PAGE NINE Light Comedy and Romantic Dramas Fill Week's Theatrd Bills The OREGON STATESMAN. Salt m. . Oregon, Sunday Blorninjr, June 9, 1935- EIK B TS 'I tl ASH E Romantic Picture With Charles Boyer in Katharine Hepburn Starred All the stirring emotions that throb in human hearts, whether they beat beneath the Jeweled bo dice of a queen or under the tat tered garments of a beggar, are blended into the powerful love drama, "Break of Hearts," which stars Katharine Hepburn and Charles Boycr starting today at the Elsinore. In "Break of Hearts" audien ces experience the thrjll of love at first sight; theexquisite stimu lus of good music; the burning ambition of a genius to reach the peak of creative power; the com plete rapture of a happy marriage; the serene comfort of sincere friendship; the devastating heart ache of a lost love and the ecs tasy of the rebirth of that love. Others in the cast include John Beal, Jean Hersholt, Sam Hardy, Jean Howard, Susan Fleming. Helene Millard and Ferdinand Gottschalk. Philip Moeller and Jane Loring directed. FUTURE FARMER 1 5 E FIELD IP Dynamic Hepburn in New Film V - w fit .1 Y MBSBtsMllBl "WetBOI LADY" CAPITOL FEATURE A good plot, plenty of action, and lota of comedy make "Vaga bond Lady," the Hal Roach -M- G-M feature, directed by Sam Taylor, one of the fastest moving screen efforts of the season. The comedy is now showing at the Capitol theatre. The fun starts when Tony, the irrepressible son of R. D. Spear, 1 millionaire department store own- er, returns from a round-the- world tour in a sailing boat He comes home ' just In time to com plicate the wedding plans of bis more dignified brother, John, who ; is arranging to marry Josephine Spiggins, daughter of the depart ment store's highly irresponsible and somewhat riotous head janitor. Evelyn Venable takes the part of "Jo" effectively, with Robert Young scoring as "Tony" and Reginald Denny playing the digni fied "John." Berton Churchill is the elder "Spear" and Frank Cra ven, "Janitor Spiggins." Maritime Comedy Romance Showing x-, v - 1 Katharine Hepburn is cast with Charles Boyer in at tlte Klsinore. 'Break of Hearts'1 SILVERTON, June 8. Silver ton Future Farmers, Derkel Da vis. Tom Miller. Grover Lichty and Leonard Lichty, and Warren Crabtree, the agricultural instruc tor and his son, David, made a tour on Friday to the J. M. and Cass Nicol, George Hain and B. Larson farms out of Salem, and the Alex Lichty fam in Central Howell. At the Nub'ol and Hain farm3 demonstrations were observed on alfalfa culture as portions of a tour under the leadership of County Agent Harry Riches. The interested studonts brought home samples of first crop alfalfa now measuring 42 inches in height. The boy? and instructor put in considerable time at the Nicol farm looking over the 154 head of the famous prize winning pure bread hops, the 20 acres of alfalfa and the 80 dairy animals which are now being milked at the Nico! dairy. At the Larson farm observation was made of the crops and live stock projects of the two boys. Bernard and Orrille. ' At the Lichty farm the young pig crop of Leonard and Grover was observed and counted. Grover raises purebred Poland Chinas srhile- Leonard' produces purebred Duroc Jer?eyg. all as a part, of their Smith - Hughes agricultural project activities. Friday night, nine members of the Silverion chapter, F. F. A. and their Instructor. Mr. Crab tree, were gnests of the Silverton Hills grange and fHmished the program. Those making the trip and taking part in the program were Grover and Leonard Lichty, Derrel Davis, Maurice Benson, Don Hawes, Bill Dunigan, Ray mond Funrue. Harold Kniess, Tom Miller. The program con sisted of: "The Place of Vocational agri culture in the Community, State and Nation", a talk by Mr. Crab tree. Songs bv James Sanderson. Talk on the.F. F. A., Tom Mill er. Stunt 'Tutting on the Style", F. F. A. boys. Talk on Smith-Hughes agricul tural courses and project work, Grover Lichty, Silverton F. F. A. president. The Call Board FEDERATED SELECTS 0FF1CEIS HUBBARD, Jure 8. The an nual meeting of the executive board of the Federated Churches of Hubbard was held at the Con gregational church Thursday with the pastor, W. I. Orr, presiding. Mrs. H. L. Carl, chairman of the nominating committee, announced these nominees or office for the year beginning JUy 1, and all were elected: Advisory board, John Smolnis ky, Mrs. George Leffler, Julius Stauffer, Mrs. H. L. Carl; finan cial board, Mrs. John Smolnisky, Mrs. Julius Stautler. Mrs. H. E. Adams. Mrs. Marie Claypool. Mrs. Orlie Boje. Mrs. George Knight; treasurer, Mrs. Waldo F. Brown; benevolence treasurer, Mrs. D. E. McArthur; custodian, Mrs Cather-' ine Slittenhart: deacon, Levi Wel ty; deaconess, Mrs. Junia Dimlck; envelope secretary, Mrs. Neva Mc Kenzie; clerk, Mrs. Cobie deLes pinasse; Sunday school superin tendent, Mrs. Glenn Larkins; as sistant, BIrs. H. L. Carl; pianist, Miss Lenore Scholl. Concluding the session Dr. C. H. Harrison, of Portland, state superintendent of Congregational -churches of Portland, gave a brief inspirational talk. 1EPEH1CE WIS WILLIS PHI Lintner, 84, Hurt When Load of Hay Topples Over Him .GERVAIS. June 8. D. E. J. Lintner met with a sad accident Thursday afternoon. He was haul ing a load of hay he had bought from a neighbor and just as he reached his home the load top pled over and he received a com pound fracture of his hip. Mr. Lintner is 84 years old and Mrs. Lintner, who Is well past 70, is a semi-invalid. Robert Young, Reginald Denny and Evelyn Venable get into plenty of laughable scrapes in "Vagabond Lady" at the Capitol tooay. 1 SMUDGE PQTS TO KEEP IFF FROST HAZEL GREEN, June 8. The gooseberry harvest is over, Joseph Ziellnskl had five tons from three acres; Peter XVoelke six tons from three acres. The farmers, except those, making hay, would welcome a good rain. George Thatch has eat alfalfa. Loganberries were damaged by the frost more than was at first believed. Some living near the Lake Labish have kept smudge going several nights. The notices tor the annual school meeting June IT have been posted. One director for three yearsP one clerk for one year will ba elected. The budget provides for building a stage and other needed improvements. Miss Symio. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Mio, graduated from Salem high and William E. Dun nigan and Sanford Davis from Sil verton last week. ' EXTEND PHOXE LINE GRAND ISLAND, June 8. Th Dayton Telephone company is ex tending the 41 line about one mile from the Worth Wiley farm to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tompkins. 7 E IS HOST TO OUTGOING GLASS GATES. June 8. The Seventh graders of the Gates school as sisted by Mrs. Al Carey, Mrs. Claude Sellard and Mrs. Lem Young, gave a farewell party to the eljsbth grade graduates Friday nieht at the club rooms. Games were played after which a lunch was served to Curtis and Francis Vnnnr. Onlle. Norman and Donald Carey, Lee Myers, Louis Cline, teachers of the Gates school. Bobby Kelle, Clyde Barney, Myr tise and Phyllis Jones, Winnie Brown, Iris Longfellow and Lu cille Evans. Lucille Fox has returned to her home at Nashville. She has been staying at the home of her sister; Mrs. Darrell Hayward, while at tending high school. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Jones went to Salem Tuesday night to attend the wedding of Lloyd Girod and Elsie Rose. The newlyweds are on an extended trip through the western states and parts of Can ada. They plan to be gone two months. Mr. and Mrs. Girod are The Graduate Miss Here is a special offer for the Miss who wants to look her best tn Graduation Day. Regular $3.50 Oil $-1 .50 Wave for X Natural Permanent Wave, Reg. $5.50 for $3.00 Opportunity for girl to work her way through beauty courses 218 X. Liberty, Over I. W. (Doc) Lewis Drug Store, Ph. 800 .X'.v...v..v,.,' . GRAND Today Will Rogers in . "Doubtin? Thomas." Saturday "Charlie Chan in Egypt" with Warner 01- and. STATE Today First run. "One Frightened Night." Tuesday First run. Evelyn Laye in "Evensong." Thursday Sylvia Sidney in "Behold My Wife." Saturday Richard Dix in Zane Grey's "West of the Pecos.' ELSINORE Today Katharine Hepburn in "Break of Hearts." Wednesday Ann Harding In "The Flame Within." Friday George Brent in "Stolen Harmony." CAPITOL Today Double bill, "Vaga bond Lady" with Robert Young, and Edward G. Robinson in "Little Giant." Tuesday Double bill, Mar lene Dietrich in "The Devil is a Woman", and Kay Francis in "Living on Vel vet." Thursday "Murder in the Fleet" with Jean Parker. HOLLYWOOD Sunday, Monday and Tues day "The Whole Town's Talking" with Edward G. Robinson. Jean Arthur and Wallace Ford. Wednesday and Thursday 'The Night is Young" with Ramon Novarro and Eve lyn Laye. Friday and Saturday Double bill, Tim McCoy in "Law Behind the Range" and "Behind the Evidence" with Norman Foster, Don ald Cook and Sheila Man- IN'DEPENDENCE, June 8. Lowell Eddy, son of Mrs. J. B. Violette, and a senior at Willam ette university, won the Percy Willis prize of $25, this being giv en to the outstanding senior, whom the students select by vote as the one who has been most helpful to his fellow students dar ing his four years at the univer sity. Lowell's activities during hb four years at school included ora tory, winnine many honors, edi tor of the Wallulah, the college annual: president of the campus Y. M. C. A., and president of the freshman class. Eddy will leave next week for Columbia university, New York, where he plans to spend six weeks studying psychology. In the fall he will enter University of Ore Eon and spend two years there studying medicine. He plans then to finish at John Hopkins univer sity. Traveling School for Cooks is Wednesday DALLAS, June 8. "Better Meals at Low Cost" will be fea tured by the traveling cooking school that will be in Dallas Wed- I nesday, June 12. The school Is be ing sponsored by the Loyal Wom en's class of the Christian church and the session will be held in the church auditorium. Miss Nan cy Morris is the demonstrator in charge. Proceeds of the small ad mission fee will be for the bene fit of the church group. 1 D) ;;Id) - 1 - j i y ir M I Ji PROGRAM SUNDAY JEFFERSON. June 8. Chil dren's Day will be observed at the Evangelical church with an appropriate program Sunday eve ning at 8 o'clock. The program will include congregational sing ing, readings, exercises, and a pageant, "Ambassadors of Peace," which will be presented by the whole Sunday school. A missionary' offering will also be taken. PRESENT PLAY STAYTON, June 8 A group from the Lyons Townsend club , presented a play, "A Dream Tri umphant" at the grange hall here Friday night. A good crowd wit--nessed the play and enjoyed it and the musical numbers between acts. . MINISTER RESIGNS STAYTON, June 8. Rev. Earl Blachler, who has been supplying the pulpit at the Baptist church, has resigned and Mrs. Roscoe Poole will take his place here for the present. For a time there will e no services on Sunday nights. nors. BIG DOUBLE BILL Hilarious high -jinks on the high seas . . , CT-s when a girl sailing V' - ' X x A to her wedding falls f' iV for the best man I f?A . ' 7Sv Merriment rules i XV fH the waves on your I - Si.L ' ' mL.f 1 grandest joy-cruiseU '.f' TC i.-!! With M ROBERT tS&M YOUNG Cpspr EVELYN hC. VENABLE -. - ,. AND .-..A"-- . -r . - Edward a Robinson in "Little Giant" V 6 N.Luz-nT: llcpburn oflcriOv cj,o modern y t 4. e s 3, . 0 n v? il i 1 1 s f a in n i n 3 A. E - I ?lf i y. x .mm f0" v & . xi'if M.$y ' y. I Starts Today Scats