.a - -j-wm jt-ya) s4 The OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 21, 1935 PAGE ELEVEN ' ,.,,,as..,,i.ni,,,. . , - fc . . - - - . . - - ,--. - " - - -r- . - - . - . ; v;. -- j Euay a Used Car, ibwl Oioose: me Erom cl omi TEis Page : -,j Statesman Classified Ads Call Q1C1 Classified AdvcTtlsfof StasI. Insertion per line . . 10c Tore Insertion per line .20e Six, Imerttins per line ...SOe On month per line ,...u Minimum charge ........ tit Copy for this paxe accepted until 6:30 tbe erentng before publication for' ctassificattnit, Copy received after this tltae will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. Tbe Statesman amanes no financial reanowlHllty for er rors which may appear In ad vertisements published In Its columns, and In rases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an wdee tiseutent In which tbe typo graphical mistake ecrars. The Statesman resenres the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserres the right to classify all aavcr tising under the proper classi' '(ration. HELP WANTED WANTED Christian man and wife -will give home ana some pay. . lZtn. HELP WANTED FEMALE FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 mm turn. apt. TeL 8840. IS lea 1st floor apt, 432 Marion. 3 m turn, -apt, clean Adults only; 846 Ferry. and Mod. 2 R. apt. Adults, 642 Union. Fine, close in. steam heated 4-room I apartment with . frlglc ir and every modern convenience. Phone 1490. Intereitinc Facts 2 rail, clean, cton tn. Tel. 5325. FOR SALE USED CARS FOR SALE USED CARS FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars Buy Now USED CARS Priced Right Business Directory 2 R. apt Sleep. R. 219 Court. Furn. apt, 191 S. Church. S R. and S R. apt.. Com'L A Mar ion St a. TeL 8884 or 4823. 1 room turn, apt, May-tar. ft. 00 up. 24 H N. CapltoL Attractive 1 rm. apt 1580 Center. 2, 3 or 4 unfurn. iipbt houaekoeplraj roama. Clone In. Tel. 3283. 2 room apt TeL 854, Glendora. Strictly mod. C R. apt unfurn.. May 1st TeL 6559. Newly decorated and furnished mod ern apt near CapltoL TeL 8754. FOR RENT HOUSES Houa -Forkner 153 N. CapltoL Today is Easter Sunday. If It rains today that will "be fire Srra- haaya In a tow. 0 New terrttoryt partly bare and partly covered with Ice, has been discovered la the Antarctic by a Norwegian ship captain. , O There are about 15 grams of heavy water in the body of an ave rage- lied man, says Dr. Harold C. Urey, discoverer of the sub stance. O : Fossil bones of a 35,000,000-1 year-old opossum found In Colo rado by a Smithsonian scientist so nearly resemble those of an opos sum living in Braill today that the two would be indistinguishable i except to an expert. 21 Ford Coupe, license, runs Star Roadster, license, runs 27 Buick Coach 38 Ford Coup - ' . 21 Ford Panel , 31 Ford Coop , i 31 Cher. Coach ,, 31 Chev. Bport Coup , 33 Cher. Coop , 32 Plymouth Sedan 33 Chev. Standard Coach 33 Chev. Master Coach 31 Graham Sedan 34 Chev. Master Coach -I . 35 14S - 2(5 . 285 285 3T5 - 345 435 "485 - 475 485 845 85.0 1934 Dodge Brougham radio heater (-wheels 1934 Plymouth Coupe Special 1934 Ford DeLuxe Coach run 10,000 miles 1932 Ford Coupe .new paint 1931 Bulck Sedan first class- shape 1931 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan air wheels 1930 Chevrolet Coupe ew paint y 1930 Essex Coach , 1930 HupmoblLe Sedan S-wfrceis : 1928 Dodge Victory Sedan , 1929 Dodge D. A. Sedan 1928 Studebaker 7-pasaenger Sedan President 193 Durant Coach - ,. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1924 Oldamoblle Coach - -1939 Chevrolet Coupe -S9a.0 .595.00 . M5.00 205.00 495.00 . 349.00 - 285.00 325.00 325.00 250.00 3o.oe 175.00 KS.OO 95.00 - 10.00 195.00 Cards la this' directory run on a monthly bails-only, ilatet per line per nwnUi. AUTO BRAKES iMfke fao-h 171 Momn OMiiiiwitlirt. BROOMS Brooms, 4!8 N. Church. TeL 4440. Special VOTES GIVEN ON ALL. PURCHASES. NEW AND USED TRADE AND WIN CONTEST" Bonesteele Brothers, Inc. ' 291 Chemeketa Phone 4444 CORSETS Regiaterad I SB. Spencer corsetlere. Phone CHIMNEY SWEEP Quality Used Cars 35 Plymouth Coups. 4500 mile a Looks and runs like new. New car guarantee. Price $495 ; 3235 down, bal- J 1S4 Plymouth DeTjuxe Buaineaa Coupe, low mileage, new car guarantee l9 f0 CH1RAPRACTORS ance 18 mo. Address envelopes at borne, spare timer 85 to 115 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Dignified work. hend stamp for particulars. HAWKINS, .Dept. 310, Box 75, Hammond, Ind. atXi'jf-JWXji-ruL ijxrxLrjwu-ju-Tiirii'"i ADDRESS envelopea for advertisers. Earn $15 weekly. Experience unneces sary. Stamp brings details. Hercules System, Box "287, Detroit, Mich. Want five good looking ' ladies to sell' tickets for local Princes of Peace ball. Apply at KSLM radio station, over Eoff Electric store. SALESMEN WANTED -MAN WANTED for Rawleigh route. Real opportunity for right man. We l:elp you get started. Write Rawlelgrh Co, Dept ORD-1ST-0, Oakland, Calif. Good 4-rtn. plastered house, semi- modern. ! lots and garage for rent $15. J. Lincoln Ellis, R. F. D. 3, Box 95. Houses. Grant 531 Court TeL 6584. j - " -i-i 1 -a-,-,-,- frffiTi'VfWMVlAAnn 4 R. mod. house. TeL 7554. 5 R. unf. mod. house, $15.00. 23S2 State. Tel. 85:3 or 8191. Furn. houwa Melvin Johnson. Trucks 1031 Ponttar 4-Door Sedan, new rubber, motor reconditioned 1930 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, new paint excellent condition 1929 Dodge victory 0 Sedan, new. motor, guaranteed 1929 Ford Sport Roadster, motor reconditioned 1928 Ford Touring 1927 Overland Touring , 1928 Ford Coupe A-l condition 375.00 285.00 310.00 150.00 95.00 23.00 50.00 DR. O I&4 N U SCHTT. PSC, ChtropracUM Hlch Tel tt-s. 8752. DRAIN BOARDS Tile drain board. TeL 7044. FOR RENT SITUATIONS WANTED Dressmaking exp copy pictures $2.25 a day in yonr home phone 7984. Experienced young man wants work tn lierry or hop ranch. Reliable. Not a transient. Tel. 3723, Man. and Tuesday. WANTED Children under school 6ge te board and room or care for during day or evenings. Inquire 9S1 N. Cottage- FOR SALE Miscellaneous Peach Trees SPEC! At -All kinds of fruit and nt-treaf Frultland Nursery sales yard. 240 Canter St A. J. Mathla. prop. TeL 950 Farming veninga. FOR SALE Implements. Call (3F15, Ealed hay. TeL 67F2. Rent Good farm house, orchard and small acreage. Call 63F15 sva- nlnRS. Furn. 2 R. apt.. 1st floor, private bath. hum. garage bouse, z-61 HaieL leL .664. Hospital beds and wheelctalrs to rent. H. L Stiff Furniture Coj ; Concrete building 40x80 ' coacrete floor. 2330 S. Coni'l. Inquire above or Tel. K671. WANTED TO RENT - - -i-i" ''-.i(-iiwinro"LruLr Middle a&ed gentleman In good IieaHh recuperating from insomnia wanta room with congenial private family, preferably with meals. No ob jection to suburban location. Write fully to Bex 437, rare Statesman. OU SALE REAL ESTATE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of a good suburban home 1 mile out on paved road, 5 room, comfortable house, electric lights, 2 wells, water system, plumbing. 3 "4 acres land. An attractive buy for $2500, cash. $300, or will accept Dallas home as part CHILUS & MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone -47 OS. FOR SALEFARMS STOCK RANCH BARGAINS 40-acres 18 miles out, old bldga, 12 A. good timber. $1200 $800 down. $4500.00 buys a good 303-A. stock ranch. Fair btdgs. 85-A. in crop, good timber and pasture. $2000. down, baL easy. $.000 buys 460 acres. Fair bldga. S0-A. cult, some good bottom land. Plenty of water. $4000 down, baL school loan. $9000 buys 275 acres; good bldga 50-A. in crop, some berries, good tim ber, running water, team, sheep, goats, turkeys, cows & all implements. These are a few of our good buys. We also have some smaller places that are priced very low. Remember if you want to buy or sell it pays to SEE JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 a High Street Phone 9629 These farms are good buys, real es- I tate is moving ; now la the time to buy. B6 A. 14 miles Salem, $5500.00, trade or terms. 30 A. 14 ml. Salem, $3000.00; pos session now, terms. 4 7 A. 12 ml. Salem, river bottom soil. some hops, $5500.00: terms or trade. 8 Vi A. modern house, 5 A. cherries. 2 mi. Salem, trade or terms. Want houses in town lor sale er trade. IL C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Phone 290: THIS MAT BE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 18 acres with fine year around stream, about 4 miles from Salem, small 4 room home, large chicken house, spring water, 8 acres timber, balance cleared. Only $2509 with easy terms. SOCOLOFSKT SON First National Bank Bldg. Do you need a truck? We have both long and short W. B. Dual and single Urea. Priced from $75 to $435. Fords Chev. Reo G. M. C Fageol More- land In terna t ionaL Terms . Open Sunday and Evenings W. L. Anderson, Inc. Trades ELECTRICAL SERVICE 360 Marlon DeSoto-Plymouth Phone 7703 Salem UOSLEK Electric. 344 Stat St. mg. motors, appliance, repairs, st Wlr rvlce TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center - . - 430 N. Com'l. Phone 3189 State Motors, Inc. Offers Today and Sunday 1931 Studebaker Regal Sedan DeLuxe. Original finish, 6 wire wheels. Looks and runs perfect $495. 1933 Terraplane Coach, original fin ish, low mileage, the only one for sale In town $495. 1930 Studfc paint, $35. Dictator, light new tires, run 8. New 23,000 Used Cars 1930 1933 1927 Dodge wheels Sedan with six ..$295.0O Ford V-8 DlckuD 395.00 Bulck Sedan 75.00 Trucks 1929 Dodge with body holBt .. 395.00 1929 Reo Gold Crown motor. 2-ton - 585.00 1928 Dodge one-ton with body 100.00 1929 Morland 2-ton L. W. B. 25.00 1928 Ford Pickup - 145.00 Ford one-ton with body 85.00 1 yard body & hoist 75.00 James H. Maden Co. 233 S. Commercial St Phone 8590. 1931 Willys-Knight DeLuxe Sedan In wonderful condition $325. See the most complete stock of good Used Cars in Salem from $25 up at State Motors, Inc. DEALERS FOR 1927 Olds Coupe, 95 rubber, $73. or trade. Tel. 44F13. DROUGHT'S SPREAD LIFTS CRM PRICE For quality electrical appliances. Mas da lamps, lighting fixtures, wiring de vices and materials, electrical servicing and wiring, call E. L Welch. 1201 S i CommerriaOPhone 6512 or 3332. FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, 447 Court ALL kinds of flora! work. I.uta. Klor 1st. 1274 N. Liberty. TeL 9592. Floral designs, cut flowers, Mrs. Ben nett. 529 Court, TeL 3044 or S173 p. m Hudson Terraplane -Motor Cars Packard 625 Chemeketa St Phone 8100. DISTANT OWNER SAYS SELL AT LOSS TO HIM 10 nice acres 2 miles out on good road, some berries, few choice fruit and nut trees, well, electric" lights. Buildings need some repair. Property vacant. Buy It today and move In. Price was $1500. Will accept $2850 for few days only, port terms. Dis count for cash. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 311 State Street Phone (708. 54 acres near Salem, stocked and equipped, 3 -room neat house, electric ity, barn and chicken house, 1 A. lo- gans. 2 A. strawberries, priced right D- Eo.4-4..- Itti.mre at $1600. Will take good car or house DUI I ttw a dus less value in town. 37 acres, stocked and equipped, fine buildings, good bottom Soil, creek, $6500. WINNIE PETTi JOHN 519 Court Street Salem, Oregon 33 ACRE BARGAIN Sedan 1931 Hup Sedan 1931 Ford Tudor 1930 Ford Coupe 1929 Pontlac Coupe 1929 Dodge D. A. Coupe 1928 Ford Sport Coupe ,..$365 315 273 245 245 . 145 Baled hay and straw. TeL 67F3. Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce and Ber muda onion plants. Brelthaupt's, 211 II Miller. Well rotted fertilizer, sack. TeL 5278. by yard or Rinin specials $ 64.50 6-tube Remler, used $14.50 liS.OO R. C. A. Radiola, used 17.50 6t.50 Ecaphene Midget, used - 14.60 124 00 Freed Console, used 19.50 69.50 6-tube Crosley, used 12.50 104.00 9-tube Zenith, used 49.50 80.00 7-tube Zenith, used 39.S0 315.00 Stromberg-Carlson, new 99.50 Terms on any of above, $5.00 down, $1.00 weekly. GEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE. Closing out all fruit and nut tree, evergreen shrubbery, and rose bush es. Arthur Plants Flower & fcnruo bery MkC. 150 S. Com"L . Easter lilies, cut flowers and potted plants, Jay Morris, florist Phone 8637. FOR SALE 6 room house, large lot. on paved street. One block to school. $150.00 cash. See owner, 1396 Fir St. after 5 p. m. Located in the Waldo Hills, all plow land, good dairy barn, old house, won der view, good drilled welL Price- only 3260. Terms. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6168. Strictly mod. nier. near '"E." 6 R. house, N. Sum- $4800.00. Tel. 6787. NICE COURT STREET HOME 3 nice bedrooms, lrg. living room. basement, furnace. Beautiful large lot with flowers and shrubbery. New garage. A special for only $3650.00. You can't gn wrong on the place. SEE Jas. I. Sears or U. W. Johnson 132 S. High St. Phone 9629. ACREAGE All of the above cars are thoroughly I reconditioned and carry our regular i 30 DAY GUARANTEE. We also have 25 others to choose from. TERMS AND TRADES Borrego's Car Market SALE OF USED CARS Today's Specials 33 V-8 COACH $4 S3 new tires, others good. Fine me chanical condition. Color dark green. Must see to appreciate. CHICAGO. April 20.-P)-East- ward spread of drought In Uni ted States winter wheat territory, together with a sharp rise of se curities, did much to hoist grain values today. Corn Jumped to above all high price records that May contracts have attained since last Decem ber, and to within a cent of the season's topmost level. Increased fears were expressed by traders that a price squeeze In May corn was threatened owing to scarc ity of available supplies. Wheat closed firm, 1K-Ic higher than Thursday's finish, May, $1.01-. corn up. May 91-c, oats c to lc advanced, and provisions showing 5c to 20c gain. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May $1.01-4, July U.00-1.01, September $1.01 1.01. Corn: May 9y-c, July 84-85c, September 79 c. .Oats: May 50 c, July 43 C, September 40TsC. Salem Markets Grado B raw 4 per cent miUt co-op pool Price f 1JSS pertudred. t " (WXk base a seal-auatsly tsttaxiat avarafa) Distributor price f2.1Q. A crade bulterfat tieltr ered, 27c; route, 26c JL srade prists, 20Jtc; B trade, 20c Priees paid "te Vy 8lm fcayart. (Ts pant sclow, aapptMd hy-.laeal grocer. r islieatir f tbe daily SMJrket bat are- at gaazasteed by Tbe Statesman.) rxwrrs fBayiag Price) Grapefruit Florida - 8.50 te 4.00 Arizoaa l.(0 te 3.4K Oranges. K'aveL (aary 3.T5 to 3J5 Choice .3.40 te Z.B!i Baa nil, lb , OB stalk t 4 Uaads JBSlfc 4.09 tm 2.U a .23 1.00 Lwm. fancy Ckeice Lhasa, freah - Apples, bashel 1.00 t "1.SS Strawberries, Uniiitu, erat 4.00 VEGETABLES (Baying Prices) Green eatona, ' local, dosea .15 Onioa sets. No. 1, lb. . -10 No. 2. lb. JO Lacs! oniona. 50 lb.. So. t 8 25 Ka. 2. SO lbs. . 2.50 Aipararaa. Calif., lb. .OS te .09 Eltabarb, ioeal, lb. -Oi Artichokes, boa 2.50 te 3.0 Caaliflower. CaUf lur 1.13 Cabbajce. CaUt. lb. .0 t .08 Carrot. Calit. doxea J2S to Celery. Calif, 4 crate Hearts, dozen .,.. Beets, Calif., doiea , Beans. Calif., Ib. Endives, dozen lbs. lbs. FURS Remodeling. 12(5 S. ConVL Green peppers, lb. Lettuce, Calit Dry park Potatoes Local. No. 1. wt Lornl. No. 2, c"t. Yakima, No. 1, 50 Yakimi. No. 2. 50 Sweet New spue. Florida Peas. Calif, lb. Spinach, local, orange crate Lettuce crate Squash, Calif., crate Tomatoes Hot honse. 10 lbs. Mexican, lus Turnip, dozen . Radishes, local, dozen Walnut. Ib. Filbert!, lb. .50 S.25 1.50 J5 .12 .60 .20 2.25 to 3.25 1.75 to 25 KEYS We make fceyn. Harry W Scott. LAUNDRIES THE NEW 8A1.KM LAUNDRT THE WEIDCR LAUNDRY Itl a High. Tal 12fi FOR SALE Here Is a modern home on Center street with a living room, dining room, and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and bath. Price I35&O.O0. Good terms. Look at 3S5 Columbia street, 4 rooms and nook, modern, garage. u:.o.oo. .... P. IL BELL. Oregon Bldg. Pbona 8121 CLOSE IN ACREAGE 5!4 acres on paved road, close to city limits, city schools, electric lights. gas, telephone, mail route, in front- of property, no buildings. Price 1-1500, cash $150., baL monthly and low rate of Interest. 2 acres not far out, ready for plani ng. Price JiaO. cash 10, bal. little each month, low Interest. BUY NOW and build your little home. We have many other choice tracts from acre to S acres, well located and close In, beat of terms. CHILDS ft MILLEK, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. 240 X. Liberty St. Phone 3688. 29 Ford Coach$l 15 Milk goat for sale. Fresh. ll'O S. S5th St. Beautiful view acre with 6' R. mod ern house, for acreage close In. , C. J. JACKSON, 341 State Street Just received 35 ice boxes as good aa new to ate II at bargain while tbey last. Don't Bin tbfa. ' Oregon Hdwe. and Furniture Co., 285 Chemeketa St. Hand cultivator for sale or trade for -wheel rrow. 145 Bellvue. Tawing berry plants. Also Marshall and strawberry. A. T. Van Cleave Tt Son, R. ?. Bs. 428. Salem. Have ' discontinued use of horse drawn wagona for handling fuel round mlU. Have about 5 of these wagons for sale. Union Fuel Co., 3201 2. W. Front -Ave Portland, Ore. MAXTJFACnTRERS PAINT SALE KALSOMINE ANY COLOR 5c ,1b. SOME COLORS 4c: 50 lbs. or more 3c. Kg (T hell Enamel in some colors $2.00 sraL in any slsa cans. Regular stock CSc quart. Silver brand outside house paint $L15 gaL Pure white lead 310 per cwt. Unseeed oil 8Sc gal., cans extra. Our whole stock on sale. We guarantee Beo paint to be tbe equal of any Mint at any price and It's made In Salem. Building Supply Com- yany, 17s N. Front Phone till. TRADE Miscellaneous Piano : take cow on deaL Mudd, 265 N. com'!. . MISCELLANEOUS - Free Wo pick op dead and worth- loos borates, cow a. sheep. TeL sss. : Saw repairing. SaVern Saw Shop Four Comers. Pen Road. TeL 4180. Haircuts tSc-zOe ass Winter. 1 WORK FOR "UNCUS 8AM". Start 1O5.(0-U?I.O month. Men women, 18-50. Early Salem examinations ex pected. Qualify now. Full particulars list Jobs, fkee. write immediate ly. Franklin Institute. Dept 374 A, Ro- : Chester, N. T. FOR RENT ROOMS F. Desirable sleeping rooms. Reason able. Not far out Garage It desired. TeL 5977. Pleasant sleeping room, 1 block K, bf state house. TeL 5530. i ft tna, lt41 Chemeketa. Tel. 8H), V ROOM AND BOARD ; Board, room, very clos tn. TeL 5482. t Board, rm, 869 Chemeketa, TeL 8394, i Large , attractive room with twin - betia. also single rooms for men. With . board. 333 N. Church St TeL 4375. Working women, $4 wk. Tel. 7318. FIVE BLOCKS FROM STATE OFFICE BUILDING Good 5 rm. home with bth and nook, basement, furnace, east front lot lis feet deep, bearing fruit, gar age. 20OO. 80COLOFSKT ft SON First Nat'L Bank Bldg. 5 A tract 2 miles N. E. of Salem in the Hollywood tracts, 4 rm. house and harn. Price $1800. Terms. KRUE- OER, 147 N. Com! Beautiful 7 room home, hardwood floors, mahoaarrr finish, corner lot Sprinkling system, ifZaO, lo cen ter. Open house Sunday p. tn. SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS $1100. Will buy this late built 4 room home with z bedrooms, plas tered, basement, furnace, gar- aa-e. east front located In new addition. $250. down, balance easy terms. 81730. Late built tnodsrn S room home. with oak floors, fireplace, full cement baaemeot furnace- gar- aaw. near school, tn arood cc dition. $175. down. baL $17.50 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. ti0. This modern 5 room home, lo cated on corner lot, good loca tion ob N. Summer St, ba ment, furnace, fireplace, oak floors. MUST BE ALL CASH. $3100. This modern late built 5 room modem home located on r air mount Hill. cor. lot oak floors. fireplace, full cement basement furnace, garage, $1000. down, baL term a $3600. Modern Eng. style home, large corner lot, oast front norm ba- lem. easy terms. $6300. Modern 8 room home located on court St, automatic oil neat fireplace, all nice lanr rooz extra lot A REAL BUT and Immediate possession. SEE US FOR BARGAINS "W. IL GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 8448 EXCHANGE Real Estate -Portland residential lots, for Salem lots, house equity or acreage. 1518 N. Fifth. FOR SALE FARMS 44. ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM Improved, with a 6 room plastered house, barn, garage and chicken House. This Is all first river bottom, and can be bought at the low pries of $3200.00, on very easy terms. WILLAMETTE LAND COMPANY 423 COURT STREET, - SALEM FOR SALE 15 A no house. 5 A. eherrlesi S A. walnuts tn bearing. Rest timber. S mi. from Salera on Dallas highway. Route 3. Box 470, Salem. - FARMS Rent sale trade. Oregon Land Co Pac hy. Wood burn, Oregon. ONE ACRE TRACT Located close in, good soil, all cul tivated, a nice place to build. Price $650. $25. down, baL $10. per mo. SEE, W. H- GRABENHORST & CO. 134 Sou 11 oerty otreet 137 A. 13 miles, 35 cult 1000 cords wood, fair bntldinars. lots of stock, wi tsr. f 30 wr aero including a Loo It and machinery. .81000. down or trade fori small acreage. C. J. JACKSON, 211 State Street Salem Auto Co. 435 N. Com'L Phone 4673. Used Cars 33piymouth Coupe 34 Plymouth Coupe 33 Plymouth Delivery Sedan 29 Buick Coupe 33 Continental Sedan 31 Chevrolet Coupe 29 Plymouth Sedan 28 Whippet Coach 28 Durant Coupe 27 Essex Coach 27 Oldamobile Sedan MONEY TO LOAN In debt? Investigate our pooled ac count Dlan. Pay debts by Installments. Not a loan. We act as trustee. Phone '7821 "for appointment or call at Rm. , l M A1 A Buah Bank BIrtg. Motor good running condition, needs some mechanical work and paint oth- erwisev Chance to make some money on this1 buy. Valley Motor Co. Two Lots Center St - - - Marlon St Phone 3158 Phone 7910 Open Evenings and Sunday CAPITAL ClTT LAUNDRT First In Quality and Servlco rtTitwm tlSS I8S4 rtnwnrlwav LAWN 5I0YVERS Sharpened, repaired "and traded. Ph. 451 Harry W' scott MT'-s nm i MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDlNU UO Phono 400 German Program At Y. Is Heard By Large Crowd With the customary capacity crowd the fifth of the "national" proRrams was given in the lobby of the Y. M. C. A. Friday night. The program which was entire ly in German, both songs and j speeches, was of great interest to the crowd. The sixth program will be spon sored and given by Norwegians and will be given in the native language. The date is tentative but will likely be given on May 3. SALEM FLUFF-ROG ' and Uattraaa Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad M order, old remadaj carpet cleaning, siz ing: fluff rug weaving. 8. isth wu bur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est 1911 MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and ptano stud ies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machine. 433 State StreeL Salem NATUROPATHS Dr. Putnam Hall, Tel. 06. 611 S. Commercial. .18 to .13 to Buns UuyHi Prtcok Cluster. 1934 lb., top FBCfc-lea. 1934. top U Y-OUS I Bar lag trtco) 1.75 .75 1.00 .85 a.io .08 .08 ',4 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.85 3..V) .65 .15 .15 .11 .2i Extras .... Standards Medium WOOL A5U MUM in tifaiyiag Pnes) Mohair. 1934 clip , , . Medium wool. 1934 Coarao and fine wooL 1934 - It vtrt Priea) Heavy hens, 4 or over Colored mediums, lb. . Uedium ieiiurus, -ib. . Light lb. Springers, lb. Krjrer. lb. Stars, lb. . Uoostera. Ib. .20 .19 .17 .10 J5 .13 J4 .18 .1 .11 .16 .18 .05 .04 .00 .00 HEAT t Birring Pries) Spring lambs, lb A Ijinln under 90 lbs. Over 90 lb. 4.00 to 5.00 Ewea. Ib - - Hoe. 140 170 lbs. 7.00 ta fl.00 O.IHI I" 8.00 1 i in. 170 210 Iba top 210 250 lbs.. Sows Steers Cow Bulls Heifers Veal top Dresei veal. Dressed bog toy top S.'5 to -. 6.00 to 7.00 . 6.f0 to 7.50 8.00 to 5.00 4.00 to 5.00 4.00 to 6.00 6.50 to 8.00 .11 .14 GRAIN AND UA IBuytna Prica) Wheat, western red .... White, No. 1 Barter, feed. ho. 1. ton Malting, ton Oats, milling, toa Feed, toa .79 .80 26.0O .31.00 25.00 20.00 PAINTING For good work call 58S0, Ryan. PHOTO ENGRAVERS tlaj. tmjini prices Clover hay Oats and vetch, ton . Alfstfa valley . Oliver Bead- Red, lb. Alsike. lb. icneralMarkcts Salem, phots engraving. merrial. TeL 61 8T. 147 N. Cotn- PR1NT1NG Special 1934 MASTER CHEVROLET COACH 585.C0 USED CAR MARKET 35C N. Liberty WANTED REAI, ESTATE LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Farm man. from owner. Br. 438, States- Want Salem property; would Ilka to give Ford V-8 as part payment 1414 N. Fifth. L Business Opportunities FOR SALE Service station on Pa cific highway. Money maker. IV acre land in bearing fruit Good modern 4 room home. Quick sale. $3500. Sea Mr. Lindgren. HAWKINS ROBERTS, INK BE TOUR OWN BOSS Get unbeatable values from aew I weatrrn branch rat eastern firm : Rasor blades, blue steel, 100 J 45 7 -Cake Assortment, Box 11c White Shoo Polish, 4 OS. Bottle IttC Face Powder Perfume Set . 4 He Blades ; Rub. Gds. ; Notions ; Cosmetics 1098 Great Values Free Catalog UNTVERSAL. MERCHANDISE CO, 474 Mission t. San Francrsco BABT cMckav baby polleta. baby aockerela. Custom batching, custom aezlng. Ph. 138FX Lea's Hatchery. Baby cockerels only $2 per hun dred. TeL 1 13 Ft. Lee's Hatchery. For sale, saddle horse, weight 1000, II Tears old. Also Jersey bull, .11 ! montha. Eligible for registration. Mrs. SI oat Donald. Sal, 10 wk old R. L Red pullets, 55c ea. John Tolmsow, 1 mL south of IndeTc-n denes. - FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT wood coaL TL 8000. Saltm Fuel Co. Trad 41 Cottagat. MONEY -TO LOAN 5T Farm Loans H Plenty at money for -wall Unurufsq farms If aretbr aecnroO. lauteova or bay -now wttlr champ money. Ask for Doouet -wuiantu vauey rmrms, Hawktns -and Roberta, the. A COMPLETE SERVTCK ON LOANS UP TO fSOO Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. Room U9, New BUgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED Na S-122 M IIS by 518 State St TeL 87 40 Loans Mad ta Nearby Towns Dry wood. TeL 1254. Guaranteed dry wood. TeL "860, Dry wood. 14 In., $4.00. Dial 4084. aXlrxrruU,Tl i ij i rl l" i l" " i IS In. old fir, $5. TeL 1785. TTr. oak, maple. TeL 137 FX. Dry wood 11 ktods. Phone 8488. J 2nd growth 4 ft fir, 33.00 per cord, come and get It P. Bankaton, Star Rt, SUvarton. irLnri.nj-iori-"ii-rtfM-i-nr'i-i- i- - - - Dry old fir and 2nd growth, $5.50. Half dry. 85.80. TeL 6938. 1887 N. Front ' , WOOD SAWING Wood aawlnr reaaonable. Call 8390. Valley Motor Co. ARE STILL CONTTNUING- THEIR SALE AND YOU J8TILX, HAVE THE LARGEST 8TOCX IN TOWN TO CHOOSE FROM SEDANS 3 38 V-8'a 4 33 V-8'a DeLuxe and regulars 8 33 Master Chevrolets 1 29 Chevrolet 1 39 Ford 1 29 Bulck 1 29 Studebaker . ' 12$ Nash Coupe 1 24 V-8' De-Lux Coupes Model A Coupe 2 Model A Bport Coupes l -Model A Standard Courea I 33 V-S's DeLuxs and rag. Coupes 5 22 V-rs DeLuxe and reg. Coupes 1 -38 Plymouth Sport Coupe COACHES 134 V-8 DeLuxe Coach 8 38 V-8" a DeLuxe and regular 146 Model A Coach 1 1 Whippet 4 Coach 1 38 Whippet 4 Coach ROADSTERS 1 21 Model A Sport Roadster TWO LOTS Marion A Liberty and Center Street Onn Emilim V Sundara TeL 7910 .TeL 3158. Art's Used Car Market 2(1 N. Church St 1934 V-8 Sedan Delivery 1832 V-8 Coach 1982 V-8 Coach 1931 Buick Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Pontlac Sedan 1930 Chrysler 68 Sedan 1930 Ford Tudor 1930 Ford Roadster' TeL 8449. $585.80 485.00 345.M 895.00 840.00 325.00 350.00 285.00 250.00 LOST AND FOUND aeialaesaaHassa Automobile and Chattel Leans to 28 montha to repay at lowest dos- slblo rates i GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local eomo ration 1st NatT. Bank Bldg. Phono 8582 i Licensed by State AUTO LOANS CARS REFINANCED Easy Terms Investigate WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. M-159 505 Guardian Bids. Salem iist Rlna needlenoint nurse. Con tains money, driver's license. Reward. 440 Mission. TeL 40s4. saaSa1aaSa11SasSJsa LOST Black keytainer with keys. Finder please pfrrmo 8720. Reward. PERSONAL l929.Packard Snort Cabriolet - 475.00 1929 Auburn Sedan 325.00 1931 Chev. Truck, only 20.080 miles .. 295.00 1928 Falcon-Knight overhauled 150.00 1927 Cher. Sedan, over uied - i.ev 1928 Chev. Coup 145.00 1928 Ford Coach 185.00 Also some cheaper cars at rignt nrlrx Mv care are SOLD under guarantee tnac -uounia. n ay uj triDa wnen vott can out reiiaoia, re built cars ar about same price. OPEN SUNDAYS A EVENINGS. Partner wanted, (for 99 yrs.) Ad ddress Slim, Box 383, Salem, Oregon. yairaPi-i n s ri MsTafi sn niaiiJr" " " i INDIAN AND LINCOLN HEAD i PENNIES wanted. WU1 pay ap to. $2 eih if over 1 0 veara old. Certain Den- I nies worth $53. Latest listing 10c AM ERICAN COIN CO., Box 319. urana Rapids, Mich. 1927 Ford Coach, good condition. newly painted, rubber O. K new rings. wire wheels. ss casn. tu ix Arsuu, 711 Academy St, Dallas, Oregon. . . YR. EX CHANG E Win ' exchange 1938 Bulck aedan for real estate. SEE ' - - W. H. GRABENHORST Ca 134 8. Liberty Street . PRODUCE EXCBAHNGB PORTLAND. Ore., April 20. (AP) Produce Exchange net prices: Butter: extras, 27c: standards. Z6K: prims firsts. 28H: firsts. 26 He. ens: L- . specials, 23e; U. a. utru, Botterfat: 28c. FOR STATIONER T. cards, peu npb- lleta, programs, books or any kind of prutung, cau ins statesman Printing Department. 215 8. Commercial. Tela phwjfl! m STOVES OEEOON MTJT rXJCXS POttTLAM), Or... Aoril 80. (AP Nuts: Walnut Oregon, to jobboxa, F. O. B. delivsry points: Narpse rsds, rraaqaettes, large, 20e, fancy, 17e, sa ainm, 15 Vic; soft ahau. larse. IS, fame 7. 10c. mediam, 14c; Maretta. largo. tOe. Caaead grade: Franqnottos, largo, 17e. fsaey, 16e; soft shell, large, 18), e, fancy. lie; Msystits, rgt, 17c FUserts Orogen. to Jobber. 13-15 pound F. O. B. delivery points. 1 rapalr atovc a. rangea, drcnlato 11 mw smd rebtnlt atovea, ransea and 1 eire stora .stock fence, posts, chicken Iwrns, StUem Fcnra and Stove Works. ra Oasekets, TeL 4774. & B 11 1st at, . "TlUNSFEU Portland Grain FOR local or sTJstsrnt transfer aurtr, atimii. mar nsuvarar ca Trucka tf TSra sad 40?. PORTLAND, Ore.. Wheat Open Msy 84 Jaly 83W Sept. Stt April 20. (AP High Low CVasa 84 84 84 88 83H tSK HH 8SH as CsirTTAl. CIT T Travaafer "Ca 338 at St. "TeL TITS. D Tibatinat for fassr and atofatsa at it : laity. Omt Cask: Sic Bead blatoaa. OS: dark r wiatar. 13 per coat. 81.01: 4. 31 1 psr erat 88Hc; soft wkita, 8Se; waaUrs- wtuu, sic; Sara winter, sze; Bortaaral spaiag, 85e; western red. 82. Oata No. 2 whiU, S2S.SO. Cora No. 3E yellow, 348. illrssm 8 adard, 835. Portland Produce PORTLAXD. Or.. April 20. (API Bnthrr lrint. A grad. tH Ik. ia aarchateat wppara, SO H lb. In carkms; B grad, pareaaieat wrapper, 29 lb.; cartons, 80 lb. Botterfat Portlaad Salirery : A rrado deliveries at Ua st twic weekly, 88 lb.; eo try route, 2S-SS la.; B grad. d-. Irrorie loo taa a twic weekly. 2T Ib.: v grso st asaraet. B grsds ereea BbtIbs aries. sattar- fat basis, 55 4b. Bates M retailers : epocials, 25c: extras, 34c; fresh extras, browa, 34e; rraadais 21; fraak aaediama 22c; ss diora firsts. 20 dosea. Ergs -Baying Price of wholesalers:' rreab spaeials, 22e; extras, 21e; first, 30c; axtra atodrams, 19er asediaa first. lSe; aaaor grade, 17 aoxon. Caseae 92 seers, Oregon triplet, 15e; loaf, 16c. Brokers will pay A cent be low anotaHeaa. Ki!k Contract price a Portland deliv ery, 1 3.20 cwt; B grade cream, 27 fc lb. Country Ifeats Selling pries ta rs tailorst Coon try killed bogs, best batch ers, under 150 lbs. 14-lSe lb.; -eaters, Ka 3, 13 Hs lb.; heavy, 8-9e lb.; eat. tor cows, 8-1 Oe la.; can ners, 5-6e lb.; traUs, 8-8 He lb.; yearling lambs. 10-11 lb.; spring, 14-15e lb.; xoedinms, 12 13He lb; ewe. 4-fte lb. Uoaair 1935 baying price. 10 Ib, , Csscsrs Batk Baying pries, 1935 peel. 2e lb. BoM 1934 etester. 12-18 Ib. Lire ponltry Portland delivery, bay ing price: Colored hens, over 5 lbs 1718a lb.; aader 6Vs lb 17-1 8 IV.; Le ghora fowls, over SH lbs 14-15 Ib.; aadcx 8 Ib., 1A-15 lb.; springs, 4 lbs. sad aa, 18-10 lb,: nader 4 Ib.. 1819c lb.; bronora, XM- Ibs 10-20 lb.; aar 2 lbs. 14-15 lb.; roosters, 6 lb.; Po- kla ancas, yoasg. 1617s , Onions Oregon, So. 1, 37.50-8.00 swt Potatoes Oroswa Barbwaka. 83-8.25 cental; TsekBie tiems, 82.23 2.50; laa- B USSaS, VZ.la-g.S3. hew potatoes Florida, 8 IK; Ha- waUaav 8 lb. Wool 1935 ells, a iaai: WilUxo- ott valley, modi oat, 15e; eaars aad braid. Is lb.; Eaitera Oregos, 12-15 lb.: 8othra Jdo. 13-14 lb. Hasv Bariaa Dziea frosa nrodneoras Altalta So. , now aric. gtS-IS.50; KV era Orogoa Timotiy, 817; eats, 310-11 tea; wnisotetto Valley Timothy, . 914 son;- eiovor, 910-11 toa. Fortlaae. Stoclcs and Bond April 20 STOCK AVE IQEI (CempDed by The Associated Press) Today ' Prev. day Moata age Tear ago 1935 high 19S5 low 1984 high 1934 low 80 15 Iadns. Rail. 15 60 UtiL Stocks 55.4 54.4 50.9 58.7 50.6 48.5 - 61.4 43.8 21.3 20.6 19.8 80.T 27.6 18.5 43.0 23.8 26.4 S5.S 33.8 86.3 26.6 21.6 40.6 34.3 BOXX AVERAGES Today Prev. a y Month ac 1 Tear sgo 1935 high 1935 low 1034 high 1934 low 20 Sails 79.3 79.8 7.a 89.6 87.8 76.4 .89-4 74.3 10 Indus. 95.4 95.4 92.7 91.4 95.9 92.3 92.0 73.7 10 Ctiu 90.T 90.8 87.7 87.1 90.8 84.5 889 68.3. 80.6 38.8 86.8 48.8 4L6 84.8 51.4 34.9 10 For. 67.9 67.7 66.4 68.0 70.4 65.8 70.0 60.2 . 8.00 . 0.00 .1300 . 13 . It Gardeners' and Ranchers Mart PORTLAND, April ZQ.-VP- Trade was brisk at today'8 ses sion of the Gardeners' and Ranch- era ariy xnaraei. mo ucuumu far exceeded the supply. The latest arrival was that of some Aurora asparagus tnat avaa being passed tor 21.25 per dozen bunches. The supply was dis pose! of hi a -short time. Spinach conttnnued to more well at the same time as quoted yesterdajr, RronnU -4wc per crate. The Quality was noticeably ood. Very little cauliflower -was shown and rhat there was of It was poor, mostly No. J trade. Lota of "No. 2 .potatoes were also sold for XI crate. hubsirb continued weak al thourh the qn Itr is Qui teood. Ttve sjmkr1 .ptis run tor good staff sjru around fOc not sr saw vrrivai la rjoct- -ed boot Tuesday iTom T . sew wax onions. As iret there la no know ledge of what -the ulcee will be. Local jreen oslo 3 are sli na dy vt 25o ;per en Jvanc -while dry onions were being; aokl for pr ea as high as 4t. Sen ah Oraag Aoa, 60-70. Oo-gL baarhsa 88-400. baack . A0O9e Dry otrtosta Oregon, Ko. 1. fS.90-7. Dry onion So. 2, 87. Taaaisa . Dooon baaehas, -tOe. Rata a lOS. 88. Tins ipo Lag. 81-LIS. Vmm radii n so- Dosea b ch a. 25-80e. Liu s yorlbwrst per 4 doswS. 82-8.50. Can go Csata, $2. CaaliXlowsr Xa, 1, L2S; Ke. 2, 40 T3. Colory hearts Dosea. 810. r ' Colery Ovs. 88.25-8.50. . towns, 31.70-1.75 isee sad fill, 4L2 ' Brosaels apiiaU 'Crata.a5.eCs. Potato lOO Ib. aaek.-82-S.3S. , MUr4 ar Oosaa. 15. Kale 'Baa, 85a, . Cocanber Box. 1 3.71-8. -Green broeeoM--Lsg. 60a, Rod ea bbago -Ponad. 4. . Kbobarb 155 lb. box. 45-50. Leek Dosea. .-. Parsley Doxea bosebea. 35. , CSH BUYERS Cream - Eggs . Poultry &IARION CREAMERY . & POULTRY CO. 515 8. Com'l Phone 6883