s iroir x om were- Statesman Classified Ads : Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Ilne..-.10e Three Insertions per line .10e Six Insertions per line ...80e One month per line . ...fi.we Minimum charge ........ e Copy for this, pass accepted until-f: 3 ft the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after tbts time win too- ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. - Thar Statesman -assumes no financial responsibility for -rors which may appear la ad- rertlsrmeats published la It columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault wtu re print that part of a a adver tisement ; la which the typo graphical mistake occurs. The Statesman, reserves the right to' reject objectlonaDie advertising. It farther reserves th right to classify all adver- tlsmg under the proper class flcatloa. HELP WANTED 'l-l"ULT J ll'll" ------- - nr i 7-nrr rtvrrv nickers. sursn- alls. J. ,F. Zielinski, Kt 7. Box 11L Mile K. of Big Chief Store. HELP WANTED FEMALE " Girl' 'or' "'wa'nr'German ' ent for llht house work for two old people. Call or write kt, a, tw w" tentlary road. j Wanted girl for general housework. 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Half time sunoaya. State wages wanted. Box 160, States- SITUATIONS WANTED aj njuu-ijunftft n rrsO wa - Dressmaking exp., copy Pictures fJ phoneSM. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Safe for sale, fireproof. 285 Cbeme keta. Englewood shrubs, 20S0 Nebraska. ci. Ptirehred white Collie puppies. Finest companions or stock dogs. Turn north V mile east of fair grounds. Silverton road, first house on left. W. a Bartlett. Kt- 7. Box 17. Crooked Finger Hill grown, none ir rigated. Barbanlc seed and' table pota toes. Puritan Cider Works, West Sa lem. EL washer, good condition, $20. Also good Singer machine, $10. Tel.' 8238. 8ljxnraOsrjkrM"asir" "fi- T Tron Abb not&to slanter with fer tiliser attachment ' Does excellent work. 1127 Fairmont St . Fryers dressed to order three for fl.OO. Salem Poultry Co., 328 N. Front WANTED aiiscellaneons rnjru-ijairarsrsriinrii r rsrsri" - aa Wanted batchliiC- es Hd nd uoTm a" fau maw TeL 123FJ. Lee's Hatchery. MISCELLANEOUS Free We pick up dead and worth- Jess horses, cows, sneesw xeti . Saw repairing, ' Salem Saw Shop. Four Cornera Pea Boad, TeL XS0 asTjijaax-Bsfhibrk4lV aaa Haircuts Ito-SSa 303 a winter. TT. a GOVERNMENT JOBS. Men- women. 18-50. Steady. Start $105.00 $175.00 month. I will Franklin Insti tute coach 25. FREE. Apply today sure. Box 28, care Statesman. FOR RENT ROQ31S Heated sleeping rooms, .441 8. High, f)sn n ir art ruxran n ri"aris rmswarw " Housekeeping rooms, 260 Center.- Nice sleeping room, hot and cold water. 255 Center St ROOM AND BOARD Jtsoara, room, very ciose u- sot. i Meiweewwwwiwie" I Working women, it weea. -e .!. i Room, board. 695 Court TeL 5878. S $T Goc toxZ oVkuTg. w a Alr iii 23 S. Hltrh SL 1 Room. board. 751 8. 13th. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Smai fu comfort Aduiw only, $45..Fry.. Keas. ratea Reasonable, modern, cloee in, 3 and 1 nicely furnished apta. TeL 8490. 3 rooms furnished. 148 Union. Homey, clean, 2 and 4 r. apta, priv. I bath, garage. 1017 S. commercial. Front 2 rm. apt TeL eve. 6825. Clean, furn. apt 132 Marlon. - FOR RENT HOUSES Houses. Grant. 531 Court; TeL $584. A -few furnished houses and apta Grant or Crittenden, Masonic Bldg., iiag., phone 616L iwvwkwmww wwe ... . . . 1 room modern house, 1170 Tr St TeL 8881. sirfMjwww-rfM- nx Choice home, good location. TeL 6916. Coxy 2 ' room furnished bungalow. 1235 N. 16U TeL IMS. 1 r, 1250 Falrmotint $i$- CalM728. 6 acres, Vk Tmder1 cultivation, house, barn, and chicken house. 312.00. P. H. BKLL. 425 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. FOR RENT Hospital beds and " wheelchairs to rant H, U Stiff furniture Co. :: Office rooms for rent 881 State St Tel. 3713. WANTED TO RENT vmmwimwmwwwmnwww' Modern 6 room liouae. responsible, permanent Tarty, Write Box 458." FOR SALE Rl-AL ESTATE fYTB A FT.?ECIAL Fine 6 room, modern home only 16 kinir ..... !,t. mmcl h as base ment furnace, laundry trays, - - eiA .... iM.hrtn Int. nt nil 11 1- k i. -i . war -.. s j c on avi v, mmv aus is w 1 1 npru. - "- nrfwnt 14800. Tnvei titrate tHUL . hlra Ellis with CUILD3 MILlt:R.-ReaUor $44tateSt Real barwaln- S nm modern home. . . .i. -D-.1 rash, talks. Bal. like rent Don't wait- " 4377 .1435 K. 13th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAIN -Neat 5 room house close to State street - and - Willamette unieralty. Priced very low tt $1609. CHILDS kllLLR, Realtors 244 State St. TeL 4708 a---a--------, . ---, Jyp-rLnifjJ- For sale or rent. 2H acres on sen road. W mile east of Four Corners. Good modern house, electric light and water. Good out buildings, Plenty or iruit and nuts. Tel. 4280. RL 6, Box 105. - - - -- ii i r n inrrvvxriAAAJUnj SPECIAL Rents are going up. Why not boy a home of your own? When you can Day a good ome ror $50 down, bal ance Just like rest? Others for $199 te 1259 down. Look at these cosy H. bungalows for 13 50- and dandy 6. It bungalow, furnace, basement, bath, elec. light, -garage. Two- lots, fine gar den ground. Price reduced to $1559 only $1S9 -owm, baL $15 month. Also dandy- bouse, a basement, garage, completely- fur ished rents now tor 128 month. Price lor a few day only, $1850 good terms. SEE BECHTEU GATLDT OR WTLSON 341 Suite Street Room 4. Convenient 6 'room bouse, north. Sac rifice, call Tie K. uxgtu -BUILDING LOT Good lot . located In Klngwood Park, W. Salem, will sell and give clear title for 1125. . v SEE, W. II. GRABENHORST It CO. 131 Sooth Liberty street A SEAL SNAP Late-buiit modern 1 room home with two bedrooms, oak floors, fireplace. built in kitchen, basement, furnace. laundry trays, garage, paved St., good location. v Price $2090. $250. cash, baL izo. per mo., to include Int. at f . Lai MEDIATE POSSESSION. Why rent? SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone C468. SACRIFICE SALE Good medern S room home with basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot, located at 1393 Franklin St., W. Salem. Price $1400, all cash for IM MEDIATE SALE. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 131 & Liberty St Phone 64S8. FOR SALE FARMS 25 acre farm all tillable five room house barn chicken house, garage and good well; 2 ft mL from Sajem terms or cash. Also other farm prop erty and acreage for sale. Heltsel Es tate Inc Ladd Bush Bank Bldg. $25.00 PER ACRE Stock and grain farm. 440 acres, 200 acres unaer cniuvaiiun, uiuan did pasture. Some timber. Very com- j la worth twice the amount asked. I WIIJJIMETTE LAND COMPANY 423 cST5t7?,H a. UULMV -a A A ml frnm iiirthmifttv A rnATTl I hn,,. n i A. rimber. 11600. I w t.v.-v, - i .,Ji-',.!rL,r'T S: i "'f'". ' $250 down. 91 -A, room house. 2 barns, 35 A. bottom, 7 cows, 2 horses, tools, etc, I $59 per acre. 137 A. 14 mL from Salem. 35 A. In cultivation. 1009 cords of wood, livable blag, $80 per acre. 725 Court St. TeL 5123 FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN. $4750, S ACRE FARM, good buildings, elec tricity, new drilled welL electric water 1 system, ( rm. - bouse, full basement, j er. toilet. orm, chick- Tiirrmcg. moaeni pturauuiB, duo, ww- i ens, A. timber, rest tillable, rrnlt, I nuts, grapes, prunes, a real buy. Inves tigate; priced for aulck sale, on Wal lace road, opposite Wallace ercnaro. Rt No. l, box zii. pnone Must sell this 13 A. farm electricity j hops en Pudding river, worth $7000 I want $1500. What will you give 7 See 1 me about thla I . W. an If, i.l I Oregon Bldg. xeL s?u2. A PUP A (IT?. I Small acreage tract house, fruit I close to Salem bargain. DIAL 1T43 CLOSE IN 2 -1 and S acre tracts. rich soil, reasonable, easy terms, 137 j IN. 20th. Salem. MONEY TO LOAN AUTO LOANS CARS BtriHlNCIO Kay. Terms iBveetlgate sriff lin (AIM fft tf.ISS S Guardian Bids. rLn-u-LJlnrllOTnn-M-r-ll--l-ll----- A ..4.mS:Ta I ' nlllrVlllVilllV ItllM Chattel Loans I to 20 months to repay at lowest pos- miaiw rwxn GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A 1a I Haratlon 1st Nat - Bank Bldg. Phone 8558 Ucensea oy ntaia S Farm Loans 5 n.ntv ef money for well Unproved if .mnitf arred. Imorova er buy now with cheap money. Ask for DOOKiec w uuineuv : Hawkins ana itooeru, sac iinim u'innnw.i irn-wi nr.-n-i ' " " - - A CO tPLETB SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO $J0 Beneficial Loan' Society of Salem : U.mlvr nt NRA. ' ' Room 119. New Bllgh Bldg.. M floor LICENSETD KO- H-s . " rj-A - : . 818 State St Trt. 7 Loan a auae m earo w L-i-r.rijn-ii - -- -- -- TP Vi.rr. veral FIRST MORT- 1 GAGE real estate wans, net tne - m- i vestor semi-anBuaiiy, eurity. Amounts $00-$1250-$1500- I SHOO and $2100. i . . xttt tv s. mttj.ttr. Visre. Loan an sr.. at ' Tel. 70S LOANS WANTED - - nnniinfi-i-- -- w.nted Loan of $1760 on farm land taxed at $3000. Located between Hopmere and wuinaoy. joox o w Stn tew n. i LIVESTOCK arid POULTRY LfuT-ui.n.n.ruiriir -----.- BABY chicks, baoy puueta. ,iri& r-ujrtom batenmc. wo saxmr. Ph, lUl'J. uii t-'wcij. 'innr-ii-irii-r-if-i-r rnv- .y,tn- Trhorni and Reds, --k irta. -fternooa or Tuesday. Warmers Hatchery. 2168 ,-K. Fifth or 616 Highland, - -- . )-iri-i.n.M.w"i''."'''' w ' tdve poultry waatea. sza i - wi. nj-irriiirw-,r I FOR SALE one or two j. 1 fresh owa Tftea. -rasa -t , 4. Bx. 313. Salem. pno CAT WOOD " 1T7 Vb ArtTEED DRY wood-coaL GUARAirrEEl; UKI VBDQ- TeL 3000. S-ienv Fuel Co. law m WOaM Dry wood. 16 in, $4.00. Dial 4084. yMWWWWWWWW-si mm m 't I .,,ri 1 s mmmms-w -- ' Tei 1J.FS. ; wood. 16 in. 15.00. to, Old TeL 6708l$S.75. TeL 7475, ' . . . e , er-i Dry ir m. anr. e- i nil 1 Hal rw fnju -i is n sr-"-Ts"B - a-------a--------- All kinds dry wood. Tel. 668$. Interesting FacU Approximately SO 00 carloads of potatoes were marketed from. Klamath basin in 1934. o Net earnings of the Union Pa cific Railroad company in 1934 to-1 taled 18.715,349 compared with 21,678,196 In. 1933. . a The dally auto Injury toll In the ! United States. In 1934 was 3014. This means 125 are injured hour ly, or one-every 19 seconds. 0 . Serious accidents resulting In death or injury In the United States total 2,655 dally, or one mm. e .. every naiz minute. - FOR SALE WOOD IS in. old fir, $5. Tel. 8785. Old fir, $4.5 to $5. Tel. 3600. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. LOST AND FOUND Trrrir trf, hetieen Belle rue and Bush on ComX Reward, Return to Statesman. LOST Lady's brown purse between city and Royal Court apta, Please re turn to Royal court store. PERSONAL STOMACH ULCER. GAS PAINS. INDIGESTION victims, why suffer? For aulck relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription at Cap- j i its! Drug Store and rerry s iffug Store. FOR SALE USED CARS n DOSS SaVJ Sell effl wv" And We Did m vitt w nm wta i a tvt m 1 m r w n; v i i.n i ivi a a auaiii ixw w a irr- v.L mn ,-- , lcboose from- I iisjj LMJSVUUUir MASiiJt BWAfl nrrtr old ramade earnet daanina. sis- A spotless car in perfect shape. Has hngfluff ruaivln?a Wth A wJ 0 completely inspected in our ahopjL"' tTfixTO F. ZWICKEH. mechnlcal condition. Practically new 1 1 Urea, Perfect paint clean npholster- tng. Look uus one over- OUR PRICE .$529 WHAT WILL TOU PAXT 1933 V-8 FORD SEDAN Has ."factory reconditioned motor. brakes reconditioned,, in fact every woptn vrrt checked. New gun metal paint, new tires. This car will give you u arood service as a new car OUR PRICE -$571 WHAT WILL TOU PAYT 1933 V-8 FORD, REGULAR TUDOR Another one that Js right mechanical ly, perfect paint and Urea, good bat- I tery. Yon won't make any mistake on I this one with our guarantee and OCR SPECIAL PRICE OF $501 WHAT WILiL, IOU PAX 7 193S V-8 FORD, REGULAR COUPE With factory reconditionea motor. New dark green paint, almost new .1 1- i."" w v"""! " " OUR PRICE $54$ WHAT WILL YOU PAYT See THESE and OTHERS at Valley Motor Co. Marlon ft Liberty and 875 Center Two Phones and two Lots Open Evenings and Sundays Phone 7910 or 8158 xzs Aioaet a ora joacn. uooa me- chan leal condition and rubber. 484 N, Church, Prices Slashed Quality Used Cars 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Bus iness Coupe, new car guarantee, a steal $665.00 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Bus iness Coupe, low mileage. guaranteed 660.00 1932 Plymouth PA 4-door Se dan, - new paint, guaran teed . 136.00 1927 Chrysler CO Coupe 135.00 192$ Ford Roadster 25.00 Special Special Special 1935 DeSoto Airflow 4-door Be- dan, 3700 miles, demon strator. At substantial dis count ...,;--, , - , , . -No other car gives Airflow's safety. comfort and beauty. Look this over. lERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays W. L. Anderson, Inc. Salem's Oldest Plymouth Dealer "t 880 Marlon Phone 7703 Salem RacSi P ' Wadneaday, Id Tsy 15 SOW POST-AXD 620 Ke. 7:00 Hoaeymooners, NBC. - T:15 Tony Wons, KBC. 7:80 Ronald Buck. T:49 Too Mitchell, KBC. 8 :0O Aaytklas Goes. ' . 8:30 V. 8. Army band, .NBC. ,-. 9:00 Fields and Hall, KBC. 9:15 Bennett Sistaxa, KBC. 0:30 Singable Songs, KBC. -10:30 Hotel Sutler oreheitrt, KBO. 10:45 Werdt sod Music, KBC 19:15 Voeal aoloiat, KBC. - 12:50 Ciena Shelley and Clarence Tol man. , --: 2 :00 Woman's Marstine of the Aitr 8:15 Forhsn's,. KBC. S:30 Little Coacert, KBO. ' 8:15 Liberal Arts Series, KBC 4:80 Abe Bercevits, violinist, r i 4:45 Congress Hotel Orchestra, KBO.' :15 Grace Hayes, KBC . i -T:00 Araos 'n Andy. KBO, -9:00 NBC Prorrama. , 10:15 Tom Coakley s arenesirs, jieu- i tv t 11 00-Amb-adar Hotel orchettrs.' wirtrl rcbeatra. I - XO-S-POBT--) 940 Kc. f g:45 Conn try Cbnrek of Hollywood. 10:15 Songs for You.' - ' 10:80 Anricaa School ef the Air, CBS, iim K.t. i- Rmith. GBS. Ui&JWlFM 1:30 Uaiversity of the Air, CBS. -145 Between the Beek Ends. CBS.' i g:0O Feminma Fancies, DBS. -S:00 Bob sad Dolly Sava-a-Life Inb. 8:30 WU1 Syt-aaek's erckeftrs. rogram Business Directory Cards la this directory ru oa a monthly basis only. Rate: Si. GO per Una per month.. AUTO BRAKES Mike- Pan. ITS South Omwiwhl BROOMS Brooms, 421 N. Church. Tel. 046U. CORSETS Registered Spencer! eoratiera Phonal : 1 CHIMNEY SWEEP " TUolw 416S- Rl- H. Norttme . CHIRAPRACTORS i dr. a I scott, psc, Chiropractor. ?R N HHrh Tel. Rem 81. ELECTRICAL SERVICE bosleh ESactrla ill state St. Wlr I " fwotwra wnow. iotre. sre I FLORISTS Breithaupt's, 111 Court, ALL kinds of floral work. Luts. Flor-1 ut - N. Uberty. TeU 159$. ; nett. 889 Court TeL .8044 or 0173 p. m. KEYS 1 We make kera. Harry W. Scott LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRI 213 a High TeL 125 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service T1rhnnr SltS t24 Rrrwwv LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. 4$U. Harrr W Settt 1T 8. Ornil MATTRESSES a-a. . . i CAPITOl. BBiUUU W. inmom v i SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress MUSIC STORES lUEO, C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musts and piano stndf I I tZZr?SiB.LZZ Saiem" I DOfvm PKfrPlVRRQ PHOTO ENGRAVERS V j' Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com-1 tnerdal. TeL 5887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, - cards, pamph- lets, progran litis, be . - CtA e prmtmg, call The i . Hrtirtifin PrmtmS Lepartmarit. 315 H Coinxaarclal. Tel. 1 m m m m m mmmm STOVES T .? .fmiTatAr, I - - 1 SeU new and rebuilt stores, ranges ana SeU new and re bunt stoves, ranges and I -rriR. Barclav nolo vault 10 feet I T V , V v circulatora, stock fanca, posts, chicken Tf"l'VVis .rA Shortage of colored or beavy wlr. Salem Fence and 8tavs Works. I 9 inches. Yung, 120 yard hurCles. I welnt nena a weU fryers 1262 Chmata. Tel. 1771. B. & Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant trsosfer storage,! ..it ,,i t - r- T-lV. "ttr.trT' aw a wi iimm mwiiij m flPITH. f-rT V PrwatOar Co. ilt I i state St TeL 7778. Distributing; tor warding and storage our specialty. Get our ratea Ramseyer'a Trucking Serv. TeL 3361. WELL DRILLING R A. West R. S TeL 110F5. B :S0 Ieon P. Drews, erna. 10 :80 Orville Knapp's orchestra, DLBS. 11:30 ntcElroy'a-ialni Garden bans. KOAC COBVAXLIS 550 Ke. 0 :00 Home Economics Observer. 13:00 Koon farm Hear. 3:15 Oregon Citiet: Then an. how. S:00 "Home and Cfcnre-." 8-30 Yoatb and the ' Deal "Em - piormsnt tor Toatb Tkrongn tna w. t ,n5,tinD.tin sekoois. 8a. lem. 5:00 Composer ia Cameo "Cetar 8:oo-imrie. Legi- prograsu :30 Eveainc 1'ara Hoar. 7:30 The world ia Kevtew vr. vie- tor P. Mikrri 8:15 KOAO Irrsras Guild. 8j45 Heroes of Beieace. 9:00 Pacitio Coliaga. MRS. HAMTLL MOVED SILVER FALLS, May 14. sirs. a. v. namui, senouoiy " for the past wek, was taken rri- aay afternoon to near fortiaaa where she will be at the home of her son, Hugh Hamiu and f am Uy. Mds. HamLU la one of the oldest residents- of this commun ity,.. . I i NOTICE OP IDSARlxa OF rm Atwtii i Notice Is hereby given that the final account of The United States gon), as executor of the estate ot Claronea W Knhl- duaaa has h-on tnl In tli- r4w fW Af .. . v 'v . wv. . w - Marion County, Oregon, and that the first day of June, 1835, at the hour of ten o'ck Motd uay a mm Dec auiy svpuuiica such court for the hearing ot ob jections to such final account and the settlement thereof,' at which time " any person Interested In such estate may appear and file objections thereto la writing and contest the same. Dated this 1st day of May, 1953. " THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ! (OREGON), By K. E. WENGER, AssisUnt Trust Officer, Executor of said Estate. E. I. Crawford, Attorney for Estate, Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon. First Publication: May 1, 1935. Last Publication: May 29, i3&. Ml -8-1 5-2 2-2 3. MlkWm: DF K GUI One of Outstanding Events of School Tear Held, West Salem WEST SALEM, May 13. The annual music program was given at the school Friday night under I the direction of Mrs. F. W. Dick-1 man. Miss Lois ' A. Riches, and I A. W. J. Bestvater. The numbers I were: "Rendesvons" and "London I Bridge by the rhythm band of I the nrlmarT room: two-nart I aonra. "TJoa Jnn Minnrf. "TtaU I Ian Street Song." by rrades five! I to eight chorus. Miss Riches ac-l eomnanvlnr: nlano solos. "St. I Clans Gaards' and "Rose In My I Garden." bv Allca Dierman vocal I solos, "Hiawatha's Melody ofn. ounce, the highest level in Love." and "Smllln Through" bv I about two weeks. A number of I Fern, Levis, Miss Riches accomi 1 Inanvinrr tnarntnnt1 I "Whisnerinr Ham" and "HawaU I a Memories," by Naomi Cham-1 I berUin, piano, Orvllle Snider. tIo-I lin. Mrs.: Olds, rnltar: vocal dnet. I -rtrM . T-.-r and Wis Tji by Virginia Darley and Bessie Downer, with Mrs. Bestvater ac companylng, Songs by grades one to four chorus, Mrs. Bestvater accom- panylng; vocal solos, "Satisfied (Haydn), "The Butterfly" (Schn- mann), by Neil Dickman, Mrs. I uestva.er accompanying; girls' quartet, "The Beautiful Land." I Fern Lewis, Pearl Ericksen, Vir- v 7 a u 819 uowner Air Reduction which about can A. w. J. Bestvater accompanying, celled 1U sharp run-up of the pre- x-iaao solos, i ixie s jaarcn" ana Listen to the Mocking Bird" by I Neil Dickman. Songs by the glrU' uiee emu wuu a. w. J. uesivater accompanying. Violin duets, I fcweet Oenevieve," Orvllle Sni-I der, and "Ciribivibins," Mrs. Ids, Mrs. Bestvater accompanying. Vo-jin, cal solos, "Cradle Song," Men- aeissonn, inrow Anot-ner Log on I me u-ire- oy pean KricKsen, Mrs. Bestvater accompanying. Songs by the whole school. "The Star , Spangled Banner," "Oregon State Song," Miss Riches accompanying. GaurtTY TRACK AfJD field mm MONMOUTH, Hay 14 The Polk county track and field meetlj exceM of the supply of 1 "t-.fv"; . . , iraca. rrwuuuuirtei wiu uegia i. ll0'61? w!thwth fIn.v tsAlnf; pWe at 1 o'clock. From the show,- I inw inma tha mnfit athlataa 1:!! 7" -rT r dependence made at the district meet on the Oregon State track Saturday It gives hope of some new county records being set. Monmouth holds seven of the . . . . tr.-- I present county recur u a. nuuiu, 50-yard dash, 5.4; 100-yard dash. 10.9. Fowler, discos, 10S feet 7 Inches; Javelin, 148 feet. Parker. mile, 6:1; half mile, 2:17. , son, high jump, 5 feet 6 Inches. Independence holds three rec - Kir. 1-1 . . "r"11:?:' YiZ jam uhu, . yard aaah, 6S soconas. aicaimian. 220 hurdles, 28.1; broad Jump, 19 feet 4 V, Inches. Harris, shot I . - . . . , , P. ' I' incae- BIRS. FARR ILL rrw rvrri pdtih in xt.- is v r 1 home here, Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND. Ore., May 14.-P) -New supplies spurred activity at today's session of the Ranch- 1 ers' and Gardeners' market, with Drices remaining steady. I Jobbers we advancing tne prices on California strawberries I 1 in -jg-, OI ports that the first shipments of Oregon berries were i expected within the next few days from Roseburg. Quality was good. with the quotation climbing to a range of S 1.90 and $2 per crate of 24 pints. Demand was good while the berries lasted A few sacks Of dry onions ap- neared and moved slowlv at the tirr price or $3.60 per 60 pound Isack for tha No. Is. There were i no No. 2 offerings, hut c few boilers were commanding a 22 - 1 quotation. '" Green onions slipped a bit, but the stock, was moving well. Bad- ishes also showed sUght price de- elinoa -with n hrlaV mompnt I sptaech Crate, 40-60e. " i csrrots xosen bane-ea, xo-SOe: par I tea. eo-ese; ioo-ib. sack, $3. Z"t?rlrC?! I Dry enfan Oregon, ; No. lr $3.50j I boilers. 82. . Twaips-DoBes, Vs. 1, 55-60C Ke. 2, i sue. I , Batobagaa Lax, is-soe. t Psranips L-g. H-Lis. J I j-t.o. Cabbace 100 lba, 88: las. $1. Caauflowsr -- Ke. 1, $U0; Ke. 2, $L 1 Celery hearts Doses, $1.10. . Celery Crate, $3.50-8.75. ncire Bos. Sae. - Anolea Wineaawa. fancy. 8L83: De lieio v laacy, f . - - BrssMls iDronta CrtU. 00- Petatoes No. 1. $1.75: Ke. 2. $-25: era-ge box pack, 65-7 ie. . Mastard irreeai Dozen, 35e. : Kala Box, 55a CocnmUera Box, $3. . Green broccoli Log. 50a. - Bad eabbsga Posad. 4a. i RkabMb 15 lb. box, 25-850.- - Leak Doxan . 85s. 1 Asparaxas Prrsmli. Ke. 1,. $LS5- 1.80:. t 2, 81.4U: aoiea ouncaes, au- 45e. '- ' . p.,i..Tt hurt, zo-zae. Calif orai . strawbawtee Crate, $L90- 2. . - Profit . faking Hits Mart NEW YORK, May 14-UrV-tock traders again today appeared wining to cash in on some of 1 the good profits xI the past week or so. bat takers, for the- offer- Ings were generally available at modest price concessions. Silver shares were among the best performers of the day be- f ore nrofit-taklne: cancelled their early gains. The price of the white metal here and In London was marked np sharply, in xew York imported bar silver was aa- vanced 1 cents to 7 cents active sOver equities were ahead 1 to 2 points or SO at their best. inciuning American bmeiusg;, wer- o ana u. a. meiung ,uulonn lawer receasion wipea uui laew gu r rou.eu- ed them into small losses at the close. In a general way most of the market trends within various in dustrial groups followed the pat tern of recent sessions. The utili ties were again rather freely of fered, led this time by American Tih -his amnn 9. points at 116 $4. with Pacific r.iirhtin por.i r.9 and nth. fniinwi nit. other chemicals came ahead to take the place of Tiona session, endina- 4 nolnts lower at ITnion Carbide at 66, Columbian Carbon at 83 and United Carbon at 55 each advanced around a point. Transactions in the stock ex- change were a little brisker than the previous session. The day's volume was 1.207.105 shares. The Associated Press average for 60 stocks declined .2 of a point at 4i.e. ACTIVE lie ID E PORTLAND. May 14. -UP)- Quite active trading was suggest ed generally in the market for batter with demand for storage I top quality stuff. No change In prices. Prices were generally well maintained in the egg market locall eTn wltn gUgntl ln. I . .. I creasea supplies, uemana was still showing for storage. Efforts were being made In some quarters to force lower prices for chickens In face of continued decrease and scarcity of offerings of hens. The short age ot fowls was the most acute in the history ot the local trade. rtnl tit nn llairi-11 whir broilers Is there plenty of stock available for all needs of the 1 a tnera thB l,,.. I was continued and In these lines Price, were the highest for a long I term of years ntheT llght caU !.. n.v nti. n-i I v m.... I UCUO l S TUX. suo ""d ing a maximum selling price of 19c pound while toms were hard to move at any price. i MTOne aemana continue- ior Hogs were firm around 15 to 15 He pound. Firm tone and well sustained price was showing generally in the market for country killed beef, with cutter cows t-lOc with canners 7-8c and bulls 8-1 Oc per pound. Starting of construction on the Dan J. Fry five-story . warehouse at Front and Trade streets receiv ed city sanction on Monday with the Issuance- of a permit for the lob by the city building depart ment. The permit gives $70,000 as I at th rmerml contract which iv. i man . Voss. Ihe, of Portland. I - Mr. Fry, declining to reveal ex- l act amounts of the low bids, said the contract for a sprinkler sys- I tern went to the Pacific Automatic Sprinkler company; '. that, for plumbing Ho Urban and Sinnott, Inc.; for the elevator, to the Port- land Elevator COmoany. and' tOf wiring, to the Ben Hnnegard Elee- I tfic company, all Of Portland. I Tha new warehouse is to be -m.tj hr August is. a power 1 hovl and workmen were busy 1 Te-terday preparing for the heavy construction work entailed by the i fireproof nature ot the structure. l which win be used cnieny zor stor ing hops. I Strawberry Varieties are Under Test Here A number of strawberry vari - 1 etiea ar being tested OUt.in two different sections ot Marion coun 1 ty ; by "farmers cooperating with ConntT Arent II. L. Riches. One plot has . been set out on the George Benson tana In the silver- ton hills, and another on the Hal vor Mlckelson farm in the North Howell district. Mr. Riches -re- norts. Th varieties under test in clude Corrallis, Ad kins, Red Heart , Marshall. Narcissa,' and seven or eight numbered, varieties which as y et hare no names. BUTTEB ESTED PERMIT ISSUED FOR LflREEn WAREHOUSE Salem Markets Grade U raw 4 per cent milk, co-op) pool price SUM per hundred. - fHUh-based ea eeaS-aeataly battaifas .vecage. . . Dlstribotor price 12.10. . A grade butterfat Deliv ered 20c; tow te, 25c. - A grade prints, 28 c; B grade, 27 He. j,V-. . Prices paid to gxsvers by Sataai baysia. X Tha prieaa balow, sapplisd .by a ioeal rroeec. a iadieattve ef the dairy awrkst sat are sot gsaasteei by The State, taj rsnrrs (Bvrtna- Prieal Grapefratt Flerida mmmmmm SJ50 to 4.00 amana X30 ta X00 Orancea. Kavei, faaey 8.75 te 4.50 S8Ste. 8.00 3.75 te 8.50 ,. JOS Yalsneiaa BsDsaas, lb- a stalk ttaads .06 tKMia, faaey . Choue , i Llmea, fresh 4.00 t 4.75 S.55 te X2i LOO Applet, bushel 1.25 te 3.85 Strawberries. Calit. 34s .1.75 VEUETASUSS iBariac Prieesl Preen enioas, local, dosea Onion sets, Ke. 1. lb. .15 .19 .08 no. z, lb. Local onions, 50 lb Ko. 1 8.25 Ko. 2. 50 lbs. 8.50 Asparairas, local, dux. 1.10 Wasbtairtaa, la. , .07 Khobirb, local, lb. . .01 Artichokes, box . 2.50 te 8.00 Cauliflower. Calif.. Ins " 1.50 Cabbage, Calif., lb. .04 to " .08 Carrots. Calif., dozen J25 te .50 Celery, Calif. crate - 8.75 Hearts, doxen . 1.S0 Cucumbers, hothouse, box 2.00 te 8.25 Beets, cam. aoxaa .83 Beans, Calif, lb. J.2 Endives, Cozen .60 Green peppers, lb. , .20 ttnca, I'alU. 2.25 to 4.00- Dry pack L75 te 2.25 Potatoes Local, Ke. L est 3.75 1.00 3.00 .85 2.85 .08 08 to .08 .03 to .05 Local, Ko. 2. cwt. Yakima, Ko. 1. 50 lbs. Yakima, Ko. 2, 60 lbs. Sweet . Kaw apnea, Florida , ,, New apads, Calif. Feas, Cslif., lb. Spinach, local, orange crate . 1.00 Lettuce crata 1.25 Squash, Calif, crate L25 Tomatoes- Hot basse, 10 lbs. ILaziean, Ins 1.85 8.50 ' .65 as .18 to .20 as to as Taraips, aozen Radishes, local, doiea Wstnnta, lb. Fil-arta, lb. . son t Baying Prlee) CI altera, 1931 lb, top at JiS suss'ea, i. top in. S009 (Basins Pdea) ztraa Staadarda .31 .21 .20 Media WOOL-AD lUIBAU (Sayisg rrleei Ifohatr . Madas wool Coarse and fine wool , - pooin n (Beyiag Pries) Heavy hens, 4i or ever ... Colored mediums, lb. . Medina Leghorn' lb. i i Ligbt, 1b. Fry a re, IK . . , Stan. Ik, ., Koostsrs. la. - .15 JIT as 48 aa J8 ai jr JOS JD4 as as Cotawad frya, Tb. Wkite Legbora frya lb. .18 te JLEAT IBarUs Fria8 Sprint Iambs, lb. .0814 Laaba, nndor BO lbs. . 0.00 AOS te S.A0 Over 99 los. . ewes, lb. Hot. 110-170 lbs. 6.75 to 7.75 6.75 to S.75 12OJ80 lba. 170 210 lba, top . 310-250 lba, top 8.75 8.00 to 8.50 Bows ., - i S.50 to 7.50 .6.00 te 7.50 8.00 te 5.00 4.50 te 8.00 Steers Cows .. , Bolls Heifers 6.00 ta 6.50 T JO aH Veal, top Drasaad vaaL top UTtMaa bogs a aBAlS AMD BAY (Baiins Prlee) Wheat, waste red . .75 .75 -28.00 81.00 35.0 30A0 Whits, lie. 1 Barley, feed. Ke. L toa Msiusg. toa Oats, aaiiling; toa , reed, toa ... Bay. Sarin Clover bay . 9.00 . o.oo -12.00 Oata and vetch, toa AUsiia. vuiay Cl Bed. lb. J8 at Alaika 1W Rural Schools to Hold Graduation for Eighth Grade WALDO H1XJ-S. May 14 Schools In this neighborhood are making preparations for closing. Evergreen will have graduating exercises for the four, who finish eighth grade. Friday night, Members ot the class are Doris Towns. Freda Kellerhals, Milo Harmon and Everett Dickman. Miss Minnie Mascher postponed her Mother's day program and primary exhibition to Thursday. A ptcnle for all grades will be giv en Thursday. - Both Miss Mascher and Principal E. L. Enapp will return next year. Centerview and Willard are both to close Monday, May 20 and will enjoy a joint picnic that day on the Willard school grounds. Mrs. Paget of Center- view and Miss Case of Willard will teach la these schools next year., , . ; IN THE DISTRICT COURT , OF -THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON, In the- Matter ot A. P. Carpen ter, H. B. Carpenter, N. N. Car penter, Debtors, . In proceedings for s tX)5IPOSITION OB EXTEKSION To the Creditors, ot A. P. Car penter. H. - B. - Carpenter, N N. Carpenter of Roberts SUtion, Rt. 3, Salem, -In the County of Mar lon, and district aforesaid: Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1925, the first meeting of creditors win be held at Salem, Oregon, Room 3 In the U. SPostof flee Building at 10:09 o'clock In the forenoon, at which' time .the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine th debtors, and trans act such business as may come before said meeting. At said I meeting, said A. F. Carpenter, I. B; Carpenter, N. N. Carpentec't debtors, propose to offer terms of composition or ex tension ot their debts. : . SETMOUU JONES, Conciliation Commissioner for Marion County. M15 CHICAGO, Mar 1 4.-jPT-Bear- ish market factors finally prevail ed In the grain pits today after a struggle at the opening. Cora ' reacted half a cent from an early V advance of about at cent and 1 wheat, alter Tislnr with- earn-" weakened and closed lower. Wheat closed alow. rm- - der resterday's 'finish. July 91- , 92, and corn was H- higher. July 804-3. Oats were M lower to M higher, July 36 Pro visions weTe 3 . cents lower to 5 cents higher. ; Today's closing Quotations: -Wheat May-JO - f 1; July 91-92; September 92 -93. " Corn May 87 July 80- ' ; September 75-75. Oats May 45: July 36- I September 344. --. ' ". ? DOG BITES GIRL OAK POINT. May 14. Mary' Alderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Alderson, was severe ly bitten by a neighboring . dog Saturday. Mary was seated In the car, holding her dg. ; when the dog Jumped up I the car and bit her on the wrist, She was rushed to a doctor where seven stitches were taken to close the wound. General Markets PEODUCTE EXCHAirOB ' PORTLAXD. Ore, Mar 14. API- Produce Exchange, net prices: Butter: -xrrss. 2o; standards. 25 S prime firsts, 25; firsts, 24ir. i gas: U. d. speeislt. 2a: L. B. ex tras, 24; V. 8. mediTim extras, 23c. - BBtterfat: 27 Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, May 14. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Clot . Uay 80 60S 60 80 July 79 79H 70 7 Sept. . 7H 7V 79 79 Cash: Big Bend blnestem, 91c; dark bard winter, 12 per cent, 95e; do, 11 per cent, 83e; soft white, "9c; western, white, 79c; bard winter. 78 e; aorta era spring. 79 He; western red, 78c Oata: Ko. 2 white, $28. Cora: Ko.SE yellow, $11.29. MUlrna ataadard. $20. Pordaiid Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, limy f f. (IPy--' Cattle: Keoerpts. 300; cale 10; ee tive. - Steers, good, common and median, 5.50-S.10; heifers. good, eaaa aunt a w medhrm, 5.TO-8.80 ; caws, good, rirsisrtra aad mediest, 4.50-7.25; low cutter and cutter, 2.50-4.50 ; balls, good, .254.00; entter, eommoa sad medjam, 4 00-5.75; verniers, good and choice, 7.00-8.85; ealL eommoa and medium. 8.00-7.00; ealvwa, good and choice, 4.50-8.50; cemmon and medinm, 8.50-6.50. - Hog: Beceipts, 200; tops lowar. "Lightweight, good and chairs. 7.75 8.85 nsedinraweight good and aba it m. 8.50-8.85; herr eight. goi and ckeitw. 6.0O-8.75; packing sows, medium and good, .50-7.50. Sheep: Seeeipta, 200; 15c lower. . awes 25e lower. Spring lambs, good and medinm. 5.50 6.75; Umba, good and choice, 4.75-5.S0; common and medinm. 8. 50-4.7 J; ysar ling wethers. 2.75-3.75; ewev good aa choice, 3.00-2.50; ealL common sad a - t Oram, i.uo-z.15. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore Mar 14. (API Friata, A grade, 28e lb, ia parchment wrappers, 29 e lb, ia cartons; B grade, pare nest wrappers, 27 e lb; cartons. ! Batterfat PortUnd delivery: A - grade, daliveriea at least twice weekly, 27s lb; country routes, 25-27e lb; B grade, daliveriaa less tha a twice weekly, 26c lb; C grade at msrket. B grade cream for bottling Bayiag price, batterfat basis, 55a lb. - -ggs -ales te retailers: Epeeiala, : 27 e; extras,'' 26c; fresh extras, brown. . 34e; stanaares S3e; frasa aaediwna Z5e; -medinnt lirata,; 22e dose , gga Snyiag pneae ef wholesalers: freak specials, I4e; extras, 21c; stand, ard 22c; - extra me hm t 21e; medium firsts, 19e; ander-grade 19e doaen. Cheese 92 aeore, Oregoa trial rts. 14c; . loaf 15c Brokers will pay 'A seat be low anotatioaa. Milk Contract price A. Portland do- . livery , 82.20 cwt; B grade cream, 27 a lb, surplu s sasia, ' - Conntry aiastt rSelling . prtca te re- t.n . . ru,,..- v;ii I V... W,t n.,K. .,.. . vvw., f "., s.. - era, under 150 lba, 15-15 H lb.; vealera. Ho. -, 11 --lie tar keavy s-e Tb; eat. tar cows, S-lOe lb; canners, S-6e lb; bulls. 8-8 Ha lb; yearling lambs, 10-12e lb; anrinr 1 4-15a lb: madinma 11-12 a lb; ewes, d-ee lb. Mo r 1933 baying prtca, l&e In. Caacara Bark Baring price, 1935 peel. 2 le lb. Hops 194 raggiet. ( 1 mi eies- ters, 10-11 He lb. : ' Live poultry Portland delivery, buy-' lag price: Colored bens, eves 5H lba,' 18-ise U; ander . - lbs, is-ie jo; leg horn fowls, ever 8H lba, 15-16a lb; mn- der S lbs, 15-18 lb; springs, 4 lb sad ap, 18-19e lb; ender 4 lbs,. 18-le lb; white broilers, 14-15e lb; reoaters,. lb; Pekin duck, young, 16-17 lb. Oniina Ore gun Ko. t, $8 wtt Kaw oaions Texas Bermada. $3.2 S per 50-lb, bag; Calif ornis, 83.25 per 50 lb. bag. . - Potatoes Oregon Borbank, . 9L70 ceotal; Descbnte Gems, $1.76; Idaho Gems, 9L70. Kaw potatoes Californta srnets, $1.95 per 50-lb. bag; whites, $2.10 per 50-lb. bag. r - t , ' Cantaloupe -- Imperial. S.2S Cal crate; atanards. $7.83 evaW.- . Wool 1935 elip, " nominal; WHlaaa ette valley nWim, 15e; coarse and braid, 13 lb; east era Oregon, 12-15H lb; aeatkern Idaho, 12-14 lb. Hay Baying price free - prodaeert: Alfalfa Ko. 1. , rriee. eiS-lgSO; satera Ore mothy. 817f at S7 10 toa: Willamette vellev tunotay, 1 ton; elover, 87-10 ton, PortUsd. ' . ' ' 'May II : STOCX AVX-AGEI ' (Compiled by The Associated i Frasal v. Sv'Jiy-ii Indas. Bans.' ptit Stock TVt '.' -SS.! ' 22.0 28.1-- dl.S ,. -SB.4 ll.s Tin.n 41.S 88.7 Month ago 58.S tO.T 26.0 Tear eg 50.S . 81.9 81A 1931 hiS 68.A 27.6 J9J 198& low 49.5 18.5 S1.S 1984 high , 61.4 .' 1981 low 45.3 23.8 24.1 410 41.8 84 8 61.4 84 9 . .S0SD AV-XAGSS 20 10 . 10 10 For. 68.3 69.3 67.T 66.S V0.4 65.8 . 70.0 60.2 Kail Today ,. ,: 79.7 Previ. day 79.5 Month ago . 79.2 Tear eao 86.3 ladas. trti'L 96.8 . 93.4 96.8 95.0 87.7 96 9 92.3 92.9 73.7 93.8 90.7 84.9 93.S 84.5 . 83.9 68.3. 1935 bigh et 19S5 low 76.4 1931 high 89.1 1931 low 71.5 Stocks and Bond