calif, crats 1.25 1.85 2.00 .50 .20 Tomatoes Hot bonse, 10 lbs. Uexicas, 10 lb. lug !" Radi,h. local, doien waiouta. lb. u to Filberts, lb. -13 te 50 .15 hops (Bnying Prlc.) clusters, 1034 lb, top Jl .23 1 Fugrles. 1934. top it. I EOGS (Baying Price) Extras .20 .19 as Standards Mediums WOOL AND M0HAIS (Buying Price) Mohair .50 .20 .18 Medium wool . vu"rM "nu " poultbt (Baying Price) HeaT- hen. 4 or orver .15 .14 JS .12 J7 JOS .04 .17 .14 TTLt h Light, lb. Fryera. lb. . in Z colored frys, lb. I White Leghorn fry. n. i (Bnj-ing Priced Spring lambs, lb .05 U to .05 H F.wes, lb 01 to .01U Yearling lambs .03 to .034 Hoes. 140-170 lbs. 7.25 to 8.25 120 130 lba. 6.25 to 7.25 170-210 lbs., top 9.25 riO-250 lbs top 8.5 to 9.C5 Cow. - - 7-25 gtrers 4.00 to 6.00 Cowa 2-00 to 3.50 Bulls - 4.00 10 4.3U Heifers 4 no to 5.0U Veal, top 5.00 to 5.50 Dressed hot:. , -1? Dressed veal. lb. .08 Vs GRAIN AND JtlA I (Buying Price) W bat. western red . White. No. 1 ?? Barley, feed. No. 1, ton 25.00 Malting, ton -" Osta. miliins. ton 20-00 H buying- pri clover hay . a.oo . 9.00 .noo . .18 . -II oat s and vstcn. ton C Bead Bed. lb, Alaika. lb. No. 901S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of I M Hon. ... . , 4 ,, Notice is nereoy giv-u i undersigned nas Deen sj.iw Administratrix who. me m nexed of the Estate of A. S I , ,,. . v. ,h rnnntr i n eiiar ucuc4-cu. uj i " ' m . - - fnr I I nlirt OX XCO DlttlO JL m fc" - . H h,0 mtili. I fflariOU tUUUlJ . auxi. a Mv.-.. I . . , . fled. All persons having claims gt -id estate a-ereby verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 334 Wyatt Court. Salem. Oregon, within eix months from the date nereoi. Dated and first published June 12th. 1935. Last publication July 10th. 1935. Gertrude M. weiis. Administratrix with Will Annexed. Bruce T. Curry. Attorney. Jn-12-19-26-Jl-3-lo NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that by an order of the County Court of the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, duly made, rend I ered and entered of record in said I mnfunralli ilnw I TT Of May, 1930, U-KlttUU- UAU- I BERT - CHALFAN waa dnlT aD- I . . . .i.i.i..t.i. A ppmieo as auiuiuuuavii i -" estate Of JUHAISISA il. UAMBJ-fi;. 1 Ay.nn a a A an4 fhot a1i4 fSortrildl I . I said estate hereby are required to the same, with proper I vouchers and due Terification, to said administratrix at 214 United States National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publi cation of this notice. Dated and first published the twenty-ninth day of May, 1935 I - u-ntnuu- ui - 1 CHAT,-AN. as Adminla- tratrlx of the Estate of I J UilA-NIM A a. UAMDUii, I Doroaaod CARSON ft CARSON, I AttomCVS for' Administratrix. I ' Mj t9: J. S-12-l.-Zff EXCESSIVE RII IS ML TO CROPS CHICAGO. June 18.--Cains of one to two cents a bushel were scored by wheat and corn futures today as the grain mar ket reflected trade advices of un favorable crop conditions in parts of the winter wheat and nearby corn belts because of excessive rainfall. Corn led the advance. Reports of further planting delays, -par ticularly in central Illinois and Missouri, increased fears that the 19 3 a crop may be seriously re tarded in some regions. Wheat buyers acted on talk of a wet harvest from the southwest. Wheat prices rose 1 to 13 cent above the previous finish, closing with July 81-, and corn was 1 hi to 2 higher, July 81-S2. Oats -gained rye 1 to 1 and barley was un changed. Closing quotations: Wheat: June 81i. July. 81 , September 81-, December 844. Corn: June . July 81- 82, September 76-, December ! Oats: July 35, September 33, December 35 -'. General Markets FOETLAND P-ODTJCB POETLAJTD. Ore., June 18. (AP) Produce errtiange, net prices : Batter: Extras, 26c; standards, 24e; prime tints, 24c: firsts, 23 He. Kggt: V. S. tpecials. 26c; V. S. ex tras, 25c; U. S. medium extras, 23c. Batterfat: 27c. Portland Grain PORILAXD, June IS. (AP) Grain Wheat Open High Low Close July 69 70 69 70 Sept. - .6i 69 Vs 68 H 69 V4 Dec 70 71 704 71 Cash: Big Bend bluestem, 82; dark hard winter 12 per cent, M; do 11 per cent, 74; soft white, western whit. 69: hard winter, 68 H: northern spring, 69 Vi : western red. 68. Oats: Xo. 2 white. 26. Com. No. 2 E yellow. 39.7. Millrun standard, 4.50. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., June 18. (I'SDA AP) Hogs receipts uu; mostly 15 25e lower. Extreme top 40e below Mon day. Good to common 170-215 lb. drire ma lars'lr 9.50-O.60; 230-230 Iba 9.0O 9.25. Light lights. 875-9.00. Packing sow. 7.25-7. 50. Feeder pigs saleable aronnd 8.75, Cattle receinta SO; calv. 10: hold- oien around 200 head. Quality mostly very plain, market slow, around steady at Monday's sharp decline. Scattered lost common grass steers 4.50-5.60. Com mon heifers 4.25-5.00. Low cutter, and cutter cows 2.00-3.00 : common to me dium grades 3.25-4.25. Bulls mostly 4.00-4 50. Vealers saleable 6.50 down. Sheep receipt 500; market Kteady. Good sprint; lambs mostly 6.00-6.25. Odd head choice to 6.d0. Medium grade 4.50 5.00. Medium to good yearlings 3.50 4.'Jj. Heavyweights down to 8.00. Slaughter ewe 1.00-1.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. June 1. (AJ) Butter PriBts, A grade, 8c lb. in parch mgnt wrapper: -9c in cartons; B grade. parchment wrappers, 2GVic lb.; cartona. t TtC lb. Buttertat Portland delivery : A grade deliveries at least twice weekly, 27-28e lb.; country routes, 26-28c lb.; B grade deliveries less than twice' weekly, 2tj-27e lb.; C grade at market. G grade cream for bottling Buying price, bntterfat baais, 5Jc lb. EgSS Sales to retailers: .Specials, 28e; extras. 2ic: fresh extrss, brown, 2ic; atandarda. 23-; fresh mediums, 25c; me dium firsts. 21c dozen. Eggd Baying price of wholesalers: Fresh specials. 24c; estraa, 24c; stan dards, 21c; extra mediums. 20c; medium firsts, 18c; undergrade 13c doicn. Cheese 92 score. Oregon triplets, lee; loaf. 15c; brokers will pay H cent below quotations. Milk Contract price. A, Portland de livery, $2.50 cwt.; B grade cream, 2"e lb aarplna basis. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best butch ers, under 150 lbs., 15 He Ih.; Tellers, No. 1. 10c Ih.; light snd others, 7H-8e lb.; heavy. 7ia-Se lb.; cutter cowa, 7 8c lb.; raiutera. 6-7e lb.; bulla, 8-8 He lb.; yearling lambs. 10c lb.; spring, 10- 11c lb.; medium. 9 10c lb.; ewes, 3-Sc lb. Mohair 1933 buying price. 20 lb. Casrara bark Buying price, 1935 peel. 2c lb. Hops 1934 fugglea t ) lo.; clusters. 10-11 He lb. Live poultry Poetised delivery, buyisg price: Colored hens, over SH lba. 1516c lb.; under SH lbs.. 1415c lb.; ever 8H lbs- 14-15e lb.; springs. 4 lbs., and up. 20-21c lb: under 4 lbs.. 1819c lb.; whits broilers, 13e lb.; roosters, 6c lb.; Pekiu ducks, young, 16-17c lb. Omona Oregon. o. 1, fz cwt New onlona California reds, $1.50 per 50 lb. bag; California war, $2.50 crste. Potatoes Oregon Borbanks. $1.25 en- tsl; Deschutes Gems. $1.50; Idaho Gems, $1.25. New potatoes California whites, $2.25 per centsl. Cantaloupes Imperial Jumbo, $2.50' 3; standards, $2.25-2.75; pony, $2.25 2.75 crate. Watermelons California Klondikes, 2V4-3C lb. Wool 1935 clip, nominsj; Willamette valley medium, 20-21e lb.; coarse and braid. 1819c lb.: eastern Oregon, 18-21e lb.: southern Idaho, ( ) lb. Hay Buvisg price from producers, si- -falfs So, 1, new price, $16.00-16.50: astern Oregon timothy, $17; oats. 7. oo 10.00 ton; Willamette valley timothy, $14; clover, $7.00-10.00 ton. Portland. Stocks and Bond June 14 . ITOCK AVXKAOSS (Compiled by The Assocmted Prats) SO 15 15 60 Indus. Kails. Today 60.7 24.9 Pre, day 60.5 24.8 Month ago 5 21.9 Tear age 5 1935 high 60.8 87.6 1985 low . 49.5 18.5 1934 high 61.4 43.0 1934 low 45.S 22.8 - Nw 1935 high. Dtil. Stocks 31.5 44.5 81.4 sa.4 83.5 $1.5 , ji.e 40.6 24.2 44.3 . 420 43.9 44.5 84.S 614 34.9 80BT) AVEKAGXf , 20 10 10 f Raits Indus. Utit Todar 83.0 4.0 Prer. day 82.7 96.6 88.S Month g - 79.7 96.8 92.9 Tssr sro 3 . 1935 high 87.S 97J) 4-l 1985 low 7S.4 92.S. . 84.5 ; 1934 AUth 89.4 92 9 . 19$ tew T T4.S 73.7 6S.3 to Tor 68.T 68.5 68.1 65.2 70.4 5.S to. 60.3