The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1935, Page 6, Image 6

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The- OREGON 'STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morninsr, June 4, 1935
ociety News and Club
Jessie Steele. Society Editor1
Junior Prom for
. Senior Class
V Is Friday
high school will honor the
senior class with the annual
Junior Prom Friday night from
8 to 11:30 o'clock in the gymna
sium. Miss Ola L. Clark, Walter
Bowman and Mra. Sylvia Kraps
are the Junior class advisers.
" Mlsa Alice Swift, rice-president
of. the Junior class, is general
chairman for the prom. Miss
Jean Doege is inviting the pat
rons. Miss Edra Matthis is in
charge of refreshments and Edwin
MeWain is arranging for the orchestra..
Decorating will be done by the
art department headed by Mrs.
Ida M.sAndrews. Miss Jean Wi
. ley. la the student chairman for
' . , V
Delta Phi House Has
Picnic Supper
The Delta Phi Mother's club
was hostess for a picnic supper on
the grounds of the chapter house
j Sunday night at 6 o'clock. Active
I members and their parents were
' guests. .
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Black, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Chapman, Mr. and Mrs, Paul H
Hanser, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hunt,
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Laws. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. E. E. Gil
bert. Mrs. E. Harrison, Mrs. F.
A. Weil. Mrs. Charles L. Sherman,
,MIss Elaine Sherman, Miss Elea
nor Sherman, Miss Frances Laws.
Miss- Stelene and Miss Eva Smith,
Miss Phyllis Denison, Miss Peggy
- Haight. Miss Barbara Haight.
Miss Catherin Headrick, Miss
Margaret Hauser, Miss Gwen
Hunt, Mis3 Carolyn Hunt. Miss
Margaret Hagg, Miss Winifred
Gardner, Miss Janet Well. Miss
Dorothy Durkee, Miss Beatrice
Hartung, Miss Ruth Chapman,
Miss Esther Black, Miss Anna Mae
L'nrath, Miss Martha Warren,
Miss Mary Meredith, Robert Ad-
rams and Richard Laws.
Capitol Court No. 55 of the
Junior Maccabees will meet Wed
nesday at 4 o'clock for the pur
cose of introducing new mem
bers. All those eligible should be
present, so that they may partici
pate in the picnic at Hazel Green
text Saturday.
Kend fifteen eeata (15e) in coins or
stamps (coins preferred) for thia Anno
Adams pattern. Write plainly same,
address and style number. Bo lore to
state ilte.
And cow .... Anno Adams Summer
Pattern Book is ready I Between Its
eovers lie forty pares of fascinating
fashion Facta. Everyone problem is
solved the Bride - with Trousseau
Troubles Uatron with Weighty Prob
lems much "dated" Jnnior Debs
Tiny Tots at Play and Everyone on
Vacation t. Kot only will yoor every
Mitch a smarter one, bnt you'll
find yon'va developed a new Smart
Pomt-of-Vlew after digesting the ab
sorbing special featnresl Send for
year copy today! Price of Book 15
cents. Book and Pattern together,
25 rents. .
Address order ::- to - The Oregon
Statesman Pattern Dept., 21 S South
Commercial street, Salem. Hake nec
essary enclosures. Tour order will be
promptly attended to.
Orders customarily are filled with
in four daya -front the time received
by The Statesman.
Tuesday, June U
Laurel Social Hour club with Mrs. C. J. Jackson on
Cascade Drive, 2 p. m.
Women of Yomarco class with Mrs. B. E. Sisson,
1635 Saginaw. 2:30 p. m.
South division, of Presbyterian church, 1 p. m., pic
nic luncheon with Mrs. Dudley Taylor at Sunnyside.
Juveniles of Neighbors of Woodcraft at Fraternal
temple. 4 p. m.
Altrusa club luncheon at noon, Jennie Lind cafe.
Salem W. C. T. U. dessert luncheon for new mem
bert. 1:30 p. m. In hall on Commercial.
Kappa Delta alumnae association' with Mrs. George
Bagnall. 1477 Marion. 8 p. m.
Salem Music Teachers association with Mrs. J. T.
Moses. -7:45 p. m. for election of officers.
Chadwick chapter, O. E. S. at Masonic temple,
8 p. m.
American War Mothers at American Lutheran
church, 2 p. m.
Wednesday, June 5
Royal Neighbors Sewing club with Mrs. Dee Pratt,
1155 N. 16th.
Dakota club with Mrs. Owen Cotterman, 1073 High
land, 6:30 p. m., club dinner.
Maccabee initiation meeting. K. P. hall, 8 p. m. Re
freshments. Leslie Ladies Aid society, 2 p. m. at church.
W. H. M. S. of First M. E. church, 2:15 p. m. at
church, "
United Science of Truth circle tea at 420 State
street, 2 p. m.
Capitol Court No. 55, Junior Maccabees, 4 p. m.;
introduction of new members.
W. F. M. S. of Jason Lee church meeting and tea,
2:30 p. m. in church parlors.
Thursday, June 6
U. S. Grant circle No. 5, Ladies of the G. A. R., at
the armory, 2:30 p. m.
Chapter G, P. E. O., 1:30 o'clock-dessert luncheon
with Mrs. W. W. Moore, 635 N. Church.
Friday, June 7
Eteri class meets at First Baptist church, 6:30 P. m.
to go for picnic supper to home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Schmidt near Riverdale.
President's reception honoring Willamette seniors,
S to 10 o'clock, Lausanne hall. Public invited.
Card club of B. and P. W. with Mrs. Winifred Her
rick, 296 Richmond.
Women's Unitarian Alliance business meeting and
tea with Mrs. L. C. Marshall, 1775 Saginaw, 2:30 p. m.
Buffet Supper at
Baxter Home
TER are setting a prece
dent this week by inviting
the entire senior class to a buffet
supper at their home Wednesday
night at 5 o'clock. The president's
reception scheduled Friday night
is a traditional affair but a sup
per for the seniors is something
Wlh weather permitting, the
serving tables will be set in the
trellis house of the garden. Miss
Jessie Wood will mingle with the
guests during the supper hour
and Miss Jewel Minier will pre
side at the coffee urn. A string
orchestra will play.
a a
Mrs. Eason's Pupils
Meet Monday
The last weekly playing class of
Mrs. David Eason was entertained
with a program and social hour
Monday afternoon at the Eason
home. Following were the numbers:
; i IX'
I VV 4 - h I '
t! !VwV-V rm sm.
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Miss Taylor Bride of
Mr. Reilly
The marriage of Miss Nina Lou
ise Taylor, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Taylor, to Lloyd D.
Reilly, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Reilly, was solemnized Saturday
night at 8 o'clock in the fireplace
room of the Knight Memorial
Rev. Howard C Stover read
the service before the lighted fire
flanked by huge baskets of syr
inga. The room was lovely witn
baskets of pink peonies, yellow
and pink roses. Preceding the
ceremony James P. Smart sang
"I Love You Truly", accompanied
on the organ by Donald Allison,
who played the wedding march.
The bride wore a powder-blue
wool suit with white accessories.
Her corsage was of Cecil Brunner
roses and pink and white sweet
peas. She was attended by her
sister. Miss Betty Taylor. Mr.
Reilly was attended by his brother-in-law,
Eugene- Kennedy.
A reception followed the sim
ple wedding ceremony. Assisting
about the rooms were Mrs. Eu
pene Kennedy, Mrs. Rollin Bea
ver, Mrs. Eugene Grabenhorst,
Miss Anna Mae Grabenhorst, and
Mrs. John Etter. Mrs. H. E. Me
Wain and Mrs. I. M. Twedt ar- short talks.
ranged the flowers.
After a short trip to Seattle,
Mr. and Mrs. Reilly will be at
home at 1716 South High street,
o o
Mrs. Lobdell Speaker
for Society
The W. H. M. S. of the First
M. E. church will convene Wed
nesday at 2:15 o'clock in the
church parlorc. Mrs. George
Lewis and her group are arrang
ing the program.
Mrs. F. M. Lobdell, woh has
spent 20 years among the Manoho
Indians, will be the principal
speaker. Miss Mildred Cook,
graduate of the Deaconess train
ing school of Kansas City, Mo.,
will tell of her work.
Mrs. Lena Lisle and Mrs. A. B.
Evans are planning special music.
Chapter G Meets at
Moore Home
Mrs. W. W. Moore will open
ber home to Chapter G, P. E. O.
Sisterhood, Thursday afternoon,
for a l:3tt o'clock dessert lunch
eon. Mrs. Gardner Knapp is the
The ritual will be exemplified
and the topic for discussion will
tapestries. Mrs. A. A. Schramm
and Mrs. W. M. Smith will give
The Deep Sea
There - are a hundred things
you'll be doing this summer. Va
cationing and week-ending. -Such
i m p 1 e things as tramping i
through tho green country, lazy
Ing in a canoe, flashing about a
tennis court! And you 11 do them
all better-and with more comfort
if ' you ' have- debonair, casual
frocks like pattern 2322 to change
Into! The yoke-sleeve is so cool
and brief with its slashed detail;
the bodice so -charmingly femin
ine. The four skirt pleats provide
(or ample freedom and you'll like
the diversity of fabric the easy
pattern allows! One of darker ton
ed plaid seersucker for Instance;
another of shantung, and one . of a
dainty pastel crepe.
Pattern 2322 is available in si
xes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30. 32,
34, 36, 38 and 40. Site 16 takes
3 yards 36 inch fabric. Illus
trated step-by-step sewing instruc
tions included.
Panties 69c Brassieres 49c Slips 98c
Combinations 1.29 Dancettes 1.29
"Loraine Debonnaire for Wear"
25c 50c 98c
49c to 1.98
79c to 1.50
Gloves '
59c to 1.95
Brassieres Purses
49c to 1.95 49c to 1.95
Costume Jewelry
25c to 1.95
98c to 3.95
All Sweaters
2.e 79c to 2.95
at . ' ' - ' ;-
Banjo Pickaninnies llacLachlau
Edwin Mytbing
In Hanging Gardens Davies
John Harrey Carlson
Indian Chief Weybright
Volplaning Williams
Richard M thing
Elf and Fairy Bentley
Carolyn Brown
Fairy Harp Song Ketterer
Alary Prime
Swallow Burgmuller
Wary Rosa Holts
Fouppee Valsaute .. Poldini
Doris Harrington
Wood Nymph's Harp Rea
Florence Lilburn
L'Orage Burgmuller
Eleanor Sherman
Country Gardens Grainger
Eileen tioodenough
Rider's Story Schumann
I an Alabama Cabin Cadman
Betty Mercer
Prelude Chopin
Hurdy Gurdy Man Goosens
Doris Taylor
Trio Andante Tschaikowsky
Serenade Tosclli
Violins, Mabelle Lilburn,
Maxine Goodenough
Fiaiio, Kileen t-oodenough
Bolero farina
Emlyn Griggs
Saqnidilla Albeics
Marjorie Snyder
Malaguena Lencuona
Irene Fuller
Two Birthdays Feted
With Dinner
Celebrating the birthday anni
versaries of Mrs. G. H. Quigley
and Mrs. F. C. DeLong, a jolly
party gathered for dinner at the
DeLong residence Saturday night.
Those Invited were Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Milllgan and son and
daughter, Mrs. Sarah Carrier,
Mrs. Dahl, Mrv and Mrs. Merton
DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kel
son, Mr. and Mrs. Quigley and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. DeLong.
Eagles Auxiliary
To Seat Officers
The ladies' auxiliary to Wil
lamette Aerie No. 2081, Frater
nal Order of Eagles, will meet at
Fraternal temple on Wednesday,
June S. for the annual installa
tion of officers.. Past President
Sybil Roberts will be installing
officer, assisted by Conductress
Pauline Lewis.
Those to be installed are Pres
ident Hasel Marshall, Vice-President
Fern Crozler, Chaplain Inez
Halbrook. Secretary Lucille Tum
bleson, Treasurer Mary Bllbrey,
Inside and Outside Guards Katie
Johns and Florence Courtner,
Musician Hazel Magneson, Trus
tee Ethel Carothers, Junior Past
President Frances Hoyt.
Visitors from Dallas and Sil
verton are expected. Each mem
ber of Willamette Aerie is ex
pected to bring a cake.
Silverton. Ethel Wigle, bride
elect of Kelley Stanard of Wood
burn, was complimented Friday
night when Miss Frances Thomp
son and Mrs. Clarence Barth
(Mary Stalker) entertained for
her at the home of the former.
Beta Rahn and Verda Oeder won
prizes in the contest for writing
recipes. A kitchen shower for
Miss Wigle was a feature.
Pink snapdragons were used
about the rooms and pink tapers
and pink daisies centered the din
ing room taDie.
Present were:
Miss Wigle, Miss Hahn, Miss Oeder,
Mrs. C. J. Stanard, Mrs. Knssel Stanard,
Mrs. Elmer Mattson, Mrs. Myrtle Cole of
Woodburn; Mrs. Harold M saucy of Sa
lem, Mrs. David Cagle of Portland, and
Mrs. Oscar Wigle, Miss Grace Wigle, Mrs.
Clarence Simmons, Buth Simmons, Mrs.
Floyd Mulkey. Mrs. Merl Bye. Mrs. L
1,. Stewart, Francea Stewart. Mrs. E. R.
Ekman, Mrs. C. J. Cooler. Mrs. Stewart
McClure, Mrs. Reuben Jorgenson, Elsie
Jorgennon, Mrs. Albert Grinde, Ni'a John
son. Margaret Thompson, Mrs. J. 'u. Stalk
er, Mrs. Henry Stevenson, Mrs. Mary An
drews. Irene Coyette, Frances Kelson, Ha
Mae Davis, Martha Davis, the honor
gnesfs grandmother, Mrs. Miranda Wi
gle. Turner The May meeting of
the Missionary soeie of the
Christian church women was giv
en as a silver tea with program,
with 23 members and guests pres
ent. The color scheme in the din
ing room was pink and green;
during the tea hour Mrs. Susan
Girardin, Mrs. J. Holt and Mrs.
Forest Bousche poured. Talks
were made by Mrs. Ruth Larson
on India; Mrs. Mary Standley on
the Philippine Islands; Mrs. J.
Holt on Tokyo and Osaka; Mrs.
A. Harris on Poland: Mrs. Young
on Mexico; Mrs. J. Bailes on Af
rica; Mrs. Judson Brown on Home
Missions, and Mrs. Grim on Ti
bet. Most of the speakers were
attired in the costume of the
country they represented. Betty
Bailes gave a solo.
The card club of the B. and
P. W. club will be entertained
Friday night at the home of Mrs.
Winifred Herrick, 296 Richmond
avenue, with . Miss Helen Breit
haupt the assisting hostess.
Wheatland. Mr. and Mrs. D.
C. Matheny of Tacoma, Wash.,
were Decoration day and over
night guests of their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kirkwood. Mr.
and Mrs. Burt Brown Barker of
Portland were also dinner guests.
Tomalo Recipes I nvited
. By Round Table Editor
The use of tomatoes or tomato 1
Juice in molded salads adds both
color and flavor. Any recipe call
ing for tomatoes in any form,
whether cooked, canned, fresh or
the Juice is wanted at the Round
Table this week.
Three cash prizes are awarded
weekly to tbe best recipes. The
contest closes Thursday noon,
June 6.
Here are more veal ideas:
Baked Veal Cutlets
24 lbs. veal cutlets
H cap bread crumbs
eup flour
talt and pepper
2 tablespoons shortening
1 cap mrfl:
pinch sods
6 sweet potatoes, peeled
The cutlets should be cut about
14 inch thick. Dredge cutlets in
flour, dip in enp milk, then in
bread crumbs, flour, salt and pep
per mixed. Melt shortening in
skillet and brown the breaded cut
let well on both sides. Place in
pan and add the half cup of milk
with a pinch of soda. Surround
with sweet potaoes. Cover and
bake in a slow oven, 275 degrees
for 1 hours. Serves 6.
Mrs. M. Harris,
Route 1, Box 223.
Veal Tim bales
2 tablespoons butter
1 -cup stale bread crumbs
2 cups milk
4 cups chopped eooked veal
2 tablespoons ehopped parsley
8 eggs
salt and pepper
Melt the butter, add the bread
crumbs and the milk and cook
five minutes, stirring constantly.
Add the veal, the chopped parsley
and the eggs, beaten slightly. Sea
son with salt and pepper. Fill
buttered individual molds full
and set in a pan of hot waterr
Cover with buttered paper and
bake 20 minutes in a moderate
oven, 375 degrees. Serves 12.
Mrs. C. O. Boyce,
Gifts For
I' B w f - -i
ENDS. Very new $- .49
and clever X
ferent numbers. A f
Per box uC
Toilet Water in. A Q
sert, each 4rC
SES, newest QQ.
styles tOC4
and all new A Q
spring shades .... 4rC
with bath r7Q
cubes I aC
Copper Glow LAMPS,
electric. Very -t .95
cunning X
49c 98c. $1.50, $2.50
Lavender Lotion
RAZOR with JArt
5 blades bil
KIPPY KITS, clothes
broom and shoe QQ
duster . OC ,
SETS .... 89c
Lotion, talc, shaving
cream, tooth paste. An
ideal gift. QQ
Only QUC
BOWL, -9 nr
set tj)tOj
bakelite case (J QQ
Fancy gift QQ
containers Ott
All colors TCaU
Cut Glass Perfume Ap
plicator bottles, QQ
imported iOC
FOLDS, tooled. QQ
A big value for OC
ivory com- dQ QQ
binationa tj)OeIO
travel tOv
Corner Liberty & Court Sts. Phone 3444
ly. The ham it used should have
been parboiled and skinned be
fore dicing. Add tbe carrots, on
ions, boiling water and potatoes.
Season to taste with salt and pep
per, cover and cook slowly until
meat is tender. Add the pota
toes and continue cooking. The
stew should be rich and slightly
thickened. Pour into a broad
shallow baking pan immediately
ana cover -with a rich Die crust
or thin sheet of biscuit dough.
Bake in t hot oven 20 to 25 min
utes. Serve at once.
Mrs. Ben Thomas,
Route 2, Box 322.
Veal Cutlets Supreme
8 Teal chops
1 eup bread crumbs
1 small onion or 1 button (arlie
U teaspoon celery salt
1 e
a little pepper
X cup sweet milk
Make a dressing of the crumbs,
onion and -celery salt with pepper
to taste and moisten with the well
beaten egg. Brown the chops in
a skillet on both ides. Divide
the dressing into 6 parts and form
on top of each chop, roll in crack
er crumbs and put back In skillet
Add the milk and sprinkle with
paprika. Cover and steam for 20
minutes. Garnish with any sea
sonable cooked vegetable. Serves
, W. C. OTCeil,
740 D Street.
Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry S. Hefling, who are moving to
Salem in the near future, were
given a surprise party at their
home on Third street Thursday
night. Games and music were en- i
Joyed until a late hour and re
freshments served. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hanaus
ka, Mr. and Mrs. Max Warriug,
Mr. and Mrs. T. JT. .Covey, Mr.
and Mrs. Julias .Van tDehey, Mrs.
Theo Nehl, HrsJoseftb Kust. sr.,
Joseph Kust, jr., Margaret Jack
son, Georgia Cole, Dorothy Covey,
Carolyn Mathieson, Elmer- Aline,
Orval Wilson, Ethel Hanauska,
Hild Durkising. John Werner,
Mrs. Beulah Shields and the hon
or guests.
The Homemakers' Exchange
club is planning a picnic to be
held at the Silverton park Fri
day. Members, are. asked to meet
at the home ef JMrs. James Live
say, where ears -will be available
for transportation of all members
and their families who wish to
The Woman's Unitarian Alli
ance will hold a business session
and tea with Mrs. L. C. Marshall,
1775 Saginaw street. Friday af
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. June
birthdays will be observed.
Carolina Meat Pie
lb. diced shoulder of veal
tablespoons flour
small bam bock
tablespoons butter er fryings
large carrots eat into slices
onions diced
quart boiling water or meat stock
cup tomatoes
potatoes cubed coarsely
salt and pepper
Dredge the diced meat in the
flour. Heat the fryings in a heavy
skillet and brown the meat slight
When you entrust your
eyes to us, you can be as
sured of the utmost in
optical attention. Our pa
tients become our friends
and boosters. Let us pro
tect your eyes.
379 State St. - Salem
I I VwT - V f
t ' , mm
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say t?J
12.- it
Johnson's for Dresses
9 Dresses for Street Wear
Dresses for Evening Wear
Dresses for Afternoon Wear
In fact, you can use these dresses for almost every oc
casion . . . Come in and see the many new, styles.
'We Appreciate Your Patrcnage'
464-466 State Street Salem, Oregon