The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESJIAN, Safcxa. TXreson, Thursday Morning, April 11, 1935
Local News Briefs
- - Wnts AmnmliqeBt Suit sung
the court to set1 aside her xnar-
. rtf to George Milton Taylor was
Hied yesterday in circuit court by
i Pearl Helene- Taylor. - She ! wm
married to Taylor la Kelso, Wash:,
ln 1927. She learned shortly aft
er the marriage.! the nates, that
liA'mirtaA mrm t tacr 1 ho.
cans a sufficient tlme had not
elapsed between ! the time of : his
marriage and dirorce. She says
she then left Taylor who has not
llred with her subsequently. Mrs.
to her her former name of Pearl
Helene Blackwell. ,y
r- -i -
a Collisions Reported Two col
lisions were reported In the city
police department yesterday. J. L.
Hickman, route two, Salem, and
Herman John Rehtuss, route two.
Salem, reported a smash at Fair-,
grounds and Tile road yesterday
morning. No Injuries were re
. ported. Harry Lombard, . Beloit,
Wis., and G. D. Sleasman, Powell
Butte, reported that their cars col
lided at Church and Ferry streets,
here. No person was hurt.
Oats and Tetch hay, not OTer 25
etch. Oats hay wanted for car
load shipment to drouth area. Call
5000 or 7905. ; " -
Settlement MadeA settlement
of $850 for the estate of -the late
Anita Mechen. 15, was approved
in probate court yesterday. Bessie
Meeheh, mother of the girl, is the
administratrix of the estate. The
settlement came as the result of a
fatal auto accident in Stay ton Feb
ruary 21 in which a car belonging
to the Stayton Hardware company
struck the girl.
Ferrey Estate $730 Assets of
the estate of the late Martin F.
Ferrey, Salem 'attorney, total
$730, according to an appraisal
filed in probate court Wednesday.
A. E. Schirman is administrator
of the estate. A $600 house 'be
longing to the estate Is exempt
from execution according to an
order issued In probate court yes
terday. Amend Complaint; File Again
An '.amended complaint was filed
in circuit court yesterday by Pearl
Pickens against : LeRoy Esson,
plaintiff seeking $7000 general
damages for injuries allegedly re
ceived in an auto accident in Aug
ust, 1932. The accident; occurred
on the so-called "Million Dollar'
highway which runs from Wood
burn to Mt. Angel.
Mkkey Reports Kenneth E
Mickey, executor of the will of
the late John Jacob Mickey, re
ported in probate court yester
day that Income and funds on
hand in the estate of the late John
Jacob Mickey, totaled $3289 and
that outgo in the last half-year
coTeredby the report was $224.
License Suspended The driv
er's license of James M. Tumble-
son. 1465 North Cottage; street.
was revoked for 30 days yesterday
by City -Recorder Jones after
Tumbleson pleaded guilty to a
charge of speeding.
Bequests Paid Bequests of
$50 each to Julia L. Grimes and
Antoinette Rubens were ordered
'paid yesterday' in probate court
from the estate of the late Mary
-AbU of which Bert T. Ford is the
Case Settled Suit of Ben Gis
ler, guardian of , Marie Glsler,
against Fred Meyer, Inc., was
dropped from circuit court here
yesterday when a settlement was
made out of court by attorneys
for the litigants.
Caswell Estate In The estate
of the late Alice e. Caswell has
assets of $4069 according to a re
port filed in probate court! yester-
day by the Ladd & Bush Trust, administrator.
v- ' : Erownell
Near Shaw, Tuesday. April 9,
Cleooe Brownell. aged 39. Belov
ed wife of Elton; W. Brownell;
mother of Melrinj and Clarence
Brownell, all of Shaw. Also sur
vived by mother and two brothers
of Green, Iowa. Funeral services
will be held Thursday, April 11,
at 2:30- o'clock from the Salem
mortuary, 545 North Capitol St.
Interment Bekrest Memorial
park, s i
In Portland, April 10, Donna
Fay .Joan Neliton, beloved daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.
Neliton; sister of Edith, Pauline,
Walter and Dale,! all of Salem.
Funeral services will be held Fri
day, .April 12, at 1;30 p. m., from
the chapel of the Salem Mortuary,
546 N. Capitol. Interment Claggett
cemetery. I -
In this city. April 9. T. C. Chest
nut at the age of !78 years. Sur
vived by, widow, Sarah E. Chest
nut, son, Lloyd ! Chestnut:
daughter, Mrs. C. F. Hager;
grandchildren. Lloyd C. Chestnut,
jr.. and Lloyd Hager, all of Port
land. Private funeral services will
be held from theiW. T. Rigdon
company chapel' Thursday, April
11. at 1:30 p. m. i
OLSON; Florist
Court and High Phone 71 W
r ' Insurance and.
f Real Estate
i Beckc &l Wadsworth
189 N. High, i Phone 4947
7 Sulriyaki ; Dinner
' Also American Dishes
How get there! I You walking
down Commercial street to
Fits fishing market then, you
stepping upstairs. There we
are. !
11 A. M. to 3 A. M.
Cook Book Offered Copies of
the ninth edition of the Fisher's
sour milk cook book, issued Jby
the Fisher Flouring Mills Co. of
Seattle, are to be distributed
through local grocers, the- com
pany announces this week. The
company re-issued the book be
cause of the steady demand for It,
despite the fact that it had been
out of print the last two years; No
charge is made to the housewife
although evidence that she has
used some brand of Fisher pro
ducts fa required. ,
Rock daphne, grafted rhododen
drons, grafted lilacs, magnolia, ca
mellia at Pearcy Bros.; North
Commercial bet. Court and State.
Answers Hoy's Query The
compact between the states of
Washington and Oregon does not
prevent either state from restrict
ing fishing privileges In waters
within its territorial jurisdiction.
although they may be within the
concurrent jurisdiction of said
states under the terms of such
compact, Attorney General Van
Winkle held here ytesrady. The
opinion was requested by M. T.
Hoy, master fish warden, and re
lated to the validity of house bill
435 of the 1935 legislative ses
Euroute Home Miss Ruth
BrautI, art teacher in the Salem
high school who has been study
ing in and louring Europe the
past two years, has written to
friends here from Madrid, Spain,
that Bbe has started the home
ward trip. The letter, written
March 25, stated she was having
an excellent trip. The return in
dicated her next destination
would be Positano, Italy.
Chamber Dinner Set The start
of the e h amber of commerce
spring drive for members has been
set lor Tuesday night, April 16,
with a dinner for team leaders
and workers starting at 6:30
o'clock. Each succeeding day to
and including Friday, April 19.
will see a luncheon at noon at
the chamber to which all team
workers are invited.
Housekeeper wanted, experience
necessary. Small child to care for.
must be good cook, references, ad
dress box 425 care of Statesman.
Reunion is Slated A continu
ants' reunion service is announ
ced for 8 o'clock Sunday night at
the Bethany Reformed church, N.
Capitol and Marion streets. All
persons who have been confirmed
in the Bethany church in past
years will join in a beautiful
candlelight service at this event,
arranged by the pastor, Rev. Ed
win Horstman.
lions Speaker Lynn F. Crone
miller, state forester, will be the
guest speaker at Salem Lions
club this noon. His talk will cen
ter on the CCC camps in Oregon
and what they have done for the
youth of the nation. The Lions'
luncheon meetings are held in the
Masonic temple banquet rooms.
Mrs. LaValley Here: Rev. Lu-
ella M. LaValley, pastor of the
First Spiritualist church here sev
eral years ago, was a visitor in
the city yesterday from Portland,
coming to conduct the funeral ser
vices for Mrs. Mary Varley.
Mack Sues John Mack filed a
complaint in circuit court yester
day asking $98 and interest from
S. P. Matheny. Plaintiff asserts
the money is due for services ren
dered the defendant and for
strawberries sold to him and not
paid for.
Trust Company Named The
Ladd & Bash Tbust company was
named yesterday as administrator
of the estate of the late Elmer-C.
Plank succeeding Arthur C.
Plank who resigned. Real estate
assets are $2000 and personal
property assets $1000.
Club to Meet Townsend club
No. 4 will meet Thursday at 7:45
in the Church of Christ at Ship
ping and Cottage. Mrs. O'Neil
and C. D. French of Salem will be
Miller rays $5 Carl J. Miller
of Portland paid a $5 fine in re
corder's court, yesterday on a
speeding charge.
HATS 4 5
428 State
Oar Canal Wave. Complete 73c
Perm Oil tj JSO
Push Wave, J
Complete - -
Phone 8863
307 1st Nat'l Bank BIdg.
Wltteat perUoa at tou at tts.
n Ongss Slag. Psoas 6609
Successful Ancient Chinese
Herb Remedies Guaranteed
tor Bladder. Kid
ney, and Urinary
Disorder. Consti
pation. Appendi
citis and Tumors,
Neuritis, Asthma
and Bronchitis.
Rhe u m a t ism.
Throat, and
Glands. Skin Dis
eases. Positive Removal of Liv
er and Female Complaints. Sto
mach. Gallstones and pains of
male, female and children, all
no operation.
Chinese Medicine A Herb Co.
123 N. Commercial St, Salem
Ially Office Hours B to S p. m.
Sua. and Wed-, 9 to 10 sv an,
Elliott Estate Ik The estate of
the late Nathan D. Elliott, well
known. Salem commercial printer,
has been admitted to probate here, i
It contains real estate assets with
an estimated value of $2000 and
personal property assets of an. es
timated value of $150. .
Report Filed The semi-annual
report of the' estate of the late
William Dybevlk has been tiled
in probate court here by William
Dybevlk, administrator. Income
to the estate is set at $8905 and
outgo at $199.
Bostrack Estate In The es
tate of the late Peter Bostrack
was admitted to probate yester
day and Sherman Bostrack was
named administrator of real
property which has an estimated
value of $3000. . -.
Ask Seed Loans Thirty seven
applicants tor seed loans from the
Stayton district will arrive In Sa
lem today to complete negotla
tlons with Harry L. Riches, coun
ty agent, administrator for this
In Salem W. L. Teutsch, as
sistant county agent leader for
the state, was In Salem yester
day conferring with County Agent
Harry L. Riches. Teutsch is con
nected with the United States ex
tension service at Corrallls.
Neednam Named W. I. Need-
ham has been named executor of
the estate of E. A. Dunlap who
died-here April 6, at the age of
77 years. He left personal prop
erty which has an estimated value
of $6000.
Estate Appraised The estate
of the late Mary E. Harris has
a value of $3978, according to an
appraisal filed in probate court
this week. Principal assets of the
estate is $2299 in cash.
No Driver's License Ramo P.
Conger was haled into justice
court yesterday for driving with
out an operator's license. He ad
mitted guilt and the case was con
tinued for sentence.
Fails to Stop Morris Kiorfein.
481 state street, was booked by
city police yesterday afternoon for
failing to stop at a through street.
He is to appear in recorder's
court today.
Bonus Attorney Named David
R. Vandenberg, Klamath county
attorney for. the state bonus com
mission, has been released and D.
E. VanVactor has been appointed
as his successor.
Pays Dollar Fine Peter Wilber
Kramer deposited a dollar In the
justice court coffers yesterday for
driving with four persons in the
driver's seat.
Leading Man Gets
Chickenpox; Play
to Be Postponed
AUMSVILLE, April 10. The
play, "Beads on a String," which
was scheduled to be presented to
the public April 18, has had to
be indefinitely postponed, due to
the fact that Leonard Lee, who
had a leading part In the play, is
ill at his home with chicken pox
and sinus trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith enter
tained at a dinner at their home
Saturday evening honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Roberts, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Potter and Miss
Dorothy Potter, Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. Lowe, Miss Barbara Roberts
and Charley Smith.
Teachers at Marion
are All Hired Again
MARION. April 10 The Mar
ion school board has retained the
same teaching staff for the cos
ing year. Miss Rose Hutton is
principal and has taught here for
four years. Miss Lottie Black in
termediate, two years, and Mrs.
Leota Cloan, the primary, three
BusterBroWn Shoe Store
The Salem 20-30 club will send
delegation to Portland Sunday
morning to attend the combined
district governors' meeting there
that day. - The caravan from here
will leave the Senator hotel at. $
o'clock that morning, the session
in Portland to get under way
shortly after 9 o'clock. All mem
bers of the 2 0-30 club are Invited
to make the trip.
The local elub. meetinr Tues
day night at the Queue, beard an
address on the state's finances by
Rex Darls of the state treasurer's
Floyd Bachman. president of
the 20-30 group, announced the
following appointments on , the
project committee: Vern Maihis,
chairman, Loren Grier and ' C.
Langerfeld. He also named a pub
licity committee consisting of
"Pat Patterson, chairman, "Pat
Emmons and Tim" White.
Bachman states that new mem
bers are welcome to the club,
which meets Tuesday night at
6:30 o'clock in dinner session aj
tne Queue. -
SILVERTON, April 10. Earl
Watch forPenney'SpJaJein This Paper
You Ve no excuse v
to go unsuited iPf
when such smart V
are selling for J
Unlined jacket WtD LX
f - r--
styles or finger ' -
tip lengths! j r
Be tailored, if you will f -
here are jacket suit in pas- r7S4 '
tela or mannish tweeds win4-
all with the new action ly r5" '
backs, yokes and half -belts 1 JU 'ft "
Or if you like a softer suit . - .
dressy "finger-tip'." in , ; m
navy or raised surface I gjlf- -1
monotones! High neck. )"': ; i
lines gay print ties wide flf JhvA
collars! Bargains Hurry! "'ii
and still have good looking shoes.
Foot Science Oxfords
Give that correct support
necessary for foot comfort.
1 Youll marvel at the
concealed in: these Health Ox
fords . -
All sizes and widths to fit
. the Naturalizer family, :
We Fit the Herd to Fit
that is
one of
- .
T si-9 J
V Coupe or Roodsf er' M Sho'
Tool T
1 t lWIA tM
Snop lock
j i
e Others . .
TO y P. K.
Wallace to Take "
Fight to Sdlons
If Ruling Adverse
Lew Wallace of Portland, whose
eligibility to serve both as a state
legislator and m m b e r of the
state Came commission, has been
Questioned, conferred with state
officials here yesterday. Persons
who Questioned , Wallace's - status
referred to the state constitution
which prohibits a . person from
holding two or more lucrative
public offices at the same time.
Wallace said he had been ad
vised by his attorney to hold on to
both jobs. He Indicated, that if the
attorney general r u 1 e d against
him the Question would be car
ried. Into the legislature to keep
his seat In the house.
democrats went down to a
crushing defeat in the state, as
sembly today when their proposal
i Hloh
of th
LeteJtT Joi
T420 A3
Three odjustments.
Others 9c up
Drop forged steef,
fitA.irw-K T304
87c up
'w llO I
Ox" M l M
,1 S i d i i o ; -
)S mmteri.t mmJ J
oorSedon jo,
U.4t end $3.90 j
to levy an Income tax approxi
mately twice as niga as that writ
ten ' into the administration bill
was voted down. 4$ to 27.
Neilan Backed for
Insurance Office
A delegation of Portland insur
ance brokers will arrive in Salem
today to urge upon Governor Mar
tin the appointment of J. D. Nei
lan as state insurance commis
sioner. Neilan has been engaged
in the insurance business in Port
land for a number of years and
has 'received the Indorsement of
the State Insurance council.
The office is now held by A. H.
Get Well and Stay Well
Physio-Therapy Massage
For Women and Children's
1056 Larmer Ave. - Call 8743
S.A P in
40. 50
arnrlm VI
7 " "rer? refined b .
l "Winer. RcnvU..1.. ut
on. Lofw-i:??
AND tiiX. WH
"Portal m '
y to
. , ''cored
bsorb dust.
flew L.
Other turners
m . . . ,
f V 4