Classified Ads are TT TT O Tl Tl V i M r PA A MngJMy Mfnc leeit, toexpemisnve Salesmen - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101. CtaaeirtaT AdvertlalBa: SIqkI Insertion per lint ..10c Threa in-Wftfone per Its ,-tOe Six tnserrHTrs per liae ...See On month per 11m ....?l.t Mia! maw -chart 2Se Copy tor thia page accepted antll C:3i the evening before jJuhHcatlon Tor cUssiricatfcm. Copy received after tbte tlcie wiU be roa under itha bead lag Too -Late to Classify. "The tUalesmun imuii as flnaaac f responsibility tmr roes which mj appear In 4 Tfrtannwita psbllstied fa Its" rotaua. ud In fiiw whrre thia paper te at Caatt will re priat that part of aa adtrer tiaeemt la which the rypo- aphlsml mistake ocrara. The Statesa a teaervea the right to reject objecttoaabte ad-eYtisrajr, It farther reaerree the right to classify all mdver tfctng Hixh-r the proper class!-h-atio. HELP WANTED FEMALE Girl or young woman for housework. Must be good cook and have ref. Home environment. Apply at Kay's Dress Shop, 4(0 State. SALESMEN WANTED Want 2 solicitors, guarantee and commission. See Mr. Walsh at 149 N. High. I to 9 i. m. Mod. and Tuea. only. SITUATIONS WANTED Dressmaking exp copy pictures $2.25 a day In your borne phone 734. WANTED Small house or apart ment for elderly couple. Low rent nec essary. Address Box 4 IS, care States man. Middle-aged Christian business1 man wants job. Could make small Invest ment. Phone 9ST13 or write R. 2, Box 9.A. j FOR SALE MisccIIaiieoas Peach Trees SPECIAI--AH kinds ot fruit and nut trees. Fruit land Nursery sales yard. 240 Center SL A. J Ua I his, prop. Tel. 982S Kay, oats and etcb, clover, wild oat a Mrs. Wright. ml. Wallace Rd. FOR SALE Farming- Implements., Call 6SF15. evenings. Baled bay. Tel I7FZ Baled hay and straw. Tel. 67F3. Rotted manure, sand loam and sand, UST N. Fifth. :Well rotted fertilizer, by yard or sack. Tel. 5278. iCletrae tractor, $150.00. 1152 Edge, ajater. West Salem. See Bay Hyatt; - ' VICTOR RADIO FOR S.VLK '10-tube $178 Victor, balance due $32.20. Terms $5 down. $5 monthly. See Mr. Janz, Wills Music Store. Pigs for sale. 1 mile X. of Keizer school. D. McGinty. AUCTION SALE Sat US sharp, at Rnss" Auction House. Portland road adjotning Capital Bedding). Live stock, machinery, furntture, etc. We pay cash or sell on commission. Bring In anything you want ; sold. "Russ" Woodry. auctioneer. (Only one store), Portland road. Phone 344S 406:i. See Russ" for a Better DeaL riano upright leaving town, will sacrifice at $35. 1591 Broadway. Tel. $717. WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted, walnut meats. Aiy quan tity, any time. State Cafeteria- Wanted. for cash CHd or crippled tiorses and cows for fox feed. Eugene Unlay. Phone Jefferson 1F13. WANTED To purchase or lease a good service station or Confectionery. Box 429. Statesman. I Lady with husband to care for wants living quarters in retnm for light housework. Box 419. car Statesman. Wanted, good N. 2 spuds. PH. ES89. MISCELLANEOUS Free We pick op dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. Tot. 4M9 Saw repairing Solera Saw Shop Floor Corners. Pto Road TaL 4X19 It4tr t V- te r FOR RENT ROOMS Warm room, with Itot and cold water ? -for gentleman. 255 Center Street. Desirable sleeping rooms. Reason able. Not far out. Garage If desired. TeL 5977. aaaMaasawMMajaawaMaaa Sleeping rm furn. 1209 Court St. Upstairs room In modern home, $2 week. Five blocks from state bouse. CaB $734, evenings. j Ah aaaaaasrfaaaaaaMaaa n. K. or sleeping. Tel. 444.. ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, very class In. TaL 642. Board, rm., 860 Cbeneketa. Tel. 1334. Boom and board. Tel. 4446, ------- -- - , -, nnpii Mfvari rxva Working womn, $4 wk. TeL 7313. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Close In, furn. apt. Aduita Inquire 743 Union. Tel. 5220. I R, furn. apt 250 S. Cottage. -y "--- --- "i"iinrvwX(XA ' S i rm, furn. apt., clean i and warm. .Adults only; 445 Ferry. . aa"V " i --.----rVii-MVa"VxnjJVuJi Furnished apartment adults only. Inquire Patton Book Store. Phone 4401. 2 r. furn. Close in. TeL $823. 2 Inn. furn. apt. lights and water 112 JN. 21st St S rm. furn. apt. $12.50 ma Lights, watdr and garage Inc. 770 ; So. Com'L 2 grooms partly furn, 5, Uollj-wood : S lata 1005 N. 22nd. S. 4 room apta. C39 Center. t Jt furn. ant. listits. heat water furn; 91 N. CotUge. TeL $177. r ----y-yy----xfi Three room furnished j apartment, prime bath, 545 Court St) Attractive apartments. 1411 Court I room heated apt, 444 & High. FOR RENT HOUSES Home, partly furn. f 10 a 13 th, room house, barn, J iota, wood range. Inquire 440 Division St ..... - -I-,-,-, innjuuuu 2 room furm. bouse. TeL (S40. Dapl house. 5i w. Winter. Houses, Grant. 529 Court Ph. 8044. aiasgaaawaasayarfaBj Heuses Forkner .1S53 N. CapttoL -r - --n-ii-n, mni,, Nicely forn. bouse. 2595 Brook a FOR RENT '" ' 1 " ...... -, ,-gin.njuwjuJ Hosprtal beds and wheeic hairs to rent H. L. Stiff Famlturo Co. Rent Goad farm boos, orchare and aaall aceeage. Call 4SF15 ere ntnga. - F7h. 2 S- apt. 1st floor, private Tet ItU" SMnkg bottk i2Sl H. ?OR SALE REAL ESTATE Sale or trade, by owner. I -mod. houses; 5 and 7 rooms, good residen tial district Also 2 good farms, 30 and 40 A. Is best part of Willamette rnliey. mL N. EL of Salem, on mala highway. - Must state what, yon hare ana wBcrb juee yoar terms and prop osition. Box 4. car Statesman. Must be sold regardless or price, 13 acre highly Improved tract, 2 mL N.E. of Salem. Strictly mod. bldgs.. I A. la filberts and berries. For Immediate shIc, price reduced from $5000 to $1, 500. SJ500 cash required. No trades. Do not phone, bur, seo Mr. Lindgren with Hawkins a Roberta, Inc. R. house. See F. A. Wood, 3015 Trade. Two large elevated lots near Leslie scnooi, playground and swimming pooL covered with choice fruit trees. Cheap. Lot on 24th street, pavement and concrete paid, to exchange for good automobile. Phone wner IS4. ,-,-,v,wrwwuww SALE 3 26100 acres, good buildings, close to Salem. Price only $2250, part terms. CH1LDS A MILLER, Realtor 341 State Street Tel. 4708. Two 4 -room houses located on two lots adjoining each other at 1595 and 1597 Lee St Price $1000 and $1100 re spectively, 14 cash. Bal to suit KRUE GER, 147 N. Com! REAL, K STATE BARGAINS 20 acres, small house, good barn, chick en houe, 5 acres clover, balance ready for crop. Want house in Sa lem. 38 acres 15 miles north Salem, want small acreage near city. 4 room modern house at bargain. HUDKiXS & ADAMS Phone 94 94 27a State Street Beautiful Home Low Priced Nice modern 6-room home on Coort street close to state house. Dandy lot with flowers and shrubbery. For quick sale, only $3650.00. If you want a nice home at about price, call Jas. D. Sears or G. W. Johnson At 132 Somh High Street Phone 9629 for Appointment Tou Will Be Pleased GOOD BUYS IN SMALL ACREAGE Immediate possession of a choice 10 acre tract 2 miles out on good road, close to school, best of dark soil, some fruit several choice, large walnut trees, good well, fair buildings. A real snap for S2950, part terms. 5 acres north of Snlem, well loca ted, all in bearing blackcap berries, in come in 1934 about $S4. Small set of buildings. Price only $2000. Several choice 1 and Z acre tracts l'i miles out on. fved road, tele phone, electricity, gas, mail service available. Priced reasonable. Pay monthly" with low Interest. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 314 State Street Phone 6708. A mod. iHjme, living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bjth down stairs, 2 bedrooms upstairs, full base ment, furnace, fireplace and garage. Located on Center street. Price $3500 witli excellent terms. P. H. BELL, 425 Oregon Bldg. Telephone 8121 EXCHANGE Real Estate WANT SALEM HOME In exchange for improved 33 acres. A splendid little farm, CLEAR, near Ainany. WILLAMETTE LAND COMPANY 4 23 Court Street WANTED Good home n Corvallis in exchange for 10 acres near Salem. Good build ings and chicken equipment CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 144 State Street TeL 78. FOR SALE FARMS 5 A. 5 R. plastered house. Elec. wa ter system, chicken house, barn, fine soil. 2Vi mi. north. 12 A. 6 R. plastered house. Elec. wa ter system. Fine barn, good soil. 2 chicken houses. Filbert orchard. Sacri fice at $3500.00. 30 A. small house, good bam, fine soil, $2000.00, part terms. 160 A. One-half in cultivation. $50 per A. Carries $5200.00 fed. loan. 7 R. house, stocked and equipped. Sacrific ing because of ill health. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3031. Must do something with this 47 acres. Will rent or sell on easy terms. Immediate possession : 35 A. in cult. 10 A. hops, on Pudding river; consider dty propt Do not pass this up, it might be what you want. Investigate. II. C. SHIELDS 210 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902 FARMS Rent sale trade. Oregon Land Co., Pac. hy, Woodburn, Oregon. FARMS SPECIALLY PRICED 1-acre, small house, g'Xd condition, nicely located for only $1600 take a good car as part payment. 9-acres close in, paved road, good 7-R. house, lights and water system. Bath and 2 toilets. 2-A. In cherries, walnuts and apples. A snap for $4200, 160-acres. 20-A. in crop, running wa ter, good pasture and 8 good cows. 5-R. house and large barn. Just think what a buy for only $2400.00. $1600 down. Now Is the time and we are the farm people. It will pay you to ee what we have before you buv. JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 S. High St. Phone 9629. ACREAGE 164 A. 5 A. cult, bat slashed and burned except 2 A. brush and timber, 4 buildings; spring, well, wire fenced, on crushed rock load, 1 mile to town, fine for chickens or fruit Owner In hospital and must let go. Full price $350.00 cash. See R. O. LEE, Room 122. Deaconess hospital. Salem. WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted to buy the beat 4 or 5 R. bungalow that I can get for $2000. Cast pay $400 down, baL good monthly pay ments. See LOUIS BECHTEL, 241 State. Business Opportunities Service Station for sale. One of the best spots in Salem. See Mr. Iiadgren with Hawkins a Roberts, Inc. -.. . - 'I'i'nntvwyriWiAftMWM Grocery, excel, location, doinsr stood bus., $175. Write Bx. 416, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN - - - -- -1.,, ,.Mirrp o.,ri i In debt! Investigate our pooled ac count plan. Pay debts by Installments. Not a loan. We act aa trustee. Phone 7919 for appointment or call at Bas. tv Ladd Bush Baak BMfe Interesting Facts We went into aa eatlat; place Friday to get a cap of coffee. We were afraid that the fellow who waa waiting on aa would set his cigarette aahea in our coffee ao wo told him ao. He claimed that that waa not ao bad. He said those food inspectors come la his place and paw over the foodsteff with out even washing their hands. He told os about when he waa In the army (we soppose on K. P. duty) the inspectors always pnt on a pair of stertuxed glores before making their rounds. Gaess well hare to talk to the health office. O Mercury is the solution used in ordinary thermometers. Since mercury solidifies at S8.S de grees below zero Fahrenheit, al cohol may be used aa a registering agent for temperatures to nearly 248 degrees below zero at which point it crystallises. Gas is the me dium for measuring lower temper atures. When a man's wife gets so she can read, him like a book it'a time for him to turn over a new leaf. (Clipped). MONEY TO LOAN vv.vviitv p wiri I, , 1,, uLnj A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOAN'S UP TO $300 Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. Room 119, New Bligh Bldg, 2nd floor LICENSED NO. 8122 M U5 by STATE SIS State St TeL 17 4 0 Loans Made la Nearby Towns Automobile and Chattel Loans Ito 10 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Katl Bank Bldg. Tliorja I35J Licensed by State -.i.,..,iiiWi 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money for well Improved rarma If amply secured. Improve tr buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farma," Hawkins and Roberta, Inc. MONET TO LOAN on dty. farm or acreage properties. Most be best of se curity. Good terms, low costs. CHILDS a MILLER. Utge. Loans 344 State St TeL 6708. AUTO LOANS CARS REFINANCED Easy Terms Investigate WILLAMETTE l-OAN CO, 14-159 505 Guardian Bldg. ' Salem LIVESTOCK and POULTRY BABT chicks, baby pullets, baby cockerels. Custom batching, custom aes'ng- Ph. 133F2. Lea's Hatchery. Live poultry wanted, 228 N. Front Baby cockerels onlv 1? rwr rum- dred Tel. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. Horse for sale. Rt. 6, Box 42. Frsh row tfr m 1 A rt m 1 let at at At i tK a Rosedale. Box 278. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT wood coaL TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trad a Cottage. Guaranteed dry wood. TeL 7840. Dry 16-in. old fir, $5.25; 4 ft $4.50. Tel. 5934; 187 N. Front Dry wood, 14 In., $4.00. Dial 4084. aawasjsaosaasfsass 16 in. old fir, $5. Tel. 9783. WOOD SAWING Wood aawmar reasonable. Call 8290. LOST AND FOUND LOST Diamond shape fraternity pin. Haunted Mill, Mar. 30. Reward. Bar-B-Que Inn, Rickreall. LOST $20 bill Tuesday. FlnderrX turn 1133 Cbemeketa. Reward. Lost, pr. shell -rimmed glasses, Thurs. p. m. Reward. Rot 422, Statesman. FOR SALE USED CARS ' - -n-Li"L-u-lsTIr Used Cars 1334 Dodge DeLuze Brougham, 6-wheel equlpt, radio, heater, driving light, safe ty glass. Car Is excellent buy . $895.00 1930 Dodge Sedan, overhaoled .. 265 00 1334 Ford V-8 Tudor DeLoxe Sedan, very low mileage 195.00 1932 Ford V- Coope, nicTcoa- rfUoovB'w paint : 435.00 1330 Hup Sedan, -wheeI De Luxe equtpt 895 00 1929 Ford Sedan, Model A, good value . - 19&V00 1925 Packard Sedan, lots ef value .. - , 125.00 1939 DeSoto Sedan, lota of ex tras . 285.00 1930 Chevrolet Coupe, new paint nice running 285.00 1921 Olds DeLuxe Sedan. 19.000 miles, 6-wheel equlpt and trunk, paint and uphol- etering A-l. best buy 295.00 H Kex Coach, looks good 225.00 1929 Durant 2-door Sedaa 145.04 1931 Chevrolet DeLoxe Sedaa 275.04 1924 Olds Coach SO 00 1927 Chrysler Sedan, good run- ; -5 nlng condition, ordinarily called '28 model. A buy 225 00 Several other good buys in low priced cars, some good used trucks. 1U Ferd 1H ton, long wheel base. Oat bed, good rub- W. Ihl Snw arA VOTES GIVEN ON ALL PURCHAS- jw xojuas anu win CONTEST Bonesteele Bros., inc. 391 Chemeketa Street Phone 4444. Don't Waste Tear Ttae Or afoaey "C" Shrock e Bay Or Sen Tour Car 542 Chemeketa St Phone 9588 Special Buys This Week-end 1934 Cher. Master Coach $595 1914 Cbev. Standard Coupe , 625 1924 Ford DeLuxe Coach , 545 143 Ford Coaches (2) 275 1930 Ford Coupes (2) 265 1929 Chev. Coupes (2) .. 215 1920 Whippet Coupe . 165 1927 Studebaker Sedan 125 1927 Star Sedan 79 1925 Hudson Coach . ti Plenty of others, to choose from. Moat f MM ha. over hauled. See them and drive them. FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars 1931 Ford V-t pickup ' 1994 International pickup 1921 Dodge s-toa with gravel body hoist 1929 Beo L. W. B. with Gold Crown -motor 192 International L. W. B. with body Used cars $25.00 sad op James H. Aladen Co. 23S S. Commercial St Phone: 2590. Valley Motor Co. .USED CARS AND TRUCKS 23 V-l Deluxe Sedan, radio and trunk $400 22 V-8 Deluxe Coupe , 545 22 V-l Deluxe Coach 450 92 V-l Tteloxe Coope. R seat 450 32 Pryme-th Sport Coupe 525 22 Chevrolet Master Sedan M0 22 Chevrolet Coach 425 2S Chevrolet Sport Coupe , 135 30 Ford Cab Coup , 2S5 29 Ford Coach 115 29 Studebaker Dictator Sedan 2SS 29 LaSalle Sedan S25 2 Whippet 4 Coach . 145 22 Graham 6, 4-pasa. Coupe . 150 zs jwrsxm Beoan 24 Olds Coupe 31 DeHntn Man 32 Ford 4 Pbaetoa Trucks 33 V-l Long w. B. Fac. motor 33 Chevrolet , L. W. base, over- 565 500 nauiea 31 Chevrolet Gravel Dumo 216 zy jnevroiet van Body Truck 100 29 Ford, good body, licensed . 165 . 275 30 Ford Gravel Dump . 28 Dodge Gravel Dump 825 29 Dodge, long W. Base 325 Marion and Liberty Open Sundays TeL 7910. Naa".iW - -- -- -- -- --,- - ,- niinnrtn n.ri i'i.i'li 1927 OldsmobOe Sedan In excellent shape. Will sell right for cash. TeL 6246. '29 Ford 4 -door sedan. Will take model T coupe or Chev. In trade. 1145 S. 14th. " " -""--" -v-i-aa-i iijuuLirLa McKay's Used Cars , Model T Sedan 28 Oakland Sedan 29 Ford Coupe 30 Durant Sedan 30 Ford Sport Roadster 29 Chev. Sedan 30 CI lev. Coupe .$ 25.00 . 115.00 . 145.00 . 185.00 . 235.00 . 245.00 . 275.00 . 295.00 . 365.00 3i Ford Coupe ... 31 Chev. Sport Coupe 31 Chev. Coach 23 Chev. Coach 375.00 495.00 650.00 34 Chev. Coach 35 Plymouth Coupe 4000 miles 8 9 5 34 Plymouth Sedan . 725.00 Trucks Model T good tires $ 45.00 30 Chev. L. W. B. Duals 135.00 29 Chev. H-ton panel 145.00 Reo Speedwagon , 125.00 28 Fageol fine tires 165.00 30 Ford L. W. B. Duals 295.00 30 Moreland L. W. B 22x1 10 plys 285.00 32 Chev. a W. B. overhaaled 435.00 32 G. M. C. L. W. B. 32x6 10 plys 435.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. ConT - -- -,. ..1yfrtYVWUAA Si -ton White truck A-l conditlon. Good for all around farm use, $85. 240 N. Liberty. Phone 3688. BORREGO'S BETTER BUYS 1932 Chev. Coach.,below book list $375 1931 Hupmobile Sedan 265 1931 Ford Tudor Sedan 115 1930 Ford Standard Coupe . 275 1930 Pootlac Sport Deluxe Rdstr. 245 1929 Dodge D. A. Coupe 1928 Buiek Sedan 245 225 160 160 135 145 95 95 65 40 45 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Essex Coach .. 1928 Chev. Coach 1928 Ford Sport Coupe 1926 Dodge Sedan 1926 Dodge Coupe 1925 Dodge Coach 1926 Essex Coach 1924 OidsmobUe Sedan Bicycle, balloon tired, practically new, bargain. Come in and compare the condition of these cars with others. You will be convinced these are better buvs. TERMS AND TRADES BORREGO'S CAR MARKET 240 No. Liberty Phone 3618. Model T truck. 1068 Third Street m i a--i m mmmatmyyjyjy Salem Automobile Co. USED CARS 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coach 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1935 Plymouth Business Coupe 1933 Plymouth R. 8. Coupe 1933 Continental Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Durant 4 Door Sedan 1924 Olds Sedan 1922 Durant Coupe 1927 Ford Rondster 1924 Ford Coupe Tel. 4673 435 N. Com l. St L IS ABOVE III BOSTON, April 5 - ()-The Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: "The demand for wool has con tinued rery good again this week, running rather above normal. "Demand is fairly general in its scope both with respect to grades and types of wool. Prices are generally fairly steady, and ia some case of half-blood wools, are firm. Some irregularity in prices has developed, owing to the de sire of western consignors to sell and reemploy their capital else where. "Foreign markets are firm. "Mohair is quiet but steady." The Bulletin will publiesh the following quotations: Scoured basis: Oregon: fine and F. M. staple 59-62; fine and F. M. combing 54- 57; fine and F. M. clothing 51-54. Mohair: Oregon, 30-33. Domestic grad ed: first combing, 50-52; second combing, 43-45; good carding, 30 32; first kid, 62-65; second kid, 55- 58. (Foreign prices In bond). Radio Program Saturday, April 9 K0AC COEVALLIS 560 Ke. 9:30 Hslf Hour ia Good Tsste Room with a View." 10:15 Junior matinee, 11:15 Music. 12:00-) Noon Farm Hoar. 2:0O Romnc. Under the Water. 2:30 The Citiieos' Forum. 2:00 Science Stories. 4 :0O On the Camposes. 4:30 Stories for Boys an- Girls. 5:0O The Parade of sfsledies. -.30 Evening Farm Hear. T:45 Scieaee Mews of Week. t5 - 75 t7S . IIS Hi Business Directory Carda la thia directory run tm a monthly baaia only, Ratet f t-OO per li$ey-omth. AUTO BRAKES Mike P-nek, 276 Sooth Commercial. CORSETS Registered Spencer cors-tiere. Phono 6T54. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telophono 419. R. EL Northae CHDIAPRACTORS DR. X L COTT, P8C, Chiropractor. 254 N. High. TeL Raas?63. DRAIN BOARDS TTIa drain board. TeL T444. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric, 244 State SL Wir ing, motor appliance, repairs, serrte. For quality electrical appliances, Max da lamps, lighting fixtures, wlrrag de vices and materials, electrical servicUig and wiring, can E. L Welch, 1201 a Commercial. Phone 4512 or $232. FLORISTS BreUhaupfa, 657 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Lutx, Flor ist; 1274 N. Liberty. TeL 9692. Floral designs, cut flowers, Mrs. Ben nett, 529onrt Tel. 3044 or 6173 p. m. FURS Remodeling. 1215 a ComT. KEYS We make keya. Harry W. Scott LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 243 a High Tel 9126 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality aod eV-rvtce Telephone 3145 1144 Bnwdtnf LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. 4514. Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Coma MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. P1mm.49 SALEM FLUFF-RUG aod k-U trees Factory. NEW MATTRESS made la order, old remade; carpet cieaaing, stx tng; fluff rug weaving, a 1 3th a Wil bur. TeL J44L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Planoa, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and ptaao etod iea Repairing radios, phonographa and sewing machines. 432 Stale Street Salem. PAINTING For od work cart 6860, Ryan. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 141 N. Com mercial. Tel. 5887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 215 a CtommerclaL Tele phone 9101. RADIO SERVICE Perdue Radio Service with Vlbbert Todd, 657 Court TeL 9144. STOVES l repair stores, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulatora, stock fence, posts, chicken wlr Salem Fence and Stove Works. 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B Fleming. TILE Wills rd Art Tile CO. TeL 7714. TRANSFER FOR loeal or distant transfer storage, call 3121, Lanner Transfer Ca. Tracks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 2X4 State St TeL 7771. Distributing, for warding and etc rags our specialty. Oat our rates. Willamette Valley Transfer. 8a lens to Portland haolhwr. Tet. 8711 WELL DRILLING a A. We R. 4 Tet. II0F5. SLATE CARD BENEFIT STATTON, April 5 -- Wednes day night, April 11, the Women's club will give another one of their benefit bridge parties. Hostesses will be Mrs. George Duncan, Mrs. Willis Brown, Mrs. Ed Bell and Miss Hannah Bowely. Card play lag win begin promptly at 8:15 o'clock. GIRL TO GERRARDS AM ITT, April 5. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gerrard are receiving con gratulation.; over the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Itarlin, at their home Tuesday. Mr. Gerrard is Janitor at the Amity onion high school. This is their second ckild. . TRADK-31ARK NOTICE HERS HEX CHOCOLATE COR PORATION., of Hershey, Pennsyl vania, has used the trade-mark "HERSHKTS" t connection with the manufacture and aaJexei food product, sinew 1S94. aa& haa ap plied to the Secretary of State of Oregon tor registration of this trade-mark. HERSHEY CHOCOLATE CORPORATION Mason, Fen wick : Lawrence, Attorneys. Washington, D. C. Men 2 3-3 OA. 6-1 3 Shares EHf D1VH1 OF NEW YORK, April 5 .-(-Rusty stock market wheels- were sent spinning at the fastest pace in about a month today by a-rejaren-atla. current from utility, shares. Every division of the list waa well represented la the widespread advance that sent leaders 1 to 2 or more points net higher and aa nn looked for thrill was provided at the' last minute when railroad shares came roaring up with a burst of speed that threatened se riously to wrest market leader ship from atflitlea. Transfers of 1,213.509 shares were the largest since March 13 and the Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced .9 ot a point to 37.5, the best gain aince February 18i A nest; of low-priced common Issues was the magnet that drew major trading activity but prefer red shares of well-known compan ies also enjoyed a wide market. The following stocks sold at new high prices for the year; West Penn Electric, various classes, American Power & Light, all classes, Columbia Gas Electric 6 per cent preferred, Federal Light Traction. United Cornor- ation. National Power and Lirht and the preferred stocks of Con solidated Gas, General Gas, Lou isville Gas and Public Service in the preferred, the gains were from 1 to 3 points and fractional im provement was the rule in the commons although they amounted to from 10 to 30 per cent in valne. American Telephone rose more man a point. Gardeners' and Ranchers1 Mart PORTLAND, Ore., April 5.-)-The decline In the sales volume over the past week's markets was reflected in a noticeable drop in produce prices at today's session of the Gardeners and Ranchers' market. Supplies were small, and sales remained at a low level. Cauliflower, which had reached a new high at the previous ses sion, fell off to a range of $1 and $1.15 for the No. 1 grade. The No. 2s were being held at 75 and 90 cents throughout the session. The quality of both grades has shown considerable improvement, but only a light demand was re ported. A large drop also was noted in the quotations on carrots. The small supply was moving slowly within a price spread of 50 and 60 cents per lug. A largo increase in the quanti ties sent the kale price down to 35 cents per crate, with a light demand during the period. The supply of green onions was extremely short at Friday's mar ket However, the price declined to 25 eents for the lower grades and 30 cents for the better qual ities under the exceptionally low volume of sales. A substantial reduction was also made In the price of cucum bers. The qualities have shown a steady improvement, but the prices fell to 70 cents and $1.20 per dozen with a very small de mand. Spinach Crate. $1-1415. Carrots Lug, 50-60c. Beets Do-ea hnncbes. 50 6 Sc. Green onions Doien bunches, 25-30c. lry onion No. 1. Ho. , S3 4, Tarsips Lug. 50 60c. Retabasas 100. $3. Pari nip i Log, B0e-$L Wiater radigkea Dozen banekes, 13c. sprint- rsdiskes Doiea beaches, 80e. Letteee Xorf hw.,t n A j-,.. 2 3.30. Cakbscs Crate. $5-6. Cauliflower So. 1. SI 1 IS- X t 75-90e, Oler jr hert rn Ineb ea, $130, Celery Croto, $3.25 3.75. KndiT Box, 25c, Apples Wineiing. 81.15! Kawtnna $1; face snd ML 85e. Brmaula preets Crats. 85-SCe. Ptal 50 lb. asck. S5e. If sstard greens Dosea. 25c Kale llat. 50c. Cacaatbers Dosea. 9Oe-$1.40. Greea broccoli I.ur, 50c. Bed cahbare Pound. 4c Rhnbsrb Doxea bunches, 83-90e. TO BE III. SIGLE SWEGLE, April 5. The health nurse. Miss Holmes, waa ariaitor at school Wednesday. A pkysi cal examination of the pupils will be conducted in the near future. Smallpox and diphtheria cultures win be administered at the sam time. A pleasant afternoon of sewing waa spent yesterday at the home of Mrs. R. A. Weat by Mrs. C. Simpson, Mrs. GIffea and daugh ter, Doris, Mrs, H. F. Wells, Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. C. Bart ells, Mrs. A. C. Meyers, Mrs. J. Whitehead. Mrs. J. S, Marshall. Mrs. -Geo. Keufner, Mrs. L. D. Carson, Mrs. H. A. Vet-dick Mrs. Dawes, Mrs. W. Biggerstaff, Mrs. C. H. MeCul lah, Mrs. Churchm, Ruth West and the hostess. TRADE-MARK NOTICE JOHN MORRKLLr CO-, of Ot tumwa. Iowa, haa used the trade mark "MORRELLT tm connection with the manufacture and sale of food products rise lt77, and has applied to the Secretary ot State of Oregon for registration ot this trade-mark. JOHN MORRELL. A CO.' Mason, Fen wick & Lawrence, Attorneys. Washington, D. t. Mch23-30A6-13 1ST nsEra HEALTH EXAMS Advance Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent 0k, co-op pool Price fi-BS per haadred. OCO- based aa asad . meatUy ttterfst avexsga.) WtriiHtor price fSLKX A' grade butterfat--DeUr erd, 29c; TOCrte, 2Sc. A grade prints, SOHc; B grade, 219c. Prfcaoe eaU te pmn hy BahMa Myers Te-toe hatota. una art a greeor. are tedJeaUse of tho daily mmtkm. a are ao gaaraatead be The g-X'fTa fBhyiag Priori 8 Grapefruit Florida a5 U S.T5 lJrapef rait Arixa nt ruv Orange. Karat, fancy tJZS to &.8S .. .. s.40 te SJW Baaaass. lb., oa stalk .05 Handa . I8 .44)0 te 4.76 -5 te. 8.25 -mom, fancy Cboieo Unsa Mask . XM Apples, bushel LOO to LU corrABica (Bavin (ri.l Oreen enioaa. iei. do. Aiparagna. CaIH lb. Ubioo Heta, No. 1. lh. .10 .10 .00 L40 to 1.G5 Ko. t. lb. R-abarb, 15 lbs. Htm potatoes, riorida Artiehofcef, box .00 -2.50 te 8.00 Hadishei. Aoz. .20 Caaliflowrr. Calif. Cabbsge, ewt, local 1.15 L55 te 2.50 8.50 to 4.50 20 Xo. 1 2.50 tJsuforaia Grsea peppara. lb. Local oaio-a, 50 lb., go. 2. So Iba Leitoee. California . Dry pack 1.65 2.25 to 3.25 1.75 to 2.25 . .., 4 .65 .01 H a laity. Carrots, Calif., dozca Carrots, bulk,, lb. Loeal Potatoes- Be. L hsa.rad Wo. 2. aaadrvd M .55 45 145 AH J2 145 s.6a 45 J20 45 .69 40 45 2.75 " li Yakima. 60 lb. Fo. 1 i. 60 Iba Sweet potatoes California peas California beaas Tomatoes, hot bouse, tag aaaxicaa. tag fllberu Walnuts, lb, Tarnipa. torn. .U to .14 to Eadivoa, an. Italian broccoli. lax Beet. Calif, dozan Celery. Calif.. & erata Boarts doa. Bora (BnriDi Prlc) Clusters. 1934 tb top Fusgles. 1934, top lb. .14 .25 ceos tBojiag Price) Extras Standards Mediuma .17 as WOOL AFU HUBA1& (Bayiag Prie.) MeKalr. 1934 clip .10 .15 J3 Medium wool 1034 Coarse and fiae wool, 1934 POOLTHl iBiiag Pries) Heavy beas. 4 or evar Colored meditmis, lb. XedioiB Legherna, lb. , Light, lb. Sprint; era, lb. Fryers, lb. Stan. IV - .15 .14 Jl as .18 .o .04 B-oster ib. HE-T ( Baring Pries) Spring Iambs, lb. .OS to .03 Vi Lamb,. -ner 90 Iba. 4 .mi to Over 90 lbs. 4.00 ,to 5.50 Hogs. 140-170 lbs. 7.25 to 8.25 120-140 lbs. 5.23 to 7.25 KV-Z1U IDS- top 210 250 lbs., top Steers Cows Bulls Hrifers . Veal, top 8.50 te. 8.75 . '7.50 2.SO to 40 8.50 to 4.50 4 oil m V'.IO 6 50 to 9.00 Dressed real. top .it M Dressed boga .1 -BUS Alfl HAY 'rtnyins Priest UTbeat, western red . , White. Na. 1' Barley, teed. Xo. 1, too laltinr. ton Oats, milliag; tes Feed, toa - .77 , - ,78V, JZ6.Q0 -81.00 .25 00 -20.00 llaj. buyitig arscea - Clover bay . o oo . 9.0O .12 00 . .13 11 O-ta and vetch, toa Alfalfa valley -Clovr Seed Red. Ib. Alaska Lb. BUTTER IS STEM FDLLOWine CMS PORTLAND, April 5.-,F)-The market on butter locally appeared fully steady at the new level with activity centered mostly on top grades. Good retail and outside demand continued while markets elsewhere were firm to hif her Egg prices were unchanged and the market steady, particularly on top grades which were moving heavily into storage at the mo ment. Under grades continued' ia large supply. Cheese market locally was un changed and steady at present prices. Retail movement was about normal. Country meats were steady 'on virtually all kinds with the move ment on the street satisfactory. Good demand prevailed for heavy hens and supplies were light Oa the street. Market fully . first. Light hens in ample sapply .had oaly about steady. The dry onionmarket ruled fully steady at mostly $6 oa No. 1 stuff awd $3 on No. 2. Greea on ions were ia limited supply at the moment and steady at 25c dosea bunches. Prices were somewhat mixed on green beans to the variance fa the quality offered and sources of supply. Fair quotations appeared around 15c, pound or somewhere ear $3 box. Stocks and Bond April 5 STOCK AVEBAQZS iCompOsd by the Associated Pms) : i- is ao Rait 20.3 14 10.S SS.S 97.6 XS4 iHir a- . .s.y ?4 2i 44 aa.7- 4 SS.S 47.8 Today 51.9 Frev. day 61.0 KoMb ace 52.1 Tear ago 57.0 1985 high 4S.ff 1935 low 494 144 htgh 1.4 1934 low 434 2S.S 4 1.0- St.S S44 4.C ' 51.4 24. 344 234 BOTI 20 M.! ia ia hHteat Ctrl . 4 9o. aa. 944 s-.a ST.T as.s gs6 OX S44 92.9 83.9 73.7 68.3 te Per eao. TWay 17.3 Prev. day 76.6 Xaath ago so.d .! C4 lOUi leer ago SS.e 1033 high X 8 IVSa b 76.4 134 high 89.4 1934 low 74.5 Saw 1935 high. en a 604 I Sharply EEHIW CAUSE OF SETBACK CHICAGO, April 5.-P)-LlkeII-hood of enlarged tmports of Ar gentine corn had a good deal to do with material setbacks in prices of all grains today. It waa shown that corm from Ar gentina can be laid down tn Chi cago at about the current price of May contracts here, the imported corn to he delivered in time for month-end market settlements. Argentine corn shipments thia week totaled 3,138, OOf b Bah els, including 335,060 bushels to the United States. Corn closed unsettled, -lH trader yesterday finish. May 84 wheat A-14 off. May 94 oats -lK down, and provisions varying from 7 cents aecime to 7 cents gain. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May. 95-i; Jury, 91- Sept., 91-'. Corn: May, 84-; July, 77 ; Sept., 73-Vi. OaU: May, 47-; Jnly, 39 Sept., 37. GenerafMarkets PBODXJCB EXCHAsTOE POHTLAXD Or, An-rfl a T. n . , - f . ,I rrnence exrnanre. net prires: BuUer Extras. 28e; standard!. 27e: prime firjta. 27c; (irsta. 2e. , U- a- " 2: J S- extras, 'lc; U 8. medium extras, 19e, Butterfat: SOc. OREGON KTJT PSICBS PORTLAXD, Ore, April 6. (AP) SmU: Waiaata O eon. te jobbers. Lab. delirery points: Norpae grade. Frsaqnettes, lar.e 20c, fancy 17e. medi a 15 Vic; soft shell, sirga 10c. Uacy 16. medi-m 14 : Harrttea. 2e. Cascade grade: Franqoettes. large 17e fsncy lac; soft shelL Isrgt ldi-e, fancy 15: aleyettes. larfo 17c. Filberts Oregon, to jobbers. 1313c Pound . e. b. delivery poiata. Portland Grain POKTLAXT) rr At,I1 k Orsin: ' " r ' Wheat pea High Low cieae Mat . Ri sli b: ai July 76V 76 78 7i Sept 76, 764 74 76y Cash: Big Bend Maestem. 90H; drk hard winter. 12 per cant, 9?; do, 11 per cent, 85; soft white, 81 He; westera white, 81c; hard Wiater, 80c; a thern spring. 83c; western red. 80 tie. Oata, No. 2 white, 9-7. Corm. So. 2 E yeil , $40.75. llillrua standard, $24, Portland Produce PORTLAXD. Ore., April 6. (AP Batter A Prints. A grade, 80e lb. ia parchment wrappers; 31Vc lb. ia ear ton; B grade, parchment wrappers, 29 fee lb.: cartons, 80 fee lb. Bntterfst Portland deliver-: A graVTe deliveries at least twir weekli, SOe lb.; country roates, 28c lb.; B grade deli var ies, less than twic weekly. 28c lb.; C grade at market. Eggs Hales to retailers: Specials. 23e dox.; estraa. 22s dos.; freah extras, brows, 2-e dox.; standards 20c doi.; fresh mediums, 20c doi.; medium firsts. 18c das. EfcSs Buying prices of wbeleaalera : Freah specials, 22e dox.; extras. 21e dox.; firsts, 19c; extra mediums, 18e dos.; medium firsts, 17e dox.; aader grades. 17e doa. Cheese 92 score. Oregon triplets. 16c; loaf. 17e. Brokers wiU pay fee below qaotationt. HUUt Contract price A. Portlaa. de livery. $2.20 cwt; B greda eresm. 27fe lb. Country meats Selling price te retail era: CoBBtry killed boss, best butchers, ender 150 lbs., lSe 'lb. ; vealers. fancy. 13c lb.; heavy, 8 - 9e lb.; eatter ". 8 lOc Hi.; caunera. S c lb.: bulls. 8-8 tic lb.; lamba, spring, 18c lb.; mutton. 5 Sr lb. Mat air 1935 bnylnj ariea, ICe To. Caseara bark Buying price, 1934 peel. 3c Ib. Hop 1934 faggiee ( ) lb.: clusters. 12 -16e Ib. Live poultry Portland delivery buy ing prices: Colored hens, ever 5fe lbs 16-1 7e lh.: andar 5fe lb 16-17e lb-: Legho fowls, erer Sfe lbs.. 1S-14 lb.; under 3 pomrds, 18c lb.; spring. 4 lbs. and up. 1718c lb.; aadar 4 lbs., lf-loe lb.; broilers, lt4-2 Ibs 19-20e lb.; under 1?4 lbs.. 17-18c lb.: roosters, be lb.; Pet ducks, yew ng. 16-17r Tb. Onions -Oregon. Ko. 1, $6 cwt. Potatoes Oregon bur banks. 91 cental: Deschotes Gems. $1.10 1.35; Idaho Gems. 91.25-1.30 cental. Sew potatoes Florida. $2.40 50 lh. box; Haa-aiian, $U5-1U per -o rb. box. Weel 1935 elrfk. eomtnal; Willamatt valley mediant, lie: rears aad braid. 13 e lb.; aastera Oregoa. 12-15a lb.; aotKhera Idaho. 13-14 Ib. Hay Bsyiag price from profarers: AI faUs. Ko. I, near price. $10-16.50: east ern Oregoa timoths. $17: oats, $18 11 toa; Willaasett alley trmothy. $14 ton; clever. $10-11 tea, Portland. I Portland Livestock 1 PORTLAXD. Ore.. April 5. AP) Cattle: Jteeeipta, 125; steady. Steers. gaoC. ceeiawa A awdinm. &.50 9.10 ; heifers, good, common A mednm, 4.0O-gS5; eews. geed, eeeuaea aMdt ma. 445-4.S5 : lew cutter aad eatter, 2.25-3.75; balls, good, cotter, cef-moa A medium.; Tellers, good, a choice, 7.50-9.00; coll. common A medi n, .50-740; calves, good A sheiea, 4.50-8.50; rommoa A mediam. 3.50-4.00. Hogs: Kereipts, S50; steady. Lig-tweUtht. r mi A cberee. 7.75 9.25; mediaax weiaht. good A cheice. 8.00-9.25; sesvyweight. good A choice, 8.50-8.75; packiag mvi. madiiim Agaod ' 7.23-740; seeder A stock er anga. a d aad clwice. 750-S.Ort. Bheey and lambs; Xectrata, 123; Steady. Oeed apriag lambo 8.5O-j00: asedism, 6.50 80; Iambi, good A c oiea. 6.25 6.60: isssHsa A -wdrwat, 430-6.00: real c wet era. 4.00-5.00: owea. c-eice. PS.25-4.00; : call, cemmoa A dium. 2X-S4a. NOTICE OP APPOfTJlJEXT . OP AD51XXI STKATOR Notice la hereby given that the undersigned hag been duly ap pointed by the County Court of Marion County, State of Oregon, aa tho AdmrniBtralor ot the Kstate of M. F. RYAN, Deceased, and that k has defy aaUfled aa such Adasta istraton all . persona bavtsg- gay claim agalast : the estate of aald. deeedeat' are. here by notified aad' raqalred to pre sent the M to ao-sv duly veri fied, at the office at Eaurtosa - 17raeay my sttwrveya, at 36 Oreran Baildtag. Salem, Oregea. Wtthia stx asetttha fro tha data of thia Botiea. . Dated thia th day ot March, 1935. Wo. E, RTAN, Admrai strator of the Estate ot ; M. F. Ryan, Deceased. , . EMMONS & EMMONS. Attorneys, 301 Oregon Balldiag. M--l-23-3-A-