The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 12, 1S35- PAGE ELEVEN ppoitimraes f i Yu Mere Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line ..10c Three Insertions per lint .20c Six Insertlms per line ...30c One month per line . ...fl.tO Minimum charge SSe Copr for thli page accepted until C:3v the eTening before publication tor dnstftcation. Copy received after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assume no flaandal responsibility for er rors which may appear la mA Tertloftneats published la Us columns, and In cases where this Bauer la at fault win re nriat that TMrC of an adver tisement la which' the typo graphical mistake ocean. -The Statesmaa luetm the right to reject oftjecuoaanie- adTcrtlslas. It further rescrres tKm, rlsht to classify all adver- t-iag uiwler the proper classl- ftratioa. HELP WANTED ir..t r. nmhltlous young men for .-.. nnaitlan with chance tor nmmotlon. Must furnish local references. Give experience and write n h minaier. Box 457. rare of Statesman. - :,! ! Portland firm desires Salem repre sentative to train for future appoint ment State age, phone, and local con nections. Box 459 care statesman. Wsantna christian man and wife "Home and some pay. 94 6 S. 12th. HELP WANTED MALE PULP wood cutters 31. 50 per cord. Good timber. Sam bra l in, zua Front St nn r - .n.ri.1 i.n r i ii -.--..-.-...j MAN OR WOMAN to determine Real Kstate values in your local com munity. To apply, address FRED GREUSEL, Secretary, NATIONAL APPRAISERS ASS'S., San Bernar dino, Calif. Ambitious, reliable man wanted Im mediately to deliver food products to regular customers tn Salem. Earnings average 320 to 330 weekly. No exper ience necessary. Write today J. R. Watkins Company, 4522 Hollls St., Oakland, Calif. HELP WANTED FEMALE Girl or woman, German descent, for ifght house work for two old people. Csll or write Rt 6, Box 235. Out Peni tentiary road. Address Envelopes st home, spare time; 35 to 315 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. HAWKINS, Tpt. 880, Box 75. Hammond. Ind. SAiESMEN WANTED HA i i ruirsir" . ,,--,, Wanted man for magazine circula tion in rural territory. Car allowance and liberal commission. Must have car. Write E. Brown, 2342 Emerald, Eu gene, Oregon. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Roots of 80 families. Write today. Rawleigh, DepL ORE-187-SA, Oakland, Calif. SITUATIONS WANTED Dressmaking exp- copy pictures $2.25 a day In your home phone 7984. WANTED Housekeeping position. Mrs. R, Llndley, Rt 6, Box 116, w. F. Carothers. - FOR SALE Miscellaneous Safe for sale, fireproof. 285 Cbeme- keta. .ii r i ii n n i i . i r i i ,-v i i Time to plant your window boxes and flower beds. Call 8637 lor all kinds of plants. Jay Morris, florist Mother's day Sunday. Remember her with flowers. Potted plants and cut flowers. Jay Morris, florist. Phone 8637. Liould lime and sulphur orchard spray. Puritan Cider Works, W. Sa lem. Englewood shrubs, 2060 Nebraska. RADIO FOR SALE 3168 Majestic cabinet like new. Bal ance due 329.50. Terms & a own, si monthly. See Mr. Jans. Geo.-C. Will's Music Store. For Sale Purebred white Collie puppies. Finest companions or stock don. Turn north i mile east of fair grounds. 811 vert on road, first house on left. W. S. Bartlett, Rt 7. Box 173. Crooked Finger Hill grown, none Ir ritated. Burbank seed and table pota toes. Puritan Cider Works, West Sa lem. PLACER MINERS. The California Gold Recovery Unit screens and washes three pans per minute. See it. Stamp brings folder. 1212 West 2nd, Los Angeles, Calif. EL washer, good condition, 320. Also good Singer machine, 310. TeL szss. For sale cheap, siae spool bed, curled hair mattress, 975 & High. Hosier sold on aPDroval. ladies' fine etlk hose, almost perfect 6 pairs $1.00. Men's rayon fancies, good Imperfects, 16 pairs $1.00, postpaid, satisfaction guaranteed. Economy t Hosiery Co Atwboro. N. C. WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted to let contracts for tomato acreage. TeL 86F4. R. C Jory. Wanted batching eggs Reds and Rocks from choice breeding stocks. Continuous summer and tall market TeL 1S3F2. Lee's Hatchery. MISCELLANEOUS Free Wo pick up dead and worth tees horses, cowa, eheeD. TeL 486S. Saw repairing. Salem Saw 8hop. Four Cornera Pea Road. TeL 4280. Haircuts lto-Sto. SOS & wtoten. - V. S. G0VERN1IENT JOBS. ' Men- women, 18-50. Steady. Start $105.00 $175.00 month, I will Franklin Insti tute coach, 26 FREE. Apply today sure. Box 28 rare Statesman? . FOR RENT ROOMS Heated sleeping rooms, 444 a High, Hmirvkeeping room a, ISft Center. ROOM AND BOARD Board. rooTn, try clot tn. TeL MS 2. Working women, $4 week. TeL 7 SIS. Boom, teaxd. 196 Court, Tel, 6678. - ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for two. 860 Cheme keta. TeL 13)4. Room, board, laundry work and mending. 95 -week. Good borne cooking. iS S. High St. FOR RENT APARTMENTS VWMMwrVrVwprarwVrWw t rm. turn, apt, clean and warm. Adults only; 645 Ferry. Attractive 3 rm. apt 1580 Center. Reasonable, modern, close in. 3 and 4 nicely furnished apts. TeL 8490. Furnished apt,' 191 S. Church. S rm. unfurn. apt, 1411 Court 3 rooms furnished. 44 Union. Homey, clean. 2 and 4 r. apts.. priv. bath, garage. 1047 S. Commercial. Front 2 -rm. apt. Tel. eve. 68t5. FOR RENT HOUSES Houses. Grant. 811 Court TeL 6584 7 R. furn. 3 bedrooms, elec ranee. tec refrte.. washer. Enclosed back yard. $44. Ready June &, 3 mo. 1028 Pi. Winter. TeL T7 Mod. 3 r. house. Close In. Inquire 360 N. 14th. TeL 7734. Choice home, good location. TeL 894 C. Cosy 3 room furnished bungalow, 1135 N. 16th. TeL 3940. 4 r 1250 Fairmount $12. Call 4728. FOR RENT Hospital beds and wheelchairs to rent H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Office rooms for rent 381 State St TeL 3713. WANTED TO RENT WANTED House or siH., furn. or unfurn. Rent not to exceed 812.' Box 454, Statesman. Modern 6 room bouse. reKponslble, permanent party. Write Box 458. "OR SALE REAL ESTATE By owner. 5 R. house. 4 yrs. old. Close in. Sacrifice. Wife sick. How much can you pay down? A beauty, no fooling. 3 lots, chicken house. Jjess than 32000. Box 455. rare Statesman. REAL ESTATE room modern house. This Is a good buy for an Investment room modern house, paved street, priced below actual value. 8 room modern house In good location. just repainted and redecorated. Good buy at 84500.00. Will rent for 40.00 per month. HUDKIN3 & ADAMS. Phone 9494. 275 State Street COME LOOK THIS OVER 6 r. modern home, large basement, furnace, hardwood floor, lge. living room, dining room, dinette. Priced very tow at 32975. Good location, paved street 3610 down, bal. easy. See-- JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 S. High St. TeL 9629 REAL HOME BARGAINS $1200 All cash will buy this modern late built 4 room borne wttn full cement basement, furnace, garage, near church and school. WORTH MORE. $1400 Modern 5 room home, base ment furnace, fireplace, cor. lot located at 1393 Franklin St.. W. Salem. Must be all cash. $2000 This modern 4 room home with 2 bed rooms, oak floors, fire place, built-in kitchen, base ment furnare, laundry trays, garage, good location, paved st Only $250 down, baL $20 per mo. 100 Modern 5 room home, oak floors, basement, furnace, fire place, garage, cor. lot, ootn sts, paved, located oti Fairmount Hill. $1000 down. baL terms. $5300 This modern 7 room home built about 4 yrs. ago In excellent condition, located in northeast Salem. Some terms. YOU WILL LIKE THIS HOME. $3000 Good modern 5 room home with attic, extra good location about 8 blocks north of State Capitol grounds. Must be all cash. SEE US FOR BARGAINS W, II. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 131 S. Liberty St, TeL 6468 LOOK! LOOK! Good lot 40x60 feet located south Of Parriah school on Shade St., nice shade trees. Price $475. for imme diate sate. Lot 42x100 feet located on Washing ton St, near S. Commercial St., paved st. Clear title for $500. cash. Two nice view lots in Klngwood Heights, will sacrifice for all cash. Lot 50x109 in Klngwood Park, W. Sa lem. Clear title for $125. cash. 74100 of an acre excellent soil, north east Salem, near paved St., $50 v. $25 down, bal. $10 per mo. See W. II GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 6468 For Sale or Trade Cottage. New port, Oregon. Chas. K. Spaulding, Sa lem, ure. ....--'-- " i-i-i ,-,-v-M ii-M-yu-u-u-m EXTRA SPECIAL Fine 6 room, modern home only 10 blocks from State street has base ment furnace, laundry trays, oak floors. 2 sets plumbing, lots of bu tit Ins. Worth $4500. For quick sale will accept $2800. InvesUgate this. SEE Mrs Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors $44 State St TeL 6708 BARGAIN Neat 8 room house close to State street and Willamette university. Priced very low at $1500. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State St TeL 6708 EXCHANGE Real Estate 68' A mixed fir timber, exchange for good house in Salem. Grant or Crit tenden, Masonic Bldg., TeL 6161. - - " " - -- -- -- -n-,'-, m r-nr-M'irM n mn S acres, 4-room new house, barn. young family fruit garden In, 95 filbert trees, price $1650. Will ex change for Salem home, equal value. 8tt acres, about 4 acres cherries, strictly modem new bouse, $4500. Would consider a good home in Salem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN ,t 519 Court Street Mod. 6 rm. house in Corvallis. trade for mod, 3 bedrm. house In Salem. Pay up to $2000 difference. See Clifford Harold with CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. -. TeL 708 , - - - - - -ii-irLTin.ri.nj-u- - Trade i Portland lota for Salem property. E. I Miller, 1611 N. 5th. FOR SALE FARMS ---- -- -- - - - ii-i-innri , n.ruurm 25 acre farm an tillable five room house barn chicken house, - garage sad good well: 2 hi mL from Salem terms or cash. Also other farm prop erty and acreage for sale. Heltsel Es tate Inc. Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. SPLENDID 37 ACRE FARM Located close to Salem. Especially fine buildings, electric lights, water system. AH year creek, all In cultiva tion, stocked and equipped. Priced tor Immediate sale. WILLAMETTE LAND COMPANT 428 Court Street Salem Phone 4611 Interesting Facts We heard that Henry Yande- Tort received a chain letter a tew days ago. He promptly sent a dime to each, of the names on the list. o Saw a chain letter yesterday with the address opposite the bottom name glren as the Salem police station. o A real estate man was about to sell a piece of property. He asked If the Durehaser was able, to pay anything down. The party replied that he was not but that he had signed two chain letters and ex pected to hare plenty ox money next week. o Mother's day today. Remem ber your mother. FOR SALE FARMS PICKED FROM OUR LIST ftntna. nf hn beat (arm buys in Wil lamette vallev- for the money: $6500 buys 67 A, 60 A. creek bottom land. fair bldgs.. 25 A in crop, tugnway a 99 irive miles Salem. 189 A. for 34500. 7 A., $3750. Fair bldgs.. $0 A. creek bottom. 51 acres rich sandy loam. Soil river bottom, 5 miles Salem, no bldgs.. 32500. 16 acres ( miles east good soil, creek, bldgs. poor, for 31200. 5 A. east rood sou. rair umi., ior sieuv. t a. farm. $1500., well fenced, bldgs. fair. 20 acres, 14 A cult, 6 A. pasture. small house and barn, good well water. Price cut to $850. The above farms are almost given away. For particulars, see BECHTEL, GATLLFF or WILSON 341 State Room 4 STOP READ THEM HURRT Best 9 acre place around, cherries, walnuts, apples, berries, 7 . rm. plas. house, light and water system, bam, poultry house. Easily subdivided. Close In on paved road, sacrificed for 43uu V down. 94 A. place, 5 r. house, barn and p. h., 3 A. prunes, 3 A. strawberries, 20 filberts. 4 miles out. Uniy fzsuu, 31200 down. A snap. 38 acres, out by Sllverton, good house, basement, furnace, water tower, 10 A. prunes and walnuts. 20 A. crop. All implements go with place. And $4825 buys this nice place. 160 A. stock ranch for $2500. Trout stream, 6 r. house, large barn, paved road. Buy That Home Now. See JAS D. SEARS or G, W. JOHNSON 132 & High St. TeL 9629 INCOME PROPERTY $1600.00 takes 10 acres of bearing cherry orchard, close In, good read close to Pacific highway. A real buy, Let us show you. See G. H. Grabenhorst Jr., with W. H, GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street 2 acres, 4 room plastered house. basement $16.50. 8 acres, 5 room plastered house basement, furnace, fireplace, electric water system, good barn, large chicken house, $3500. 12 acres, 6 room plastered home, good barn, electric water system. acres filberts, 1 mL of city limits, JJauu. 35 acres, stocked and equipped, fine bldgs.. electricity, creek, dose to Sa lem, $6aD0. Terms. 160 acres, stocked and eaulDDed. fed eral loan of $5200. Buildings are good. Better get the price on this. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Tel. 3031 6 A., 4 mL from courthouse, 4 room house, good soil, A. timber, $1600. 25 A, 1 mL from R. R., old bldgs., electric lights, 15 A in cultivation, 3 A. orchard, 4 A. Umber, creek, $2350. szau down. 94 A., 6 room house, 2 barns, 35 A in cultivation. 5 A. orchard. 20 A rich bottom, 7 cows, 2 horses, tools, etc $59 per acre. 137 A 14 mi. from Salem, 35 A In cultivation, 1000 cords of wood, livable bldgs., $30 per acre. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St TeL 3723 -i -i -i--i-M-N-rv-.inii".,nifroAAr).ruxnjAArui FLORIDA FARMS. 5 acres $60 to tal. $5 cash. Pay balance with service advertising Florida. Box 81-E, Jack sonville, Fla. '------ - -ii-ii-ini-ii-winri n.nrLn.nrLru 71 acres, 35 A In cult, and in crops. creek, fair bldg. Awfully easy terms. 110 acres, 35 A. In cult, reasonable payment and balance crop basis. 64 acres, on Pacific highway north of Salem. 50 A in crops, $5000. A knockout ! H. C. SHIELDS 310 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 ACREAGE - - " -- - ii- I-,-, ii-ii-,rii-ii-iriiirLn Small acreage tract house, fruit close to Salem bargain. DIAL 4745 ACREAGE BARGAIN 33 acres totted In the Waldo Hills, excellent viewt, good dairy barn, old house, all tillable land, drilled well, all .v, ,evvv. ,, M. Ll,hl 0t-,Af 0CUAU YOU BUY. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St TeL 6468 ------irr-IriijLTunjLij-j-tj--in INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $200. down and balance terms will buy a fine 5 acre building site, close In on paved road, 2 acres of fine Umber. A real buy at $1250. Int 6 per cent 500. down and balance terms will handle a 7 acre tract SVfc acres In orchard, buildings, lights, gra vel road, close In. Price $2000.00. 10 down and balance $10.00 per month will take aine 5 acre tract .located close to Salem. A real buy at $900.00. Int 5 ner rent. $ SO. down and balance $10.00 per month takes a fine 2 hi acre tract on paved road, best of prairie soQ. Price $750.00. $100. down and balance $16.00 per month will buy 7H acres, some timber, buildings, lights, gravel road, close in. A real buy at $1500.00. $ 25. down and balance $10.00 per month will take a fine acra home site, located In Evergreen acres east of Englewood school. Garden road district A real buy. Price only $500.00. $ 25. down and balance $10.00 per month takes 74100 acre tract lo cated In Kay Addition, close to Englewood school, best of son. sewerage, water, Ufa-hta. Price $500.00. , $200. down and balance terms at per cent interest takes a fine 10 acre tract close to Salem on paved highway, 6 acres of first class bearing prune orchard, worth mere money. Price $1600.00. If you are looking for a small acreage tract, see O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 a liberty St TeL 6463 m - niiinn-nruirxrui-n 2K ACRE TRACT 4 miles south on good road. Just off Pacific highway. A real buy at $500.00. $10.00 down and $5.00 per month. Int per cent. Let us snow yon. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 a Liberty St TeL 4I$ ACREAGE SMALL ACREAGE BARGAINS 1 acres located ba Salem-Dallas highway, about one Bill, from W. Sa lem. Price 3375 cash. No bldgs: 2 acres with small house, well. paved road, about Vt miles out Price 3750.' 3280 cash, balance terms. a acres with room nous green house, part plow land. baL pasture and timber, paved highway, 4 miles out iioo flown, bai. terms price siboo. - Z0 acres, all in a high state of cul tivation. 6 A. bearing strawberries, A bearing logans, 4 A. bearing prunes. A. oats, smsll shack, located W. of Liberty. Price 2650. V, cash, baL terms. 10 acres first class land, buildings. located near Hayesvllle, church near Pacific highway, priced for IUMEDI ATE SALE. $3000. All cash, imme diate possession. SEK TJS FOR BARGAINS W. XL GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. TeL C46S CLOSE IN 2 - 3 and S acre tracts. rich soil, reasonable, easy terms. $37 . zotn. saiem. 14 acre home, some Drones, walnuts. berries, running water, land all in good use. a real buy at $2500. 20 acres, 1 Lin cultivation, garags. house, barn and chicken house. Only izdv. sw a own. 37 acres, 10 A. in prunes, runnmc water. Only $760. z acres, all in cultivation, new house and barn. A very sightly place. All for Restaurant beer, grocery store. Good paying ou sin ess, 31&VO. S. M. EARLS GEO. F. VICK 208 N. High TeL 9678 MONEY TO LOAN AUTO LOANS CARS REFINANCED Easy Terms Investigate V 1UUA44H.1I fc; LOAN CO. M-159 (OS Guardian Bldg. Salem " - 11 u i ruir niu"-rirui i Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos- sioie rates GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NatL Bank Bldg. Phone 8553 Licensed by State 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money for well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve er puy now with cheap money. Ask ror booklet "Willamette Valley Farma" Hawkins and Roberta Inc. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO $300 Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. Room 119. New BHgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 ft M 165 by STATE 518 State St TeL 3740 Loans Made tn Nearby Towns Wa have several FIRST MORT GAGE real estate loans, net the in vestor 6 semi-annually, excellent se curity. Amounts $500-$1250-$1500-$1600 and $2100. CHILL'S ft MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Tel. 6708 LOANS WANTED Wanted Loan of $1750 on farm land taxed at $3000. Located between Hopmere and Quinaby. Box 456, care Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY BABY chicks, baby pullets, baby cockerel! . Custom hatching, custom ssxlng. Ph. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. Baby chicks. Leghorns and Reds, each Monday afternoon or Tuesday. Warmer's Hatchery. 2160 N. Fifth or 546 Highland. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. R. 6, Box 231, Salem. Live poultry wanted. 328 N. Front FOR SALE 2 young horses about 1300 lbs. G. B. Bowmen, 5 miles a. Independence. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood coaL TeL 6000, Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft Cottage. Dry wood. 16 In- $4.00. Dial 4084. Fir, oak. maple. TeL 137F3. Old fir wood. 16 ln. $5.75. TeL 7475. $5.00. IS In. Dry 16 In. old fir No. 1, $5 cd. TeL 5936. 1887 N. Front All kinds dry wood. TeL 6663. t inn i ui i n.iri r i i n ju-i jutAJXfl 16 In. old fir, $5. TeL 9785. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 82 9 8. PERSONAL Wanted Partner (for 99 yrs.) Ad dress Slim, Box 393, Salem, Ore. STOMACH ULCER. OAS PAINS. INDIGESTION victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription at Capital -wug store and ferry Drug store. "- - -- -- riirrt ri nj,.n.rvtfi If you have difficulty In retting your children to chew their crusts for added chewing exercise try Juicy Fruit Gum it accomplishes the same purpose. FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars PRICED AT BOOK AND UNDER Lowest Finance Rates 35 STUDE. Dictator Sedan. Cus tom Sedan with trunk $938 ii iiuusuiM s sedan Demon- strstor, $200 discount 34 STUDE DICTATOR SEDAN 696 34 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN 665 33 PONTIAC 2 -dr. Sedan. Run less than 8000 miles 695 S3 OLDS DeLuxe SEDAN 645 33 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan 695 32 STUDE Light Six Sedan 625 33 PLYMOUTH Std. Sedan 33 TERRA PLANE 6 Coach S3 FORD Business Coupe 625 495 495 425 385 325 275 265 31 STUDE Commander Coupe 31 STUDE Std. 6 Sedan 30 WILLYS-KNIGHT Sedan - 30 CHEV. Business Coupe 30 ESSEX DeLuxe Sedan 28 FORD Roadster 24 HUDSON Speedster 24 MAXWELL Touring 125 75 85 35 FORD Coupe State Motors Inc. Hudson - Terraplane - Packard DEALERS Open Nights and Sundays Phone 8400 Borrego's Better Buys 1931 HupmobQe DeLuxe Sedan $345 1931 Ford Tudor Sedan - 296 1929 Pontiae Couoe - 345 1930 Hunmoblle Coupe . 335 1928 Chev. Coach 135 1928 Essex Sedan . 95 1925 Dodge Roadster : 65 Here's a real buy in a low priced car 1924 Oldsmobile Sedan this car has only been driven 85.000 miles It has practically new tires, l" license, a lot of good transportatloa tor only $15.00. RORREOO'S CAR MARKET 34 K. Liberty St Phone 3688. FOR SALE USED CARS EN JOT THESE BEAUTIFUL SPRING DATS IN A BETTER USED CAR We have in stock, some exceptional values that will give you many thous ands of miles of economical transpor tation. Trades Accepted Will Arrange Reas onable Terms 1933 Ford Sedan V-8 Here Is a car that has had excep tional care Come In and see It drive It $515.00 1932 Ford V-S Coupe up In real good condition .. . 895.00 1933 Pontiae 3 -door Sedan This is a real automobile - smooth motor, new tires. paint like new try It 575.00 1930 Pontiae Conpe original finish, Spt, 6-wheel equip. This car is priced very low at 285.00 1929 Essex Sedan. A good light sedan for only 1128 Star S Com. Coupe .e 50.00 25.00 1928 Whippet Coach very ec onomical transportation -Model T Fords $15.00 to - Otto J. Wilson BTJICK AND PONTIAC DEALERS Center ft Com'L Sts. Phone 54SL McKay's Used Cars The best display of Used Cars In Salem and priced at a big saving to you. If you will compare our prices and condition of our cars you will trade here. Chevrolets 27 Coach new rubber 28 Coach a dandy 29 Coach $ C5.00 145.00 2C5.00 345.00 365.00 30 Coupe 31 Coach overhauled 31 Coacli like new . 32 Coach looks like new car 435.00 33 Standard Coach 45.00 495.00 635.00 495.00 695.00 33 Master Coach 33 Master Town Sedan 33 Master Coupe 34 Master Coach 34 Master Sport Sedan 695.00 Specials in Other Makes 26 Ford Tudor Sedan $ 35.00 26 Oldsmobile Coupe 95.00 27 Oakland Sedan 95.00 27 Buick Coach 125.00 27 Nash Sedan new 6-ply tires 125.00 29 Nash Sedan special at 195.00 29 Nash Special 6 Sedan 265.00 31 Graham Special Sedan 365.00 32 Plymouth P A new finer Se dan 385.00 32 Plymouth P B new finer Se dan 465.00 Easy Terms Liberal Trades Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co, 333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com'L SPECIAL 80 Ford Coupe $195.00. Buy this one and trade on new car for $221.00. 26 Oakland Touring in fine shape. Sale or trade for coupe or roadster. $50. E. G. Van Buren, Rt 5, Box 26A '27 Pontiae Coupe. exceL paint and motor, $7a. Take cheaper car in trade, 153 Hall st- Boss Say Sell 'em And We Did SO, WE WILL TRY IT AGAIN ON more. We also have 80 others to choose from. 1933 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN A spotless car tn perfect shape. Has been completely inspected In our shop and Is offered to you to be In perfect mechanical condition. PracUcally new tires Perfect paint clean upholster ing. Look this one over OUR PRICE $32$ WHAT WILL YOU PAY? 1933 V-8 FORD SEDAN Has factory reconditioned motor, brakes reconditioned, in fact every working part checked. New gun metal paint, new tires. This car will give you as good service as a new car OUR PRICE $571 WHAT WILL YOU PAY? 1933 V-8 FORD. REGULAR TUDOR Another one that Is right mechanical ly, perfect paint and tires, good bat tery. You won't make any mistake on this one with our guarantee and OUR SPECIAL PRICE OF $501 WHAT WILL YOU PAY? 1933 V-8 FORD. REGULAR COUPE With factory reconditioned motor. New dark green paint almost new tires, new battery. You can't tell but what this car came right off the sales room floor. OUR PRICE $540 WHAT WILL YOU PAY? See THESE and OTHERS at Valley Motor Co. Marion ft Liberty and S75 Center Two Phones and Two Lots Open Evenings and Sundays Phone 7910 or 3158 Quality Used Cars PRICES REDUCED WEEKEND SPECIALS 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Busi ness Coupe, free wheeling, automatic clutch. Just a wonderful buy $675.00 1933 Plymouth .DeLuxe Busi ness Coupe, perfect condi tion. Only . 560.00 1932 Plymouth PA Model 4- JDoor Sedan, new paint. guaranteed 435.00 1928 Chevrolet 4 -Door Sedan, motor overhauled 160.00 1329 Ford Roadster, fine con dition 150.00 26.00 1926 Ford Roadster, as is 1923 Buick Roadster, a dandy 35.00 SPECIALS SPECIALS 193S DeSoto Airflow Sedan, demon strator, 3600 miles, substantial discount. 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, demon strator, 3600 miles, substantial discount Open Evenings ft Sundays Terms Trades W. L, Anderson, Inc. De Soto-Plymouth Motor Cars Salem. Oregon 360 Marlon TeL 7703 Art's Used Car Market 266 N. Church St - - TeL 3449 The nicest line of good used cars in the city 1933 Pontiae Sedan $635 1933 Dodge Coupe 595 1933 Ford Coach, fac recondi tioned motor 475 1934 Ford Sedan, Delivery, like new 685 395 1832 V-8 Ford Coach, Fac re. motor About 35 other good buys to select from. See this Une-up with a guar antee that "counts" My guarantee Is as good as the best in the city. SINCE IAST JULY 1 ' .- NEW j YORK. May 11. --Investors jand 'traders pitched tn with energy and bid stocks np to new highs for the year on the New York stock exchange today. PRICES mm Business Directory t3ards in this directory rna oa a monthly basis only. Rntet ft .60 per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panetr. 376 South Commend I. BROOMS Brooms, 438 N. Church. TeL 6460! CORSETS Regtstered Spencer corsetlers. Phone 61(6. CHIMNEY SWEEP TeM1 we 4HS R R Northness. - CHIRAPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. N High TeL Res S76X. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSIJSR Electric. 841 State St fW Ofil TT3.(11I1. IS FLORISTS Bretthaupt's. 447 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Lut. Flor ist. 1376 N. Liberty. TeL 9693. flnral Realms, rat flowers. Mrs. Ben- rtett, 62 Court. TeL 304 or ens p. m. KEYS We make keys. Harry W. Scott. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEI DER LAUNDRY 243 a Hkth TeL 9125 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality end Service TVUphnne 165 l264 nroadwa- LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph 4S1S Han W tV-Ott. 11 " KJym MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made is I order, old remade; carpet cleaning, su ing; fluff rug weaving. S. 13th ft Wil bur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and ptano stud lea. ReDalring radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 433 Slate Street Slem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 141 N. Com- merclaL Tel. SB 87. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. Z lk tv commercial, icie- phone 0101. STOVES t renalr atovea. ranges, circulators. Sen new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, slock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 263 Chetneketa. TeL 4774. R. B. FVenlng. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131. Larmer Transfer Ce. Trucks to Portland aaiiy. CAPITAL C1TT Transfer Co. 121 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rate. Bamwysr'i Tracking Serv. TeL 3354. WELL DRILLING R A. Weet R. Tat tlOFS In terms of the Associated j Press average of 60 stocks the market closed at 41.8, a new high since July 19, 1934, compared with 41.5 on Friday. The hourly rate of trading was a trifle more brisk than yesterday. Turnorer totaled 634,660 shares for the two-hour session against 1,581.- 9CA en tt, ruillii. flwe-hnnr , y.--.-e, bcbbiuu. HI no-leaders In thn advance of tb- Industrials Am or Iran " . 1 , " , " can witn a .-point ku, uuruui, np 1, Eastman Kodak, up Z, Inland Steel, np 1, and Inter national Cement, which scored 1. As In recent sessions the pre ferred issues were m good ae- mend. Hatns of 1 to S noints were iin-i- . - i . -r, . t snares, auici iulu ruwci ec i&v, Barker Brothers, Bucyrus Erie, A. M. Byers, Electric Power ft Light, Goodyear and Revere Brass. American Crystal Sugar pre ferred Jumped 4 points to 111, while another fast pacer among the preferred group was New York Steam, which bounded S points to 95 Stocks and Bond May 11 stoc A-raaAozs (Compiled by The Associated Press) 80 ; 15 15 60 Indus. Ralls. UtiL Stocks Today 58.8 21.6 29.0 41.8 Pre v. day 58.0 21.S 38.8 41.5 Month ago 53.3 2LS 26.0 38.5 Year ego 49.8 80.5 S0.S 40.3 1835 higk 68.S 27.6 29.0 4LS 1S3S Iwe 49.5 18.5 21.8 84.8 1834 high 61.4 43.0 40.8 51.4 1934 low 45.S 22.8 24J. 84.9 Sew 1985 high. B01TO AVZBAQES 20 Balls Today 78,8 Prev. day T-5 Heath age 19.1 Year age 1955 kirk 87.S 193S lew T6.4 1984 klf k 69.4 1934 Ww 74.5 10 10 19 Indue. CciL Tot. 96.9 . C3.8 68.S 96.9 93.8 68.3 84.8 89.9 87.7 87.8 85.3 7.8 96.9 98.S 70.4 93.3 84.6 S5.S 93.9 88.8 70. 0 73.7 68.3 60J s si) Gin on CHICAGO, May ll-OSV-HeaTy deliveries on Chicago May wheat contracts led to sharp downturns of prices today In the wheat mar ket as a whole. Forecasts of a general rain In the wheat belt over the weekend added to bearish sentiment. Only transient bullish effects resulted from the Washington official monthly crop report showing a surprise reduction of the estimat ed domestic winter wheat yield. Wheat closed weak, -1 Vi un- der yesterday's finish, July - aown, Juiy 4. oats to 1 cents off. ana provisions unchanged to a rise of 5 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May 93 V4; July 9)3 Ti ll; Sept. 944-. Corn: May 87,: July 80- ; Sept 74. Oats: May 4; July 37-; Sept. 35. Good, Prices Up BOSTON, May 11.- tip) -(Tf. S Dept. Agr.) Trading in wool was very active in the Boston market during the past week, and prices I were decidedly firmer with some i sales or figures aoove me previ- ons week's level, prices were steady to firmer on strictly comb ing Ohio and similar fleeces at 26-27 cents in the grease for 64s and finer, at 27 for 58s, blood, at 26 for 56s, blood, and 23- 23 for 48s, blood. Fair sales were closed on the last two grades. Moderate to large sales were distributed over practically all grades of territory wools with prices generally firm er In some Instances slightly high er. STATTON, May 1 Dr. and Mrs. H. A, Beauchamp were called to Portland Thursday by the seri ous illness of their brother-in-law. B. F. Mulkey. Mr. Mulkey is well known throughout legal and poli tical circles of the state. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4. per cent milk, co-op pool price 81.88 per hundred. cm uk monthly bnttartat average) Distributor price $32.10. A grade butterfat Deliv ered, 26c; roate, 85c. A grade prints, 28 c; B grade, 27c Prices paid to growers by Salem buyers. (The prices below. SUDnljed br a local grocer, are indicative ef the daily market out are aot guaranteed by The States man.) FKTJITS (Baying Price) Grapefruit Florida 3.50 te 4.00 1.50 to 2.00 Arizona Oranges, Navel, fancy 8.75 to 4.50 3.S5 to S.00 3.75 te 8.50 .06 Luoiee Valencia Bananas, lb oa stalk ends .06 K Lemons, fancy 4.00 to 4.75 Choice 2.55 te 8.35 Limes, freak Apples, bushel 1.00 1.25 to 2.35 2.60 Strawberries. CalifH 34s Fresno, 30s 2.00 VEGETABLES (Baying Prices) Green onions, local, dosea .13 Onion sets. No. 1. lb. . .10 1 No. 2. lb. .06 Local onions, SO Dml, So. 1 8.25 i o. a. so ib. 3.50 Aapara ia. local, doa. 1.00 I Waaaiagtoa, lb. . .68 Rhubarb, local, lb. .01 H Artichoke, bos 2.50 to S.00 1.50 - .04 to .OS . i t .50 3.75 Cauliflower, Calif., lag Cabbage, Calif.. Ib. Carrots. Clif doxen Celery, Calif, crate Hearts, doien 1J0 Cucumbers, botbons. box 2.00 te S.3S Beet. tui aoxea . .so Beans, Calif , lb. .13 Endives, dotes .. .60 Green pepper. Ik, .20 Lettuce. Calif. 2.25 to 4.00 Dry pack 1.75 to 3.25 Potatoes Local, K. L ewt 1.7S Local. No. 2. ewt. 1.00 Yakima. No. 1. 60 lbs. 1.00 Takima. No. 3. 50 lbs. ... .85 Sweet , ' ... 2.35 New spud. Florida .06 K.w anuria P.lif Oft n Aa j peM, cUf lb. .03 to .05 I sP'aaea local, eraaga crate 1.00 Astute enw Squash, Calif, crate , L25 I Tomatoes 1 jjot house, 10 Iba. 1.SS 8.60 .65 .IS .30 as i ifasican. log I Tnralpa. doxen 1 R4-h ..,oe-L ioleB I Walasts, lb. .18 te .13 to I Filbert, lb. aura (Baying Pries) Clusters, 1934 lb, top ji ruggles. 1934, top Ib. EG as (Baying Price) Extraa .23 .21 standard I Mediums - wool ad atonal a I . I Baying rnct I Mohair, 1934 clip Medium wool, 1934 .12 J5 as Coarse and fine wool, 1934 PUULTtti " (Bering Price) Heary bans, 4 or over Colored mediums, lb. as a4 - Medium Legberas, is. as at .18 4)5 .04 as .14 Lira, lb. , Fryers, lb. 8Ura. Ib. , . - Roosters-- la. np I colored fry, lb. White Lerhorn frys lb. .13 te HEAT (Buying Priest Rorlne lambs, lb. , ,, . Lambs, ander 90 Iba. Over SO lbs. 5.O0 4.00 to S.00 Ewes, lb. .03 Hega. 140-170 Iba. 130-130 Iba. 170-210 lb, top . 210-250 lbs., top Sows , 8teers Cows 6.75 to 7.7S S.75 te a 75 , 8.75 8.00 to 8.50 6.50 to 7 50 ,6.00 te T.60 8.00 te S.OO 4.60 to 5.00 S.OO to 6.50 r 7.50 .09 Bells Heifers Vest top Dressed vest top Dressed bags .14 GRAIN AND BAT (Baying Frioo) Wheat, westers red .75 .75 -26.00 .81.08 Jt5.O0 J10.00 White, Ko. I Barley, feed. So. L tea Malting, tea Oata, I milling, tea reed, ton Ray. beytag ycicsa Cloves Say . 9.08 e.oe .12.00 . JS . as Oats sad vetch, to Aifsira. vaiiey -n, -Clover Seas v- Bed. lb. - ,- i .1 Alsiks. lb. n ii General Markets PEODUCE EXCHAHGE PORTLAND, Ore.. May 11. (AP) Produce Exeakag net prices: Batter: Extras. 28; standards, 25; prime first, 25; firsts. 24&c Kgrs: C 8. specials. 25c; U. S. extrtSi 24e; U. 8. .tedium extras, 23c Batterlst: 27c Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, May 11. (AP) Wheet Open Higk Lew Close Hay , . 83 83 81 81 July 81 81 80 80 Sept. 81 81 80 80 Cash: Big Bead blnesten. 03c: ssrk kard whiter, 13 per ceat, 97e; de, 11 per cent, 84Vtc: soft white, waiters' white, 80 Vie; kard winter. 80e; north ern prim, 81c; western red, 7?He. Oata. No. 2 white, $28. Corn. No. 3 E. Tel low, $43. Millrsa standard. $26. Today' car receipts: Wheat 25; flour, IS. 1 Ptirtland Produce PORTLAND, Ore, May 11. (AP) Prints. A grade. 28 V4 Is. ia parea Btent wrapper. 2tf V e ia eartoos; B grade, parc-meat wrappers. 27 He lb.; eartona. 38 e lb. Bstterfat Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twiee weekly, 37 lb.; country roatea, 2527e lb.; B grade, de-. liveries ' less thsa twice weekly, 26s lb.; 0 grade st market. B grade cream for bottling Bnyisg pries, batterfst ssC 55e lb. Eggs Sales to retailers: Speei-la. 27c; extra. 26c; tresh extras, brow 24c; standard. 23e; freak medium. 25c; me&am first. 22e aoira. gga Baying price of wholesalers: Freeh specials, 23e; extra. tSc; atend are s 21e; extra medinms 20c; awdiia firsts, lr; ander-grado 18c doien. Cheese 93 score. Oregon triplets, 14c; loaf, 15c Broker will pay H cent below quotations. Milk Contract price A Portland de li Tery, 82.20 cwt; B grade cream, 27H lb larplua basis. Country meats Selling price to re tailers : Country killed hogs, best butch ers, under 150 lbs., lb; Vealeri. No, 1, Utfe lb.; heavy, 7-9e lb.; cut--ter cows, 8-10c lb; ranners, 5-6e lb; holla 8-8 He lb; yearling lambs 1012c lb; spring, 14-15e lb; madinmi 12-12a lb: ewes, 4-6e lb. Mohair 1935 buying price. 15c lb. Caaeara bark Buying price, 193S peel, Sgc lb. Hops 193 4 clusters . 10-11 He lb. Lire poultry Portland delivery, buy ing price: Colored hers, over -54 lb. lo-19e lb.; ander Shi lbs- 17-lSe lb.; Leghorn fowls, over 3Vt lbs.. 15-lGe lb.; under 3 lbs., 1S-16C lb.; springs, 4 lbs. 1819c lb; tinder 5 lb., ld-lSc lb; lb.; white broilers, 14-1 jc lb.: roosters. 6c lb.; Pelt in ducks, young. 16-17c lb. Onions Oregon No. 1. Sd.OO cwt. New onions California. 1.50-1.65 per lag; Texas Bermudas. $3.65 per 50 lb. box. Cantaloupe ImperiaL $3.23 crate: standards. 67.25 crate. fi- .New onions Texas Bermuda, 3.75 per 50-lb bag. Potatoes Orefon Barbank, cental; Deschutes Gems. $1.90; $3.03- $1.90 Idaho Gems, $1.90. New potatoes Texas Triumphs, 34 -4 lb.; Hawaiian Early Rose, 3e lb. Wool 1935 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley, medium, 15c; coarse and braid. 13c lb; eastern Oreron. 12-15 lb; southern Idaho, 12 14c lb. Hay Baying price from producers: Alfalfa No. 1, new price. $1-1.50; east ern Oregon Timothy, 617; oats, 67-10 ton; Willamette valley timothy, $14 ton; eloTer, $7-10 too. Portland. Joe Cronin, new Boston Red Sox manager, was presented with a Boston terrier pup on opening day. Radio Program KQW PORTLAND 620 Ax. Sunday, May 12 8:00 Major Bowes, NBC. 8:30 Radio City Concert, NBC 8:0O---Orehestra. 6:00 The Gibson Family. 9:00 Hotel Biamarck orchestra. NBC. 10:15 Bridge to Dreamland. NBC. 11:00 Press Radio Kews. NtC. 11:05-12 Bal Tabarin orchestra, SBC. Monday, May 13 7 :00 Honeymoon ers, NBC 7:15 Tony Won, SBC. 7:30 Ronald Buck, pianist. 8:30 Word and Music, NBC. 9:30 Kdoa Mae Jacks, pianist. 10:30 Bex Battle Ensemble, BC. 10:45 Words end Music. 12:50 Abe Bercoviti, violinist 1:00 NBC program. 3 :00 Stwdio. S :1S Forhan'a. S:30 Jones Boys, NBC. 3:45 Orchestra. XBC. 4:00 Gould and Shelter. SBC. 4:30 Sam Gordon, Kibitxer. 4:45 Moria Siaters, NBC. 7:00 Amoi 'n' Audy, NBC 10:15 Cotton Club orchestra,- NBC. 10:55 Press Bedio Xews. NBC. 11 :00 Ambassador Hotel orchestra, NBC. 11:00 Ambassador Hotel orchestra. 1L30-1S Hotel Biltmore orchestra, aBC rOEI POSTLAKD 840 Xc. Snndsy, May 12 8 :00 Sunday concert. 8 : 4 5 International broadcast CBS. 10.-80 Poetry reading, CSS. 10:45 Eddie Zmnstadter, CBS. 13:00 St. Louis Blues, CBS. 2:00 National Amateur Xight, C2S. 2:45 Three Brown Bears, CBS. 8:80 Roadways to Romaaee, CBS. 6:00 Victor Kolar's Symphony erehce tra. 6:45 Congressional Opinion, CBS. 7:00 Minute Melodies, CBS. 7:05 Chicsa and orchestra. CB3. 8:30 Bine II orison, CBS. 9:00 Floyd Towa orchestra, DLB8. ... 9 :30 Leon F. Drews, organ. 0 :45 Nikola Zaa. 10:00 Doa Best or 'a Orchestra, DLBS. 10:15 Reed College. 10:30 Orville Knapp's orchestra, DLBS. Monday. May IS 8 :4S Country Church of Hollywood. . 9:45 Savitt'a orchestra. CBS. 10:80 Salon Mosicale. CBS. 10:45 Address by Kiag George, CBS. 12 :00 Rndyard Kipling. CBS. . 12:80 Chicago Varieties, CBS. 1:00 Book ef Life. 1 :45 Between the Book Ends, CBS. 8 :00 Feminine Faaciee. DLBS. 4:45 University ef the Air, CBS. 5:80 Brick Holten and Dick Aarandt, 5:46 Melodies Organiatie. CBS. 0 :oo Portland Ad Club Glee club. 9:30 Leon F. Drews, ergaa. 10:00 Ray Hot-beck's erekeatre, DUBS. 11:00 Lea Hite's orchestra, DLB8. 11:30 Golden Vekes. XO AO COK V AIXIS 858 SCe. Men-ay, May 18 10:00 Maude Pratt Lewis, tdramatse "! reader. 11:15 Science Stories. 12:00 Noom Farm Hour. 1-15 KOAC Scbeol ef the Air. " -3:15 Oregoa CUiea: Thea end new. 8:00 Homemakers' Ball Hear. 5:00 Composer ia Cameo Guis- eppe Vera". , g)0 Dr. M. N. Nelson, be ri tee a. 8:30 Eveaiag Farm Hour, . . T:30 4-H Club Program. CASH BUYERS Cream - Eggs - Poultry MARION CREAMERY-. & POULTRY CO. 515 18. CWl Pbone6S83