Vein Bin ml Great Picture For Powder Producers; Paul Muni Heads Star Cast A hundred boxes of dynamite teach containing one hundred half sticks t the explosive, two thousand dynamite caps, and six ty -fire round; of ammunition were exploded during" the screen ing of the First National picture, "Black Fury." which with Paul Muni in the stellar role will open at the Elsinore theatre today, yet so one was injured. , , Roland Berschied, powder man on the First National lot, admits that with the exception of war films, "Black Fury" was the toughest-assignment he had ever encountered. ' Berschied has been blowing np things, around Hollywood for more' .than fifteen years and is one of the outstanding firearms authorities of the country. He has never suffered an Injury or caus ed an Injury to another in spite of the fact that he dally handles enough dynamite to blow a city to bits. Muni is supported by thirty-five film favorites who have import ant . sp jaking roles in "Black Fury," as -Tell as hundreds of extras. The drama is based on an original storr. "Jan Volkanik" by Judge M. A. Musmanno, and the play "Bohunk' by Harry R. Irv ing, with Michael Curtis direct ing. . Allen and Hunt Firms Purchase -'Anne' Cherries The Royal Anne cherry buying field has been, entered by the Allen Fruit company, following the Hunt Brothers Packing com pany Both firms are said to be working on an open contract bas is. - Although W. G. Allen, head of the company bearing his name, has not revealed the extent of his contemplated operations this year, it is expected he will han dle a heavy cherry tonnage. He says he is not greatly worried by the reported shortage of barrels as a considerable quantity is available and means may be devised to meet any serious shortage. - Earl Pearcy and Andrey Ver cler are both reported to be in the field buying for Allen. Distribution of Relief Foods to Start on Monday Distribution of commodities for May to Salem families cared for by the county relief committee will start "Monday. Requisitions ean be secured at the relief ware house. Families will report for commodities on the following days assigned to their particular caseworker: Monday Gec-ge Bin-ell, Es ther Wood. Tuesday Brenda Savage, Gwendolyn Hunt. Wed nesdayFrances Keene. 'ihurs day Lois Wilkes. Friday Janet Weil. I Commodities to be given out are chiefly foodstujffs provided by the federal government. Woodburn Chapter Of Daughters Will Take Duty at Park WOODBURN, May 18. Belle Pass! chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met at the home of the regent, Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Thursday afternoon. A The Call ard . . r , ELSINORE Today Paul Man! in "Black Fury". ' Thursday "Stolen Harmony" . with George Raft. ' GRANT) - Today Shirley Temple In . "Our Uttle Girl". . . Saturday '"Caring Tobbj' " Man with James Dunn.. .; ' - '- . STATE Today Hyrn&Loy In 'Wings - In th Dark: '--. - ; Wednesday only -George Ar- lies in "The House of Rothschild". , Thursday only Double bill, "Father Brown, Detective' with ,Walter Connoly and Ellssa Land! in "Enter Ma- . dame". Friday First run, Buck ' Jones in "Stone of Silver Creek". CAPITOI Today Double bill, "China- town Squad? with Lyle tal- v bot and Buck Jones in "The Avenger". Tuesday Double bill, Irene Dunne in "Sweet Adeline" and all color feature "Mys- tery of the Wax Museum". Thursday Double bill, "The Mark of the Vampire" with Lionel Barrymore and Rich- rd Barthelmess in "Cabin in the Cotton". "Vi ' r' :. HOLLYWOOD r Today William Powell In rEvelyn Prentice". Wednesday "Sequoia" with Jean Parker. - - . . iuiiM SWT Lilt Bo of Seriousness Runs Through Current Movie Offerings Picture Laid Paul Muni and Karen Morley appear in the vital drama of the coal mines, "Black Fury", now at the Elsinore. V - - ; - !vA'.-.v.'T. A romance of the clouds with many thrilling air sequences Is "Wings In the Dark" now at the State: with Myraa Loy, Cary Grant and Roscoe Karns. program in charge of Mrs. D. J. Gillanders was given. An invi tation to act as hostesses at the Memorial cabin at Champoeg, Sunday, June 23, was accepted. The following guests were present: Mrs. Hattie Taylor White and Mrs. Drexel White of near Monitor, and Mrs. Carl En gelman of Hubbard. Special Meeting Called to Consider Celebration Fourth WOODBURN, May 18. The Woodburn Businessmen's club has called a special meeting to be held at the city hall Monday night to consider the sponsor ing of a Fourth of July cele bration in Woodburn this year. The meeting will start at 7:30 o'clock and anyone interested is urged to be present. The Federated Women of the Methodist church will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. L. C. Buchner on Second street Tuesday afternoon. May 21, at 2:30 o'clock. The pro gram-will be in charge of the Foreign Missionary society. As sisting hostesses will be Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo, Mrs. A. E. Aus tin, Mrs. P. M. Hammond and Mrs. Sidney Hansen. Friends and members of the federation are cordially invited to attend. TWO GREAT : WITH . LYLE TALC0T VALERIE II03S0:i HUQSI OXOfHIELL IIENHY ARIETTA AIJDY DEVME( LESLIE FEfiTOn. z) k "' I in Coal Mines i i 1 j" r -' ---v mmmm Radio Program KOAC COEVALLIS 550 Ke. Wondy, My 20 9:00 Home Economici Obterrcr. 10:00 Maude Pratt Lewis, dramatic reader. 11:15 Science Stories. 12:00 Noon Farm Hour. 1:15 KOAC School of the Air. 3:15 Oregon Cities: Then and Now. 8:00 "Wayne and Jane." 5:00 Componers in Cameo "Kicolaa Rimfiky Korsakev." :00 Br. M. N. Nelton, baritone. 6:30 Evening Farm Hour. 7:30 4-H Club program. SERA Project At Fairgrounds Given Approval The state relief committee yes terday Informed Glenn C. Niles, Marion county relief administra tor, that it had apprced an SERA project for repairing the agricultural pavilion at the state fairgrounds which architects re cently condemned as unsafe. Niles said a crew of 15 men would go to work there Tuesday morning. TODAY and MON. FEATURES and Second Feafnra .BUCK JONES in TTHE AVENGER" 1111 1MIICE SHE IT STATE "Wings In the Dark" With Myrna Loy, Cary Grant In Real Thriller For Paramount's stirring pic ture of adventure and romance above the clouds, "Wings in the Dark," coming today to the State theatre, Myrna Loy and Cary Grant have been cast as flying sweethearts in the co - starring roles. Miss Loy plays a head - line hunting, thrill seekinr aviatrix, while Grant acts the role of a scientist of the air. His life work is the perfection of blind-flying and piloting devices that will make flight absolutely safe. Just as Grant is convinced that his experiments are reaching their climax he loses his plane because he lacks funds. As a last des perate gesture, Miss Loy under takes a Moscow-New York flight for the $25,000 offered which will enable him to complete his work. The flight is completed safely, but only through Grant's last minute heroic efforts, during which he confess as his love. S TO San Francisco's Chinatown is the scene of "Chinatown Squad," the Universal mystery drama which comes to the Capitol the atre today. A murder starts the story on its way, and the picture goes Into the mysterious byways of the country's largest Chinatown with Orientals and Americans matching wits in a comedy-drama of absorbing Interest. An exceptional cast is seen in "Chinatown Squad," including Lyle Talbot, Valerie Hobson, Hugh O'Connell and Andy Devine. The story concerns the murder of an agent for a revolutionary government in China, caught stealing funds which he has col lected from Americanized Chinese and false clues lead the police over a tortuous trail until the killer is finally apprehended through the efforts of the driver of a sightseeing bus, bringing to a climax his romance with a beau tiful girl. PROFIT TAKING IS NOTED 1 STREET I NEW YORK, May 18.-P)-An-other mild gust of profit-taking swept across the stock market to day bringing lower prices and scattering into the background the Inflationary clouds which had gathered earlier in the week. Measured by the Associated Press average of 60 stocks the market sagged .4 to 41.8. The hourly rate of trading was some what less than on Friday. To tal transactions amounted to 600, 460 shares, against 1,821,600 in the preceding session. Among stocks which retreated were Allied Chemical, off 1 to 147; American Can, down a point to 124; Chrysler, off 1 to 47; General Motors off 1 at 31; and International Harvest er off 1 at 41. Columbia Pictures swam up stream against the main current NTH ID COMES Ten Thousand Men Wished Him in Hell . . . Bat it Took a Shanty town Female to Put Him There! SAYS L5 LIBERTY Magazine : 500 GOOD 13EATS I i J I I 25c w Shirley Temple at Grand ?4 v i 1 1 - Imp i i I 4 t - v - V Joel 3IcCrea, Shirley Temple and Rosemary Ames as tbey appear in 'Our Little Girl" now at the Grand. F ' ,t, , Valerie Hobson, Lyle Talbot and Hugh O'Connell carry important roles in the mystery drama, "Chinatown Squad" at the Capitol. for a gain of 4, aided by an earnings report which Bhowed net profit for the nine months at $8.62 a share, about twice as much as in the like preceding pe riod. Losses of 1 to 2 points or more were suffered by a large scat tering of preferred shares which included American Metal, Associ ated Dry Goods, Bethlehem Steel, in Cd SEEIT! SEE IT! The screen'mey' f never take svcW cfcaece egelal ''' j i ' 0- . THE SCREEN3 s MAN OF MIGHT ROARS' THE 7J BATTLE CRY OF VENGEANCE! )rr.'ir?r?pnnr VI I 11 I I w I "1 1 I f I I J 1 ' I w , n Goodyear, National Department Stores, Republic Steel, Standard Brands MA" and U. 8. Steel. Hawking milk In the streets is to be banned in the TransvaaL Georges Carpentler, former European heavyweight boxing champion, has Just opened his cocktail bar in the Etoile quarter of Paris. 1 V Dainty, a. Adorable ROSEMARY AMES A!iD JOEL McCREA Charms you again her latest & best ! STARTS TODAY Continuous 2 to 11 P. M. tj V .A ft thNtml piAf wWi KAREN MORLEY WILLIAM GARGAN 'IN CAST OF lOOO's ADDED CHAS. AHEARN AND HIS MILLIONAIRES CARTOON-. NEWS Shirley Temple, whose natural art is second to none, and who has, In the words of Irvln S. Cobb, "made more people happy and made "more children laugh than any child your age in the iistory of the world," is here again. Her new Fox film picture. "Our Little Girl," continues its engage ment today at the Grand theatre. This is said to be Shirley's most touching picture. She plunges in to an emotional adventure that sings in the heart as she bravely meets a bewildering crisis while those who are nearest and dearest to her grope in the shadows of misunderstanding. Shirley's brave smile revives a waning love, when she pleads for her mother to return, and runs away from home to reunite her parents. A fitting cast has been assem bled around the Screen sensation. Rosemary Ames plays the mother, and Joel McCrea the father. Oth ers are Lyle Talbot as "the other man," Erin O'Brien-Moore, Jack Donohue, Poodles Hanneford, Gus Van, Margaret Armstrong, Rita Owin, Leonard Carey, J. Farrell McDonald and Jack Baxley. - MM 6 Qr00oO0eO GO0 , k. ,:: K;--MS,imi.v.-vzU.-j:?.r-. . T V f ' If y precious minutes ... life and love waited below . . . Could she make it? The mof $uspnsfvl climax you ever wfneneo' The State Theatre Presents CsdVRNA LOY SARYSRANT "$k itkt ADDED IL AILJEEE, GOING LATEST GRAHAM MacNAMEE NEWS REEL DOORS OPEN 12:45 CONTINUOUS TILL 11 P. M. MAtoOdTteslcr fN Mr. and Mrs. "Thin Man" together again! ivelun Prentice " S A"lltsstdEvtni"for the stars ef "TMn Wan Jewev Bull Sale Held in Hop Bowl .INDEPENDENCE, May 18. The Independence show of Polk coanty Jersey cattle will be held Tuesday, May 28, in the new hop bowl. It has been announced that nine purebred Jersey bulls belonging to herds of W. H, Me Kee, Harry Illif, H. N. Matti son, M. N. Tibbies, W. O. Mor row and I. Loughany will be of fered for auction that .day. Also about 70 head of fine cattle will be exhibited. The Independence chamber of commerce is helping arrange for the show and for the noon lunch. Many Jersey breeders and buyers from outside states. are expected for the Jer sey show. Many cattle will be judged during the day. Mrs. George Pratt of Okona gon. Wash., is - visiting at the home of her brother. Dale Pom eroy for a week. She especially made the trip to see her sister, Mrs. Hugh Hanna, who has been very 111, and just recently re turned from St. Vincent's hospi tal in Portland. Mrs. MacCrea day, from Cle Elum, Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hanna, this week, too. , Until this year Babe Rath had only one time at bat in Baker Bowl, Philadelphia, famed for its super-short right field fence. His one shot waa as a pinch-hitter for the Boston Red Sox in the world series of 1915. The grueling grind of a trans atlantic flight ... a fog -locked field . . . enough gas for 15 more 9 in & R AEEDY in BYE - BYE" Today, Monday M G - Ms Excitins sionofthe Novel 'Ith UNAMERKEL Edwird Brophy Cora Sue Collins . ADDED ANDY CLYDE In EDUCATING PAPAW Colored Review and Metro News